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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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what are the political implications of outer space being real but humanity being utterly unable to visit another galaxy or star system?

faster than light travel doesn’t seem possible and the time required and energy expenditure is way to great for it to be done in a human lifetime. the “technology” required to even pull off such a feat is pure science fiction. humanity isn’t ever going to conquer space
No FTL no Alien Avatar Pandora pussy.
I can't see any political implications.
It should be noted that methods of colonizing planets lightyears away are already being devised and to suppose that this will remain impossible into the far future (assuming humanity survives sufficiently long) is a bit short-sighted.
they won’t achieve jack shit. it just isn’t possible
Generation ships are theoretically possible, though practically impossible now.
>faster than light travel doesn’t seem possible
It's possible. You just have to invent a way to expand space artificially.
It means we should be taking shit on earth a lot more seriously, as this is so far the only ha ita le planet we've found. From our perspective, humanity is utterly alone in the universe. Even with light speed travel we'll never leave our corner of the galaxy because everything is moving away from each other too quickly.
>what are the political implications of outer space being real but humanity being utterly unable to visit another galaxy or star system?
About the same as the political implications of voting.
>It means we should be taking shit on earth a lot more seriously,
This. It's funny to watch people trying to figure out the implications of a cold, dead, endless void in every direction without ever stopping to consider what it's contrasted against, or how the sheer magnitude of that void implies a sheer magnitude of something contrary that is often overlooked.
just build the generation ship it's the only way
doesn't mean we can't inhabit space, retards
living off earth would be the most hellish experience imaginable
Retard, I am all in favor of removing you and the rest of your likes from this planet. You belong in a metallic coffin out in the dead void.
either we make the leap to ftl spacefaring civ or it's only a future of slow stagnation and death
That’s a lie. Space is fake and gay.
AI will figure it out
in 10 years we'll cure most diseases and solve aging and start building star wars ships
impossible. within one generation it will become mouse paradise. the gigachads will have monopolized the women, regulard will kill themselves, incels will retreat to some engine locker they turned into a gooncave and be mostly content but also likely engage in some space slashing. population will go inbred and die out within 5 generations.
Honestly, I'm glad. Jews have ruined enough planets as it is, leave space alone.
wtf i fucking love science
technology can fail and leave you dying a slow and painful death at worst and at best a quick and catastrophic death. take your pick at what space ship failure you want to die from: explosive decompression, fire, micrometeors, starvation, dying of thirst, crashing into a planet like spit on a pavement, burning up in the atmosphere. if anything goes wrong it’s very unlikely you can be saved by a set of rescuers like if you were stuck in a burning building or at the bottom of the sea in a sub. if we go to another planet or moon we will likely need technology in the form of suits when outside a habitat, maybe it’s too hot or too cold. there’s just way too much to account for. whoever said generation ships is dumb because a grain of sand sized speck of rock can cause catastrophic failure killing all onboard. radiation is another big obstacle. if you grew up on earth or were born on a space ship you will most likely go crazy at some point and an hero because of how mundane and unforgiving space is
>regulard will kill themselves
regular chads will kill themselves
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We are stuck on this prison planet with jews and 1.5 billion indians. Mars won't save us.
Earth is tailored specifically for sentient life, our bodies are only acclimatized to it specifically. Emulating the exact environment necessary to facilitate efficient colonization would be a nightmare.
>humanity isn’t ever going to conquer space
You're sort of right. We will conquer space, but I doubt that whatever form we have taken by then would still be considered a biological human
>muh robot human race will conquer the stars
atheist propaganda
generation ships aren't possible until we figure out a governing system that can last for enough generations
we just need to be able to go faster. much faster. 25000mph to leave LEO is way too slow. 25000 miles per second would be a good start.
and I choose to believe it
you're thinking in terms of a cohesive galactic empire or some shit. In reality once space travel is commercialised we'll all go our seperate ways and rarely hear from each other. Humanity will definitely colonise the galaxy but it will take millions of years. We'll turn into different species. Panspermia is real
Speeding up isn't the problem. The challange is slowing down in the right place at a surviable rate.

Evolution is a lie, there is no visible difference of efficiency in evolution for the common fruit fly when there are literally 100,000 generations of fruit flies born in a humans lifetime and not a single motherfucking adaptation genetically has ever been recorded in their life span. Infact apparently there is an environmental factor as to why 2-150 cell organisms do not exist and no one knows why, but obviously that force is constantly being applied.

Again, evolution is a lie. All it was used for was to push race realism so that kikes could subvert Christianity. Think about it, no one has ever seen evolution take place, we’re stuck on this rock when it’s mathematically guaranteed that there should be alien life out there and we clearly haven’t found it otherwise the government would have never said shit about it at all.

God unironically is looking like the more rational context now. And I vehemently hate the kikes for their lie in that Judaism didn’t exist until after Christ was crucified, but supposedly these larping faggots are genetically related despite my boys Hadrian and Titus genociding the levant worse than Tulsa x1000
AI and bitcoin solve this
what else do you choose to believe? bet you think gurgling aids cum is healthy
>dutch flag
checks out, you have aids 100%
you know nothing about biology
slowing down is merely speeding up in reverse. if you can do the one you can also do the other.
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>humanity isn’t ever going to conquer space
Why would we ever need to.

Our "God" exists right in front of us. Always has. All those other distant Gods out there? Not my problem.
nucleonic powered speeds are much faster than the speed of light
And you only understand the narrative you've been taught. Riddle me this: we supposedly come from common ancestors with chimps and there were a number (supposedly) of intermediate species of human along the way - our evolution. So 1) why didn't chimps evolve, and 2) where the fuck are the other intermediate species of humans? Why isn't there way more fossil evidence of these supposed earlier species minus like one skeleton that's mainly guesswork and hypothesis? Why has no other animal ever evolved in the last 100,000 years like humans have? A cow from 100,000 years ago is the same cow we have today, just like it's the same chimp. I'll await your answer.
Well once you realize that time and gravity doesn't really exist but time is merely movement within the space-time continuum and gravity is the contraction of this continuum, it isn't entirely impossible that a method would be devised to somehow contract and expand this continuum at will thus be able to achieve FTL travel from the viewpoint of an observer
Yes it is still science fiction, and will likely remain so for several lifetimes or perhaps forever.
Remember that once reaching the moon, quantum computers, fiber optics, microprocessors, lasers, etc. were all science fiction.
If we didn't have Jews stealing resources while producing nothing of substance in return and having to spend resources to babysit non-whites, our species would be much further along.
Getting rid of everyone who doesn't have European ancestry from the European societies (including North America, Australia, New Zealand) and stop wasting resources on Jewish wars (why the fuck would Europeans ever want to step foot on Middle-East? all that shit was done on Israel's behalf), we could have abundance of resources in the West and spend more of them in advancing humanity further.
But instead we are stuck building yachts and developing private islands for the Jews so they can fuck kids ... sigh.
If only the right side had won WWII, and we'd be living in a nigger-free Jew-free Reich spanning from Australia to North America to Europe all the way to the Urals.
or look at it this way; if we had a propulsion system that could provide a steady 1g acceleration for long period of time, it would take a little over a month to reach 10% the speed of light. and the same time to slow down again. thats not bad.
Space is not real and they blocked the sun with an artificial one.
There is no more vitamin d for you, for free at least.-wt4irt
That way it would still take 50 years to reach the nearest star. Of which we know it does not have any planets orbiting it. The closest star which may contain a habitable planet is 23 lightyears away meaning it would taken 230 years with you propulsion method.
You don't need stl travel to get to other stars.
you could just accelerate for another couple months.
Just close your eyes, fire up the X-wing fighter and travel to any galaxy you please. Or are you an NPC that's unable to do that?
not according to relativity
why not? 3 months under 1g acceleration is still on 0.3 the speed of light
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The Earth is flat and stationary with a dome.
God exists.

Aliens don't exist.
Space isn't real.
Gravity doesn't exist.
Never went to the moon.
Solar Flares are a meme.
Asteroids don't exist.
UFOs are a psyop.
Nukes don't exist.
Evolution is a lie.
Germ Theory is a lie.

The world is ruled by secret societies that worship the Demiurge. Jews/Jesuits/Freemasons/Illuminati are Gnostics and Kabbalists. Masters at deception. One satanic philosophy is inverting reality.

They make you think you live on a spinning ball.
They make you think you're just an animal.
They make you think there's a deadly virus out there.
They make you think there are gay space niggers from outer space out there.
They make you think there are giant rocks hurtling through the vacuum heading towards our ball earth.
They make you think the sun is about to fart and eject some fake corona.
They make you think the poles are about to take a massive shit.
the closer you get to the speed of light, the more your mass increases, to keep up 1g of acceleration with more mass, you need to expend more fuel, which means you need more mass, and so on. that is why we can never go the speed of light theoretically. theoretically we can only reach .99999….c but the mass will be increased so much by that point we need an infinite amount of fuel. .1c is probably the absolute highest we can go realistically before this affect takes hold and makes it extremely hard to accelerate further
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>space being real
question, how can picrel be real?
Who took the picture and how did it got send back to earth?
>muh artist rendition
If it's all just a artist rendition, there's no point in talking about it. The same we could say that lovecrafts cthulhu is floating somewhere in space and that is real too. They are 1:1 the same medium, fiction
well, we're only talking about 0.1-0.3 lightspeed.
its probably an image taken using Hubble or something...or just an outright fabrication. cant be bothered to check
>Hoag's object

My schizo theory is that reforming your home galaxy into a perfect ring is how giga dvanced civilizations signal each other, you can see another one in the background.
.1c is more than enough to colonize the galaxy.
Holy shit how can you be so fucking dumb
>outer space being real
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>babbles about the one galaxy we aren't able to see because we are physically inside it
There are public telescope observatories and hobby astronomy clubs everywhere. Leave your little LoL dungeon and go see with your own eyes, you stupid fuck. Pic rel is the kind of image you can get of Andromeda with a $500 hobby telescope and a dslr camera.

These things are only a mystery to you because you refuse to do even the most basic amount of work to investigate them.
There's nothing there in space except vacuum, hydrogen, helium and some rarely-seen rocks.

inb4 > muh huge vastness of space
Who gives a shit? It's a vast amount of literally nothing.
You forgot to mention the massive amount of radiation in space. There’s a high chance of getting cancer getting blasted with gama rays all day.

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