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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>And as I walked down the streets of Newtown to get to this location not far from Sandy Hook Elementary, I happen to run across a woman who had tears in her eyes who was being led by two younger women and I asked if she was ok. It turns out, she was the school nurse at sandy hook elementary and was for 15 years. She described the gunman coming into her office, they met eyes, she jumped under her desk and he inexplicably just walked out. Just absolutely chilling, horrifying details that are emerging in Newtown tonight.
>But I did ask if it was known around the school, that this young man apparently a kindergarten teacher’s son, was an issue, whether he had any problems. And she said not at all. And I asked if she knew the suspects mother and she said she did and that she was an absolutely loving person and a very caring experienced kindergarten teacher, just the kind of person you would want with your 5 year old children.

FBI records suggest zero murders in Newtown, Ct in 2012

We need to talk about sandy hook
Unraveling Sandy hook
Sandy hook the real truth 2013
The life of Adam
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>And state police also confirming today that neither lanza nor his mother had any connection to that school.
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Fake ass no emotions no tears AT THE FUNERALS
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My cousin was killed in the shooting
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Good your cousin sounds like he or she was a cunt and probably trans.
At some point the /pol/tard becomes emotionally invested in the batshit conspiracy theory. It's no longer a suspicion or a possibility, but absolute unvarnished truth. Alex Jones is then the only man in the history of the world except perhaps Jesus himself, who is able to speak this unvarnished truth. And those who would punish him for libel or slander or emotional harm are crisis actors. By the time it gets this far, it does not matter how absurd or how falsifiable the conspiracy is. Alex Jones could be telling OP that he seed dancing on top of the Lincoln Memorial eating nigger cum and drinking cat piss last week, and OP would wonder how the CIA managed to erase his memory. It must be true. And if he can just come up with some ridiculous talking points to "prove" to the leftoids how right he is, it will all be worth it.

Is it that they believe there are never any shootings? In a nation of 330 million people, there are never violent psychopaths, so this one must be fake?

Is it that they believe the leftoids used this incident to pass gun control legislation, so maybe it was staged? That somehow, natural incidents just weren't quite horrific enough? Even though no gun control legislation was passed in the aftermath of this gruesome event?

Maybe they're of the opinion that government, or elements of it, are just so evil they might do this just for the sheer sick thrill of it. And that many other massacres are contrived in a similar manner. But what of the tens of thousands of people who would be able to spot actual inconsistencies, who would have to be in on it and help in hiding those? Where are the people who six years prior were working as a local newspaper reporter and could post microfiche showing that the township had shut down the school years prior? What about the one guy who went to school with a crisis actor in Colorado in 6th grade, recognized his name, and knew for a fact that he he still had a home in Pueblo?
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Stop with the fake information. already.
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okay moshe.
Who has the picture of them all grown up by a rock wall or something, I lost that one?
This kind of shit gets me all the time.
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Is that a bill Clinton years documentary?
Ah there you are
No false flag thread would be complete without you
Thanks for showing up!
How jewish rhetoric is rendered down to its shadowlike inexistence by a simple piece of real evidence
You scared, worm?
>How jewish rhetoric is rendered down to its shadowlike inexistence by a simple piece of real evidence
Forgot pic
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If you only knew how bad things really are.
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People knew what was coming.
Eric Holder was involved.
They just happened to be planning an anti-gun violence campaign in Sandy Hook.
Just like the Aurora, CO shooting.
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Look at this shit.
I don't think he had 3 daughters.
The "3rd kid" was photoshopped in every published photo.

Watch the CNN interview with the relatives where the picture frame falls off the wall behind them…. It’s as weird as Robbie Parker laughing about his daughter being murdered.
New Haven isn't Sandy Hook, retard
The interview with his dad was illuminating. The crisis actors thing still makes me pause and think there was something weird going on, but the way his dad describes Adam’s everyday life makes me think that he probably did it. I spent a lot of time on /r9k/ when I graduated and I saw a lot of people there who fit a similar profile: over-indulgent parents (especially mothers), self-absorbed, mildly to severely autistic, constantly indoors, no physical activity, obsessed with video games and other forms of escapism. A small number used drugs and you would run across people who admitted to or showed signs of psychosis. All of these problems began when Adam was in high school, so his elementary school teachers wouldn’t have known about it. It’s also very clear from looking at him that something was wrong. He was anorexic at the time of the shooting. 18 is the age these things tend to begin to emerge. His father says Adam was a normal kid, although he has deranged eyes in every photo I’ve ever seen of him.

His father portrays Nancy as being overly-indulgent and basically letting Adam do whatever he wanted because he would throw tantrums, refuse to eat, etc. I also remember reading that there were suspicions that he was a pedophile based on files recovered from his hard drive and people who claim to have known him. I saw one post on Reddit a while ago claiming to be one of his friends, and the friend thought Adam believed he was liberating these kids from a lifetime of suffering. This also seems consistent with Adam’s sensitivity to sensory stimulation - he suffered day to day to day, and, having Asperger's Syndrome, he assumed that others must be suffering, too.
I believe he attended the school briefly as a child.
It looks like “NOON” to me.
Yeah see this stuff was weird and the only thing that gives me pause. There were a few people who chuckled awkwardly in their interviews.
Pol, doesn’t believe in shot that’s actually real, and believes shit that didn’t happen. Is it so hard to believe a kid shot up some school… in America? Or, let me guess it was a grand government conspiracy again. Occums razor dumbfucks.
This board is more capable than all your glowniggers put together with a 24V cable up their ass.

Show me the pile of dead kids. If you can’t do that then it’s all bullshit.
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Occums razor would lead more towards government conspiracy for the gun grab than non geograpchical, (non conforming in any way), phenomenological mental illness.
>anti-gun violence campaign in Sandy Hook.
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why was no dna or finger prints found on the murder weapon OR honda civic that Nancy owned and Adam allegedly used to kill all those kids?

oh wait, sorry there was dna found on the magazine well of the rifle, it was the dna of a convicted felon in connecticut....

imagine believing anything these kikes say
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>Vivek is a boy’s name of Sanskrit origin, meaning “judicious,” “wise,” or “prudent.” This proud title is related to the word viveka, an important attribute of Hinduism. This quality points to the ability to differentiate between the real and the unreal, the temporary and the eternal, ignorance and knowledge, and other such states of being.
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seems legit to me anon idk what you're talking about
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forgot vid rel
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Thanks, I was looking for this recently.
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I have some that are too large, lemme get the rest of these then I'll figure out the rest
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I'm saving the whole thread, I'm very sparse on shootings, I mostly do 911, FE
ty op
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that vid is Parkland btw, distinct from Sandy Hook

Also watch, We Need to Talk About Sandy good for a good overview.
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Sandy Hook Line and Sinker

With how much the jews are kvetching about this event, I am willing to believe literally everything except the official story.
My grandfather was killed in the shooting, he worked at sandy hook for 30 years as a janitor.
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When it happened there were so many videos on YouTube, the proof was beyond a shadow of a doubt at the time. I think I saved these pics from /b/ from that time. Autists were finding stuff everywhere... one dude found one of the crisis actors online photo album that was open to the public.

So where is that bus driver that just dumped the kids in his driveway and then fucked off leaving them in the charge of some unvetted stranger after they've been traumatized by a dreadful bloodbath murder? Let's hear from the bus driver?
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there's no such thing as sandy moon you fuckin faggot, and that's a map of connecticut, you're done posting you dumb ass fucking kike. fuck off back to the sewers you gay ass child molesting sand nigger.
my dad worked in Sandy Hook's Nintendo office
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Where should I post the ones that are too big for pol?
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So very very odd...
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Reminds me of:
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Every world that leaves a Jew's mouth is false information.
Dumping the images that were too big here
Bump skiddli
OP you retard, don't forget about the DNA tests done on "the gun"
Look at those digits. I've never seen this before. Holy Shit if true.
Did Alex Jones present any of the stuff posted here as evidence at this trial?
How did they get away with this?
>>did Alex present any of this at his trial?

kek that's the point; there was NO TRIAL. He arrived at the courtroom and the judge had already ruled him guilty without any arguments or evidence or anything. A summary judgement. He was forbidden to speak of any of this shit. The "court case" you saw on video was the jury deciding what his punishment should be so all the assholes appeared including that FBI bald actor guy to tell tall tales about how they were persecuted and threatened and tormented by the evil hordes of Alex followers that he encourage in their lawless behavior. Alex and his lawers were forbiddent to contest these insane and dishonest assertions. Total insanity. And the punishment of almost a billion dollars???

Thanks for spoonfeeding me. I didn't really follow that. Some of the fake reporting made it seem like he accepted the "facts" and changed course
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spoiler alert... it's still the jews
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They've got this limited cast of crisis actors and they just keep recycling them not caring if a few freaks like us notice since the overwhelming majority of morons are oblivious to the schemes of these assholes.
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Hoggs dad is a glownigger
Dude just stop..
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My kid died at the shooting. Also I'm trans btw
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another crisis actor
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Based anons posting all this
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Screenshot of that day in case you need it anon
What happened to Linda after posting this??
Why would the FBI black out documents related to this? What's the reasoning, its not national security secrets so what gives?

In situations like this, even if there isn't more to the story or some hidden conspiracy, the way the government acts to hide information and push a narrative certainly leads large segments of the public to question the official story.
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No clue but pic rel wouldn't surprise me
My portfolio on crisis actors keeps getting added to wiith sub folders. You too must download all this stuff into a Sandy Hook file with other files. My Boston bombing file is fascinating to me...they're so sloppy, they just don't care. As long as they can use the jew's media to bull their dishonest narrative through to a drunken incurious public the same way they bullied them into staying home in the lockdowns and taking their poison mRNA shots they don't care.

Holy fuck this is a new one. Into my files it goes. Thanks for this. It's shit like this that keeps me wasting my life here...
Sigh you niggers.. Now I have to boot up the desktop for a round of Save Image
You're welcome, did you check that other linkypoo? I saved a few things there that exceeded image size here.
Back when I researched this a bunch I found the analysis from that Wolfgang guy to be really compelling. Do you have any of that handy?
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This sounds familiar, when it happened I was glued to my computer for days... there was so much info being pumped out. I haven't looked back into it much since, it was just so cut and dry it was a hoax. I wish everyone would look into it so they will know also.
Nice, thanks anon and great thread
best bread on /pol, have an updoot
>what are the odds 4plebs will lose this thread?
Dang poor Linda she sacrificed herself in the name of truth
Rest in spaghetti never forgetti
I remember something about a book one of the mothers made, the characters all resembled the supposed dead students. I may have more pics...
Loving those threads since all the arguments are in image form
Bots are out of their league
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Anybody got the video of the next day or two at Sandy Hook school taken from a helicopter that slowly tracked around the school showing unrestricted crowds of people so that you get the impression of the entire scene being a hive of activity? And then you watch them moving about....I remember tracking one kid about 14 years old in a yellow sweat shirt and he looks like he's going somewhere important, moving through the crowd. But the longer you watch him you're struck that he's going nowhere...He walks 40 yards in the crowd purposefully, stops changes direction and walks back. Then you track others in the crowd and they're all doing the same movement, that looks like they have some important business but the reality is that they're just aimlessly conjuring up an appearance that the media wanted to send to the public.
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It used to be on youtube with a You spin me right round baby soundtrack, maybe not that one but they went in a building, through it, walked a path then back in the same building.
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How is the ambulance supposed to get out?
Stop talking about this or they'll take your ranch.

It's a massive crime scene and there's no attempt to secure it from the mobs of spectators and families rushing to supposedly grab their kids...BUT as Wolfgang Halbig points out, EHS was not allowed at any time into the building. Which is really bizarre. In fact the fire hall is a couple blocks up the hill and they never leave the station to go down to the school...
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>masonic hand sign on dead kid drawing
they absolutely cannot fucking help themselves can they
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3 off
>Hurr durr
Lot of typing to say tons of stupid fucking shit
Fucking kill yourself you pathetic little internet faggot cock sucker

When I was in Vancouver I came across this church that was created by a university of california psychology professor...it's a global mega church with big domed theaters all over the world that hold at least 5000 worshippers. That professor had connections with the CIA. It's called the Vinyard Chuch. They own chain restaurants like Swiss Chalet where everyone that's working there is a young church member. They're all over the movie industry in Vancouver too, like Netflix. I heard about them and deliberately looked into them. Evangelicals. whenver I look at these crisis actors I get this weird woo woo feeling that they're all members of some fanatical pseudo jew imitation bunch of supremacist assholes that look on the rest of the population as sons of satan of no account. It's not a stretch to imagine them participating in this kind of shit and making big bucks and shunning the public at large, keeping the secret of the swindles.

Aw, poor little butthurt bitch. kek..
Censorship is always of the truth. There is no reason to waste the effort on a lie.

Look at what they did to Alex Jones.

The thing about those that are hostile to this kind of investigation is that they're incapable of complex arguments, just like people that can't do calculus can't do an integral calculation that takes up an entire page of reasoning. They focus on anyone that challenges their CNN MSNBC narratives and simply resort to crude slanders in a vain attempt to stop the flow of evidence against the POV they're being paid to defend. That's why they're losing. They're just not intelligent enough to get past infantile name calling.
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>FBI records suggest zero murders in Newtown, Ct in 2012
No it doesn't. Hoaxers are like Holocaust affirmed, twisting everything to "prove" their retarded conspiracy theory.

The deaths at Sandy Hook were filed under "State Police Misc.", as they were handled by the State Police, not small town cops. And the report in question was literally dedicated to the Sandy Hook vuctims.
>someone is wrong about one thing
>therefore they are wrong about everything
It's all wrong but "the FBI said nobody died" is one of the main arguments used, right up there with Robbie Parker smirking and not knowing how archive.org works.

And, it doesn't even make sense. If there was this giant conspiracy involving hundreds of actors, why wouldn't the FBI go along with it? Is an agency packed with faggots and pedophiles, that entrapment autistic retards with fake terror plots just too moral? It's bizarre, Talmudic thinking.
it's not a main argument of anything
it's a footnote at best
the FBI can put in their report whatever they want, they put up easy to disprove propaganda all the time
overly long lists of evidence for a conspiracy are stupid
they are bound to contain some wrong facts in there and that lowers the credibility of the whole list and therefore the theory
small nuggets of truths are much more effective
people connect the dots themselves, it's like inception
I’ve met David Hogg. He’s an asshole.
One of the best anti-gun tools the government ever greated is an uppity, overentitled Kike.

Sounds about right.

Imagine the smell...
You're a massive fucking faggot and I hope you kys.

Just wanted you to know that.
Is nobody gonna acknowledge the dog driving a truck in the background ???
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Morning, fellow schizos
There was a 9 11 documentary a while back about some bitch who lied about being there and got pretty popular telling her story.
Turns out, she was lying about being there. You can see the moment she gets caught, too. She is out in public, recounting her story and Mayor Giuliani 8s there holding hands with her. G man is just dead staring as she talks and then his head shoots up when she says the following "And the I saw the plane coming in"
The G man knew she was lying right there. There was no fucking plane and he knew that.
His phone is as wide as his thigh. Jesus Christ
> the nazis just ran out of gas
> the shooter just walked away
> they just pulled those tons of blocks up with ropes
Anyone else sensing a pattern?
Mr eleurothamania watch the video they reshot the scene professor doom its a cell structure of wasted time for an agenda using informants and the witness protection program
Its the same jewish bitch
No its called you are the retard and discredited its not a theory its adl bnai brith FBI Zippo dhs stunts same false exposed and admitted in iraw you are stupid discredited

Fussg mincemeat and then nuke hoax and then dicks tuck and his hired faked name pregnant but not bitches that fucking horseshit here ya sperg zip shill telling lies you some dumbasses muttonheaded tell lies my loes are truth self absorved I fell off the turnip truck faggot you are bot

Its not fske information thr event was fske just hundreds of these in iraw rge false flag osyops hiax car bombing trying to make guerilla fighter appear to be terrorists when they weren't

You are discredited bots

if its fake how did alex jones get sued for 6 trillion dollars and 95 cents
Photoshop no fucong legs for the two girls
Nice bot work moon is its own light does thank you brazilian 3d graphics expertse and fucking real at their major university scottish kike rite talmidic ziooonist spit ooss and shit
Its connected to the zionidt libor scandal the zionist
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>Watertown shooting
In Beau is Afraid, Beau Wasserman is from Wasserton.
It's fake in that CIA agents were the gunmen. They needed something as an excuse to move Alex Jones and his operation without suspicion. Everyone knows Alex Jones is a glownigger, so they are trying to make him seem legit. They are doing the same with Trump by attacking him all election cycle. At the beginning of 2024 nobody was going to vote for Trump.
We know David Hoggs dad is a fed, he has admitted that. David is roughly the same age as Adam was at the time of the "shooting". My schizo theory is Davids dad is involved in whatever group orchestrates school shootings. They used baby David and digitally aged him to create "Adam", the school shooter. And by create, I mean make 2 photos and one grainy video of him dancing at an arcade. David is then involved in the plot at Parkland and his fame is artifically pushed so the Dems have a young face of gun control.
Odd he didnt want to stick around and defend his statement but I expect nothing more from a bot.
It was filmed in the dark room with the girl that he was there under locked down hillstreet blues bullshit

He came on one time pad youtube
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Hey Sandy Hook conspiracy folks, riddle me this.

There are school shootings all the damn time, why fake one?
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Basically I'm just not gonna
trust them (the gubmint)
i know.. UGH I know....
I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's just that im not trusting them is all

Ahhh the mossad sayanim
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Today I'm gonna tune in to Info Wa---ACK..
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>taps the sign
He was an autistic with an extremely abusive family and a wealthy nonexistent father that abandoned him and his entire family for fresh pussy, and a wife that would actually suck his dick. His mother was a gold digger that failed and his brother was an abusive twat just like him. His mother went into a drug and alcohol induced narcissistic collapse and started abusing him around the time of the shooting.
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don't forget weather (((forecasting))) every day it says one thing but you find something totally different..
>There are
are there though... seen any bodies? read any autopsy reports? No you can't see those it would traumatize the "parents"...
those two look like brother and sister. and the whole fucking family has evil eyes.
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Are there any school shootings with 100% deaths and zero wounded?
>Why fake one
Look up the Dunblane massacre and it's resulting legislation
Fuck you faggot. Sandy Hook was a GlowOp. Kill yourself if you think otherwise.
Dna is a hoax blood matches are real
It just dawned on me that maybe some of this Hollywood shit isn't "predictive programing" necessarily, but rather warnings from trapped slaves who know.

For example, most people here are probably aware of Britney Spears' situation, that she is basically a slave/hostage to her owners. Imagine that she was trying to get a message out to the world and the only way she could do it is by sneak subtle hints into her music videos that go unnoticed by her handlers. Kind of like when trafficking victims signal for help.

Just a thought.
Do you know it snowed that night and morning and newtown was covered the ground in a blizzard of white snow
Most of those are faked or false flags from the Feds and the Mossad/CIA too, your point?

(Retard Check level: easy - If you think Ulvade wasn't a false flag, you failed.)
>hillstreet blues
How fucking old are you, glownigger?
It's an open secret that child slavery is legal.
This might be green screen, but he actually did visit Newtown and interview people. Like a vulture to a carcass
wake up mom, the jewish AI just spit up more gobelgook!
What happened in Oregano?
>Sand niggers
>Hooked nose
Holy shit
My great grandfather died at Auschwitz after witnessing a 5 man necro nazi orgy.
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buck broken
its flat
stop covering for satanic pedophile cults
She was the real shooter every time.
You don't have an argument, nigger. You can download the pdf and see exactly what I've said.
>The interview with his dad was illuminating.
You out yourself as a faggot immediately. No one talks this way. Go back.
Most people dont care at all about any of it.
It is not impossible that glowies just killed people to get guns outlawed, it is common job for them
I just dumped a sandy hook folder I had downloaded in a /pol/ folder from a long time ago so didn't scrutinize this stuff. I did when it happened so many years ago, we were all knee deep in it. I was just sharing what I had for bro's folder.
>The Attacker just happened to get "fought off" despite stabbing him to near death which would make fighting back nearly impossible.

I must have forgotten that part, so these pics are from a completely different time. Sorry, been a while since I looked into this "conspiracy theory"
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I wish every Muslim a long bloody death
I hate them

thanks, nigger.
I think that's very perceptive. I was working for a famous actress, as in top 5 famous... beautiful, super rich, and turned out to be super fucking cool. Anyway, there was a little get together & these guys worked on her stuff for years, she tried to get in one of the pictures but they wanted it just them... but they way she followed orders and got out of the way, I was like whoa... made me wonder about deals that must have been made to get that type of fame and money. I felt really bad for her. Like Brittany also, they all get so abused from a young age. I don't know how much of the productions they control though. THose damn tik tok nurses too, were they also trying to tell us something? hey we are so packed and the hospitals are overcrowded so we here dancing...
>1 post in this thread.

Ok, now fuck off Rabbi.

You made the claim he's the one who's wrong while proving it, burden of proof is on you to discredit which you've done fuck all including drop any PDF file you inbred shitbrain.

Also, you NEVER have arguments to counter the massive evidence the Holocaust was a hoax other than report it and cry until it gets deleted or hope the person saying it lives in a country where they can get jailed for saying it. (Imagine an event so unbelievably true that merely questioning any part of it gets you sent to prison.)

You're a fucking useless NPC and part of the biggest fucking problem of western society which is protecting your precious compromised, Kiked government, please shut the fuck up nigger.
Is there a repository for all these infograohs?
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You're from reddit, and you're retarded. Sandy Hook being a hoax is in par with the Holocaust being real, both require impossibly intricate conspiracies, and the cases for both are made with lies and innuendo.

Here's the pdf where the data from that table comes from.

Pic related is the table, where it states the Sandy Hook victims were filed as "State Police Misc."

This report is literally the source of the table people like Jonestein point to, and both were released simultaneously.
Occams razor lends more toward the theory that people are just crazy than a massive government conspiracy bud, people go crazy every single day on this forum alone, but government conspiracies get proven real once in a blue moon.
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Here's the State Police Misc. page. Notice the number of murders?
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And here's the dedication page.

If you're listening to Alex Jonestein in 2024, you should be euthanized.
The FBI is running the ops with dhs
So, when you thought the FBI said nobody died, they were credible, but when it turned out your favorite ecelebs can't read a table, more they're in on it?

You niggers aren't serious, nor are got living in reality.
Fuck off well poisoning kike. Sandy Hook was a hoax.
You're poisoning the well. You're mixing retarded kosher conspiracies with antisemitism, making it all seem unhinged.
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>nooo don't blame the perpetrators, muh optics!
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>Sandy Hook kid forgets his lines on Dr Oz
Next spoiler alert:

Every Fucking Time.
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Shame the feds didn't do report or any death certificate.
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You are retarded or a kike.

It didn't happen
No, don't be retarded, blame the jews for their actual crimes - there's more than enough of them.

And for the sake of argument, let's say the jews were really directly behind Sandy Hook, so you think that they're so malevolent that they'd hire hundreds of actors rather than just sending some IDF vet in who's already murdered more than 27 children? It's all illogical and retarded.
>blame the jews for their actual crimes
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Right? Then to bulldoze it over, columbine is still there and so is fort hood and the college in texas
Because it isn't one of their crimes.

I guess they could blamed in the sense that Lanza was a fueled by a variety of jewish poisons: vaccines (his autism), pharmaceuticals, and video games. He was also an apparent sodomite who claimed to have castrated himself.
fake, gay, made up
If nothing happened, why would they have to demolish the school? Even that makes no fucking sense.

And the library at Columbine - where the majority of the killings took place - was totally removed, replaced with an atrium. And a new one was built.

I've never even listened to Jones you stupid faggot obvious Kike plant, you think I give a shit about some gay nigger report made "for da victimz!" that was made after the fact because clearly the Government would never lie about such an act to push their gun control Agenda.

Now disprove the fact

1. Lanza's DNA not matching the suspects on the gun used in the crime.
2. Why the fuck the news footage was in perfectly sunny weather in a cold December storm (you fucking can't, but you'll make up some bullshit that your Glownigger masters will feed you)
3. Why did no one
4. why do ALL THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE happen to just (((coincidently))) be at all these mass shootings or bombings? Does their magical glownigger aura just attract violent acts or something?
5. Aside from actors, why does there just happen to be so many Bankers involved in this case that just happened to get their plots revealed?
6. They wanted to do this "for the victims", but also censor and video or audio with "descriptions of victims" despite FOIA requests. (((Gee, I wonder why they'd do this goy?!)))

You're an absolute faggot if you think it was either a hoax or a blatant false flag at best and the single biggest reason gun rights are getting eroded away even as Your nigger president is threatening to commit airstrikes against his own civilians in the event he ever "becomes tyrannical."
And lastly 7. Why are these piece of shit "parents" a bunch of faggots who smile over the fact their children supposedly just got murdered and the only thing they do is demand more and more money even after getting outrageous, unconstitutional amounts in damages?

You don't deserve the pleasure of a clean death from euthanasia, You deserve me stomping you fucking hook nosed face in with steel toed boots until it's fucking hamburger meat and I throw your corpse to a bunch of cannibal Congo niggers since you don't even deserve a proper burial Rabbi, now get fucked.
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"You're mixing retarded kosher conspiracies with antisemitism"

And you call ME a redditor?

Fuck out of here faggot.
looks like Ilana Glazer
To destroy evidence of it not happening. I was in elementary school in the 90s and our school had cameras then. Where's and shred of footage
>It was Video games you guys!

You're literally regurgitating stupid bullshit used since Columbine (which ironically probably "was" one of the few actual legit school shootings...maybe) to try and deflect off Jews.

Let me know when your "intelligence" base gets demolished by a missile strike like you so richly deserve.
Its not about the details of the conspiracy. Its about whether or not the jews are behind it
No Jews=Fake
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Because I'm not a hobbyist trying to come up with entertaining conspiracies, I actually hate jews.

Exposing the jews is like prosecuting a death penalty case, everything has to be on point and 100% accurate so they can't get out on a technically. No fake quotes, no hoaxes, and nothing retarded like crisis actors.

Speaking of reddit, when I was looking for the pdf, one of the first results for the "FBI said nobody" died hoax was /r/conspiracy on reddit, reposting an infowars article.

But that isn't how I know you're a plebbitor. It's your posting style.
posting this image on on facebook was a turning point in me being banned. before i got 30 day bans for calling people fags and niggers. posting pic-rel and its variations would cause me to get banned for things i posted years ago (a personal jew to crawl through my profile), and when that shit ran out i just got 30 day bans for nothing. it was around this time that my other fb accounts would get banned and deleted too

kikes hate this pic
>s-stop saying mean things about my jewish toys!
They were absolutely a factor. It was a cocktail of autism, pharmasemeticals, and violent video games - plus a dash of sodomy, apparently - that drove Lanza to do what he did.

There wouldn't be "evidence" of something "not happening".

Have somebody vacuum up the crumbs from the supposed actors' snacks, and everything would be fine, no? One of the popular hoaxers lies is that there wasn't any blood, so they wouldn't even have to clean that up.

If it was a hoax, there's no reason for the school to be demolished. On the other hand, parents wouldn't want to send very young children back to a school where nearly 30 were murdered.

Once again, the hoaxer line is fucking retarded.
We don't know that they were murdered. No doubt some are still alive acting as little shit stain crisis actors and perhaps others were trafficked.
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Sandy Hoax is one of the most jewish cartoonishly silly stories ever made up like The Holocaust™.
1) interesting. They arrested two other people that day. I wouldn’t be surprised if they dumped Lanza’s body there
2) There was no storm that day it was very clear. chilly, But no Newtowner will be zipped up like that. It just wasn’t cold enough
3) ?
4) Definitely crisis actors
5) red herring
6) I agree, suspicious as hell

I know for a fact that at least one child died in that. I know to eyewitnesses personally that were in the building. I also am fairly convinced that at least one of those children was made up out of whole cloth and never existed.

Lastly, the school was in use. The whole free house thing is bullshit, that rumor started because it was a placeholder in a database, when a date was not entered for title transfer, it defaulted to Christmas.
Holy gaslighting.
This one must be sensitive.
>But that isn't how I know you're a plebbitor. It's your posting style.

>Faggot who has been called out by half the thread for being the most obvious shill trying to deflect with "le reddit poster" when his Kike cover is blown.

>Not a JIDF faggot.

You see, all your claims are so obviously bullshit written with zero actual conviction It's so obvious you don't believe a word you wrote in that post, this is how not only me, but half the goddamned thread easily outed yourself awareness lacking Kike ass out.

Keep being a good Rabbi and lying to the Goyim (and yourself) like the Talmud says you should!
Nothing to see here, (((Zuckerberg))) just hiding you from dangerous misinfo for your own good goy!
Bro, you are absolutely fucking retarded even by the standards of an AI which makes me second guess if you even are a shill, but something worse.

"No, it was all this random bullshit that doesn't add up at all that caused him to do what he did, I know this because as a projecting obvious redditor trying to make others look like his shitty ilk, I can just read minds ok?!

You still never disproved a single other point I made by the way you fat fucking homo.
If you know sign language it's I love you, I, l, and y mashed together into one sign.

If it's some masonic thing as well then it's conveniently hidden under nicer pretext.

T. Deaf vax damaged kid
>Some of the Children from Sandy Hook found on Epstein's island after years.

"It was Video games and medication and pills and some bullshit rumors (but meanwhile, It's "you" guys who are the crazed conspiracy theorists) I can't prove that caused Epstein and his pals to traffic those kids, YEAH!" -worst shill ever.
>capitalizing the "k" in "kike"

Literally everything I said in this thread is not only correct, but I provided evidence to back up everything I said.
Star of Ishtar on the left, pedo triangle on the right. Hidden in plain sight.
I broke his llittle schizo Canaanite brain, sorry about that one.
What "doesn't add up"? You have an autistic shut-in, so deranged that he had plastic over his windows to block out sunlight, with his mind/grasp of reality warped by jewish meds, spending all of his time playing violent video games and obsessing over mass shooters. It's a recipe for disaster.

And then, there's also the fag factor with a disproportionate amount of serial killers and other kinds of mass murderers being sodomites.
>I proved a bunch of stupid bullshit that "disproved" (no it didn't) the OP who isn't me was lying and nothing about the other 6-7 points I brought up, therefore my evidence is solid.

Lol, ok you delusional faggot.

Oh, by the way, much like the Holocaust, said evidence of yours doesn't exist.

You're even dogshit at gaslighting, the last resort of the Kike and the "el oh el you capitalized the names of your enemies." which is the weakest attempt at an insult I've heard here since 2010, grats Rabbi.
There is unironically just as much evidence that the Holocaust happened as there is that Sandy Hook didn't: none.

I showed how the FBI didn't say "nobody died at Sandy Hook", which, again, is one of the top pieces of "evidence" cited when making the hoaxer argument.
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>school was bulldozed almost immediately
>they didn't even wait until the investigation was over
>"case closed, guns bad, everyone go home"

bit odd innit
You first
post interview vids pls
also the one with falling picture
Plastic omg
Why would they have to demolish it if nothing happened and it was all faked with actors?

And it was demolished nearly a year later - October 2013.
>Saying the Government and Jews did this who have done far worse like 9/'11 is just a conspiracy theory goys!

>Meanwhile, here's my mental gymnastics that would make me a x3 platinum medalist of what "REALLY" happened that I know with 100% certainly like how he was literally both a sodomite yet a eunuch.

Yes, so much more logical, how couldn't have I thought of such a much more simple, elegant solution?

Do you have any theories on how niggers don't shoot each other because "they're violent niggers" but a bunch of random shit in a pile I can use as a "reason"?
>obsessively nitpicking over one detail
Remember the soviet union staged fake weddings with the same unmarried bitch everywhere
Why would they demolish a crime scene that is still under investigation?
You forgot we had someone break in the water damage in the roof thats not allows thats a closed down school black mold its not allowed my mother has worked at one school almost 35 years they inspect

This fucking jew man lmao.
I guess since you're a complete retard who STILL hasn't debunked a fucking thing you were called on (I even pointed out how you PDF is garbage and barely covers the surface, but please keep going Chaim.)
Cossiga prosecuted gladio psyops false flags and etc Italy is not using us court system because its unlawful
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>Smith-Mundt Modernization Act passed, formally legalizing use of pysops on American public
>Newtown shooting happens almost immediatley after

Thank you for sharing sharing is caring
15 million at auschwitz then 4 million then 1.5 thank god only 380k people mostly not Jewish went to the camp
(((It's just a coincidence.)))

380k huh?

200k-300k tops MAYBE.
Of coirse not there are no victims why no death certificate no birth certificates no bodies no legitimate legal rexord why it was witness protection program fags and infirmants etc just like parkland hot shots
On 9/11, did the humanitarian jews hire 3,000 actors and fake 9/11, or did they just fucking kill them?

They knew what happened, it was almost a year later.

Demolishing a school where kids were killed is logical, demolishing one where nothing happened isn't.
My grandma was killed in the shooting
Demolishing a crime scene is illogical, demolishing the site of a psyop is.
Pols/ not occams razor which is proven wrong 90 percent you are using mutton headed discredites by real studies lie and claim sight and hearing are thought there is not a theory of fame razor bot is not a usueful or legitkmate tool meaningless words are horseshit
The did why no birth or death certificate spooks they suck and they suck this is called gladio prosecuted that ckmmunidt marxist maoist shit eating zioniiiiiiist fuck pig gladio asswipe Italy's not using your court system not using your court system
It was a year later. They weren't going to leave it up forever.

How long do you think crime scenes are preserved in general?
It took them a year for the investigation?
He told everyone it was fake meanehile say nothing
Its not question its a hoax and cuck shit idolaters
Go home with that my illogic and dense fucking lies are truth bot
Nope all of it try bot 100 oercent you are in reality denial thr videos are still on youtubr stop lying bots
No the match dna is not real that's pircenzic satanic ass dod banned fuckong moron
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You tell me (dancing) Rabbi.

(Yes they fucking killed them, and if you doubt for one second Israel and Saudi Arabia did it then holy fuck you are actually the biggest retard on the fucking planet and should have your face shoved into a belt sander.)
Direct they confirmed no connection despite all the connections and the witnesses on telescreen
Cloning is not real
Yes, since you seem to have absolutely zero grasp on how the real world works, Investigations of that caliber take a fuckload of time you dipshit.

Part of why your ever so "I linked one shitty PDF that was to cover up Kike lies and therefore proved everyone wrong!" keeps falling so flat yet you're too much of a sweaty Canaanite retard to get that.
Why has none of fatburgers interrogated this guy?
That's exactly what I fucking said, learn English.
There were jews crawling out of the woodwork that day telling lies on tv. One fat fuck insisted he was lanzas barber and told some horseshit made up story about him that had no point or relevance.

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