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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You're telling me I just can't shoot this?
>modified agriculture drone
Pretty much the future
They share all the characteristics of a military drone but they have to be affordable and oftentimes the removable hopper works exactly like a payload bay
Wow that’s cool, but probably won’t be used for paratroopers
>every paratrooper will have one of these!!

great idea, fly into the enemy territory about 10 feet off the ground, moving at walking speed, sounding like a vuvuzela. very tactical
become ungovernable
Drones and drone enthusiasts are so gay its unreal .
Milsim games are about to become gay as fuck.
Fuck this gay earth
europeans dont understand. the boys around here hunt birds while ripping down trails on 4wheelers. give any of them a shotgun and these drones will be obsolete
Wouldn't paratroopers be better off with some kind of soft landing device so they dont even need a parachute. Just jump out and dive to the ground. Attacks behind enemy lines are dependent on stealth and haste. Could even use child soldiers for less weight. Or midgets. Midgets dont get enough representation in military matters. I bet the world would be a lot more peaceful is every military was compromised only of midgets.
>Build wall
>Borderhoppers use this
Are ya ready kids?
No the future of the wars it will be drone wars, nerds in a basement fighting on the battlefield with drones
you canadians cant own guns..
Which part of the MEATSTURM you don't understand?
When will someone put a machine gun on a drone and have it automatically shoot everyone with AI detection?
Curious why people get so angry at the idea of war drones.
seems more useful to cross rivers and collapsed bridges
This sounds like a dumb idea. Correct for the recoil it still needs to be in range and stable enough to be accurate which means evasive maneuvers are out. Unless it's used as a chaos weapon meant to distract and cause general disarray.
what i said is already illegal, i doubt they care
do you think ai controlled gun robots could be accurate enough to blow drones out of the sky?
I’m sure this has already been tried and determined to be impractical.
It sounds too obvious for people not to have tried it.
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forgot my pic
Then how about a quad bore 12 gauge shotgun?
Its okay faggy milsim banned drones
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Politicians are the ones who have to worry. Assassinations are now much easier.

Think about it. How would someone assassinate a politician prior to drones? A rifle was the easiest, most common way. That requires a hiding spot, every one of which will be watched by security. The shooter needs a lot of skill; you can’t just pick up a gun and be proficient at shooting it. Sneaking it to the target and getting close enough to fire is tough, as is getting away after the shots are fired. The fact that it’s nearly impossible to do and even harder to get away with is the major deterrent; most people don’t have a death wish. Handguns are popular as well, but there’s a 100% chance of being caught or killed.

Drones have completely changed the game. The only thing holding back drone assassinations of important persons is access to explosives. Any dickhead with a credit card can by a highly advanced drone that practically flys itself. It could be armed with a bomb, nearly undetected at a higher altitude, then swoop down and drop a payload of explosives on a target. The operator could be literally miles away, just sitting in a room somewhere. A 10 mile autonomous flight range is pretty standard on agricultural/industrial drones. They could be set on top of a building or in the back of a truck weeks in advance, then activated from the other side of the planet. The really advanced, large payload drones are around $20k.

We’re either at an inflection point that no one can see except me (because no one is talking about this), or I’m a legit paranoid schizophrenic.

They fly high enough to be out of machine gun range and small enough to not be targeted with antiaircraft weapons. This isn’t a theory, it’s why so many people have died in the Ukrainian-Russian war. I’m not saying every paratrooper will have one, but I’m sure militaries can find a use for them (extracting the wounded comes to mind).
I can see it being shot down before it's in range, but how about a drone with a sniper rifle that flies so high it can't realistically be shot down?
That's what I mean, it seems much better suited to just go and wreck shit and be a suppressive weapon. Strap a minigun to it and call it a day. I dont know it took me so long to remember the term spray and pray lol.
That name is not Israeli at all guys, ease it with the antisemitism
Man it sucks being born when I was. in 60 years these things will be an alternate form of travel you can call on your phone and fly you somewhere local.
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>Drones have completely changed the game. The only thing holding back drone assassinations of important persons is access to explosives. Any dickhead with a credit card can by a highly advanced drone that practically flys itself. It could be armed with a bomb, nearly undetected at a higher altitude, then swoop down and drop a payload of explosives on a target. The operator could be literally miles away, just sitting in a room somewhere. A 10 mile autonomous flight range is pretty standard on agricultural/industrial drones. They could be set on top of a building or in the back of a truck weeks in advance, then activated from the other side of the planet. The really advanced, large payload drones are around $20k.

i can picture laws establishing no-fly zones in government sectors for this reason
But why? Did you giggle?
You'll not get the patent.
I want one of these to escape england
I guess that would depend on the drones ceiling. I assume firing straight down would be easier than at an angle. Question is would it be more effective than just dropping a bomb.
I don't give a shit about some patent. I'm just theorycrafting for fun
Lol at fags itt suggesting “AI” weapons when we don’t even have AI self driving mastered yet
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Just resupply of frontline troops in general. Don't have to worry about mines and won't fly high enough to be targeted by anti-air
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
>then activated from the other side of the planet
No. Drones are short-range plattoon-level weapons. The drone operator is sitting in the trench next to the stormtroopers.
Facial recognition is already well developed by law enforcement and spook agencies. Targeting a face and pointing a gun at it is easier than dealing with road lines and unpredictable traffic. I assume anyway.
>Facial recognition is already well developed by law enforcement and spook agencies. Targeting a face and pointing a gun at it is easier

>hey boss, why are all the drones shooting at the moon?
Stfu america you dumb fat fucks
OMG wera wrench and allen key
Now imagine these with claws being used to grab soldiers and throw them into the air.
Being hunted by a claw that just throws people straight up in the air.
Bonus points if it only does it at night
>Now imagine these with claws being used to grab soldiers and throw them into the air.
Pinochet lives again!!!!!
Like guns they ruined combat. People like the days when actual men went to war and if you won it's because you are God not because you had some fancy tool to snipe someone from 200 ft away.
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Pretty warm. I'm just shitposting outside while drinking some piss beer I got free from work.
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>I bet the world would be a lot more peaceful is every military was compromised only of midgets.
Why choose anger, anon?
Why choose to be Jewish anon
Imagine all the trannies and niggers you could hang with this bad boy
>People like the days when actual men went to war and if you won it's because you are God not because you had some fancy tool to snipe someone from 200 ft away.
imagining all the faggot knights who seethed that they got jobbed to an arrow
>Nooo you can't use a crossbow that's CHEATING REEEEEEE
>Haha bolt goes *THUNK*
Realistically everything would be scaled down to fit their size. Less destructive, quieter, and fun for the family.
You’re not schizo. The last couple of super bowels they had anti drone defence what ever that was. Think of the stampede that would happen if a couple of drones started attacking. Evening just spraying in a colored powder would set it off. It’s a gift and a curse what you have. You won’t ever have a happy life, well as happy as someone that doesn’t think about such things. Yeah it’s a curse
I'm not here to dispel things you want to believe. It's a fun discussion for the sake of it. Do that or fuck off. Not every thread needs you demoralizing derailing yeast infected cuntrags smelling up the place.
they could run around and kill each other with bb guns
good for rescues
i was kindof hoping it would land and then start walking along like these things
Wildfires too. Bucket brigade of drones.
Rename it Tranny&Hohol Destroyer (THD)
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I care not for you, america you lapdog of the hag
Because drones reek of incapable non Whites, nigger fingers, mouth breathing mobile phone users, any 60iq shitskin can operate a drone.
damn, nice shot
Think about it, tiny artillery batteries with tiny shells and midgets using the drones like an upside down huey making a small ruckus in the distance over petty state squabbles. Tell me you wouldnt watch that on pay per view.
>Curious why people get so angry at the idea of war drones.
Killing at distance always makes people seethe, back in the day sling shooters and longbow men were flayed alive when captured.
I understood nothing of the american puke of a words you just replied to me with
I think some people already had dreams of something similar to this :(
Finally someone did it
Is there anything you do understand? Are you just a rhetoric and propaganda parrot? That's a mighty fine ideology you got there. Be a shame if it was bullshit nonsense.
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>everyone makes fun of Taurus
>Taurus Judge with 410 ratshot issued to every infantryman for drone defense
Not laughing at the huehues now, are you?
now troons can 41 in the skies
all of this is just testing / experimentation. the real threat will be small scale ($20) semi-autonomous swarms with small charges.

these agricultural airlift drones will be used for resupplying and jumping walls / getting on top of buildings, until they too are outfit with multiple charges and firearms.

- again, the real danger is AI-enabling these, as predictive stochastics and stabilization will produce virtually inescapable targeting accuracy
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pic rel is what's actually possible.
humans participating in war is simply pointless now.
>the real threat will be small scale ($20) semi-autonomous swarms with small charges.
imagine a swarm of 1000 of these little niggers, each drone carrying 1 bullet
>use up old stock of ammo and material
>use up old stock of whiteoids and potentially threatening golem "humans" that could compete with the Hebrew hegemony
It has a big point
hope they kill the blacks
I've been saying thigs like picrel could do a lot of what a "littlebird" can with a much smaller footprint. Two of these on the back of a 2 1/2 with a decent sensor ball and coms, sling, and the ability to strap crew served weapons on could do a lot for an infantry unit.
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a kit of three of those sells for $83,000
>Drones and drone enthusiasts are so gay its unreal .
>Milsim games are about to become gay as fuck.
>Fuck this gay earth
you'll love them when they're each rigged with a little speaker that plays Flight of the Valkyries
These are 100k a pop:

Laughs in phalanx gun
>long barrel shotgun with fullchoke
This shit is battery powered and has something like a 3 minute flight time
I should invest in turkey loads, those are probably going to get expensive once people realize the potential.
imagining how nasty it would be if two of these things crashed
Get to the choppa!
Those can carry a lot of bombs too. Very deadly.

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