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This is his most popular music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__9R-8VWR9g

The attacker was serving a life sentence for murder. He threw boiling oil-water liquid on him. The rapper was sentenced for some gang crime stuff + raping a 13 year old girl.

Shut up, Finland.
this is a prison? they put murderers and child rapists in comfy apartments like this?
So murderers and kid rapists live cozy neet existences there? Can you actually suffer in Finland?
Why exactly does your country, or any of the Scandinavian countries have niggers and nigger culture? Who thought it was a good idea to bring them to your country? And why? You weren't doing just fine with your own people and your own culture? This world became so fucked because of anglos and jews.
Toivottavasti neekerille jäi pysyviä vaurioita.
With like a thousand weapons at their disposal? Maybe they allowed it due to him being a chomo? Also, jelly/jam and scalding hot coffee works well
>get hit with boiling water and tazed within 30 seconds
Its ok, they kill each other, society better.
Yes, thats jail in Finland
which one is the rapist?
dafuq jail in finlandia seems pretty comfy
just sugar and water
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I heard he was in hot water but damn
Do you mix the jam into the scalding hot coffee for a sticky napalm-esque effect?

Also wow, Finnish jail looks nice, no wonder the Ruskies are thirstin'
That’s prison?
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Chinki was being clever. As soon as the guards arrive, he takes a dive on the floor and pretends he was the victim.
people unironically pay rent to live in worst places.
Since when are inmates' cells kitted out with full size fridges and kitchens?
your language sounds gross


I was listening to Charlie Parker when I opened the webm and it made this slippery fight scene all the more hilarious, with the taser grand finale.
>Do you mix the jam into the scalding hot coffee for a sticky napalm-esque effect?
It's the finnish way. I heard it worked pretty well for their society until you know, the shift.
it worked for a while because we had killed so many of the violent people before
Cut off gibs and I guarantee the niggers would leave en masse overnight
All we could throw were old milk cartons with piss and curdled milk.
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They don’t have niggers. Niggers would trash that place.
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That's what I'm saying!! Jews and anglos really thought multiculturalism can work everywhere. That all the races and ethnicities are compatible with eachother. Ughhhhh this world is sooo fuuuuuuucked!!!! I can't wait for it to just explode
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From where I live to finland is about 46 hours by car, and in the EU there are no internal borders. are you telling me that if I leave my 50 m2 flat-share right now and mass rape mongoloid cuties and then kill them, I'm going to get a cell like that for the rest of my life?
>we had killed so many of the violent people before
What are you referring to?
Based finnish white Finnish warrior using the good ole boiling oil against the muslim invader like in the middle age.
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>looks better than my first apartment

you literally cannot suffer in Finland
finnish prisons are a joke lmfao

a guy is in there for murder and you give him an apartment?
You might be brown enough.
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Probably Russo-Finnish War and then WWII. Quite the double wammy to remove a lot of the top-tier fighting men.
That cell would be considered prime real estate in Romania.
>looks like an university dorm
the justice system killed off violent people
Whoever is orchestrating this knows it doesn't work.
Dude has better living accommodations than some homeless veterans and he legit is a murderer
He also has better living accommodations than myself
(I live in a SUV 1 year plus now)
>lukewarm water
The Fingoloid gave Kurdo a nice bath
Very comfy apartament for murder and raping little girls. Imagine khohols and rushits kill each other for patriotism.
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this but unironically.. rentoids would fight just to pay 400euros a month for a place like that in here. Finns are putting child rapists and murderers in them.. maybe nordoism was a mistake

You will be raped in Poland because someobe will think you are imigrant.
Child rapist are favourable targets in any prison
What the fuck kinda prison is that? Looks like a Big Brother house.
>Can you actually suffer in Finland?
It seems like life outside prison may be more suffering than in.
Thats probably a kitchen for the whole prison, not just a cell.
Americans in this thread acting like they live in the kitchen. Nigga that's their prison job it's a locked room with a camera monitoring them at all times. Your prisons have this job too even if the kitchen is less fancy.
>move to finland
>murder someone
>get a free apartment nicer than what I have now
doesn't sound like too bad of a plan
>It seems like life outside prison may be more suffering than in.
Yeah it is. In general the prisoners do live better than the people outside of them.
I blame Sweden. This sort of shit began there I believe.
Its what happens when you allow foids to have a say in how a society should run
was it actually rape though or did they just have consensual sex while she was underage?
stop making excuses for female hypergamy and whoredom.
fucking simp.
You could live in a mansion but if there were bars on the windows and you couldnt leave the house or invite guests over or be connected to the internet, it would be a miserable existance.

Maybe not for a gypsy though. Like a woman, you probably prefer security over adventure and meaning.
>completely unaffected by being hit with boiling water
What the fuck. These subhumans really don't feel pain, do they.
Wait until you see how American prisons are like. Unless you're talking about certain maximum security prisons, they're really nice.
Wow you fins are cucked as fuck.
Financing a life of luxury for child rapists and murderers. Wtf kind of prison is that..
fucking touche
>Financing a life of luxury
If you think that looks luxurious I feel bad for you. I didn't know Yugoslavia was that poor.

Could I live like a king there for €1000 per month?
it's called adrenaline m8
No one cares

Rap is out....so are niggers
Swedish prison is even more luxury than Finnish prison
US prisons are modern but look spasce and clinical as hell from what I've seen, like a hospital or some shit, not almost homely like that Finnish one, with a full fitted fucking kitchen.
I bet each prisoner gets a PS5 and ipad too
How did he get a pan full of adrenaline?
That kind of apartment would run you 800 euros in a small city.
You get a TV with some channels but that's it. In the newer US prisons you actually do get playstations and have for a decade now. The kitchen is the prison kitchen where you can get a job.
I wondered about that
Yeah but the fucker barely flinched, you'd think boiling water would have more effect than that
you have to fart it into a bottle then boil it
My girlfriend's older brother went to prison for smuggling 100+ pounds of heroin into the US from Mexico. He got a really nice experience in prison. He had a cellphone and was doing Skype calls with his family from within the cell and he worked in the kitchen making $30 per day that was saved in his savings account. He also had like 10 hectares of forest land to walk around in as much as he wanted to, and a fully equipped gym. I saw some footage from the cell and it looked pretty nice.

After his time was up they set him up with a job and now he's doing well for himself.
Kikes unironically want to destroy Aryans.
no. 12 years maximum. I think less if you act like a good goy while you serve.
I liked Finland better when they were making like this:
It's American hegemony and globalism my burger friend, the Jews in Hollywood and education produce all the culture now and the rest of the world just imports it all.
Jail in finland is nicer and safer than NYC.
Its called exaggerating, no need to have a sook about it. You Swedes are cucked as fuck too.
good for him I guess.
Why are poles raping immigrants
He deserved it for that music video alone. It took half the video for the music to start playing
I can turn that question around on you with changing one word.
Tu eres tonto del culo Farid.
He is in gibraltar. Probably a glowie, an anglo or a moromierda.
fuck off with this wiggers shit
iraqi kurds are not white so they can't be wiggers
Why aren't you in the meatgrinder?
>not being able to do what i like to do is a punishment
Personal prerogatives is a value to measure by when dealing with animals.
Probably instantly singed his nerve endings
*not to be measured by.
Looks like a lover's quarrel.
Probably angry about not getting salad tossed.
that jail looks like an apartment kek
Lol the child rape case was fake, he was free'd by the higher court today. He made lot of masons in Finland angry, thus they tried to throw everything at him. Now the higher the court goes (Iess corrupt), more of the charges will be dropped.
How the Finnish NPCs really trust the media and courts after covid is super hilarious.
Normie Finnish is ultra NPC ZOG BOT
Lol Spain btfo by Africa there
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Erm... checked
no huuh huh velii
ottaksiks ton kissavahdiks velii
huh huh
>How the Finnish NPCs really trust the media and courts after covid is super hilarious
>Normie Finnish is ultra NPC ZOG BOT
This. Highest media trust in Europe. A lot of the articles are just taken from CNN/MSNBC and translated into Finnish and that's how Finns see the world (you can look closely at some of the articles as they do disclose this fact).
>Unless you're talking about certain maximum security prisons, they're really nice.
A long time ago, I worked in a prison as a contractor. Just a few weeks. Sent me to to various ones in and around Richmond, VA. Did an IT deployment. These were medium security and lower. They were all shitholes. They were so bad that I'm afraid to even imagine what maximum security prisons were like. I'm sure there are white collar resort prisons somewhere, but they're hardly typical.
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a few years ago i dropped a cup of boiling water on myself it was incredibly painful one of the worst shit ever

cant imagine that how he even managed to go swinging after that
>super hilarious.
Not a finn in the history of mongolia would utter those words. And why do you type like a nigger?
I'm wondering now if it was even boiling. He didn't go red at all. You spill boiling water on yourself and your skin goes pink right away.
crazy man trump can't have the nuclear codes again
it's okay for the shitskins to rape, stab, and rob
that's not a problem, the problem is whites
persut are bad and a fascist party
we need more niggers, niggers are awesome

You are right.
>there is shit in the toilet
needs more filters. she still looks asian
Nice prisons don't work when you have non-white prisoners.
Man, he had such a nice crepe going on for him. You don't ruin a man's crepe.
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>they're really nice.
Get that Niggerdick out your ass faggot
ah yes giving prisioners an oven and several kitchen utensils very good idea nothing bad could ever happen
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when they tased the dirty kurd
The article says she was 13 sandnigger, although I'm certain you see no problem with that.
Oh he felt it later ahahaha. Burns work in mysterious ways.
There is no consent with sandniggers. Nobody would. Thats why they resort to rape. Just like indians too dense to think long term. Or why did their prophet put hijab on every girl? Thats the only way for them to control their desires with their iq
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Stop making excuses for kiddy diddlers.
>she was 13 sandnigger
Amazing, you somehow even managed to turn it singular.
They are already here so we make them work.

Popular in homobrothels since lot of clientele are ze German 50+ homonazis. But first you need to break the buck

Tush Case :D
He's defending a nigger, he's clearly a nigger invader himself and not a proud yellow chingoloid. /pol/ has been shitskin central for a while
>defending sandnigger child rapists
I only saw reference to one rape victim, did I miss something? Not sure what you're saying
Amerimutts think the Scandinavian prisin logic is a universal idea. Its meant to exist for Scandinavians, to rehab the fvcked up Scandinvians in towns & cities. It's was never meant for kikes, mudskins & amerimutants.
What exactly was his plan? what did he hope to accomplish? just slightly burn the guy?
You missed nothing, i havent read the article and i read your post as a misstype of a girl being 13 sandnigger. My bad im out getting groceries.
So to be fair the info abt the girl is in a link inside the article OP linked. Have a nice day.
Probably, by rule i dont click shit on here. Godspeed anon, enjoy your day.
Everyone knows what section 8 housing looks like, nigger. And those are free niggers.
These niggers literally have it so good and easy and they have to make it hard. Fucking niggers. Is Sampo a gyppo? Doesn't look very white to me.
Prisons like that work when a society is 100% and doesnt have shitskin child rapists.
u get that in american prisons from fisting a brotha's ass
did he forget to add the sugar?
sand niggers will be sand niggers, probably one of them mentioned that he believes age of consent should be 9 instead of 6 and the other agrees that there are 69 virgins in the sky instead of 72, and that means they have to kill eachother violently for Allah. Good job on importing them into your country, Suomistan.
Imagine letting your guard down so much that you are cooking pancakes next to a stone cold killer. Lmao this is fucking hilarious
That nigger definitely broke his shoulder after being tased and slipping on the hot oil hahahahaha
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>sharing a room with niggers, sandniggers or any kind of niggerlike humans
why would any prisoner choose this? if i were a prisoner i would choose solitary confinement.
Most people barely even notice when they get stabbed or shot until they see the blood and still don't really feel it until the adrenaline dies down. The amount of pain that can go unnoticed is incredible.
Most prisons in Texas don't even have A/C.
Total prison pop: 132k+
A/C beds: ~45k

they live better than 90% of americans
What else is new?
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this video alone will start a murdertourism movement to get to finnish prison. l o l
Do it in his sleep with boiling caramel
Finnish niggers have 0 knowledge in prison attacks
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>Who thought it was a good idea to bring them to your country? And why?
Woah, cool it with the antisemitism.
Yes that's a prison in civilized countries unlike Shitmerica. The point of prison is to separate offenders from society. And in legitimate countries, to remodel orders to being better individuals.

Throwing someone in a shitty bare cement room behind dungeon bars with hostile blatant criminal "corrections officers" is not how you reform offenders. It's exacerbation. Which is exactly what a shitty racist liberal right wing terrorist shithole like America is in the business of. Creating problems, creating criminals that aren't cops to have an excuse to harass and terrorize people, harassing and attacking people who aren't relevant "criminals," making things worse. They want prisons occupied, they want crime happening, and they want convicts reoffending. Half the people in Shitmerica prisons have no business even being there. Shitmerica is a liberal terrorist right wing shithole state and the racist liberal Jewish (non) excuse is "niggers" which they think is a magical trump card in favor of keeping Shitmerica is shithole.
I wish jails were this nice in America
thats a prison?
murderers and child rapists deserve no rehab

prison should separate the worst criminals from the rest and focus on rehabbing the deserving ones only
sandniggers should be murdered in Finland for the crime of having sex at all.
That's a prison?
Looks comfier than my old NY apartment.
What a weak ass attack and then the guards taze the victim

His shirt is almost entirely dry. This was a dry-ice attack. Dude didn't get burned. This was a show. But why?
that's a kitchen
What a pussy ass bitch the chomo was gonna kill him if the cops didn't intervene
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rap isnt fucking music so he deserves it
yeah prison kitchen. recognized it instantly by that fridge. it has lockable compartments for each inmate. we had the same shit when I was doing my time in germany for being a nazi
This shit is like a cartoon my man picked up a pan with a pancake in it as a weapon. A Romanian prison attack would be bestgore material
Attacker was a huge pussy. Also, don't they get screened before being put into these hostel-type situations?
I assume not every Finnish prison is like this.
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How many inmates is that kitchen shared by?
My kitchen in NYC was shared by four rooms, two of which had two people in them, so overall 6-8 people at the time depending if either of us two single guys had company over.
>a kitchen
wtf lol. Is there a firing range too?
That pussy as bitch was in there for life for murder lmao. He immediately ran to the door and the guy who got scolded with boiling water was about to kill him lmao. Finland is a joke this lifer would last 5 minutes in American prison lol.
>is not how you reform offenders
Reform? No one wants to reform criminals. We want them just to suffer. Why would I be afraid to do a crime when I know they will put me in a comfy apartment where I can feel like home. I would just keep raping your mother and children, and after they reward me with comfy life for next few years, when I get out, I would just come back and rape your mother and children again with no fear. I know they will reward me again anyway.
>import feral shitskins by the thousands and millions
>popularize the idea that retributive justice is always bad and restorative justice is always good in all circumstances
>lessen criminal sentences, use the media to protect criminals, disregard victims
>make prison a comfy place to be

Fill in that blank for me, genius.
You are a moor, you got it done.
Jews are using shitskins as a bio-weapon.
>That pussy as bitch was in there for life for murder lmao. He immediately ran to the door and the guy who got scolded with boiling water was about to kill him lmao. Finland is a joke this lifer would last 5 minutes in American prison lol.
a lot of murderers are like this tho.. they are opportunist murderers that kill you in your sleep.... prison is full of the world's biggest crybabies.... they cried about COVID more than anyone
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> Nordcucks even fight like faggots
Are you people useful for anything but sucking Jewish cocks?
he missed most of the oil and water at point blank range
>pedomutt unironically whiteknighting for child molester sandniggers
Yes, Europeans are that cucked. Look how fuckin nice that place looks compared to living in the streets ect
Whites are the ultimate cuckolds
I like that kitchen, It's so modular.
There was literally a story about the Norwegian mass murderer who was complaining that his rights were being violated in prison because he only had access to PS2 games and not PS3 like the other prisoners did.
>hurr we'll reform deviant pedophiles by housing them in comfy prison apartments! that'll surely show them the error of their ways and convince them not to molest kids.
You are an imbecile. Every European wishes Euro jails were the same as American ones, where prison guards are actually respected and feared by the inmates. Where the sentence is about actual punishment and making your life a daily hell, so that you drill into your head once and for all that you will do anything in your power to not commit crime and never end up in jail ever again.
Even better prison systems are the Russian one, like the black dolphin prison, or Japanese prisons, where prisonners are forced to sit in a certain way and face the door for hours without moving every day. This is what a prison sentence should be : extreme discipline, no privacy, no pleasure whatsoever.
It disgusts me to watch OP's video and see that those prisonners are basically living in a standard home with all the necessary appliances to live a normal life. What's the point of being in prison then? Why not just stop prosecuting and jailing people altogether?
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amerimutts: smelly, dumb, third-world scum.
>You are an imbecile. Every European wishes Euro jails were the same as American ones, where prison guards are actually respected and feared by the inmates. Where the sentence is about actual punishment and making your life a daily hell, so that you drill into your head once and for all that you will do anything in your power to not commit crime and never end up in jail ever again.
>Even better prison systems are the Russian one, like the black dolphin prison, or Japanese prisons, where prisonners are forced to sit in a certain way and face the door for hours without moving every day. This is what a prison sentence should be : extreme discipline, no privacy, no pleasure whatsoever.
>It disgusts me to watch OP's video and see that those prisonners are basically living in a standard home with all the necessary appliances to live a normal life. What's the point of being in prison then? Why not just stop prosecuting and jailing people altogether?

they already have one of the lowest crime rates on earth. what more is needed?
Damn, that's a prison?!?!?!
I want to go there and commit some crime, i need a vacation in that 5 star hotel!
The idea is to rehabilitate prisoners, and making their circumstances shitty on purpose for some feeling of vengeance is kinda counterproductive for that. But the problem is that you can't rehabilitate the subhuman out of a nigger or sandnigger. We had our first batch of niggers in the 90s and our prison system simply hasn't caught up for the realities.
The child rape was thrown out on technicality.
That place looks like an AirBnB compared to the place I pay 10k (50% of my salary in a senior pos. with 11 yrs xp) for a month.
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Here is the webm.
Also the background music:
But there are no homeless people?
LMAO, what a fucking pussy. This gayboy would get robbed and shit his pants if some random nigger walked up to him in Sandton. What a soft cunt, even his attacker is a mediocre faggot who couldn't do a proper job. What a bunch of useless faggots. Are all Swedes like this? This shit looks like things you get up to in pre-school and i'm not even a nigger.
That country has less people that a small American city
In the nordics our prisons are basicly student dormitories with 12 rooms a shared kitchen and a recreation area except they are locked in.
We had brutal civil war in the early days of Finnish independence. Criminal element joined the red guard, and many of them were straight up executed.
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They fight more meekly than a russian couple.
Not an expert on finnish prisons but here usually 12 cells share a kitchen so 24 prisoners per kitchen.
Hanging naughty men used to be the norm
Though I do believe there's rehabilitation/reinsertion for people who steal shit, get into fights and are addicted to drugs, I don't really condone the whole "nooo brooo we must help him become a member of society again" for pedos, rapists and murderers.
How the fuck do you rehabilitate a pedophile? It's not like he stole a piece of bread from a shop, he raped a 13yo, how the fuck does a human being come back form that?
Literally a nothingburger
The sandnigger problem is so bad in Europe. I can’t believe they allowed so many sandnigger refugees in and they’re committing crime everywhere and shitting the place up. There’s fucking sandniggers everywhere it looks disgusting.
>I don't really condone the whole "nooo brooo we must help him become a member of society again" for pedos, rapists and murderers.
I don't think anybody does. It's just that amount of those people were quite low until the 3rd world migration started. Honestly, we would nee two different prison systems; one for native northern Europeans, and one for anybody else. The prison system for everybody else would have to be the harshest one there can be.
>Norwegian mass murderer
Newfag don't even know Breivik. Disgustying, you should get permabanned, والله
Same effect as a cold shower, except your skin is fucked and you're in excruciating pain later.
He was scared man! His hands were shaking knees weak arms are heavy!
He was only doing a life sentence for murder lol these are the badass killers in Binland
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It's a fragment of white nationalist nation. It won't last long, eventually it will become unsustainable.
He was killing white college kids.
Adrenaline you retard. He felt that later.
You would've shat yourself and cried like a baby
You don't. You publicly decapitate them in the town square on a Saturday afternoon.
They were killing themselves lol. What type of scum of the earth decides to buy heroin. Nobody puts it in your food you nigger. Heroin should be legal, Darwin awards.
Most heroin/fentanyl is disguised as prescription drugs or extacy. College kids get swamped with exams and try to get a Xanax or Adderall to push through, but it's fake and they either overdose or become addicts.
i’m pretty sure pajeets live better in india than romanians in romania
You better not stop in any gas stations in my country. Better yet, don't stop at all
could careless about some retards
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This is a legitimate question and should not go unanswered. Who is breeding these guys? These big babies?

Serious answers please, what the fuck tribe of people are these "finns" you see in every city? They are not forest finns, tavastians, karelians, not coastal people and not from the north.

WHAT ARE THESE?!?! Where did they came from, when and who did they breed with???
I'd sell popcorn and souvenirs.
It's not that nice, their sinks don't even have toilets.
You don't become an addict from one or two fake Xans you naive fucker lmao.
They're junkies at heart. We can't have anything good cause of addict faggots.
Since dealing with the nhs criminal mafia in the UK I no longer believe any man is guilty of any crime unless I see actual proof or they admit it
I like how they are constantly slipping around on the floor during their gay little fight. The faggot who got tased in the end...just flailing around on the floor is pure kino! OP is not a faggot!
Jelly and jam are reserved for other things anon. Check it out ...
Based piss jug throwing enthusiast.
they didnt even let us have microwaves when i was doing my time for burglary/rape because some dude did the baby oil and crushed glass trick and melted a guys face almost completely off
fuckin bullshit
imagine "cooking" ramen with fucking warm tap water
my last day i shit in the shower and jammed it down the drain with my foot
what's your AOC in sweden again? 14. NOt sure what it is in finland but probably similar
Why are there so many stinky brown ugly sandnigger refugees all across Europe? Its so grim and depressing it would make me want to cry being stuck around all these ugly creeps (I’m a woman).
You’re a piece of shit rapist, I hope you got fucked up the bootyhole by big black niggers in your stay at prison.
This guy got fucked by niggers till his butt hurt
i never went to prison, i only served about 80 days in county jail before being sentenced to 4 years probation
American prisons are full of gay sex and niggers
That’s why it’s so surprising to see these lenient dormitories that the Eurocucks call prisons.
16. Doesn't mean that the advances from brownoids are wanted.
It's probably hard to stay in prison there though, you can't just go steal shit and get sent to prison for more than a short time, right? So it'd be hard to make a life in one.
>you pay $1900 a month for a cuck apartment that isnt even as nice as finnish prison
Why do finnish prisons look better than my shitty little post soviet apartment. Seeing this makes me wanna commit rope
It's a joke. This mf drives himself to prison
cuckhold syndrome
Based brown Spaniard
>i hAvE no cOUnTRy

and a playstation.
we must be down to 57% officially. Unofficially its like 30/70 now.
Music sounds gay and the guy looks stupid cya
Is New Zealand the Estonia of Australia?
>The rapper was sentenced for some gang crime stuff + raping a 13 year old girl.
So a pedo got got by a lifer. Where can we sent gifts to the attacker?
>not using sugar water
If I was serving life I would have just picked up the biggest knife and stuck him, boiling water is too unreliable, as we saw there.
The tase was funny af tho.
>I heard he was in hot water but damn
lmao get the fuck outta my office
just use pure sugar to fuck someone it will probably kill them.
You gotta make the sugar into a slurry with water.
It is not comfy.
Imagine all the gay prison porn the state creates and sells
Gas all roach invaders
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>in Sandton
I used to live there (in a building called Central Square). Do you live near?
>This gayboy would get robbed and shit his pants if some random nigger walked up to him in Sandton
Lets be real, niggers dont walk up to you in Sandton. Its a nice area.
Why did he use the water instead of filing down some of the metal in there? He could have cut the toaster into a big ass shank
It’s also inhumane. Karma is real and that’s not some karma you want coming back on you.
norwegians are the best at fist fighting out of the nordics
swedes are the best at fisting
Lets be real, it's probably Danes first, then Finns, then Swedes, then Norwegians last.
>karma is real

Okay how do those in power sleep at night? Everybody has to have a deep restful sleep to function at all at least at some point.
>Get nice little apartment for free for the rest of your life.
How can I go to prison in finland?
Diverse societies are better then homogeneous societies.
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>I may never see the day where this happens to every popular Albanian "trapper" that has infected the youth with a mind virus
life is pain. I know we have been sold out long ago to foreigners anyway
typical cowardly womanish honkaloid move
what a pathetic race and how wonderful that they are being replaced
>boiling water on leg
he doesn't realize it yet, but that's going to be the most painful injury of his entire life bar none.
My brother got surgery because a little boiling water hit his neck and no amount of pain meds can stop it.
They pissed their pants and got on the floor in terror when a couple of Miga retards walked through the capitals.

If real hills have eyes crazies showed up I would say they would piss in their pants.

There are bets outside which saying than that idiot kurd will not survive his prison time.
Lots of white Christians, brown Muslims and black heathens in Israel, huh?
You get one from the government even if you're not a criminal, the few homeless we have are homeless by choice
He will if the best you faggots have is pouring water on him. The niggers would have been stomping him out while you faggots are making bets about someone else doing it. Think about how much of a faggot you are.

They use baby oil in coffee pots and slung it in some dudes face my first time doing time

Jos ei jäänyt....niin varmaan jo seuraavalla kerralla lykästää...sitä leuhkaa tahvoa mätkii jokainen....jopa lopulta pitkämielisimmätkin.
He apparently got hit in the neck and arm the most and the pain was excruciating. Hope whatever happens to him next is even worse

Our justice system doesn't dish out enough justice but at least our native prisoners do
Shut up, discount petrolhuffer
Yeah when you drop a kettle and it soaks into your shoe and sock it’s a meganigga because the sock holds the waters heat and dabbs it onto your skin while you have to unlace the shoe before you can do anything about it. It’s bad, I’ve done it and seen others who have too.
>This is his most popular music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__9R-8VWR9g
i think i seen that video already
Seems like prison is a real option in Finland that’s a comfy place can you get them without a roommate tho?
He clearly didn't want to kill him and only to scar him, terror attacks before killing is literally a trend over here in Finland when inmates find out someone is in for a sex crime. The last rapist pedo was tortured and literally raped for days until he was choked out with a plastic bag

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>12 years maximum
Can your membership be renewed before expiration date by raping indoors? Can the government issue us a victim to make the process easier?
Das rite! #OpenBordersForIsrael
Floor was wet and very slippery, even the dude with shoes on couldn't make a sudden move without risk of eating shit into the corner of that table and dying.
Not one of them landed a punch. And whites wonder why they will be extinct. Pathetic.
Typical coward bitch white boy. All the blonde Finns get raped in prison.
>You are an imbecile. Every European wishes Euro jails were the same as American ones,
There's not a single Euro that wishes anything about their country was like Shitmerica you stupid lying Jew.

>where prison guards are actually respected and feared by the inmates.
No one respects or fears COs you evil liberal zionist homosexual jew faggot.

>Where the sentence is about actual punishment and making your life a daily hell, so that you drill into your head once and for all that you will do anything in your power to not commit crime and never end up in jail ever again.
Except NO THOSE ARE NOT THE RESULTS, SO OBVIOUSLY IT DOES NOT WORK. You lying faggot Jew. So then WHY is it still that way? You gay pedophile mason bitch faggot?

Because POINT was never for it work like that. The point was for it to be shithole, to be unproductive, to make things worse and to make the prisoners worse and WORSE OFF.

>hurr we'll reform deviant pedophiles by housing them in comfy prison apartments! that'll surely show them the error of their ways and convince them not to molest kids.
>deviant pedophiles
When was the last time a Jew you speak of went to prison exactly? Somehow I keep seeing excuses for them not to go there. Somehow when Jew and cops, deviant violent pedophiles, commit child sexual crimes there's a excuses to keep out of prison like pretending that it was part of his illegitimate "job" and now deviant violent pedophiles don't go to prison suddenly. hat will surely teach them not to molest kids. Half a million dollar socialist salary, zionist pedestalizing, gay zionist fetishist faggot costumes, and not going to prison for child sexual crimes will surely teach him not to molest children, huh, Jew?
>people in finnish prison own more property than I do
doesnt work in the USA, the government has to pay out a life insurance policy to our private reserve bank for every citizen that dies lol
he relaxed
Fucking kek. Haven't laughed in a while. Thank you OP.
Crazy, that "prison" is better than my apartment. Again... why shouldn't i go there and rape some finish women? It sounds like a crime without any downside.
Sounds like nigger shit to me just sentence them to death you retards or you are the same as them having no empathy for the torture of another humans. It’s literally the same behavior you seek to torture some living thing that no one will ever defend. It seems a lot of psychopaths like to hide behind the guise of being righteous. Torturing humans is still torture. You and the pedo’s should be sentenced to death by a court of law for your crimes. But not tortured.
I hope the boiled stuff is ok
>attached house with pakis all around
>450k quids
mmmhm. Fix your damn teeth, poor loser
>another 450k
Shitskin spotted
Do those prisons even work now that they have hordes of shitskin rapefugees?
Finland is GAY GAY GAY. So yes they give their pedophiles and murderers comfy little apartments to live in.
Meanwhile in reality


Bro Shows Unmade Prison Knife

imagine life out of prison in Finland, you get all the free stuff like in prison (housing, med. care) and about $500 cash but no butt sex
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how things are going with Palestinians?
kek. they do the same thing in Canada and they call it hot buttering. They cook butter in the microwave and mix in sale and sometimes bleach and then throw it in the other guy's face. Its a big problem in my province.
That’s the way it should be actually. One of the reasons jewmerica is so awful is because of the way americans get away with treating their prisoners.
terrible and your whole family should be executed.
Not even hot sugar.
i got spashed like that and the guy missed except for my ear and the side of my head. you dont really feel it at first but it literally melts your skin off even if you put your head under water after. he will have a BAD day
The issue wasn’t her age. I could care less about muh heckin poor child sluts. The issue is that he (a brown) had sex in Finland. Actually the problem is that he’s in Finland. Either way I’m glad the sandnigger got boiling water thrown at him.
I dont care that she was 13. I only care that he was brown.
why hide your american flag?
i swear 80 percent of americans are mentally ill.
Texas is a pretty bad place though. Didn’t like 5000 people die from freezing during a hailstorm like last year
>i swear
This is correct.
Nope. You’re just a mentally ill psychopath. most europeans I’ve spoken to actually dont wish that they tortured people. You’re just unwell, friend. Please consider getting help before you harm any animals or other people.
canadian prisons are in the middle. They're cleaner than american prisoners and guards dont fuck with you if you dont fuck with them. the only guys here that get beatings either attack guards or mouth off.
kek. i pay 800 canadian and have to see pajeets delivering methadone to my neighbors when i leave my room. Finnish jails are nicer than my home.
i can see your finnish flag bro.
Holy crap, how are they movign so fast?? They are fighting at dragonball Z speed???
>The attacker was serving a life sentence for murder. He threw boiling oil-water liquid on him.

the attacker was the one who threw the boiling oil water. what do you mean the guy threw oil on the attacker?
kek. leafs hot butter each other on the daily and we still get microwaves in jail. if you don't want to get hot buttered just stay out of people's business, dont go in debt, dont mouth off, and if you're a wimp just ask to be put in PC where you're surrounded by the weakest of weak fags
This means that he is a fucking amateur who has forgotten the sugar.
women are not hypergamous................. if that were the case then how don't we have superhumans in a single generation.................................................. you can never have a case for hypergamy, and there is more i could disprove this with, but i'll play my lowest card first
I got hot buttered a couple years ago and the guy narrowly missed my face. burned off a bunch of skin on my ear and side of my head.
We have a proud tradition of publicly beheading criminals like that. That's one of the first things to be reinstated if it were up to me.
Unlike what the psychopaths replying to you say, they can get better just like with anything else. You iust need the correct doctor and priest.
rehabilitating criminals is a meme. you can't re-educate psychopaths. even after being arrested many times i still have a strong desire to swindle people. i'm only cautious about certain offenses that have gotten me jailed before.
this is true society-mogging. but your good time is ending obviously
>writing gay fantasy on the internet
Canada doesn’t actually try to rehabilitate you, though. Have you tried seeing a priest?
i'm not Christian. my god wants me to swindle all of your family's wealth and live a lavish life with a yacht, a stolen re-vinned range rover, and fancy jewelry.

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