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redditors in canada are getting fed up with pakis and starting to treat them like the germans treated jews before ww2. isnt india siding with russia? why are they even here anyway, fucking sand niggers
>isnt india siding with russia?
India is brown what do you think nigger
Imagine trying to gas pajeets. Wouldn't work at all.
>india is brown
yea so are you east nigger
Trudeau invited in a half-million of them in one year, they all stampeded in, and once they arrived they immediately lowered the quality of life for everyone. It wasn't a boiling frog scenario this time, it was an overhanding the frog against the wall scenario. Hence the backlash.
Doesn't cow dung release methane that was the primary ingredient of Nazi gas?
The problem is not that they are Indian, but they lack hygiene and barely understand social etiquette. Look at California full of mexicans and yet is the best economy filled with mexican restaurants. It's not the people, but their culture
I can't tell if it's intentional, designed to instigate a fierce backlash, like some kind of long-game 4D chess or just the elites saying "fuck it, nobody's gonna do shit anyway"
"Don't ascribe to malaice what can be explained by incompetence".
based shibboleth noticer
Dude it's straight up "FUCK WHITE PEOPLE!" All mass immigration is about getting rid of White people and destroying us. They brought in that many all at once because they know there won't be any armed revolt.
why are a bunch of fucking mutts in here telling me how white people should live? fuck off
They'd think you built them their own sauna.
I think it's on purpose. Canada is arguably the most ultra cucked white nation of all, I think they want to say
>yeah we did it slowly and you didn't do shit
>so here it is fast because you still won't
trust me you arent helping. its the few whites left in California that are holding the whole economy up
It's the fucking people dude, and they smell. Bad.
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Here, kill him with this.
>it's real
LOLLL https://www.timesofisrael.com/indians-unfazed-by-israeli-made-stink-bomb/
>Trudeau invited in a half-million of them in one year
You got to pump those numbers up
>canada are getting fed up with pakis
good morning!
We will not abandon our BHARATI brothers
>the backlash
Means nothing. None of these people will ever raise a fist in anger. Trudope could import 100 million Indians next year and the retard Canucks will just sit and take it like always.
spit out my mango lassi anon
But this can't be explained by incompetence.

It is a monumental political and logistical undertaking.

Explain to me how half a million Pajeets arrive yearly into a Western nation by incompetence.
So will Americans. The notion that any country in the West is a "democracy" is a laughable joke. We are all living in illegitimate totalitarian nightmare states where the ruling caste replace the population with foreigners whenever they want a vote to go a certain way. By definition that invalidates the democracy. There is no democracy.
Tried to warn them 10+ years ago. They ruined our lives, depersoned us, got us fired from our jobs and locked out of the economy. Used the full weight of the state, media, and corporations to crush us. The works.
Fuck 'em. I hope Trudeau spits in their stupid faces and brings in 10 million more jeets.
He doesn't know, he's a moron repeating a saying he heard somewhere even though it clearly isn't applicable.
Natural born citizens are starting to realize that immigrants in most cases do not respect the countries they move to?

Who would have guessed?
That's some bullshit a sociopath came up with to cover for themselves.
if we can somehow turn dead indians into soap then we could create a highly efficient process. but of course such a transmutation is basically inconceivable.
When all this started being frequently discussed about 15 years ago, these were the type of people who considered it low-class and beneath them. Now it's caught up to them and they are looking around for the cavalry charge to come save them.
>But this wasn't supposed to affect ME. I'm supposed to be a MIDDLE CLASS white. I'm not like those stupid racist LOWER CLASS whites who complain about immigration!
Now we all drown together I guess. Get fucked.
Its about time. These floor shitting roaches need to be hunted and culled. I would personally take a bat to each of their heads if i could. 1 billion dead indians would not be enough.
umm just pointing out that sand niggers and prajeets are two different groups
>All mass immigration is about getting rid of White people and destroying us
It's actually about profit. Mass immigration makes rich "people" a lot of money and provides them with a steady supply of wageslaves.
You're the third person I've seen call the pajeets "pakis".

They are from India not Pakistan.

Pakis are a nuisance too but there's far less of them than pajeets.
California is literally the worst part of America.
Same shit bro. Theyre all filth.
The only difference between Pakis and Indians is that Pakis fuck pigs (like their prophet Muhammad) and Indians fuck cows.
It's 1-2 million a year btw
And neither are actual human beings!
you are obviously not white and have never called an indian paki. they rage like you wouldn't believe. stop larping and fuck off
just put them into shower rooms like in the death and concentration camps
>and then water came from the ceiling
>in 80 years jeetocaust survivors will be telling sob stories about how they watched their grandparents get forced to use a toilet
Nah i prefer acid. I want to hear them fucking scream and beg.
Sounds exactly like the "death and concentration camps" then
Jeetocaust LMAO
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I know that but accuracy is important. Pic related.

Also my friend Zach Davies nearly killed a sikh dentist when he meant to target mudslimes because his dumb ass didn't know the difference. Also he didn't even kill the sikh but only badly maimed him for life, he was a big failure.
>Pajeets =/= Pakis
You need to be racist more accurately OP.
calling them pakis makes them furious, therefore it's a good thing to call them
>they lack hygiene and barely understand social etiquette
You mean that they are not white(or maybe japanese).
Come on now, cuck. You will always be a slave.
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Utter bullshit because incompetence cannot rule for more than a term let alone more than a decade. The brownification of America has been going on since the 70s. The brownification of the rest of the European world has been going on since about then but with slower steps. I can understand anglos being incompetent and BBC-maxing for some anglo reason, but how do you explain French? Germans? Slavs as of lately? This ain't incompetence lil bro.
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>You need to be racist more accurately OP.

They are all rapists, murderers and scammers.
>Posting reddit shit
No wonder you fucking leafs managed to mutt your country harder than America in a fraction of the time.
Fucking disgusting creature bleeding out in our water and contaminating it.
You're right, the browns will not revolt when we tell them to leave, which is extremely soon.
Then they start dying in their homes.
fuckin nailed it
all western "governments" have gone full mask off
I'm whiter than two of the guys who've called pajeets pakis. One was a literal jewish national socialist, the other is the OP of this thread. The third guy was blond haired and blue eyed like me so white as fuck.
If we kill them for real than no stories will be told about it.
You just pour some dawn on them and watch them fizzle like a slug with salt
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you may think you are "whiter", but as i am actually white, real white do not argue such things. go larp somewhere else turk
Sorry let me rephrase, they will leave willingly when they realize how serious Whites are
They dont deserve a story, they deserve erasure
These guys are going to keep voting liberal/ndp by the way. A few will vote for conservatives despite them also pushing for mass immigration. If you bring up PPC they will call you a nazi
>the ideology of hate and violence

What the fuck. What does ideology have to do with that?? Doubt the jeet read Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard and then was motivated to do that.
The PPC are also spineless. They are not far right enough.
The PPC hasn't done itself any favors by running a "semen retention guru" as a candidate and aligning with the anti-vaccine crowd.
The Day of the Flush can’t come soon enough
I'm 6'5" pure German blond hair blue eyes. Mother from Opava (German town in Czech Republic) and father from Barnevald in Gelderland Holland, another place Germans live. As far as I'm concerned by not being scientifically accurate in your racism you're helping the false jewish stereotype that racists are supposedly dumb. We're not, we're hyper-intelligent ubermensch who see the reality of racial differences.
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The shower will do. The poo holoclean. 6 million must be washed.
Absolutely. They deserve to become an extinct other species of humanoid that anthropologists distinctly classify as another species now that there's no living examples of them to upset the sensibilities of egalitarians.
6 million? Try 1.4 billion
Nothing wrong with being anti-vaccine. If they aligned themselves with pro-vaccine (unless it's forcibly vaccinating all non-whites and jews) then they'd be in the wrong.
Indeed. Don't hire them, don't speak to them, don't shop in their stores. They have to go back. It actually is their fault btw. They are simply being given jobs and gibs, and know fine well there is a problem with housing, but they arrive anyway. Sure, it's our corrupt government as well, but you can't leave the migrants out of this.
>like the jews before ww2
are they not in kinda the opposite position? the jews in the weimar repiblic were in influential positions and treated the native Germans like scum , were is almost the opposite over here.
Being anti-vaccine is terrible optics, that's what's wrong with it. Especially if you go beyond being anti-COVID vaccine specifically.
You are just too stupid to understand the circumstances as you've never had to live near them. I've already explained it to you. Everything you say as far as I am concerned is bullshit as you are arguing with me as to how I refer to middle eastern sand niggers & hiding behind a flag which directly contradicts your behavior. I will refer to any non-white any way I want. They can go be great and respected in their own countries, but they aren't in their own country, are they? They will get no respect from me.
hello saarrr!
its the same. they all share the nepotism trait HARD. have you been anywhere lately? every gas station, convenience store, cashier, delivery driver has been a paki
do not redeem sar
someone should just start killing them (in Minecraft)
Treat them like the slaves they are. Disrespect them in stores and make their lives hell.
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Hi Connor
its a problem i agree , but id say its a problem of a different nature then the weimar republic had...... same solution though.......
my name is not connor my initials are zw
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Sure sure, how's Winnipeg?
This shitnigger is the first to go in the oven
My desire for far northern uranium mining gulags has grown yet again. God I wish I could see this subhuman picking up radioactive rocks until the flesh on his hands sloughs off.
Holy fuck a kindred spirit. About time.
I mean they are right, nobody is going to do anything. I don't even get why they still pretend that they care about immigration at all, just let anyone in, who gives a fuck. I honestly want to see how bad it gets before I die anyways.
As opposed to what? When an ultra right wing party shows up tell me about it, because it sure as fuck isn't the conservatives.

CPC halfassedly pretended to be against passports and no one gave a shit. Stop cucking yourself in a sad attempt to appeal to leftists
how did he cum so fast?
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>It's not the people, but their culture
The culture comes from the people, Paco
It doesn't just magically appear with zero relation to the people who perpetuate it, its the product of the racial tendencies of the people themselves
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Hi white fren Zach
Only way to change anything before 2025 is to convince every sitting NDP party member that them holding onto the supply of confidence agreement with the Liberals will destroy them as a party forever.
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Same here. They obscure it by only ever citing 'net migration', but the total is 1.2m a year the past few years. White people are leaving, brown people are arriving.
Being pro-vaccine is terrible optics, nobody intelligent associates with pro-vaccine retards.
The vast majority of the population supports vaccines including COVID vaccines. You don't win an election by appealing to essential oils moms and Q-Anon conspiracy theorists.
I saw "Go home punjabi" written inside a bathroom stall today.
just use soap
100 years later books on the pajeetcaust would be calling Dawn soap a skin dissolving bioweapon,
Retard. If you want to piss off a streetshitter you either call him a Dalit or a paki. Behenenchod just sounds retarded.
PPC isn't against the existence of vaccines, stop it with your retarded hinduism. They're against the forced usage of it and the restrictions that come along with it. CPC tried appealing to that crowd and I'd be surprised if it cost them, given they're now leading in polls
Fucking kek

You can achieve the same objective with deodorant.
>They started letting in poos below the top 5%
It's so funny westerners didn't realize that before 2010 we were mainly only taking the best of the turd world, cept mexishits. Normies got baited and switched with top tier Christian semites, Persians, poos, Nigerians, Ugandans, etc who have little in common with their average drooling retard cousin.
Was that all by design? Bring the 100 IQ ones in first for 39 years to trick the leftists?
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We did it, Reddit!
I’ve actually noticed a lot of Canadians have become increasingly unhinged
HA you got me. Nice to meet you bro
Pakis are just Muslim Indians. The word "Paki" is an acronym that includes Punjabis (basically Sikh Indians), Afganis (technically Iranic), Kashmiris (an Indian people), Indians, and Sindhis (another Indian people)

Pakis are worse than Indians because they have the poojeet problem combined with the shitslam brain virus.

>Pakistan is an acronym, for Punjab, Afghan (the North-West frontier region), Kashmir, Indus (some say it's for Islam) and Sind.

Oddly enough Pakis get even more mad if you confuse them with Indians.
Remember the founding stocks are genetically distinct from America. Their English descend from the colonists that wanted the boot of the king on their neck and never asked to join America. They have much more belief government does the right thing. It's a massive cognitive dissonance turning into mass psychosis. They priced their kids out of homes to house slave jeets and let chinks play casino with their housing market, what kind of psycho government does that yet has the populaces faith?
my family moved here from france & germany just before 1910 , not really sure where u are getting these assumptions.
I’ve been to tijuana, rosarito and Ensenada, and I’m so glad that there’s a border between us so that I can have world class surf up and down the coast of California. All of Baja and the Gulf of Mexico should belong to the US, seeing how fucking FILTHY you are and how you treat nature, you should all be deported to South America, you fucking goblin
kek kys jeet. I see no one mentioning pakis in that image.
Hindpoos will be more hated than pisslam in a decade.
Checked, and eloquently stated
lol you think theres a difference between 1 sand nigger from the next, kys faggot
California's economy isn't because of street shitters it's because california is the legacy tech hub, and has holywood and holywold accounting.
They solidified the genotype as bootlickers. Yes your ancestors mixed and learned the customs of bootlicking.
It's a completely different founding ethos. Hell the king is still your head of state jfc
It's worse.....
1,000,000 in 9 months.....
>Bruh im german with blonde hair and blue eyes
>We are hyper-intelligent ubermensch
Lol all of your genes are recessive; your genetics get immediately btfo and pushed to the side when introduced to melanin skin and eyes
If they aren’t sucking our cock, they’re sucking the old empire’s
my family is not british, how many times do you need to be told something before you understand. germans only need to be told once
>The vast majority of the population supports vaccines including COVID vaccines.
I've noticed people who've taken them have spoken out against them. I'd say at minimum 30% of people think the covid vaccines were useless ("saline") or worse than useless.

Pakis are Hindpoos that were infected with pisslam by Mughals and Timurids.
Yeah, I've been arguing with Canucks about immigration ever since I first got on the internet. They are like Swedes. They have to learn the hard way.
They've been training.
Ok and? You are a speck of dust in 40 million leafs. Congrats youre a walloon cool story
California economy is not a producing economy that serves the common man it is only high GDP because it’s a hub for Jewish mega corps which are parasitic zero sum wealth distributors
its not their fault whites arent making enough kids to support the workforce so they have to outsource it
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Canadians tend to actually acknowledge the problems we're facing, but will absolutely refuse to engage in any actual solution for whatever reason. Sometimes they'll have one belief one day, then completely 180 on it the next, then back again. For example, you'll see them shriek about housing prices and immigrants, but god forbid you bring up lowering immigration. And I'm talking from real life experience, not reddit which has the excuse of being shills or bots.

1984 calls this behavior double think, but I disagree with the use of "think". There's no thought process here. Like parrots, Canadians just repeat what they've been trained to repeat. It's not that they genuinely have conflicting beliefs, they simply have no beliefs, but will know enough to repeat what's appropriate at the moment.
It's funny how normalfags always complain about how they don't integrate.

Hell, that's one of the few good things about it.
if i am such a speck of dust why do you keep replying to me, are you a paki, oh wait im sorry i mean INDIAN lmao dumb nigger
i think people are upset until they think about the implications of what they would have to do to actually solve the problem

you guys have same problem we have, too many whites bred and intermarried with invaders and now we cant do anything about the invaders because half of our own people are fucking them and will defend them to the death

were fucked
It's darkly comical how in the 1970s era of peak whiteness women were fullbore "we don't need no man" feminists, but now the country is full of creepy shitskins they don't dare leave the house without a man.
We fucked up so hard not taking Baja and that little handle on Sonora.
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Indians do the same shit here in America. They all always buy up some nice neighborhood and make it little india
Guys, take the Minecraft discussions to /vg/ or this thread gonna get taken down.
jews profiting off of destroying White societies is just a bonus for them. The man goal is "Kill Whitey"
Thats it
It will be ours soon, fren
Then I have more in common with Canucks since I'm descended from family that fought against the revolutionaries.

But I guess siding with Quakers though is based, right?
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There is no labour shortage. Most of the Indians they're bringing in aren't able to find work in Canada.

Canadian employers are clamoring for higher immigration because they want to reduce the bargaining power of their employees. Not because we don't have enough people bagging groceries at a Fortinos or because there aren't enough React.js frontend code monkeys at a Waterloo meme startup. Employers don't want their employees asking for a raise at their yearly performance review.

California is third world tier now because it's full of mexicans
This anon gets it, the cheap slave labor is just an added bonus and fuck you to us.
Witnessed. Digits don’t lie, beaners shit up everything they touch
I sincerely wish to kill everyone who misuses the term "minmax" (everyone who uses it).
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>mfw it's real
Link? Why do you mfs becer include links?
Imagine willingly and openly celebrating your people and their country's mass colonization by foreigners. All throughout history, colonization on this scale was seen as a direct threat to a people and their civilization. Yet, our leaders and their Jewish handlers and ideologies have mind-fucked white people into somehow welcoming or at the very least tolerating it, in fear of being called racists.

Look, I hate Jews, I hate our utterly sellout politicians who view and treat us as nothing more than replaceable meat cogs who live in economic zones. But at the end of the day, I hate the common white westerner the most. They're utterly feckless and continue to march along like lemmings to their destruction. I cannot stand how dickless our society has become. In America's case, burger cuckservatives constantly boast about how many guns we have. What do they ever do with them? We're ruled over, and our rulers know it. Democracy is an illusion.
It's western countries panicking about the dropping birth rate and every economy plunging into recession after covid. Importing people artificially keeps the economy propped up, compensates for the children not being born by local families, prevents recession and has the bonus effect of forcing wages down by increasing competition for jobs, which businesses love because they get cheaper labor. It's deeply cynical but this is the reason
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Tbh I believe it all gets back to Feminism and Women's Lib. That, along with birth control, cratered our birth-rates.
The irony is now that India and China are developing, their birth rates are cratering too, so importing people only works in the short-term. They might have to actually fix the structural problems in society instead of band-aiding it with migration
I grew up in Canada and they used to all be called "Pakis." I think it's a British thing because they don't use it in the states.
I remember in public school in the 90s a teacher telling kids not to use the term "packy snow" to refer to wet snow that is good for building forts and snowballs, for that reason.
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Go back.
>or just the elites saying "fuck it, nobody's gonna do shit anyway"
I mean, that is what has happened the last 20 years or so
They will have to be soaped, its what they fear most.
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Organize yourselves with like minded people. You don't even realize how bad the anti White program is, and how entrenched in our actual laws it is
>Organize yourselves with like minded people.
But everyone I know loves pajeets flooding into the country.
Hindoo Indians have been called pakis in Canada for decades.
Uncircumcised. When your dick isn't rubbing up against soft fabric 24x7, it's a lot more sensitive. It probably helped that he wasn't a regular coomer (hard to believe though).
Hate to break it to the guy but most Indian restaurants are a front for money laundering. This is especially true in Vancouver.
Launderers for any particular group? Or just everyone?
I see no issue with this.
>...stink bomb that smells of sewers and is used for crowd control has failed to FLUSH out protesters in India
You mean indians?
>that flag
Sure what ever you say nigger lover. You had one as president, and have a literal constant stream of bean niggers at your souther boarder. All while hoarding guns in case your country needs a militia. Yet here you are being cucked and filled with hfcs snacks. You can talk shit when Canada has a pajeet PM, till then suck the maple syrup out my ass, nigger lover.
What do you mean like Iranian money exchanges and Vietnamese resturants?
Wow all your rape victims must enjoy your unwashed dick. You poojeets smell like shit, I cant imagine what the women has to endure for your culture to be 1 billion+ . Unwashed cheese curry nigger dick raping you has to be a soul killer. Maybe thats why I havent seen a Indian women who looks alive.
Makes sense, I mean Indian food is ok at best. Their cooking style seems to be flatbread rice and mean/curry in a baby shit texture for every dish they make. We have how many different styles of cooking here and they refuse to try any form of fusion cusine. Imagine being stuck on baby shit and rice to the point where you refuse change entirely. Surely they cannot possible be profitable, I mean Ill eat it once a year if that.
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>Surely they cannot possible be profitable
It doesn't have to be. Some social worker see's you are "working" and still losing money so they get another 10,000 dollar grant from the government. And if you point this out you are racist, but if you point this out to a white owned business people go "hmm, you are right!"
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We don't need them here either. The alliance is purely economic.
The actual mechanism isn't incompetent, its the policy decision
Liberals and NDP want infinite immigrant votes to keep them in power forever without realizing this would destroy the foundation of the country in the first place
The policymakers have almost no contact with actual reality on the ground, they live in gated communities and others do their shopping for them
how come tiktokers don't do challenges with this type shit. literally shit kek
and those terms included, psychopath/sociopath/narcissist/whatever the fuck scrip description

in common tongue they are called stupids. dumbcunts.
Based harpreet tellim it.is
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Calm down canuck. Or post body and add some weight to your heavy words. I am sitting here in a gated community in the capital. I agree that being raped by those kind of Indians would fuck you up.
The birth rates are decreasing because of westernisation, but it's also an inverted pyramid like the west. So it's my kind that's disappearing :( , to be replaced by the lower IQ who will be fine with their position in a highly automated world.
it's a bit of both
Trudeau has sub-100 IQ, maybe 95 or so. Marc Miller, immigration minister, is married to a literal Jewess kike
and they all hate the white Christian working class
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>The alliance is purely economic.
That you need, at the very least as a third party to skirt sanctions. You don't even have the population numbers like China and us, and your nation became further alienated from global trade when you got sanctioned for Ukraine.
Technology has enabled each part of the planet to be interconnected seamlessly. The wealth generated through military might, land control, or protectionism pales when compared to what can be achieved by commerce. That is why, behind a veneer of democracy/republics, this is a world of financiers, bankers, and industrialists. Like the influence of trading families of merchant republics. Or Rome in many periods.
Sorry, went off-topic there. You also need to fix the brain drain problem. People are already being grabbed in public and conscripted, might as well block immigration. You'd be surprised how people start caring about their nation again when there is no other land to flee to.
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>hear "Sikhs are bros! They're based!" for the longest time
>they just turn out to be another batch of poos wearing stinky turbans

In fact, it seems like every "based" ethnic group turns out to be utterly ass once their numbers get high enough.
>can drink it also
Thats it indians are firmly in the subhuman category now
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smelly beaner gatekeeping hygiene and social etiquette
California is a SHITHOLE.
Their "economy" is a bullshit lie, fueled by illicit activities and outright evil.
And subhumans helped create the shithole situation.
Why do you subhuman shitstains always mention the fact you have a fuck ton of useless shitstains like it's some kind of good thing? You have a big population, congrats, you also shit in the streets and have the lowest GDP per capita outside Africa. Fucking poop-niggers are retarded.
No one cares.
All brownskins and blacksins are shit tier Homo sapiens genetics.
Very based podcast today exposing levant and tommy for being slimy kiked gatekeepers that work with shitskin drug dealers.
Was that really on the main Canada sub?
Lmfao even liberal redditors are becoming racist now
>Canadian lefties are just now catching onto what people that they claim are racists have been saying for eighty years
I hate how many people need to learn a lesson first hand. Instead they believe the TV, until it impacts them personally.
The lack of hygiene and humanity is a direct result of them being pajeets. The pajeets must be exterminated.
My kid's friend actually knew these people, she told me about it before I heard it on /pol/
Small world
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the via rail we deserve. jeets would get on the cattle cars willingly if we stuck a couple cows in there. the cows will be raped.
>glownigger pretends to be pro-white but throws in Ukraine shilling thinking he's being subtle
sir you have to go back, there are not enough loos for you shitskins to stay in Canada

Tommy Robinson?

Been waiting for that cunt to get roasted.
>isnt india siding with russia?
Kek, I live in the deep South, I don't ever see poos, mind you I deal with niggers so I'm not flexing, but even I know poos take whatever side they think will win and superfluously suck them off, if Ukraine were to take an advantage in the war tomorrow then all the poos would simultaneously be pro ukraine, they're shameless, they're whores, they're basically women
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Because the competition between all the workers decreases pay, attracting foreign money. Good for the nation overall, good for the workers here as well as the pay is still exponentially better compared to govt jobs, as the currency is just so weak.
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based honk bump
can white americans get benefits from the canadian government? and if no, what if they pretend to be indian??
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I don't use Indian ran businesses at all, if everyone did the same thing they'd get the message and fuck off but people are fucking morons.
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a big brown baby you say?
You should try paying attention. People in Canada are fucking pissed, shit has been popping off. Dudes lit a garage containing policians cars on fire when they were in a meeting. Reddit and twitter are full of open indian hate, even leftists have had enough. Even the last 2 weeks trudeau has come out and drastically cutting immigration numbers, the next PM came out this week and said when he gets in there will be massive changes to immigraton and people who are abusing the system wll be deported. Massive protests planned nationwide for july 1st about mass immigration. Right now this place is a powder keg, people are fucking enraged cuz literally no one voted for this. Trudeau ddnt run and say "oh by the way, we are gonna import 1million shitjeets a year." Yesterdays by election which was a liberal stronghold in fucking toronto for 30 years went conservative. Lots of shit happening here, politicians realize its so close to popping off here, they finally had to do something.
Theyre all pakis
did you not listen to poilievre this week? the dude has come out multiple times against mass immigraton, easy google search. Im not saying to vote for him because I dont trust any politician but the dude has said multiple times he will get rid of the diploma mills and the students exploiting them, he will get rid of incentives for companies to hire immigrants over canadians and he will drastically cut immigration and tie it to housing/job market, so we will only get immigrants if we have the capacity and the economic need for them.

I dunno why people keep spreading the bullshit that PP hasnt come out on immigration. I see this everywhere and honestly, im sick of correcting people on it.
It's the people and their culture.
you are a retard. we are on the verge of the vaxx being exposed as a fraud. A peer reviewed study that the lancet pulled and tried to have hidden for a year just got posted that showed 75% of the unexplained deaths over the last 2 years were caused by the vax. Being pro vax would automatically turn most right leaningg people off, the only bad optics would be from the CBC and Trudeau, which no one trusts at all anymore. You are lterally a retard if you think that being anti vaxx at this point is bad even more of a retard if you think benig pro vaxx is good.
Ok at best? Have u not seen the videos? Indian food is disgusting and they need to flood it with spices to make up for how shit is. I will never forget when this girl in our group of friends told us a new jeet restaurant had recently opened and everyone was claiming it was the best one in the city, we simply had to go. So the group reluctantly agrees to go. An hour after we have ate, every single person in our group of friends has teh absolute worst diarrhea ever, insane stomach cramps, I couldnt leave the toilet.

I have never eaten jeet food since, nor will I ever.
we warned them and they wanted to kill us for it
India doesn’t really have sand it’s more like a muddy clay. Mudniggers if you will
that's not how economies work, spastic
when the next wave of layoffs happen and people realize they can't find work any more because indians have ruined the job market with extreme nepotism, things will become extremely controversial
things will kick off when middle aged white women with children to raise struggle to find work because of rampant indian immigration
we have 7 years left
position yourself to deal with this now
the earlier the better
i predict true civil war
violent coups against the government
cleansing of not only indians, but also of the people who support them
i hate to theorize such a concept but it is the only future i see
unless we deport 98% indians received within the last 15 years, the whites will stage a nationwide spergout and make things very ugly
very very ugly
i have no idea why the government placed the people in this position
i am already noticing mothers on facebook, reddit, and tiktok complaining about their teenage children being unable to find work due to the saturation and nepotism of indians
when the mothers themselves face this fate, the tipping point will occur
prepare yourselves for this
if you are indian, for your own safety, i suggest you have an escape plan
your people are backstabbing scammers
they will not protect you
even your own family will betray you when the white avalanche storms
what a terrible mess
a terrible mess
truly terrible mess
truly terrible
i just wanted to play video games and fuck big booty latinas
why is this the state of my nation
god curse canada
may god curse this nation with the worst disasters
canada has failed
canada is dead
indians are going to turn the entire world into a third world shithole if they are allowed to continue flooding into the West. Thankfully, the Chinese will not allow that. Once white people fully lose all power, the Chinese will easily take over, and they will deport the indians. So yea, white people are too big of a pussy to do anything about the indians but the Chinese will. The Chinese will unironically save the world. Once whites lose their remaining power, the Chinese will easily take over the West.
We need to scrape the wage subsidy for hiring newcomers.
You are literally a Mexican, you need to get the fuck out of my country you disguising burrito-pajeet.
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Billions must flush
>I have a dream, that one day the word nigger will be replaced by an even more awesome word that an entire country takes offence at.

Crazy there's actually people named jeet
Mexicans open their own restaurants but Indians just delivery McDonalds, the Indian restaurants thaht have been around for decades here are actually by Tamil and Sri Lankans (e.g. Nanthur Caters).
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>paki-pajeet poop flag
>opinion discarded
>1 post by this ID
You need to go back to India, while we are still asking politely. That based spic was posting from Mexico.
pakis are not indian
pakis are as bad as africans
indians work hard and invent technology and are aryan also
pakis only sit in dirt and make things of mud
To paki-pajeets dont have names, I just see them all as pajeets. There are indians in my condominium, and the men keep trying to be my friend, no matter how clear I make it that I don't want them around me, and the women that live there constantly flirt with me. I work in real estate, and once they found out, one of the sisters told me she was interested in buying her own condo, and I gave her my card. That night, I had 3 different texts from pajeetas trying to get their genes washed.
I stopped eating fast food and at restaurants because it's full of jeets, the rare jeet-free restaurant in a sea of jeeted restaurants are crowded though.
use water instead
The funniest part to me is his pathetic attempt to stop them. It's like they short-circuit the moment they encounter someone who doesn't put up with their shit.
They're only bitching now? I think your country needs an extra serving of shitskins.

Cant wait for your dystopian shithole to join the BRICS.
>The problem is not that they are Indian
Canada as a country was found on co-existence between the English, the French, and to some extent, the natives (especially the Metis, which was half French half native) -- it didn't account for the absolute aliens that came after. The first Europeans that came were French men that went native and formed the Metis. Then the English that came, they have a history of civilized warfare with the French, rules of engagement. While Injuns can be savage i don't think they would be as smugly punching down as the Indians do, to be proud of being scammers and think you are winning by cheating.
>the Indian restaurants thaht have been around for decades here are actually by Tamil and Sri Lankans
They're both going to get dwarfed by Punjabi ones in the next few years.
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somehow its acceptable to hate on indians so they all do it, the conformist npc.
>nooo my holy tyrone and akmed
its probably because their religion is not about the cube. who knows.
>inject snake venom
>cry for ukraine
>hate indians
these are not even humans
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Punjabi ones have too many male jeets doing the rapestare, and the bad hygenie.
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>mfw I redeemed
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Fuck off you dumb kike
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How incredibly curryphobic of them, someone needs to report this to the adl as anti-shitism and give them more migrants.
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>they lack hygiene and barely understand social etiquette
Yes. Indian.
>They lose 50% of their body mass in the jeet camps
>Not malnourished, it was just grime.
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And they will still all vote CPC like dumb idiots lol.

Get betrayed over and over like the cucks they are.

You're an idiot and WEF shill.

The guy literally was pro immigration before it backfired. Then he says he'll cut back on it now that it's unpopular. If people all woke up the next day and said Indians are good he'll wear a fucking head scarf. It's not even in the fucking CPC policy.

The guy is a sheep and panders whatever WEF wants until Canadians get frustrated enough. The he switches sides to pander as the "opposing populace party"

This is why you're an idiot. You even mentioned you're not a supporter of his but you aren't intellectually honest enough to point out the guy has no fucking integrity And voting for him is like voting for a hormonal 40 year old woman.

FINALLY; if you had half a fucking brain. Instead of being a midwit, you'd realize that voting for PPC is literally the most important thing to do to give a check and balance to a CONservative majority to which they'll just do WEF shit all over again.
Day of The Derailment soon.
>"Don't ascribe to malaice what can be explained by incompetence".
>—Reddit's razor
We unironically need a way to find each other. No, I have no idea how to do that.
>isnt india siding with Russia?
It's called being neutral you nigger paki. Besides India now is mostly sucking to mutts to get help against chinks
>Hence the backlash

The backlash : three dozen redditors exchanging slightly passive aggressive, very non-offensive and carefully worded snarky comments about Indians on r/Canada and that's it.

That is all the backlash the Canadian goyim are capable of mounting after being thoroughly demoralized for several decades now. Which is why the ruling classes keep pushing their agenda so quickly now : they know that you won't do shit.
>the dude has come out multiple times against mass immigraton
No he hasn't. He's vaguely signaled he might consider increasing it less than the last year-over-year increase
What the fuck is going on here?
NPC's are there to be manipulated and socially engineered by those with power. You can get people to believe almost anything if you control the flow of information.
Canadians about to go full Hitler blitz on pajeet jews. There won't be a single stone unturned
Reminder that indians, pakis, and bangladeshis are all the same goatfucking, cousinfucking pajeets. Some borders that the English drew up to piss off gandi, or the fact that some do it for allah while some do it for vishnu doesn't change that
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the dirty can make the clean dirty by contact but not the other way around
>Increasingly nervous man says "you won't do shit" for the seventeenth time
>Maybe thats why I havent seen a Indian women who looks alive.
These ones look very happy:
Man named in mortgage fraud investigation among the dead in triple shooting

Gas chambers were "used" to depersonalize the act of killing. It's not necessary for poojeets since they are subconsciously not seen as humans by the average civilized man.
Nigger it's over 1.2 million officially each year with another million in illegals and "students" who just stay forever.

I even saw a fucking jeet here the other day, disgusting, I almost puke up my rice.
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Jeet Bait Thread
Slide it, don't give them any rupees
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How many rupees is 11cents ramjesh?
Seriously why the fuck is Japan importing jeets? You guys have way too many people croweded into cuck pods in the sky to begin with, whats wrong with having a bigger portion of nips in HOUSES? There's robots to make up for the labour difference, and just lower the working age as there are plenty of jobs tweens can do that they will learn from more than sitting in class.
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found the street shitter
jeets hate being called pakis
Residing in a religious town of Tiruvannamalai in South India, "Thoppi Amma" (Hat Mother) has unwittingly become the subject of a local legend, with residents attributing mystical powers to her, believing her to be a harbinger of good fortune and blessings. However, the irony lies in the fact that Thoppi Amma is actually suffering from severe dementia, unaware of the myth surrounding her.
Jewish Mitosis
fuck off ranshid
Fuck yeah. Fuck all you all,. Now that the shit is going down in flames, long after the terminus was reached, weak faggots start noticing.
Too.late, NGMI

All that is left is slaughter
>hear "Sikhs are bros! They're based!" for the longest time
Always check the flags.
>like the germans treated jews before ww2.

You mean, like the Jews treated the GERMANS before WW2, FAG
as a demographic only white males between the ages of 18 and 65 contribute more than they take out, all other groups are literally a drain on the economy.
too late
true, it will make us stronger
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true, it will make us stronger
In 1984 it talks about soulless mindless drones thoughtlessly parroting party points or "quacking like a duck"
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If this image perplexes you: Your name is Ramjesh and you do ont belong in the West or East Asia simple as
Reddit in Canada has always been like this
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Thanks amigo, will add to shitposting folder
>believing all that shit
literally fucking inoperable buddy
White women love pajeet men.
Too bad they don't treat the Jews like the Germans treated the Jews as then they'd actually solve the problem
>It's not the people, but their culture
Those two things are inextricably linked.
kys spic
They do treat the jews the same way the Germans did though?

He's posting from Mexico, Timmy

obrigado sar
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That's pretty sad, would prefer to see jeets in there.
you stay in mexico
indians stay in india
you're both incompatible with freedom and liberty
>The problem is not that they are Indian, but they're entirely Indian in their behavior and it's genetic

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