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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What are the implications of you dying for Israel?
What are the political implications of fathers shooting draft collectors in the face with M855 5.56mm bullets when they attempt to detain their children?
i'm dumb, what does the "217 to199" mean?
Foreigners are excluded because they are the enemy. Best leave now while you still have the chance alien invader scum.
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Its the american way, literally why the goy r born. Go fufill destiny sharts.
>shooting the officers
Childs play. You are supposed to go after their family while they are busy abducting Americans for the Israeli army
Oh, boy! Now we get to have shapeshifting illegals, too!
This, my kids are not dyimg for the laurantian elite. Just not happening in canada. Sorry just not fighting.... i know....uggghh....im sorry
>“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family?
>Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?...
>The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt!
>If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
>Foreigners will be excluded
What, exactly, is the benefit of American citizenship in 2024? Is there any upside at all?
If the foreigners will be excluded it kind of ends the "They're not trying to replace you they just needs troops against China"
Just don't go?
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you're always dying for kikes regardless of country you're living in
>Foreigners will be excluded from this obligation
You get to support niggers, faggots, and jews
>foreigners are excluded

Oh. What qualifies as a "foreigner?"
They really want to kill off all the zoomoids, don't they
You get the pleasure of paying taxes
>American parents ever allowing children over 18 to live at home
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yeah boomers will do that for their kids they have long history of unselfish decision making kek
You wont do shit big guy
I read a thing yesterday saying foreigners WERE included so don't know which is true.
If foreigners are included then it's clear these fighting age brown men have been brought to the west to fight.
If they aren't included then it's clear they are to be our replacements at home and the only reason we were sent to the trenches is to die
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illegal migrants
you know
*the replacement*
kids if boomers are too old now. These are like kids of Gen x
Don't go, don't serve.
Forget Russia and Ukraine, this isn't about them.
The fact is, as a white able-bodied male, your government despises you.
And now, the only way the again is to draft you.
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it's just antisemitic theory
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Breadly reminder that the entire jew World Order stands on the shoulders of uniformed dogs such as goylease, feds (jewish goylease), glowniggers (jewish secret goylease) and zogdogs. And they are outnumbered thousands to one.
None of the evil plots, schemes and plans of the jews would come to pass without the good golem goyim in uniform, who enforce the jews' dictates and carry out their orders.
Do you still have uniformed dogs in your family or extended family which you've not disowned and cast out of your home?
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Did you know that the woman who wrote the bill is a ukrainian jew? They need to keep the foreign men alive to replace the whites, obviously
>Foreigners will be excluded.
They're going to send you off to war while spics and niggers rape and impregnate your women
>goylease, feds (jewish goylease), glowniggers (jewish secret goylease) and zogdogs
can you please speak like a normal person you fucking loser
Death to jews
>selective service
what does it mean?
Can you stop raping kids, jew?
>Foreigners will be excluded
I really hope zoomers have guns to defend themselves from this, and their parents also have guns to support them
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>can you please speak like a normal person you fucking loser
>Did you know that the woman who wrote the bill is a ukrainian jew?

Ukrainian Jews like Blinken, Nuland, Garland, 1/2 of the White House and so on...? The ones whose families were speaking Yiddish just 2 generations ago? Those Ukie Jews?
In the USA to get access to certain priveleges, for example voting you have to sign up for the draft.

So now all males in the USA are considered voters between the ages of 18-26.

Which is what every retard is missing in this thread.
>Foreigners will be excluded from this obligation

Time to get rid of more whites. Watch them do something similar in European countries
US "veterans" went to the Ukraine and ran away after 2 days of realising they aren't killing farmers and herders with 1940's weaponry and no airpower anymore.
I feel bad for you 'murricabros, if war breaks out and you draft dodge to Canada I'll buy you a Labatt Blue.
Haha zoomers deserve it. You newfags were warned when you got here about D&C tactics yet couldn't help yourselves from telling us "ok boomer", "why are you still here", "you just wanna grill" and memes about mowing lawns and monster cans. Instead of respecting the people who were here before you and probably made you even want to come here and interact. YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE!
>for example voting you have to sign up for the draft.
They why can women vote? Checkmate idiot
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I think they have now automated the process?
Time to die for Jews goy.
I really feel like God all mighty is lining up all the dominos in a logical sequence for Israel gets the shit kick outta it and by all its mudshit neighbours and the west is so riddled with internal sabotage and anti-globalist insurgents that the west is unable to help in the slightest.

And if a country were to try and assist its soldiers would find themselves on the wrong side of the regime that seizes power in their absence when and if they could return.
You won't do shit lmao
Revolution 2.0 is going to be lit.
LOL this thread again and again and again...
They're not going to draft you, fucking retard.
You're too...
To get into the military. They would take one look at 90% you and laugh.
Furthermore, we don't want or need you.
We already lower our standards so that women can get in and be here, you think we should FURTHER lower our standards? LOL.
What makes you think you would even be fucking trainable?
>Hurr durr I don't wanna go to war!
Don't worry, you won't.
Yes, a dem from PA
Why cant we just nuke Russia and China and be done with it
average age for first kid is 30 so these parents are between age 1967-1976 in average.
half is older half younger
boomerism ends in 1965 so there's plenty of boomers with kids between 18-27 years old
maybe gen x is better than boomers but I doubt as they have lived mostly nigger and social media free till age of 20
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>What are the political implications of fathers shooting draft collectors in the face with M855 5.56mm bullets when they attempt to detain their children?
Based fictional scenario which will never happen because no one will do shit except kneel for niggers, back the blu and tongue jew anus.
>hurrr im going to type out a bunch of my epic maymays and then call people jewish when it fails to get the point across effectively
Maybe. Those young boomers are the worst. All of the entitlement but none of the wisdom.
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I think russia and china should nuke you jews to death
I was in the Navy 12 years ago, and the standards were pretty low. A lot of anons here could be in the Navy.
>poor hygiene
>virgin weirdos with a nasty attitude
>ready to attack "newfags" any chance they get
>an unearned sense of entitlement
>constantly posting dead memes and jokes
They'd be perfect as nukes. I'd say nuke electricians.
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You sound like a goylease officer.
Why aren't you backing the blue? Don't you want our goy cattle fit for slaughter? What's the matter with you!?!?! Israel needs the best goyim to fight its wars.
so does females have to sing up for draft to vote or is this only priviledge for males?
>The jews that inspired chinas KKKommunists are now nazis
Way to shift the narrative
>Chang Che
lmao of course hes trying to hide its jewish roots
Feds mad
>posts anime picture of little girl
I always forget who im talking to on here. its almost never worth the time
>foreigners will be excluded
They aren’t even hiding the white genocide at this point
> #DraftOurDaughters is now real

Ye hath memed too greedily and too deep.


I wonder why enlistment is at all tome lows then...
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What is it you don't get?
Goylease is a portmanteau of "goy" and "lease". Which is to say, a goy whom the jews lease to do their dirty work. It also someone resembles the word "police", in phonetic pronunciation. What is it you don't understand?
Why do jews love doing this so much?

>foreigners excluded

And there we have it.
cough up your best western farm boy stock
Women don't have to. It's one of their many privileges.

Correct. This now means that there a millions more registered voters whether they realise it or not.
>>471218046 If I am not mistaken, Israel killed a lot of prophets sent by God, if not all of them.
>foreigners will be excluded
Now I laughed hard.
All Ukranian in Canada should relocate to Alberta/Saskatchewan and seek shelter with the large disporia.

They can't enforce a draft out west because
1. We will kill them.
2. That's pretty much it.

Your fucked if your east of Manitoba just based on muh roads and how it works, can't snatch people from small farm towns when anytime you leave the APC it's farmers with rifles, and Western Canada is based and redpilled.
Uhhhhh, I know....uggghh... I know.... im sorry... I'm just not fight for Israel is all HAHAHAHA
Any veteran of the CF I've met has actively discouraged me and anyone else from joining, the Mounties are more heavily equipped to the point most people don't factor the CF into the "big picture".
Armories were empties to Ukraine out west because they are worried about losing them, and demographic replacement is happening because of treasonous MP's taking bribes.

Things like all the money the liberals gave to African countries with Chinese interest ls start to make sense, or the targeted mass immigration of certain groups.
But in the end this is Canada.
We're past the post.
I only support the thin green line.
Trashmen and Garbage collectors are the thin green line between sanity and lord of the flies.
Sadly most of the people with guns are a bunch of zogged boomers who masturbate to the idea of having their children die for Israel.
Illegals, migrants, and dual citizens.
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america never was about only taking and free rides. america was always about what you can contribute to make america great. its time youngsters learned the price of freedom and what it means to be american
Draft me then see what happens
you wont do shit .....I can already hear your chastity belt clanging as you do jumping jacks at ft. bragg
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I love only you God Jesus Christ.
I will not die in this luminous hell but live forever in your light alone.
Jesus Christ is God.
God has only the name Jesus Christ.
There is no God but God Jesus Christ.
And God has no other name but Jesus Christ.
Not fact not logic ahriman demon spell thats the same spell cast america is dirt eith an unlaeful and illegimate Jewmocracy masonic reoublic communist pile of shit enforced on it
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>y-you w-wont do shit
Then why are you scared?
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What happened to men and women being equal? Why aren't the women being drafted too?
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cry more meme flag....draft is coming. You can cope and seethe while you are on duty with Tyrone and "Stefanie" (make sure you use she/them pronouns). Maybe tyrone will let you watch in the corner while he pounds "Stefanies" bussy in the barracks.
They are better of dead . They are Hitlar unFinnish mission.
you need the military if you want daddy to save you
How else do we kill all the brown people? Obviously we have to draft them and dump them off in some foreign land
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hi friend.
>The response on Chinese social media to the Hamas massacre was actually a wave of antisemitism. Not anti-Israeliness, but antisemitism. The Israeli embassy [in Beijing] uploaded content, and the responses included support for Hitler.
only poor people die in war
have fun
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Are you ready to die for Israel go- err I mean fellow White person?
>twitter screencap thread
This can't be true, republicans are sending me to my death? If I come out of this alive i'm sucking on democratic cock all day
Plan from the start for has been to bunker down in my place and whenever the draft officers breakthrough I shoot them in the face. Simple as
Wasn't this always the case? Now its just automatic instead of you having to sign that little card when you turn 18
nigger we are way more fucked then america, nobody will spend nukes on canada but all our major cities are outside the blast zones so we get to die horrifically from radiation burns.
At this point one might as well renounce their citizenship and become an illegal themselves lol
I like the way the fed doesn’t know how to use “sage” properly
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>foreigners will be excluded from this obligation
will we see the jews pledge loyalty to your flag?
>you won't do shit fedposter
>calling others memeflags
you are the dumbest gorilla nigger on the planet lol
I am permanently disqualified from Police and Military service because of prior drug use, a very mildly enlarged prostate, and GERD respectively. I even tried to Volunteer for the Ohio national guard and become an Ohio State Highway Patrolman and they gave me the NO for said reasons respectively. Funny besides for having to take proscar and famotidine I am perfect for military and police service
Hmmm, let me guess...
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Jewish hands typed this.
I support a military draft to fight for globohomo. Logically, it absolutely makes sense. It doesn’t make sense for me to be drafted and fight. Globohomo hasn’t given me anything. I haven’t benefited from anything globalism stands for. But I’m a white male. Most people under 26 who live in the US aren’t white. A solid 1/3 of them are faggots (compared to maybe 5% of my generation). Globohomo is on their side. Globalism, wokeness, DEI policies, BLM, borxerless cou tries… these are the things they’re fighting for, and these are the things that benefit from.
Denounce your citizenship. You will be better off on your own land
>Most people under 26 who live in the US aren’t white. A solid 1/3 of them are faggots (compared to maybe 5% of my generation).
53% of 18-24 year old men are non Hispanic White and not even 5% are “LGBT”
>76.2% of “LGBT Gen Z” are actual females
>only 6.0%/19.9% of zoomers are transgender, gay, lesbian, or bisexual & male
>in line with
>be american parent
>refuse to do anything about government encroachment and overreach for over a century
>vote for the peoplenl who campaigned on selling your children's future to the lowest bidder
>pull the ladder up behind you at every step
>have your child circumcised and blown by a rabbi at birth marking him as a jewish slave
>raise them for a world that hasn't existed since you yourself were a child
>throw your child out at 18 and 1 milisecond to be homeless to find their own way and make it work
>let registered sex offenders dress up as clowns and molest your kids in public venues like schools and libraries
>protect the priests who molested them at churches and youth groups
>protect the government that stages shootings in their school
>allow them to be shot up with all sorts of experimental "vacines" in the name of Moderna and Pfizer's profit margins
>think anyone else is dumb enough to believe you'll defend them from draft officers
Yeah just two more weeks until Americans get off their fat stupid asses and DO something.
I'm 34. Will let my zoomer bros know they can draft dodge on my couch.
You pay taxes to pedophiles so billionaire jews can have a national socialist ethnostate with world class FREE universal healthcare and education while you have to pay full price plus tip extra so your doctor will wash xer hands and your teacher will fill your head with queer marxist nonsense.

Democracy sure is swell ain't it?
Lol pvt hernadez is wilding today
Aww that's nice that foreigners are excluded. Now instead of them running back to their home country they can stick around and inherit the country after the domestic generation is wiped out in WWIII.
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Freedom is not free
Americans are essentially Sacrificial Lambs for jewish death rituals like the Band of the Hawk was in Berserk. Their mark is their missing foreskin rather than the Brand of Sacrifice.
Where is this popular delusion that you are immune to draft coming from?

Look at Ukraine. In their case 18-25 were temporarily immune (still couldn't leave the country), and old farts were being conscripted first. They were gradually lowering the draft age. What makes you think it will be different here?

What makes you think that the precious young spics (who comprise the majority of zoomers) will be drafted first and not your older White ass?

Can someone fucking explain this delulu to me? The age bracket to register != age bracket to be drafted.
>implying boomers give a fuck about their children
A couple years ago I as at a flea market in Hicksville USA and some white boomer was bragging about how his mixed race teenage son was getting ready to go off to the military to serve his country like it was a real fucking badge of honor. Rip, spic-lite. He probably circumcised the kid too since that's just what proud Americans do.

Zoomers hate us millennials, they call us old and goofy so they can go die like good niggercattle that they are.
Nah, they just hate faggots like you
Power to anarcho collectivism!
The infinite dimensions of progress.

True wars are only fought by volunteers.

Shoot those who would draft/murder you!

Besides, the cult known as “the jews” has declared war on the entire world!
35% of 30 year old Americans live with there parents tho…
Like 90% of 18 year olds
>epic maymays
can you please speak like a normal person you fucking loser
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their parents* lol
You won't do shit

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