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Star Trek: The White Man's science fiction
DS9 was blacking the only hot white girl the whole show. Shove your poz up someone else’s ass.
Would.... In the Holodeck.
Worf isn't black he's a kl*ngon
And kira and ezri are hotter
Why does Spock have a Baphomet statue in his room in the episode ‘The Way to Eden’?
cringe retard opinion denounce the talmud
>(((Gene Roddenberry)))
>Rod and Berry
Star Trek is jewish collectivist fantasy
Dukat did nothing wrong
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Because he is a goddamn kike
Our glorious fuhrer giving a speech about the jews.
Please fucking divorce your recreation from your autistic politics. At this point you're more fucked in the head than a troon dilating a NetFlix writer's meet
>The congenial Roddenberry concluded what I later realized was a slow burn. “You Jews,” he snarled, “have a lamentable habit of identifying those characteristics in a society that you deem positive and then taking credit for inventing them”

Recant that immediately.
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if you retards are to believed, 90% of the world population is Jewish.
>“Gene was anti-Semitic, clearly,” Nimoy replied as my heart sank. “Roddenberry had Jewish associates; Bill (Shatner) and I were both Jewish, as were others. To be fair, Roddenberry was anti-religion. And apart from being a ethnic-cultural entity, Jews, to him, were a religious group. But I saw examples not only of him practicing anti-Semitism, but of him being callous about other peoples' differences as well.”
Trek has cool ideas and is far and beyond wars kindergarten squabbles. You need to learn and grow from things not dwell.
I'm not reading that sad schizo shit. Don't you see what the fuck you've become?
How did we post the same time?
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Just 73 days untill /pol/ meets up in San Francisco.
Greta would make an excellent alien
Not even that much makeup needed
Nvm sbowed same on my end but aftsr a refresh, no
Best trek episodes are in tng, tos can't compete with yesterdays enterprise or the riker goes back to the pegasus for the secret cloaking device, ds9 has the obrien clone.
Inner light in tng where picard spends decades in a illusion in his own mind and the obrian episode where he spends 20 years in prison inside his own mind.Both similar and both great.
TOS and TNG are equally as good imo, and really the only core Star Trek. DS9 was okayish but has become unwatchable because of commander/captain nigger.
jewish really, Buck Rogers is the white man's science fiction
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ST:Enterprise was the best series, and anyone who disagrees is a fag
It had the sexy vulcan lady.
You're fucking a Tribble, not bad.
>rolling for some Janeway pussy
Shame it didn't get more seasons.
It has one booba whore Vulcan and I'm literally Trip but it has some serious flaws

The time travel and war with those aliens who I can't remember rn was retarded and took like 2 whole seasons
Very few character driven episodes so some cast members aren't at all fleshed out
Over reliance on 2 parters, there were like 15

DS9 > TNG > VOY > ENT in that order
And 7 of 9 is hotter than T'pol
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I like Star Trek but I'm pretty sure it was created as communist propaganda. Even the best series (TNG) has too much to ignore at times. Star Gate is the true White Man's sci-fi.
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here i roll
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Tribbles, they, are withOUT honour...
>thinking any pol poster is above another
You are here with us dane boy
rolling for tribble
we already met up two weekends ago and swam to alcatraz together, are you taking crazy pills again aussie-anon?
This. Enterprise seemed to be the best representation of what it would be like first entering space exploration. It was too white and got cancelled even though the black guy in the show was pretty cool and not a token nigger.
the zindee series was the best enterprise seasons.
>anything but janeway PLEASE
reroll cause empress sato should be quads.
based and based
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Recently rewatched DS9, it is definitely much worse than TNG and Voyager; DS9 is basically a low-IQ soap opera overrun with niggers.

>The White Man's science fiction
It's a stupid kids show, the White Man's science fiction is in books.
Rolling to anal 35
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TNG is the only series worth watching, even though all of the actors are peter puffers irl
Denounce the torah
M'Ress or Jadzia get.
Do you hvae dxysleia?
>the black guy in the show was pretty cool
Hahahahahahahahaha what a faggot
>and not a token nigger
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the token nigger was not a token nigger
God you mutts I can't even
>you mutts
You are either a mutt or a kike or you'd show your flag; you are, however, correct. Worf was pozzed and this dude is in denial about his BNWO fetish
I too like to live dangerously.
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Lol goddammit.
"Two exotic bombshells, and I get stuck with you."
"Hey kid, you haven't seen me dance."
(No one is going to get this reference)
>the hobo's are White
>the sci-fi future captain is an 80 IQ nigger
>warrior race
>guided by honor
>assimilates to his host's customs
about as based as it gets. Even though the negro in him wants to abandon his son, his white upbringing helps guide him to the Western ideal.
Worf was raised by based Slavs, the based Sergei Rhozenko and his Babushka potato wife
Ezri is a man
76 is Donald Trump's hair.
Give me Janeway
Sweet! Peak Kirsten

And never forget who made Star Trek possible.
>and his Babushka potato wife
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Both of his "Russian" parents were played by Jews, really makes you think.


>Theodore Bikel – Sergey Rozhenko
>Georgia Brown – Helena Rozhenko

>Theodore Bikel was born into a Jewish family[3] in Vienna, Austria
>Georgia Brown, born Lilian Claire Klot,[1][2] was born and raised in the East End of London. The daughter of Mark and Annie (née Kirshenbaum) Klot,[3] Brown grew up in a large, extended Jewish family of Russian descent
>The first space faring race
>Inventors of satellites, space stations, interplanetary probes, alternating current and resonator guitars among many other things, to name a few
>Top athletes, boxing, MMA, athletics, gymnastics, strongman, you name it we've got it.
>Top artists. Russian classic literature is an absolute top tier and even in America more read than Shakespeare.
>Slavic classical composers: it's enough to mention that The Nutcracker and Swan lake, the two ballets everybody heard of were written by a Slav.
>"Those Were The Days", the best pop tune is actually a Russian song "By The Long Road" composed by Boris Fomin
>Alex Lifeson, the best Canadian guitarist and Tom Bukovac, the best American guitarist are Slavs
>Chris Novoselic, the best American bassist is a Slav.
>Andy Warhol was a Slav. American pop - culture is Slav made
>Resonator guitars, the staple of American folk music is a Slavic invention. "Dobro" literally means "Good" in Slavic languages.
>Karl Malden, the best Western movies actor is a Slav and so is John Malkovich
>Gojko Mitić, the greatest German actor was a Slav
62 pls
Imagine her on the piss. She gets plastered on everything, taking a particular liking to stouts and dark ales. Also during the night she eats McDonalds for dinner, (fuck vegan when drunk asf ya know?) After her night of drinking she gets a kebab at 4am. She gets home and devours some broccoli.

She gets up in the morning touching cloth. A poo is already awake and rubbing itself on her panties. She hobbles to the toilet holding her guts struggling to contain the tidal wave of shit lapping against the shores of her inner poohole. A few risky farts are squeezed out, so thick they linger. The air has a brown hue to it as she breathes back in her poop, coating her lungs. Now, the moment has arrived. Her ass waters have broken, her pink anus dilated and the grog bog is ready.

Before sitting down on the shitter, the stew starts flying out prematurely on the tiled floor. After slipping on her liquid shit and getting faeces in between her toes she managers to crawl to the toilet. She paints the bowl brown. Her legs shake. It comes out of her like thick pumpkin soup. Chunks are flying, full of corn. There is so much that some splashes back up between her smooth white butt and the toilet seat and hits the ground. Her ass prolapses. She is sure there is blood in the bowl. The smell is nothing like you've ever imagined and gets thicker with each pulsating action of her anus. Tonnes of waste explodes from her little pink anus. The hole is red raw from the amount of waste projecting from her body.

Without wiping she returns to bed where I wait. She lowers her dirty bum on my face and the remnants of poop drip into my mouth and up my nostrils. I can see her butthole winking at me as it tries to regain strength. The Greta Thunburg farts and a nug flies into my mouth. I choke on the ecstacy of the moment, knowing how jealous /pol/ would be of me.

For good measure I shit myself and gently doze off with the sounds of Greta's guts gurgling next to me.
Makes you think about what, dipshit, the captain in tos was also a Jew
It's a workplace drama where people sitiffly and autistically act like they are in the military even though they aren't and totally globohomo, more than any other franchise.

I'd go as far as to say I hate Star Trek.

>Star wars - pulpy laser shootouts. Cute robots
>Dr who - quirky premise. Lofi atmosphere
>Star trek - walking in a corridor, talking like it's General Hospital

Nah it's shit
>Kikes adopted a violent alien nigger and inflicted him upon the human population
Never saw it. Tasha is mine!
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Amanda Huggenkiss
solid meh
>show about space where anything can happen
>Hey here's an old outdated reference for today's episode!
Jews are terrible writers but sometimes you get some amazing episodes like
>the defector
>inner light
Just 2 tng episodes I really remember.
>American struggles to discern reality from TV
I always try to be considerate but you guys are fucking stupid and it's getting tiresome.
There's a difference between an actor and a role.
Even so, Kirk and Spock were also Jews so
>upon the human population
which is apparently a Jewish population, but you failed to see that in addition to inability to discern actors from their roles so you're dumb as fuck
False. The thing about Star Trek is if the episode is shit you can just watch another good one and it will have a different writer and focus on different characters or be a different genre entirely.
Gul dukat did nothing wrong and the bajorans deserved it.
The strike rate is really fucking low

>what if we went to a fag planet where people were fags
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Bro, it's a stupid kid's show made by kikes to instill suicidal liberal values, read Larry Niven or Alistair Reynolds if you want real big-boy sci-fi
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He was so based.
Rolllll. Please give me that red haired minx Dr crusher.
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Dukat did nothing wrong.
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And is there a single... statue... of him on Bajor?
He was a weirdo creep who kept lusting after a woman who hated him.
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Have some soviet trek, a perfect communist world.

Looks a bit like nazi fantasy for some reason.
No. Very ungrateful people.
Dukat was the classic 'no means yes' guy.
Also, the bloody Cardies flirt with belligerence.
In his mind, Kira was a total cocktease.
>Looks a bit like nazi fantasy for some reason.
When did Russia officially adopt the ideology of replacing the population with Uzbeks and Tajiks?

> 100% jewish tv show about a jewed out future america where the 2 lead actors were jews
> ...but hes still antisemitic
this is what shabbos goyim deserve
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Fuck: 7
Marry: 38
Kill: 82
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Soviet demographics show that the stereotype of Soviets just being White slavs is all wrong. They owned a chunk of central asia, where they are either Turkic or Persian. Then there's the Tartars and natives from Siberian former khanates. Weirdly, a lot of communist propaganda shown in the West focused on what appeared to be White racial purity. Eastern Europe was almost pure. But even East Germany had Vietnamese immigrants. For some of their inclusionary policies, the commies were much more low-key on minorities.
Lmao very unlucky. She’s a feminist too
He's so smol.
>star trek
>not babylon 5
plebs are the worst
>Look at this photograph..
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>Make roll chart
>Does not include best girl
>20% of rolls are men
You are a literal faggot, no straight man would post this
That time he called Kiara and told her how he used to bang her mom and she liked it was epic.
Never watched Babylon 5, but I see it's been remastered in HD so I'm actually going to watch it now thanks for the reminder Hans.
>Star Trek: The White Man's science fiction
Star Trek is 100% jewish.
Apparently, the writers were desperate to get a Kira-Dukat relationship going.
Fucking Kira's mother was the compromise, but it's a little out there and they retconned some history to do it.
Michael dorn is honorary white- dude flys jets n sheeit
Based. She was hot on TOS. Great eyes.
I have no idea why they used that granny hairstyle for her on TNG; she was only 50.
Be honest. How much do you get paid to post this shit all day long in every thread?
Worf is a Klingon but michael dorn is still and always will be a nigger.
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np, it's really good. the secret is, the showrunner wrote the whole thing before starting filming and it shows. arcs are not forgotten, stuff from the first series comes back in the last and so on. great cast as well. CGI is crappy, but that the early 90s for you
Holy shit those are third world tier wages
I rewatched it last year and it aged very well. Also am I the only one that likes londo? I am also a big fan of Quark. I seem to have a thing for space Jews.
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The Kira actress was a stupid bimbo who can't act for shit, but kudos to her for refusing to go along with the kike species-mixing normalization agenda.
Yep I was just reading the wikipedia article to check if HD remaster existed and it did mention the CGI in the first seasons looks like "PS2 cutscenes". Don't really mind that the important part is the live action looks crisp, don't really want to watch fuzzy dvdrips on my 4k TV anymore.
Almost as if it was written by some gay jew with a blue beard...
londo and g'kar(?) are the soul of the series
great writing, great performances
was that the warrior cast guy?
I'm ethnically Russian and saw the video on a Russian anti-immigration telegram channel. The demographic and racial situation in Russia does not appear to be appreciably better than the situation in the West, and no Russian can honestly disagree with me. You can oppose a ZOG war against Russia without pretending that the demographic situation in Russia is good.
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And yet he was the nigger Tom Selleck in that cop show.
Also weird that from the first audition he played Worf ultra serious and as repressed as a Vulcan.
Makes sense that he was a textbook Klingon, as Klingons raised in their culture were all fucking nuts.
They only explain the repression in a DS9 episode.
Rolling for the ban
No I mean Quark from ds9. The ferengi.
R o l l
>londo and g'kar
Yeah their dynamic was awesome
>20 years in prison inside his own mind
And he deals with it by?
Going to work and working OT
Paddling the same rapids again and again in a holosuite
Going on various suicide missions
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It was a fire hazard
everything on TV is gay
rollin for the cat
never watched DS9. the first interaction between picard and the main nigger was just the worst and i didn't want to watch a grief mongering sambo. on the other hand, sisko is an emotional, unprofessional nigger without impulse controll, so it could be based in the end
>DS9 was okayish but has become unwatchable because of commander/captain nigger
There aren't any niggers in Star Trek except when they time travel, rabbi
Star Trek is what a story white supremacists would tell about their own future.
Klingons are basically Japs you retard
Honorary equals, admirable in many ways, but we all know they ain't the same
Ferengi are Yankee businessmen. New Yorkers.
Romulans are asiatics, your reds
And yeah, the founders are the jews etc
The thing about Star Trek nighas is: they don't behave like niggers. It's kinda embarrassing but I like sisko. If they would behave like ST niggers I would have zero problems with them.
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Ha ha science fiction is crazy what an unrealistic scenario
could be that sisko has redeeming qualities, but giving picard shit for killing his wife was just awful
1. his wife was in starfleet, they all know what dangers they can get into
2. picard was enslaved in the worst way possible
3. his emotional attachment renders his ability to command void
even a freighter captain has to keep his cool, not to mention a military leader
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>grief mongering sambo
He literally directs an episode where the alien baddies play racist cops.
No, Sisko is actually a low-IQ nigger and a literal IRL criminal, the only Star Trek captain to have a criminal record, you are just brainwashed with libtard propaganda.
>After police received a report of erratic driving, at around 10 PM on January 29, 2012, Brooks was arrested under charges of driving under the influence in Wilton, Connecticut (with a court date of February 9 that year).
M'ress please.

Failing that, a tribble, I guess.
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You're goddamn right
good i hate niggers
>second cop
is that shren?
Listen here nigger
- Sisko is a nigger
- his nigger son Jake is a nigger
- his nigger wife is a sheboon nigger
- Uhura is a house nigger
- Guinan is a space alien played by a giganigger
- Geordie is an obviously White character played by a jungle nigger
Shit opinion. The White Man's Scifi is Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galatica. Not this pro communist garbage
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>The demographic and racial situation in Russia does not appear to be appreciably better than the situation in the West,
You are either an idiot or a liar. Compare the percentage of Russia that's white over the past 30 years to the percentage of Canada or America or Germany that's white over the past 30 years. Russia has always had a large percentage of non-whites, given that they conquered half of Asia. The immigration situation there is completely different than it is in the West.
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I assume you mean the shitty blue Enterprise character, I couldn't get through that garbage show. The same actor also played a much more interesting antagonist in DS9.
>jeffrey combs
all right, he is that. thanks anon
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Damn all of you anti trek people have bad taste
Deep Space 9 is a literal ripoff of Babylon 9. B9 is a better series with actual good writing and not whiny Sisko complaining about the Prophets and muh Federation
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>ItS tHe SaMe!!11
B5 doesn't have dukat quark or the dominion so no it's not better
Babylon 5 is pretty good. Recently watched all the series. Watched most of it during its first run but stopped after the war with the shadows.
It's a more cohesive universe and you can see how DS9 started as a rip off of B5.
DS9 had better actors and production
B5 is more human though. More contemporary stories.
i see you are gay
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Nobody actually keeps track of racial demographics in Russia. What is translated as "Russian" in English is actually to terms: pyccкий which means ethnic Russian, and poccиянин which means Russian-speaking mysterymeat or "cultural Russian"; the Moscow regime almost exclusively uses poccиянин when referring to the Russian population and actual Russian ethnic nationalism is highly illegal. I see no reason why an Anglo-Canadian should be invested in pretending that the demographic and cultural situation in Russia is better for ethnic Russians than it really is. Russian ethnic nationalists are as leaderless, disorganized, marginalized and downtrodden as Anglo-Canadian ethnic activists.
>*two terms
so glad J. Michael Straczynski got lots of money from studio kikes in court for stealing his script
now Moorecock needs to kill Andrzej Sapkowski in court and the world will be a bit better
I think Star Trek sucks.
>space Jews
The Centauri weren't the space jews
Maybe the Vorlons or Shadow
Hard to say, that makes B5 good
G'Kar's arc was pretty great. Him and Londo were a huge part of what made it great, Shakespeare like shit man.
Based intergalactic parasite noticer
Mine personally is the one I made up of a character that represent me irl but then grows into a powerful demon of destruction before finally dying ending an entire plane of existence only to be revived by cultists he instinctively attacked because in his past life he was taught all his life that witchcraft was le evil even though he hadn't considered they raised him from the dead. From his mind, they had him on the table to stab him but it's to be continued. Needless to say, he became a mortal god of destruction before his self-sacrifice to kill the greatest evil ever known to man. God.
>kira is hotter
Fixed it for you. Ezri was not attractive.
Shut up gay
Very based.
Do it
Looks great.
shame we never got more star gate universe it goes over the head of the plebs to this day.
By the way, back in the nineties it was always weird to think there were niggers on space ships. I mean, of all the people on the planet, it was us, and niggers. Not Japanese or Chinese or whatever, no, it was jungle niggers. Of course I though, well, America has niggers that's why on their TV shows there are niggers (we didn't have niggers here) but when I first saw Voyager and there was a Vulcan nigger, that's one of the first redpills for me, that's the point where I thought, this is so dumb, does every planet in the universe have to have a normal population complemented with a nigger minority, they just want to cram niggers into everything, they just want to shove niggers in our face no matter if it makes sense or not, fuck niggers.
Agreed, SGU was the last sci-fi tv show for people with 3-digit IQ's
>there's no way to know the truth, just trust me bro
sounds legit. How about walk down any street in Moscow or St. Petersburg, then walk down any street in Toronto, New York or Berlin. Gas lighting NAFO trannies need to fuck off.
I was in Moscow last summer, about 50% of people in central Moscow at midday are visibly non-European
Maybe because Russia isn't European?
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If by non-European you mean East-Slav, no shit sherlock.
you can't enjoy anything without the image of nigger fucking a white woman popping in your faggot mind, eh? have you ever considered you're a gay cuck?
the entire premise of SGU was fucking nuts the idea that there was something with intelligence that existed at the beginning of time. I have come to the conclusion that it is the explanation for repeating patterns that exist everywhere and who ever came up with SGUs story was into some next level shit.

they should of eased the retarded star gate fan base in gently though maybe by keeping SGA on air for a year or 2 longer.
Whites are retards. Star Trek is the brown man's science fiction.
It used to be, just like the rest of our countries.
By visible non-European I mean Mongoloid, Central Asian or dark-featured non-Aryan Caucasus mountain peoples.

>Fully Automated Luxury Communism

>The delusion of InterGalactic Faggots everywhere

>Oy Vey .. where's my cut Goyim ?
In that case you're clearly full of shit because I was in Moscow not too long ago and it was 90% white. You can also confirm this via any random youtube video. Literally the first result of "walking around Russia" shows that you're full of shit.


its a lion headed statue look closer
Now let's compare that to "walking around Toronto"

Hmmm notice anything?

The Founders (shapeshifters) are the Ultimate Space Jews

They created 2 distinct service class .. the grovelling bureaucrats and dope addicted uber thugs to do thier dirty work, while keeping themselves unknown behind the scenes .. slipping into every potential rival and destroying them.
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That video is ridiculously sanitized, full of jump cuts and completely unrepresentative. Most Moscow walk videos are just creepshots of pretty girls and edit out the Central Asian working class which fills all service, transportation and construction jobs.
>And 7 of 9 is hotter than T'pol

Nice coping retard. You could say the same thing about the Toronto video, but it's full of non-whites regardless. Let's find one of London. notice anything again?



T'pol is the superior decontamination oil massage partner
Yes enterprise took the first bold steps into softcore porn that's it own milestone. Sadly still couldn't get more seasons.
It's been 3 years since that thread!?
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What are you even trying to argue? Moscow is still at the 1990's level of demographic replacement in Western terms, but the trajectory is clear and no real opposition to demographic replacement exists in Russia, in fact opposition is an ideological crime, the only legal opposition to mass migration is to say that Russians aren't doing enough to "Russify" and integrate the countless millions of new migrant citizens.
I have not watched a single episode of NU trek. No discovery no Picard no brave new whatever....am I missing anything or my instincts to avoid it spot on? Once you see something you cant unsee it.
Retardest opinion

Anyway B5 wins by default
Jeri Ryan single-handedly got Obama elected. Fuck that bitch.
rolling for portho!
klingon and trill?
As a human that's not my problem.
All NU trek is targeted at an audience 80 IQ brown women, it's simply not for you. There are hundreds of good sci-fi books, read "A Mote in God's Eye" or "A Deepness in the Sky" if you want grown-up science fiction, Star Trek was always for kids anyway.
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ok an Orion slave girl will do I will make her steal portho
It's truly pozzed. Picard is meh ok. Discovery though is so fucking stupid and gay
DS9 is actually the most based
Oh yeah seen clips of discovery looks like dogshit fucks up the time line and they could have done something like this instead

>Star Trek: Prelude to Axanar
Why are gays trying to revise and hijack Star Trek?
They want to pretend the cure for homosexuality wasn’t unveiled circa 33 AD
Damar had the best character development.
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>Star Trek: The White Man's science fiction
made by jews?
Because he's Jewish and a rapist
Only if you have a high tolerance for niggers and low-IQ emotional drama, and don't actually care to have any Science Fiction in your sci-fi
Haven't watched a single episode of nu-trek either, just don't want to ruin it.
So many waifus you could make a second list using last three numbers, and still have waifus to spare.
ok let's roll this thread to the 300 replies
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The Vorta are Anglos
stfu street shitter
41? Is that Will Rikker or Tom Rikker?
Brooks is a complete fucking kook.
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peak efficiency
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TFW no Yeoman Rand waitfu.
My favorite episode is when the fat redhead chick "runs a half marathon" on the ship and her running stride is so obviously undeveloped - bow legged, no muscle tone, plodding gait. The actress is painfully obvious she has never ran in her life. And she finishes like first or something. Girl power!
He's a nigger
Sums it up really.
I remember watching that as a kid of 12 or whatever, laughing nervously, saying to myself "That will never happen" but I knew it would somehow.
>I'd tell them to go out there and kill jew scum and they'd come back covered in blood, but they felt CLEAN! Now why was that, Chaim? Because they WERE clean!
Every time I do it makes me laugh.
Why are his clothes so red?
And WTF is on Wharf's head?
>Star Trek: The White Man's science fiction
It's Masonic bullshit
But then so is Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica too.
They're all Masonic bullshit
It does ever since they went into prequels and modern wokeism.
As far as I go, there is nothing after Voyager.
>Inb4 'Star Trek was always woke!'
No, that was back when even nationalists and fascists also loved Star Trek.
Fuck off with the 'only commies and faggots can love Star Trek!'
Rick Berman was a prick, but he kept the insanity out of Star Trek.
Even Gene was too much of a pussy-hound philanderer to like faggots.
>DS9 is actually the most based
>Damar had the best character development.
Damar showed how consistency and nuance in background characters fleshed out the whole. DS9 felt alive because almost every character was treated with respect instead of as a prop to move the plot along.
>Only if you have a high tolerance for niggers and low-IQ emotional drama, and don't actually care to have any Science Fiction in your sci-fi
Then go back to B5, which was safe and non-subversive and bland and white.
We wuz slavniggers n shiet
I have a high tolerance for based space black men who murder entire planets. Jake-o was silly for sure and Keira was obnoxious. I think you just don't have the attention span for slow boil political buildup. I bet you like the spore drive... Gay ass bitch

Dukat is priceless, same with Gerak and dr Bashir. Jadzia is an absolute fox. All of the ferenge episodes are so good and basically rip on Jews. Yeah I think youre just retarded.
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fug this makes sense...
Yes, it's pozzed. But PIC S3 was satisfactory fanservice.
Though they did ruin some things.
I'd much rather play STO as the true future of Trek (though they also pozzed that with STD).
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Star Trek thread!!
Not communist, scientology
Look up who Roddenberry was omaes with.
Since white women are pink skinned, but Orionese are green, does that mean they have more copper in their blood?
Because they were butthurt that faggots were barely represented in the first 35 years.
Now they shoehorn faggots, dykes and troons into everything just to rub shit in our face.
He wrote a book filling in the backstory for his character. You can get it in an audio book that he reads in character.
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I like hearing recaps about how awful STD is but I cant watch it, I don't want to contaminate my mind cannon. I can take the desecration of star wars it sucks but Im not as attached to it as star trek. God help us if they fuck with stare gate.
He dodged a bullet.
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I still want to see a Brent Spiner deepfake of American Psycho.
>Deanna, get down on your knees so Beverly can see your asshole. Phil Collins' solo career seems to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying, in a narrower way...
>All of the ferenge episodes are so good and basically rip on Jews

This is the best one imo

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>Interstellar travel requires you to enter a gaping man-sized anal sphincter

SG is p good. They should have never allowed the Air Force into it though
>Then go back to B5, which was safe and non-subversive and bland and white.
I could never get into Babylon 5, it was just too cringe and libtarded, at least DS9 was made by Jews so they had the ideological leeway to divert from mainline contemporary libtardism
>I think you just don't have the attention span for slow boil political buildup
Bizarre cope, DS9 is objectively the least intelligent of all the 90's treks.
Any nigger who insist on referring to niggers as 'brown' is suspect.
Hilarious that they have his character essentially run out on his kids and then have to add a scene promising that he will be back, though we'll never see it.
His spazzout IT'S REEEEEAAAAALLL!!! scene was unintentionally hilarious.
keiko 48, so I can kick her in her ungrateful nagging mouth
If only he were not a fraud and a self-hating Cardie.
I hear she got even fatter, then claimed to be non-binary. Fucking insane.
People hate that relationship because they hate Neelix. It's not a pedophile relationship, it's a dwarf-orc relationship.
Fuck keiko. O'Brien is a saint for putting up with her shit but also so beta
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And it's for the best they told him to ease off on the faggotry, though faggot slash fans still love shipping him and Julian.
Siding with the Pah'Wraiths was kind of a bad move in the long run
Cracks me up everytime. So between Holodeck sessions if there a decontamination phase? Also the most unrealistic thing about Holodecks is that if they had something like that people would be out exploring space. No there would be a severe epidemic of Holo addiction and degenrcy and the federttion would crumble or they would talk about banning it or putting restrictions on it.
Hey anyone remember this Crystal that was on Picard's desk? He would pick it up when he talked and carry it around. It's a mandela effect.
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No. It's make-up. It's fake. There are no Orionesianoids. Now close the lid of your PC and go outside.
fuck man you ruined it for me. Now I cant unsee it unthink it,
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Based and Barclay Pilled.
I'd be fucking multiples of Troi and other hot women any chance I could.
The realism of the holodeck was relatively new from 110011101 or whatever that ep name was
I don't like neelix because I don't like looking at him (ugly AF) and he tries too hard to be "sincere" as if it makes up for his hideous physiognomy
I wish I had saved it but some anon posted how O'Brian was the suffering of the working class, horrid wife, always over worked, only escape is a pint and the holodeck. I'm not doing the guys post justice. It was pretty black pilled for poor O'Brian.
>>Interstellar travel requires you to enter a gaping man-sized anal sphincter
>SG is p good. They should have never allowed the Air Force into it though
How else would the government produce soft-disclosure?

It'd be high-larious if we were the replicators imprisoned next to a black hole all along.
>God help us if they fuck with stare gate.
Amazon is actually ongoing on remaking Stargate since they bought the licenses, they will 100% gonna fuck it up beyond recognition.
I fucking hate neelix wish they killed him off early or wrote him out of the show.
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No way check her out in her prime.
It's amazing how they almost always wrote her as a turbo cunt. She refused to be made a regular on DS9, so there was always that dumb 'Keiko mostly lives on Bajor' thing, and as a result it was next to impossible to make her a well rounded character.
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They are going to give it the 'lawd of da rangs' treatment aren't they?
And he was jealous as fuck. Like watching Jake in Raging Bull. Phillips is a good actor, but they wasted him in that annoying part.
They actually thought he was going to breakout like Quark. Then the Doctor took over the show, along with Seven.
You could staff an entire ship with holo-personal like that holo doctor. You wouldn't need any living quarters or atmosphere. You could just create endless holo-commandos or repair personel etc.
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TFW no young Winn GF.
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>There aren't any niggers in Star Trek
What about that blind nigger mechanic and that communications niggress?
I bet shooting up a bunch of cardies was his favourite holoprogram.
star trek is leftist and gay. give me my 40k starship troopers dreamscape. fascism is awesome.
Yes I thought this multiple times. If they got AI's that are good enough to make hollow charters then actual crew is pointless. They basically have the computing power to have autonomous drone ships. Like people on a deck steering a ship is pointless. I use to autisticly obsess over this then I just had to let it go to enjoy the series.
oh, and btw:
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You are now hearing this in Dukat's voice, referring to Winn.
>Well, I don't want to break up this meeting... but she is something of a cunt, isn't she, Benjamin?
Fuck, I wish someone would deep-fake that.
Probably considering they haven't contacted any of the original show runners or actors to work on it.
SCPO Miles Edward O'Brien was so based, they made him the head of engineering; which is an officer's role.
>He dodged a bullet
Berman and Braga were carrying on Roddenberry's legacy of sexually harassing the actresses. Jen wouldn't play along, so they brought in 38 of DDD to replace her.

>>Make roll chart
>>Does not include best girl
>>20% of rolls are men
>You are a literal faggot, no straight man would post this
Rule 299 - Whenever you exploit someone, it never hurts to thank them. That way, it's easier to exploit them next time.
>Based. She was hot on TOS. Great eyes.
>I have no idea why they used that granny hairstyle for her on TNG; she was only 50.
She's a better actress than Sirtis or McFadden, and would have outshone them both.
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As Abe Lincoln once said, she was 'a charming negress'.
I shit you not.
I have to roll
Dr crusher is the hottest star trek girl
>They only explain the repression in a DS9 episode.
Which is why DS9 is the GOAT.
I liked O'brien seems like you could get a beer with him he would shoot the shit and talk shit about everyone. Poor guy was married to annoying cunt.
>Jen wouldn't play along
Wasn't it that she was getting into drugs at that time and she was indifferent to being fired?
They were going to have Harry eaten alive by Species 8472, firing the actor, but they changed their minds.
Anyway, Mulgrew hated Ryan because she despised what Tits of Ass represented.
Rollin for alternate kira
That's just a Omaha cat-dancer clone.
fuck this gay ass world I was hoping the Stargate IP would be ignored it's like they have to do this mass humiliation ritual for everything out of pure spite.
They ruined her at the beginning by having her treat Data as a thing. Attempting the McCoy and Spock thing, but Data was too innocent for that.
Though she changed her tune soon after, no-one could ever forgive her for that and that is what she's remembered for.
She was just seen as a female McCoy and I believe she was better paid than the others because of her history with TOS. The TNG cast didn't take to her and Stewart lobbied for McFadden to return. Though Crusher was barely developed and McFadden has said she regrets coming back. They ruined her in PIC too.
>Harry eaten alive by Species 8472
Yeah they were going to get rid of him but then some magazine named him in the top 50 most handsome men and they changed their minds.
I can already see the timeline they make the series it's filled to the brim with woke stuff, tanks hard and then the IP gets ignored for the next few decades.
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Indeed. It aged the best. Better writing and not too enclosed by Berman channelling late-era Gene.
And it beats Worf getting DENIED and pwnt in every TNG episode.
Star Trek was the only place you'd see non-white trim. Apparently a universe which wasn't 100% white as portrayed by Ashkenazim jews was science-fiction.
>It's a more cohesive universe and you can see how DS9 started as a rip off of B5.
It started that way, and sucked for it. Then the Dominion War happened.
Indeed. Him, Julian and Odo were tied for my favourite characters on DS9.
All the other shows, I just had one clear favourite, though I like the others too.
kiked show that promotes globalism, communism, democracy, and diversity. No.
Because the chick? Also. rolling.
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Rolling for 39
Rollin for seven
Sadly relatable. I liked his floof.
I'd love to join Starfleet, but I would be Barclay or Mortimer Harren from that one VOY episode.
>The Founders (shapeshifters) are the Ultimate Space Jews
>They created 2 distinct service class .. the grovelling bureaucrats and dope addicted uber thugs to do thier dirty work, while keeping themselves unknown behind the scenes .. slipping into every potential rival and destroying them.
This faggot ruined the thread with spam replies.
...I'll accept that. Especially in her pre-porn days.
That's why I don't watch TV and only play the stick-and-tire game
Another example of how they shit on O'Brian.
>Annoying new Doctor shows up
>Never shuts up
>Begin to get to know him
>Not a bad guy after all
>Best friends forever
mfw I find out he was only pretended to be retarded so we could be friends.
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In Barclay's defense, he made Voyager better.
>>Harry eaten alive by Species 8472
>Yeah they were going to get rid of him but then some magazine named him in the top 50 most handsome men and they changed their minds.
Yep. Can't toss out the only Asian lead on US television.

Why didn't Chakotay leave if he hated being there so much? Why waste his time on a show he had so much contempt for?
He kept asking for pay-rises, hoping to be fired, but they always accepted.
He faded into the background so badly, but the character was created by complete stereotypes and their 'native consultant' was a fraud.
>Wasn't it that she was getting into drugs at that time and she was indifferent to being fired?
That's the lie. The truth is that they fucked Jennifer Lien over.
God damn she's fine.
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And we got some Troi in her fake-tits period.
>TFW she never did a topless scene after her tit-job.
She was still plowable when she MILFed out in the movies.
Wish Shatner included an arse shot during her dance in TFF. She only wore a g-string.
I'm amazed that they haven't moved this thread to /bant yet. What a great day!
>You are now hearing this in Dukat's voice, referring to Winn.
>>Well, I don't want to break up this meeting... but she is something of a cunt, isn't she, Benjamin?
>Fuck, I wish someone would deep-fake that.
Dukat and Winn made the most appropriate couple on all of the shows. A better show would have had him wooing her from the beginning instead of dry-snatched Kira.
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In a fucked up way, that's absolutely correct.
Most people couldn't see it though and thought it was way too out there.
If Dukat was always a bad guy, then so was Winn.
Fuck, she tried to have Bareil whacked in her first episode and she got away with it.
Black lead actor.
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fine. what do i get?
Also, the older I get, the hotter Janeway is to me.
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so smol
>The higheeeer, the feweeeer!
>Yes I thought this multiple times. If they got AI's that are good enough to make hollow charters then actual crew is pointless. They basically have the computing power to have autonomous drone ships. Like people on a deck steering a ship is pointless. I use to autisticly obsess over this then I just had to let it go to enjoy the series.
Voyager dealt with it. But nobody remembers. Hamstrung by the reset button, the stakes of self-aware holograms would have been better explored on DS9 instead of VOy but DS9's plate was already full.
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It's a shame that Yar left so soon and denied us her magnificent ass.
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soft sci fi is no different than conan
>200 lives for 200 lives. That's JUSTICE! Not malevolence!
Why would they even need a crew? Just send out probes dumb fucks.
Man this is a cool thread. I'm sorry I missed it.
>In a fucked up way, that's absolutely correct.
>Most people couldn't see it though and thought it was way too out there.
>If Dukat was always a bad guy, then so was Winn.
>Fuck, she tried to have Bareil whacked in her first episode and she got away with it.
It wasn't just that. Their goals, desires and frailties complemented each other well. What the other was looking for, it would have been found in each other.
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>Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them. Captain the starship also runs on loyalty to one man, and nothing can replace it, or him.
no, you play DOTA in an internet cafe
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these are all extremely cringe
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Ds9 is literally a show about 3 different species of Jew trying to out Jew each other and I honestly find that very entertaining.

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