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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You will never have a plus-size waifu
i do
i am the plapjak irl
Oh the irony
Ironically skinny short women are attracted to tall overweight men, the ugly bastard meme is real
No one cares what landwhales are or are not attracted to becuase no one is attracted to them. Also, OP is a screenshot no sauce posting faggot.
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Are you fat though?
>Plus size for me
>overweight for thee
If you set fat butches on fire and you throw water on them will that trigger a slopover like in a chip pan fire?
>plus-sized women
>overweight men
no that is an undeniable truth
Thats true actually. Fatties hunt usually for skinny guys. And pretty aggressively.
same fellow plapjak. Fuck normalfags, jannies, niggers, kikes, and also gym e-thots.
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Owari da...
I am slightly obese and still pull normal women. Get fucked fat roastie hahahahahahahaha
notice they call the women "plus sized" and the men "overweight" in the same sentence
Lol, do fat bitches hit the wall or die first?
i like fatties. but yeah even the fattest hog will have her choice of men but the fattest men will have no choice at all. deal with it. don't be fat.
I wonder if fat women realize the only men who will like them will like them specifically because they're fat?
I won't settle for a fattie
Minority women are too. I’m 6’1 and 220 so I’m a husky boy and i have Mexican chicks and black chicks hit on me a lot. Im a race traitor though and I’ve been married to a non white woman since I graduated college in 2011 kek.
That’s not true. A lot of incels on here are skinny twinks and /fit/fags and can’t get pussy while I don’t know a single fat guy irl who is a virgin kek. In fact most fat guys I know are married with kids now.
Plenty of niggers for them to choose from. I wouldn't been seen in public with a ham planet. Sure I'll fuck a chubby one every once in awhile but fat is disgusting.
Kek I noticed that too. They truly are wicked harpies. Picturing all the aging single suicidal roasties in the near future keeps me going.
I specifically have abs for plappers to writhe and scramble over lol they lose their minds
6ft4 thin 160lb hazel eyed 140iq chad here.. Sorry fatty, I only fuck skinny bitches.
Nothing personal, your just disgusting and should kill yourself
Go kill yourself, faggot
The sick thing is these obese girls actually feel like they settled for their gamma male bfs as much as their bfs feel about them.
>most fat guys I know are married with kids now.
They got fat after they got married and had kids.
I really need to get my wirght under control.

the king of fupa has suffocated under layers of fat
my plap gf treats me like a king. Cooks me dinner, rubs my feet, takes care of my kid (who isnt hers), helps with bills, buys me vidya and dudeweed.

Im happy
Hello fellow Shrekmaxxer. I unironallyalways wanted a young fat gf, but I've only ever dated short fit girls
why are women plus sized and men overweight?
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How is this thread still alive?
>>471214143 Do not date people who eats for more than one person. They are selfish and thiefs.
Obese women are not attracted to plus size men?
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ill never plap jack.
im just too good.
>You will never have a plus-size waifu
Ok. What's the problem?
Even if you settle for these girls they'll cheat
>mfw pumping my obese female roommate who was engaged to some nerd who an hero'd when he found out and I never spoke to her again when I moved out

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