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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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A Jewess just increased the draft age by 2 years, from 18-24 to 18-26. So if you are 24 or 25 and war breaks out next year and you get drafted, it's unironically because of a Jew.
>The House of Representatives passed a measure on Friday automatically registering men aged 18 to 26 for selective service.
>Rep. Chrissy Houlahan led the selective service measure
>Her father, Andrew C. A. Jampoler, a naval aviator, was born in Lviv, Ukraine in 1942, to a Jewish family; he and his mother, who also survived the Holocaust, emigrated to the United States when he was four years old.
I'm going to draft you
Interesting. BTW, how do they evade the draft?
I cant wait for police to shoot people for resisting. Bootlicking garbage.
Draft the jews
Her name is Christine and she's a jew? Does she have israeli citizenship? Did she kill Palestinian children for the Israeli army?
What does it concern you, poolak, do you live in that mutt shithole? That's their problem.
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>Does she have israeli citizenship?
Citizenship doesn't matter burger, you really need to understand that. Do you really think it makes a difference whether pic related has two passports or not? We know where his loyalties lie. He'll kill millions of Americans to save one Jew.
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Why so mad? Show us your flag ;).
>You don’t care about a nuclear war
>How many people die
>You're always laughing in the faceofdeath
>I'll look youstraight in the eye
>And say

>"I hopeyou get drafted
>I hope you burn and die
>You apolitical asshole
>Hopeyou'rethefirst to fry

>Yourprivileged life showsitself when you speak
>Your education is lies
>you’re always laughing in the face of death
>A child with fear in his eyes
>You know

>I hope you get drafted
>I hope you carry a gun
>When you come back with no arms or legs
>Then you can say war is fun!
>'Cause you don't care
>What happens to me
>As long it don't happens to you

>As the world becomes a bomb factory
>Your attitude becomes smug
>This just creates an atmosphere of war
>A world without love
>You know

>I hope you get drafted

do jews get drafted?
Parental Jews = Right of Return Law & auto-Israeli Citizenship
Good thing I turned 27 this year, get fucked younger zoomers
1997-bros rise up
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>how do they evade the draft?
The same way they always have
I know that - Im trying to decide where this cunt's loyalties lie ie is she a jew.

If she hasn't collected her israeli citizenship I am inclined to think she's probably not jewish given that her name is Christine
It has to be grandmother or mother

Americans are born to die for bankers. They know and accept this fact. Its who they are. Cutting off the tips of their sons dick is just the beginning of what they are willing to do for bankers.
>a nonjew wouldve done different
Prove it
Recruiters before the draft
>man I sure do love not having to wear a colostomy bag
Recruiters after the draft
>is that a screwdriver OH FUCK
>>471217000 tripz
Doesn’t matter with dual citizenship lol
Still too old. Pick up that rifle and defend me, zoomy!
>where this cunt's loyalties lie ie is she a jew
If someone is a Jew, 99.999% of the time their loyalties lie with other Jews.
>If she hasn't collected her israeli citizenship I am inclined to think she's probably not jewish given that her name is Christine
Both her parents are Jewish. Given names mean nothing. Often they even change their last names.
>Prove it
Reality proves it. A nonjew didn't pass such a bill.
>do jews get drafted?
Same as in Ukraine, they'll be on flights out of the country a couple days before the draft is announced. If you see lots of hats at airports, you know you have 48 hours or so to get out.
Yes but youre attributing the jew part to the outcome. You need to prove that not just say its jeeeeews
How the fuck is there no supreme court ruling that women have to get drafted to by now?
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That's quite a redpill for the zoomies
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Jeets are born to live in shit and and answer phones
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No they get to leave first. Just ask another ukrainian jew
I'm not attributing anything. It's merely an observation. One that is however in line with the general trend of Jews passing bills in their (and their country's, Israel's) interests and against white people's interests.
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You can't simultaneously destroy Patriotism and Nationalism, distribute welfare to non-Citizens AND have a military draft. It will be complete chaos.
>How the fuck is there no supreme court ruling that women have to get drafted to by now?
Pay equality does not mean military duty equality, chud.
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She looks like a jew
/pol/ should look into that
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Expulsion will do - but to where? Madagascar seemed like a good spot.
>>Her father, Andrew C. A. Jampoler, a naval aviator, was born in Lviv, Ukraine in 1942
The 33rd degree freemason jew who recorded the JFK assassination was also born in what was Ukraine recently.

pol has become pro war recently, even though it used to be antiwar a decade ago. this is what you all wanted.

I'm an oldfag so I'll be fine.
Dump them in the middle of the Pacific and if they can swim to land then that will be their new homeland.
Why are all of these fucks descended from people within a 100 mileradius of Lwiw?
>survived the Holocaust
this is b8

1994 chads

They think if theyre in the military they can coup a fringe minority of whites. Probably could honestly if done right and the conditions were bad.
> born in 1942
> moved to the USA in 1946
> "survived the Holocaust"

Also, professional tip: the only way to move to the USA from Ukraine in 1946 is if you're a literal Nazi party official fleeing Soviet persecution with American glownigger help.
So apparently this scumbag "survived the Holocaust" by having his parents be literal Nazis.
Man those Ukrainian jews are really destroying this country
The pool of acceptable cannon fodder is smaller than it ever was, because of mental defectives and fatasses.
So they had to raise the age.

Keep in mind, this is the draft, not volunteers.
White males from families with military traditions AND physically and mentally fit to serve are not volunteering, because the government started making war on them during the Obama era, and hasn't stopped.
> Jewish woman forces non-Jewish men to fight
Other examples?
>a 100 mileradius of Lwiw
That's the real homeland of the yid.
Jews are pure evil.
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> Go fight and die goy
Always them we might possibly have a kind of world peace without jews, seriously.
This is actually a great argument against the feminist narrative that when women are in power, we will have peace and equality. This whore demonstrated the opposite and will be responsible for even more dead men. Can someone meme-fy this?
I'm a smart White man from a military family and ZOG can tongue my anus
It's a multi cultural religion. Semitism is all about inclusion and subversion (of white people)
Just cross the border and pretend to be illegal to dodge draft.
They all get drafted in Israel, though.
God made them look like this. If people still fall for their tricks that's on them.

? Selective Service registration in the US has been up to 26 for decades you mouthbreathing mid-wit.

If you want to be smart you volutarily sign up NOW, and get in the Air Force or Navy and get school paid for before you are zogged into cannon fodder to mulch eastern europe.
By being jewish
The article says that it won't pass the senate so this is a big nothingburger. However it does not absolve the fact that our government is a proxy nation of Israel.
>this idiot
no. israel is a proxy nation of the US.
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Go fight Libya goy, go Fight Syria goy, Go fight Iraq goy, Go fight Iran goy, Go fight Afghanistan goy.
lol youre brown
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Your not white either Rabbi
>gonna be 27 next year
Holy moly I got lucky
she served in the military....and shes making roastoids sign up too. She is a kike and a democrat....but this is progress.
she is irish
oh if they cant make the numbers they will move that number to the right very quickly
18-26, then 27-35
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This changes nothing, anyways. It was already considered a felony not to register, and that threat was good enough to get 99.9% of 18-year-olds to register. It's would actually be a legitimate resource saver to have everyone register automatically

If they wanted you to die for zog, they were never going to respect your decision not to sign up. There will be no nonviolent way to get out of being drafted
Can we meme this into reality?
if they can't make the numbers (which they won't) its gonna be 18-60 real quick. get ready to dodge nigga.
>claim to be jews but are a synagogue of satan
You cant even identify what the descendants of egyptian slavery look like....
Does being Jewish give you a religious exemption from the draft?
No it wasn't.
My friend has never been registered.
It is illegal, they just never enforce it. Also the majority of 4chan are criminals for encouraging others not to register

Draft me and see what happens.
You do realise that in a war there is nothing stopping you to go full Col. Walter E. Kurtz, right?
58. GenX. Fight bravely zoomer boys.
35 here not my problem
jew doctors give them a pass
Greater Israel project status: on track
Amd let me guess
She is a MAGA Republican
comfy. I'm too old for the draft. how can I help get a war started to kill off rhe digusting zoom roaches?
The lying jew cunts in charge of this country aren’t qualified to run a nursery school
Ha jokes on you. I am about to be commissioned as a Navy Intel officer. A /pol/tard as an officer.
Her father, Andrew C. A. Jampoler, a naval aviator, was born in Lviv, Ukraine in 1942...

ukraine took over the us government and stole so much

my body, my choice?
Ironically I’m not qualified due to several health problems, but I’m sure they will look past those once the draft is initialized
The draft is for their own good. We need to draft more browns and send them to war against Mexico
By having a new on the inside that approves any objections from jews
That's the look on his face when he was being read the charges of sexual assault against him.
I turn 27 in the fall
RIP zoomer.

You have to option now, die for them or kill them
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Bye Bye Zoomies
imagine believing in a draft law lol. they can change the age at any time. no man is safe. look at ukraine they got 60 yos in the trenches and now want to lower it to 16.

btw a woman did it because no man would.
of course they did
Every single time.
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>Chrissy Houlahan
A jew cannot be Irish, a jew is only a jew. Though many tried very hard to look Irish.

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