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TLDR: Mr Sachs says nooks will be used unless we gib Putin what he wants
How zsisters spin this one?

>Although Jeffrey comes armed with a litany of crimes to lay at the doorstep of the collective west, Piers Morgan presses him on the central issues. Isn’t it strange that Putin hasn’t invaded a NATO member? And why doesn’t Sachs hold Putin to the same standard of conduct as the US government?
What IS "Putin's deal" though?
Jeffrey Sachs whole claim to fame is that economic recovery doesn't need to concern itself with democratic governance. That if you just give gibs to turd world dictators they will use it responsibly. I'm not kidding. Needless to say it didn't really work out the way he claimed it would according to his theory. Which came to be known as 'economic shock therapy.'

This is why he is so butthurt about Ukraine as they rejected the shithole bloc to embrace the democratic EU which required improvements to their governing structures in order to improve standard of living.
Ukraine must withdraw from the four annexed territories and Ukraine must agree to never join NATO.

Makes sense, it's similar to some of the 'realist' ideas about geopolitics.
>>471622989 memeflag / Piers Morganschill

Banks work hand in glove with federal intelligence agencies. In other words bankers plan and help implement coups and other forms of international takeovers
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maam your flag!
Sachs always nails it imo.
>nooks will be used unless we gib Putin what he wants
So if he wants America Americans should just let him have her because nooks? No sane person nor nation will give Putin "what he wants", except for more dead russians. Clearly you do not make deals with terrorist like Putin, and anyone in the West who shills for that blood thirsty russian midget should be sent to Kolyma.
>that economic recovery doesn't need to concern itself with democratic governance
He's right for the wrong reasons. Democracy doesn't matter the turd wprld will remain corrupt regardless of the system.
Believing that enlightment can surge from the collective minds of a group of niggers is bollocks

If Ukraine agrees to give up the annexed territories in the East they need to get NATO membership or some security equivalent to it in order to prevent further Russian encroachment on their state.

From just a rational perspective it makes no sense to make any kind of deal like that without that guarantee.

Zelenskyy has made it clear that he won’t compromise on this anyway saying that he’s not willing to even give up Crimea. So all of this is pointless.
>If Ukraine agrees to give up the annexed territories in the East they need to get NATO membership or some security equivalent to it in order to prevent further Russian encroachment on their state.
Which is part of why Russia offered such a shit 'deal' because they knew it was unacceptable. It's just a way for Putin to say 'See! We tried to make peace but these madmen don't want it!' and then all the demoralized idiots in the West parrot that narrative
you're lying tho? Sachs also advised in Poland and we did really well. russoids are just nepotistic oligarchic KGB-led subhumen who can't take responsibility so they blamed that guy instead until he had to resort to sucking their cock out of poverty and for money alone
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> they need to get NATO membership
Russia will fight as long as necessary to rule out exactly this. As this was the main reason for them to even start this risky adventure. If Ukraine wants to survive as a state they need to become and remain a neutral buffer state. But I suspect there is no political will anywhere in the West to preserve Ukraine. They will sacrifice ALL of it just to have Russia bleed as long as possible. This won't change the outcome. And the goal of dividing the Russian Federation in smaller regions is out of reach. I only wonder if the West becomes so pissed about the fact that they achieved rather the contrary that they want to risk committing suicide in a mutual nuclear destruction.
Estonia is a NATO member meaning it could theoretically house nuclear missiles closer to Moscow than Kharkiv and Russia isn't screeching about that (other than occasionally calling them eSStonia for tearing down commie statues)

Main reason isn't 'le buffer', it's because the chunk is geopolitically important land, with big oil reserves in it, and the landbridge to Crimea obviously. This is the same generic shit that all wars in history are fought over, everything else is propaganda for the sheep.
> demoralized
Pardon? Call me an idiot if you want but I'm not demoralized, YOU seem demoralized.
I was always hoping that globohomo would eventually fail in Ukraine.
I fucking despise you and everything you stand for
God I hope they try to enact the draft, its not going to work out they way they think
Retard your country joined the EU. European Commission is full of lawyers and economists that audited every institution in your government. You would not have received those funds had your governance not passed the smell test. Guys like Jeffrey Sachs were saying how unnecessary it is. Talking shit about how it's all red tape bureaucracy and how the Commission were full of American imperialists.
You are so completely full of shit, every single thing you said is a lie. Nice spacing you fucking fednigger maggot.
Nah you faggots have nothing to fall back on we I call out your fellow homos like Jeffrey Sachs. Who is a known China shill that receives millions of dollars from their fraudulent real estate conglomerate.
why didn't they audit Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia or Hungary then? selective auditing? doubt that's how it works. you're either civilized or you aren't, no in-betweens, retardo
>Isn’t it strange that Putin hasn’t invaded a NATO member?
The fuck kinda gotcha question is this? Is Piers living in a separate timeline?
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Tick tock Pavel
>Poland: From Socialism to Prosperity
tank yuo jeffrey sachs and the rest of harvard economists, you helped us crush the communist concrete
>'economic shock therapy.'
Sachs's plan fixed Poland's economy int he early 1990s
known as the 'Balcerowicz plan', the economic shock therapy made things tough for a few years and admittedly fucked some people over (mostly debtors) but cured the country of post-communist bullshit and set us up for major gains that culminated in Poland joining the EU in 2004 and enjoying the relative prosperity is does now
compared to shitholes like Serbia, Belarus or Ukraine, which never shook off the soviet yoke, we're light years ahead
>inb4 but but but gay parades
unironically this
also God bless Ronald Reagan?
eh bankrupted commies and didn't afraid of anything
The only thing that fixed Poland's economy was entering the German economic sphere and the EU
Russia isn't screeching about what "could theoretically" be, so what? They will certainly somehow react if missiles are being deployed there. Ukraine is not the same case as any other state, in particular not states that are already members of NATO. The historical heart of the Rus is important for ideological and moral reasons. This must not be underestimated. The kremlin's authority would suffer badly if they not at least pretended to care about this. Russians are soulful people. The geopolitical value of Ukraine or parts thereof is yet another reason for the Russian interest to not have it become NATO member.
eat shit and die you fucking gayto motherfucker
you're not going to make it 10 years before the US is killing itself, you'll be slaughtered for even attempting a draft, every last single one of you chickenshit faggots won't do shit
They did. They joined the EU in 2007 then the European Commission set up Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification (CVM) to monitor how well these countries like Bulgaria and Romania were improving their anti-corruption efforts before they allowed them into the Schengen Zone. It took over a decade. Same process applied to these countries that applied to yours. Although I guess they took longer to fully integrate.
Sachs has said before that he proposed to do the same thing for Russia that he did for Poland and the US said no, let Russia suffer. That's why they had a huge post-Soviet economic crisis compared to Poland.
they let us into the EU because we fixed ourselves first to meet baseline EU membership standards, Manuel
Kys fed bitch
Baseline standarts that were lowered to the ground compared with any previous membership negotiations
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Didn't he get banned on most MSM for telling the truth, that the US and not Russia, was the one that blew up the underwater gas pipeline?

It's also funny that the ones screeching the loudest about muh climate change are the same globohomo that released more gases into the atmosphere by blowing that up just about anything else, kel
Billions over billions of German tax payers' money fattened the polish pig.
And yet it oinked for TRILLIONS of reparations for WW2.
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Getting rid of putin, the washington baby eaters, all political parties and the media which belongs to the same fucking turds who own THE LOT is necessary.
“Somehow” - while paying no attention to the micro details the shills deal in - i was able to tell you exactly what was going to happen right from the start.
It’s a fucking scam.
you never suffered communism and wasn't destroyed in WW2
but you joined the EU only in 1986
just 18 years before Poland
don't talk to me about low standards lol
protip: don't lose wars
incel chud
plus disarment
The karmic debt that the shameless polish thievery brought upon itself WILL be repaid by returning all the germanic lands east of the Oder. This is karmic destiny and I can clearly see it shaping up at the end of the rope, that is the current debased polish mind.
These slags in the advertisements are proper fish bucket mingers. Ew. JANNIES stobbit you mucky buggers. I wouldn’t touch it with yours. You’d catch a dose if you could touch the sides.
Arses in my face as i try to be sensible about putin being a kgb wef jew & twerky being his sidekick? Is this necessary. Advertise nice things only from now on.
Your case does not reflect the majority of macroeconomies that underwent shock therapy. You had a major Solidarity movement- which was a democratic movement which Jeffrey Sachs conveniently leaves out as a reason for the success of economic development that he takes full credit for of course. Then the fucker got China money so now he's bad mouthing the Maidan which was the exact same fucking thing as Solidarity.
Are you retarded? Did you actually listen to him? He said he proposed same polish reforms for Russia, but was denied by the US government. Because they simply wanted to crush Russia, and blames them for this, because it's a lost opportunity for peaceful and prosperous Europe.
And those oligarchs you are talking about were enabled by the US to pillage Russia and send it all to western offshores. Most of them ran away to west by now.
Butthurt polacks always spew some utter nonsense.
Thanks, I will remember next time you raid one of our radio stations.
I haven't followed him since the 1990s but I'm not surprised he sold out
academics are whores
>next time
what next time, Mehmet?
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>effrey Sachs shilling for Russia, says Ukraine should accept Putin's deal
no, they will not accept the deal, which is the correct choice
you seem blissfully unaware of just what corrupt shitholes bulgaria, romania, slovakia and hungary were and still are to the fullest degree. the current Slovak PM literally has ties to the Italian Mafia and literally killed a journalist who exposed these ties
>retard isn't intelligent enough to form an argument against what's being said and instead resorts to seething
Many such cases. SAD

I didn't call you (or any specific anons) demoralized, I said demoralized people will parrot the ' 'See! We tried to make peace but these madmen don't want it!' narrative.

>Russia isn't screeching about what "could theoretically" be, so what? They will certainly somehow react if missiles are being deployed there.
They screech about it by pushing the narrative that Ukraine joining NATO would be a red line because 'nukes could be put there next door to Russia'. The argument is incoherent because, as I pointed out, they don't mention that Estonia could also put nukes on their border too (or other Baltic NATO members for that matter).
This fact is how you know that isn't actually their genuine problem with Ukraine.

>The historical heart of the Rus is important for ideological and moral reasons. This must not be underestimated.
I agree that's part of the reason for the war, but a bigger reason for wanting those specific chunks of land is because they're resource rich (oil) and geopolitically useful.
I also think Putin genuinely believed the West would act how it did in 2014 and do nothing but push sanctions in the event of an invasion. I also think he probably believed it would be much quicker and easier of a fight than it turned out to be. This is something the West believed too (Remember guys like Miley predicting Ukraine to be steamrolled early in the war)
Bolshevik kike
it's inevitable or do you really put all your confidence on the hope that america will be there for you forever?
just taking back rightful clay
>, that the US and not Russia, was the one that blew up the underwater gas pipeline?
Did he have any proof or was he citing the old commie Hersch who said the US did it based on an anonymous source which got multiple things wrong, such as claiming BALTOPS ships were in the exact region when they were not there, and also claiming that Stoltenberg was working for the US intelligence agencies during the Vietnam war (even though he wasn't born when it began and would be 15 years old at the time 'nam ended). Idiotic mistakes that are easily exposed that make you wonder why anyone would believe an anonymous source that is clearly just making shit up. But then again, I don't believe everything posted on /b/ either, some people might.
Yeah that's just a total lie. Russian mafia (Jew mafia) moved in to seize monopolies post Soviet Union while western advisors were calling for the same privatization measures as Poland. The only difference was that Poland had a grassroots democratic movement and a lack of an international mafia criminal network swooping in like vultures. Jeffrey Sachs doesn't touch on that little issue, why is that?
the only thing that's inevitable is uncle Deniz giving you the shoe for letting the kebab go cold again
You don't know how high the standarts were back then
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Ok, coward
>Russian mafia (Jew mafia)
just KGB. simple as
they let you in out of pity for your grandfather's goats and to make sure another dictatorship doesn't happen
Spain was the 8th-10th biggest economy in the world back then
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I hate glowies so fucking much bro (compartmentalized or not). I hope the money was worth selling your soul to help enslave us all
They probably should, people aren't willing to volunteer for their army anymore so as a country which says that it defends democratic values they should realize that the people dont want this war anymore
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So who blew it up then, huh, Russia? The loch Ness monster, or what?
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When the usa goes from the world stage as a super power and back into regional power status, we will still be here watching you. When liberalism becomes a footnote of history, we will still be here watching you. See, there's a certain historical inevitability of us fucking you again, as we should, and your indefensible flat plane geograpic realities.
Are you talking about Fico? That guy has been very pro-Russia, Serbia his entire political career.
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Russia did the same thing in the 2008 war with Georgia with their other pipeline, you be the judge.
The problem is most of /pol/ thinks in directionbrained absolutes, meaning they do not believe Russia's government would ever do something bad or tell a lie. Which is obviously a mentally retarded way to think.
Although if I was to pin it on the West it would more likely be Norway.
Well Russia is no saint, but Ukraine has been the most corrupt country in Europe for a long time, and the US is as corrupt as they get. Only a low level vaxxed tranny intern at the State Dept believes anything the US government says
Why won't countries like Germany and Norway release the findings of their investigations into it?

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