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I don’t know much about them but their land is literally called
Albania= land of the whites
Also they had an SS unit so why do other euros hate them so much?
no it means
Albania= land of turk rapebabie shitskin animals
Anwser me this
Will you add me on discord ill send u pictures of my shit when I go
>land of the whites

I don't know, I've never met any. I took y-dna and found out my ancestors were Illyrians so apparently I'm related to them genetically despite being of British descent. They don't seem to have a good reputation so not sure how to feel about it.
They lie, steal cheat, fight and suck cock on a daily basis. They look like gipsies and are dumb af. They're the worst race I've ever encountered, yes worse than niggers.
I used to hate them, but now I don't.
>Why do other euros hate them so much?
>Look at OP flag
Why do other euros hate US so much?

Its us OP, when you talk about your own country you use us.

Also you can call your country Schneeland and have snow white on your country flag 400 years of ottoman rule is still 400 years of ottoman rule.

Its like going through a chimney, there is not so much white left after that. Ask the spaniards.
what changed?
He went to history class and realized they're the same people.
I have never ever seen a single alboid post without a memeflag or diaspora flag (Germany/Canada/Switzerland)
They are self aware.
I knew two Albanian classmates in HS, one girl, one boy. The girl was pale as hell but her hair was clearly of mixed origin, and looked a bit hispanic; she was also a slut;the boy’s skin was slightly swarthy, but otherwise chill to hang out with and gave good advice. Theyre a alright people
>ss unit
lmao, read a little bit about that ss unit, disgrace
I like them
They're terribly dishonest. They like to try and shoehorn American slang into their conversations to try and prove that they've totally gone native and become bona fide Americans, but if you ever ask them an inconvenient question during any sort of financial/business negotiation, they just pretend they don't understand no matter how much you try to simplify it for them. They constantly half-ass and never build/make anything to code. They're just obnoxious creatures to deal with.
If you ever had a business negotiation with an albanian you're either a drug dealer, a pimp, an arms dealer or money launderer.
or a neighbor of one
Is mostly Slavs being butthurt they were Able to defeat many strong peoples
And out of all of them in Eastern Europe
Nobody is Left
But the Fucking Albanian Still Standing Menacingly
Because they are trash. They illegally invade nations are currently flooding the continent with drugs and getting every normalfag hooked on cocaine.
nice way of admitting the only business practices Albanian filth are involved in is crime, nigger
>she was also a slut
well well well
They are what America has recently become, thatms why they get so much hate
You don't wanna Start eh?
Picrel is Average Albanian and Serb meeting in the 19th to early 20th Century

>Race is a biological category.
>But if you have the wrong religion/culture you are no longer white.

This is why racial realism isn't taken seriously.
it really is a degenerate shithole. Slags everywhere, toxicity levels increasing day by day, debaucherous subversive slags and drug huffing retards...imitating whatever they see on goymedia and degeneracy on social media
It's kinda more the fact that they act like shitskins and have a lower average IQ than literal dirt-munching Haitians
>they act like shitskins and have a lower average IQ
>read a little bit about that ss unit, disgrace
At Least we Had One
Your Youth is a Bigger Disgrace
nice try, Xhshodxan
>flooding the continent with drugs and getting every normalfag hooked on cocaine.
Why are Your Youth Buying It?
Where is Your Government?
>land of turk rapebabie shitskin animals
Show Flag Nigger
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>Why are they so hated?
Why indeed.
Based Photo
Would Bomb Again
Bill Clinton did Nothing Wrong
>>The City Goes
>Boom Boom Boom
>The Air goes
>Gas Gas Gas
>Uranium Goes
>we bullied u under the Ottomans protection cause our ancestors were cowards that converted and yours weren't
Ok lol

They're not hated, they're despised

Hate requires minimum respect of the person you're hating, at least you somewhat consider them worthy of your time

No one gives a shit about Albos, they spent their entire history hiding in rocky mountains. They didn't contribute anything to humanity, they were so irrelevant people have to guess where they came from and pin it on Illyrian tribes because fuck it who knows or cares. The only reason they exist is because no one bothered to chase them through barren mountains and wipe them off the face of the Earth.

Any "successes" they had came from sucking dicks of invaders and stronger nations for a chance to get something in return they never won or established

And they lack the self awareness to even admit or justify it and instead act like it makes them superior to everyone else as if being country equivalent of Grima Wormtongue is a brilliant feat no one was intelligent enough to come up with
Albanians perceive laws and governments as relative things rather than absolute, historically many other populations forced laws on them and they didn't give a shit. So yeah if you're a nationalist and they live in your county it's easy to understand why you hate them, but i learned that traditionally they comply to the law of a prince of theirs that was based on honor and family or something like that. I guess from what i am reading this tradition was also lost thanks to jewglobalization
They are Kurdish prisoners and rebels sent to the Balkans.

Like Britain sent prisoners to Australia, the Turks sent their troubles to the Balkans.

>Albania= land of the whites
White means west, and black means east, in medieval cartography.

"Vilayet of Alba" just means "Western Province".
>Ok lol
I am Catholic you Tard
And so my Family
>They are Kurdish prisoners and rebels sent to the Balkans
Let's ignore History Guys
Show flag
>people have to guess where they came from and pin it on Illyrian tribes because fuck it who knows
lemme answer that for you Serb-bro. The first shit-tar came to be when some marauding Turks came across a pig on a Greek farm. The swarthy Turkroaches took turns sodomizing the pig and the turkroach cum happened to fuze with a cancerous polyp in the pig's colon. The resulting organism then adopted a fecal e. coli bacterium as its mitochondria and then was shat upon the ground like the proglottids of a tapeworm. Thus the first shqiptard came to be, born not from the loins of a woman, but the ass of a hog
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>The only reason they exist is because no one bothered to chase them through barren mountains and wipe them off the face of the Earth
As if serbs did not try
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Read History
The Turks were just entering Anatolia at this Time
The Serbs have the Audacity to ask why we Hate Them
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Landlocked shithole, they tried to get the easiest path to the sea and yet failed. LOL
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Never Forgive
Never Forget
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>Why are they so hated

Its a true mystery!
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they are criminal mafia
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We are Hated because we Survive
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Why did Albanins Join Nazis?
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>22pbtid malding albozerg diaspora
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>We are Hated because we Survive

You are hated worldwide because you are fucking subhumans who wrongfully exist.
Big mistake by the Serbs for not cleaning the Balkans from you.
I've worked with Albanians and they were okay just normal if anything.
And Even After Serbs Massacred us Multiple Times
We Still Survive and Thrive
Both in Kosovo and Elsewhere
For the Albanian Never Dies
>Big mistake by the Serbs for not cleaning the Balkans from you.
They Tried
They Failed
God is With Us
Tf no Qt Anglo Gf
She Was Talking about This Lmao
>We are Hated because we Survive
yeah, kinda the same way we hate leeches and tics because they "survive"
the vast majority of albanians i have met are obnoxious subhumans with the bare minimum of culture in them
literally all of them have greek names, and not only changed names they also changed reigions to orthodox christianity to fit in but if you say anything bad about their shithole they will become the biggest nationalists
i have no idea how the fuck it even works
>be albanian
>fuck off from your shithole
>change nname to local and religion
>albania #1

lots of them tend to be criminals
with minimal education, acting like monkeys most of the time
the SS uniit they had was so useless that even the germans didnt want them
because of that unit whatever albanians existed in the tsamuria region left for albania in fear of retaliation by the greek partisans

there is nothing good about them, nnot a single thinng
even skanderberg was greek

and you with the flag of germany you are albanian trying to larp as german, same thing all your copatriots do, nonne of you wants to be ann albanian but once the others around you show that they dislike you you prove them exactly right why they should dislike you
> Hasan
> Has turkroach names and customs
> Claims to be white and European
Get the fuck out you mountain turk nigger. Back to your village!
They seem to have become itinerant in nature over the past few years.

It appears that they immigrated into Serbia and then refused to assimilate and so just claimed Kosovo as theirs.

They are involved in criminal gang behaviour in almost every country they enter in numbers.

They’re just a bunch of wronguns.
>even skanderberg was greek
Bunch of lies
But bocaris was Albanian
If Skanderbeg was Alive the greeks would hate him
>thread about Albanians
>immediately start seething about Serbs
>not a single Albanian post from Albania
they are just like Ukrainians, except Ukrainians get paid to seethe at Russia
>Get the fuck out you mountain turk nigger. Back to your village!
Greek in California?
Or Serb in Chicago?
Srpsko Picku
to be desu chimpcongo is the one that's full of gayreeks, but turks also pretend to be gayreek in america
Why insult Albanians in The West
When they do the Same?
Lmao you find greeks in america and australia
Same for Serbs
They made Chicago their Home
Romanian who's sick of your diaspora's lack of intellect, dishonesty and criminality. I firmly believe your people are spawns of the gypsies.
Go back to Albania and stop selling heroin in Switzerland.
>turks also pretend to be gayreek
They Look the Same so no Surpise there

:With invader's help and protection (Turks, Italians, Nazis, Americans etc.)

> We are strong brave superior warriors kek we can do whatever we want and kill whoever we want cry about it

:Invader isn't there to protect:

> We are victims please someone help its annoda Shoah 6 million genocides we woman and children we democracy
Oh wow, le SS unit.
So based and redpilled, Hitlerbros. I don't even.
same with roma
>Romanian who's sick of your diaspora's lack of intellect, dishonesty and criminality. I firmly believe your people are spawns of the gypsies.
Your People are a Meme in Italy
They are only known to steal wallets and Copper
>Go back to Albania and stop selling heroin in Switzerland.
Was born in Milan
And i do not sell any stuff Lmao
because they're low iq and they infested western europe with thieves and drugs
let's see
>our diaspora leaves a lot to be desired, they are criminals who are in most of the top 10 crime lists.
>lots of serbs & greeks post here, distorting history to their favor. there's maybe 100 albanians in total posting in 4chan, & they all post in /sp/ or /int/
>our "fervent worship of america" who most anons hate for many reasons. but most of us see it as an alliance of convenience, besides dardan albanians for obvious reasons.
>being muslim, but that is a good thing now in nu/pol/ kek
i am albanian & even i have a love-hate relationship with my people. but when all is said & done all we have is each other against the major groups of the world. & we are actually the most pro-white people you will ever meet.
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>Invader isn't there to project
We kicked your ass Anyways
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Funny how 99% of Albanian posts on here don't have an Albanian flags. Why is that I wonder?

Because albanians are like 6% nigger and behave accordingly. And that just nigger admixture, they have arab too. Average IQ 82, highly violent. They are like latin americans living in Europe.
>infested western europe with thieves and drugs
You Can't be serious
You are fucking Romanian
You have to admit, they have a cool looking flag tho.
>You have to admit, they have a cool looking flag tho.
Thank you Anon
>they have arab too.
You talking about Red sea Admixture?
No such thing as arab admixture
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>>But if you have the wrong religion/culture you are no longer white.
Yes, whites who convert to judaism are also not white anymore.
There are whites who are spiritual jews, who are spiritual niggers. They also don't belong to Europe.
Because modern albania is a shithole corrupt polticans
I am sorry my dad didnt want his children to be raised in such a shithole
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>Wuz Vinca
And another example.
If a white whore marries a nigger and has mulatto children would you let her into your country? The same way would you let whites who convert to islam, ally with arabs and turks who rape Europe and maybe even marry arab women into your society?
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>But the Fucking Albanian Still Standing Menacingly
By cleaning the toilets of alpsnigger alongside jeets ?
also they're heavily mixed with gypsies
those shqip goatfuckers love to call us gypsies despite the fact we're white slavs and they're literal gypsy mutts
i remember a serb posted a source about it, it was about the decreasing number of gyppos in the albanian census over the last 100 years, this is possible only by assimilating them
I know I'm just busting some balls. Watch the movire trilogy Pusher. It's about Serbian and Albanian mafian in Denmark. True Balkan kino.
That's a good thing THOUGH. We will spawn a horde of serbo-oriental aryan gypsies.
>even marry arab
German Women Burn Coal more than any balkan Group
Muslim or Not
And btw you do Realize Catholic Albanians Exist?
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the first defeat you suffered in 1912 when you were in a fervent campaign to rid balkans of turks, of course this included any muslim too, was in november in the battle of Lumë where you lost somewhere around 2000 men against albanian civilians&militias. same happened with the greeks in the south. we earned our independence fair&square.
>By cleaning the toilets of alpsnigger alongside jeets ?
Paris KeK
>also they're heavily mixed with gypsies
>albanian reading comprehension skills
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You don't seem to appreciate your own kind analbanian ? Muslims, migrants and gypsies that is !
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The Serbian Army got Defeated by Farmers
I like my Albanian bros and sisters.
Their women are hot
Racial racism or racial segregation is a jewish initiated idea to divide the goyim.
It should be : Goyim vs jews
No matter your skin pigmentation or religion.
Mouloud je crois pas qu'OP est musulmerde...
>Muslims, migrants and gypsies that is !
Not All Albos are Muslim(i am not)
Comparing peopl with Religions is Retarded
Because i am sure there are pleanty of nigger catholics who do crime in france
But hey if your french blood brother becomes muslim i am sure you would hate him and prefer a literal negro from africa because
>>At least he is christian
They're the niggers of Europe, they smuggle themselves into countries to commit crimes. They have no integrity and as the Greek bro said "They'll forfeit their names/religion and culture buy the moment you insult their country they will become the biggest nationalists"

On Average the Muslims are more turk-like and chimp out more. The Catholic ones are more European.

>Racial racism or racial segregation
No no
It's logical Lmao
Multiethnic countries never Survive
but the*
>I don’t know much about them
Don't blame you, albos are subhumans who move from whore to whore. Ask your mom.
>On Average the Muslims are more turk-like and chimp out more. The Catholic ones are more European.
You are Just making a Strawman based on your Anus?
There is no Physical difference between muslims or catholic albanians
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Fuck off, i won't ally myslef with the brown barbarians followers of the pedo prophet. You're the same shit as kike, only more inbred and violent
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This is what I got from the Albanians I've interacted with. The Muslim Albanians over here act like niggers/roadmen, smoke weed, extremely violent, and usually sell drugs. The Catholic ones look more white and act a little more civilized.

Also, another Albanian not in Albania, you niggers are no different from Turks. Just admit your country is a shithole
Show Flag
lol true, same as Turkey and Iran, pislam is hell of a drug, dunno how we avoided the scourge
Isn't half of your country muslim? That's not far off Albania
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>Show Flag
>Just admit your country is a shithole
Is that not Obvious?
We are Not Bound to the State
But Blood and Soil
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your gypsy cunt literally invaded Albania at least 3 times between 1912 and 1915. Fucking lying kike. And you ran back in shame after facing people who looked like picrel and fought with homemade muskets.
Not even, catholic niggers are never in the news for crimes, the reality is that brown people and mudslimes are worst than niggers by a large mile
I don't mind Albanians, their flag looks cool
>turkish rape baby blood
>parasiting other nation soil
kk, keep us posted.
Would you Let your Daughter marry a Catholic Nigger?
Or a Native french That became Muslim?
yes, but I mean the assimilation of gypsies, for some reason muslims here are racist, they even burn migrant camps and beat migrants, a fellow muslim gypsie is not allowed to hold office, but the mortal enemy infidel Serb is, bizzaro country
as cool as your new jewsident
>Blood and Soil
since when is Switzerland Albanian soil?
>assimilation of gypsies
Your father is one
Jebemti Maiko
>for some reason muslims here are racist
>My muslim good your bad
bosniaks are whiter and don't look mixed with gypsies at all
>since when is Switzerland Albanian soil?
I was not Talking about Switzerland
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Glory to Esad Pasha Toptani! Esad Pasha Toptani would not agree with you.
>bosniaks are whiter
A Rom saying that Sklavs are White
Lmao even
The Enemies of Albanians are All Subhumans
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Jew are you actually!
I guess, Albanians are very "Swarthy" but there are white Albanians

Islam is cancer for white people, if you adopt it you cease to be white/European. Ever since you got raped by Turks and adopted their culture/religion you guys have been irrelevant literally whos. Europe would've became a stagnant shithole if every country adopted Islam. Even now your country has become secular and doesn't take it's religion seriously (The amount of "Muslim" Albanians I've met that down raki and eat bacon is ridiculous)

That's because Muslims are low-IQ violent niggers.

I assume it's also secular over in Bosnia (I haven't met a Bosniak before, but I like their artillery theme so I like them more than Albania)
goes to show that if Islam was adopted in Europe, it would either hold us back or would be thrown out the window into secularization and "Hey man, one good deed erases 10! LOL!"
there is a piss order in mudslime word: arabs > turds > pakis > banglas > niggers > gyppos.
ah the ole "i'm a moral drug dealer!" cope
kill yourself alboshit
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>Glory to Esad Pasha Topt-ack!
Based Albanian Hyperborean illiro-Thracians
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Place Kurds before Turds, Kurds are what gave you the abomination in picrel
looks to me like you attacked the serbs retreating and as retaliation the Serbs killed albanians
you brought it in yourselves
On va vous convertir tkp. Ça prendra le temps qu’il faudra, mais ça se fera.
niggah Greece isn't up to Dyrrachion now because of Entente Cordiale.

>Albanian civilians and militias

Are those the same ones who are victims of "war crimes" whenever they suffer defeat

>win a minor battle

kek our militias won

> lose a battle

why are you slaughtering civilians this is genocide

You tried to pull the same shit in Račak and international mission had to get involved and confirm those "civilians" were albo fighters who got btfo
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Unironically the only Analbanian worthy of any praise
You are a jewish slave, an atheist golem, weaponized against our own people. There is no goyim as controlled by the jews than france. All the while you are thinking you are living in a “democratic” world, you are enslaved and you are the one under jewish oppression.
albanians are the true eGYPtians
>but there are white Albanians
obviously, but my point is they register like 95% of their gypsies and mutts as albanians.
say what you want about romanians but we don't to this to the same degree albanians do
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>Avni Rustemi ack!
first of all the sika was curved, not fucking bent. What kind of tactical advantage would a bent blade give in naval or close quarters warfare? It was probably designed to slash the opponent's kidneys. And you still haven't shown your real flag or denounced the talmud, so the jew accusation stands.
Honestly i Prefer Albanian Muslims to you People
They speak my language and they are kind to me
While you here spitting hate against them
Honestly don't care of your categorization
I am Just Albanian and Proud of It
There is nothing else i would like to be
Expecially now that the Presumed superior aryans are full of niggers
And their women fuck dogs
Honestly you People are Not Superior to Anybody
Both as a Group and as Individuals
With thid i salute You
Have a Nice Day :)
They are basically muslim gypsies
>literally named bird
>flies away before war even starts
could have done better.
picrel should have been the kang.
Fair opinion. Have a nice day too. :)
>bosnian artillery
it's quite ironic since they only had some homemade 50mm howitzers, which was laughable to what Serbs had, sure it was better than what Croats had, which was none and had to rent Serb artillery strikes
>the decreasing number of gyppos in the albanian census over the last 100 years, this is possible only by assimilating them
blame us we hated cigani much less than albanians and "turks" (bosniaks)
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Ferme la vile batards bougnoule à la peau marron et go entretenir ta soeur la beurette à khel, les génes de négres laverons peut être ton arbre familial de consanguin musulmerde
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>If you hate low iq cube worshipping violent sandniggers, it's because you're controlled by jews
lol you stupid shitskin. So much for an aryan, eh? Be honest, show on the doll the spots where muzzies were kind to you. Don't you have some piss summit toilets to clean?
>heh you dumb aryans
>hides in switzerland instead of making his country better
>Albania= land of the whites
lmao even
What is this?! Hahahahahaha...
Sans loyer fils de paysan.
You dont get it, YOU are the jewish slave not us. Muslims are the ones killing jews in 2024 not french. French are TOTALLY enslaved to the judeo-masonic anti-christ system.
Pic rel is an Albanian family. Looks white to me. They also look like fervent antisemites because they cherish their own culture and heritage.
>Looks white to me.
>the girls look like a mix of turkish
literally retarded nigger
Because he financially fucked his nation and sent every Analbanian to be tortured and shot in the head and he died the exact same way, yeah that sounds based
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>Aerodynamic face..
>Why does x population have a terrible reputation with everyone?
Did you ever consider the possibility that you are just a nation of shitty criminals?
Turks have caucasian genes, get a rope.
The biggest criminal the earth have known are the united states of israel. Supporters of terrorism, globally.
your nigger mom should have had an abortion. you're literally a retarded degenerate who doesn't know what whites look like.
Wherever Jews establish their power they first ally with the worst subhumans in the region such as niggers, faggots and gypsies. Albanians are a race of pimps, drug-dealers and organ-traffickers who operate as the ground forces of Jews in the Balkans.
I object to the notion of there being Albanian children. Since only people can have children, and you're not people therefore young Albanians are not children. Offspring might be a better word for them.

Thank you.
They're the equivalent of niggers here.
10% of the population, doing over 50% of all crime.
Basically a bunch of inbred mountain savages entering what used to be a high trust society and acting like "these people don't lock their doors, they must be stupid, let's steal everything they own!"
Lmao Albanian in Switzerland complaining.
Not all Turks, some of the Turks do have lots of caucasian genes. It’s part of their history of raping slavic tribes around. Just like us who have Iberian genes with all the rape we did in Iberia.
The biggest and most destructive ground, air, maritime and space force is the United States of Israel. Child trafficking, drug trafficking, resources trafficking, terrorism, you name it, the US of israel does it for the jews.
Albanians are little players when we are talking about jewish slaves.
>By cleaning the toilets of alpsnigger alongside jeets ?
Albanians ARE the glownigger shill, they get hired to shitpost on tiktok, reddit and here. They are responaible for shitting up /k/ with Ukrainian propaganda.

Of course they glorify their rump state while on company time....
They are non-obedient goyims. And you are a faggot living in a country of faggots.
The one on the right is white, left on has a basic balkan turkoid starleta look that's not white. Nevertheless Albos look really different from balkan Slavs, lots of inbred lightbulb heads and generally lack of phenotypes
Who do you think sells those drugs here, Gjergj?
The most prominent shittarian patriots live nowhere near their homeland, mooch off of some western welfare, dream of greater Albania, watch their women cucking them with the local men of whatever country they leech off of (in places like UK Albo females are more likely to fuck niggers than their own men) while their kids assimilate into whatever local culture they're in, being too embarrassed to even mention that they're albanian IRL.
lol, so you noticed it too, I know no one cared about balkan shitflinging, but I was surprised how exactly the same pattern of posting is used by Ukrainians as Albanians have been using for years
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Yeah, it's not at all surprising that a rapist animal living in a country of rapist animals would support another animal.
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>Nevertheless Albos look really different from balkan Slavs, lots of inbred lightbulb heads and generally lack of phenotypes
They hate being analbanians.
We hate them for being white niggers with 80 IQ
lol okay gayreeck.
literally turkoid at the end
clinton loves them.

It was Sebrbian and Pegan and Christian.
Some commited treason, turned pisslamist, and hunt Christians work for vatican and have been working for cabal since early 80s flooring the Europe with migrants, tony blair is handler was for that...
Human trafficking, organ harvesting and mostly from Christian Europeans, loved and adored by cabal and killary clinton.
Need I say more?

Traitors of Europe.
>I know no one cared about balkan shitflinging, but I was surprised how exactly the same pattern of posting is used by Ukrainians as Albanians have been using for years
Fun fact, Bondsteel has ten warehouses full of mobile devices for this stuff. And they hire companies across Albania and Ukraine for it.

It started long ago and was used for many things, like anti Trump rhetoric for example.
Btw Hans, they flooded Germany with migrants before you noticed you had them poring in!
Albania's national hero Skenderbeg literally gave his life for fighting against islam , and now 90% of albanians are muslims , shouting we wuz illyrians and shit , and waving his flag . The irony is beyond belief
Youve never experienced a Bosnian rolling with a car full of nigresses. So, I get you're confusion.
Turkish actors get dyed hair, skin whitening and contacts or laser eye-color change, specifically because their TV shows demand it.

They did have white slaves, but very few Turks, under 1%, look remotely white. An example is that Twitch communist, who is mostly Bulgarian.

Vast majority of Turks, over nine in ten, look like Pakis.
No, Ilyrians are Serbians.
But clintons hate Serbian Christians and love pisslamist traitors of Europe who help them traffic and flood migrants.

UK as is all Europe and North America most is Slavic.
They just make us kill eachother and forget.
And he was Serbian! lol
The irony they twisted History.
As were most Albanians in Albania prior to 1912!

Cabal tried to gift them a fake kingdom, propped them up and changed their history, faith... so they can use them to destroy Europe.
Klaus Schwab dident say for nothing in WEF in 2023 the most important thing ukranine and albania... because they are rhe foot soldiers and have been for decades for Everything pol complains about and they never figured it out!
If tou only knew what youre dealing with and don't even notice!

And if cabal only knew what theyre dealing with and don't even know what plans albanians have for them! :D

One thing for sure is Albanians are not ukranians!
They intentionally aided cabal and West to suicide, because they can always side with pisslam once it takes over Europe and have their great Albania.
They know US will never give them what's promised, they ALL know it!
They also know US and old powers stand in the way of it themselves.
They own local Swiss... So much local swiss cheese and blackmail... but they will sit in silence and wait, play dumb ukranian slave!

While US, UK suicide, and they will, they will aid you to et there because as long as you live they can't have great Albania.
And they ALL know it, they're all told, only once thought.

Stupid stupid idiots, West.
What's the most popular name in UK for newborns in UK and Germany?

Stupid, stupid fucks.
Your post is a the definition of european view of their neighbors. You think “whiteness” is limited to “europe”, somehow borders would erase the millenia old inter-breeding ? There are whites all the world, even in Morocco we get white Moroccans, turks too, even in Persia, or Russia.
Saying only 1% looks is white is very wrong.
>No, Ilyrians are Serbians.
no we're not, the native admixture is overblown, it reaches to a quarter in south eastern areas, while in the rest not so much
Europe was one tribe.
You don't know shit about real history of Europe and North America who were one people and had advanced tech...

You don't know shit about Ilyrians or Bosnia itself.
You know what cabal told you.
The army class of the empire tasked with protecting us from pirates.
Result: 70% of villages wiped out from pirate attacks.
They are not. It's just serbroaches including diaspora and morons who fell for the muh kebab remover memes that talk shit about Albania. In reality, Albania is one of the very few ethnostates in Europe.
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Himmler expected "great usefulness" from the unit since the Albanians who fought in Handschar had proved to be highly motivated and disciplined. In practice, though, the division suffered from a shortage of equipment and armaments and a lack of German staff to train new re-cruits, Over the summer and autumn of 1944, only a single battalion had been readied for combat and employed to fight partisans.
«Day-in, day-out and night-in, night-out, Skanderbeg units advanced into the mountains to cover the flanks of the retreating troops»
observed a German soldier in Prizren.
They were the horror of the partisans.

Greeks maybe, but serbs have no right to talk about who did Germany consider superior too.
Just look up the prison population in any country in Europe The top foreign groups are always the Nafris, Romanians and Albanians.
clinton loves them, naturally nazis too as nazis chose pisslam over Europe and Christians aka Serbs and others as well.

Nothing new.
What's the most popular baby name in Germany currently?
You didn't have to guzzle NATO propaganda this quickly.
Because Albanians are high t. Low t beta cucks hate and fear them.
Albanians are part Christian, part Muslim, but as a wise man once said, it's all superficial. The only true religion of the Albanians is Albanian nationalism. And that is as based as it comes if you ask me.
>Albania= land of the whites
>Also they had an SS unit
Happy, happy, happy!
my ex gf was Albanian
she broke up with me because her parents found out she was talking to someone
then they moved to Kosovo
she texted me begging me to come get her because they were forcing her to get married
anyway I'm single again any Albanian QT's here?
Albanians, thanks to their Islamic culture and geographical isolation, are overwhelmingly inbred. They hence exhibit:

*Excessive repetition of surnames
*Ridiculous numbers of disabled offspring.
*Lower life spans.
*Cognitive & emotional issues

Albanians have far more genetic defects than any other ethnic group in the continent, and the number of disabled, psychotic and criminally predisposed Albanians is likewise exponentially higher than the continental average. Albania is unique in that it is the only nation with an abundance of missing parenthood records regarding the existence of paternal grandparents. This is due to the fact that the father and grandfather are often the same. The end result is a nation of mentally and physically degenerated freaks.

>Lowest iq in the white world (even lower than turks)
>Most inbred ethnicity in europe, easily recognizable from their deformed pan-like head shapes
>Islamic as fuck, fanatically so in Kosovo
>Used to be arnauts in the middle ages (servants for turks who subdued christian uprisings)
>The Turkish word for Albanian literally means "those who march first" because they were used as cannon fodder against European armies
>Most criminal nationality in europe, involved in every type of crime in every corner of the continent
>Invading literally every advanced nation in existence. More of them live outside albania than inside, Even Finland had a mass shooting done by an Alboroach
>Shitskin-tier aggressive and belligerent, have no self control and start fights all the time
>Can't build a country, there isn't a single city or area with an albanian majority that is 1st world
>Wiggers, arab-wannabes
>Ugly as fuck
Max !
Wtf is a "pan-like" head shape
You've got problems, infiltration from the ROC. They will take over your church, then all of your history. Deal them a blow, ship them back to Moscow.
Dont care. Will fight as soon as uncle Sam moves away and leaves his dogs on the street.
if niggers are uruks, albos are uruk hais
It's hilarious that most Albanian nationalists posting on /Pol/ don't even live in Albania. They always post with either a Swiss, Austrian or German flag.
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Why do you all larp as San d'Orians?

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