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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Id eat his poop out of his ass
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just let a gay be gay, hows he bothering you
Jake Shields Nick Fuentes link up.

This timeline is weird.
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Ofcourse and spic fuentes fans is posting him on social media for clickbait.
He's literally a gay jew larping as a chrisian to demonize christians as extremists. Because him larping as a neo nazi or taliban for msnbc got old.
He is peddling christianity first cause it is the GOP way to get central and south americans to vote republicans. Since most central south americans are christians.
He's not against immigration, he's not a 'white supremacist' no such thing, it's demonizing france being majority racially and culturally french which it always should be. He's not 'white nationalist' same thing. He's not 'white' idiot american fraud to declare races don't exist by making it about pigmentation instead of actual subspecies/ancestry.
He's not 'brown' either, he's astroturf stooge who has made millions and was setup by FBI via bitcoin after january 6th as a honeypot over at cozy.tv is why nick became 100% idiotic and full of shit after jan 6 if he and richard spencer another astroturf wasn't already.
Their purpose is to demonize being againste immigration and trying to make it falsely about ugly things. And then associate these dingbats with normal people who want same thing.
4chan is also run by jews and the nigger hate threads is fake and peak american since americans think nigger is a slur instead black in latin. The neo nazis are fake, the goal is same anti european racism and agitation and incitement to hatred and international mudslinging for same purpose to destroy relations between european countries and races and other people.
If these morons ever go to europe, let's just say i wouldn't want to be you or your family if you go on vacation to europe in say 20 years from now for having done this. This little jew faggot better stay in wherever the fuck he is in USA.
>Jake Shields Nick Fuentes link up.
>This timeline is weird.
stfu you retard monkey roach and go to your annihilation same as jew fuentes. It's funny how this jew pick christianity without realizing the christian god admits to on purpose having annihilated 99.999% of humanity for being annoying, and the end of the bible he will also like, he will do it again, this time sparing the animals. Also the biblical creator hates faggots nick. Literally massmurdered an entire city because it had homos and perverts and pedos in it who tried to rape the angels disguised as men.
It's a recurring theme, the biblical creator massmurdering humans for annoying him, you should keep that in mind next time you talk shit. Because it literally says that he is angry with your words, yes you will be massmurdered for your words. Nothing dumber than a 'troll for christ' or a 'right winger' which is just a troll. You don't even know right wingers is rich fucks like jeoff bezos who are pro immigration.
NOthing dumber than a stupid bug person/toad person/pepe person, 'troll nationalist'. who is also christian. You are already on death row same with 99.99% of humanity and 100% of jews and muslims lol.
For the crimes of being annoying, invading eachother countires via immigration system, doing racial and cultural warfare, race mixing blatantly to destroy the human subtypes and for millions of other crimes some big or small, your verdict is annihilation same as several thousand years ago, sparing only a few thousand humans.
BILLIONS MUST BE MASSMURDERED -the creator of the bible.
Might want to change that fucking retarded chuddie meme don't you little monkey boy? HAHAHA
They are entertainer clowshow retards out to make money and cause diffusion and deflection of the topic which is racial and culture warfare and invasion of entire countries. Typical american roaches not a single american of any kind will survive the judgement.
It's why it says in full view in the bible, the road to life is narrow and few there be that find it
because almost all have annoyed the biblical creator and he ENJOYS MASSMURDERING AND TORTURING EVIL PEOPLE, he needs nothing for you than to be nice, and stop messing with eachother, and not provoking trolling and talking shit and instigating. The one thing you can't do is why 99.9999% of humans going to be erased. Same as last time.
If you ask someone say 30 years ago why would the biblical creator do such an 'evil thing'. You do not have to ask this question anylonger. Man is evil and disgusting 99.9% of them are scum, he doesn't care of your tiny variations of intelligence or differentials in height. You do not even respect eachothers different types. He only care if you nice. NOBODY NEEDS YO UTO DO ANYTHING ELSE, yet you think you decide what should go on this earth who and what should be here and how many and playing last man on hill. YOU WILL DIE FOR THIS; and they will enjoy massmurdering you for it!

JEW FAGGOT FUENTES DOESN'T KNOW THE BIBLE. He has read none of it, it's like donald trump. They are both idiots. Maybe he should read it. And consider why it says FEAR THE LORD ABOVE ALL ELSE. Because he's a massmurderer that enjoys killing evil humans and also torturing them to death for annoying him. And nick is epitomy of annoying.
Also maybe it's time that these stupid jew larpers understand who the creator is. It's ancient aliens millions upon millions years old who can create entire star systems and entire biomes from nothing and made everything on earth in a lab. They are not human, they do not reside on this earth they do not come from it. AND THEY HATE HUMANS and have constantly massmurdering humans and destroyed human civilization on earth countless times, because they do not like how humans behave, something i cannot blame them for one bit. Humans need to do better, and everytime these cockroaches establish a global civilization they do this crap. And then they develope even more high technology and use that to abuse eachother and rest of life on this planet with. No, burn them down to a few thousand. And keep doing it till they change their behaviour.
This is why it's called the end times, because it's the end of human fucking civilization. AGAIN, cause you fucked up. AGAIN. With your stupid nigger peddling and wanting to shove african subtypes on entire planet, when africans are greedy scum who have too much already, and all the rest of the faggotry you do. You do not have free will and free choice or any mandate to excersize your own decisionmaking about this, you merely pretend you do.

tl;dr the creator has humans and enjoy massmurdering and torturing bad ones, which are 99.9% of humans. Especially for trolling and instigating.
So why do they massmurder humans and hate humans when they made humans? because you have become degenerate assholes, lineage of murderers and liars.
And they know you have capability to be nice but you just choose not to, you choose to troll lie be annoying and harass others for your fucking entertainment, to invade eachothers territories and trying to play last man on hill. All these self invented games same as giving yourself freedom and and liberty and all this nonsense and freedom of x to do so. NOBODY GAVE YOU FREEDOM TO DO ANYTHING.
You'd think being 99.999% wiped out many thousand years ago for being annoying, would be a great motivator to behave properly. But you have forgotten why it happened. or maybe deep down you know and you don't think it will happen again. ROFL some of you don't even think the creators exist. Fuck around and find out monkey.
this is btw. the most christian content on 4chan whatsoever. And jew faggentis have never heard of any of it.
>ITT jews crying about Nick's constant rise in popularity.
Why does nobody in America just kill this retard?
Nobody will care, his glowy masters can't publically pretend to care since he's one of le baddies
Hes the Dangerous Faggot 2.0
>>ITT jews crying about Nick's constant rise in popularity.
nicks surname is a sephardic surname from spain, they convert to catholicism to avoid being kicked out when spaniards got their country back after 800 years of muslim occupation they left some of these jews wh had helped them invade like 5th column, a choice, convert to catholícism or banishment. FUENTES IS SUCH A FAMILY. THE GUY IS LITERALLY A JEW. And also a faggot. He's a grifter lunatic who tries to make patriots and anti immigration people look ugly by going around clowning it all up and he's even being handled by FBI ROFL
can I get a tldr or maybe nvm memeflag means kike
>Why does nobody in America just kill this retard?
>Nobody will care, his glowy masters can't publically pretend to care since he's one of le baddies
Exactly nobody would miss this jew faggot ROFL
You getting in the god massmurder mindset. Yes, imagine seeing everything humans ever do say think and speak of all humans on the planet because you are tagged on dna level, you got a 'chip in your head' but it's made of biology that sends all your thoughts and things to central. The creators know everything you do rofl.
It's why he's angry with the wicked (99.99% of humans) all day.
You see that enough YOU TOO would want ot massmurder 99.99% of humans. It's the logical course of action for being so fucking annoying and ruining everything almost out of spite. Everything the creator has created and like, these faggots trying to ruin.
>i created many different type of humans
let's ruin that
>i created many different types of animals
let's fucking eradicate most of them cause we are bumbling overbred idiots.
YOU GET IN THE MASS MURDER FRAME OF MIND if you see this all the time rofl.
They've done it before, humans have it coming, just their disgusting ape mouth spew agitation and provoking to get others to get angry.
the fuck is little hummie gon do? you gon cry bout it hummie? ROFL
>can I get a tldr or maybe nvm memeflag means kike
read or shut the fuck up and die you stupid human roach.

A 45-year-old man in a backwards baseball cap.
you cant even make this shit up anymore
I think posting a still image is not fair cause its too easy to frame someone

But the gay porn thing goes beyond anything rational
Nickbros...I think the shills might be onto something...
nigga you gotta learn to condense your ramblings
think before you type what your key points are and how to say them in the least amount of words

Yeah the christianity stuff pisses me off and is gay
and he will say or do dumb shit from time to time
but is there anyone better right now? anyone better that also has a big reach
can't believe i read this cringe
>no you can't le heckin do anything you just have to suffer
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Nick Fuentes caught being a fed informant like Hal Turner again.

Why do people support an exposed FBI rat running an FBI honeypot? His best friend and former co-host Patrick exposed him after Nick got picked up by the FBI for his Jan 6 involvement. They put him on no-fly list, froze his bank accounts, and seized his bitcoin. Patrick told him to go public with the fact he was being investigated and monitored by the FBI, but instead days after he was questioned, he created a website, streaming service, donation processing system all in one week (wonder who helped him program and set it all up so fast) and then organized an entire event that required people's name and credit card info just to attend.

Why did Nick make all the effort to keep it secret that he was being investigated by the FBI and host an event that provided prime intel for the feds on who is supporting him financially instead of letting people know and giving them the option to not get dragged in with him?

Ever wonder why Patrick Casey and the original crew abandoned him? Why do you think he pals around with Baked Alaska, a confirmed FBI informant?

He's an informant just like Hal Turner was, because of the trouble he got into from Jan 6.

Video of Patrick Casey exposing Nick Fuentes for being a fed informant. Starts at the 7 minute mark
Why does every
>i n f l u e n c e r
wear tight ass clothes, pants, etc. kek that shit is gay and can't be comfy. I guess it's to advertise to other faggots they got a thicc dumper and some thunder thighs.
This nigga got sugar in his tank, this nigga fluent in polari, this nigga theatrical, this nigga good with colors, he indulges in the French vice, he feels the love that dare not speak it’s name, he’s temperamental
extremly based stream talking about metaphysics of masculinity and loyalty

>vote Trump
Somehow I doubt jews have to worry about that
dont think to hard about fashion and clothes burger, your people look like homeless bums and niggers, no class no dignity, just pure trash so dont worry to much, it wont lead to anything.
Least mentally ill Nick hater

That Twitter user Jaimee Michell is a lesbian jew
ez reads
How old are you?
noone cares; him, baked alaska, and milo are feggots, druggie degenerates, and double faggot feds

i hope all glow niggers are killed in front of their television addicted mothers.
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late 20s, in MENSA, 7 fig net worth, Evola and the Bible, Christian Futurist and Esoterical Hitlerist, Deutsch, 6.1.
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Just two faggot controlled op puppets sitting together totally normally.
>nigga you gotta learn to condense your ramblings
>think before you type what your key points are and how to say them in the least amount of words
it is not my problem you are stupid and have low attention span. You either read or shut your retarded ape mouth.
>but is there anyone better right now? anyone better that also has a big reach
To do what, demonize being anti immigration, he's not anti immigration, he's not a patriot, he's not a 'white supremacist' and 'white nationalist' made up to call for invasion of france and saying france should not be culturally and ethnically majority french.
He's a literal cancer, you can replace him with nothing and it is better, same goes for 99.99% of humans and you too.
>can't believe i read this cringe
>no you can't le heckin do anything you just have to suffer
Your stupid mischaracterizations warrants your doom even more, human trashcan. Humans do not decide what should be on this planet or not. You do not decide if half the world should be african, every group should be low population and same size as other. Or you piss off the creator, and have same territory or you piss of creator, and you shouldn't go around polluting mass breeding and 'muh manifest destiny' ruin the fucking planet.
You manifest your destiny into that you going to get incinerated same as humans did several thousand years ago. It would have been better had you never spoken your entire life than what is going to happen to you because you did.
i'm not reading this shit faggot
Look at this idiot. How he sits, only a lady sits like this or a faggot. He's literally a jew faggot larping as a christian, a nazi or the 'white nationalist' 'white supremacist'. he has also larped as taliban and radical muslim.

He is a JEW FAGGOT, LITERALLY. Fuentes is a sephardic jew surname they converted to catholicism to avoid being kicked out of spain for helping muslims invade. LOOK UP FUENTES SURNAME SEPHARDIC JEW.

They literally have a jew faggot playing a neo nazi for clickbait for msnbc to demonize patriots worldwide. And american cockroaches go along with it.
>i'm not reading this shit faggot
no you won't do shit monkey, you won't do shit correct, you'll be a lying idiot roach who want to play racial last man on hill and constantly troll harass and instigate, and you will be massmurdered as the older civilizations who tried the same and the technoly confiscated so you can go back to stone age LITERALLY and suffer miserable for many thousands of years till humans get global civilization again and put to test again if they want to behave nicely or not.
The ones who are pushing mass invasion and racial warfare who think they are 'rectifying the planet' the ones who spew free speech and free press are signing humanitys death warrant yet again lol
The guy on the left is the poster boy face of united mutts of America.
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this that gay kid that helped laura loomer and some weird indian get pics of underage boys?
lol someone should check loomers pc
>The guy on the left is the poster boy face of united mutts of America.
and the guy on the right is a literal jew faggot sephardic jew. Who sit like a lady.
Isn't that right hexagon jew, literally worshipping satan and thinking you are following the abrahamic skygod. Remphan or saturn is literally the anti deity of the abrahamic skygod. LOL your fucking flag represents saturns north pole. You are not hebrean, you are not sumerian. Otherwise you would not run around with this arabic deity in your flag. Who is today masquerading under the pseudonym of 'allah'.
>12 posts of retarded schizo garbage
You should wear the nazi flag like usual schizo kike
Whiter than your dientes, amigo.
Jew faggot fuentes is literally looking at jake shields (also retard) going
>have you seen my boy pussy, look i almost have my anus in view so you can imagine that i'm going to give it to you. I'm almost flashing my anus and i'm coddling my hair and my ear cause i'm sexually attracted to what you are saying.
There's no heterosexual male who sit like a lady like this. a literal jew faggot. Larping as a neo nazi for abc news.
>You should wear the nazi flag like usual schizo kike
did you miss the part where i said 100% of jews are going to get massmurdered? and 100% of muslims? Ain't that just a total jew thing to say sayanim?
Ya they literally say it every day
they tell their kids that every day

That's how they teach their kids to hate white people.
Nobody hates women that much without being a faggot, and he's also jewish which makes it even funnier.
Well except if you muslim who is stone age religion of retards who need to enslave women to force them to stay with them.
>He's literally a gay jew larping as a chrisian to demonize christians as extremists
You're right except Christians have always been jewish golems. Hes the definition of a crypto-jew, and they have existed right back to the very start when SAUL changed his name to PAUL and wrote half of your bible. Jews are the pied piper priest class and Christians are the lambs being led to slaughter.
I’ve only ever seen gay roll up their jeans like that.
>That's how they teach their kids to hate white people.
it's not fucking europeans who is going to annihilate them retard lol. It's their own creator, he will not be mocked.
'white people', there is no such thing as 'white' and 'brown' p eople you retard monkey deserve everything you going to get. Pigmentation was never subtype, it's literally how americans gaslight to push invasion and race warfare on every country on planet by pretending no different types exist.
You are so faggy and so annoying human. No wonder the creator enjoys massmurdering billions of humans like you and torturing you to death at times if you have been extra annoying :) Done it before, will do it again. You just cannot stop trolling, instigating hatred racial fights or talking shit. You going to wish you were a frog flat as a pancake run over with a truck compared to what creator going to do with you. A swift death is the luckiest you can possibly be and the only mercy you deserve.

These little retard monkeys are pretending they speak for the creator and they just larpers who are really saturn worshippers, who have claimed the creator loves them in particular as excuse to treat others like garbage. There's none of them that can escape damnation.
It's real funny.
What a wormy little faggot
>I’ve only ever seen gay roll up their jeans like that.
have you ever seen a non homosexal sit like that? he's even caressing his ear and hair like females do when they are infactuated.
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Of course you would, faggot.
Question: what’s the point of a honeypot if they never catch anyone and only engage in legal activity?

As a listener you’re far more fucked by simply posting on 4chan, where there are all sorts of pictures and leaked documents and people posting their manifesto and such

I have a dynamic IP and have been blocked from posting because I was “banned” for something some Brazilian posted on a VPN. Maybe you get too uppity and that happens on purpose. They’ll find a way. But watching a political commentary show on fucking Rumble isn’t that way.
>What a wormy little faggot
he is the one you smarmy americans use as poster child to falsely associate with patriots everywhere who are against invasion of their tiny countries and global racial warfare. USA is the biggest joke in world history.
>but it's okay cause look this literal FAGGOT JEW is saying he's nazi and he's also against it so now because he is also against it now nobody can be, cause now we going to say it's extremism.
LITERALLY HALF OF USA is saying this.
And again i stress the part, the guy is literally a JEW FAGGOT; LITERALLY.
Everytime you have some neo nazi bullshit it's some jew faggot or just a jew doing it. They are the only ones who have motive to paint europeans like that lol.
Oof /pol/ really is all Jews isn't it?
>Question: what’s the point of a honeypot if they never catch anyone and only engage in legal activity?
same reason they do 4chan for 10 years and all they entrap are radical muslims and anti european scum who many of them also hate jews. Europeans some of the ones who hate jews the least it's ironic.
Why do they do it eventhough they don't entrap anyone. Because it is to create the public facade of that there are extremist boogeyman and trying to associate that with normal people who are also against mass invasion of countries and racial warfare.
And it works on americans the play them like a fiddle. So real or imagined it is about generating the perception that the opposition to mass immigration are bad and villainous people.
And any legitimate normal people who are against this aren't stupid, bad or extremists. So who do they have to do it, other than online larpers. A LITERALLY JEW FAGGOT like nick fuentes, because who the fuck else would?
I'm sure they entrap a tiny few loner assholes who falsely get tricked into being 'leo neo nazi saving europeans" when they do the opposite. But look at most of nicks fanbase, it's jews muslims and central and south americans, and some niggers. UNIRONICALLY.
Who is the best political leader right now?

You’re not allowed to say “real men don’t follow a leader”

You have to pick the least bad of all of them. At least give me ONE name of someone you respect or think is smart in politics. Just the least bad one you can think of
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Its also to conflate goober slike fuentes with whites questioning israel.
Dual faceted op, honey pot + cia theater.
>Oof /pol/ really is all Jews isn't it?
ofcourse it is, only a jew controlled website would ever allow anyone to sit and say kill all jews this and f jew this f jew that. It's why they burn your life down if you do it anywhere else.
They need a fake neo nazi boogeyman notice how it started the moment donal klompf run for election in usa in 2015.
>quick to the larp mobile we have to generate the perception anyone against mass immigration is nazis and extremists
enter astroturf like richard tiktorch spencer, john minadeo and nick fuentes and patriot front. Less than 1000 people in total. They trot them out over 1000 times the last 8 years they go to different cities and headline in USA roach media "neo nazis in x town in USA" and you look at article it's the same fucking few people every time. And they use it to hate every european ancestry person on planet who is against immigration rofl.
i saw that video at tpsusa, america first is non-white. why should white people care about it?
>Who is the best political leader right now?
>You’re not allowed to say “real men don’t follow a leader”
>You have to pick the least bad of all of them. At least give me ONE name of someone you respect or think is smart in politics. Just the least bad one you can think of
It's better to have none than a fake one trying to falsely associate themselves with normal people and trying to make it ugly to be against mass immigration. Cockroach, he's not a leader he's an astroturf troll there to demonize being against it and trying to reframe it. Same as elon musk bought twitter to reframe mass immigration into being. Well everyone needs to have more kids. LOL elon all your kids are going to be burned alive along with you. And your space x rockets.
And the world is OVERPOPULATED, and how do you solve racial and cultural warfare and invasion of entire countries is you deport the invaders! that's it. You don't enter into a breeding war for racial demographic control and use children as BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS rofl
Elon musk death sentence is absolute and irrevocable.
>You have to pic
If you don't notice, european people or patriots elsewhere do not need a leader go go out and protest mass immigration, it's happening in ireland and many other places right now. And anti immigration parties are in a massive upsurge in mandates in europe. So much that both sholz and macron got beaten in both france and germany.
That's what happens when normal people don't follow idiot astroturf fake leaders who want to demonize them like THIS JEW FAGGOT. Shit actually happens.
twink vs bear
Oh my
AND IF YOU WANT TO FIND A NON JEW FAGGOT, who is also against immigration. How about the frenchman renaud camus. A massive homosexual. He wrote about this 'great replacement' which is his term for this invasion of non french in france. Because the french government complicit in helping the invaders.
That's a homosexual that atleast is doing something useful, he still needs to be annihilated for crime of being homo, but he's atleast being somewhat useful.

Unlike this JEW FAGGOT from usa, and milo another JEW FAGGOT. notice how they are often both jews, sometimes faggots but for sure also kiddie diddlers these 'neo nazis' right? this is because they're not who they claim to be. They are there as false opposition to demonize the normal people against it, trying to relegate being against racial and cultural warfare into a fringe topic rofl. And failing horribly even with all the social media propaganda in europe anti immigration keep rising in polls cause it's normal people fed up with it who is the main driver of the real resistance to it!
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100th monkey is taking over, we dont need a leader, just global awakening.
Especially a faggy controlled op zionist pinata like fuentes, or a faggot like shields.
Fuck e celebs, no room for compromised epstein types anymore.
>twink vs bear
>Oh my
They trot these astroturf out because their aim is to make being against racial and culture warfare and invasion of entire countries, their aim is to make normal people who are against that look ridiculous by falsely associating them with such people.
And in reality in european countries like france and britain and germany and poland it's 80% of the natives, and almost 90% of the ones who have familes, like the gen y'ers, the zoomers parents. THOSE ARE THE MAIN RESISTANCE TO IT, they can't wait for some oif their boomer parents to go in their fucking grave so they stop defending these immigrant invaders. Look at all these pensioneers in europe going out and saying immigration is human right, you barely see any gen y'ers. And it's a such a small % of the general population that if it was to put to a native vote. AUSLANDER RAUS? ja oder nein. 98% ja.
It's why they never have national vote of any of this ROFL
Why is half this thread a donkey kvetching? I didn’t even read what the faggot posted and frankly I don’t care for a tldr
I dared question why no American simply shoots fuentes
>100th monkey is taking over, we dont need a leader, just global awakening.
exactly you don't need a fucking astroturf leader least of which a LITERAL JEW FAGGOT to derail you. When you can just go out side by side cause you all agree on same thing. Cause this is kindergarden level in complexity. There is racial and cultural warfare going on. The immigrants must go raus a huge part of them. And that is how you end it. You don't need a fucking whiteboard and connecting the dots to find out what problem is or what must be done. It's just about amassing the public will for it, which is happening anyways because most people are ALREADY FOR IT as they were constantly last 30 years. They were just shouted down. And that shouting down is no longer working in europe so much even the fucking irish have taken to the streets ROFL. And if you know anything about irish you know how rare that is!
Why are you retarded annoying lying ape? all questions are easily answered.
>I dared question why no American simply shoots fuentes
That's not why, i said exactly who the fuck would miss him.
>he sits like a fag, quick let's make a thread and spill our spaghetti all over the place.
didn't he get caught on some random zoomer stream trying to hook up with a gay teen?
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is that sammy davis jrs grandson?
>>he sits like a fag, quick let's make a thread and spill our spaghetti all over the place.
But he is a faggot, he sits like a faggot, he talks like a faggot, and he's a literal JEW FAGGOT larping as neo nazis for clickbait for CNN. To try to demonize actual patriotic peoples as retards and idiots and whatever.
HE IS A JEW FAGGOT, he is, fuentes is his surname that is a sephardic jew name. They converted to catholicism to avoid deportation from spain for helping the ummayad muslims invade and occupy spain for 800 years before being kicked out.
THIS IS WHO NICK FUENTES IS, this is who his family is. Jews who converted to catholicism to avoid being deported from spain.
He's one conversion away from going back to his roots as a jew FAGGOT.
Show your flag I bet it’s Israel
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Does Nick actually have any WHITE followers?
He only surrounds himself with browns, lol
No wonder he is pro-welfare queens
when will you people realize that every e celeb and every celeb for that matter is controlled op?
>Show your flag I bet it’s Israel
100% of jews and muslims must die, shalom israel.
Flags don't mean shit sayanim, proxies vpn have existed for 20 years. 4chan is epitomy of false flag. 4chan is a jew swastikaing his own synagogue. And larping as people from around world to try to spew anti european racism and international agitation and destroy relations.
Stfu you retarded moron. I understand why creator hates you and jews and everyone else. Imagine having livestream from your stupid brain everything you thought said and done and thought about doing, and imagined, and seen in your entire life. How could he not hate you? You are tagged species on DNA level. Your brain is a transciever it reports all you do back to central. You can't even remove it, if you remove the parts of the brain that does this should neurologists be able to find it in a thousands years. You can't do it without killing you. Because the areas of brain that does it also has the dual purpose of you being able to exist and live and breathe lol.
>when will you people realize that every e celeb and every celeb for that matter is controlled op?
always is the case, any actual patriots don't need a retard leader to rally around. They put up fake leaders who then try to make patriots look evil or stupid. It's the constant tell.
Everybody knows it including americans they just pretending nobody realizes.
You talk like a Jew. Show your flag
>Does Nick actually have any WHITE followers?
>He only surrounds himself with browns, lol
>No wonder he is pro-welfare queens
It's only to cnn and msnbc he pretends to be a 'neo nazi' and 'white supremacist'. He's a literal JEW FAGGOT who peddle what, christianity first, why? Not patriot first religion second, but the other way.
Why? Because what is his real motive. To peddle non stop as is mass immigration to USA, since most of the immgirants are central and south americans, which are nice people but different races than europeans. They are also what 90% catholic. This means. If you make it christianity first then you can't say no to central and south americans, cause they even more hardcore christians than many europeans are at this point. Thus he is there to legalize immigration as per usual. He might aswell be joe biden or obama.
>You talk like a Jew. Show your flag
flags don't mean shit sayanim. i keep saying 99.9% of humans must die cause creator wants it, and 100% of jews and 100% of muslims and you keep saying i'm jew from israel.
This is because this is jew website and jews have a script whenever the narrative crumbles they just start calling everyone jews no matter what.
I know all your tricks schlomo bergenstein.
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I'm pretty sure its autistics, and crisis actors at this point. They are desperate to push him into the mainstream, but they already blew their glowie load on jan6th with him, when they honey potted like 5 people he convinced to go to jan6th.
It's all just using him to conflate anyone questioning israel/Christians with faggots like him.
>Does Nick actually have any WHITE followers?
>He only surrounds himself with browns, lol
>No wonder he is pro-welfare queens
So it is exactly what it usually is in USA, a bunch of central and south americans and niggers, being lead by a LITERAL JEW FAGGOT. who in this case is also prestending to be neo nazi. You just cannot make it up how full of shit the american monkeys are.
Catholic first means endless stream of central and south americans who are 90% catholic. Wow it's almost like as it's business as usual then, no wonder who his fans then are.
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The only thing jewish is falling for a controlled op fag like fuentes, please check yourself.
>The only thing jewish is falling for a controlled op fag like fuentes, please check yourself.
it's the jew script they do it all the time. When a narrative crusher like me comes along. They are instructed i shit you not, to just call you a jew no matter what you say.
Because in this way you talking about jews and so it help generate perception that someone is looking to hurt jews, which is the point of 4chan to pretend as if anyone against immigration are neo nazis out to hurt jews.
So he will literally call me a jew till this thread ends, no matter what i say. Eventhough i say 100% of jews will be eradicated by the creator, same as 100% of muslims. He will claim i am a jew or that i am from israel.
And the reason he is upset with me not using geoflags is they want to use the false flags as international agitation. Playing dumb pretending proxy servers and vpn are fake news. Fucking existed nearly since dialup.
They try to larp as europeans and various nationalities to pit everyone on earth against europeans or to have other races believe europeans say bad things to them via a fucking pixel flag on 4chan.

THAT'S WHY THEY DO IT, he is angry cause i am not falling for it, i never fell for it, not 8 years ago not today. Not ever. These idiot monkeys of world especially jews, are as transparent as a window. Into their hollow soul.
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Nice try rabbi. We all know you are in Israel right now lmao
Also i have news for you, the saucers and other advanced spacecrafts you are buliding in secret, to fight the creator when he comes to wipe you out. They aren't going to work, a) they see everything you doing cause they livestream from your idiot brain cause they made you. b) how you think you can defeat with some flying saucers and other devices, a species that is millions of years old and can create entire solar systems and entire life on this planet. And who you think falsely favoured you but have instead wiped out humans countless of times for being annoying idiots who ruin everything.
But keep on trying. Lol you think you working in secret, you are literally bugged on the DNA level everything you see and think and do they hear and see. So they know also what you lie about and what you mean truthfully they got a link right directly into your brain rofl.
>Nice try rabbi. We all know you are in Israel right now lmao
see as i said, he will keep doing this till thread ends, it's the script jews use on 4chan also fbi agents and the other trash here.
He's going through his little shit manual and going "what do i do, i need to keep doing this" i know your manual dipshit sayanim.
Wtf is that sitting position?
He looks like a dainty twink.
Based groyper
Actually, confidently and assertively sitting in a gay manner like that, is the most straight thing you can do.
infact they hate humans so much inspite of having made you, that not only have they after wiping humans out countless of times for being obnoxious trolling pricks constantly playing last man on hill racially and destroying other life and this planet at same time. They have reduced human life by over 1000 years to around 120 and also bugged you on dna level so everything you think say and do and see taste touch and feel, is reported back to them. You have absolute zero chance. And you would think being 99.99 wiped out several thousand years ago for being annoying would be a great motivator to not be a trolling fucking retard monkey. But apparently it's not. So you can expect the same conclusion as it was the last time.
>Actually, confidently and assertively sitting in a gay manner like that, is the most straight thing you can do.
this is near 100% of what he would say. It's like when he went on that monologue.
>infact having a girlfriend is gay, being straight is the most heterosexual thing you can do.
He'll do anything to damage control that he's a literal JEW FAGGOT astroturf to demonize being against mass immigration and have adopted the christian first thing so he can push non stop central and south american export (90% catholic) as usual. he's such a gay faggot jew.
“The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you“ I win you are an Israeli Jew.
>sorry, what did he say:being single is the most straight thing you can do, having gf is gay.
HES A TROLL JEW FAGGOT a fucking gay frog like the gay gemmatria frog they have here to try to mirror the plague in egypt in the bible. And the unclean spirits like frogs who go from country to country and get everyone fighting. They are using that, and the digits? that's jewish gemmatria, there's nothing about this gay website that is not jewish.
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>“The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you“ I win you are an Israeli Jew.
I'm not israeli jews, flags still don't mean shit, and you are pissed cause you want the false flag geoflag agitation with pixel flags on 4chan where you will like stupid hairy jew/muslim monkey pretend as if proxy servers and vpn you never heard of it. It's your little game.
As i said he will call me jew till the thread ends, his manual tells him to do so.
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>the unironic fag enablers ITT
>Wtf is that sitting position?
>He looks like a dainty twink.
Who can look at that picture and not go.
>he's clearly a gay faggot
and he's also jewish! he's literally a jew faggot.
Legs up like a woman, fondling his ear and hair. To those who don't larp as incels and have ever been with woman, women do this when they are sexually attracted to a man. The fondling with ear and hair, it's subconcious especially the hair.
HE IS LITERALLY A GAY FAGGOT how many clues do people need? hanging out with that catboy faggot wasn't enough? Little cute meet they go out to eat. Then he gets pegged later on i guess.
If you listen to him be misogynistic you notice its not your usual incel stuff, he doesn't like women because he doesnt find them attractive. He looks at being with a women liie a chore, not in the incel way but the gay way.
If you want to be faggot, go be it, i mean till creator comes and burns you alive for it, you're fine especially if you live in USA being a faggot. Just don't be a literal jew faggot and a woman hater, and pretend to be neo nazi for fucking CNN. Is that too much to ask for this jewish faggot? it clearly is.
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>The most hated person on /pol/
>Surely these aren't shills
Yeah I'm thinking he's alright
>If you listen to him be misogynistic you notice its not your usual incel stuff, he doesn't like women because he doesnt find them attractive. He looks at being with a women liie a chore, not in the incel way but the gay way.
exactly he's gay. nobody hates women this much who aren't gay. He literally doesn't like women like the cooties level don't like them that only fags do. Like a fag being with a woman is as gross to them as a heterosexual fucking a guy in ass.
He's a LITERAL JEW FAGGOT larping as neo nazis for astroturf, he arrived to the scene as they were trying to consensus crush american patriots against immigration in 2017 after trump got elected to 'destroy the concept of nativism and patriotism in USA' they had to create some retard boogeyman. Since normal patriots aren't retarded but just are anti race war and anti mass immigration because of it. THEY CAN ONLY GET LITERAL JEW FAGGOT DO PLAY THIS PART. john minadeo is another, what a jewish nose he also has. Sitting going sieg heil to his 1000 online viewers, they fucking can't even entrap anyone cause it's so stupid and no patriot wants to be a neo nazi anyways that's never what it was about.
You are literally a gay jew frog. On a jew run anime board to make fake nazis up. And this jew faggot is one of the characters they prop up unanonymously.
Reminder all frog posters are glowniggers and/or bots.
>Meme flag jew
Didn't read your post and also you're jewish, I guess this Nick guy is probably a pretty good guy, thanks for helping me get an efficient answer
That's a good way to put it, its cooties stuff.
Incel: I hate women, i cant get one.
Fuentes: Ew women, i hate them, imagine touching one, like ugh.
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>frog poster defending psyop
Hello glowie, please fuck off with your recycled 2016 bs, fuck kek.
And they humiliating the christians with this faggotry, same as the pastors for lgbt.
Here's the biblical creator position on homosexuals, pedophiles and perverts. BURN THEM ALIVE. Go to the bible nick fuentes never read, not only does it say in old testament put them to death. But it also says. that the creator BOMBED an entire city from orbit cause of the homosexuals (the story of lot) was wanting to have sex with 4 angels disguised as humans. Lot offer his daughter to men of village who banging at door. And they say go to hell with your woman we want the 4 'MEN' you are hiding. cause they were heading to city centre probably going to massacre the perverts. And lot is like quick is not safe go in i keep you safe.
LOL they don't need you to keep them safe they would have killed them all.
Then the angels disguised as men leave and blind the people in sodom with blinding light and dissapear, after having told lot, leave city cause we are going to burn it.
And lots wife doesn't run fast enough so there's a bolt of light coming down from the sky. sodom and gomorah turns to GLASS, intense heat, then lots wife turns into a pillar of ash/salt.
This is what the fate is of faggotry if you ask what creator wants in the bible.
Gay paster, get fuck out of here gay paster you can burn with them.
Nick is just shitting all over christians, and all these pastors who are for mass immigration! LOL what it say it says that all human races are same to the creator. Not that they identical but they all have the same creator they made all life on this planet. Doesn't mean you should force mix everyone and invade eachother non stop dingbats. Pastors who say that, burn along with the homos and other liars.

THAT IS WHAT THE BIBLICAL CREATOR SAY ABOUT HOMOS. Go follow your fucking jew faggot leader right into the fire you cockroaches.
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>defending psyop
Oh the one guy talking about jews is the psyop? Alright, who are the current great political minds I should be listening to then? Sounds like you've got a ton of them, please share them so that we can get real information
It's funny when he tried to larp as heterosexual, but all this female/gay talk comes out. Like when he called black women "baddies"
no straight man in history has ever used "baddie" to mean hot
>Incel: I hate women, i cant get one.
>Fuentes: Ew women, i hate them, imagine touching one, like ugh.
yes actual incels, are just people who like would be happy for a year if a fat woman brushed their penis by accident. They would want to be with anybody but for some reason it's not happening for them, those are very few men and women who like that.
Faggots no matter which woman, they don't like them cause they don't find them attractive they do not want 'lots daughter' they want however that big muscular man over there to fuck them in ass! Or to fuck him in ass.

Everything this jew faggot is doing is fraud. But he's making a lot of money. Check his networth lately? he's a multimillionaire, and not just a couple. And you also have to think about who finances him cause if you think it's just donations you are funny, they whitewash money via bitcoin and so on, you don't know if it's coming from jew or fbi or whoever LOL
>Fuentes: Ew women, i hate them, imagine touching one, like ugh.
Yes and he tells this story first off he say no to every single e-girl who ever approached him, secondly he tells story to his audience in some clip i saw of him, in a compilation where he talk about this woman who once tried to seduce him, and he's like nah i'm waiting to marriage you dumb whore, and she thought she could be with me? HAH, what a stupid whore
HES GAY AND HES JEWISH, he's literally a jew faggot. But this is perfect ofcourse to larp as incel this fake thing if you are a literal faggot. Because then ofcourse they not going to push you to be with a woman. So you are totally safe! He even admits he could have been with several woman but he said no to them. THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF INCELS lol
We have established hes a jew (fuentes) and a faggot. He's a jew faggot. The only way he's not a flamboyant faggot is if he's something even worse, a jew PEDOPHILE, as in this is why he doesn't find mature women attractive cause he wants the very tiny ones like 10 year olds or something. He looks like a child he's also very feminine i mean he does behave like a faggot. But he could be into small manchildren then.
But i'm going with that he's a gay faggot though. The pedophile is a bit worse but i don't want to rule that out.
Either his hatred for women is unnatural for a straight man, it's cootie levels like only a faggot or a pedo has. Like he finds them absolutely disgusting he is not attracted to mature women aka over age of 16 i guess.

tl;dr likelyhood of being jew faggot near 100% likelyhood of pedo, i'll say 5%

It's going to be so funny when this stupid jew monkey comes out and declare he was closet homosexual. Precisely cause he has been denying it for so long and made a career out of pretending not to be it. In the most faggot friendly country on earth, USA.
Him helping ali alexander pursue underage males in his circle, does hint to a bit of pedo shit going on there, that was disgusting.
Also notice the pathology of this farcical jew monkey as transparent as glass, is fairly obvious with his praise of taliban. Why did he suddently this 'fundamentalist christian' (really a jew faggot) suddently was praising taliban and doing 1 finger muslim salute etc.
Why? Because islam condones pedophelia both of male and female. But certainly of female, as young as 9. There are videos from taliban afghanistan where a little girl of age 9 is crying, cause she is being married away by force by her family to a taliban 50 year old. This mirrors what muhammad did.
SO if fuentes is actualy pedophile on top of being jew faggot and if he hates women, cause he's a faggot or just prefer to diddle kids be it boys or girls. This is par for the course.
The pathology of this lying monkey is incredibly obvious, there's so many warning signs.
And it's literally only CNN that goes with the lie that he's a patriotic nationaliste and this is what such people are who are anti mass imigration. and he's not even that, he's a jew faggot who also trying to debase christianity by making christians also look retarded, cause trying to associate patriotism with his garbage wasn't enough. AND HE IS WANTING TO CHRISTIAN FIRST DOCTRINE (the opposite it ever was in europe, it was christinaity last race and people first) to bring in central and south americans non stop.
Literally a faggot jew possibly pedophile who is also pro mass immigration enabler!
WILL CNN TELL THAT TRUTH? no they are liars he is just useful astroturf idiot for them to point on and falsely associate with others.
This is a very problematic little shitty fucking jewish faggot.
But he fit right in with 4chan, run by jewish and homosexuals and anti euro scum lol.
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>most effective antizionist of his generation
>memeflags and other assorted inorganic groups of posters mobilize to countersignal him every time he's mentioned on this godforsaken board
I wonder who could be behind all this... really makes you think.
And this is btw. the only thing muslims are correct about. the 1 finger salute. That is where god is, up there, that's where the creator is going to come from when he burns every muslim jew and 99.9% of humans and all faggots and pedophiles. As they have done before, and resets the entire human civilization down to a few thousand human remainders of each race. For the crime of being annoying little monkey shitbags ever again.
Is why the lord says VENGEANCE IS MINE, do not murder. HE WILL DO ALL THE MURDER AND IS HAPPY TO DO IT, HE WILL DO ALL THE TORTURE OF BAD HUMANS HAPPY TO DO IT. Vengeance is his, do not even think for a second human that you get to do any of it. You don't know fuck all about anything who he bad people even are. You who are for mass immgiration racial mixing to destroy what the creator has made, mass breeding and destruction of environment and so on.
You stand for all the wrong things. The way to hell is paved with good intentions and these monkeys going to find that out. Jew rectifying the planet? muslims doing it? they want to do it they should kill themselves quick so they don't have to suffer the creators full wrath! LOL

And everything they wanted to destroy can be brought back cause all lifeforms here all of them made by them originally. So you going to lose no matter what your fucking agenda is you sick little monkey.
Can't give retard monkeys anyting, no high technology no nothing or you use it against eachother even use children as biological weapons. Reduced lifespan from 1000 to 120 years, and tagged you on dna level so you report everything you say and do back to central. And these monkeys STILL NOT MOTIVATED to stop trolling and harassing eachother. Well, more drastic meassures seems to be necessary to motivate your dumb monkey ass. So it will be then.
Nick is based
Join the movement or die INSHALLAH
>>most effective antizionist of his generation
he's a literal jewish faggot. He just piggyback on top of every topic, he's there to try to make anti zionists look ugly you dingbat. As he's there to try to make anti immigration ugly and so on, and now he is also to trying to make christians look like joke so he can help import half of central and south america.
Nobody that is not astroturf get that kind of money. Check his networth. He's not a threat to anyone he's a voluntary agent of theirs.
>Nick is based
>Join the movement or die INSHALLAH
bunch of pedo muslims, non european immigrants and niggers, following a literal jew faggot. You can't make this shit up if you tried. Spitting image of what the stupid jews have managed to 'entrap' on 4chan is nicks audience. HE IS A JEWISH FAGGOT. And worse is you fucking know he is LOL
He's so tiny. How do you get to be that age and never have been athletic whatsoever? it shows and its pathetic. He would only have to spend like 20 minutes a week working out to look like a normal man.
>He's so tiny. How do you get to be that age and never have been athletic whatsoever? it shows and its pathetic. He would only have to spend like 20 minutes a week working out to look like a normal man.
it's a lifestyle choice, dude is multimillionaire he can buy his own fucking gym. He's a bottom jew faggot. If you notice about faggots there's feminine ones and more dominant buch ones, same with lesbians. He's clearly a bottom.
Look at the picture, this is the most faggiest picture i have seen of him. Leg over the other LIKE LADY, fondling ear and hair LIKE LADY who is sexually attracted to someone. He's nearly flashing his fucking anus in the picture.
It's because homosexuals, one of them has to be the female since they both are men and faggots. One has to play role of the feminine and the other the masculine. So the faggots are either super skinny or it's some butch one. And you know who gets fucked in ass and who doesn't. Well they probably both fuck eachother in ass or whatever faggots get up to. But you get what i mean.
Like this picture, if you knew NOTHING about this guy you would say
>oh there's that guy and then there's a faggot next to him who is clearly interested in him.
Nobody reads meme flag posts and you're literally jewish
>yes actual incels, are just people who like would be happy for a year if a fat woman brushed their penis by accident. They would want to be with anybody but for some reason it's not happening for them, those are very few men and women who like that.
>Faggots no matter which woman, they don't like them cause they don't find them attractive they do not want 'lots daughter' they want however that big muscular man over there to fuck them in ass! Or to fuck him in ass.
Wait is this schitzo kike also a roasty?
Get over yourself cunt
Nicky gaytez wants more white poeple in US since they are more aesthetically pleasing in gay community. Most faggots dont like niggers.
>Nobody reads meme flag posts and you're literally jewish
see haha these stupid hairy jew monkeys can't do anything but call me a jew non stop. Just as i told you they would. It doesn't matter what i say. It's their 4chan script they do it all the time, it's a tactic :D and i even tell them cause they hate narrative crushers like me cause i know what they do, so i say in advance they going to do this, and then they still doing it cause they have no choice.
Because they want to say i'm evil neo nazi out to kill jews. No that would be creator who is into that. Very keen on massmurdering billions especially jewish and muslims who have offended him greatly with their idiot behaviour.
The creator is the only 'incel' who can and will massmurder every single jew and muslim on this planet. And 99.9% of other humans for same reasons cause you talk like a faggot and your shit is retarded and all you do is try to play last man on hill racially, you troll you agitate you lie provoke till your fucking monkey head explodes.
>Wait is this schitzo kike also a roasty?
>Get over yourself cunt
No not a woman but i don't hate women cause i'm not a jew faggot or a muslim or a pedophile. I leave that to you. 99.9% of humans are trash i decided to be different. I hate humans, the creator is big fan of me, because i hate humans for legitimate reasons, cause you are every bit as shit as he says you are. Let the innocent ones cast the first stone, you are all guilty. Cockroaches. Vultures.
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Didn't read, and you're jewish
Isn't it refreshing t o have a gay man not talk about his sexuality?
This photo is fucking funny.
>Nicky gaytez wants more white poeple in US since they are more aesthetically pleasing in gay community. Most faggots dont like niggers.
lol he is christian first so he can import central and south americans to USA; he might aswell be joe biden. They are 90% catholic, the jew faggot found out. if i just do an inversion and say christianity first. HOW CAN YOU SAY NO TO CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICANS some of the most devout christians on entire planet 90% catholic demographics.
Exactly. non stop immigration non stop. This is how they want to get them to vote for republicans lol.
>Didn't read, and you're jewish
see, and i keep laughin ROFL stupid gay jew frog.
>i don't hate women
You are obviously a simp or a roastie and your hatred of humanity is just hatred of men, since you don't hate women.

Being wary of women, and keeping them at a distance is smart when you're someone with power/money.
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>the hero of the stormfags is a gay spic
lmao even
>This photo is fucking funny.
If there's something where a picture speaks a thousand words it's this LOL
for fucking 8 years this jew faggot has pretended not to be homosexual. THIS IS SO FAGGOTRY that even a faggot would laugh about it.
>how does he sit like this and pretend not to be a faggot, he sit exactly like lady! and fondle his hair and ear.
THIS IS HOW WOMAN LOOK WHEN THEY ATTRACTED TO YOU. for the non larping incels who don't know.
Jake Shields is known to be THE most hung guy in hollywood, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed Nick Fuentes' boypussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting himself lubricated enough just so he could take it. i can just imagine him begging for it, with Jake barely able to force it past the knob, and Fuentes moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. He would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to his prostate.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with his anal muscles clamping down on Jake's throbbing monstrosity, his whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet he still masturbates to the memory of it.
>>the hero of the stormfags is a gay spic
>lmao even
ofcourse because neo nazis are jew faggots who want to demonize nice finnish people who are against racial warfare and takeover of finland.
Who would you expect but jew faggots and pedophile scum and muslims and anti european scum and immigrants to ever sign up for this crap? ROFL what would be a finnish patriots motivation for following anything this guy says? none.
>Jake Shields is known to be THE most hung guy in hollywood, possibly one of the biggest in the world.
LOl and nick maybe heard about it.
>oh i value your thoughts, i wish you would ram that big cock up my ass.
He's sitting like LADY do when they are evaluating if they sexually interested in you, even fondling his ear and hair! legs over like LADY almost showing him his anus
>keep talking you hungus humungus, i will keep dreaming of the day i will convert you to my black punctuation.
Also where are they even, maybe nick is excited because of there's a bed right there. Where are the retards even sitting, he's like he sit right next to a bed, jake shields is talking and he heard jake shields has a big penis. That can really ram this jew faggots asshole. And he's like
>so i see this bed next to me and this hung guy is talking, and i started to thinking wouldn't it be nice, hey jack shields check out i'm nearly flashing my anus and i petting my hair and ear. JAKE SHIELDS WAKE UP I'M INTO YOU, it doesn't have to be this bed next to us, i have also bed at home, i'm a multi millionaire and a jew faggot and you got big penis, let's make this happen for christ!
If this jew faggot doesn't want to be called a jew faggot. Don't sit in a pose next to a bed, almost flashing your anus in a way that would make even flamboyant homosexuals embarrased.
>he sitting exactly like lady. THIS GUY IS TOTAL FAGGOT.
You would say that if it was any person you don't know about the verdict would be.
>he's total faggot and he's into the guy on the left clearly. He is doing mannerism exactly like lady who is attracted to you would (hair and ear). and semi flashing anus/genitals. Leg over is what does it for me if the aforementioned wasn't enough.
DUDE IS BEHAVING LIKE LADY. this is what effemminate faggots do.
He can't even stay in character as this hurr i'm a straight patriot and i just want a untouched woman to be my wife.
Just literally at no point sit like a TOTAL FAGGOT DOES. It's all he got to do, he can't stay in character all the time so he slips.
He clearly wants jack shields big penis right up his anus! Disgusting homosexual rofl.
CatboyKami could be a faggot but I read him as a straightoid being edgy for shock value, kind of like iDubbbz
Nobody patriots give a fuck about if their wife is virgin or not. Most anti immigration activists have 3+ kids aswell. Not that it's going to matter cause you stop the invasion only by stopping the invasion. But there's no actual patriots who are even like nick AT ALL.
It's not about anybody want woman to go back to kitchen. You fuck other women before your wife, she fuck other men, then you get married and you have kids, such is most marriages. And it's fine.
And he can't marry a woman cause he doesn't fucking like women ROFL
But he's going to be worth over 50 million before he comes clean and he has fu money anyways at this point he can just retire and do nothing at this point.
The legs don't mean anything by themselves whereas in combination with everything else (especially what his hands are doing) it does seem kind of suspicious
>CatboyKami could be a faggot but I read him as a straightoid being edgy for shock value, kind of like iDubbbz
Imagine nicks dissapointment, they even went to dinner, and then kami wasn't dtf? fucking dissapointing for nick! the jew faggot!
Kami looks atleast bi to me, he has dildo aswell he shove up his ass. That was the gayest cutemeet i saw in long time when those two meet. That video was just one epic laugh riot. The way nick look at him and the uncomfortable cringe atmosphere between them. "you're a faggot kami but you're alright, ofcourse i'm a jew faggot too, but we're not going to tell my fans this, remember?".
"lol for sure, you give me lot of money LOL".
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>65 posts by this ID
>The legs don't mean anything by themselves whereas in combination with everything else (especially what his hands are doing) it does seem kind of suspicious
if you not total fucking virgin, a woman does this when she's interested in you, cross the legs over there, and also fondles her ear or hair when you are speaking whilst looking at you. This means she is most certainly interested in you.
Gay faggots adopt similar mannerisms. He look exactly like lady.
Nick is a gay fed
>>65 posts by this ID
laughing at this, you gay jew frog? YOU BET, your little fake idol a literal jew faggot being exposed as a jew faggot. YOU BET! He trying to demonize patriots in every country for 10 years he demonize christians, he demonize anyone against immigration as neo nazi.
You're the one crying i'm literally laughing harder than the gay jew frog that is in your dumb picture lol
why are you obsessed about what he looks like just post what he said in that interview you coward
>why are you obsessed about what he looks like just post what he said in that interview you coward
I know what he says, i've seen many compilations of what he has to say. He also admit he doesn't give two shits about europeans at all. Literally quoted for saying that. Only USA that matters. Europe can go fuck itself. Have to wait for 'usa to save them'. What from USA who is pushing mass immigration to the world. And this jew faggot going to save europe?
I'm not obsesed about him, for 8 years you been plastering this retard guy everywhere, including cnn and msnbc, then you're telling me he's an actual jew faggot and he can't even keep it in character. LAUGHING SO HARD.
This is who you use to demonize patriots worldwide against immigration a literal JEW FAGGOT AND PROVABLY SO. Atleast the jew part, the fag part is some faggot has to fuck him in the ass and then go public. So we have to wait a bit.
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The groypers in here coping is absolutely hilarious. And the 4chan jews doing damage control even better.
All they can do to cope is to call me a jew per their script, and pretend they don't read. You know they read everything i fucking said itt and are FUMING.
These stupid trolling frog jew faggots.
Gay non-white Catholic
Do you feel it bros? Jews are going to get holocausted in our timeline. Nick makes them seethe 24/7.
I still don't understand why some progressive faggots since they try to infiltrate that justice alito for several years lying to them about being 'conservatives' i fucking hate conservatives they not against immigration anyways, to post that crap about he says USA is divided and only one faction will win (only 2 parties) and there are things many americans will not budge on culturally and so in those ways there will be areas where they won't budge. And they go public with it.
I can't understand why some progressive homos in USA of all countries have not simply joined fuentes the jew faggot fake astroturf movement. Been a really nice homo, endearing himself into nick fuentes top circle and then sat him down "nick if you want to be gay with me we don't have to tell anybody" and then go homo surprise
HAHA I LIED I WILL TELL EVERYBODY, just admit you faggot instead of saying fags are evil when you the fucking faggot yourself.
Why they not doing this? rofl. It's probably because they know nick fuentes is an important asset to them. They need some circus clown fake neo nazi 'white nationalist' all these buzzwords they use to demonize france being racially mostly french. To trot out for the mainstream news in USA. So if he's taken down as a literal jew faggot which he ofcourse is. Now they have to build up another one. They almost have no one, what is it john minadeo and that few hundred 'blood gang' retards that go to every city and reported a thousand times as if it was for first?
IT IS ALL SO STUPID the length these jew faggots willl go to to push mass racial warfare and invasion of entire countries.
>you don't want to goose step around and do it yourself, i'll find a literal JEW FAGGOT to say he is neo nazi and praise everything from christian extremism to taliban. And say that if you are against immigration is cause you want virgin wife and women to go back to kitchen n make you fucking sandwhich
And it's done by a literal jew faggot!
>Do you feel it bros? Jews are going to get holocausted in our timeline. Nick makes them seethe 24/7.
Nobody going to holochaust jews but the creator. he's also very good at massmurdering billions of humans, done it before. Many times.
And nick would be among the victims cause he's a literal JEW FAGGOT who is peddling the lie that being against racial warfare and invasion of every country is somehow that jews must go to death camps.
And all they entrap are radical muslims, niggers, and anti european scum who hate jews also. And europeans just sit laughing at you bunch of misfits.
>Do you feel it bros? Jews are going to get holocausted in our timeline. Nick makes them seethe 24/7.
and btw. good luck with milei the most jewish president argentina has ever seen. I never seen someone crying so hard at the wailing wall, even jews must have thought that was cringe 'too much milei' 'but i want to be jew i like you guys, no i love you guys, give me money' yes yes milei you will get the money and we get the lithium? SI SI!!
Is this a jew?
But fags are evil, they are disgusting, don't take it up with me, take it up with the creator. He likes burning faggots alive. He'll do all the dirty work, vengeance is his, i won't hurt you don't worry. If i did he'd be pissed off.
>you hurting faggots. ONLY I WILL HURT THE FAGGOTS
>okay okay fine no problems.
Imagine being the creators, having a livestream of life of a faggot, everything he thought did, thought about doing, every memory every action livestreamed and catalogued and sent to them, same as every human is after the last judgement. And you seeing what faggots gets up to, or what many humans get up to. The creator is the biggest hater of humans, faggots and jews there exists ANYWHERE IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.
>Is this a jew?
No, jews going to get holochaust they fucking deserve and instinctually fear, cause it has happened before but they were not all racially eliminated a few were spared a few thousand humans of each.
No i'm most certainly not a stupid hairy jew monkey. They are bullies and evil monkeys who will get what they fucking deserve as will 99.9% of humans. It's however a mistake to think that YOU get to decide what that is. You don't get to decide shit, just be nice to everyone or you'll be part of it.
But talk strong words to those idiot monkeys who fucking everything up. But trollers liars and agitators, they going to get fucked up.
The creator is a MASSMURDERER and a tyrant, he also has a short temper after long tolerating your bullshit, when it finally goes off there's no stopping it just like right away.
Fucking bullshit humans and this is what humans do after getting massmurdered technology erased, sent back to stone age to motivate them to not be assholes. Reesteablish global civ and you got these idiots who call themselves jews and whatever. Busy putting up a literal JEW FAGGOT to push racial and cultural invasion and warfare on the entire planet and invasion of entire countries.
>i'm fixing the world, tikkun olam
he'll fix you right up. BY BURNING YOU ALIVE. And everything you ever touched.
Of all the many creatures of this planet that is created, and this is just this planet btw. Humans are by far the MOST OBNOXIOUS IDIOTS THERE ARE. You don't see a squirrel fucking up the planet and harassing everybody do you? Or a giraffe maybe?
You can't even leave eachother alone. How dare you think that you get to ruin the subtypes of man just cause your mental retardation of pretending it's bad if humans aren't identical. It isn't if you just leave eachother THE FUCK ALONE. If you can't treat eachother nicely then atleast leave eachother the fuck alone and shut your idiot mouth up. And how dare you think you are same as the creator, it's like a fucking squirrel thinking the creator is a squirrel or octopus thinking creator is octopus, or a fish thinking creator is fish. You are not like creator you are fucking assholes he regret making and even when you are punished, lifespan reduced by 1000 years to 120 and biotagged so all you every say and do go back to them. To motivate you to make better decisions on behaviour. YOU FUCKING RIGHT BACK AT IT A FEW THOUSAND YEARS LATER.
There's nothing so pathetic as man and its idiot mouth and its idiot ideas in how the world should be. Fucking breaking everything pretending you fixing it.
And then some are saying
>hey don't break things, don't overbreed the entire planet, and don't racially and culturally invade smaller countries with bigger ones, little has right too.
BUT YOU DIDN'T THINK SO. is why he comes to massmurder you. Narrow is the road that leads to life and few there be who find it. He can even tell you and you STILL 99.9% of you going to be annihilated cause you choosing to be an obnoxious harassing troll dreaming of your race conquesting the others rofl and fucking over entire planet in process.

Mass immigration activists, pro race warfare activists, and industrial race mixer propagandists are literally on the wrong side. You go against the creator. And he will not be mocked. And you think you doing the correct thing cause YOU HAVE DECIDE WHAT IS BEST. here's a little riddle for you you idiot ape. If the creator wanted all humans to be identical he would have MADE THEM IDENTICAL. Being all identical is boring and stupid is why life has a myriad of different types retards.
AND YOU HAVE A JEW FAGGOT leading an astroturf false opposition campaign, DEMONIZING NOT DOING THAT.
You going to get what you fucking deserve and you not going to like it.
FEAR THE LORD; you forgot about that. It's cause they like massmurdering annoying humans! guess what, you're one of them! and so is this jew faggot! and his IDIOT FOLLOWERS.

Built the fucking space weapons and little flying saucers, you cannot beat an ancient race that is millions of years ahead of anything you can even think of. Instead of being nice you choose to fight the creator when he comes to exterminate you. Sit down and await your judgement instead and you might survive. Fight and you will be exterminated even harder than you already are going to.
And then this stupid little jew faggot monkey sitting there like lady.
>i'm totally not homosexual i'm also nazi and let me tell you what patriots who are against racial warfare are like. Also i wish jake shields would fuck me in my anus.
See everything you do hear everything you think all your memories and the creators are like
>this retarded monkey how are they ever going to be just nice and not annoying, how the fuck did we fuck this up so badly? they can do good but they always choosing to be assholes instead.
Well part of it is because humans for whatever dumb reason have a 'creator complex' they think they can do it better than the creator can. Is why humans FUCKING EVERYTHING UP. And why the old civilizations had to be mass incinerated and technology removed because guess what humans were doing when humans lived to be over thousand years old? FUCKING OVER EVERYTHING. ruining the entire planet, and using advanced technology to fuck everything up. Had they not been massmurdered they would have destroyed the entire planet.
And now back at it, what is this idiocy of humans where you don't respect what is here, but you have to destroy everything that is here and transform it into something else?
>humans not good enough we must mass hybridize them and get rid of the diffferent types
You produce ABOMINATION EL AMERICANOS DEL DIABLOS. bunch of retarded mulatto jew whatever else hybrids who hate that humans have different types cause of they don't feel they fit in particularly well with the main groups.
I’m convinced that nick is an ftm troon. Look at that poster
he looks frighten knowing Tatted up could reach over and rape his faggot ass at any moment and he's' used to the false perception that he's an Alpha Male.
Posture* stupid phone post
And humans keep saying they have free choice and free will to manifest their own destiny, the human cockroach elon musk is even saying humans should terraform mars. Oh you not done fucking up this planet, don't dial down population over time, don't deal with ecological disasters and so on. No go to mars somehow.
Your space x rockets going to be erased elon musk retard. You not going fucking anywhere, says who? SAYS THE CREATOR IS WHO SAYS IT.
You don't fucking get to choose you not having a bargaining position here. Fucking idiot fucks have this entire planet can't even share it evenly as if you are the only life that matters here? in case you didn't notice there's literally billions other lifeforms here too.
IDIOT APE, and then this jew faggot is busy trying to larp as neo nazi to demonize anyone against invasion of entire countires. Won't leave eachother the fuck alone!

SO THIS JEW FAGGOT GETTING ROASTED FOR BEING ACTING LIKE A LADY, yes i am laughing. Cause i'm a hater of man, just like the creator is, especially if that man is idiot trolls and assholes like nick jew faggot fuentes.
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Yeah, I get it, he's gay, but please explain his hand. I know him and his QT sister were test tube babies, but I just don't understand how a thumb can be shaped like that.
>he looks frighten knowing Tatted up could reach over and rape his faggot ass at any moment and he's' used to the false perception that he's an Alpha Male.
He looks like a woman who is sexually attracted to a guy. Leg across so they can semi flash their genitals, and fondling ear and hair is the nail in the coffin. THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT WOMEN DO when they interested in someone. It's subconcious for women, but faggots adopt similar mannerisms.
You can even catch a woman who is interested in you in the act if you want to be a bit of an ass, and she wouldn't even realize she's doing it.
>an argentinian says nick makes jews seethe like no other
>first and second reply to that post totally unhinged jewish seething
like clockwork
this is the most canadian post
I don't fucking care about E CELEBS!
I'm the exact opposite of a jew idiot.
And i'm scolding him because he's following a literal jew faggot around like a lapdog. Who is in interest of demonizing mass immigration and jew control of countries. And argentina has also elected the most jew kiss ass president ever who is busy selling them the argentineans mineral rights for nothing. And this is exactly how that happened is cause morons like him following this jew faggot around without paying attention to what is going on. That's how they managed to elect this moron.
If i was a jew i would not scold him but congratulate him, if i was a jew i'd say go follow this jew faggot nick fuentes some more.
A post so canadian it made a SWEDE stop and appreciate it
Nick is so effeminate it's disgraceful.
He literally needs to man up.
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>I'm the exact opposite of a jew idiot.
Sounds exactly like something a jew would say to throw a goy off the scent
of demonizing opposition to anti immigration and opposition to jews controlling top down most countries. Is what i meant to say.
If i was a jew nick fuentes and milei would be last persons i'd disuade anyone from following. And you can add the mexican jew president they just got to it too.
They are too busy chasing the tail of this jew faggot to even notice what is going on. And he's catering to them. "come to usa, christianity first" you following a jew faggot a multimillionaire paid by other jews in secret for doing this. So you can go work for a jew in USA.
this jew faggot got the central and south americans right where he wants them. And he's talking about how great it is they all coming to USA, no wonder they like him. Whilst the jews are becoming president of both argentina and mexico, they not even just backers of president now they ARE the presidents now.
OP caught slandering instead of addressing any points he makes again.

Gonna talk about how Hitler was secretly gay next?
>>I'm the exact opposite of a jew idiot.
>Sounds exactly like something a jew would say to throw a goy off the scent
So you doing the same script they are doing. I've said 100% of jews will be destroyed by creator, i've not said a single pro jewish thing in this thread, and you flaming me for saying milei is run by jews, and that you shouldn't follow a literal jew faggot nick fuentes who tries to demonize anyone against immigration or anyone against jewish control of nations.
You are the one speaking like a jew.
But the thing is it's the script and you are doing it now too.
if your narrative crumbles, call them a jew this way it still seems as if jews are persecuted and evil neo nazis on 4chan (lol a jew website) is out to get jews and it's illegitimate and it's about hate and it's about blablabla. And so you got to protect the jews and push immigration also even more. And hate the finnish patriots for example.
You are as transparent as a fucking window retard. You started out nice but then you reveal your true colors.
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>Gonna talk about how Hitler was secretly gay next?
fundamental lie exposed again. No patriot give a fuck about adolf hitler. It's a stupid war 70 years ago. People are against immigration not cause they like hitler or nazism. But because they fucking against racial and cultural warfare and invasion of every country.
Unironically those who are peddling mass immigration are the ones most similar to to hitler. Because you talk all this ww2 crap with your dumb american monkey ass. But hitler wanted to invade poland for make poland more for germans than polish.
Okay, you want poland for non polish, france for non france, british for non british, germany for non germans, sweden for non swedish, italy for non italians.
Please shut the fuck up you retard monkey. And this JEW FAGGOT nick fuentes is your excuse for why that is.
>can't you see it's bad those who are against this, we have this JEW FAGGOT in usa who is also against immigration, so being against immigration is now poo poo bad thing.
YOU ARE FUCKING IDIOT MONKEY and you done it for a decade straight online now.
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>don't read you are jew
the sayanim hard at work lol Damage controlling for this jew faggot and now for milei too!
I bet you think everyone believes you are from finland or ethnic finnish cause of your flag? LOL don't you jewmerican.
A guy that sassy has to be gay. I knew it all along.
>A guy that sassy has to be gay. I knew it all along.
Ofcourse he is, he's literally a jew faggot who is larping as patriot and whatever dumb shit for his fellow tribesmen. And now he has decided to push mass immigration even further after january 6th when he became a total asset as if he wasn't already by saying christian first, demonizing two fold christianity, and also nationalism and also what is the end result of his 'policy' it's the non stop export of central and south americans to usa who ofcourse are nice people mostly but different racially than the euro americans atleast. WITH THE EXCUSE THAT all it matters is they catholics. That's nice reframing of invasion. It's now invasion is okay cause look we getting all these fucking catholic.
Yes USA going to be fucking 90% catholic if you import central and south americans. Without a doubt. They are more fundamental christians than even many europeans are.
But it's still racial invasion so it changes nothing. He might aswell be joe biden or obama. He's doing a two fold demonization one he demonizes via strawman any actual anti immigration activists as bad people and neo nazis and whatever dumb shit, AND he is pushing the mass immigration they are already against. At same time. And he's a multimillionaire because of it. Something that ONLY HAPPENS when the jews back you. Which i can see why they would.
>they ban me from payment processors trust me i'm a literal jew faggot
>oh jews give me bitcoin to whitewash the money to start up cozy.tv and all the money i need and i pretend it's superchat donations
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This jew faggot as transparent as water, is how they want to leverage the immigrants votes for the republicans rather than the 'poc fuck all white people' democrats.
So they working it both ways, both parties for mass immigration now, but for different reasons, both trying to leverage the immigrant votes for the two party system (really uniparty) of usa.
And euro americans are FUCKED :D now they have NONE to vote for at all. Cause now if they go for the repubs, shit they just became catholic first which means non stop central and south american immigration. And legalization of any catholic illegals perhaps :D
it's going to be 90% catholic they going to CRUSH the fucking 'progressives' in USA. Yes, and USA will be a latino country and this jew faggot going to rent out properties to them (he's into property ownership at this point, he's a multimillionaire check his networth). So they will work for him, he's laughing. And then he going to find some homo to fuck in ass later on when his work is done. Or maybe he will do proforma marriage and fuck a homo in secret. Heck this jew faggot might even run for actual political office.
HUMANS ARE SO BORING, you are so stupid so faggot monkeys so transparent so idiotic in everything you do, everything is so obvious you are stupid pathetic incompetent moronic assholes who even use victimhood as excuse to hurt other races and cultures. Look at the african americans, colonial trashbucket scum should never set a foot outside africa. Even more colonial scum than the british americans. Whining about themselves how USA and everywhere else not more for them.
The JOKE OF THE PLANET IS HUMANITY is why the creator enjoys massmurdering you as he will again. Cause you FUCKING EVERYTHING UP, EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH YOU TURN TO SHIT. That you have 0.5% who nice to animals and everybody doesn't matter when they are crushed under the weight of your collective nonsense and stupidity. And overbreed so fucking much that albatros have to throw up plastic because these filthy overbred swine with too much territory litter the entire ocean with it cause they won't even clean up their beaches.
MASSMURDER IS ON THE MENU and the creator loves doing it.
Your love of money is going to get you massmurdered you retarded jew and everyone who support you will follow you into your grave.
There is something poetically beautiful about being massmurdered/tortured to death by your own creator. A father or a mother killing their own child is a crime, for they did not make the child, they simply are under the same blueprint as other humans. It is a self replicating system that operates by its own design and picks and chooses to bring forth various subtypes and so on and manifests different traits based on geolcation. So it's one thing if your own mother and father hates you and wants you dead. But your own creator, showing up face to face and murdering you outright. That is the ultimate humiliation. And you do like to troll and humiliate and ruin others don't you human.
To be destroyed by your own creator showing up face to face, this is the ones who made every single fucking thing that exists on this planet, the plants the trees the insects the EVERYTHING and yes even humans the most regrettable decision.
That's is the fate of every jew on this planet. Stay alive, get that life extension technology going, you have a lot to look forward to!
I am a RAGING antisemite, make no mistake, however the creator is the biggest one :D and i am a big fan! And i hate humans cause of he does too, for understandable reasons. I'm a good boy. I'm not a piece of shit.

And all you can run around think about is how MANY MULATTOS AND AFRICANS YOU WANT IN POLAND. and you calling others retarded you calling others evil. Humans are evil scum most of them and YOU WILL DIE, not by my hand from me you have nothing to fear, worse. By the 'hand' of your OWN CREATOR!
You'd wish i would have killed you, but i am not going to, why would i? why would i go against the creator? lol
Very weird shilling in here. Doesn't everyone already know and not care that Nick is gay because he appropriately keeps it private in the closet? Weird amount of effort.
Spics on here GENUINELY BELIEVE this incel never-touched-a-woman-and-almost-30 faggot is going to lead some kind of catholic spiritual revolution, lmao
More like his constant begging for fame on the internet.
>Very weird shilling in here. Doesn't everyone already know and not care that Nick is gay because he appropriately keeps it private in the closet? Weird amount of effort.
it's weird is it you idiotic american monkey
for 8 years you been plastering this JEW FAGGOT on everywhere online, in cnn in msnbc in reddit in facebook, in everywhere and on 4chan run by these idiot jews to try to say
>behold this is what a patriot is, a jewish homosexual who also praises taliban, so we must increase immigration by 200x because we can't let these neo nazi bigots like nick fuentes win.
And then we find out ofcourse, he's a literal JEW FAGGOT. and you think oh this merits no attention. HAHAHA are you getting nervous? he doest protest too much.
Don't worry if he falls down and descends in europhoria into the biggest slope of faggotry more recently seen, you will prop up some more airheads and use them as strawmen instead. It's what you do!
>More like his constant begging for fame on the internet.
Yes they plaster him everywhere on every medium including cnn for 8 years and then
>one thread talking about he's a jewish homosexual. WHY ARE YOU OBSSESED
I'm not i'm laughing!
>this incel never-touched-a-woman-and-almost-30 faggot
Fornicating is evil
>is going to lead some kind of catholic spiritual revolution
He doesn't have to, numbers are rising, conversions are happening, I'm seeing the churches fill up with higher numbers in real time
The crowd was mostly white, and big too. Nick won, cope harder kike
I can't fucking stand people that have fingers like that. Their fingers bend fucking like bananas and backwards just fucking freakishly.
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Straight men don’t sit like this.
your human value to other humans is what keeps you alive. faggots have no value to other humans and anal sex creates and spreads disease. you're literally harming other humans if you're a faggot. faggots deserve to die for that alone.
You put yourself at serious risk of getting your knee destroyed if someone attacks you while you're sitting like that.
>Spics on here GENUINELY BELIEVE this incel never-touched-a-woman-and-almost-30 faggot is going to lead some kind of catholic spiritual revolution, lmao
No i mean seriously. He is doing it perfectly aside from he can't stop showing what a faggot he is in public. But this jew faggot is mainlining central and south american mass immigration to USA by removing the racial filter (aka catholic first) so you don't have to get christian catholicism for him, i mean central and south americans will fucking do that for you. He just have to pretend he is one and mainlining it for jew money. That's the point of the inversion. Catholic first rather than race preservation first catholic second is. Now you bypass the only filter there is to mass immigration is, you put race last. Then if you do that, dude there's barely anybody more christian on this planet than central and south americans it's like 80-90% You seen the religious demographics?

So he just have to argue to let them all in and say praise jesus. and he can go fuck a homo in secret. the catholics will promoting the catholic things he doesn't have to do shit. This is how the jews subvert the republicans slight resistance to mass immigration and get BOTH PARTIES FULLY ON BOARD WITH IT.

But he's still a jew faggot and a liar and actually unironically a pusher of mass immigration. And do you see look at timeline when he started that? after january 6th. he setup cozy.tv and became catholic first.
Nick, you're 25 years old. Twink death is rapidly approaching. Just give in to your desires or live to regret it.
>95 posts by this ID
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Nobody needed a mexican honey pot who shills Laura loomer and trump to know about zionists prior, so why the fuck do we need him now?
You think this fag is some great leader?
You are a mentally ill jewish homosexual ROFL
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lol yeah wtf is up with his thumbs
>94 posts by memeflag trying to convince people that one of the most charasmatic anti-israel politicians in the world is, in fact, a jew, and shouldn't be listened to.
What could possibly be your agenda??
laughing at humanity the disgusting idiots you are, laughing at the jews who are all on death row, laughing at this JEWISH FAGGOT you been plastering around for 8 years use as boogeyman to increase immigrations pretending this is what a patriot is. YOU BET. If i could type fast enough to write a million replies and this stupid 4chan jewish nonsense gemmatria board would allow it i fucking would.
This is a good day a good for laughter about this evil JEWISH HOMOSEXUAL who can't even keep his fucking fraud in character when in public. He behave like lady! Fantasizing about the guy fucking him in ass, cause there's a bed next to him. And he thinks he is well hung or whatever rofl.
You want everybody depressed. Nobody who hates humanity as much as the creator does is ever depressed, cause i don't expect too much of you you understand :D there are very nice few people in world, those i like, but it's like finding a unicorn. Nobody expect too much of you, and it is expected that you follow this JEWISH FAGGOT all the way to his fucking grave. Don't mind me laughing about it.
Look out dude, the creator is going to kill you for being one of th 99.99% idiot monkies
>You are a mentally ill jewish homosexual ROFL
hahaha. It's that what you got sayanim ROFL
>What could possibly be your agenda??
He's a literal JEWISH FAGGOT trying to push central and south american invasion of USA, and also demonizing any anti immigration activists as fucking retards and idiots, by the media using him as strawman.
Maybe you should think about what your own agenda is lol. Why do you defend him? ROFL
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>NO U hahaha. It's that what you got sayanim ROFL
>Look out dude, the creator is going to kill you for being one of th 99.99% idiot monkies
Yes. It's even in the bible. What does it start off with. I regret making humans so i will destroy almost all life on planet save a few humans. What does it end with? Oh he's going to massmurder 99.9% of humans and anyone who has been annoying
Its right there, why do you deny it?
And the irony is, this jew faggot DOESN'T EVEN KNOW ABOUT IT.
And that's just what you know from the bible, there's more to the story than this stupid bible LOL.
Because it happened prior to that aswell. Cause you are obnoxious assholes and you prove it everytime you open your trolling harassing mouthes. Yes you will be destroyed for saying annoying words not just cause of your deeds.
But that's literally what you do you crying troll ape. You literally went 'no u'
Somehow I'M the jewish homosexual instead of nick fuentes. How fucking many levels of COPE are we talking about here? you tell me? :D
The only thing the creator wants, to move this idiot ape species forward is not that you build things or decide to shape whatever as you please. They can make anything for humans. What they want is nice humans, they don't care about your slight difference in intelligence or other things that make you different types. They not playing favourites they HATE YOU ALL. because you all are lacking in what. being nice and not being trolling obnoxious monkey thinking you should have more than anybody else. And playing last man on hill about it. That's why you keep being erased, and it's not the sun and it's not a meteor that's cope. That's not what did it. Entire underground cities stand empty without bodies they were sucked out like poison from a wound trying to hide from what was coming after them from above. Little did it help them.
You want to do electro human buggalo for the 10th time although they admit there has been 5. NOT SMART are you monkey.
It's why you read in the bible the creator wanted to destroy all humans but noah says please don't, okay i spare a few, BUT EVERYONE ELSE, going to be erased. And then it ends as it began. The bible. Second time, this time the animals spared targetting ONLY HUMANS, ONLY HUMANS; leaving animals alone. You're fucked monkey, is what it means, you are genetically tagged, they livestream your every thought and action. Your brain transmit the data to them. They know everything they doing if you lie or tell truth. You are a tagged species on dna level. Cause you are annoying and brutalizing you evil scum is the only thing that stops you from trolling and let's say if a human gets wiped out the one next to him, is now highly motivated to not be an ANNOYING FAGGOT. only then do you understand what situation is. You think you are charge of this planet. YOU IN CHARGE OF NOTHING, you are PUT in charge, you are not in charge, don't you ever feel in charge. That is what will kill you.
I know what the creator wants, not you you annoying faggot kike ROLF keep lying to yourself that you know ANYTHING when you know NOTHING
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Controlled op zog bot faggots.
This jew faggot has not opened a bible anymore than about a hour or so in his entire life. This jew faggot is there to push mass central and south american immigration to USA and remove the racial filter of racial preservation by putting catholic first. And that's about the only thing this jew faggot cares about catholicism for. :D he's mainlining central and south american mass immigration for the jew repubs, that's his function. Is why laura loomer an azhkenazi jew is also supporter of christianity first in USA. In europe it's racial preservation first belief second. Because otherwise you ARE FUCKING WITH WHAT THE CREATOR HAS MADE.
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IDF Loomers paid actors.
You're both completely retarded
Silence idiot ape jew fag
>I know what the creator wants, not you you annoying faggot kike ROLF keep lying to yourself that you know ANYTHING when you know NOTHING
what a projection again a NO U.
You know nothing you retarded ape, the jews for sure don't know shit neither do muslims.
The stupid jews with a hexagram of saturn around their neck as a necklace or around their banner. That was a local rival deity worshipped in arabia, that the followers of the sumerian skygod was directly opposed to. It's called in the bible chiun or remphan worship. The hexagon or hexagram in middle of the israeli flag represents the hexagon storm on saturn, so does the black cube in mecca that has existed way before islam and muhammad. It used to have 365 idols in it, muhammad only kept the black stone.
>101 posts
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>just let a gay be gay, hows he bothering you
never listened to him, is he yet another Closeted Conservative? there are sooo many of these closeted conservative fags, as many as Catholic pedo priests, it deserves a study of some kind,
>You're both completely retarded
you are both retards, i'm not. But ofcourse a retarded monkey moron doesn't realize he is. Is why you fuck everything up, american.
Few on earth has fucked up the world more than americans and your stupid ideas and notions. Of that USA holds the undisputed record in this cycle. Because USA control the internet, you make everyone retarded and manipulate the earth population to be as stupid and full of shit as you.
I'm sorry that you can't keep up, not my problem.
And you following this jew faggot and try to do damage control for him.
Jake destroyed Nick's shaved butthole with his giant cock.
Btw. i've just told you who is the harlot in the bible. It's mecca. It's the black cube, the harlot and mother of false religions. Judaism and islam come from it. It's even dressed in a burka and they flow around it like water to simulate the procession of the hexagon on saturns north pole.
Wrong again idiot jew
Is it true that Jake pounded Nick's twink bussy?
>Wrong again idiot jew
And i just tell you where judaism come from. They go from arabia via edom to judea, and larp as abrahamics that worship the storm god the skygod creator, of the sumerians. Then they to this day these jews you say i am put a black cube on forehead and arm. And you still don't fucking realize who these jews are ROFL.
Look it up, it's called TEFFILIN it's the black cube in mecca. They are not followers of abraham, they are followers of this saturn stupid retard deity.



>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

>The Fake Controlled Right Wing

>Group Chat Leak EXPOSES Jewish Bribery Network

>Tim Pool is Controlled Opposition


>Nick Fuentes x Keith Woods x SNEAKO

>Nick Fuentes x Cheesur Stream

>Nick Fuentes vs Gavin McInnes | Zionism DEBATE
The jews be they banana retard afro americans with hexagon necklace or the semitic ones, simply went and took the abrahamic skygod deity canon and said
>we see in this that abraham was chosen, we going to say we was the chosen, and we going to say this means we best of all creation and we going to say this means we can treat others like crap and the creator is only for us
You going to be NOTHING for doing this.
Because what was the task force of the sumerians? they had this guy 'satan' who was one of them who had performed genetic experimentation in secret on humans. And he was executed for it, black ops commander, dubbed 'the watchers' watching human civilization.
So after they all got erased, now the creator goes and says to the sumerians much later after the fall, because this happen, i want you to do specific thing for me, not i can't do it myself it is SYMBOLIC i want you to do this. As part of your penance for being allowed to stay alive (99.9% of humans wiped out) and i take you from ur in sumeria where the original offense happened long before sumerian civilization. You going to tell the world that we are COMING AGAIN. the hebrews not better than others not even close. It was part of their penance.
The retard JEW then use it to mean chosen means 'better than others' it's all larp made up that this is what it means.
This is who jew is, a lying trashbucket from arabia/edom. STILL ROCKING THE BLACK CUBE AND HEXAGON. and the banana retard african larpers even dumber. Because ofcourse they see.
>jews have this trick where they use this to say they better than others. HURR, we going to say africans are the chosenites and so we better than others and we do same
even funnier cause NONE OF THEM WERE EVEN THOSE PEOPLE. If you understand who they are, it's the ones you least expect :D and the funniest part they don't even know, not that it matters cause the work is all done.
YOU NOW KNOW THE CREATOR WILL COME and kill 99.9% of humans again and restore biosphere in various ways. Everyone who annoyed the creator. The taskwork complete of the 'chosen' to perform the taskwork. The whole world now knows.
What do the jew faggot know about that. NOTHING. If they did they'd not behave this way cause they are 100% of them on death row.
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Saw this pic on Twitter.

This is gonna be one of those things like Nicky Crane or Frank Collin where people are gonna look back and wonder how nobody knew this guy was a rag and if we were all fucking retarded or something.
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You KNOW he wrecked this lil fed bois holes.
What time is AFPAC 4 tonight?
>Claims to be a straight White man
>Is actually a gay spic
Many such cases
Imagine making this edit and calling anybody else gay lmao
>107 posts
>this fucking long
you know what, fuck it, I'm backing out of this thread
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>Who is Nick Fuentes?
Nick Fuentes is a federal asset. His purpose is to embarrass and fracture the political right, while steering it away from white nationalism and towards “Christian nationalism”.
>Nick destroyed and exposed by Mister Metokur:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34Zufn6bE-Y&t=1975s&ab_channel=Xyzern [Embed]
>Nick argues that having sex with women is gay:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y-IG2W1Cns&ab_channel=KinoCasinoClips [Embed]
>Nick called on his followers to enter the Capitol on Jan 6th (they faced criminal charges while he mysteriously did not):
>Nick claims that blacks, Jews, and Mexicans are “based”:
>Nick expresses his hatred of working class whites:
>Nick knew in 2017 that Ali Alexander was a pedophile, yet continued to work with him for years:

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ITT jews seething
What is your little homofaggot know who practically didn't open a bible in his life, much like donald trump the idiot. Nothing. He's just a lying jew faggot peddling mass central and south american immigration to USA leveraging the catholicism in the central and south americans, it's the jew republicans way to neutralize the filter of mass immigration which is put the race last and put the culture first. Christianity first, how convenient the races you want most of in USA are all catholic up to 90% and this is to this extent this jew knows anything about the bible.
Because ofcourse jewish faggots got their own little retard faggot version of bible which i already explained, it's called the babylonian talmud.
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Imagine shilling for nick the ADL honey pot fuentes, i mean just damn, i bet your momma is proud.
>>107 posts
>>this fucking long
>you know what, fuck it, I'm backing out of this thread
Yes quit whilst you think you are ahead, best decision you made in your entire life monkey.
>Imagine shilling for nick the ADL honey pot fuentes, i mean just damn, i bet your momma is proud.
EXACTLY why are they defending him, this jewish faggot has been demonizing patriots and anyone against immigration as neo nazis, haters of women and everything else for 8 years. Anyone who defends him is a fucking litmus test at this point. And this jew faggot going to accomplish central and south american mass immigration to USA anyways, which is the point. He's not pro european rofl. Be it euro american or whatever else. He's a literal JEWISH FAGGOT.
The primitive, simian violence of this humiliating sodomy. Nick's increasingly high-pitched cries for it to stop, to no avail.
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lmfao that is some serious cope.
nick is like 27 and hitting the wall.


this is a paid spammer
he does this in every single thread about every single person that names the jew
I bet this retard hitler was a jew himself. Also notice how hitler and many others fucking dined at same cafe. Nobody destroyed germany more than him.
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but as the example of nick shows, most of you have no gaydar, so how will the ethnostate find us and round us all up?
He keeps being caught being gay because he's as gay as fuck.
Odd that Kanye ended up with two closet faggot chaperones when he could have ended up with literally anyone else in the space.
>nick is like 27 and hitting the wall.
Literal homosexual jew hands typed this post.
Kek you know your position is retarded when the 110 post schitzo agrees with you
>111 posts of bot spam
he's the guy with the memeflag, he does this everyday, I'm not even joking
Body language expert here. The right leg is crossed so that her crotch is pointing away from the guy on the couch. The Latina is NOT interested.
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They really are desperate, i think nick likes the abuse,, these e celebs know they have no traction here, and the feds just keep fucking trying.
Low hanging fruit psyops, but idiots will still fall for it so they can justify their comfy desk jobs and ADL funding for getting some drunk redneck autistic kid to say the wrong thing on telegram.
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>every single person that names the jew
grifting e celebs and hoey pot theatrics spouting nothing new*
you wish
Usually its meme flags creating nick threads and even shilling for nick, so i see what youre trying to do.
>>Is actually a gay spic
>Many such cases
nono a JEWISH FAGGOT. fuentes is a sephardic jew name. Once you realize this it's all making sense. They converted to catholicism specifically because they were GUILTY for helping muslims the ummayad caliphate invade and occupy spain unprovoked for 800 years, when they muslims were kicked out, some of them were given a choice. Convert to catholicism and say christ is king, OR you get expelled from spain. Fuentes is such a family that did the former.
Notice how his 'christ is king' is almost mockery by this little jew faggot because what is he doing? He's shitting all over christianity, he's saying christians are secretly nazi or whatever, he's saying majority christian anything is bad and evil. And he's literally doing all of this just to import central and south americans for his repub jews. So they can get both repubs and dems on board of non stop immigration neutralizing the little repub resistance left in it.
That's exactly what he's doing. Is why laura loomer is all infactuated with him. THEY BOTH JEWS. This is what is so stupid about neo nazis which are ofcourse never european patriots who don't give fuck about it fuck hitler and ww2, worst disaster for europe, don't want european countries racially taken over by other people though. Is that. We are to pretend same as 4chan run by jews. That jews are in secret romance with neo nazis. Who they alledge want to throw them in death camps. NO it's all bullshit. It was jewish bullshit from start to finish.
if jews so fucking worried about nazis why they making them up all the time and protecting them? And you find out they are jewish time and time again. THEY NEED NEO NAZISM TO EXIST TO DEMONIZE NORMAL PEOPLE AS SUCH. that's why.
You know it's true, nicks a honey pot.
you are a paid spammer
you do this every single day
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Heres one example
>you wish
Literal homosexual jew hands typed this post.
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If there werent multiple threads of nick up a day i wouldnt be able to now would i?
Heres another example.
>They really are desperate, i think nick likes the abuse,, these e celebs know they have no traction here, and the feds just keep fucking trying.
have you checked his networth, he's filthy rich he's a multimillionaire, and his money is gotten by demonizing patriots across the world as neo nazis. And he's a literal JEWISH FAGGOT. Why would he not like the attention.
>If there werent multiple threads of nick up a day i wouldnt be able to now would i?
you do this everyday because you're paid to do this everyday, this is your job
>If there werent multiple threads of nick up a day i wouldnt be able to now would i?
>Heres another example.
Well it works in tandem on this jewish 4chan. You been plastering this retard everywhere online for last 8 years. And it's the american two combo. First you plaster this retard pretend to hate him, then you come to his defense, oh and a third one then they come and say
>well if they hate this guy so much maybe he's alright
and it's all the same people doing it.
You stupid morons think everyone as retarded as americans at this point.
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>im the paid shill
Get fucked shills, fuck yoru honey pot psyop boi, and fuck loomer and (((trump))) and the whole fake left right dichotomy, nobody gives a FUCK, i hope you all get eaten by your handlers when they realize how much you fucking fail at your jobs.
sitting like the biggest gay in town, he can't get away with it this time.
>Usually its meme flags creating nick threads and even shilling for nick, so i see what youre trying to do.
Delusional lmao
kill jannies, drop kick jannies....
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Ah yes im getting paid to shill against loomers obvious psyop puppet who shills for trump.
lol, just lol at you.
he starts those threads himself with a memeflag, just like he's spamming this thread
he's been caught several times doing so
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I even posted exampled but continue to take Ls nick shills.
yes, you are
you do this everyday
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How many underage boy pics are on nick and loomers pc?
You clearly get paid to do this but also have legit problems, most likely.
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You shill for a lil mexican larping as a nazi every single day.
Ever heard the saying "dont throw stones from glass houses"
I'm not shilling for everyone, I'm just saying you do this everyday because you do this everyday,
pages and pages and pages and pages
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>You clearly get paid to do this but also have legit problems, most likely.
Well my payment is that everytime an ADL honey pot thread gets fucked an Angel gets its wings, and larry loomer has to dilate.
>legit problems
I cant help i see past your bs, maybe try making your bs smell less like bs?
Yes the loomie rofl infactuated with nick fuentes 'catholic first' cause they both jews and know what it means. catholic first race second means. ENDLESS STREAM OF CENTRAL AND SOUTH AMERICANS, which is what biden and obama and so on were already doing. Why are they doing same thing as dems, is they want to neutralize republicans slight disagreement with mass immigration, by neutralizing the racial factor, and saying. Dude vote republican we want catholic first.
So now if they can swing it both repubs and democrats are for mass immigration. Democrats "cause i hate white people" republicans "cause christ is king and racial protectionism takes second place".
Do you see what they doing yet? or do you need a box of crayons and go back to kindergarden to do school over again to understand basic logic.
Everything is so obvious these retarded jewish faggots motivations are as transparent as glass. They are reframing it to desperately take race out of the equation. Because if you take racial preservation out of the equation, then there IS NO FUCKING REASON TO NOT HAVE ENDLESS IMMIGRATION. Ofcourse not. Because the only ones against mass immigration is cause it's racial and cultural warfare and invasion and takeover of entire countries creating racial strife over who the fuck territory is this anyways?
he's either a literal retard or a bot
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You love me.
I'm just exposing this because you're paid to smear people who name the jew

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>he's either a literal retard or a bot
Ah yes the jewish bot, man i remember when you guys were calling me a russian bot.
And they are trying to do it via strawmen of a few people like nick fuentes, john minadeo and others in a way that whilst they doing that they demonizing any patriots worldwide as neo nazis if they against immigration.
>look stop being bigot why you not put jesus first and your race second.
And if you look up the bible you will see it's all tribal is why europeans always put racial preservation first, religion second. because OTHERWISE YOU FUCKING WITH WHAT THE CREATOR HAS MADE. he has made different human types! as he has made other lifeforms and their different types.
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>smear people who name the jew
Who? Nick? HT? Hammer?
All paid actors. You know i'm right, cmon man drop the act for one day.
I wont tell.
>I'm just exposing this because you're paid to smear people who name the jew
he's a literal JEWISH FAGGOT, and his 'naming the jew' consists of anyone who points out jews is a mafia cult who probably owns too much is looked upon like a lunatic nazi who want to throw them in death camps.
Rather than jews is an evil cult of hatred period. And like muslims it deserves a hardcore ban to extent that humans can do anything about this mess before the creator comes and wipes them all out with full malice.
>29 pbtid

>116 pbtid

this is the same person
>Who? Nick? HT? Hammer?
all people who name the jew
Kek why even keep posting if you aren't being paid this is humiliating >>471236600
The j-boys are really mad at this zoomzoom mexican maga nigga
>Who? Nick? HT? Hammer?
>All paid actors. You know i'm right, cmon man drop the act
You got it, an american got it, ladies and gentlemen you have witnessed today a fucking unicorn, you got it, you nailed it!
Notice how the MSM in USA play along. how many different cities they got to be in in USA before you start to say. these are same people. 6000 times? is that the number we are looking for? 666 times? rofl.
They each report on them a thousand times atleast so idk if they looking for a number here.
And every report is
>nazis in such city
and then article
>oh people of that city got a nazi problem, should we be worried, yes we should
the fucking people who live there don't even know WHO THE FUCK THEY ARE!
But now that entire city or whatever is nazi cause of they been there. False association game and mischaracterizations, the name of the game.
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Now youre just lying, you know that has a price right?
Paid actors, nick already honey potted people on the 6th, HT was literally an actor who pushes DnC agendas and honey pots on telegram, Hammer is the same except he also shilled for men to die inn Ukraine.
All connected to Larry Loomer.
You guys made it obvious, im not a fucking detective ffs.
HAHA no it's not you desperate sayanim.
They acting if we are same person now fyi.
it's so incredibly retarded


you do this everyday, this is your job, nothing you say matters
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Lets just say i'm a righteous Prophet.
If you really wanted me to stop make Jon apologize to Fidelity.
>Lets just say i'm a righteous Prophet.
you are a paid spammer, probably from india since you keep using memeflags and changing your location
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>this is your job
lmfao i'm on an i5 eating hot dogs for lunch.
If im the fed it aint paying very well to name the larry loomer honey pots.
And also why 666 in case the flag of israel and hexagon jewlry not enough. 666 is saturn, hexagon storm on saturn and black cube. The worshippers of that is worshipping saturn, called remphan and chiun in bible, that be your jews and the afrotard jews black hebrew israelites too. LOL. this is a local deity that the abrahamic skygod worshippers from sumeria hated. That moved up from arabia via edom to judea. The abrahamics come from sumer, modern day iraqis. That was title of abraham abraham of ur, they were contacted. "because of fall of man you are to perform a symbolic function of your lineage of things that happened way before sumeria, as penance to stay alive, (99.9% of humans eradicated on purpose) you are to go to this place, and then you will also tell the world that creator is coming back to destroy all humans who annoys us and does bad things, only targetting man. But you are to wait for emmisary we will send, we sending one disguised as man, he will enter this world through womb of a VIRGIN. And from him he will tell you what happen in more detail. Go abraham leave sumeria and go to this place. (israel/judea).
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You keep lying, it's not good for your hair line.
I promise you its not me, im not that invested fucking hell. That mee flag types like a woman desu but they aint lying.
I'm not calling you a fed, I'm calling you a paid spammer, you do this every single day and can't explain why other than schizo rambling
>You keep lying, it's not good for your hair line.
>you are a paid spammer, probably from india
they do that also two things, call you jew jew jew when they have narrative crusher or say you indian or shitskin cause the goal is to get indians to think everyone hate them or other races and get them to target lars up in norway or whatever. Or hans from germany or euro americans. The goal is anti european hatred and fake neo nazism as excuse for it.
You notice these few subroutines they have there's only around 200 of them that's the entire manifold of their tricks, they repeat them. Shit they even call me jew over 20 times itt thread there aren't many variations of it.
If you post with non geoflags (flags are all spoofed for international agitation) they get BIG MAD.
Nick lives rent free in your head lmao he won
>121 proof shilling
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Who would pay me to spam against an ADL honey pot? You cant say "the jews" because why would nick shill for laura loomer a self proclaimed "zionist" if i was a jew?
Nick is perfect for the jews, he's the perfect propped up pony show so the left can say "yeah look how gay those nazi white supremacists are"
It's all conflation, cia, fbi bullshit.
So who would pay me?
hes the equivalent of jews spraying their own synagogues to garnish more supports.
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Maybe his coal burner sister can get it, but nah not fed boy nick, i'm surprised hes being propped up at all, it's a clown show.
Also even funnier these stupid jew faggots don't even know there's a plugin for 4chan to reveal your spoofed pixel geoflag underneath any 'memeflag' the dumb fucks don't even know about that ROFL.
Most of them also bots but some of them get a few money for every post they do deriding europeans rofl and trying to 'demoralize patriots' on a board almost zero global patriots are on, which is a honeypot astroturf website to label europeans and euro americans as neo nazis.
You cannot make up how dumb these 4chan monkeys are rofl. Or how dumb the jews are that run it. It's actually in matter of fact fashion the precise reason they have so many protestors in campuses in USA. Because they been shadowboxing fake nazis here, then when they want to protest israel, they see jewish power, in form of control of police. HAHAHAHA now they starting to hate jews. Wow didnt that backfire, almost like you shouldn't have mainlined any jew hatred for fake nazi at all. And you entrapped noone, because euro and euro american patriots are simply against racial warfare, not FOR IT, is why they are against invasion and racial takeover, and now jew is in serious trouble in regards to israels hardcore stance on hamas.
These jewish faggots are just fucking themselves in ass but they got so much money they'll get all those people fired and frozen out of society these young budding students ROFL. They going to see what jew do if you critique jew outside of 4chan where they want you to for the fake nazi shit. They going to see what happens rofl.
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Nick is 100% straight and makes bitches wet. He is the last hope for the White Man.
She's not a coal burner.
>>121 proof shilling
It's what is called being passionate about what you talk about, like hating this EVIL JEW FAGGOT for demonizing patriots worldwide as neo nazis.
You got no such passion cause you just a stupid anti european racist who here to slander europeans and mock and ridicule and whatever. You are a stupid little fucking annoying cockroach troll monkey, and you will get what it is you fucking deserve. Sometimes i wish i was the one giving it to you but i know things are best served for the creator himself. He loves massmurdering and torturing annoying humans for what evil you do to others. HE LOVES IT. And you going to find out. Whatever rage i have, it is NOTHING compared to what he is, seeing you toady about like a fucking windup toy, meandering about like a retard, spewing your nonsensical bile in all directions.
Yeah he’s 100% a faggot, and a bottom too
Trust me, I know
>Nick is 100% straight and makes bitches wet. He is the last hope for the White Man.
It doesn't matter if you make some horny female monkey wet, if you are a literal JEW FAGGOT who think they have cooties and that touching a vagina is a punishment similar to dying in hellfire.

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