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>Heres your American McMansion bro
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Seems like the perfect muttcoop, maybe a bit hefty on the price tag
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>fake and gay rage bait that wouldn't pass inspection
>posted by third world country flag that doesn't even have home inspections
that would be $ 900.000 and tip amigo!
no way this is real, they have building inspectors down there
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Keep coping amerimutt
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The issue is spics and niggers. always. Them and the boomers who hire them need to be shipped to mexico, then invaded.
I liked when the half built homes knocked down in that one "tornado" blew over from 30 mph wind gusts before the tornado even got there and they tried to said it was because they don't add structural support until later kek.
>fake and gay rage bait
yeah I'm guessing this is some kind of "house inspector school" and they use buildings like this to test students.
shit, i bet the tiktoker in question is selling online courses
It literally says the house costs 1.3 million dollars kek
You know what would improve building standards? adding in about 8 million more unqualified and undocumented immigrants!
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Freedom and capitalism
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>House collapses
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Mooretugese rape-baby calling someone else 'mutt'.
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m8, I've been to your shithole and lived in europe for over a decade. You know despite how Sodom & Gomorrah tier america is, the rest of the world is still worse.

We both are suffering from the same plague yet you're here baiting retards.
You could replace mexicans and america with turks and arabs and europe, god i hate immigrants
I never see these dogshit bait threads early enough but now that I did, I just want to say: go fuck a monkey joao
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>meanwhile in white america
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Why don't y'all just go live innawoods? It's literally free
>builders can get away with workmanship this sloppy
damn, I should get into this industry. drink beer all day, half ass my work and get away with it? sounds like a dream job TO BE QUITE HONEST.
Hire Mexicans, get Mexican quality
Built by people managed by Mexicans and from south of mexico
>they didn't finish one of the walls
damn, even the amish are getting lazy these days
At 5pm they have to impregnate their wives
At least they used a lot of actual wood.
That would've been a 1 million dollar complex.
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I assume it was the inspector who made the video.
suburbanites are insects, not people.
If you want to build tall structures you need steel-cement, a whole lot of it.
The whole big house made mostly of wood is a scam.
IIRC he's an independent inspector hired by prospective home buyers.
>that toilet/stairwell
ngl that's kind of comfy in a strange way.
>Not a nasty, dirty, onions hole, filled with funkopops and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, poz hole with nothing in it to sit on except a dildo: it was a chud-hole, and that means comfort.
one would think that inspections would be made while building? or are these the results of an renovation?

too many uncertains
They could've used massive wooden pillars but that would've actually bumped the costs and upped the REAL value of the house, not the marketing value.
There are supposed to be inspections throughout the process, but inspectors can be corrupt or lazy.
That's not a house, that's a barn.
Something like that.
Barn for the goy/cattle.
>all that paved space directly in front of the house
for what purpose?
Why are you all fighting
>same webm everytime
If it was so common was is the man recorded it, if he too wasn't also surprised by the quality?
I'm just not going to buy it (a house)... UGH I know I know, but I am just not going to buy it! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
Ted K famously wrote how difficult that was to do everything for himself. No sane person can do that alone, and the insane will only fester deeper into insanity.
Entertaining and enjoying?
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Im white and showed up on a construction site from a day labor placement, because I listed construction. My dad didnt give me much. but he did teach me how to run saws out of necessity.

First day the white foreman asks what Im doing here, as if I had a drug problem. I didnt know what he was asking. So I said I needed a job.

3 days in and a random quatemalan comes and gets me and hands me a bent dull sawzall blade and tells me to cut a piece of drywall out for the window. Make a L shaped 90 cut. I did my best with the bent piece of shit he handed me. At the end of the day this guatemalan and the Supervisor get together and the supervisor asks if I did a good job. The guatemalan says no I fucked it all up.

The Guatemalan intentionally sabotaged me to keep these jobs for beaners. Theres some unwritten rule of what jobs they think they own and will make sure you dont stay if youre the wrong color.

Next day I just left because it was a miserable shithole, so I wasnt going to stay at the bottom of that miserable shitpile.

I now own my own house where I work on it and develop my skills further working on my own house and car. and inherited a trust fund that affords me to not have to deal with boomers and mexicans.

People ask where did all the men and young men go? its like they gave up? this is a dog whistle for white men.

Also of note is on that job site there was an issue of someone drawing swastikas in the porto johns and it wasnt me. I think it was 1 of the sparkies. When they finished every unit owner sued when they figured out what they where buying. The border jumpers and fucked everything up beyond repair. Like even if the truth was I have no drywall experience and I didnt get sabotaged, wtf happened to OTJ training? which is false. I just had no tools and got set up by beaners.

And that is the story of why diversity is our strength.
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Americanos worse than chinas
>yet you're here baiting retards.
Why else be here?
And Chinese materials
Nail gun is a funny toy.
this is how I build my houses, so I can keep watch over the stairs for invaders while shitting.
Nah, despite everything it's still more structurally sound than any new building in China.
cry more. China looks like cyberpunk 2077. Its making Japan look 3rd world infrastructure. while in this same 10 years America has gone from shit to worst. When you argue for America you argue for 3rd world beaners and haitians..
>And Chinese materials
Yes, we import all of our 2x4s and other framing lumber from China.
That's why your house is falling apart - the Chicoms.
Yeah I'm not defending the quality of American homes but that was definitely done intentionally to showcase extreme stupidity for educational purposes.
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Looks like a pajeet build.
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You will never be American
Blessed reference
>Keeping guns in the garage in plain view
You're asking for a nigger to break in
New homes are shit buy an older well maintained one instead
Home builders hire spic labor to build houses as fast and as cheap as possible, and then they try to sell them for extremely high prices. This is why you zoomies and millennials thinking about buying a home should NOT get anything built sooner than maybe 1998. Back in the 90s, home building was still somewhat regulated and a bit of craft went into it. If you get some ramshackle shithole in a McCommunity in the $300s or $400s, you are going to get absolutely fucked with repairs later. Pretty much any home built after 2005 is feeding the property bubble. Unless someone physically built the house by themselves, some rich contractor or whatever, any house you buy in a prefab community will be dogshit. 100% guaranteed.

Go find yourselves an older house that needs a little TLC, but is perfectly serviceable. You might have to drop $20K on repairs and modernization, but you'll have that money if you weren't a fucking retard and bought a recently built place.

Like genuinely, straight up, if you are living in Florida or Texas and bought anything built after 1998, you are sitting on a bomb.
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>second one didn't collapse towards the left

This happened to a million dollar (maybe more) home near me. As I was watching them go up I couldn't help but notice how flimsy the building material was. It was pretty much just cheap plywood and insulation. Lo and behold, we get a bad storm, had 50-70 mph wind, and the entire top half of the home collapsed in on itself.
I'm just saying I've been in a few of those places so I can recognize them easily, but American homes are still a cardboard joke not denying that. Thankfully I live in an older home that was built before the cardboard craze. That's how I cope about it.
I don't see no problem, amigo
Yes, we as Americans like to build our wildly overpriced houses out of sticks and twigs.
>Shady Contractor and buyer agree to blueprints
>Shady Contractor does it his way to save costs
>Trusses cut for blueprints don’t fit
>house has to be torn down before it can be
>shady contractor ghosts

Many such cases in shartland real estate
No sheathing clips
He's not doing it right
This is what happens when you hire these migrant crews
You have two options:
> Hire white framers who get paid $35-45/hr and get a solid, well built house
> Hire migrant laborers who get paid $200 for a 10-12 hour day and get a house that squeaks and leaks
Seconding. The videos that go up from time to time of china's more shoddy buildings are legit nightmare fuel. The worst one is some guy with string easily cutting through a Chinese skyscrapers main support.
There's a popular guy that does this on youtube in Australia called site inspections. He's a legit building inspector. It's the same here. People buying 2 million dollar new homes and half the building isn't spec.

The worst one I saw was a 2 story new home and the load bearing walls that were supposed to be concrete blocks weren't load bearing at all, they were just a thick weather proof plaster and this was supporting a 2nd story above it.
The likely hood of miscuts spanned with 15 nails is high. The Likelihood of no idiot on that site can or cares about square is high. In America the engineer decided the sheathing adds structural support as well. Therefore without sheeting it lacks structural support according to the design.
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>rides a shit tier Italian bike
Do Amerimuts really?
I want to say this is bait and it's a set up for educational purposes, but I've seen homes that were built all the way back in the 80s with this level of Mexican engineering for the structure, supports, and wiring. These homes were at the lowest, upper, upper middle class homes and up, at the time they were built. This has been a problem for well over a couple of generations now.
Canadian houses cost 500k and are literally constructed out of chipboard and glue.
I don't see the problem with chipboard cladding.
If its legitimate. From what I see In real life, thats not a test home to showcase the worst that can happen. Thats every house built on the block. Theres 1000 things I say "well this isnt code" then have to repair it up to code illegally without a building permit. This is just standard for me. I love getting in them guts and every time saying "wow look at this fucking idiot"
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>needs a fancy electronic tool to tell if wood it's humid
Of all that was shown in the webm, this is what upsets me the most.

That home although it has a weird layout would stand a huge rain, storm, tornado, you can just throw 2 termites in an american house and in a couple of years the whole neighbourhood will be 100% gone.
>Hire white framers who get paid $35-45/hr and get a solid, well built house
That would just cut down on the make-work jobs for the post-construction maintenance companies and potentially cause people to stay for their entire lives in the house they bought. Please think of the economy and the construction bubble we need to maintain to make parasites more money and to maintain the illusion of a domestic economy that's healthier than it actually is.
what is documentaion?
>hey that looks wet
>oh look I'm right, tool says so
That said, nice of you to go off about doing something formally.
Wut? that tools bad ass. Its got a prong that stabs in to reveal the true dampness percent of wood. You obviously dont know jack shit about wood. So dont understand how neat of a tool that is. Theres no way you can reveal the percent of dampness internally by eyeballing it.
Thank the lord.
Inspection is just rubber stamped
t. first time buyer who got stuck with a shitbox
Say you got a mill and need to dry your wood. You know exactly when its internally cured. Say it rained a week ago on construction but dried out. This reveals it leaked and the wood is wet under the dry surface. Say shitty home depot is selling uncured wet wood they milled yesterday. that tool reveals that. Yeah eyeballing it might be a close second. but thats a pro assed tool.
>If you want to build tall structures you need steel-cement, a whole lot of it.
>The whole big house made mostly of wood is a scam.
No it's about quality over quantity.
>You will never be American
I am pleased that the gods have blessed me.
Unless you're a wetback, the wetbacks on the crew will intentionally cause shit that will seriously hurt or kill you so you can't work there anymore, or intentionally fuck things up and collectively blame it on you to the boss, because they feel you being there means one of their own didn't get the position. Americans outside of border states really have no clue how a large number of them think and act, especially when they are a sizeable population in an area. There's a reason their own country shoves them over the border to be our problem and still reap the benefits of them sending their U.S. dollars back to Mexico and other Central American countries.
to say nothing of it not being the least bit fancy
side note it's a pastanigger saying that shit
The inevitable result of attempting to maximize profits and minimize costs. Shit materials, shit labor, shit house, 650k please
>what is documentaion?
In a tiktok video? lol
No no, the tool is cool. It's the contrast between the tiktok low effort "hurr look at this shit" vs the need of the tool to show the obvious.
i hate these spic workers so much
That'll be $970k

Plus "tip" iykwim
1.2 million dollar house, but employees that can't speak english and are paid under the table for less than minimum wage.

The american dream is to be jewish or spiritually jewish like boomers.
The stuff of nightmares right there. If that's not a demon from the deepest pit of hell I don't know what is...horrific.

The work is efficient and fast, they also light enough to not break those flimsy tables, granted nailing like that instead of screwing is not good enough
My home was built in 1990 of solid concrete block and the roof is reinforced with metal straps and shit. I live in a hurricane zone and this place is like a bunker.
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I genuinely don't get it.
Why should someone own land he doesn't use/live on? It's pointless.
Why can't people build their own houses like 100 years ago? Why do you need to pay turks/niggers/kurds/albos/mexicans a premium to construct a shithole like this? What the fuck is actually wrong with our society that we reached a point where people invest in houses like this and they are worth 30-40 years of wageslaving?
building inspectors usually are hired by the builders themselves and have no 3rd party oversight
We can learn alot from Japanese and Chines Joining. then adapt it into a hybrid. So stuff like inset and dove tailing then reinforcing that with traditional construction adhesive and screws. Or even just making wood screws out of dowel rods is retarded strong. Japanese joinery traditionally has only wood pins and animal glues to work with. So its out of necessity since they didnt unlock even screw threads or nails. Whereas our system is entirely dependent on fasteners. I have learned and meditated on this and use a hybrid where it allows, based on common sense.
Fake and gay. Wetbacks built that, Julio.
The guy is missing half nails going that fast
Oh shit even memes can't keep up with inflation
Show an Amish build not a Mexican
Two things can be true
Ok pastanigger, since you're so fucking stupid, how about a transcript.
>alright so that's water coming in from the roofing system components above us
>straining down that back wall and it
>seems like a lot let's see if it's wet
>and it's wet
Only at the last sentence did the simple, low cost moisture meter get used to demonstrate the accuracy of the previous observations. Have you figured this out yet?
>there was an issue of someone drawing swastikas in the porto johns and it wasnt me. I think it was 1 of the sparkies.
Electricians are gigachads. Also do about the fucking easiest fucking job in building a house. Not sure why they exist, any idiot can do what they do.
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My outlets are worse than that.
I'd like to point out that if you reevaluated your appreciation of the "any idiot," you would immediately understand their purpose.
Also, houses don't like fires.
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I was 20 so didnt unlock the 3 felony convictions prerequisite for applying for sparkie. Honestly its been a tough life and Im definitely in the "failure to launch" category...Beyond Im rich with trust funds..PRAISE JESUS! "ohohoho boomer, that looks tuff. Good luck figuring that 1 out..Ill be in Hawaii"
Holy fuck, get out of this site gypsy
I agree is simply not how we do it, we don't even use nail guns

This is a sismic country building like that would be intentional murder
>t. scared kike is scared
I can't believe Osama bin Laden and other muslims did that... Iraq must pay dearly for this.
Just like you can compensate poor engineering with excessively solid materials, the entire point of these cheap flimsy materials is to compensate with proper design and technique.

Hiring illegals for this is getting the worst of both worlds.

Just remember, all of this is possible thanks to money printing, aka socialists' wet dream. Low tier wagies are financing these boomer mc mansions with inflation. Enjoy your $25.99 burgers... The real American "tip" culture is the inflation you pay to finance federal reserve debauchery.
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You can fix this in 10 minutes you lazy nigger.
Wow, look at how fast he's working! On schedule!

Never mind that the house will fall apart three years later. At least it got finished on time.
I believe it, just not the 1.3 million claim. A friend was trying to buy a home and I was going along for the rides to give her a second opinion. One of the houses the realtor wanted to show her was a new construction, placed on the market early before it was finished, $230,000. A single family home, not the best square footage. No yard. Built so close to the neighboring hones I could t-pose between the homes and just brush each side with my fingertips. So already I was not impressed, as your home is guaranteed to burn down if one next door catches fire. That and your view outside the kitchen window was your neighbor’s living room. Anyway, they had just begun hanging the dry wall, so there was still a lot of exposed framework. There was all kinds of half-assed bullshit like you see in this video. Gaps, clusters of nails sticking out. It was pretty bad. I wouldn’t recommend any of these newly-built homes for any number of reasons. They’re not well built, they’re jammed too close together, and those neighborhoods are guaranteed to go to shit FAST as many of those units are purchased by boomers as rentals (roulette neighbors) plus they’re within the price range of upwardly-mobile black women who are TERRIBLE about moving in multiple trashy cousins or nieces or whatever.
They pay them for finishing in time not quality of the work

If they took to long they won't pay there is no incentive to work any better
Yeah Im on my roof reshingling it and only use a hand hammer because there was obviously a problem with the nail gun of over or under penetration (code fail. improper install) as Im going over what some random beaners where up there doing. I'd just rather take my time and get it right with a hand hammer. I got some 500lb. compressor in the garage too. Its not a lack of air tools.
Whiter than you.
Bugareti, the left screw thread on the box itself has stripped.
Kick Jose and Pedro out of construction jobs.
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Imagine paying 4.5 million to live next to changs and a few blocks away from feral niggers.
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entertaining with pavement? who enjoys pavement? That house is built like a walmart with a parking lot in front. They could have put a nice garden there, but instead went with car amenities. Utterly classless.
God damn beaners
They're probably happy to sell it fast, still getting a hefty profit.. for what they've invested.

Alas, once those construction flaws are properly sealed and hidden, the price will rival the average mc mansion.
lmfao mexicans work harder, faster, and dumber
My neighbor had to get a new roof put on after Katrina. A crew of beaners with nail guns showed up. They did such a poor job they somehow managed to shoot a few nails through her ceiling. She wound up having to sue the roofing company and had to have the whole thing completely redone plus additional repairs..
He's right though. It wouldn't pass inspection. In matter of fact the video looks like an inspection.
Are you jealous Europe has no wood?
The biggest downfall of EXCESSIVE regulations is that it inevitably deforms into a game of bribery. Once past that point, just put all money on buying crooked inspectors, zero on high quality.
Hey you people liked to deny worker unions cause to commie, well workers know this shit ain't a good job and unions would demand being done well, what would also imply properly paying workers, who is impossible on hyperinflation due to materials cost
I believe it. What Ive found is starter row terminates on the 1st shingle row without cutting the 6 inches to change the termination point so leak. improper fastener placement. Over and under penetration of fasteners. Architect terminates into brick work. Flashing gaps are left there. No ice and water shield in that critical spot so leaks. ETC. ETC. the Icing on the cake is where they used a framing brad nailer to check their air everywhere and left countless brads stabbed through the shingle as a penetration for no reason. Also a few .22 bullet hole shingle penetrations.

I said am I bringing in a team of mexicans to slap this out in 2 days and start a second mortgage? nah, Im almost finished but Ive been up there for awhile.
Are battery powered nail guns any good?
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As long as the cables are not damaged everything else is very easy to replace or repair.
Even if you fucked up the wall you can fix it and put a new console/box for the outlet and a new outlet, none of this is expensive or difficult to do.
I can only excuse you if you're 20 or something, but a grown man has to have the basic skills to maintain his house.
Nope use air compression or screws
yeah, lets unionize 3rd world mexicans as long as were also throwing them back over our borders. The dog whistle is (white) men have given up and failed to launch. Im all for socialism as long as its the white nationalist flavor.
That's not pavement, that's fine brickwork. That's luxury. A property that size is going to have plenty of life and visitors to trod upon it. Apparently they thought they needed the space. They probably do.
I wouldnt know. I can go faster with a hand hammer than properly setting an airgun up for shingle fasteners tho. Ive never used a electric gun. Maybe it doesnt fluctuate pressures?
You see that screw on the right? In the metal frame? Just fasten that lil nigger.
Maybe the other side has a screw as well.
I think it’s great you can do it on your own. And know what you’re doing. Roofing is well beyond my expertise, so if I never need that done I’ll be at the mercy of whatever crew. Really all I know to do is ask for them to use hammers.
This is everything moving forward. You can’t import thirty million spics and not get a spic country. The decline of every day life is going to shock people. Eventually it will be the new normal (remember that shit lol) and just another shithole
Roofing is mainly about the edges and corners, as well es the plastic layer under the roof surface/water proofing and insulation. And of course the structure the roof is mounted on.
With the large surfaces themselves there's relatively little that could go wrong.
Looks 10 times better than a new build in the UK tbqh
It’s less about “owning the job” based on color, and more about them having an infinite supply of brothers and cousins flooding into the country that they need to get hired so they sabotage you. It’s actually quite based and just one more reason jewish trained whites are dying out, we would never do anything like that for our family and so we will lose. Every time you see someone screeching about nepotism, just think about how that mindset impacts society.
>1.3 million dollars
How much did they tip?
The amish would do it in one day and it would last until doomsday.
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>As long as the cables are not damaged
Of course they aren't. This place is from 2014 but that means nothing because pic related, I mean what the fuck was the dumbass electrician thinking. $60 in RCDs sitting decoratively.
>I can only excuse you if you're 20 or something
Literally am but I have installed plenty of boxes already because none are fucking right. I can't be arsed to replace this one, it's in a shitty spot, cleaning the mess would be a lot of effort.
>but a grown man has to have the basic skills to maintain his house.
Ah but my dad wouldn't have the slightest clue how to do anything electrical or almost any house maintenance to speak of.
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>4m for 1600sqft
You can buy a larger house in the Hamptons for cheaper.
San Diego is full on fucking retarded and will lead the nation with a market crash.



Ill post some tradie guys that know their shit in case someone needs them or needs training or whatever. Youtube is flooded with imposters.
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This is triggering me
This is very real anon. The US never recovered from 2008. Everything is cheap and crap now, anything of quality is old or you build it yourself. I do high end construction for a living and see a lot of framing like this. The new rich dont care as long as drywall and trim turn out okish. Then a windstorm comes along and drywall gets tons of cracks and trim pops because the walls are moving too much. Boomers have this idea some jobs just pay peanuts and its killed trades and skilled labor. I dont blame the south american dude getting 125 a day to throw up shit framing hes barely able to afford tacos and beer on that now. All people you hear on here making bank in trades work industrial or ultra highend housing. That work isnt easy to come by unless you really are hot shit in your trade.
>You see that screw on the right? In the metal frame? Just fasten that lil nigger.
Not enough. The left screw has no thread to screw into, replacing this box will make a mess because fucking brick. Drywall is so much better for interior walls but this is a fucking exterior wall.
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I was working with a black guy saying the same thing about heavy equipment operation with the exact same experience of blacks are not allowed on the job site. and just smirked knowingly and didnt start in with my powerlevel since we where co workers.
Healthy nepotism is ok because it makes sense having someone you can trust working around you, and you have a bigger impact on them and the situation if they pull shit, but if they're an incompetent or utterly corrupt retard, they deserve to go, regardless. In this case, it's a system of utterly corrupt and incompetent retards exercising nepotism and parasitic behavior against their host nation, surrounded by other utterly corrupt retards making money hand over fist doing the same or selling out their nation, and between those two are a few honest people who know nothing they report will make a difference and put them at risk of being black balled in the industry and/or knifed by a beaner in the parking lot for ratting them out.
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Lmao. I can do better with match sticks.
The amish are ok framers. I have seen their handy work up close. Its cheap and quick, lots of little things slightly off.
btw I live in a commie block with no grounding wire to the outlets, let alone ground fault protection.
But if you're going to do new construction at least do it right and up to modern specs.
>Wage economic warfare against your fellow White American by hiring only 70IQ spic invaders
>Predictable results
No shit, Bacalou
if you open up a dictionary and it says "diversity equity and inclusion" this is what it should say. Its a corporate "pay more for less until you get nothing" tactic that maximizes profit.
Yep, you can see the OSB failing behind the shit stucco work in so many of developments already.
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How's that Trash Mountain Fire doing?
You know - the mountain of trash so tall you had to put warning lights on it to keep planes from hitting it?
They did their best, don't be racist
>hat's fine brickwork.
Those are called pavers. It's pavement.
These companies like Lennar will literally kick you out of their open houses if you bring a building inspector. All their building inspectors are proprietary.
bet spics worked on it too
Termination is not 1 foot above ground level. 2 sheets of 30 POUND (not number) tar paper installed as house wrap. No weep screed installed. This will get passed as up to code. If you apply for a building permit and succeed they will be up your ass and tell you, you fail. Its a 2 structured system.

If you want to go above and beyond. Redgard at least the cuts on the ends of the OSB.
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Yeah and that's 300 inbred Amish vs 5 beaners
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Do you live on that trash ?
I bought us an old farm. This house has been on this hill for over 100 years.
Built like a tank - its not some huge vanity project house made of sticks
Walls are lath and horsehair plaster over hardwood framing
The joists are like battleship beams - has to be at least 3 x 12 hardwood
There isn't a stick of yellow shitwood in this place - its all oak (red and white) poplar, walnut..
Its got issues - all homes do, especially old ones
But no way would I trade it for some spic-built trashpile made of sticks and tyvek
That's what happens when Mexicans and others south of the border build things.
Wood works but you need logs and shit, not some fucking flimsy planks that you'd use to build a playhouse for the kids.
In California and Earthquake zones you don't want Balkan style. it would murder you
USA is flexible and the "Cardboard" fiber board is mold resistant.
Building a house isn't expensive. its the land people build on you can build a 3 and 2 in the USA for 50k in materials if you're willing to do all of the hammering.

the downside is fire. wood houses suck in fires and tornados but rule in movement. when a wood house settles and sags, you can easily put a hydraulic lift and lift and place a new load bearing under it. when a brick and mortar or concrete does this, it's super expensive to fix and usually people just accept the shift and annoying equilibrium sensation that goes with it.
The only way ive found to beat the system is tearing it out and sneeking it back in up to real code, without permits.
Plywood and two sticks holding it together now counts as wooden house?
My sauna has more wood in it than your average 3 stories house
>Do you live on that trash ?
No, but you shit eaters actually do
Entire economy built up around you shit eaters picking over that mountain of trash and reselling it to fellow shit eaters
>I live in a commie block with no grounding wire to the outlets
Just bridge the ground contact to neutral, ez. It's like that anyway outside of your apartment in new builds.
My grandparents house is the same, 2 wires. In the living room the computer, tv, now air conditioner are plugged into the same power strip, the noise filters on switching power supplies release a couple mA into the ground contact but since it goes nowhere now everything plugged into it gives you a small zap if your hands aren't dry as a desert. There are burned wires in the walls from a thermal mass heater, still used but the heater has its own cable with 3 wires on the other side of the wall now. What a great install.
>But if you're going to do new construction at least do it right and up to modern specs.
At the time this place was done the standard was 30mA for the bathroom and any sensitivity for the rest. There is only 30mA for the bathrooms downstairs and upstairs was that shit. It's fine I guess (unlikely to pass anything close to 30mA through dry skin) but it's exactly what we had in an apartment built in 1991, the original installation too.
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Ooh i hit a nerve. Stay mad stick house dweller. You will never have brick walls.
>In California
You don't wanna be in California.
>and Earthquake zones you don't want Balkan style
Balkan is earthquake zone though
>a gadget to check if something is wet
well the white man could do better but the new gen is too busy shoving dildos up their ass in their pink neon lights room, or doing minecraft speedruns, with spics you have shitty houses, without them you live in a cave with the bears
>Ooh i hit a nerve.
LOL if you say so, street shitter
It says much that you have to tell yourself you "pwned" someone who knows your shit pit country is worse than Haiti
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It is absolutely real. Master electrician here. There are apartment complexes in CO that never got compaction tested so when we dug for secondaries, sludge would leak out from under the foundation. Those apartment complexes won't be here in 10 years. Probably less. But I suppose they just need temporary housing to house there wetback spic invasion forces. Fuck they're the ones that built it to begin with.
keep coping sodom and gammorah mutt, god their so delusional
>No porta-john on site
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Mmmmm. Reinforced concrete columns. That's a strong house, wtf jeets?
Same shit applies with blacks and Indians.
>working 3rd with a black manager
>black employees were almost impossible to fire for any reason
>callouts, removed from system to give them perfect attendance
>showing up late, fixed
>black and need a vacation, all approved no questions asked
The lowkey race wars began when we also got a white manager and started holding her accountable for her shit, half the darkies gone in 3 months. Eventually herself when he caught her faking reports and sheeit.
The outlet is French. Schneider Electric.
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The County and city governments had created strict guidelines to protect water and enviormental. You can't have an outhouse or a septic tank that doesn't meet standards. the top lid of a septic tank cost more than $500 just for that part alone. you can't just dig with an old tank and shit in it. it has to have the right filter material to prevent bacteria from infecting surface ground water.
then there is the need of a well. Septic cost like 6-10k depending if the water percs or not.

a well is 22-25 per foot with an average depth of 120 feet. with housing and pump setup its close to somewhere between 15k-25k

you're looking at land that the cheapest is about 5k an acre (12k for a hectar) USD. and so 50k just to start. the house is a minimum of 65k for a 400sqft factory built Boxabl or 80-120k for a 3 and 2.

then there are all of the fucking permits. another 6-15k depending on the county and state.

some areas like NYC or San Francisco could be 100k just for permits and land study.

it's a fucking mess. but it's to prevent rampant diseases getting out.

Would you like a bunch of Indian (Red dots) moving in next door and pitching tents to live in while shitting in a hole?
>reminder to stick house dwellers you will never have brick walls and will never own a house. Pay your rent and tax, chuddy and Stay mad lol
I was going to say that
US does not have those plugs
NGL. it looks nice.

This guy is right tho. Theres something to be said about fixing your foundation with a jack. Depends on if you have engineers that truly know the soil types and can create a foundation that will not settle. Sometimes that required digging down 20 feet and installing concrete horizontal pillars.
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find a nut for the left, tighten it down.
>a gadget to check if something is wet
Kek this fookin much why memericans are retarded
Not one flush toilet or running water in the whole place
Nice potemkin village, street shitter
I live next to picrel
Seethe, you fucking nigger brown subhuman
Most of you don't even have indoor plumbing or proper ones.
you're lucky you live in a warm climate most year round. but then again, it's perfect climate for air born diseases running rampant

How do you not have a national sewer grid but you're putting rockets on the fucking moon
Canadian. I recognize the tags on the lumber.
Houses built for generations and not for next monsoon season.
Shit, that's a solid idea.
>this make American flags mad
Nice house anon post moar to make stick house dweller seethe
wow, he's such a hard worker! we need at least six million more this month!
>unlimited land
>build houses like this
>still manage to have a housing crisis
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I built my own house.
t. Basement dwellers. Do you even touch grass.
okay tell me a country starting with 'O' without googling.
And this was put up in one day, not 6-9 months
So stop Balkans as an example, their time is coming.
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Such is life in judeworld
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>Just bridge the ground contact to neutral, ez.
Already done that. Of course metal appliances and electronics like my laptop give a small zap.
At least the bathroom is fine, no shock from the water or metal shower/tap since commies used steel pipes and they work like grounding rods.
If I ever build my own house I'm doing the electrics myself and doing them properly.
>no link
I watched the video of this being built, all I could think was the amount of bugs crawling up the guy's ass if he sat down for even one second
This looks nice, why do you guys build such hideous homes here?
When I was 7-8 I built a clubhouse for me and my friends to read comics in and have sleepovers.
The craftsmanship was the same as in your photo.

These look tacky though
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Picrel is my place, looking East, at dawn
The barn is mine
The horses are mine
The one in front is nicknamed Red
Middle one is Cloud
Third one is Lucky
How many horses do you own, street shitter?
Yeah, that's what I thought
The boomer contractor only paid $.58 a sq ft for framing. Then he bullshited on send the right lengths of lumber for the balloon wall so I spliced. I'm not doing a good job and taking my time.
Poor workmanship. Strange though how euros that can't get a house made in the past 2 centuries seethe. We don't have our castles and villages pillaged anymore, requiring all stone to survive.
Do you have metal brace straps there? Is it not part of your building code?
A thing of beauty.
Damn you got tricked, which is obvious because you couldn't cut a piece of sheet rock. That can be done with a razor knife but go ahead and blame a nigger fucking weirdo.
lesson to everyone, before you hire contractors, lawyer up with 10 lawyers, the biggest scum works in this field
>Bro those Mexicans can put up a house in like 2 weeks!
>the house
Almost a good design for a fire-prone landscape. Too much timber exposed if you are likely to get a fire.
i kneel jeet

IDK... it's amazing how fast they can get a house "framed". And it's funny to see people laugh at this while some of these niggers don't even have air conditioning.

Yeah, these faggots are living in cobbled together stone and straw huts with no AC. They can't even comprehend that I'm sitting in a house in one of the hottest places in the US, and it's 70 degrees in my house. I have 2 refrigerators, and every possible food option within driving distance.
I could EASILY knock out an american with a single strike
Kike boomers crying nobody wants to work kek >maybe you shouldn’t allowed the country to be destroyed by kike parasites
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Of course anon. Here

>This looks nice, why do you guys build such hideous homes here?

Search bill malhotra and blame your zoning laws.

I have cattle farms and drink organic milk. go milk your horse cock for milk
Aus has a cyclone building standard but I doubt anything would stand a chance in Tornado Alley.
Holy shit 2 refrigerators?
Yeah, it do be like dat.
Rule of thumb is about a year of drying and normalizing lumber per inch thickness
Also, nobody bothers with quarter-sawing, even though the lumber is superior - the annular rings running perpendicular to the thickness of the wood minimizes warping, cracking, twisting, etc...
But, nobody bothers with that anymore
Also, they cheat with dimensions - used to be a 2" x 4" was two inches by four inches after drying and normalizing
Now, they subtract the thickness of the sawblade before force drying everything in a kiln
So, it's more like 1 3/4 x 3 3/4 - if that.
Then have spics spike it all together soaking wet and green, then tear it all down and redo it when the wood warps and your 1/4" sheetrock cracks visibly
>third world sandnigger rapebaby opinions
fucking streetshitters... 1.39999 billion of youse live in plastic, tarp and tin shanties. Fuck off idiot. And stay in India you stinky little turds.

Dude... Imagine if you could assemble squads from different races, give them a plot of land, building materials, and tools.

The mexicans would have a full on fucking city constructed before most of the others even had some cobbled together boxes to sleep under.

Honestly, I'm getting sick of the hate. Sure, the border shouldn't be wide open. But these are some of the hardest working, strongest people in the world. on god. Lots of the girls are amazing too.

And the food? nigga, gtfo. And ignore the hypocrisy that my mexican wife is fat and lazy. There's exceptions to any rule.
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What's the AQI outside right now?
And don't you dare try to lie.
LOL. Guy is so fat that needs 2 refrigerators.
>I have cattle farms and drink organic milk
Sure you do, Rajneesh
Your people LITERALLY eat shit and brag about it
All I see are you posting shutterstock images and bragging
I posted up the view from my driveway that I photographed myself - even told you the names of my horses
You got what?
Fuckall is what - a shit pit country covered in trash

>Where's my bux at brah
Nigger job here

yeah nigga.
Everyday the same threads, everyday the same posts every day the same arguments.
Im starting to believe in bots now, this shit is tiresome.

See, I told you. You niggers living in these third world shit holes can't even understand the luxury conditions we're living in here in the US.

I'm like 195lbs, can bench 225, can do pistol squats, and can do pull ups. How about you, fatty?

I also have 2 gym memberships.

Does your province even have any gyms? lol. imagine.
This is a board for politics
It's what you get when half-arsed beaners build shit. If the frame had been braced it would've withstood almost anything.
importing shitskins who know fuck all about anything is politics.
I build custom houses. OSB for walls is fine as long as it's properly sealed. OSB for rooves is insane buy the number of customers that don't want to shell out the extra $3-5k for plywood rooves is insane. We build million dollar plus homes and that's where these customers draw the line. It's crazy. You should have 5/8ths plywood at a minimum for a roof

imagine being german... your entire life a humiliation ritual. You can't even talk about your countries history without risking going to jail.

But I hear the age of consent is 14, are you taking advantage?
>The mexicans would have a full on fucking city constructed before most of the others even had some cobbled together boxes to sleep under.
The same fucking 70IQ brownoids that cannot construct a functioning 2nd world nation can "somehow" construct one here because of our Magic Dirt
You Cargo Cult motherfuckers are the dumbest pieces of shit on the planet
>Hey! Banks have a lot of hobos and crackheads around them!
>If we import crackheads and hobos, then banks will surely follow!
This is your level of fucking thinking
You really need to just shut the fuck up and stay out of things that are way above your pay grade
yes yes, american workmanship performed by greasy border hoppers is as good as ever
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why are you guys mad and circle jerking each other.
I own my land
i own my house(made of Real bricks ;) )
it will be for generations
I don't get raped by taxes
Drink and eat organic
I don't get mad for no reason (but you do shows how well you are doing lol)

Just stating the facts make you seethe how pathetic
My brother in law bought a new construction house this year and I personally saw 3-4 very questionable things that were shitty workmanship

Home builders throw together slop as cheap as possible. They just do. Smaller local builders are your best bet, but even then, do lots of research and don't be afraid to ask people on the neighborhood about the build quality
>saar, saar, look at me...
fuck off nigger.
Why are barns red ? I genuinely don’t know
I forgot to mention the Mexicans they had put the carpet down never tacked down the staircase carpet lmao. That's just sad.

American new construction homes are just shitboxes most of the time
home inspections are a joke. I got baited by a lemon. I had to replace the main water line, upstairs windows, the water softener, and the deck in the first year. So far I've spent almost 60k because the inspector didn't do his fucking job.
>want a nice home
>have to hire fucktard construction llc because you signed a contract and can't use anyone else
>a team of trade school washouts, junkies and spics cobble together a shanty and hide their shit work with overpriced vinyl
>move in during the winter
>feel a cold breeze coming from the attic
>see a huge hole which doesn't belong to your whore wife that is currently getting railed in her tahoe by her yoga instructor
>fill it with great stuff
>fined 20k from the hoa for unauthorized repairs, ordered to remove it and use an approved contractor
>3 weeks later one of the fags that "built" your home come by and spray great stuff in the hole
Suburbia is hell.
So you're an average in shape male. Is that something exceptional in the USA?
Don’t let non-Whites build stuff for you.
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What have I done
It should have had them and it also should have had sheathing applied to add to the structural strength
Statistically speaking yes
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>Attention tranny projecting
when i say stick houses, you cry that's not my problem
Strange... I can do all that with just 1 gym membership... I don't need 2 refrigerators or 2 gym memberships.
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>What? I just live in this fucking palace in Streetshitistan?
>Why you mad?
Hey fuckhead
Tineye is a thing
You pulled down some shit taken back in 2016
Lying street shitter
be quiet, street shitter. Or we'll East India Company your street-shitting arses again.
Fun fact: Many of these temples aren't actually 600 years old. While they incorporate elements and pieces of the original temple, they've largely been rebuilt. The oldest part of the todai-ji temple, depicted here, aren't even in the temple itself, but the ornate lanterns out front which date back to 900 AD.
What a horrid people
I could EASILY bring down an american with a swift strike of my fist
Anon that house isn't finished yet. They're still building it and the video is the inspector
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But I saw a tiktok of them working really fast for 20 seconds!
Topkek hilarious thread cardboard house dweller are in absolute shamble
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>lmao you faggots seethe about nigger stealing your pussies not me and what about the joos ruling your lives. you are pathetic

when did i say it's mine? lol
Maybe they don't need air conditioning
White nations only have this problem because jews flooded our countries with <80 IQ shitskins. I'm all for remigration (ethnic cleansing) in white countries. Make White Civilisation Great Again.
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R U WINNING SON??????????
You'd be one of those highly educated street shitters who comes to Australia to drive Ubers?
>Sorry, not sorry
>when did i say it's mine?
Post date/timestamp
Post paw
Post house
Post your cattle
Post your barn
Or you can shut your lying mouth
Scammy street shitting nigger
I fucking hate you motherfuckers almost as much as I hate real niggers and jews
Subhuman lower order hominid
I am intrigued. I definitely would shit there.
Fuck the Hamptons, way cheaper in North Fork LI, more land larger houses and your neighbors in some areas will be WASPs.
It’s drywall you fucking nigger, I got bitched at by a fucking pale boomer for not hand sanding a piece of drywall correctly. Got 60 bucks but the dude wanted us to wrestle too, fucking wife divorced him for a reason.
The best bit about this story is that it was a nigger who stabbed him. Welcome to shitskin Australia.
100% Amish built.
Those fuckers are the worst.
When I first got into construction, I was attracted by the idea that it was a real craft that you can apply your hands and mind to. That couldn't be further from the truth.
In residential construction the priority is on getting things done as quickly and cheaply as possible. You wouldn't believe how much crap people try to sneak by inspectors, and plenty of times they're successful. Then the drywall goes up and the trim goes on and it gets sold for $750,000+ and then the new home owners get to deal with water damage, electrical faults, sinking foundations, shitty framing, etc. while living in their dream home from hell.
Have fun with that mortgage, retard!
>Nail once, nail 20 times. To be sure, to be sure.
Do their buildings fall down and apart like shitskin builds?
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Triggered!!! LMAO

You were the one larping. i don't have to prove who i am. you can stay made but no bricks for you
50 years ago we built double brick homes in Aus that will last hundreds of years if maintained. They're all foam-clad fire boxes now and start falling apart before they're finished. (((What they stole form us)))
Steel cement and brickwork is my choice, good quality of materials ofc.
Hardly. It's just amusing that a street shitter thinks they've contributed anything to civilisation, let alone White Civilisation. What have street shitters achieved?
Red paint used to be the cheapest exterior paint you can buy back in the day. Something to do with the technology of producing it. I don't know if that's still the case.
Steel-cement is a man's choice you carpentering bitch!
Ted K lived like a 30 minutes bike ride from Lincoln, and used to do grocery shopping every weekend. .
Even Richard Proenneke received shipments of food medicine and tools every 6 months or so.
Not worth your time, Bruce
Rajneesh is just pulling random images and pretending that's where he lives
He has a whole fictional backstory/universe developed
In a way, I do not blame him
If you were born in the worst country on the planet - and that includes Haiti - what would you do for escapism?
No it's just Arizona, home to the worst homebuilders on earth, because they can churnout shitboxes that people won't notice problems in for over a year, since it never rains there, and there's barely any wind.
It's why the state has the most Home Inspectors per capita.
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google is free, if you are really interested ;)
From ancient to modern we made our place and soon will give you more reason to seethe.
my first year plumbing we did a 12 unit apartment building for the biggest construction company around here.
they had a bunch of plumbing walls that were load bearing 2x4 walls that needed a 3" pipe go up through to pick up the upstairs shitters
2x4's are 3.5", 3" abs pipe is also 3.5" so we had to cut out the entire top plate of the wall to get it in there, which is illegal.
builder told us not to worry about it and when the inspector came he stood in the living room of one of the units and bullshitted with the builder for a bit, signed off on the inspection and left.
he didnt look at shit.

theres still a big ass hole in the side of that building where we drilled a hole to slide gas pipe through that the beaners never patched up
Yeah And the builder, inspector and sub contractor can all be sued for this
Lol you have to ask to do simple repairs at your own house? Cucked country.
I believe this
Wonder how much the building inspector was getting for a kickback?
Or if he was related to the builder somehow?
picrel is all derivative from other races. A soulless blob looking for a soul. We can smell it. Like when you shit in the street and the smell hangs in your clothes.
na im pretty sure he got paid for it theres no way he didnt that place was fucked and the builder knew it

The M.C. Escher toilet
>be jewish housing developer
>cut corners by hiring beaners
>housing inspectors lols and prevents you from selling houses
The most cynical bullshit I ran into when I was a first time homebuyer was "Contractor grade"
This is code - it stands for
>The cheapest, most gutless trash you can install and still have it pass code
They install this garbage, then ghost when it passes inspection (barely)
The fact that it will fail miserably 2 months after the house is sold is not relevant - it then becomes someone else's problem
They pulled that shit with this place - windows
I knew they were shit and told them as much
One of the first things we did was replace them all - house is worth it, on balance
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>Mah scoince copyright
We have families and not ruled by joos. Cope harder
it shows
You could be the PM of the UK and you will always sound, smell and look like a street shitter to White people. YWNBW
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you have ego problem. Do you drink onions ?
When I raise my voice at street shitters they cower like mistreated dogs, why is that?
this is what you fucking get and what you fucking deserve for depressing the wages of skilled tradesmen who do shit but essential work for a living. Now not only do they hate themselves and their job but they also aren't being adequately compensated. Fuck around and find out.
t. tradie
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LMAO i 100% I believe you. Do you drink onions ?
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sorry forgot to share a "brick" house and what else you dream of, I will help you calm your rage ?
Settle down little black Sambo, I was just having a lend of ya.
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>Gets called out for posting stock images of a new home
>Pretends anybody believed him in the first place and keeps going.
Post pics of your toilet with timestamp, Sukhdeep.
if you live in a wooded house your probably some dumb faggot white guy.
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Ruled by joos and dont have family. sad life. you have sympathy brother

you took a long time to create this 2kb cope. Not based.
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if you build them from hard materials, commies will want to move in them. they appreciate well build stuff, by others, because they don't have to work on maintaining it.

On the other part, houses build for only one generation, won't attract them and perpetuate commies.
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Post pictures of your toilet with timestamp, Veerjay.
the only people who work like monkeys are the monkeys ie drywallers, framers, ironworkers. hvac, plumbing, and electrical are basically the same unless you are in a large structure with big vents and pipes. even then it's not like electricians don't have to run 3" conduits in a parkade for distribution, 2000kcmil cables on the ceiling, or dig holes in the mud to lay 4" conduits for the municipal power connection.

basically you don't know shit
>watch this shit tok video
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>holy shit i am defeated.
Boo! take this brick home as my cope

Checks out lol
hundreds of trees died for this
that's what shitskins have done to your trades. Sparkies and plumbers in Aus still make 100-150 K$ pa domestic in cities and 150-250$K pa(AUD) commercial. Even more in the mines.

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