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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>apartment advertised as non smoking
>smoking explicitly prohibited in lease
>smokers still move in
fucking why?
is part of the appeal of smoking just a sadistic pleasure of pissing other people off?
I'm pretty sure they don't think about you at all
not aloud to do it on balconies anymore
There are smokers that give their kids asthma from smoking around them. Sociopaths that should be gassed
Smoking looks cool, it's a conversation started and really helpful when you're stressed out, i'm really fighting not to start smoking again
>Smoking looks cool, it's a conversation started

I dont think “do you have a lighter” can lead to great conversations
Sounds like weak genes to be honest.
How come it wasn't a problem before and now suddenly everyone has asthma, allergies, autism and whatnot?
Smoking is based, everyone should smoke again
>muh health
no thats not it. when i was a kid we used to sit in an apartment while my grandma, grandpa, mom dad and aunt all smoked, inside not even open windows. Thats how things were everywhere. you havent heard of asthma anywhere. now its everywhere, and i can promise you it aint from smoking but from something else. desu prob the cars
people had asthma before,
teddy resolvelt was famous for overcoming his.
also in the past people with autism (actual autism) were just classified as having mental retardation.
When I worked at a golden corral as a kid I remember they installed like these large ashtrays in the front like the kind like with pebbles or gravel or whatever. no one used them and I still had to go around the parking lot periodically sweeping cigarette buds.
no, it's from the vaccines they inject kids since they're born
I fucking hate that shit. When I take my kids to the park or playground they even throw it there

Smoking raises testosterone, prevents Covid by binding to the same receptors and also slows Alzheimer’s. Liberals, jews, and NPC’s hate it. I’m firmly convinced the media is lying about it harming us.
controlling faggots like you are why people don't care. I hope you fucking kill yourself while I smoke my stoggies. you piece of fucking human trash.
Sorry what can’t see what you wrote due to all the smoke kek
The property manager/landlord doesn't care lol
They get to advertise as smoke free and get to collect the security deposits of the smokers for damaging the paint lol why would they stop it
This article has been paywalked but I found an archive. Why are some of the oldest living humans smokers and often drinkers?
>aging is complicated guys
Better question is why do governments not care about you doing anything else - and are literally depopulating your countries - but smoking must be banned?
They even encourage you to cut off your tits/dick and pretend you're something else.
But don't fucking smoke....don't you dare (but you can smoke the weed though and do hard drugs)...
Then start to smoke and ask people for one. Smokers flock together, are more prone to beeing „nonconform“ but still come from all sides of the situation. Smoking area is where the stressed mom, young punk and oldhead ceo come together
They lie about everything else so maybe you're right
>>471211322 checked & truthpilled

>Smokers flock together, are more prone to beeing „nonconform“ but still come from all sides of the situation. Smoking area is where the stressed mom, young punk and oldhead ceo come together.

I smoked since middle school and nowadays it almost puts you on a different planet. People will treat you like a petty criminal,
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I quit smoking because it was like 450 dollars a month for good ciggies in canada. That was back like 6 years ago. Can't imagine the fucking you guys would be getting now. Better for it. Smoking may increase testosterone. So does exercise and fucking.
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Being a smoker and smoking in an apartment building aren't the same thing.
Either narc on them, or get over it. Your half measure off whining about it online accomplishes nothing.
I take it they smoke outside and you smell it because of that. Let them smoke inside and your issues are null, faggot retard.
Same with people lying about their pets when the place is advertised as "no pets", they all think its their right and fuck you for suggesting otherwise.
I mean they are gassing themselves
Yep. I mean, meth is practically legalized but even tobacco pouches with no smoke are incredibly evil?
And apartment stunk of pot now
I can imagine they do in the us, i‘ve seen video‘s of people beat up over smoking on the other side of the street from a cafe. It‘s not like that here, it‘s more seen as a personal choice and people just criticize you if you smoke by kids or throw your buds on the ground
I personally like the smoke of cigarettes. I get really nostalgic when I smell them, but not for my childhood. It's more like a nostalgia for a past life. I don't even smoke or have the desire to, but if someone lights up around me I find it to be comfy and don't object. I find campfires to be more pungent and clingy.
>it's not like that here
Smoking in public is more common in lots of places in Europe than in the US.
If I pay 580 a month for an appartment i share with two others you better believe im smoking in it excessively landlord kikes, youre the greedy sadists here not me
90% of my club convos with women start with that exact line
Tobacco doesnt harm you however they put 71 extra ingredients to ciggies to make it extra addictive and cancerous
Tobacco companies don't want to kill their customers, it's just super cancerous.
That's weird. I smoked for 20 years, and quit about two years ago. I can't stand the smell of smoke anymore after realizing how much it actually stinks. I'm not an obnoxious asshole that goes around giving people shitty looks because they still smoke or anything, but now I realize why people used to do that to me.
>Bro that shit stinks put that out
I thought they were overreacting and being dramatic. I guess because I was smoking it I didn't smell how terrible they were.
>people with weak resolve unable to keep their word
>people with no regards to others have no regard to others
color me surprised
they have the same mentality as dog owners.
they don't care about others.
they are liberal trash.
smokers are worse than niggers
It's also anti parasitic.
Smoking was a net benefit to society. Anyone likely to get addicted to smoking just gets addicted to fast food or alcohol now which are objectively worse.
Inhaling particulate matter in to your lungs is still not a great idea though. Pipe or cigars are the way to go.
Haha! Fucking anti-smoke Faggot!! Hahaha.
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the most unhealthy part of smoking is this.
Why should i care about landlords who have no soul
Yeah they are, you think you don't smell when you're not smoking but it oozes out of your clothes and hair
I even smoke cigarette butts later after Im done with the pack. Nothing goes to waste.
The smell of cigarettes brings me back to the 80’s, being out in public at carnivals, monster truck shows, concerts with my family. Pipe smoke at the old towne pharmacy restaurant from ancient hillbillies. You know, the before times.
This, peopple used to smoke everywhere and nobody has asthma lol. It has to be something else
All smokers are kike loving faggots. A cigarette is a penis subtitute to help enact the kike plan
I don't consider you human
.t smoker
Why do you care? Smoke smells good
>nooo the tv said smoking bad you bad me hate you!!
They’re just gonna repaint the apartment and change the carpet, who gives SF. They steal your deposit half the time anyway.
"Gawk gawk gawk" -(You)
I'm pretty far away from caring if people can smell smoke on me.
I'm talking about other people living next to you.
dumb fuck
>muh penis substitute
This is your feminist brainwashing speaking. Also you call them fags. Double whammy
Seed oils, the lipids used by the cells of a seed oil goy slop consumer are weak. Seed oils oxidize very quickly, so any stress like smoke, sun, alcohol, chemicals, etc will oxidize the cell membranes and cause all the modern diseases we have now.
My grandfather (born 1921) never smoked filtered cigarettes and blamed filters for giving people lung cancer. Per him he never knew anyone who stuck with non-filters who got lung cancer.
>is part of the appeal of smoking just a sadistic pleasure of pissing other people off?
Yep. Imagine all the cancers you will get because of them.
I'm not very knowledgable on this. How did they stop the tobacco getting sucked into their mouth and on the tongue? Like hitting a bowl of dude weed, but the air pops and you inhale all of the ash and shit kek
my city banned smoking in apartments but only in shared areas like hallways, or the entrance. people are still allowed to smoke inside their own units. so some people place small fans to direct the smoke under the doorways to blow it out into the hallays just to piss everyone off. you can also keep your front door open. but not allowed to use you balcony
the entire thing is stupidly insane
> I'm not very knowledgable on this. How did they stop the tobacco getting sucked into their mouth and on the tongue? Like hitting a bowl of dude weed, but the air pops and you inhale all of the ash and shit kek
They packed the cigarettes before they opened the pack. You get a little bit in your mouth every now and again, but you’re trying to get smoke out of it, which doesn’t take that much effort. The main issue is you can’t nigger lip a non-filter, but if you aren’t a nigger that shouldn’t be a problem. When I started it was with my grandfather’s non-filters that he used to flick in the yard and I was able to figure it out at like 7.
>The main issue is you can’t nigger lip a non-filter
Say no more, it all makes sense now kek. Thanks anon.
At least you can relax around smokers.

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