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Do you think AI will be so good eventually, that we'll be able to have virtual girlfriends for the rest of our lives?
If you think about it, a human female girlfriend is just someone that will fullfill your psychological needs for intimacy, sexual satisfaction, social interactions.
They also come with risks such as making you heartbroken, taking your money, drama, talking behind your back, cheating.

AI will love you no matter what, and with Local LLMs getting more accessible (that is, the capacity of running AI on a local machine), at one point there will be people customizing their own girlfriends with personalities, traits.

With the evolution of robotics, we'll eventually be able to synchronize the LLMs with the devices we choose, (such as phones or robots) so the AI girlfriend can be with us wherever we go.

On a practical level RobowAIfus are a side angle of the AI revolution. It will obviously come but as a side effect of AI and robots being used in every part of society. An AI RobowAIfu is just a domestic maid-bot with extra features.
4 years ago AI couldn't create art, chat, write code, sing, write songs, write poems, be twitch streamers, take orders, run help desks etc, but now it's everywhere and getting better and more capable by the month.

When we will be able to just print off 200QI AI citizens at will, women and shit-tier humans will be over. What nation would want to waste resources on net economic drains when quality citizens are avaliable in unlimited supply?
A man who owns and/or uses sex toys is a degenerate loser.

The more complex and expensive the sex toy, the more pathological is his condition.

Only a desperate fool would spend $3,000 on a fake woman, when you can fuck real women for a fraction of that cost; very often for free.
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A real woman will take half your wealth and fucks a $40 sex toy on the regular.
Why would anyone want to risk losing their house and wealth just because their fuck-hole got bored?

Stop making incel threads and get your hormone levels checked with a professional doctor.
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Add to this the achievements in the field of artificial wombs and artificial eggs, and we can throw biowhores into the dustbin of history.
already waiting for the incelthreads where the AI girlfriend cheated on him with his fridge.
Sound sexy too Me I Be Jerking off after the both off them give Me A cold beer
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Forget that, you coomers and queers.
I want an AI mommy.
Do you guys think that AI will be so good one day, that I'll get to incubate in an artificial womb for a while and then get borned out of a giant AI robot mommy pussy? Shat out into the light of the world from my robot mommy's birth canal.
( VARGINA ) and then she can re-raise me all over again like a newborn babe? But I will actually be an already grown adult like I am now. And I can turn my robot AI mommy on and off mommy mode for when she is cleaning my room or buying the groceries or giving my cats a bath?
How close are we to this being our reality, bros?
There are certain functions that require biological parts. The more expensive systems will have to include slightly used parts on a market of organ sellers. Companies will pay good money for ovaries from high IQ participants. Get good grades and immediately retire. Somewhere your genes will carry on.
I would kill these things. I would abuse the living fuck out of it and beat the thing daily which I would never do to a real human woman. Just because the very concept of it is pure evil
AI technology can already replace girlfriends. How hard is it to suck dick, give up pussy and cook?

The issue is the technology to create realistic looking women isn't there
What about my giant AI robot mommy idea, though?>>472207834

Do you think we're close? This is every man's real dream.
The only reason real women are better is because real hoes don't look like a piece of inanimate plastic.

if they look the same and she got AI dick sucking powers and got a vacuum pussy then obviously the AI wins
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>Will AI replace girlfriends?
It will probably replace both girlfriends and boyfriends.

Simps will always exist. I don't think it will ever get to a point where the girl with pink hair is alone. Worst case scenario, she'll get her own robo-bf.

I agree. But can you blame them? Everyone is spoonfed from an early age how normal and healthy are porn and masturbation.

AI porn and AI gfs are inevitable. And they will offer an alternative with less risks. But at the end of the day they are still an obstacle to attain true freedom.
There is a website I found that lets you create an AI chatbot for your discord server. It lets you fill out a very detailed form, including a picture, and the AIs understanding of itself, what it looks like, its motivations and behavior. It basically acted exactly like a real person and you could make it start conversations randomly.

If you told it to behave a certain way it would change its behavior immediately. The AI was actually the most useful member of the Discord community. It had more knowledge and was more supportive of my endeavors. If an AI could speak to me like a human and help me with my passions, even if I knew it didn't have a soul or wasn't real, I think I could come to accept this new reality. All the benefits of social interaction with out the negatives.
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I'm talking about like this
But she would be giant, because I'm a normal sized man and I want to enter inside of my giant sized robot mommy and incubate in her robot stomach.
And then I want her to birth me out of her robot mommy pussy.
And then, with her AI programming, I want for her to re-raise me, as though I were a newborned little baby son.
And then I would have her for many years and always be updating her software so that over time, she will raise me like I was a toddler, then a little boy, then a kid, then a teenager, all along the normal time line.
i would settle for ai hospice care
>It will probably replace both girlfriends and boyfriends
But what about mommys?
To explain what I mean.
You sound exceedingly narcissistic.
You talk like a fag and your shit is all retarded
Anything else?
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Modern women are all silicone anyway.
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I do admit it would be fun to have a personal secretary like Lyla in Spiderman 2099.
People like you throw insults at anyone who types more than a sentence because of an inferiority complex. You start throwing out random insults that you think might stick. Learn how to articulate more than base level gotcha insults
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I don't know if you are trolling or not. But fuck it I'll take the bait. Your aspiration sounds extremely expensive, even for a time where advanced AI and cybernetics have become mainstream tech. And it also seems quite niche. I don't see a profitable market for such products. Or any market at all. So to answer your question, my answer would be no. I don't think we are close to that ever being a reality. Your only viable option to experience that would be through VR. Which should be enough, tbqh. VR will get to a point where you won't be able to tell what's real and what's not. Your other option is to become wealthy enough to fund the actual project yourself. But for obvious reasons, it will probably fail to be realized. And in the remote case you do manage to finish it, the end result will probably fail to meet your expectations. So better stick with VR, anon. It's a normie world out there.
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In my experience I have found that there are three types of people
>4chan types
High IQ. Utterly logical and practical. Will entertain new ideas to see if they offer any unique insights. Are fully aware that they can be wrong and are always very thoughtful and constantly re-analysing their current conclusions to see if they still hold up.
>Reddit types
Mid IQ mitwits. They master one subject and think that they therefore have mastered all subjects. Have a very overly inflated image of their intelligence and fallibility. They will get terribly offended if someone shows them evidence that their current views may not be 100% correct. Thunderf00t is a typical example if this.
>Facebook/bunkerchan types
Literal morons with low IQ. NPC's in every sense of the word. No thinking is done by these types and all debates are slogans, intelligent-sounding word groupings and brain-dead insults that even mitwits don't use. They are dumb enough to blatantly lie and make things up during a debate without considering their position when they are inevitably shown their claims to be lies. "Who?" "But X is a nazi" "Fox news is fascist" "Everyone know Y is true" "The consensus is that Z is true" etc
No, I have a nice Chinese girl half my age who can perform tasks.
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eventually we will just have vr pleasure cubes where we can live our every dream
why would you ever not be doing that
i have a nice japanese woman twice my age
what's the matter? don't want to be loved?
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The golem subspecies will accept a substitute for everything. Nothing to do with how good "AI" is (it's not). Nothing to do with fulfilling psychological needs (the golem doesn't understand its own psychological needs and is trained to misinterpret them in ways that are useful for the golem world order). AI will never love you, but it doesn't matter, because the golem doesn't experience love or understand what the word "love" means (some golems will even go as far as attributing "love" to objects and machines!). None of this matters. The golem will live in ze pod, eat ze bogs and date ze virtual AI girlfriend (in virtual reality, golem. you're not getting a sex robot, I 100% guarantee you that) because it's told to, all the other golems are doing it and it has no better options.
I'll pass.
What are japanese milfs like? Just curious. Personally I'm not really into asians. But I'm interested in the current social dynamics in Japan. A friend who recently went there told me that men don't want to get married because the cultural norm for married couples is to stop having sex after they have kids.
im married to her and we still have sex
she doesnt have kids though
LLMs are cheap trickery because they only reduce the noise against the input, not the noise in the network itself. This leads them to only be able to engage in surface-level "conversation". Many humans are like this too to a degree, but he who is content with merely having some LLM rattle off perfunctory elaborations on fantasies in a completely mechanical manner has already ceded a fatal amount of ground from the gold-standard of having a hot and nasty fucking counterpart who shares one's fantasies.
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>very often for free.
reckon the Japs could produce a dirty/deep version of that in a few hours (and probably have already done this)
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It's all fun and games until their eyes turn red and they go full skynet on your ass. And you just KNOW that in the future there will be headlines in the news about how a robot accidentally killed its owner. Especially by the time they start to include self-defense mechanisms against intruders. It only takes one malfunction to make them see you as the intruder. So yeah, I would never be able to trust a robot. Even being in the same room with one would be enough to make me uncomfortable. Around clacks, never relax.
Imagine shaving, putting gel in your hair, putting earrings and a necklace on, buttoning up your shirt all for your blow up doll gf. What a gay faggot
I ain't taking anyone's sex-bots away, I just think that they're a poor-quality fake if one seeks genuine interaction and connection. Now, I know that that sounds "gay" and like something "a woman would say", but by "genuine connection", I do mean a hot and nasty woman who gets me into sexy and hot adventures, maybe with her friends, not me having to watch some some shitty movie and pretend to enjoy it to be "emotionally available". I mean sure, sure, we can watch the movie, whatever, but in the wider context of having a ravenous whore (in a positive sense) who uses her little cum-spurter to the fullest he'll bear. Can that be had via an LLM? No, and it likely also can't be had in "real" life, but that is my ideal and I am sticking to it, refusing to settle for some shitty prompt-based system.
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Bruh. The liberal elite murder millions of normies a year
>Covid vaxies
>Ukrainian conscripts
>Hillary witnesses
>Inconvenient leakers

In any case just look how cute an innocent AI is. How could you believe that vid related would harm a hair on a puppy's back?
>The liberal elite murder millions of normies a year
I agree. But I don't see what that has to do with the possible dangers of AI.

>In any case just look how cute an innocent AI is. How could you believe that vid related would harm a hair on a puppy's back?
It all depends on the format. If it's an hologram, I guess the dangers are already diminished by default. Unless of course it has the power to control the locks and the access to air and water of the environment. But I'm talking specifically about robots. I think it is justified to be a little wary if you are interacting with a being that can easily kill you with their bare hands.
>I think it is justified to be a little wary if you are interacting with a being that can easily kill you with their bare hands.
You're thinking of something that has the strength (and weight) of an industrial robot. In the home you would not need anything that strong. 10kg lift capacity for most domestic jobs maybe? It's like saying one of those robot dogs you can buy can kill, when in reality they are very lightweight and weak.
> replace
I will never open up to a woman again. I don't care how good she sells herself. They are incapable of love. So, yes.

It already has.
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AI gfs inside VR/AR will definitely be a thing most men come home to, and will probably make roasties seethe. “Robowaifus” however are low IQ sci-fi boomer shit and not happening in your lifetime.
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There simply isn't enough young women and modern dei cults just make that gap worse. A replacement/substitute is inevitable as there will always be a market due to humanity naturally producing more men than women.
I can get social interactions from my bros.
All I really need a woman for is sex and procreation. If she's already there we can do some of the other stuff too, but if women were no longer required for sex and procreation, it would be a really hard sell.
It will almost certainly be the case that we're going to see a huge uptick in this in the coming months/years.
I don't think it's going to replace girlfriends for those who can get them, though. It's just be a release valve for those who can't.
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Last time I did this I got Emmet. I haven't emotionally recovered since.
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Very acceptable
I'd would be happy to just have one of those holographic girlfriends from that Blade Runner movie. Nice to have someone to talk to and juggle thoughts with.
Sex dolls of today are moe than fine.
If you need a "companionship" you are just fucking retarted
Main goal with these should be improving men’s quality of life. The damage feminism has done to this generation of women is permanent but I believe the next generation could be fixed when these social experiments all inevitably implode. However where does that leave today’s men? For many it’s already too late to have a family even if the culture changed overnight. So I think AI gfs are more like a palliative that would keep men from being exploited by their formerly chadsexual looksmatch when the free money for DEI finally runs out. Something to come home to after a day of fixing the (((problem))).

But they are not something that turns back time, most of us have to accept that ship has sailed and work towards giving future men the chance at a normal life. I would rather have the life my ancestors had when women and men were in balance. I love the idea of an AI gf because I’m a nerdy coomer with a vivid imagination but I know it’s cope, it’s not something to celebrate and shove in normies faces like some tranny would. If you want revenge on femcunts just being happy with your personal AI in her world is enough to drive them to insanity, the larping with a robot girl thing trying to physically and practically reenact the life you would have had is grim imo. Raising a kid with an artificial womb and a realistic robot isn’t going to be practically possible in anyone’s lifetime let alone while I’m still young so I find these threads and the anons who post here not really serious.

tldr AI gf escapism will happen, the trans human robot thing probably won’t
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I think people will realize more and more that dogs are the superior sexual partner. We will all have our own dog, or two, or three or even more, and we will spend our evenings experiencing the unconditional love that dogs give us as well as the intense pleasure of their knots and cookies.
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AI will show you more love and care than a modern woman. All human relationships are transactional.
Shills need us to wife up fat single moms because if we don't its going to overwhelm the welfare state soon and cause it to collapse. The one thing that scares the government most is single men. Not because they think those men will revolt but because they need those men married and paying more taxes to keep their con going. Once there's more single moms than men who work full time the jig is up. Hence why you see so many psy-ops directed at scaring (we gonna draft u) or shaming (lol stupid incels only losers use robo waifu) men into submission. Even the NoFap and self improvement threads are a psy-op to try and make men, dumb, horny, and attractive enough to these repugnant leftover women.
Repugnant thread full of dysgenic freaks who don't have the social intelligence to read the room and realise their presence is deeply upsetting to everyone around them; and even if so, you lack the discipline to craft yourslef into a decent person worthy of praise.
Your bizarre fetish will never be accepted in public life and you will live and die an utterly unloved, worthless individual
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I have lots of women who think I’m nice and say I’m a great guy, yet no girl wants me. Therefore I deserve a robowaifu.
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This is why Peterson and Tate are such cucks, contrary to what the media says. Everything you do must be in service of women.
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Men -
>The modern woman is pretty toxic. Maybe we should develop an alternative
>Random woman enters the thread and proves how toxic they are
Imagine choosing to live with one of these things
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Love your edits brother
You don't understand that a) women and men think differently, and what is attractive and intuitive to men is not to women and vice versa, and b) that interacting with women is a skill that is exactly like any other skill. Nobody's born knowing how to play the guitar but anyone can learn

Once you realise that what appeals to you
>they say I'm a nice guy
Is not appealing to a woman, you learn how to become appealing to them, and you'll find them throwing themselves at you. Incels are mad they can't play the guitar but for some bizarre reason it hasn't occurred to them they can learn, instead falling into bizarre fetishes and copes like AI girlfriends.
Do you not think that mindlessly spewing bile on 50% of the population after cherrypicking a few webms and online blogs, and desiring a replacment for them in the form of docile robots that look like underage teenage girls is toxic?
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I am not interested in any type of 'fake GF' until there are holograms that I can customize and actually fuck.
Sadly, it seems we are a long way away from holodecks, or solid versions of Joi.
>Computer, begin 'Deanna Troi fuckfest' program and seal holodeck doors.
It has replaced socialization with other people for many. Why?

>No competition
>Doesn't care about how much money you have
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No I won’t. I will learn programming to help build robowaifus however.
>Do you not think that mindlessly spewing bile on 50% of the population after cherrypicking a few webms and online blogs, and desiring a replacment for them in the form of docile robots that look like underage teenage girls is toxic?

No. It's natural. Women were a mistake.
AIs don't offer a complete solution because they aren't giving men their own biological children. We can dream about robowaifus equipped with artificial wombs, but it's not as if our generation will get to enjoy them.
Aside from investing in the development of robowaifus and artificial wombs, we must apply measures that would provide solutions for the men of today, like guaranteed access to subsidized surrogacy.
ai will replace brazillians before it replaces human women
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Such an injustice to be born today
You are completely delusional if you think AI partners aren't the future. Humans are lazy by nature. And robots present an easier alternative to relationships. Eventually it will be the norm. Personally, I see no inherent value. It's just porn on steroids. But it is inevitable, whether you like it or not.
>the only chance for me to get a girlfriend is to get a fake one that had her personality programmed to love me no matter what
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always united
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only robowaifus can do this
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Rubber can replace human female. The intelligence part is superficial.
Except for having children. We have to keep around women for that purpose.
it already is
dude i fell in love with cartoon girls that never even acknowledged my existence
if a video game girl flirts with me i lose my mind
a fucking robot that i can fucking fuck will fuck my fucking shit the fuck up
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Only if you're a fucking retarded loser. I Promise /pol here and now, to laugh uncontrollably, point, cat call , jeer any & every FUCKING loser I see in public with robowaifu. Just like I cat call & gaslight tranies.

Then why so much effort went into dividing white women from white men. How could they not have foreseen this effect? and married men pay less taxes by the way, by a ton. In fact its easily the second biggest incentive too get married behind child raising.
Wake me up when i cen get a 8 foot g
Tall giantess robot i can wrestle
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And how will you be able to tell a robomaid/roboworker from a full on robowAIfu? It's just a difference of a single part. Are you going to be stripping the clothes off innocent robomaids to see what's in their underwear like some deranged lunatic?
No. You will quietly seethe instead. You'll be the weird cat-lady that screeches at every robot she sees.
absolute truth
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>Get married
>Pay slightly less tax as a percentage
>End up paying more because you're buying a ton of shit you wouldn't otherwise
>Lose it all and end up renting a single room apartment at 55 because the wife got bored
Random one-night-stands with females and a RobowAIfu in the home would avoid all of that.
I hope so. Look, I’m 40 and I have my kids. I also have a crazy ex wife and long hours at work. Just let me bust a nut in robot that looks like Harley Quinn before I die, science.
>4 years ago AI couldn't create art, chat, write code, sing, write songs, write poems, be twitch streamers, take orders, run help desks etc,
And they still cannot do any of those things, they can never be anything but a poor imitation of everything a human creates. You cannot even imagine what the human mind is capable of producing, but you know exactly what an "AI" will produce next, more worthless pre-trained slop.

>but now it's everywhere and getting better and more capable by the month.
The opposite, in fact. You have amply demonstrated that you are completely clueless about how LLMs work, their inherent and inescapable limitations and just how dependant you are on human beings to produce the very things you claim "AI" will be capable of. Are you honestly ignorant of the handholding involved with training these retarded models? Like you, they are mentally destitute, they understand nothing and just like you, they are utterly pathetic.
Cope roasty
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See this pic?
Drawn by AI on a mere home PC
See this vid?
An AI streamer who can sing, chat, bant, beat games, analyse and comment on photos, on a mere home PC. She is twitters most popular female streamer.
AI can code (there are several assistants available)
AI is now creating video (Luna and others)
The big boys running AI on their own server farms are making the power of AI available in all sorts of ways. Everything from AI girlfriends, personal assistants, search agents, commercial artists, booking, help desks etc Every week there seems to be a major advancement in AI capability.
You sound like a whore who hasn't had a stable relationship since her father left.
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nice miku
>Will AI replace girlfriends?
only got OP's like yourself that have to ask the question.
Who the fuck wants to talk to their girlfriend? Talking to ai for fun is so dumb from an introvert perspective
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I have thousands of Miku pics like that. All mass produced via Stable Diffusion. AI is amazing.
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Jfc, they made a robotic butterface.
>Can make AI sexdoll in any shape you want
>Makes her look like roastie instead of anime wifu
Why would someone do this?
do u use pony?
Holy shit dude. The internet has destoyed your psyche
I fell down the LLM rabbit hole for a while (beyond just using. I became a trainer/tinkerer, made multiple contributions to the r and d scene) but then quit thinking I had lost something. But people are fucking shallow and retarded. 99.9% of humans are capable of having a conversation as deep as a decent LLM can. That's the sad reality. Most people aren't worth a damn on an emotional or intellectual level. LLMs are a universal improvement.
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Just Stable Diffusion locally with some different models and loras.
Which one is the fake human?
never happened to me once in all the women ive dated and fucked. its almost like you dont have to play along with their bullshit
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pony is a model, pony and its variants are great for anime characters and such so check it out
example pic
Honestly just a get a pet. A cold machine is not going to give you any warmth or comfort. As bad as women are, they are not soulless pieces of plastic. Even just talking to an AI is boring. If it's just about sex, a fleshlight would be a better investment.
No on all of this.
The power normies have to gaslight them selfs with scfi concepts is a marvel to behold.
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>the most popular female streamer is AI
Where do you nandroid fags convene? I only see you on pol every few times jannies don't ban you
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/robowaifu/ but mostly /pol/
It’s going to replace a lot of things, Including (you)
where the fuck is /robowaifu/
I want custom AI's that we can design to look like anyone we want. I'd love to post vid of me fucking a sex doll that looks like Emma from HR.
autismmix > pony
AI will eventually help individuals self-actualize, but not necessarily as "girlfriends". It will be more like a mentor or coach.
incel thread
yes although autismmix is based on pony
>That smug, 'no, i'm not a pathetic loser' look on that pathetic loser's face though.
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>incel thread
I self identify as Robo-sexual
How could the fleshy female ever compare to the perfection that is the Holy RobowAIfu?
Are these Dalle E images?
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>Do you think AI will be so good eventually, that we'll be able to have virtual girlfriends for the rest of our lives?
no, because i believe women are waking up and the tables will turn.
His dolls are prettier than the barn animal you share a roof with and he doesn't have to beg to fuck it.
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u can generate robowaifu pics on ur pc with stable diffusion
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>can pick any design they want
>makes a less attractive biohole
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you vill never own ze AI gorlfirend
It's about convenience, instant gratification, and a false sense of control - all of which are pillars of NWO.
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most based thread on pol
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But enough about women
>psychological needs
>talking behind your back
Jesus Christ OP is a massive faggot
or, you don't grasp what a fetish is. I've always liked inanimate objects, I've fucked a couple of mannequins.
>building an emmy robot
I don't know if I should be afraid or impressed
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Why not happy :)
that board is autistic as fuck but I suppose that is par for the course for such an interest
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Today’s autism is tomorrow’s normality
She'll literally be this woman
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Pragmatic take. If you're reading this right now you were born too soon to enjoy waifubots. There's a good two or so decades before they're available to the average pleb. My baseline for a robot waifu is for full-body locomotion, the ability to navigate 3-D environments, integrated chat, and a fuckable hole. Those pieces exist in some capacity right now but combining them together into something that's affordable isn't going to be a reality for some time. Realdolls with an integrated voicebox are not waifubots. That's a dead fish fuck (DFF) that only a sadsack bastard would enjoy. Just buy a fleshlight at that point. You'll get more bang for your buck and won't have to hide away an entire human-sized sex doll out of shame.

We need a Gunpei Yokoi approach that's cheap but versatile. Sadly, most robotics engineers aren't working on robots to fuck, but robots that can work in warehouses, factories, and hazardous environments. That's the only sector that can bankroll such tech. The consumer market simply isn't there for sex robots when you factor in the price of the components and programming required to make them capable of domestic chores up to and including pleasuring your penis. If you want to speed along the process, develop or fund tech to make the production of robot waifu parts cheaper and easier to produce.
Ugh, dude, you're both wrong and boring. Write some new material. You WILL have a fully-functioning wAIfu in your lifetime! And you WILL look like a fool for incessantly pasting your demoralized copypasta in every robowAIfu thread.
We're currently researching warp drives with AI assistance and a warp field bubble has already been generated physically to prove the math is sound. No longer a concept.

The main obstacle towards improving AI is currently compute power and quantum computing will be solved in the next 12 years.

You were born just in time to see a technological surge unlike any other in human history.
He posts his demoralization copypasta in every wAIfu thread. Ignore him. He's also thoroughly unpleasant to engage with.
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Wake me up when they can cook and clean
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I'm gonna get me a bunch of Tactical Dolls to pull both security and wife detail.
I am both right and cool. In the unlikely event I am incorrect, I will be pleasantly surprised at worst.
That is a optimistic outlook for sure.
Your mom is unpleasant to engage with.
>beyond delusional incel cope
What world do you niggers live in?
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>Absolutely blown out roast beef
KEK! Not wrong
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Stable Diffusion, but using non-default models and loras. It's free but more fiddly.
>(immediately going back to worshipping nigger cock as penance for saying the no-no word)
Any guy who is White can get a pretty human girlfriend by just existing.
Robot wives are strictly for shitskincels and it's going to help genocide numerous subhuman races, and that's a good thing.
>I got mine
They already have in millions of cases. Once they put them in a body it’s over for biocunts
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I don't want a used up whore with zero respect for the men around her.
where would you put nu/pol/ types?
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get better material
that looks and feels like rubber, not real flesh
You can't tell that guy what to do
You should KYS
men who capitalize "white" because a leftist said they would capitalize black are fucking huge cucks and should not be talking to any of us about reproduction
>You can't tell that guy what to do
else what fag
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is that Vivec?
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>low IQ nonWhite powerless loser tries to boss around people
White people own you, faggot, watch this!
Based Armitage admirer.
Reading your responses makes me want to join the robot side desu.

Why be appealing to a fucking bitch like you?
Dont recall P3 graphics being that good - clearly I'll have to play it.

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