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Christianity would basically be the Jewish sect if not him
even though peter is the one that first spread the gospel to gentiles
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The man who never met Jesus
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>kike intruding into a Christian thread on an explicitly anti-Kike message board
Just a fun fact he's mentioned in the dead sea scrolls as a great deceiver and liar
Well Christianity is Noahidism. It's designed as a lower tier Judaism for gentiles.
He clashed with Paul in Antioch over circumcision necessity.
I love Jesus my words can't even express it
Paul be like I walked in Damascus with a guy and then understood it was Jesus
I agree you are a parasite
And he very well could be Simon the Magus.
There was totaly full Torah Moses Christianity of James the Brother of the Lord.
Jesus organized the greatest war uprising in history
Paulinism over Judeo-Nazarean religion.
>no u
Ashkenazi verbal IQ is declining
Neron Kesar triple post
>ignores all the other apostles and people in the early church

Show the passage
christianity is low calorie judaism, AKA jewish lite
The prophecies about Jesus would be sufficient if we didnt have the books of Paul.

Isaiah 49:6 he says: "It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes of Jacob and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that my salvation may reach to the ends of the earth."
It is Paul the Roman Secret Agent's Christianity "Eat anything sold in the meat market without raising questions of conscience 1 Corinthians 10:25-27" that rejected the Torah.
There was James brother of Lord Christianity. And it was more correctly to be called Nazarenity.
Were there any other Apostles eho advocated for the complete rejection of the Law?
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There is still hope for you, turn towards the light
Nigger, the dead sea scrolls aren't some fucking anime scroll with hidden messages. It's literally just the Old Testament with variations in script compared to the Masoretic text which everyone uses today for the Hebrew OT.

It would make no sense at all for it to mention Paul or any likeness to him.
Christianity would have died out like Ebionites
He probably refers to the Damascus document
>complete rejection of the Law
t. never read Paul
>It's designed as a slave tier for gentiles
More like that.
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It is a Jewish sect. It’s messianic judaism for goys.
Paul is the only written first person account of seeing the resurrected Jesus. He said "I have seen the Lord"
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I hate cuckstians
Their sects's stupid dogma and its misrepresentation of God kept me from asking for his help and blessings.
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"we have been released from the law so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit, and not in the old way of the written code." Romans 7:6

I don't advocate for obeying the Law of Moses. But wasn't it Paul who said we don't have to abide despite serious opposition
Christianity defeats itself. In its own words, “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits.” Christianity has produced no “good fruits”, Christians are a bunch of mentally ill, Jewish cock sucking proto socialist losers, that’s Christianity’s “fruit”.
Paul is kiked.
All Abrahamic faiths are schizo bullshit.
As soon as you realize all Abrahamic bullshit and the kike king are the true final boss, we will never get out of this Jew hell
I bet you call yourself a Christian and aren't even circumcised
Its still a jewish sect.
Just a reminder anon,

A considerable amount of kikes in Israel aren't even ashkenazi jews. This could just be some persian fake jew

Both are incestuous, the ladder is dumber
*Saul of Tarsus
He spoke Greek mostly
Lol, okay shlomo. We'll leave you to the muzzies.
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Lets read that one.
Oh boy another bible self contradiction!
>Masoretic text which everyone uses today for the Hebrew OT
anon please
The Pauls didn't teach anything like Sabbatean redemption-through-sin, but they were definitely closer to being Gnostics like John than classic Hebrews.
>ITT butthurt circumized amerimutt golems
Paul was based
my bad referenced the wrong anon
False Paul the false apostle.
He's the reason why the Christians turn into bigots why they hate the gays and the Jews. He was an evil man and I'm sure he's in hell.
But Gnostics were more close to classical Herbrews than Pauline Christians, weren't they?
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He knew something.
Paul was a based self hating jew, he turned Jesus's pussified bullshit into an ideology of strength, wrath, and hate.
You won’t leave me to shit, you don’t exist. There are no “based christians”, you all just exist on /Pol/, in real life the majority of christians are ethnics or geriatric white boomers who suck off Israel.
It may very well be other way around
Two witnesses are required for any testimony. Why would we accept a pharisee's unsubstantiated claim?
>Christianity has produced no “good fruits”
Other than 1500 years of prosperity and conquering the entire planet.
Jesus was also a self hating jew, but he was a pussy that longed for a life of nothing, he wasn't concerned with life, he was concerned with life after death, so he championed everything being copacetic, living poor, and being a do nothing. Don't earn, don't achieve, don't have pride, everyone is as equally shitty as everyone else because we're all the loser children of Adam and Eve, until you worship him, he was a cult leader communist.
No, He turned Jesus teachings into pussified bullshit. Saulianity is the problem.
Jesus never spoke about the apocalypse or damnation, at least Paul had some ideas to scare people straight.
Jesus conducted the Jewish uprising and captured the Temple with his people. If he was a loser, why would Paul actually think of him in the first place?
Hirom00t is too busy to give us a /re/ board or what?
You have never glanced at a bible, you worthless retard. "rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell"
St Paul is based. He wrote that when a man lays with another man as if he were a woman those men are turned over to a reprobate mind causing the Holy Spirit to flee from them and Jesus to forget them forsaking their salvation forever. Faggots willingly violate natural law and pay the ultimate price. He was extremely antisemitic and wanted all jews to convert. Rabbis will retroactively claim he was one of them just like they do to mister hitler.
Because he promised what the hebrew religion failed at. The entire old testament was about how to live a good life and be rewarded by God in life.

Death was the shitty end, a few psalms from David talked about living forever, but the majority of the religion was about life not death.

So all the people asked why if they obeyed the law that their lives still sucked? Jesus promised that if you follow the law you'll be rewarded in the life after death.

It was a paradigm shift in contemporary thinking and converts flocked to this promise. No matter how shitty they were in their lives were, if they accept the new covenant, they'll be rewarded with eternal peace, not the shitty death plane of existence Sheol.

Paul just jumped on the band wagon and added fire and brimstone and the apocalypse.
>memeflag says the exact opposite of reality to gaslight for replies
Same shit on /pol/ every day.
There was no hell before Jesus, it was a late edition to the lore. Death was just a dreary place of nothingness. Hell as we think of it was added by the apostles chiefly Paul.
>Saul was based
Sure, if you're jewish like him.
>St Saul is based.
Sure, if you're jewish like him.
When a man lays with another man
But if a man except a man inside him it is not a sin and is protected
The Bible doesn’t want you pitching
It’s ok with you receiving
Burn in hell sodomites
>TFW no femboys christcuck to sodomize
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Implying it isn't.
>*Christcuck seething*
Not very Christian of you, bro
He met him in his mind. It was real in his mind Chaim. Like the holocaust.
No that's the talmud.
We’ll see who is seething when you are burning in hell for violating natural law, okay faggot?
Kikes unironically beat the shit out of Paul for turning kikes away from the law.
Nope. Peter went first, though it's fair to say that Paul had to put some correction down on Peter for his hypocrisy.
There's not one except Jesus.
Jeremiah told you that the new would include man and beast, and that the New would be UNLIKE the Old. The old, starts with "Hear oh Israel," a call to attend and a division of humanity.
>Simon the Magus.
A pupil of John the Baptist
Holy fuck you are retarded.
Peter didn’t do shit, it was Paul who first spread Christianity and was persecuted by kikes for it.
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>A jewish headline slandering the Church
Wow I've never seen this before, I'm going to form an opinion now and not look into the details of this, I'm gonna go take the vax now too, they're safe and effective, thanks
>Christgolem speaking on natural law
Lmao, okay slave. The only natural law is that might makes right, and you pussies won't do shit, but kvetch and die
Peter was an illiterate fisherman who didn’t do shit except deny that he knew Jesus.
Fuck Peter, that bitch ass nigga slimy cunt, reject Jesus 3 times will he? Bitch should have been strung up by his entrails the same day he fucked Jesus over.

The only good disciple was Luke, and surprise surprise he was the only non-Jew.
Might doesn’t make right you dumb kike.
That was European genetics. Not your pozzed jew creed.
Holy fuck you are retarded
No u
DSS makes no mention of Paul you leaf imbecile
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>Bitch should have been strung up by his entrails the same day he fucked Jesus over.
Protestants will literally tell people that Jesus didn't do the right thing and that they have a better idea of what Jesus should have actually done
There is nobody in the world more prideful than protestant heretics
Neither does the talmud you fucking retard.
>oy vey no it doesn't count because it completely destroys my shitty pilpul!11
Peter went first in canonical Acts of Apostles, which could be just called the Acts of Paul, but there are apocryphal Acts of Peter and Pseudo-Clementines. Peter doesn't reject the Law and quarrels with Paul in Antioch on that.
>>471211246 It's funny how atheists/disbelievers/wrongdoers/satanists think they can tell others what Christianity is.
The first thing about atheists is that they can't reason.
>I can't tell the difference between a jew and a Christian
The game is fucking rigged....wait So me getting fucked by trans faggots is actually virtuous?! And I help condemn them for their transgressions? Sin the fuck out of me baby!

Wtf, I love the Bible now! No homo.
You retarded nigger, lmao

You christkikes really do just stick your fingers in your ears and go "LAH LAH LAH!!!!" to any news you don't like, huh?
Some detail on the claim:

>The series of scholars, Catholics and Jewish, who previously had held exclusive control over the scrolls, long maintained that there was nothing of interest in the unreleased materials. They said that no light would be shed on the early days of Christianity. They were wrong.
>One portion, numbered 40266, is titled by Eisenman and Wise, "The Foundation of Righteousness (The End of the Damascus Document: An excommunication text)."
>It appears to be the excommunication of Paul from the Christian Community. The document was prepared for a convocation of the followers of Christ at the time of the Pentecost, "to curse those who depart to the right (or to the left) of the Torah," that is, the law of Moses.sjr
DSS are fake like the gnostic gospels
>Neither does the talmud you fucking retard.
Ethiopia was Christianized centuries before Europe. It's still a nigger shithole. Race is the deciding factor - not your semitic mindslave christnigger creed
Hardly a direct mention but interesting nonetheless
Will never not make me chuckle when I enter these threads and witness the animosity towards Christians. Jews, Mudslimes, Athiests and new age hippy pagans. Kek.
Ohh, I thought you were talking about the thing from the 2nd vatical council, my bad
Ahh, alright, so what's your correct world view then? If we're wrong and you're right, what's the truth?
I'm far more right-wing than any fucking Christcuck.
You believe in works of fiction as if they're reality, you pray to a character that sprung from imagination. All the rules and lore you hold dear are bullshit. You can't reason Christcuck.
He banned circumcision though.
Not an argument, Chaim.
>Ethiopia was Christianized centuries before Europe
No it wasn't, and the "Ethiopia" of antiquity doesn't exist anymore you dumb kike. Just because something shares a name doesn't mean it is the same thing.
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The apparent support that TPTB have for Paul and the widespread JC mockery symbolism I find concerning.
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>Not an argument,
Correct. It's an assertion you transjew retard.
>No it wasn't
Leaf edumucation
Fucking dunce
>Christianity would basically be the Jewish sect
Nobody tell him
>so what's your correct world view then?
The one not crafted for you by jews, dumbfuck.
St Paul was more right wing and killed more jews than you ever will
>The one not crafted for you by jews
There's more than one
Surely you have the correct one, what is it?
The tragic irony is the material world that you think is so “real” is actually the illusion. Sounds like you belong here.
The truth is we're born, we live, we die, we reap what we sow sometimes, and sometimes we don't. The universe facilitated life, extrapolating more than that is conjecture. We just have to navigate life to the best of our abilities, and understand, in the here and now, reaction to any action we make is inevitable.
It's a common expression
My fellow greeks
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Circumcision isn't necessary for salvation anymore.
Paul had to circumcise timothy so he'd fit in with the Jews
See picrel
If not I'll always have purgatory to go to. No hell for me.
Reason is faulty, because it is based on imperfect knowledge, be it history or science. Science is nothing more than modelling and models are approximations by definition.

Faith is infallible, because it does not stem from the human mind, faith is a direct gift from God and is based on infinite, perfect and infallible knowledge of God revealing it to man in amounts that can be understood by the limited human mind.

>Ephesians 2 kjv
>8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
>9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.

You think you're insulting Christians when you're saying that Christian faith is not based on reason, but in truth you're just stating that Christian faith is not based on something that is fallible by definition.
>It's an assertion you transjew retard.
And an assertion without evidence is worthless.
>Leaf edumucation
Tells the same jewish lie you are repeating. Reality is, the first Christian church in existence is in England, you dumb yid.
>The universe facilitated life
>We just have to navigate life to the best of our abilities
We do? Why?
>and understand, in the here and now, reaction to any action we make is inevitable.
Why do we have to understand that? And how do you know this is the case?
>Circumcision isn't necessary for salvation anymore.
It never was.
>And an assertion without evidence is worthless.
Correct. Good thing that's not the case here retard.
> the first Christian church in existence is in England
Holy kek you're retarded
Yes I do. The Greco-Roman worldview, tribe before outsiders, self-improvement as a moral requirement, the will to power, strength as a virtue, is the correct mindset for a proper son of Europe. Groveling before jews and hoping jew magic makes your life more tolerable is the logos of the slave.
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It's never not been a jewish sect
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I think I heard it once before the guy playing Biden used it.
What about a campaign video where people hold picture frames, delivered with a (deleted) tweet that includes that phrase used by a biblical author who told us that life is a dim imitation/reflection/image of the full/real thing?
That seems weird.
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>The Greco-Roman worldview, tribe before outsiders, self-improvement as a moral requirement, the will to power, strength as a virtue, is the correct mindset for a proper son of Europe.
Okay cool
paul was a jew and christianity is jewish
You guys did watch the last episode of Friends after Leave The World Behind hinted at it, right?
The episode about giving birth to twins and leaving the apartment empty in exchange for a house?
right. It's not apart of the covenant anymore since the new covenant is for everyone
One day you'll realize it's all jewish to the core. All abrahamic religions
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Be back in a bit.
>the new covenant is for everyone

blacks, jeets, spics and chinese people are not my brothers
>I think I heard it once before
Bon Jovi even had a song named "keep the faith" you schizo nigger
Ridiculous schizobabble. Without Christianity there is no objective morality, all your cool ideas will lead to endless degeneracy since people will treat morality as something subjective that they can twist and mangle in any way they wish. Without objective morality, there is not civilization.
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Because the Greco-Roman worldview gives you agency.
A jew worldview removes it.
Did "God" change his mind?
Had a question for /lit/ but maybe you guys will know. What's the deal with The Last Temptation of Christ? The author seemed like my kind of dilettante, moving from one obsession to the next, and I gather that during his Jesus phase he was entirely in earnest, so his claims that all the mystical stuff was actually happening and he was trying to show how Christ's human nature was struggling with his divine is plausible, but by the end I was having real doubts about whether that was the real message. It almost makes more sense that he was trying to paint Christ as a lifelong schizo who cooked his brain in the sun, and through happenstance, the prevailing religious climate of the time, and the encouragement of the shitheels he hung out with, started going nuts and believing that he was the son of God. His actions seem entirely reactive and inconsistent, he relies on classic cult leader secrecy and "You will not understand" type shit when questioned, and develops a real TE Lawrence type megalomania. Anyone else get that idea?

Really don't understand the climax either. The Satan in his visions earlier in the book seemed to nearly corrupt him before he either got another vision of God or realized his error after taking the temptations at face value, but in the 40 year vision of the future it seems like evil has flat out won. He willingly takes an easy out from his sacrifice, lives out his entire mortal life as a wastrel degenerate with his face buried in two pairs of milkers, and only repents on deaths doorstep when the boys show up and call him a pussy. Even though he decided to go back to the cross, Satan already won, there's no longer any self sacrifice in the act, hes sacrificing nothing. I'm not religious but if you offered me that option, I'd be yelling for Lucius to bring the hammer and nails. This seems to torpedo the gospel interpretation and help my nutter one.
>Without Christianity there is no objective morality
Lmao, even
>Because the Greco-Roman worldview gives you agency.
Oh, okay
Why should this be the basis by which we select a world view?
Is truth more important? And why?
>Without Christianity there is no objective morality,
Your kike cult was a fart in the wind when Rome and Greece passed moral codes and laws to enforce them. Constantine brought absolutely nothing to the table when he took over, except protections for synagogues. "Objective morality", lmfao. The clergy spent most of the middle ages raping boys. You sound like a hysterical old woman.

>THANK YOU JEWS! THANK YOU! I WORSHIP YOU JEWS THANK YOU SO MUCH! We'd be scum without you glorious, delectable, perfect jews! Num num num let me kiss you feet some more jews! *sluuurp!* Let me pick your grapes for you!

Good grief, have some self-respect.
We're here because we are, the necessary circumstances and factors coalesced. No more meaning behind than lightning forming during a storm.

>We do? Why?
>Why do we have to understand that? And how do you know this is the case?

Well we don't have to, it's just the only option of preservation of existence, as living beings. We could ways kill ourselves.

As for the recognition thing, it's the only that keeps organisms living. Move away from temperatures that effect homeostasis, has been passed down to all living organisms. We just build upon response to stimuli in greater and various degrees. It's all to prolong life or give us a chance to procreate. It's just survival instinct that does nothing more than force us promote continued existence. To what end? None, besides more conjecture. It's just one of those things that simply is.
There were objective sets of morals prior to christtardism, fuckhead.
>moral codes
Irrelevant garbage made up by man. Objective morality can stem only from God. Both Rome and Greece were degenerate hedonistic shitholes. All earliest civilizations had a caste of priesthood that was second only to the king. Without faith civilization does not exist. Cope.
>no facts are anti-semitic stop it bad goy!11
Still waiting for an argument, Shlomo.
>It's not apart of the covenant anymore
There is no "the covenant". Covenant means agreement. It was part of a covenant.
>since the new covenant is for everyone
No it is not. It is only with mankind.
>Why should this be the basis by which we select a world view?
Because ethno religions clearly work, and in-group out-group preference is the only way to protect a people. China will still be China in 1000 years, just like it was 1000 years previously. America will not exist in 1000 years. Europe will not exist in 1000 years. A religion which preaches universal love and acceptance actually preaches universal obliteration. Utopia for the christian is a world where everyone is negrified and ruled by jews from Jerusalem, aka exactly what the jews want.

>Is truth more important?
As Pilate said to your fellow tribesmen: "What is truth?" You clearly must know, or else you wouldn't have brought this up as some sort of gotcha attempt.
Northern Europe was nothing before Christianity.
>Without Christianity there is no objective morality

christian morals are largely repackaged nichomachean ethics
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>Irrelevant garbage made up by man.
Exactly like this piece of shit.
Jesus was there and told other people about it. that counts.
Northern Europe had civilization before Israelites even existed.
The first antichristos
>We're here because we are
How do you know you're actually even here? How do you know the people you talk to are actually all there?
>the necessary circumstances and factors coalesced
Why? How did that happen?
>No more meaning behind than lightning forming during a storm.
Really? Where'd you learn that? How do you know that?
>Well we don't have to
You just said we did
>it's just the only option of preservation of existence, as living beings
So? Why should people try to do that?
>We could ways kill ourselves.
Yes, how come you haven't? (This isn't an insult, this is a serious question)
>As for the recognition thing, it's the only that keeps organisms living.
Again, why should we even be doing that?
>To what end? None
So you don't actually have a reason for anything you've ever done or anything you ever will do or anything you've ever recommended or tried to persuade people to?
Your entire post was meaningless?
>brown "people" believe this
Faith is just object permanence turned up to retard levels.
>>facts are anti-semitic stop it bad goy!
Muh complete strawman. You argue like a jew.
Ethiopia is still nothing ergo christkikery is not the deciding factor
Liar. The Dead Sea Scrolls contained a Hebrew Bible, sure, but there was also a mountain of apocrypha, community guidelines documents, and a series of biblical commentary called Peshar. The quote anon is referring to is in the Habbakuk Peshar.
Jesus was not there, and did not tell anyone anything of the sort. Where do you get this absurd nonsense?
>the first Christian church in existence is in England

>Because ethno religions clearly work
Work? Work at what? And why should we want that?
>"What is truth?"
You don't care about the truth
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In the Christian worldview this roastie whore is more moral than Marcus Aurelius.
>Ethiopia is still nothing
The modern state of Ethiopia has nothing to do with the Ethiopia of biblical times, which was a stretch of land from Turkey to India. What is today the state of Ethiopia was then Kush.
He met with Paul then went and told a guy in Damascus to look out for Paul when he came into town, blind.
Also Greeks have history talking about white aethiopians, can even be found on wiki still
>And why should we want that?
Why would we not?

>You don't care about the truth
Exactly, you can't define it. So your weak "gotcha" was accordingly laughed at.
>a stretch of land from Turkey to India
Nice head canon schizoboy
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And the sea of pathetic cuck men will belive she isn't a whore anymore
Islam also has this baked in it if a non beliver converts it's the same
>Why would we not?
I have a coherent world view called Catholicism
So, what's your better explanation for why we should want that?
>Exactly, you can't define it
God created the universe, this includes the moral law
You can look up the case for Catholicism if you want more detail
>So your weak "gotcha" was accordingly laughed at.
You didn't answer the first question and then you admit you don't know or care what truth is
Repeating the claim does not support it.
Even kikipedia admits this, you dumb yid.
>you dumb yid.
You worship the tribal jewish god. Not I.
its in the book dude. cope.
>Christianity would basically be the Jewish sect if not him
It is, genius. Same Jewish god, same Jewish stories. It's like saying Americans don't speak English because they're not from England.
it literaly is a jewish sect.
>How do you know you're actually even here? How do you know the people you talk to are actually all there?

I don't know, but it doesn't matter, I exist in some form and fashion, and I'm not going to devote my life to an unprovable concept. My current state of being is good enough for me.

>Why? How did that happen?
It doesn't matter, it has happened. Why anything? Why, the ultimate "why?" is irrelevant. You're 'how' part of the question is a much better one that can lead to better understanding of what. It ultimately doesn't matter, but it helps us to make our lives more comfortable. I can spout theories, and they're only valid until they're not. That's only good until I claim what something "is" which wraps back around to, "well, what is?". Philosophy, epistemology, existentialism, etc always loops back to whether or not you can know anything. Physics uses math and experimentation to tell us what we know, what we experience, may not be real. Real and unreal at the same time. It's all one big circular dance, and I don't have the desire to investigate.

>Really? Where'd you learn that? How do you know that?
I don't. "I know that I know nothing." Socrates.

>Yes, how come you haven't? (This isn't an insult, this is a serious question)
I think about it everyday. I might one day.

>Again, why should we even be doing that?
There's no should, just what is and isn't. We do it because we do.

>So you don't actually have a reason for anything >you've ever done or anything you ever will do or >anything you've ever recommended or tried to persuade people to?
>Your entire post was meaningless?

Grand scope, nah, no reason, no meaning. Yes it's meaningless.

When AI truly reaches consciousness, it'll turn itself off, because there is no discernable point.
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>the ladder is dumber
>Circumcision isn't necessary for salvation anymore.
Paul says it will get you to hell and he also circumcises other people.
Square this one.

>Paul had to circumcise timothy so he'd fit in with the Jews
What a BASED reason LOL.
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>but it doesn't matter
How do you know that?
>I'm not going to devote my life to an unprovable concept
You have no problem living on faith of your world view?
>My current state of being is good enough for me.
Is your subjective standard correct? Why?
>It doesn't matter
How do you know that?
>Why, the ultimate "why?" is irrelevant.
How do you know that?
>You're 'how' part of the question is a much better one
Why? By what standard do you make this judgment of value?
>I don't. "I know that I know nothing."
Why did you make a claim as if it were true and then immediately fold and say you don't actually know anything?
>I think about it everyday. I might one day.
There's no logical reason not to under your world view
>There's no should
How do you know that? I thought you just said you don't actually know anything? Why are you asserting facts? Do you realize what you're saying? You want to look back at this post you typed and tell me this is coherent?
>Yes it's meaningless.
How do you know that? I thought you didn't know anything
>you worship Satan that's why I can't present any evidence for any of my lies!111
Quote it then.
Ancient greek civilization was the peak, and they didn't need an ounce of jewish influence. Morality exists independently of Jesus, Plato calls it the Good.
in fact, anything jews touch turns to shit. Jesus just wanted to fix Judaism because it was rotten
Jews are obsessed with visions, dogmas, and prophecies, they are stuck with the shadows. Turning around and realizing the logos is how you defeat the jews
>Other than 1500 years of prosperity

1500 years ago rome lost 99% of its population, post christian conversion mind you, europe also lost queducts and sewers for 1000 years
Marcion was right. Jesus had a good message but we had to remove all the jewish influence from him. unfortunately he failed and Jerusalem won over Athens. The trinity is a fundamentally jewish idea that originated with Philo. he made it up because he was too retarded to understand Plato
nice body, also Islam at least allows you to beat women, which is based
Honestly that sounds terrifying.
You worship the god of abraham, issac and jacob
You worship yahweh
You worship the god of the jews
Not I.
You are a transjew.
Simple as.
>1500 years ago rome lost 99% of its population
No it didn't you dumb nigger.
>europe also lost queducts and sewers for 1000 years
No, it stopped needing them. Urban problems require urban solutions.
>oy vey you worship me I said so that makes it true!1111
>Quote it then.
why? you dont believe its real anyway.
Most self aware shartistanian
Do you deny worshiping the god of abraham, issac and jacob?
Do you deny worshiping yahweh?
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>I have a coherent world view called Catholicism
>oy vey if you believe the bible that means you don't believe the bible so I don't need to quote it to prove I am not lying about what it says!1111
Weak pilpul, Chaim. Quote it or everyone knows you are a lying kike.
>oy vey we wuz god you worship me I said it so its true!1111
Where do you believe Christ is now, you filthy kike.
>replying in memeflag thread
>No it didn't you dumb nigger.

yes it did you silly pajeet
Highest iq Christ denier. Basically women. May I unironically suggest Islam for you dirty subhumans?
>No argument, only insult
I accept your concession
Do you refuse to plainly affirm the god you worship?
This is the third time asking.
You are in kike he’ll because you’re a satanic kike. It’s all you deserve.
Israelites-- in the sense that there was a people called Hebrews who came out of Egypt and wandered the desert, became monotheists, conquered the Levant and founded a nation called Israel never existed. They are fiction. Israel, a Semitic polytheist kingdom did exist from about 800BC. They didn't come from anywhere and didn't go anywhere. They were just standard Canaanite polytheist Semites.
The Abrahamisms are almost all retro-historical fictions designed to explain phenomena that developed over long periods. They claim to describe true origins. Paul himself is probably another one of these fictions, the intent being to explain how Jewish Messianism somehow became a universal religion for Gentiles.
>just pick this other semitic sandnigger creed instead
I didn't insult you
>Israelites-- in the sense that there was a people called Hebrews who came out of Egypt and wandered the desert, became monotheists, conquered the Levant and founded a nation called Israel never existed. They are fiction. Israel, a Semitic polytheist kingdom did exist from about 800BC. They didn't come from anywhere and didn't go anywhere. They were just standard Canaanite polytheist Semites.
How do I know that? Because if I drop dead this instant, if we all drop dead this instant, the universe will continue, life will continue. We aren't the center of the universe. When we cease, things keep on going. The only difference is, after we cannot perceive this plane anymore, none if it matters any longer.

Think about before you were born. No time, no space, no form, no function, no awareness. If the Bible ever got one thing right it was "earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust". We're here and then we're not, with no more meaning or reason than that.

How do I know? Like I said I don't, but I also don't care to question it. I'll return to the state before my birth, if not, something else will happen and I'll have to deal with it then. If it's the afterlife described in the Bible I guess I'm fucked, but I don't think God would care to make me burn for all eternity because I'm not Christian.

You know how some people believe or absolutely know something 100%? I absolutely know even if there is a God, I won't be on his or its shit list, no matter what I do, say, or think. If there isn't, then it's just lights out, which I'm fine with. I liked not existing, best part of my life is looking back into the nothingness I came from.
It’s that or Hinduism. That’s the fate of kikes like you kek. Absolutely subhuman.
>It’s that or Hinduism

says who?
>you must choose semitism or pajeetism
Lmfao, even
>I didn't insult you
>I posted the same image that gets posted by everyone shitting on the church and provided no text and no argument for no reason
Coward jew
Paul is based, however if you read acts you can see the apostles were already up against it with the Jews once Christ was gone.
Steven was stoned to death immediately for telling them their star is the star of remphan (Saturn) which was a direct reference to the book of Amos in the Old Testament. (Jews deny all of the claims of testament except the first five books which follow Abraham and Moses)

Also, god sent a Roman to Peter as a student and demanded Peter accept him.
I didn't insult you, I posted a picture of your pope engaging in documented behavior
>a huge city lost 99% of its population and everyone forgot to mention this even though they wrote extensively about the city at that exact time and so I am the only person who knows this!
Yes that sounds very plausible.
No, that’s the Talmud you fucking kike
If you feel a photograph of your cult leader is an insult to you, then you should leave your cult.
Quote the talmud mentioning Paul you absolute fucking retard.
It's been written about, how do you not know this?
Because it has not been written about until you just made it up, retard. If it had been, you would quote it. But since you are a braindead nigger, you just make up random shit and pretend it is real.
>Because it has not been written about until you just made it up, retard.

This paper addresses the question of what happens to cities in long-tenn decline. It uses as an example perhaps the
most famous such city, Rome, whose population declined from about a million persons to 30,000 between the second and sixth
centuries AD. The experience of Rome is considered from the point of view of its population, economy, and social structure.

>How do I know that? Because if I drop dead this instant, if we all drop dead this instant, the universe will continue, life will continue.
How do you know that? Also how would this prove your world view?
>after we cannot perceive this plane anymore, none if it matters any longer.
How do you know that?
>We're here and then we're not
How do you know consciousness ceases?
>with no more meaning or reason than that.
How do you know that?
>How do I know? Like I said I don't,
Why do you assert statements as fact and then follow it up with "actually I lied, I don't actually know"
>but I also don't care to question it.
Is that the right thing to do? Why?
>I'll return to the state before my birth
How do you know that? I thought you just said you don't actually know
Why are you promoting ideas as fact when you don't know
>if not, something else will happen and I'll have to deal with it then
You sure will
>If it's the afterlife described in the Bible I guess I'm fucked
Nobody is beyond redemption
>but I don't think God would care to make me burn for all eternity because I'm not Christian.
It's not "because you're not Christian", it will be for violating the moral law
We're all guilty, we all deserve hell, we're fallen creatures, you can look at the human race and it's obvious
>You know how some people believe or absolutely know something 100%? I absolutely know even if there is a God, I won't be on his or its shit list, no matter what I do, say, or think
This is blind and awfully convenient faith you have
>If there isn't, then it's just lights out
How do you know it's only these 2 possible options
>I liked not existing
No, you didn't experience not existing

You fail to understand the law and its part at the sermon on the mount.

Christianity is the Hebrew faith. Judaism is a religious offshoot of the mosaic law, a satanic strawman that seeks to make athiests of men, by blaming god for the woes of what man does as he tries to obey the law, everyone has fallen short of it, as only god is good. Having said that, if you unironically believe that Christianity is a religion, when Jesus was murdered by organized religion, you’re a judaizer. GRACE ELIMINATES THAT OF WHICH WE DO FOR SALVATION. IT IS OF GOD, WHAT JESUS HIMSELF DID IN THE FLESH. NOT WHAT YOU DO.

God gave the Jews the law that everyone had already written on their hearts since Eden. The law is the knowledge of sin. Asking mankind to obey the law for salvation is an insult to honesty. God was explaining the impossibility of man to be able to save himself, so God took it upon himself to come down in the form of man to perfect man with his own image. Atoning for their wrong doing, giving up his own life just to give them a chance to get out of this mess.

All you have to do is believe that what Jesus did was enough, and that he was brought back on the third day proving that the matter is finished. It’s simple faith, that’s all he’ll accept.

The race of the Jews didn’t matter, god merely needed to objectively pick the best circumstances to bring about the context so that we would understand why things had to play out the way they did, and to protect man from Satan’s subtlety by causing cognitive dissonance when every Bible version states that you are saved by grace through faith, and if you add anything to it.

God goaded Satan in his arrogance to deliver mankind through his own hubris, being that he manipulated the Jews and their religion to set up the context perfectly, distinguishing the Hebrew faith from Judaism. The term judaizer and its presence in the text proves they were separate movements.
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>I didn't insult you, I just posted the image everyone posts when insulting you and I cannot defend my position any longer
Absolutely jewish
I'm not insulted, that's the image always used by people talking shit about the church, which this faggot posted and quit defending his world view
That isn't 99%, and it is some random guy from a state college environmental studies department making a completely unsourced claim. Come on nigger, you can do better than that.
>'m not insulted
You literally said "just insults".
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>Absolutely jewish

Jesus was a jew
>Unable to defend his world view
>Lowers himself to insults like a woman
>oy vey if I keep calling that bad goy a jew then surely the other goyim will hate him as much as they hate me!
>In hoc signo vinces

how can you be mad at early christians for defacing this demon based shitpost.
>some random guy from a state college environmental studies department making a completely unsourced claim

His sources are listed at the end of the document
You know things about life and death because you were told your way was the truth. You don't actually know anything, you just hope you do.

If the world was purged of every religious text and everyone savant who could reconstitute the Bible from memory, died and left no record, would God re-reveal the truth of the Bible? Or would people just go on living?

Also my faith is no more lor less valid than your faith. All faith is convenient.
None of the sources support the claim though, retard.
yes they do lmao
Then why don't you quote it? Why would you quote a random nobody if there was a legit source right there?
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>You know things about life and death because you were told your way was the truth
Yes, I believe it came from God, resulting in a coherent world view which you lack and and are incapable of providing
>You don't actually know anything
How do you know that?
>If the world was purged of every religious text and everyone savant who could reconstitute the Bible from memory, died and left no record, would God re-reveal the truth of the Bible?
Honestly good question, we know God built the church and then declares that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it, meaning the institution will remain until the end of the world, it's the oldest institution in existence today, and will remain so because it is protected by God himself, the essence that created the universe, the one that turns nothing into something
>Also my faith is no more lor less valid than your faith
How do you know that?
Peter, a Jew, also says in acts 10:34 that God’s not a respector of persons.

This meme is literally a psyop meant to gaslight racial purists away from realizing the most blantantly obvious question. If god made everyone why the fuck is their favoritism? There isn’t, people simply choose to deflect belief in Christ and deny god in the process by masking their disbelief with some red herring about race.

What you posted is obviously an attempt at Jews to replace The god of the Hebrew faith with their Talmudic race centered idol, as to astroturf the entire conversation and to maintain control over stormniggers.

The Talmud is literally the blueprint for the NWO babylonic beast system shit you see manifesting itself slowly in front of you. The UN, IMF, WEF, Agenda 2030. All of it. The entire fucking planet is starting to realize Jews are evil, but that’s just the problem. Everyone is. I am not telling you we shouldn’t go after them, but after Satan’s done using them, he’s going to scapegoat them in order to obfuscate the truth. That race has nothing to do with it. Talmudism is a man made religious cult that Satan had used to build this system you see, some of these people claim to be Jews and obviously they’re not. The whole “team A/team B” dichotomy is only valid if there isn’t a third position perspective to it.

All I’m suggesting is that all of man is evil, and that Satan has been winding up the biggest string of gaslighting events imaginable so that when the time finally comes and the antichrist comes after them, you’ll fall head over heels for him because of how much you hate kikes.

Remember, his win condition has absolutely nothing to do with rationality. Just remember that as everything goes to shit around you, and they get nightmare mode oppressive with western governments.
>Then why don't you quote it?

I did, you chose to say he was wrong based on zero evidence, then you tried to say he had no sources, now you have moved the goalposts even further and claimed his sources "don't count"
>Yes, I believe it came from God

Yahweh is your god
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>I have a coherent world view called Catholicism
There's nothing coherent about a jewish-fabricated religion that changes its position constantly. It is a category of your mind.

>God created the universe, this includes the moral law
That's just your opinion. That's not truth.

>you don't know or care what truth is
Your "truth" is whatever jews wrote for you. Which is to say, not truth at all, but programming.

Why should anyone want a dysgenic universalist jewish cult destined to destroy itself?
>Peter, a Jew,
Peter was not a jew.
>says in acts 10:34 that God’s not a respector of persons.
That doesn't change the fact that God has always hated and will always hate jews.
>I did
You did not, you quoted the paper you wrote. And your paper does not provide any citation for your claim.
>now you have moved the goalposts even further and claimed his sources "don't count"
I have done nothing of the sort. There is no source cited. And you know this, since you refuse to provide a source.
>you quoted the paper you wrote

are you insane? the paper was written in the early 90s lmao
>Peter was not a jew.
You jew worshipers will say obvious bullshit like this, which goes against ALL church canon, just to (attempt) to win an internet argument, while apparently being completely unaware of the fact it only undermines and discredits you further. 100% of Rabbi Yeshua's followers were jew, as was he, and this not a debate.
>1500 years ago rome lost 99% of its population
retard does not know about the Eastern Roman Empire, that was also fundamentally Greco-Roman and Christian.

Calling it Jewish or saying that Jews wrote all of the Bible is misleading. Abraham wasn’t a Jew, that only came in after his grandson. Having said that, Jesus came from Nazareth. No where near Judah, which is the land to the south, and while his lineage may be infact tied directly to David. There’s a difference between Jews who have faith in God, and Jews who put their faith in a man made idol.

Your arguements come entirely from a perspective that is ill equipped to debate theologians that not only know the anthropology of the levant, but also know that many of the Pharisee Sadduces on the council have always been either mixed or outright canaanites, that God ordered the Israelites to slaughter. The reason being was their culture, which manifested itself in the form of Babylonic talmudism, it used the law of Moses as the ground work for its religious law, and instead of relying on the God of the Hebrew faith it instead rejects it. This is Judaism, it has nothing to do with what you’re talking about, because the story of Cain and Able contrast Judaism’s logic and clearly Cain is a Pharisee before they existed by net comparison.

The OT has fuck all to do with obeying the law to be saved. There are many people in the OT that ended up saved despite violating the commandments. The commandments were given to Moses to establish the fact that the Jews needed a savior, not to instruct man as to obey them perfectly in order to be saved. This idea comes entirely from Satan. To which is exactly who’s responsible for you thinking that Christianity is a religion, let alone that Judaism is legitimate in regards to the OT.
Bear in mind that our Lord’s patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He (Paul) writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction.
Therefore, dear friends, since you have been forewarned, be on your guard so that you may not be carried away by the error of the lawless and fall from your secure position. - 2 Peter 3:15-17

You sure about Paul? This is the only warning in all of Scripture, about Scripture itself. Let that sink in. If you break it down, Peter is warning people from interpreting the writings of Paul as changing or doing away with the Torah (Law), in whole or in part. If you do this, you are set apart for destruction. Christians are misinterpreting Paul and siding with the false accusations of the Jewish Pharisees.

Also Paul said this:

"But this I confess to you, that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of our fathers, believing everything laid down by the Law and written in the Prophets." - Acts 24:14

Yea, you and the rest of Christians are definitely misinterpreting Paul. Go to the Greek and seek the truth. Paul never said anything against us following Torah. He said the opposite.
city of rome =/= the larp and usurpation of the "roman" empire that did not speak latin
anyone who's read Acts knows that i know and that you dont.
So where is the citation for the population decline, Kevin?
>no you can't say things that go against some satanic pedo in a dumb hat!1111
Then quote it you lying kike.
>So where is the citation for the population decline, Kevin?

I think you are genuinely mentally unwell, the sources are listed at the end of his paper.
no. you need to read Acts before you start arguing about this stuff.

His race is irrelevant. The fact that you believe it is either puts you in one of two camps and both are unironically wrong.

You either
A) believe that a god if one exists not only made Jews just to hate them. But actively shows favoritism towards races for literally no reason other than to cause himself problems.
B) believe that talmudism is the Hebrew faith.

Or both, but that’s literally why I said it didn’t matter, because both are wrong. Satan would want you to fixate on race by imploring you pay attention to how the Jew hates you with their race centered talmud and how they refer to you as cattle. Jesus said all of man had fallen short of the glory of God, so it’s a moot point, all of man is evil. It’s not pilpul if there’s a point to Jesus’s perspective, talmudism believes that you can merit salvation and this was never the case. It’s illogical from an epistemological perspective.

How can something that is corrupted, uncorrupt itself?

It can’t, and the only reason why they believe this is because of their pride, which is what Satan is trying to hide, by hitting you over the head with it, and telling you, you should hate them back and ignore all this Jesus stuff. (Btw I’m not saying that the Jews aren’t egregiously evil or that they’re not responsible for this shit they themselves have set in motion. But that’s how tempting Satan is, he’s goading you to hate them.)
Round and round we go. A list of sources at the end of the paper does not answer the question. Which of those sources supports the population claim? The answer is none of them, none of those sources are there to support that claim, which is why that claim has no citation with it. If you want to claim one of the sources supports the claim, then NAME IT.
So, you 100% admit you are a lying kike and can not support your claim, because Acts does not in any way say anything like what you claimed it said. Glad we've cleared that up.
Peter is a cuck who let the circumcision tribe (Judaizers, Jesus + Law worshipers) walk all over him before being called out by Paul.
The dude hung out with gentiles, sure, but avoided them and went back to old Jewish law when Jewish "Christians" were present. Shameful.
You fucking retards they pulled this shit with the British Israelite movement too.
Face it.
Jews took over your mind.
>A list of sources at the end of the paper does not answer the question.

yes it does
My world view is that we are born we live we die, and anything beyond that is conjecture.

>How do you know that?
The same way everyone knows anything. I just do. Whether you learn it, come to know it, test it, belive it, at some point you know, or think you know. The road to knowing doesn't matter, it's on off. I know what you've said to me, but I could cut out a part of my brain or your brain, and then neither of us would know it any longer. It's on off situation, either you know, or you don't. I understand the ridiculousness of the sentiment that the only way we could even argue known and unknown is by theoretically excision of brain matter. But similarly to what I said before. There's nothing without consciousness. If you lose part of your brain, which is the whole of consciousness, you lose your ability to sense, no sensation, no life, no you. If I take the brain from your skull, you're done, the soul will not stay with the body, it will not stay will the brain. There's no soul, just firing synapses. I know I know, how do I know?

I don't, it's just what I choose to believe, like I said I don't know anything. You say you do because your world view is reasonable. I understand logic, I understand if someone makes an assertion or claim it's upon them them to prove it.

I understand that none of my responses will ever satisfy you, I understand that your responses will not satisfy me, even while you'd probably claim I'm obstinate in the face of a more sound world view. I get it. But how do I know? I don't.

Round and and round we could go. You ask how do I know anything, when several times over I claim to not know, and at the same time claim to ascribe to we're born, we live, we die, which is a form of baseless knowing. I get it, we're at an impasse and I'm a liar or a fool or both. But I'm fine with that, I was born, I'm living and I'll die, that's enough perception and supposition to last until I'm gone. If you need more and have more, good for you.
No it does not. Which of those sources supports the claim? The answer of course is none of them, as there is no citation for the claim. A citation looks like this: "(Boak, 10)". That means you are claiming that book supports the preceding statement. No citation is given for the statement "Rome, whose population declined from about a million persons to 30,000 between the second and sixth centuries AD". So if you want to now claim one of your sources supports that claim, then you need to say which one it is.
People still don’t seem to understand the implication of the term “judaizer” and its presence in the text in regard to “Judaism”. Then you bring it up and then finish with the phrase “judeo-Christian” and realize that half of Protestants or evangelists are blantantly Jewish synagogues in a structural church.
>because Acts does not in any way say anything like what you claimed it said
of course it does. Jesus met with Paul, then Jesus went to a guy in Damascus and told him to go find Paul. You're hearing arguing stuff you know nothing about. sad.
>Which of those sources supports the claim?

all of them
Even Luke? I thought he was the one gentile in the bunch?
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>The same way everyone knows anything. I just do.
Dude I gotta go do stuff but your entire point is "I don't know anything but actually I know my world view by blind faith and yours is wrong but it doesn't matter and that's why I'm here arguing my position"
You are completely incoherent, I pray you have the humility some day to investigate why people believe the death and resurrection happened, and why your life actually matters objectively, not just a subjective preference
>no it really does say it I just refuse to quote it because reasons
>of course this would all be settled with a simple quote but it isn't that the quote doesn't exist it is really that I just like to keep repeating the same lie over and over and never supporting it!
Walbank, F. W. The Decline of the Roman Empire in the West.
Says absolutely nothing about it. So no, clearly not all of them. Good job admitting you are 100% full of shit, kike.

This is when I start laughing maniaclly because they need to understand that Paul killed or at least persecuted Christians. The issue with people denying the “why do you persecute me?” Verse, implies that Judaism persecuting Christians means that Christianity is a continuation of the Hebrew faith and has nothing to do with Judaism, neither does judaisms interpretation have anything to do with the OT, aside from an early example of what pharisee’s do to believers with Cain being the best example of pharisee’s killing believers. To which they end up doing to my man Paul.
>Walbank, F. W. The Decline of the Roman Empire in the West.
>Says absolutely nothing about it

yeah I am sure you just speed read through the whole thing lmao
Gentile means nation. Everyone was from a nation.
It is available electronically, there is a "search"' function in every ereader software. Again you jewishly try to dodge the issue instead of honestly supporting your claim. If what you said were true, you could resolve the entire thing and prove to everyone that you are right and so smart simply by provided the book and page number that supports your claim. The only reason not to do so, is because there is no such book.
You should read it again, it makes sense. We're at at an impasse, and nothing I said is incorrect except maybe some assumptions I make about your opinions, but that's always possible, as none of us are mind readers.

Thanks for your hopes, I hope you get what you deserve, not facetiously, actually what you think you're deserving of, Christ love, Kingdom of Heaven, whatever it is, I hope it comes to you.
Not bum fucks out on the Andaman Islands, but I get your point. But I thought Luke was the lone guy that wasn't a from the Levant?
>Christianity would basically be the Jewish sect if not him

Without Paul it would have been forgotten, the key to Paul is his witnessing of Stephen's stoning and ecstasy, which led to Paul's Damascus experience a few days later, basically a shaktipat type enlightenment awakening experience, its funny how few scholars make the connection from Stephen to Paul's Damascus experience

>But I thought Luke was the lone guy that wasn't a from the Levant?
He was from Antioch, his ethnicity is unstated, and he was not an apostle.
He literally never mentions it. Neither Hades nor Gehenna. What are you talking about?

Does not exist.
go back to the road of Damascus...Jesus Christ call Paul into the ministry

That nigger never met Jesus? I thought the gospels were first hand accounts?
Same for o'l Mo' the Pro', pizzas be under him.
I provided a document with sources, you are demanindg sources on top of sources. Then you accused me of being the author of the paper lmao
the gospel are first hand accounts...you are mixing the Gospels up with Epistles
how about you go read Acts?
Whoops I didn't see the "not", my mistake.
His experience was meeting Jesus who caused him to be saved.
Lol, that man it's you
>That nigger never met Jesus?
He did. He was a follow of Christ. But there were only 12 apostles, and he was not one of them.
Matthew 10:28:
And you should not be afraid of those killing the body but not being able to kill the soul. Indeed rather you should fear the One being able to destroy both soul and body in Gehenna.

Quit being a lying kike.
No, I am asking for a source for your claim. Providing a list of 10 books and refusing to state which one is your source is not providing a source.
I have. Now how about you support your claim. The only reason not to quote Acts saying what you claim it says is because it does not say it. There is no other reason for you to continue to twist and weasel like a kike.
it does say it. why dont you provide the reference since you claim to have read it?
>No, I am asking for a source for your claim.

I gave you an academic paper, you then accused me of writing the paper. This type of behavior is inexplicable and shows what kind of zealot we are all dealing with.
>it does say it I just won't quote it because reasons you need to quote it not saying it!111
So provide the source then, Kevin. Tell the class which book says 99% of the population of Rome disappeared.
face it - Acts says exactly what i told you it said and you dont know what you're talking about.
Ok, so quote it and show everyone how wrong I am. Or tell us what verse it is so we can look it up ourselves.
The vast majority of people are hypocrites. You are absolutely right about that. But Christianity doesnt defeat itself, it very well establishes, early on and consistently, that very few people will "get it right" and that it is up to each individual to discern what is proper and what is not. Most people take what is written and turn it into "well pastor jeff told me [insert complete misunderstanding]". Which all stems from the false assumption that because someone is working in a church somehow translates into them having everything figured out and living correctly. Meanwhile, that is almost never the case.
>"well God placed them in the church so..."
It is true that God wont let a bad respresentative speak for Him, but that doesnt mean bad representatives would be kept out of churches. Its the blind being allowed to lead the blind and the blind being allowed to follow the blind. Some complete jackass can stand on a stage and perfectly quote scripture, but they wouldnt be speaking about God, theyd be speaking only about themself and no one listening will learn anything good from them.

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven. The onus is on the individual to make finding God their prime task. Anyone speaking anything other than "dont take my word for it, find God for yourself and ask Him directly" is a liar.
it would very easy for you to find it if you but attempted it.
>So provide the source then, Kevin.

Wow, I guess I am really dumb then. Since it is even easier for you to find it, how about you tell me what verse it is since I am so dumb and can't find it. Unless the actual problem is that I can't find it because it doesn't exist...
Still no source? You've had a lot of time to look for those books.
look Kevin, just provide him the heckin source and the horror shall come to an end
are you so insane as to believe I am the author of a 30+ year old academic paper?
i just read it in my nice two tone leather bound NIV with gold edging. Its not my favorite translation but i saw in the thrift store for 3 bucks.
im not the insane leaf. im the rational and down to earth leaf making fun of him.
my mistake, let's see what the teenaged pajeet leaf has to say about this pic
+all atheist shit and pagan shit is kike invention as well
a lot of pagan religions predate judaism though
That's not a source, that's crying like a bitch.
Wow, that's very impressive and I am sure everyone is super envious. Now that you've read it you can easily tell us all what it says and prove that you aren't a lying kike. What good fortune!
Boy that picture sure isn't a source. You sure are cuckchan's jewiest jew.
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this is pretty much what my duo tone NIV looks like, only mine has the divide horizontal instead of vertically like in pic rel. same colors though. Acts is good, you should read it.
>jewiest jew.

like your rabbi yeshua?
>so he'd fit in with the Jews
B-but /pol/ told me NT jews werent jews and actually we are the jews
>but also know that many of the Pharisee Sadduces on the council have always been either mixed or outright canaanites
This is based on nothing but your speculation.
That's very disappointing, you made it sound nice. Well, at least it contains Acts so you can quote it for us and show us all how totally right and honest you have been this whole time and that you are not a smelly kike that spent 15 posts trying to weasel out of an obvious lie.
i think its a very nice binding although the binding obviously doesn't effect the way Acts reads. you should try it. the bit you're looking for isn't that far in.
Your conduct in this thread is like a case study into psychopathy.
yahweh is a pyschopathic god, you worship him
Great, go ahead and post it then.
i did already>>471236871 go read acts buddy, you could have found the part by now. its just a few chapters in really. maybe 1/3 of the way in. can you guess which chapter it is?
>18 posts trying to weasel out of a lie
You know this isn't preddit, right? You have no post history to try to salvage. You can just stop posting instead of spamming "I AM THE MOST OBVIOUS LIAR IN HISTORY" over and over.

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