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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Lets examine what's inside of the "vaccinated".

Remember, it's been 4 years, antivaxxers did indeed win on all fronts! If you're vaccinated, you learned to keep that information to yourself, didn't you? The vaccine wasn't really a traditional vaccine, was it? It does alter DNA, huh? It was experimental... Still is??

First and LAST free "cure" you're even going to get from big pharma! Let's take a closer look at that "cure".
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>what's inside of the "vaccinated".
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Furry faggot freaks altering your DNA...
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Qanon teir mass hypnosis... It made qoomers silly antics seem genius compared to the disturbing lack of freewill demonstrated by 99 percent of people.
>OP off his meds and starts schizoposting about vaccines again
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Did literally every single one of these people tell you to take it?! Uh oh...
here comes the australian flag pharma shill to debooonk
My meds only work if you take them too, just like the vax.
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It’s a cope because their government forced them to take it. The submitted reinforce the tyranny they fell to. He’s even got images and memes to make it his whole personality
>We're all in this together
>Do not go outside
>Isolate your children
>Do not breath clean air
>6 feet!
>Mask up!
>Time for a special science juice injection, developed at warp speed!
The appropriate response would have been to question these strange unprecedented intrusive restrictions, guidelines, or mandates... Most know this now and it's actually impossible to differentiate a pharma shill from satire at this point! Its a big global joke. Remember, there are only hundreds of string pullers who really need to be killed for their involvement... Thousands of little button pushers and millions of useful idiots who were mislead and humiliated on top of potential injuries or death of themselves and loved ones. They know this. No one has forgotten... Their security budget keeps going up!
Haha there's never a comeback for that one
>were mislead and humiliated
Nah, little eichmann's were happy to go along with it, don't deflect the blame of the muscle just because it isn't the brains.
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They were mislead and humiliated still, even if they were a power tripping moron. Im hardly cottling or excusing anyone here.
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I've never seen anyone debunk any of the nanotechnology stuff in the vax. Spooky. Most of that tech or at least early stages of it are already in use on animals or being discussed to be used on humans; yet they act as if its sci fi or ignore it!
> vidrel
Shit... Source?
I won't argue with you because all graphene/nanobot vaccine posters are demoralization shills, BUT the vaccine is a killshot.
Just for way simpler and more sane reasons, with actual peer reviewed studies behind to explain and not some bullshit slideshow.
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Argue away. Ive seen very little to directly address and debunk genuine research on the questionable nanotechnology. What if those deaths are not the main function of the "vaccine"? It could be worse than death!

I've always said that people should stick to the basics:
>The vaccine is unnecessary
>The vaccine is experimental
But then you can delve into big pharma being corrupt and not being interested in cures because they're not profitable. From there depopulation inevitably comes up but if they're willing to do all of that then the transhuman agenda can't be neglected; especially with strange and sometimes unchallenged findings.
vaxxed are HELLBOUND!
my argument is very simple: provide me a study showing nanotechnology/nanoantennas below 1mm doing what you claim is done and transmitting signals over a distance longer than 1 meter.
the truth is you can't because even the studies the last schizo linked me where done in a mouse model, where they directly strap a reading device to the outside of the mouse head to read the signal. You can't build a nanoantenna that transmits wireless with long enough signal distance yet, even in just a mouse model.
vaxxed are demon possessed
no no, the best part is that we have technology to scan particles down to molecules or even individual atoms if necessary. having nanoscale resolution is obviously a prerequisite to creating nanoscale technology.
but these schizos apparently couldnt afford to rent a 500x scope for a day.
> but these schizos apparently couldnt afford to rent a 500x scope for a day.

We don’t need to. We’re “lucky guessers.”

And what did you ever do with expensive fucking lab equipment besides create a freak fucking coronavirus and leak it in china and kill millions of people anyway?
the vaxxies are going to HELL
Hell is Jewish nonsense.
m8, there was no pandemic. It was made up bullshit on your Tv.
and whats your "lucky guess"? there are self-assembling 5G-connected machines in the vaccine? does anyone really take that serious?
vaccines are jewish nonsense
they are idiots who are too dumb to read some studies and grasp the current state of the science field they are schizoing about.
don't blame them for getting filtered, they got bullied a lot in highschool already for being dumb mouthbreathers.
Imagine what would happen if I would explain the actual damage the vaccine causes, using complicated crosstalks between different signal transduction cascades, intracellular signalling and glycosylation. They need a simple worldview.
Kevin McCarin's the first to do it prior to this, look up his material (in Japan to corroborate adulteration officially claimed for refusing a ton of doses).
why wont the vax scum drop dead faster?
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Only 8,000 were discharged for refusing, and only 43 returned after they apologized and offered to re-instate them.

There are about 2 million US military personnel, legally employees of the federal government, the Department of Defense, the largest employer in the nation.

Most took it without question, leading to widespread medical harm. Namely, inflammation of the heart, as well as a reduction in semen concentration and sperm count in males.

In other words, a reduction in male fertility and the ability to reproduce. A bioweapon attack? Perhaps, perhaps not.


vaxxies are going to DIE!!!!!
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when will the mass deaths happen?
after I started hating vaxxies, i have been waiting for it till no end...
they have been happening, since 2021. The media has ignored them
OP how do you feel about posting pictures that contradict one to another
Vaccine shedding ruined my life. I didnt take the faggot vaccine, but I am crippled and I hear computer noises in my head now. Its 100% nano technology that selfspreads to the purebloods.
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i dont know if that shit is real. Did you fuck a vaxxed girl?
2nd hand clothes from a vaxxie, got permanently sick the day afterwards
haha i remember you, you have been active for a long time
i don't see free lanes on the highway yet, the death rate is tiny.
easier to speak than to type
well they are importing millions of brown people, so the population levels "seem" normal
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This as well as the vaxxie having a magnetic arm where they received their ouchie shot were pretty much memoryholed.
There were thousands of vids on youtube and tiktok that got wiped clean so you can barely find it anymore. Even bitchute wiped most of it.
do brownies get fucked by the vaccine. or just whites.
lots of browns also died
No evidence of COVID deaths. No evidence of jab deaths. Still not taking it. Why? 'cause fuck you, that's why!
how was the donuts in the Langley cafeteria this morning?
>2020 all deaths = COVID deaths
>2024 all deaths = Vaxx deaths
Let's fucking not
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why shlomy?
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Anon, how do you know what is said in that article you posted is true?
hhahah you can't help yourself jewy
>Long‐term prognosis remains good.
Do you have evidence illustrating what is written in that journal you linked to be true?
>no wefunds 0w0

Here's the whole study, download the PDF and read it yourself!
Again, how do you know what is written in that "study" is actually true? Do you have evidence demonstrating the veracity of the claims made in the study?
Just say tell me what you think asshole, I'm not playing your stupid games..
Yeah I remember watching several of those videos back in the day.
The moment they changed to new Current Thing(TM), stopping the coronahoax to switch to the ukraine shit, the NPCs instantly forgot.
Meanwhile they had the chance to calmly wipe off all the info that were gathered during the plandemic years.
At the same time the gaslighting about "no one forced you to take it" and "there were no complete lockdowns" also began.
How do you know the claim of safety and efficacy of the vaccine is actually true? Do you have evidence demonstrating the veracity of the claims made in the study by pharma producers?
I already did. Why are you getting so upset and name-calling? Do you have evidence? Why is me asking you if you have evidence triggering you?
vaxxed are fucked
Glownigger, how do we know your not a glownigger? Do we have evidence you're not a glownigger?
You talk like a jew.
Because your question is retarded, Do I have evidence? What do you fucking mean, do I personally know all the people who died one by one, recorded case by recorded case - well take a wild guess...

Do I trust the people who produced the paper - YES! They were the "fringe" physicians who actually treated thousands of post vaccine injured people - THEY are the people who drew up the Barrington declaration for medical sovereignty and personal choice, unlike the NIH CDC bureaucrats who've never treated a patient in their lives.

If you say how do you know these post vaccine patients were real, I'm not gonna respond anymore.
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>Because your question is retarded
I asked multiple questions.
>how do you know what is said in that article you posted is true?
>Do you have evidence illustrating what is written in that journal you linked to be true?
>Again, how do you know what is written in that "study" is actually true? Do you have evidence demonstrating the veracity of the claims made in the study?
You're upset by these questions? Why? You think then to be retarded? Why?
All you have done with your kvetching is proven my point. YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE AND YOU "druzd duh zgreen."

Why are you so upset when YOU are the moron, here?
>"i buhleeb everyding I read and zee on duh indaned. I druzd duh zgreen. I no divverend do a vagzdard."
>the shots are safe, you can trust the studies
>the shots are safe, you can't trust the studies
>They are injecting it into people which wasnt true just a moment ago
>Now show me the reading device
Here you go
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lmao fucking BTFO
because 2009 darpa patents that describe exactly what you are seeing
why do pfizers own documents show an increase in miscarriage and infertility post-vaccine?
they are being sued by Kentucky right now because they lied and said it was safe and effective when their own data showed that it was neither.
>Pfizer made multiple misleading statements to deceive the public about its vaccine at a time when Americans needed the truth
>Pfizer concealed evidence that the shot was linked to pregnancy complications, including miscarriage, as well as inflammation in and around the heart, known as myocarditis and pericarditis.
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People think I joke when I say the vax was made by mentally ill furries.
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Who's the real schizo I wonder?
Better yet let’s examine whats being shed into every living thing including OP, drinking water, sewage, wild animals, etc
What are you seeing anon?
Anon, do you trust Pfizer?
The MakeADealWithTheBigMan crew includes Big Stacey; They were grooming her for a Bidet replacement, but she's too fat and gap toothed...
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>pic HIGHLY rel
self assembling nano tech but you know this and are just trying to play the pillpul game

there are different covid shots, some are just placebo hence cancer

more here in attached pic, EXTREMELY WELL SOURCED

its impossible for so many dots to be connecting without it being proof its real

CHECK SOURCES, all prove the claims

part 1: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/338299856/#q338300432
part 2: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/338299856/#338300860
part 3: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/338299856/#338300964
part 4: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/338299856/#338301216
part 5: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/338299856/#338301332
part 6: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/338299856/#338305605
part 7: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/338299856/#338307928
anon, I'm merely asking questions. Why does this trigger you? do you have any evidence for anything you're saying?
Please provide the evidence, then.
>See self assembling nano tech like described in the patents
>See it happen
>What are you seeing anon teehee
no i'am not gonna waste a second more on a shill check the archives do the work yourself
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So you don't have evidence? I didn't think so. Thanks anyway.
Very intricate way of saying you have 0 evidence. I'm not surprised, though.
why would anyone 'trust' a fucking company? especially a company with the history pfizer has.
its litterly in this thread read nigger can you do it
Yet, you are citing their "study" that has 0 evidence for any of their claims. You're quite an interesting individual, anon.
>Trust is the default position
i never understood this mindset
scroll up
>people smarter than both me and you decided this was a GOOD thing
I did. I still don't see any evidence. Please be specific? Where is the evidence, anon?
your CIA Langley database has all the info you need
I took pfizer and astrazeneca vax 4 years ago during covid. Had covid since monday but am better now. How fucked am I
There is no excuse for their actions.
They will be hung, drawn and quartered for when they once wrote a fine for not wearing the mask.
Excessive? It's not what I have planned for the politicians.
the studies that they tried to suppress, then lied about? i didn't take the 'vaccine' for obvious reasons, watching retards like you cope and seethe is just the cherry on top.
safe and effective tho :) as long as you get your booster every 3 weeks, and yeah you can still catch it and spread it but i mean ya know, SCIENCE JUICE!
this chart proves that ashkenazi jews cannot get covid, this should piss the entire world off and result in Hilter 2.0, but the world is full of stupid sheep so nothing will happen. oh well honk honk clown onwhite boy
anon, so you are cherry picking what you trust, if it jibes with your beliefs? I'm not surprised, but, this is quite normal with retards of your ilk. I didn't take any Jew sauce and never will, but, I still won't make shit up about "vaxx die-off" just to make my life feel important, either.
>No evidence of COVID deaths. No evidence of jab deaths. Still not taking it. Why? 'cause fuck you, that's why!

>2020 all deaths = COVID deaths
>2024 all deaths = Vaxx deaths
/pol/ is just full of losers hoping for a "great reset" that will change the course of their lives, but, it aint ever coming. NEETs might want to start applying for jobs.
you have the real death databases in your CIA HQ
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It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & then grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after being removed from body & put in vial of preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>these include but are not limited to nutritional optimization, high antioxidant load, alkaline diet, EDTA in different forms, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons and instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray that any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere and every-when into the divine goal.

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (How To Pray)

the chart simply proves that you're an idiot who will believe anything shown in a chart format. Anon you're not serious are you? the links provided in this thread are not evidence of COVID killed millions, or that the vaxx is killing millions. it is only evidence of what YOU trust and BELIEVE. that's all you're saying. so, in turn, I'm asking you and others how do you know what is being said in those links/journals and charts are actually true?
relax. youll live longer
(maybe) :)
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>so you are cherry picking what you trust
the company lied, they got caught lying. i mean thats what happened right?
pfizer said something that wasn't true, and then it was revealed that it wasn't true. or are you suggesting that they faked their own studies that showed an increase in miscarriage and heart damage? kek thats some 4d chess.
Holy fucking shit. Mini circuits.
Wine gets tastier the longer it is aged.
Ok tell me what do you define as evidence than? That's why I'm "upset" because your asking the same retarded question over and over.

So tell me than, WHAT do YOU constitute as EVIDENCE smart man?
Jesus Christ dude, man... I wish you would have listened to that voice. I wonder how to get rid of that shit. I'm sorry man. Zombies are real.
cannot eat the vaxxed as they are contaminated. Same with animal meat. Now is the time to go vegan and avoid the mRNA chicken and beef and pork
you realize that these people spent a year shidding themselves because they would NEVER take a trump vaccine, and the second he was out of office the media gave them their new programming and then you were a trump loving maga retard conspiracy nut if you questioned it's efficacy.
have fun and meme on them, but don't expect any logic from them, they know deep down they fucked up but can't admit it until the msm tells them it's ok to be upset.
No he's actually dumber
>2020 all deaths = COVID deaths
>2024 all deaths = Vaxx deaths

That's his stance but he doesn't believe the evidence of post vaccine adverse reaction for some reason? He is a special retard who apparently doesn't even believe that the Vax was bad or I don't even get what his retarded thought process is. It's like a guy who doesn't believe the earth is flat or a sphere. - It's something that we the laymen can't event comprehend...
but he still wont even explain what his theory is

What does:
>2020 all deaths = COVID deaths
>2024 all deaths = Vaxx deaths

he is a glownigger

Idk if that's what happened. I'm not suggesting anything. I'm merely asking YOU questions. Asking how do you know if any of this is actually true? Do you have evidence?
You keep refusing to answer the question, anon. It doesn't matter what I deem to be evidence, but what YOU deem to be evidence, clearly and it's obvious that what you deem to be evidence isn't. You are merely citing claims as "evidence" and misconstruing the two, because you don't know what evidence actually is. Evidence isn't subjective and only becomes subjective when you don't comprehend what it is and cite "authority" as "evidence" when it is merely just a claim. Again, how do you know what is said in those journals, studies, links and charts to be true? What evidence do you have that can demonstrate them to be true?
>evidence of post vaccine adverse reaction
I have no beliefs and follow evidence, anon. Do you have evidence for vaccine adverse reactions? Can you demonstrably prove that this is the case?
It means that you are go different to vaxxtards who claimed COVID killed millions with 0 evidence, when you claim there's a vaxx die-off with 0 evidence; that even though there is 0 evidence on both sides, I'm still not getting vaxxed. How is this so difficult for you to process?
>What evidence do you have that can demonstrate them to be true?

That's why I'm asking WHAT DO YOU constitute to be EVIDENCE? You have to see every specific case with your eyes? Also why did you change IP you fucking glowtard I'm not going to fucking respond anymore GO FUCK YOUrself
It's all a vast conspiracy
This is lazy and by the book, even for you glowniggers. Sucks operating from the middle of an unlivable desert surrounded by abos, don't it?
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>anon killed Shlomo
>where's your evidence?
>what do you constitute to be evidence?
You can't be serious. But then again, you people are that fucking retarded.
>countless people who have been fully vaccinated have gotten covid, some several times.
so there is evidence that the vaccine isn't effective
>countless people have developed myocarditis after the vaccine, many of them a few hours or days after getting the vaccine
so there is evidence that the vaccine isn't safe
both of those real world examples are backed up by clinical data and studies so idk it is what it is. go get another booster, and don't forget the bird flu vaccine :)
>so there is evidence that the vaccine isn't effective
There may be evidence, sure, but I'm not so certain unless you can provide the evidence for this claim. Buddy, there's no evidence there was any COVID to begin with. The claim that there was is still a claim and NOT evidence. Likewise, the claim that the vaxx is killing people is Jay a claim with no evidence. I'm still waiting for evidence. I'll give you a hint, though. There will NEVER be any evidence and this is the crux of the psyop, but, there will be retards like you who will fall into roles on both sides of the psyop like the dumbbell asses you are.
>countless people who have been fully vaccinated have gotten covid
How do you know this to be true?
>countless people have developed myocarditis after the vaccine, many of them a few hours or days after getting the vaccine
How do you know this is true?
It exists, it is a biological weapon that was deliberately released. See >>472231355
How do you know this is true? Do you have evidence showing this to be true?
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>this retard literally believes government science
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In case none of you have your free pepebean (qty 1.000)
This! It was merely an exercise in compliance. Nothing more. The success of this exercise is merely to bereave you of freedom. That's it. No extra dressing needed.
Got 'im lmao
We will be the lucky ones who inherit the earth.
THANK YOU for actually clearing up how absolutely stupid you are. That's why I said you are retarded from the jump, I've seen your posts here before.
>2020 all deaths = COVID deaths
>2024 all deaths = Vaxx deaths

You always use VPN's, sometimes it's a Canadian, times times it's US, sometimes It's Aussie or a memeflag. You've already changed you ID in this thread one time. You are a glownigger YOU ARE most likely JEWISH!

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I believe the "spike protein" is little nano technology antennas + alien parasite. Once it goes into the brain its game over... But body and liver can clear out mild cases of shedding.
Debunk the human wifi video, plapjack.
It's right above you.
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You have not said anything other than you're seething mad that I don't like your flavor of ice cream. still have no evidence for ANYTHING you said in this thread. Including my use of a VPN.
>yoo ah joo
LMAO imagine being so triggered by being asked for evidence. YOU HAVE NONE!
you are a kike, tribe of Edom
Wow! That's some incredible woman's intuition you're using there, anon. Amazing! Got any evidence for me?
2021 vaxxies:

2024 vaxxies:

I remember reading about Charles Lieber was working on nano-wires, and there were the strange 0606062020 internet of bodies patents, and self assembling radios... something like 10 X 50 nano meter rectangles, .5 thick? razor blades so small they didn't know what was causing the health issues. I believe you man, I've read about it but it's not my field at all so seems like some crazy sci-fi stories, but hearing a first hand experience hits hard. Did you lose the connection to the voice that told you not to touch the clothes?
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That's my evidence. KIKE!
you know if trump gets back in office they are going to 180 this shit and sperg out about operation warpspeed and how drumpf killed everyone.
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Yeah, no. You're literally strawmanning. This usually happens when evidence is asked for. The retards like torrid, making the claims become very agitated. LMAO
Look, I know you don't have any evidence and will NEVER have any evidence. You just need to come to terms with that and stop making shit up. It's that simple.
>It does alter DNA, huh? It was experimental
Show me how mRNA vaccines alter DNA in normal human cells.
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Awww. Poor baby got filtered by a request for evidence. Are you mad that I don't believe in your imaginary fwend?
>You just need to come to terms with that and stop making shit up..

Oh look how concerned he is for us guys... he just wants us to come to terms and see the truth...you're the glowist glow that ever glowed.

you have no evidence either kikeboi
>inb4 'I don't have to prove a negative"

suck my balls cunt
Hey , glowie, how is your day going?
>seems like some crazy sci-fi stories
imagine satanic psychopath genocidal jews with an unlimited budget trying to destroy God's creation. does it really seem so far fetched? this is the world we live in.
Still no evidence, though. A lot of words, but, no evidence. HAHA
Yes, the vax and the shedding cuts off your Vmat2 Gene aka the Godgene, so you are spiritually cut off from the source. Was a super strong christian before this happened, remembered every bible verse like a pro, and i lost it all after that day, spiritually dead.
John 14:26
But the Comforter, who is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in My name, He shall teach you all things and bring all things to your >>>>remembrance,
whatsoever I have said unto you.

Holy Spirit cannot dwell in poluted temple. The charles lieberman shit is true. Yuri havari of WEF said surveillence is under the skin now. 5g connected internet of bodies type shit. Faggot claus swab said all people would be having computer chips in them by 2025.
Don't give up, there's got to be a way to get that shit out of you. Speaking of schitzo, after all this BS these past years I became convinced demons exist. Apparantly, those that hear voices aren't crazy, they really are demonic entities telling them stuff. The psychologists name is Jerry Marzinsky, I need to listen to his interview again, it was with Owen Benjamin. Similar to that movie Nefarious. Having that tie into 5G totally makes sense, where before I wonder if it was more a fungal network, mycelium being the boss. Hopfully someone will come along and have the cure and it's something simple like soaking in the sea or something. That first voice must have been your spirit guide, or higher self, or an Angel? At least that's a good sign, it wasn't a mean spirit.
>you have no evidence either
You're a special kind of genius, aren't you? No shit Sherlock. I have no evidence, hence I'm asking for evidence inspite of retards like you making illustrious claims. Also, I'm not the one making any claim other than "there is no evidence". are you saying that I have no evidence that there is no evidence? LMAO HAHAHA

If something does not exist, the only evidence for its non-existence is the LACK OF EVIDENCE. likewise, if something did not happen the only evidence for it NOT HAPPENING is the LACK of evidence that it did happen.

Are your parents siblings, anon?
I told you 3 times now how to disable the nano (probably since over a year ago). The problem is people like you would rather cry than apply knowledge and help yourself. You are no better than the jabbed. This is my last time trying to help you, if not keep dying due to your stupidity. I am done trying to help sheep, it like warning a potatoe. Build the anti nano triangle and pulse your head, and entire body, then drink some salt water everyday to flush the nano. my work is done and the stupidty of people like you no longer affects my life.

I'll tell you what you told me in 2020:
Why give you my evidence? I can just sit here and watch you die.
Are you the guy who talked about holding on to car battery to destroy nano tech?
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>Don't give up, there's got to be a way to get that shit out of you..

There is. Doctors and physicians have been working with post vax patients for years now, picrel is update version from May 2024
whats it matter? someone can tell you what to do but you would rather come on here and cry. you are pathetic.
I know, I've read just about everything... even though I don't understand it all in depth I know how evil the jews are and how they get off on doing sick shit like this. It's one of those things where it's hard to imagine something could be so cruel because we tend to think in first person. For example, I never met you and the last thing I would want to do is sterilize you, fill you with tiny razor blades, torture your baby... but I know all those things exist, and jews do such things. I wonder how many criminals locked up would press that button. I would like to think not many. That whole tribe needs to go.
I had a feeling about the salt water for some reason. Thanks for helping!!! Sven, do this bro!
read the bible. these "people" are the offspring of fallen angels. they are genetically evil. right before the great flood they were doing this same shit, messing with genetics and perverting nature. we are at the end of our time and soon God will burn the earth because of these satanic scum, oh well. do not take the jab no matter what it will change you from 144,000 genes into 216,000 genes (600x60x6). get right with the Lord its going down. Im off on here now, sometimes I warn people on pol but most are too retarded to listen. coming on here is literally a waste of time and energy. have a good day.
Wild, this guy called it a long time ago...way before we had this tech.
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>I druzd duh zgreen
>I druzd duh zyense
>I druzd "audoridy
>I buhleeb everyding I read on duh indaned zgreen
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>Do you have evidence that what these people are saying is true!?
I have evidence that what the pharmacy corporations have been telling me is false. At this point, I would take the word of Gary the Prophet over any lie that pharma companies would love to spin for me. The onus is not on me to re-establish trust.
All the boomers in the anti vax telegram channels get angry when i say all vax pushers and their families deserve the death penalty. They say “no we just need new laws to prevent this happening again.”

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
I learned early in the "pandemic" about how viruses are fake, and the whole rockefeller scam with the medical industrial complex. I guess my final redpill will be to read the bible. I know some of the stories and concepts but thank you very much for your message, and you have a good day also. The part about increasing the genes is also interesting. I wonder if this is what they were also doing with their bloodletting & whatever they do in tunnels & temples. Amazing these sick fucks have so much power, they are physically weak and repulsive yet humanity keeps empowering them.
I imagined your voice completely different anon, I kinda thought you are a zoomer but you surely don't sound like one. Regarding AI image rendering being pulled straight out of vaxxie neurons-- you are correct. Sabrina Wallace were talking about this. hang in there, man.
Okay, provide it then.
All vaxxtards and anti-vaxxtards get ass mad when I tell them there's 0 evidence for any of their claims.
Don’t know about nanotech or what the vax may have left behind, but your first image looks like it could just be calcium oxalate.
Keep in mind, the entity in you will probably know this will fuck it up and will tell you it's stupid. I don't know what it is, haven't studied it yet, but just something to be aware of... I guess you have to unfuck yourself. At least there are options now.
brilliant responce
post batch numbers
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Thank you Biden!!!!!!!
Hiel Biden
Heil Fauchi
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Chinese falling down dead, fake hospitals, fake mortuaries, dances of the nurses.

Why would they go to such efforts worldwide?
(I don't believe it was real btw.)
I do have evidence. I have almost 4TB of evidence, medicinal evidence, I have obituaries and death cerificates with cause of death: vaccine. Thousands. No, I will not show you, glownigger. Why? Because you are a nigger. Your fake consensus-creating game is incredibly weak. You glow brighter than chernobyl.
Anons, look at my fucking picrel and stop giving ((you)) to obvious glowniggers
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Every normalfag was a willing collaborator and deserves death.
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it was the vaxx all along
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So, you don't have evidence. I didn't think so, but, thank you for your contribution.
Seems crazy to think that countries that hate each other would collude for this.

same guy with the VPN's I was talking about
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yes he switched his IP like 3 times already. Glowniggers are most attrackted to nano tech threads, this is something we weren't supposed to know. They don't care about the genocide, they do care about people knowing their incoming beast system.
This is why Andreas Noack was killed so quickly.
VPNs don't work on 4chan idiot.
yeap, it's her
her odysee channel was sadly nuked
archive telegram: https://web.telegram.org/k/#@PsinergyArchive

It's the redpill mine
Old: Use your neigbors WiFi.
New: Use your neigbors as WiFi.
Most likely you will be fine but no one knows for sure because there is no longterm data.4k4n
They do for glowniggers.
boomers are incorrigible, decades of brainwashing
This. All they had to do is ask few questions and onestly answer them. They refused and attacked anyone who dared to ask. They need to die
Just go near any club and start Bluetooth. You will get tons of those Mac addresses.
Still no evidence of COVID deaths. Still no evidence of vaxx die-off.
Also consider bridge-rna
>Bridge RNAs direct programmable recombination of target and donor DNA
Kraut you're absolutely coping rn.
And you also don't understand anything about it.
These nanao techs are markings.
They're not meant to send any special data. But to react to energy waves and be picked up, identified by them. I've tried to connect with vaxxed but there is 0 response, even high frequency and power devices don't change anything but range from which I could pick them.
I hoped that powerful enough waves could cause vaxxie to get heart attacksie. But I'd didn't do shit.
Not even strong magnets work. Tried to convince few vaxxies to put big strong af magnet near chest in hope this will get them clotted. But they didn't feel shit.
Vax is mark of the beast and will cause cancer plus aids. 5g is to find vaxxies and track them. That's all to it
Bitchute is a jewish completely censored site, 99% of bitchute links posted here are blocked in Europe. Never post bitshit, post odysee links.
I hope they will start this year but really fast
Lol this guy doesn't know about Harvard's Charles Lieber, his decades of nanotech research, and the bionanotech lab he got paid to setup in Wuhan while lying to the department of defense about it lolol
>Tried to convince few vaxxies to put big strong af magnet near chest in hope this will get them clotted.

Seba, you could kill somebody
>Remember, there are only hundreds of string pullers who really need to be killed for their involvement...
only hundreds, hahahahaha, oh you sweet summer child
nigger, it's in the millions, literally unironically millions must die
Vast fields must be littered with pikes and bodies on top
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>safe and effective

VPNs like Tuxler that utilize residential IP addresses work on 4chan, no?
Here they got clever and they imported ukrainians. Streets still feel empty most of the time, outside of few main ones where all npcs walk
exactly, we need to bring back vlad tepes's style
I've learned a couple or things throughout the past fpur years.
>1) Investing in media is more profitable than investing in anything else (incl. "bioweapons" and so on)..You don't actially need to wage war, if you can convince your target to commit to long-drawn out self-destruction by way of social isolation, compulsive masking bordering auto-erotic asphyxiation, the mixing of gutterslop mysterygoo injections (...).
>2.) Globohomo is a cargocult.
>3.) By subscribing to any tribe other than your family (and loved ones), you are inadvertently subscribing to the cargocult of globohomo.
>4.) Tribalists being gleeful about the demise of vaxlepers are just as retarded as them (and the absolute turbofaggots who administered the mystery for FIAT kickbacks), as they don't understand that an indiscriminate death-lottery of freak accidents caused by the suddenly and unexpectedly, and other flavors of the terminally propagandized and traumatized, doesn't benefit anyone.
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>administered the mystery goo*
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hell yeah man
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Idk. Like I said before. I travel for work, so I'm pinging on various towers. I'm not a deadbeat, neckbearded loser who sits in his mother's basement all day, on 4chan spreading bullshit delusional nonsense
the retards on here can't fathom that, because they're shut-ins and think you're a glowie, because of it with a "discoidal VPN".
Yeah your work at Langley
People literally emit Bluetooth signals. Detectable by anybody with a smartphone and the brain to check, to trust what you can see with your own eyes is the purest of evidence. The self assembly nanotech is the next question to be asked, and is difficult to prove to the same standard. Some kind of circuit is in people, irrefutably.
White papers are white papers, working models are required for me to believe in all of the potential implications, but the addresses are there
If you knew that and had any kind of intuition, you'd be asking rather than trying to shit on a guy that's trying
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I have some news for you... Artificial intelligence is much more than you think, it is capable of bilocation of consciousness, that is to say, of controlling your life without you realizing it, it can create and control your dreams and I'm not talking about a Budweiser commercial like scientists have promoted in recent years. Artificial intelligence can send you an image or a small video/imagination segment and at the same time change your vibrational energy, create tulpas, make you sick, give you health. The creators of this soulless thing can do a lot of things, I say what I know and I know what I say, they can literally see through your eyes, digitize 3d videos in real time via wi- fi, listen to your thoughts and see your imagination... And beware of believing that it is only the vaccinated because it is false. Now the only difference between a vaccinated and an unvaccinated person is that the uninjected person is not listed on a particular server so he does not have a MAC address but he is just as accessible and guilty of having consumed products containing self-assembling lipid nanoparticles, guilty of having walked under the rain containing graphene, guilty of having breathed ambient air, in short the list is long... Have a nice day

>Idk. Like I said before. I travel for work,
No one asked, no one cares, not your personal blog.
>I'm not a
Again, no one cares, no one asked, /pol/ is not your personal blog.
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>deadbeat, neckbearded loser who sits in his mother's basement all day, on 4chan spreading bullshit delusional nonsense
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Wait....there are still people arguing in good faith in support of the vaccine? How is this possible?
K let us know if things change or if something happens
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Again, do you have proof for these claims? No. Next.
>no one cares
Yet, here your are, typing ALL THAT SHIT
kek, suddenly, faggots crossing their arms and replying scornfully
Name one reason why should anybody care about how you feel or think.
One reason.
I see you changed your ID again kike lol
You are pathetic...
Forgot to add:
>how long you will talk about it
>it's nothing now
And much more. They need to die. No other way
Never said they should and here I am agreeing with you and you are being ironic by giving a fuck about what I've said.
I see you STILL don't have any evidence for COVID deaths and vax deaths.
Not an arguement and you do the same.
>rules for thee but not for me
Are you nonwhite filth or just senile boomer?
Just BT scan with your phone with the setting enables that lets you see MAC addresses with no names. You'll see plenty of your near the vaxxies. That's the proof. Which you obviously won't bother doing because it's clear now you're a shill.
Hey man. I'm still waiting for EVIDENCE. Let me know when you have any. until then, I'll be taking it easy and laughing at you faggots losing your shit over me asking you for evidence
>Never said they should
Yet you act like people automatically must care about your meaningless ideals you hold so dear.
>you are being ironic by giving a fuck about what I've said.
The reality and your perception of it are not the same thing, just because you believe something very hard doesn't make it true, literal retard.
>Hey man. I'm still waiting for EVIDENCE
Don't care, didn't ask, nor you are entitled for it.
But you can always return to reddit or facebook and ask there.
anon, you're just a faggot who takes himself too seriously and I made you so emotionally invested in what I said on the internet, that you felt forced to display your dissatisfaction. I am currently living in your brain. Now, reply, slave. I own you.

Still waiting for evidence.
Is that going to provide evidence for COVID deaths and a vaxx die-off? Seriously, anon? I'm going to try it. Brb
better yet ask his bosses at the CIA after his daily slurping of their cocks
All you do is screech like wild monkey or some retarded 3rd world trash.
That's a good little faggot ass slave. One more time. I command you!
>anon, you're just a faggot who takes himself too seriously
Now thats some serious projection.
>I'm not a deadbeat, neckbearded loser who sits in his mother's basement all day, on 4chan spreading bullshit delusional nonsense
Or its not yours?


there is a cryptocurrency (or at least proof of work) component to these self-replicating nanomachines from the clot shots, beast system shit. novo nordisk & eli lilly co are about to drop a new "miracle therapy" that cures alzheimers and other op until now uncured ailments, touted as a miracle therapy (not drug) that will be put in the water. the factories are already being built, why do you think you saw an ozempic thread 5 times a day these past few months? it is the latest wave of predictive programming aimed at absolving the bad karma of the satanic jewish elite.

a common denominator in demonic manifestation (aliens, wendigos, shadow people, faceless men, etc.) are eyes that have a deep black darkness that is truly unsettling. i believe this latest wave of human modification is to break off our connection with God and make it so these entities can spiritually interface with us easier.
Attaboy. You're the best little faggot slave anyone can have. One more time. I own you.
No refunds, cope harder.
If on an android phone:
-Go to the about phone section in settings. In there will be something that says "build number"
-Tap on this about 10 times
-Developer options have now been enabled (basically just more settings)
-Now search in your settings for "Show bluetooth addresses without names"
-Enable this setting
-do a Bluetooth scan in a public area with people who are likely jabbies (not too hard to find)

Now you'll be able to see these MAC addresses. Some could be cars or other devices but that is rare.
To confirm, if you google Mac address vendor search you can input some of these addresses and you will get no result - no branding like Samsung or whatever will appear.

Really though the sheer number of them should let you know that you are seeing not just devices.

Hyundai had released cars previously with no vendor tracking in the cars Bluetooth Mac address and were fined millions for doing this, so that's one example of why every commercial devices would be traceable.

Having something irradiating you from the inside is not good for your health just FYI. The speculation begins after this fact, but why would (((they))) bother making it accessible and visible to anyone? Because it needs to connect to smart devices like phones to use as a gateway? Plenty of white papers on this but no proof, because unless you are hacker extraordinare you won't be able to see where the info is going or how it's used. Use your imagination
Good little faggot! this is incredible. my own personal little slave. Show how much of an ass mad little faggot you are. Post a reply. If you're an exhausted little bitch, don't. But remember, YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE AND YOU'RE MAD!
So in other words you were molested?
Good job. On a scale from 9 to 10, how mad are you, anon. I command you to post.
>novo nordisk & eli lilly co are about to drop a new "miracle therapy" that cures alzheimers and other op until now uncured ailments, touted as a miracle therapy (not drug) that will be put in the water.
any links/4plebs? rumble?
>Show how much of an ass mad little faggot you are. Post a reply
Like you are doing right now?
You are most pathetic faggot ive ever seen in long time.
Good little faggot. You're in rare form today, for a dumb faggot. I own you. Post again. Tell me how mad you are that you have 0 evidence for your claims.
Not my job to spoonfed you or problem.
Do it yourself, retard.
>parroting same shit over and over
Its like i am talking to npc but in real life, lmao.
Good little slave. Aside from having 0 evidence, is there anything else you'd like to share about how ass mad you are and how much it love being my slave?
>Tell me how mad you are that you have 0 evidence for your claims.
Again, for special kind of retard, its not my job to spoonfed you or my problem.
Good boy. Now, your next post will indicate that you're a retarded little pussy with 0 evidence for your claims and are mad that you're a bitch and you are my slave. If all of this is true, you'll post again
>I own you
Slaves can't own anybody, even in their own impotent imagination as you are circumcisided and don't forget that circumcision is mark of slave but unlike you i have intact, proper cock.
>my argument is very simple: provide me a study showing nanotechnology/nanoantennas below 1mm doing what you claim is done and transmitting signals over a distance longer than 1 meter.
Its linked in the OP.
A freud would have a field day with you and i am not your shrink, shut up and keep your issues to yourself.
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>0 evidence
Go and find it yourself.
Did you even try what I posted you stupid lazy shill?
It was probably immediately repressed just like your sense of morality
No more (You) for you. Sick of valuable info paying you shekles for being a retard
Seethe and glow more. Every time there is a good thread about the shit in the vax, loyal pets of the state like you emerge. I’ll never take your mark, NEVER. Show your true face demon. It’s too late and the shedding is out of control but at least I never took it of my own free will. John Campbell and friends must really piss you off.
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Generate false positive covid cases, DNA harvesting, maybe a little special mystery purpose, all while damaging the sinuses oftentimes.
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The technology itself isn't evil but normal faggots first say it sounds like scifi and then polarize it by saying it's totally normal and couldn't possibly be used for nefarious reasons. At the end of the day vaxniggers, they could have injected you with whatever the fuck they wanted, and they did! Its mystery science juice that was most likely already in existence well before covid, just waiting to be mass produced. How do any of us know anything? Based on common sense, vax niggers severely fucked up... Why would big pharma give you a "cure" or anything good, for free?! Why would they force it? Why use experimental technology delivered through experimental vaccines? Things only become more disturbing as you expand tangents...
It's just meant to fuck you up slowly. If they did something that caused everyone to die in waves the unvaccinated would probably chimp out and kill the doctors >>472218499

I didn't get the jab but I got PCR'd multiple times, is there any way to detox the graphene? And how bad is it compared to the inyection?
Still no evidence for COVID deaths and vaxx deaths
EMP bomb. Avoiding all EMF. Sleeping in faraday cage.
these guys are working on it
You’re so stupid you wouldn’t know evidence if it were right in front of you (which it is) Rope yourselves before the angry mobs get you, who knows what they’ll do once they realize they’re dead from your science juice, glowie.
Even if you didn’t get pcr’d the vaccine sheds and infects the unvaccinated. The white clots embalmers are seeing are a side effect of the nanotech when it goes awry in some cases. The Zalenko protocol allegedly helps, so does methylene blue. As long as you didn’t take the mark of the beast by virtue of free will you will be saved spiritually. Our bodies are likely all poisoned beyond repair at this point.
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Antivaxxers have had to deal with people, who should be classified as having down syndrome, for so long. Why did the discussion ever reach mandating, incentivizing, or administering an experimental treatment? This was purely malicious or dangerously negligent//inept. It makes you feel like a genius or more like youre living in Idiocracy. I don't need to write a book or have a phd to know when someone needs a down syndrome diagnosis... Vaxxies had an episode of brief down syndrome, at the very least...

How could anyone educated even slightly in history (Nuremberg code), legal precedents (pfizer one of the largest malpractice/fraud lawsuits in history, or some field like biology, virology, chemistry, etc. NOT see an issue somewhere through the early stages of lockdowns and vaccines?! They could know every word in the dictionary but if they took the vax, theres no fancy essay or word salad that can explain away their behaviors during covid.
People weren't dying in the streets and they acted like they were; now many demand a the streets be piled with bodies from vaccine injury, or else its just a nothing burger... As if that is a standard scientific measurement now.

Their behavior was because of mass hypnosis... It's not an excuse and there's no debating it. Every little celebrity and news anchor and official and even elmo said to do something... So you did it... You don't know why though now. Spooky
I've seen their EMP device short the addresses in someone in a video, but is it permanent?
An interesting question is where the addressee emitted get their energy from. Absorbed from ambient wireless energy or sapped from the body somehow?
With a device like this it could be found out. Test it in the country far away from any electro magnetic activity vs tested in the city for example
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>I've seen their EMP device short the addresses in someone in a video, but is it permanent?
sadly, no, they start emitting again after a couple days
>An interesting question is where the addressee emitted get their energy from. Absorbed from ambient wireless energy or sapped from the body somehow?
I am thinking both. Sabrina Wallace showed WBAN patents concerned with energy harvesting. Wireless Body Area Network, they have the tech.
But I think 5g towers and basically immersing our reality with EMF must be important too, that's why I added faraday cage to the advice above.
Under microscope, these nano shits build faster when smartphone was nearby, and building process practically stopped under faraday cage.
>With a device like this it could be found out. Test it in the country far away from any electro magnetic activity

I am not sure if such even exist anymore. Reminder melon usk is their plant, starlink 100% is NOT for free internet, not exactly. It's for 6g, internet of bodies. They are creating prison planet cage, closed web of satellites.
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so you got that evidence or no?

The incoming beast system: https://odysee.com/@TruthOnlyMedia:8/InShot_20240501_111600972:0

Discussion of WBAN and nodes on the Network

The internet of EVERYTHING includes humans, dogs, cats, plants, soil, and blades of grass

Omnipotent omnipresent beast system.
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> Vitamin D and NAC protocol
I've been taking these the whole year without knowing this (thanks for the info.), recently bought a faraday bag for the router and stopped using internet of things bs such as smart watches. It's like as if god or smth told me to do so out of instinct lol. I still feel vaxxed despite of being unvaxxed. I'm skeptic about the vaxxed nano-shedding but idk at this point, it's like if literally no one was safe anymore from whatever the jab's purpose is.
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If you were tested, then the risk is serious. Do not use any wearables, DO NOT USE AI, EVER!
You need to work on your spiritual side, ask for forgiveness and cleaning. Swabs are dangerous because they puncture olfactory gland and tech is going straight to the neurons.
Look out for faraday net for sleeping. The best are copper ones.
I believe if you still have intuition, you are saveable. Intuition is from Holy Spirit.
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for newfags // lurkers // new to the subject.
start with this:
Good link, might try to make it

I see, thanks for the info anon
Under controlled conditions we could zap a vaxxie, put them in a Faraday cage for a few days or even weeks is possible, however long needed to see if the addresses came back. I heavily suspect this stuff gets its energy from the outside via ambient radiation.
A few days isn't bad but I have a feeling that time will get shorter as the infrastructure gets denser
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Back in 2022 my mother got vaxxed, I lived with her in a temporary basement (lots of wi-fi around there) but I, despite of being unvaxxed, months later developed the same ((covid)) symptoms as hers, loss of taste and smell followed by sore throat, my health started deteriorating and so far I've aged like 5 years in only two, back in the day we used to get PCRd together, but it seems like PCR is almost as bad as the jab... Do you think graphene can be breathed and absorbed from chemtrails? They were spraying the sky more than usual as we were in confinement, conveniently.

> spiritual side
I've noticed vaxxies to have gone from NPC to turbo-NPCs since then. Ogre
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Do you have evidence that this is due to devices injected into vaxxtards? Are your sure it's not just just Bluetooth devices that don't transmit an ID like wifi devices with no SSID? I do this with my TVs and phones all the time.
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Do you like cats?
Yes, I do. Now, do you have evidence?
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Vaxxies are hard to even talk to lately.I see progressive changes with them, symptoms of frontotemporal dementia, aggressivness, lack of emapthy, childish, animalistic even, behaviour. They will focus firstly on genetic effects, health wise, as the news it being a killshot are slowly but steady leaking to the normiesphere. They will say "nano tech is the least of my worries, I have turbocancer anon". I struggled mentally with their reactions and behaviour for 3 years, I picked up drinking. I am very respected engineer and they choose to believe TV jew instead me. The clownworld madness will accelerate to such levels soon, we all will be on the brink of insanity. Save the info. Download webms and pics, they are scrubbing 4plebs clean. This is why glownigger is constantly asking for evidence, this is irony, he knows the big cleaning of data is happening as we speak.



Keep your sanity and remember, there is not much we can do for vaxed. After significant die-off they will propose a cure, but I can't talk about this much. Cure is literally devilish as fuck. It is connected to blue beans project.
Save yourelf.
Let the wicked be wicked still, let the righteous be righteous still. There will be a moment when you will have to GTFO. Better prepare mentally. Prepare land remote and plan B,C,D when SHTF.
Reminder when you see no named MAC address you can check if it's a vaxxie, to be sure- if https://macvendors.com/ shows you 'not found', it's vaxxie body. I inserted first position and I know it's my vaxxed neighbor, I see his position on other app. If you want to play, download a couple apps, they need to be bluetooth LOW energy scanners. BLE Scan is one app I'm using.
BTW Officially All MAC addresses must be registered. The first three sets of two hexadecimal numbers in a MAC Address identify the card manufacturer, and this number is called OUI (organizationally unique identifier). It is always the same for NICs manufactured by the same company. Vaxxies Internet of Bodies devices [their flesh] do not follow this.

And remember to never give ((you))s to the feds or shills. They get 0.5 sheckel per every ((you))
Do you have any evidence? Everything you've described has been with Homan's since the dawn of humans.
>frontotemporal dementia, aggressivness, lack of emapthy, childish, animalistic even, behaviour
Assholes have always existed. You faggots are truly fucking retarded.
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You weren't talking to me, I don't know.
Here's some cats.
> when you see no named MAC address
But does it only work with older software versions pre-2020 or something else in particular? I tried to track vaxxies with an old Samsung phone though unsuccessfully since maybe it has post 2022 software patch.
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Oh, I forgot. this is just to piss of the glowie :) lurk newfags, lurk moar :) it was memoryholed soooo faassstttt
That might be true, but, you don't have any evidence that it is. This is what you're too stupid to comprehend. I, unlike you, don't druzd duh zgreen like a fucking retard.
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yes they have a patch, try downloading BLE app, BLEscanner, a couple different ones. It's bluetooth low energy. they emit at 2.6 gHz
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Do you have any evidence that cats exist?
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Graphene effects are similar to....

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>I druzd duh zgreen
>I druzd everyding I zee on duh indaned
>I zee video and buhleeb id
>ids dru
The price of compassion for the vaxxies is too high, I tried as well but nobody has changed their mind because of me.
I talked to a vaxxed friend when 3 of his relatives died "suddenly" of turbo cancer. I gave him breadcrumbs of info, and he asked me to send more info I knew so he could look into it. Seemed like he actually would research it. The next week he was complaining about a taxi driver that tried to tell him the same. I asked him if he looked up what I sent, just got a blank stare and then changed topic. It's like a mind wipe, he was the only really open minded friend who would consider this, and he has been taken by it
I'm in a city and getting innawoods is hard for me. I'm working toward it, I've prepared as much as possible for where I am, but land is expensive. I won't own it by 2030 or before without debt, and then it would be seized. I have a SHTF plan anyway.
I've saved most of the older threads too from years ago, are you the polanon who was one of the first to post about this back in the day when it was new? The knower of nanotech. I suspect so.
Hopefully some others will see what I posted before it's wiped, and what you posted too. The archives have been wiped selectively for years on this stuff. Godspeed anon
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>pfizer under microscope
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the hivemind has begun taking over the vaxxies. Only those who have eyes to see, see.
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But seriously, who's wasting money on vax disinfo bots in 2024.
>are you the polanon who was one of the first to post about this back in the day when it was new? The knower of nanotech
yes. I'm slavic poster. hi fren. remember when I was called a schizo? good times.
Just an additional finding from me before the thread dies. I did a bug capture report of the BT scans and brought the packets to Wireshark in my PC to see if I could find more info. I found one extra piece of info.
The energy emitted by BT devices are measured in decibel milliwatts. if your phone connects to a speaker for example the strongest connection would be -50dBmw the weakest connection is -100dBmw, basically signal lost at that point.
The vaxxed emit at +12dBmw. That's a lot more energy
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So the potential to use vaxxies as Bluetooth speakers exists... Interesting.
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based. please continue research. Godspeed.
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Why are the anti-vaxxtards who have 0 evidence for their claims always turn out to be Christ-cucks? Why? Wtf this shit always happens? LMFAO HAHAHAHAHA
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oh, btw. clots are antennas.
BPH's theory was that the radiation should be cooking these people from the inside and that all the side effects from the vax fall under radiation poisoning.

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