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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Ukraine forms its own 'Snow White' unit
>Basedjacks all around
>'Omg yas slay qweeens'
>'It's just like Harry Potter/Marvel/Star Wars'
>'It's so over for Putin'
>'Inb4 no gun waifu'
Meanwhile... Texas, Florida and flyover wives of militiamen form their own part time 'Snow White' units.
>Seething, malding and screeching ensues
>Accusations of racism, sexism, transphobia, fascism etc. etc.
>Trending on twitter
>Front page of reddit
>National news coverage
>Congressional hearings called
>Investigated by the feds
Why are they like this?
there's no link for a reason
>Ukraine forms its own 'Snow White' unit
what if Russia uses their Rapist batallions against them?
same reason ISIS never attacked israel (1 time was an accident and they appologized), and israel gives ISIS first aid and air strikes
it's because anglo masons lie and use people for global domination

as for the leftoids, they are just stupid, nothing more to it
They'll surrender as soon as they run out of tampons and realize there's no way they're getting resupplied.
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those women won't actually fight, it's just propaganda to boost morale, recruitment and funding
women have periods / ovulation for like a third of every month. they carry heavy sacks of fat on their chest, they produce no testosterone, even their brains aren't fully developed (stops at 18, while men develop until 21). women never have and never will be soldiers
"amazons" are as much of a fable as "wakanda"
even with the "gamification" of war, when's the last time a woman played a violant videogame
Zelenskike needs to go. This has gone on for far too long and now he's trying to waste prime white pussy after having eradicated prime young white men.
if i was a ruski id request to be deployed there goddamn
time for some war brides baby
>women have periods / ovulation for like a third of every month. they carry heavy sacks of fat on their chest, they produce no testosterone
All fixable, you know
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based Zelensky
Russia would never do something like that
Ukraine is destroying its racial future. I wonder (((who))) could be behind this.
Those women won't see a second of combat.
This is purely a morale thing.
Most of the native Ukrainians are dead, time for Zelenskiev to start elminating the native women. Then they can import Jews and build New Khazaria over the ashes.
Ukranian women are gonna do more for Russia than actual Russian soldiers considering they are gonna end up killing everyone on their own side "accidentally"
yeah I wonder who, the (((Monke)))
Why is he attacking and killing white people? WHy is he importing asians and africans in the occupied territory? Why is your country so gay?
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>white people?
slavshits untermenches aren't white xD
Women are mostly medics, drivers or do paperwork. Seeing one at the frontline as an infantry is highly unlikely although not impossible.
you will never be fully transitioned
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Easily my new favorite reaction gif from what was easily one of my favorite skits. Fuck I miss the old timeline.
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So Zelensky can murder 16 year olds but Dr Disrespekt cannot so much as even talk to a 16 year old?
Total Jewish Death, it is the only cure to this madness.
That's why you counter the rapist battalion with the tr00n battalion. Classic bait & switch.
Kike division propaganda. Fuck off. Russia has the highest density of Whites in the entire world, they're our brothers.
>die for your family
>globohomo sends your family to die with you
16 to 30, child-bearing age for healthy girls.
Jews really love white genocide.
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>Jews really love white genocide.
Welcome to the Party, take a seat.
>when you run out of vita wombs
Russia does not need to form special units to do that, that is an innate trait to them the more Eastern you go.
that's what Hitler did and /pol/ says Hitler did nothing wrong.
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> knife hands.bmp
This happened right before the instant crumbling and rout of the globohomo regime in Afghanistan.
thats just the regular army
but in case of the russians, its better to put out women, as they prefer men instead
I doubt russians would mind, they rape all, special rape batallion, unique unit.
/pol/ chimping out about White women episode #8384748030102
that Bataillon will never see any action. it exists purely as a marketing stunt, so counter the "this is what you're fighting for" memes with Ukrainian whores.
would be funny if I am wrong though
Women are kids with boobs and vagenes.
Women peak intellectually at age 15. It is when they discover first hand that no matter how bland or even evil they are, thousands of men will be eager to compete for them, fix their daily problems and give them an easy life free of charge.
Hey, that reminds me. Whatever happened to those badass Afghan womyn soldiers before the country fell to the Talibans?
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That’s just sad. She’s like a year younger than me. Just thinking that a girl that I played with in my childhood would have been sent to war if I was ukrainian is just sad. I still would innawoods tho, you ain’t catching me fight for globohomo.
>psyop nationalism
*kosher nationalism
despite your bs there actually are some very based as fuck ukrainian women actively fighting or being in medic position, there even is video of some woman dragging a soldier in full kit to safety. Some are simply built different.
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Especially effective with zelinskiiis 69th dragoons in support
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Trying to catch up with best Korea.
Look at them having fun playing soldiers. Women, always, think it’s fun and games and they’re invincible. The moment something bad happens there’s a complete nervous breakdown.
Lol yes, kill everyone. I don't care anymore. Savages. Golems.
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ok but then Russia can just send in the Chud incel batallion.
How do I join the Russian rape army?
From penile battalion to penal battalion
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Guns are only okay if you're shooting enemies of jews. Many such cases.
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Russian soldiers aren't into fucking women.
He's french so he's an expert on buttfucking and fagging around europe
So true lmao
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>rubs hands
Women are terrible
Kek, is that real?
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I can already see the rape webms bros.
Read up on women before making bold claims.

>women have periods / ovulation for like a third of every month.
Periods are not as bad as some women claim. Their periods are typically only painful or a hindrance for a few days. Ovulation does not degrade phyiscal performance in the slightest.

>heavy sacks of fat on their chests
A minority of women has boobs so large that they hamper them while doing physical tasks. Many men have oversized guts and poor physique too.

>women produce no testosterone
They do. You, yes you, even produce estrogen.

>their brains aren't fully developed
Their brains are fully developed, male brains just develop for longer. Which probably results in a different end performance, but being in the infantry does not require a high IQ.

>women never have and never will be soldiers
Many examples from history tell you otherwise. Women have never made good melee fighters, which is why they were extremely rare in those roles in the past. With the advent of modern firearms the potential lethality of a woman has nearly equalized with that of a man. Women will do poorly when used to clear houses. But female snipers for example have performed quite well in the past. When the main task of your infantry is to sit in a trench and dodge drones while taking occassional potshots, women can perform nearly as well as men.

>when's the last time a woman played a violent videogame
There are a few. Anyway, the military requires people other than adrenaline junkies and thrill seekers too. Women soldiers can definitely fill many positions in logistics, defensive units and other roles.

Let's say the pool of viable reqruits amongst the female portion of the population is only 1/4 of that of the male population. That's still a huge amount of useful soldiers you could get out of reqruiting women. Even if they don't go to the front of the frontline, they can free up those men that can go there who were previously needed in the back rows.
All warfare is based on deception after all.
>what if Russia uses their Rapist batallions against them?
Then they're fucked...
I don't see half of these women even making it through basic, let alone go to the front or become logistics.
>Russian orcs when seeing this ala Diablo butcher voice: "AAAAAHHHH FRESH MEAT!"
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kill women
it does happen sadly and the results are very muc the same with men with the added of being taken prisoner and raped. it happens due to necessity. all the men are gone dead and there is an enemy.
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you might say a...
front hole?
o carl
Simp or woman.
Just by forcing the enemy to waste bullets those women would already be useful.
Europe belongs to women and caters exclusively to women. Women must defend it.
Men have no reason to fight unless we're talking about a war against feminism.
wasn't they g@ys? Prisoner Hohluhas complained about that.
Damn, maybe I should volunteer for the Russian army?
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They've come so far.
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And that reason is that this site is shite.
Hehe, based. It goes back into history, we had "White Tights" sniper units that were supposedly involved in every conflict.
Politics = My Side Yay, Your Side Boo
Simple as. There is no other logic or reason behind it.
So nice of NATO to deliver some free POW pussy to Russian soldiers.
more like snow bunny unit
Jesus Christ I can't stop looking at this picture, it's horrifying.
They attacked Israel several times.
Reminder that throughout conflict history any noteworthy person in a specialized role (marksmen especially) is a product of an intensive propaganda campaign that you are again falling for in real time.
They should just be loggies
i remember this picture from a while back...tiny girl with death stare gets me going
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>1/4 of that of the male population.
wishful thinking. Only extreme outliers can keep up with men, specially when heavy training only accentuates the gap.
The reality is that every woman in every theatre of war soldier or civilian since antiquity has been little more than rape meat.
This isn't a very effective counter
lmao what is that shooting stance? are they trying to twerk while they shoot?
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They are sending out the HIV+ thots to be raped to death on the battle field.

Some will be raped by their own side.
Don't they do this 3-10 times a year?

Have any gigasniper soviet boss queens been made yet?
A fresh field mattress drop for the actual soldiers in the field. What a nice morale boost.
they keep making bangers
Can women even be properly evaluated as a unit?

Every time I have tried to give women tests to measure preformance they will invent some legal method to fuck up the (very simple) process of getting a number by which to score their abilities.

I imagine the military pretends this "women is allergic to empirical judgement" issue.

This isn't hate it's just that men take a test and roll with the result, women take a test and then argue about the outcome. Seems like it would fuck up how the millitary likes to roll.

>t. Worked in education
dude. seriously look at that manjaw.
she's got a harder jawline then me. wtf lol.
slava ukraini, Israel is our greatest ally.
>All fixable, you know
You can change bone and muscle density?
Women aren't meant for combat. They're meant to be mothers, to have and take care of children, not to die childless in some trench. But whatever. We all know how it is. Kill whitey is on the menu. At all costs.
By now she's either been raped to death by azogs or is sucking dick for dollars in Poland.
Would Helga in the middle
It's uaf. They will send anyone able to walk to the frontlines. It's not as if their nation has any future.

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