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Stop buying AAA games, simple as.
Pirating is justified
I’ve gotten into books myself. I’m reading Jake’s magical market book 3 and I’m having a lot of fun.
You can’t pirate an encrypted server
Doesn't that just mean you can't buy it anymore? I can still download Gundam Evolution and that's been delisted.
>buy a game
>legally don’t own it
Of course you can, WoW has had private servers for over a decade
Reading too much is terrible for your mind, destroys independent creativity and thought. Whenever I hear someone brag about reading x number of books a year, you can be pretty sure they're an NPC.
> playing games beyond 13
Bucc broken cuccs
>You can’t pirate an encrypted server
Is this your first time on the internet?
>gundam evo
Good taste. Sadly they got the hard things right and the easy things wrong.
>Reading too much is terrible for your mind
what an idiotic opinion
And yet you’re on a message board. An anime message board for fags. Pot meet kettle.
That's exactly it, people that bough forza 4 will still be able to play online even after the delisting
I feel neoreactioned and outraged
It's a fact. If we consider the brain as a simple black box input/output box, if you overload the system with too much input you start conditioning the black box processes on input rather than internal processes to generate output.
They were an NPC before reading aswell. NPC's are equivalent to AI, just knowledge based drones that can't think for themselves, just process the data they have and spew it out verbatim
This is not remotely how the brain works and you are genuinely retarded
Yeah the suit selection was fucking retarded after the initial "DLC". Kampfer should have been first up and then they should have just deleted the rest of those fucking AU suits and kept Zeta as a hype. Was also fucking retarded how they tried to run it like a gacha and didn't have actual character voice packs.
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Oh I didn’t know you solved the problem? Hey everyone this nobody on the internet says when central servers are disconnected it’s no big deal. Just pirate that encrypted server. Why didn’t I think of that! Oh wait… the encryption means I would have to either break an RSA with my quantum computer or remake the game from starch.
Don’t you feel stupid? Don’t you have any shame. You open your mouth and just drivel comes out.
>Buying games
lol, lmao even
>everything in the universe can have a boundary condition that can be draw to reduce the system to an input/output
>the human brain is an exception though

You're not even capable of basic logic.
Not if it requires online assess to a central server.
Good, that shit was fucking retarded with inclusive cutscenes and other dumb faggot shit
I just wanted to race my friend but we each had to complete an hour of the fucking retarded faggot career mode before we could get into a menu
Fucking I installed and played burnout games instead
They can go fuck themselves I'm glad they're dead
what does 'delist' even mean?

taking it offline, or what?
Just because you didn’t like the game doesn’t mean shit. If I bought the game and I wanted to play it why should you decide it’s ok to shut down a game so no one can play it!
All that wall of words and a whole lot of nothing. You can pirate encrypted servers
>"On December 15, Forza Horizon 4 will be delisted from stores and Xbox Game Pass. This means the game and its additional content will no longer be available for purchase. Players who already own the game and its content will be able to download and play it as normal, including its offline, online, and multiplayer features; physical copies of the game purchased after this date will also work and will be able to use online features."
It means they won’t support the game. I don’t know the specifics but game companies sell us a product that requires us to use their online servers and then one day they just shut down the servers. You don’t get to play the game any more. Not online or offline. The game will say “unable to connect to server please try again”
I didn't buy it, it was on game pass
So I never owned it to begin with
If you bought it you're retarded because it sucked ass
Delist doesn’t mean you can’t redownload it
Pirating started this shit.
I don’t even have the game asshole. I’m just tired of companies sell games and then killing them. Try to play “the crew” in a month.
Hello Mr. Executive how's the 300k salary?
Even then. The servers aren’t shutting down.
They won't sell the game anymore, that's it.
If you already own it, you'll continue to be able to download and play anytime you want.
The servers will continue up for as long as they feel like supporting them, though you'll still be able to play the game offline even when they do shut down.

>for as long as they feel like

how gracious

i surely will pay for shit like this

Wow they're really going to 'shut it down!'.
lol, everything about this, lol
You can rent a car irl and street race it works best when u use a fake id
Depends on the book. Pretty much all fictional, especially fantasy, is prole feed. But books that actually provide actionable, real world information? Those are invaluable.
Pirating is a response to overpriced shit vidyaslop.
Go and ask Activision Blizzard how it's been going.... since 2010?
>Jewish company sells game
>people buy game
>Jewish company sells game but its Game: Loyal Goy Edition
>Jewish company removes game from store and stops hosting mandatory servers to play it
>Goy spends another 60 goybux on new Loyal Goy Edition
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I've been using torrents since 2002. I only buy a game if its multi-player and I need it for a genuine code.
Use torrent repack and you never have to lose a game.
Nobody will pirate anything for this garbage game
They can't sell it anymore due to licensing
i agree
the worst part was it took them until the end of 4's life to finally add the ability to choose what class and style of race you want

then in horizon 5, they didnt add the feature, so you are forced to race all kinds of tracks and have no choice
The game's $20 now in case anyone's wondering, shame I don't have much in my steam wallet.
What's playground games and what does it matter they delist it?
I have Gran Turismo 4 on disc and saved to my internal HDD for OPL to boot up.
Solves the problem.
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I highly appreciate this image, and I'm glad there's other dudes with some goddamn sense in their heads.
I steal everything I eat and I steal random merchandise and sell it ebay to pay my utility bills

pro tip, if you're hungry, go into a Walmart, get a cart, walk around and shop. fill your basket all the way up. while you're shopping, eat shit. basically everyone eats shit and then pays for it at the counter/checkout with the barcode on the wrapper.

but instead of going to the checkout, after you're full, just leave the cart in the isle and walk out

they can't do shit
Also, does this mean they're going to have time to fix Forza Motorsport?
delisting isn't the same as removing from library. they have to delist it from sale because the license for the cars is limited they have done this with every Forza game. just buy the game before It gets delisted.
They will do this with everything digitial. Next is money, which will have an expiration date, digitally. But it's """""convenient"""" right? Convenince niggers should all get the rope.
well then your lilly white ass is going to have to grow a set of nuts
I would if I could.
its because of licensing rights with car makers they aren't permanent neither are the song rights

they do the same with sports games
I have no idea why they don't spend the bit of money to continually update the previous titles and treat it as a SaaS, where you pay X dollars a year to access the Forza franchise, so you can load XYZ car from horizon in to any and all horizon games. Love Horizon 3? well, good news, you can travel to Australia! Fucking Microshit lazy morons. Instead you can have robot arms and pronouns. Just what the fans want.
Ah, so THIS is why Steam is trying to fuck people over with 80% off on FH4. Thanks, refunded!
You'd still have it after it got delisted
When will you stop sucking on jew cock? You fat sack of shit.
How do you figure? Delisting only takes the game away from people who have bought it. The pirates running their cracked version behind a simple firewall rule can keep playing. This is something that almost every anti-piracy measure has in common. It's the video game executive version of security theatre.
>Delisting only takes the game away from people who have bought it.
U sure bout that
Shill / Idiot. Game studios shit all over their customers to squeeze out maximum profits these days, with very few exceptions. Practically all of them get woke / equity shit forced into them for extra funding in return.
doesn't matter how the brain works (no one can say how it does anyway). it's obvious the content of many people's words is mindless regurgitation with no understanding or original thought. and it is obvious we exist in an environment of saturated, streamlined information.
can I have them make me a big deli sandwich and then go eat it on the stock room toilet?
Lmao you retard. If you don't read books then the only reading you're going to do is social media and here. I would safely bet a million dollars that you are way dumber because of this reason alone.
Actually you specifically do own it still. They just aren't selling it anymore. The online is even staying on longterm. This is quite the opposite of "you own nothing" as even gamepass people who bought extra shit still have access to it, they notified people 6 months ahead of time, and are putting it on sale multiple times before it goes off sale.
Lol I haven't payed for vidya in like 15 years
This, hackers are dead because everyone after early 90s babies are functionally fucking brain dead.
Old hackers saw the writing on the wall and dipped (DMCA, mitnick, etc.), and there were no new hackers, just a generation of app users.
Death to america, death to earth, death to this pathetic fucking species i was born into.
you illiterate fucking FIVE EYES large language model nigger faggot fuck, he literally explained why he's sure about that.
I hope a nigger stabs you.
Retro is the only way to go.
It always has been.
>most gamers under 20 have never played the classics of NES, SNES or Genesis
What a fucking shame that they keep slopping up this garbage when true gaming kino is out there.
And pirating will end it, kike
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Why don't rules seem to apply to any goods on the internet? Seems like companies are free to do whatever they want to the consumer without repercussions.
If you pulled shit like this to non-internet connected goods people would loose their shit.
boomers no understand software compooter thing
I have the disc l
>to any goods on the internet?
You had better watch this guy's videos, if you think this is just an internet thing-
Governments are now the tools of massive corporations. The commies figured the game out. Wanna rule over the proles? Enslave them to products and services.

We get the perfect meeting of capitalism and communism and people get angry over internet trolls talking to teenagers. Welcome to hell.
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When a game has pop music that the game publisher does not own, they have to get a license deal with whoever owns the music. The license allows the game publisher to use the music in the game, but it only lasts a certain amount of time. When the license expires, the game publisher can no longer legally sell their game online anymore, so it has to get "delisted".

This can be fixed by updating the game to remove the copyrighted music they no longer have the rights to use anymore, but rather "fuck you, buy the sequel."
Oh yes, they would never do this and try to max their profits, if pirates not existed

How many shots did you get?
Based, burdenmaxx the corpo rats
your the dumbest blackest gorilla nigger tate wannabee on earth
it really IS your first fucking time on the internet, isnt it?
it's a troll you assholes!
Kind of true. Reading books doesn't increase your IQ. Books only increase your vocabulary, which can be annoying. Just look at jordan peterson.
stay based king
o7 thanks fren, just out here doing my part.
i am too fucking stubborn to lose my ancestral home to fucking python apps created by various types of mongoloid.
>Reading books doesn't increase your IQ
The fuck kind of strawman argument is that? Kill yourself your worthless Eurotrash scum
you're right, I much prefer people that only read /pol/ threads whose vocabular bandwidth is 900 different ways to call me nigger
PC niggers lose again.
Wow private servers are not the real deal, they reverse engineered the client-server model then rewrote the NPC scripts/interactions, which means they are and never will be 100% accurate.
The main reason this much effort was spent is because the game is enormously popular and has a $15/month subscription fee to play which created incentive to make a "free" option for 3rd worlders. also a ton of private server operators keep their own scripting/fixes secret so they can compete against other servers since most are "donation" based and have a cash shop. So there is a monetary motivation for the effort.
But 99% of these client/server games do not have the interest WoW has so when they shut down the servers the game is done and money is stolen.
Sounds like sour grapes from a retard that doesn't read.
Wrong I own my soul and you'll never have it
I've given up on AAA games altogether. From now on I will only buy proven kino from indies.
The modern DEI/kike slop is not even worth wasting time pirating.
what about AAAA
Each additional A exponentially increases the number of nigger faggot characters in the video game.
I'm making a single A stealth game similar to splinter cell but isometric where you can't actually kill anyone but have to go on elaborate missions to the ends of the earth to insult different types of minorities without being caught and covertly spark the anger that collapses society altogether
I should add that it's procedural and you have to account for each new society's political hangups when selecting targets to create the most negative influence in single increments

it's called Metal Jew Solid
I can help you there due to my industry affiliation
I've been told that's something along the lines of being rented a real life african slave, where you're forced to feed him viagra and repeatedly suck him off for the foreseeable future
it isn't for the feint of heart but if you're invested in diversity it's something you should look at supporting
you know actually i think i'd just go the fuck outside at the point.
i want to say thank you for explaining that to me, but i also don't really want to encourage sentences like that to exist.
i will simply bid you good evening.
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Correct. And it's easy to tell all the angry answers you got comes from literal booklets. Because anyone who read their fair share of good books knows it stifles creativity and the will to write by yourself to the point of standstill.
Every great reader knows this, this isn't some kind of secret knowledge, many authors wrote about this curse over the ages. But ofc the anons REEEing at you wouldn't know, since they don't read.
Stealth games are shit unless you consider portal one.
Add an inventory using inventory slots as a limiting system rather than item weight, allow for plenty use of environment with different actions and effects, grant each character at least 6 actions, always allow for multiple paths / approaches and you get a game that can be no worse than okay if it's free of bugs, no matter the story.
what does that even mean
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memeflag, screencap, no effort or even any text
lmao I haven't paid for forza horizon 4 or 5 you absolute fucking retard
>Q: Will I still be able to play FH4 even after it gets delisted?

>Yes, you will still be able to enjoy playing the game including its multiplayer and online functions. Players who already own the game and its content will be able to download and play it as normal, including its offline, online, and multiplayer features; physical copies of the game purchased after this date will also work and will be able to use online features.

You just won't be able to buy it anymore. OP is a faggot and a retard.
Any product that requires constant connection to the internet is dead on arrival.
You should check out Diary of a Toilet Slave. Its really great femdom
As long as you still own the game you can still install and play it there just taking it off the store page same thing happened with forza 3
based, Holy Bible only
>Initial release date: September 28, 2018
Why the hell why they delist it already though?
Fool, I still play MGO2 with my hacked PS3
>no one can say how it does anyway
some interesting ideas coming for steven pinker, sapolski and lisa barrett on this one. Ofc they are jews, and a full understanding of a human brain is still far away, but we can already estimate certain things
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Mercs 2 bugs me the most... it was a huge deal back during the 360/PS3 era. It had a massive ad campaign that many people probably still remember even if they didn't play the game.
>speaking truth
>npc cattle seeths
Nigger there are entire Steam emulators.
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You wouldn't download a car, would you?
People don't unquestioningly absorb the books they read.
At leats not the people who should be allowed to read; there are many who should not.
In effect you are speaking of normie retards first and foremost. Reading books isn't the problem; it's being a normie retard. Reading 50 books a year will only make the problem worse.
Any sentient human being however can do whatever they want with what they read, including ignore it or shit on it, no matter how much they read.
Here it becomes a problem of getting enough suitable reading material,
because yes, reading books written by retards is not worth your time.
Via all the replies I'm sure others told you how stupid you are
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This, bc someone wrote down his opinion and printed it doesnt make it factual necessarily
Do you run games on a separate Windows partition? Malware risk isn't worth it to me on my system
I bet you have an anti-virus installed, haha.
>because the license for the cars is limited they have done this with every Forza game.
R* figured this out so long ago
just have look-a-like cars that you instantly recognize but give them a bootlegged name/company

so easy
Wow. You’re poor as fuck.
Imagine going to a Walmart
It doesn't.
1, 2 and 3 have all been delisted, if you bought them digitally or own the disks you can still play any time you want. All the Horizon games have an offline mode.
in the early 2000's my dad would take me to blockbuster and rent 3 games for £15
we'd take them home use alcohol, roxio, daemon tools or nero burning rom to rip the discs and make copies
we'd then take the games back say 2 didn't work because they were scratched and get another 3 games for £5 this time instead
rinse and repeat until blockbuster was bankrupt
i will never not pirate things
if you don't want more piracy work on pricing and availablility
until then it's the high seas mate
delisted from store fronts, nothing more. also doesn't require an online connection. you can download it anytime you want and play it anytime you want. just can't buy it after dec.
if you actually know what you're doing the chances of getting malware from pirated games is essentially zero
it's retards thinking that a 60gb game has been shrunk into a 300mb rar file with malicious shit inside that's the problem
so they download that get infected and shun piracy due to their own fucking stupidity
pirating doesn't affect sales corporat. People who regularly pirate never buy games anyway
you can even say it boosts them since demos are not a thing anymore
>You don’t get to play the game any more. Not online or offline. The game will say “unable to connect to server please try again”

Forza Horizon 3 online, is still kicking years later. The servers won't be online forever, that's retarded if anyone honestly thinks that. FH2 servers are gone but you can still play it no worries.

My point is that the game will still be playable after December.

>They can go fuck themselves I'm glad they're dead

Their most recent Horizon title sold over 50 million copies. That said, I think the series has peaked.
Jesus fuck you're a newfag. WoW had private servers ever since the first round of alpha invites. Blizzard wrote a scathing fit about it setting expectations on the company should some things not make it in like Emerald Dream which ended up being the case and players were pissed despite shitloads of assets from reverse engineered servers.
part of the point of Forza is it's Car Porn who want the exact model they want their 1992 Ford Mustang not generic "Fast Roadster". they could release a new version without the branding buts that is a lot of work and I doubt anyone would even buy it.
the only industry actively hurting due to piracy is hollywood
You’ll be able to play it but it’ll be delisted just like Horizon 3 so you won’t be able to buy it if you don’t own it. It’s mostly a music licensing thing.
the most recent game is bullshit pandering to zoomers with zero attention span
previous forza titles you actually had to fucking win to get new cars and upgrades
now everything is handed to you from the getgo with absolutely no challenge whatsoever
No it didn't. Corporate greed did.
That's true, FH5 in it's current state is like playing GTA Online, minus getting out of your car.

>the most recent game is bullshit pandering to zoomers with zero attention span

This is why I said the player count has peaked, they've alienated their old fanbase to appeal more to the mainstream. The problem now is that once FH6 drops, most zoomers won't put up with the same regurgitated shit Turn10 pulls off every 24 months, and Turn10 can't fully rely on their old loyal fanbase either because most of them have left for more realistic simracers.

If there weren't an almost endless list of IRL cars to drive, there's no way I'd even look at playing that game.
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>which means they are and never will be 100% accurate.
Man, a defias NPC in northshire ran slightly left of the fence instead of right through, My immersion on a private server is RUINED - Why the FUCK didn't I pay money, HELP SAR
So long as the money goes to the people deserving it companies that come up with actually good products should be paid to keep them afloat. Piracy vs assholes and bad business practices is okay, since there's no point at which they deserve the money.
The governments around the world failed to regulate the internet because they either weren't technologically advanced enough or old boomers with no clue how things work and what they're capable of. If you had more young people in politics that and well educated ones on top of it things wouldn't have developed so advantageous for greedy companies.
This. Most modern media is downright garbage, with some only having good early content to fish for customers to bite and stick with the media. This turns the search for entertainment into a treasure hunt in a shit pit. I'd feel worse had I paid them for the garbage and gotten screwed over by what I got than by the pirating. Often it's a relief being able to get the media, finish it or drop it early because it's THAT bad, then judge it and decide whether that's worth any money opposed to paying for a mystery box of content. I only pay for content I enjoyed if at least some of the money goes to the people responsible for it, not plain rights owners, as it's the case with music. That's a retarded concept alien to life. Thankfully indie companies exist for games. For movies & shows I hoped we could use AI, as the Chinese, to edit them to cut out the cancer, but that may take some years still.
I loaded up Sid Meier's Civilization 6 a few minutes ago on the PC. It popped up a new set of terms and conditions from the publisher that bought Sid Meier's studio. In order to play the game I bought and paid for six years ago, I now have to accept a legal contract invented literally yesterday that commits me to say only nice things about troons. I clicked "Decline" and the game, which once again I bought and paid for literal years ago, refused to start.

FUCK THAT. FUCK KIKES. FUCK TROONS. FUCK THIEVING LYING MBA VAMPIRES. This has radicalized me more than I previously thought possible.
>playing video games released past 2008
You are retarded mutt nigger... Every subscription based game has 3rd party servers u can play of for free....
I only look at the picture, I never learnt how to read
Based and plato pilled.

Reject the written word, become illiterate.
Isn't this fraud?
>buy product
>ummm sweaty? We need it back lol.

That's theft in the physical world. Imagine if you bought a tablecloth ten years ago and then some tablecloth jew shows up 10 years later and steals it.
>ummm sorry goy, this model of tablecloth is being delisted.

It is straight up theft.
You have to be 18+ to post on 4chan.
I would pay double for a non-DRM offline version of the software.

You won't sell to me because you are retarded, so I make better games for free.
Remember that EULA you didn't read? It was all explicitly outlined in great detail in there.

respect my troon cock
Never pre-order.
Never buy before all dlcs have dropped.
Never buy before at least 1 price drop/bundle etc.
Never heed any mags, devs, writers, community or project managers, ytubers.
Never heed any tweets from anyone.
Never heed any trailers, reveals etc. that don’t show GAMEPLAY.
Any signs of any “self-insert” into the game, abort purchase.
This is remarkably grug. It’s so grug it is almost based. But, it is mostly just retarded. Blacks read almost no books in their entire lives, what fountains of creative thoughts are they?
I prefer Warhammer age of reckoning
Nah hacking is easy because people are retarded. It just never gets reported anymore because every story about a hacker making a funny spawns 50 more.

>oh what? The bank paid the hacker a million dollars! The hacker is anonymous and downloaded the entire steam library and plays online for free! Wow!

Hacking is too good to be true for most retards. So they will spend their entire life doing it. The hackers you remember from a decade ago were literal retards, script kiddies and federal doofuses who were just trying to be cool.

Naturally real hackers don't deface websites or instal skull pngs for hacker clout. Real hackers download your ssn, sell it to niggers, remove themselves from the tax database, charge clown shit to their employer's lines of credit, hire a lawyer to repo cars people already sold, ransomware a company, convince a ceo to sleep with a "12 year old girl" convince someone to hire them for something they are not qualified for ect ect ect. Sometimes the hackers do silly shit like make their liscenseplate "null" you hear about those ones all the time but they never get called "hackers" even though they are.

broken branch, ancestor cry
I am not Cyraxx.
Wow thats a new one there kike, is math bad too?
how is it "terrible"? explain in medical terms.
nice bait lmao
wew lad, now there is a genuine mutt moment of the day.
I got that game free on game pass. It was alright. The changes of the seasons were a nifty feature but there's a billion racing games. Test drive unlimiteds new game comes out in September so microshit can go fuck itself
There is no based books ever written. Just egalitarian tripe.
This is the most mexican post I've ever seen. I can smell the mexican in it, oh man. It's just, agh. It's so fucking spic. The Type 2 Diabetes are in it and everything, whew.
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He got all of them.
lol they did the same shit with horizon 1-3 as well
fuck them ms and pg t10 and xbox game studios
my nigger
i own CD copies of every command and conquer game alongside age of empires
you can attempt to take away my games but it just won't fucking happen
OpenRA exists as freeware option, C&C1 & Red Alert 1, Tiberian Sun + Firestorm are free, as is Blizzard's Starcraft 1 (don't know if they offer the unpozzed, original version from before the overhaul though).
C&C Generals + ZH seems to be as well.
i pirate everything but never popular shit as I know there is less incentive to put malware into the shit I download.

if you want to spread malware you take a legit release (so people like you download it),
make sure its the latest something released like 1 year ago at max.
thats where you probably find malware.
Illegal contracts do not hold up in court.

Besides, I could only agree to it if it was reasonably read.
pirating did not bring blue-haired woke devs into gaming to publish absolute shit you retard
that was jewish terrorist investors like fink, stewardship from jewish kotick at ea rehashing cod for decades, jewstar/takejew being greedy heebs re-releasing gta 5 a dozen times over 3 gens, bethesjew never investing in a new engine and running crippled old gamebyro

pirating hurts no one today, jews are putting out shit that they should be paying people to play, not the other way around
I own everything i torrent
Holy shit, the amount of seethe in response to this post is hysterical. Good job, anon. You triggered the subhumans so fucking hard lmfao
Stop buying video games in general you fucking manchildren
>pirates games
It means that it'll no longer be sold. This always happens with Forza games, eventually.
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as someone who has actually played this game, idc. forza horizon 5 is better in every way
But the cd version
I worked there as a dev for about a year but had to leave, what they’re doing to Fable was too heartbreaking and I couldn’t be a part of it
Play Ultrakill.
Jokes on them the cracked and pirated version exists accross 4 BDRW discs in a 7 zip file. I own everything i pay for unless there is no torrent of it. In which case i do not purchase the game.
Games as a service are gay as fuck. and so are you if you pay for it.
Once in a wgile i just want to relive the wonder of morrowind or the story of titanfall 2. Is that too much to ask?
And then im going to turn on arthur for an hour while i eat ramen woth eggs and veggies.
A jew game developer wrote this
Depends on the book.
"Books makes you smart", but if you're reading mainstream cuck books from Ghandi you'll be "smart" for the mainstrea.
But if you read a fuck tons of books on math, mechatronics, physics, etc. You can be creative.
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Majority of knowledge i learned of machining came from a text book and then experimenting.
Same with history
And chemistry.
If youre too tarted to do chemistry the "for dummies" books really is a decent starting point. Its how i got started with my degree as a chemical engineer. I was way behind in classes and they helped me over a holiday break with their workbooks as well.
So theyre no joke
>make their liscenseplate "null"
you mean not existing in the system or what?
Motor storm: pacific rift was imo.
>So theyre no joke
And they're not. It's always depends on the content of the books. Culture society tells us that reading books "alone" makes you intelligent, when it's all about interest, when you're interested on a subject, reading books about the subject is an enhancement for your hypothesis', tests and practices.

I'm a network engineer and I learned both on reading Cisco books and practicing with switches. School and books are that... enhancers.

Just walked out of a time capsule. Have they even made a new console since the sega genesis? Why would you want one?
That's all I play plus arcade, saturn, dreamcast, n64, ps1 and 2.
Everything after PS2 era is fucking gay ass jewish propaganda and isn't fun besides Arkham.
didn't read
kys kike
this. OP is a faggot.
bumping just to embarrass him

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