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The real redpill is that CIA are good guys
huge truth nuke
they have always worked in american national interest
>We had to traffic drugs to save America
By what metric are they the “good guys”? I believe they’re the good goys but that’s not helpful
This thread glows.
The CIA and their obsession with spreading crack to black communities did absolutely nothing to increase national security
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Being terrified of the situation you've put yourselves in and being desparate to unring the bell isn't well elucidated by being pathetic faggots. We already know we're killing you niggers, too. Dirty Evangelical slaves are exactly that, they'll follow command or they'll be put down, ezpz.
>american national interest
Do these interests happen to align with America's "greatest ally" Israel? A country so unabashedly racist and ethnocentric it would make Hitler blush?
No, they’re not.

The CIA’s entire job is to lie to you and feed you misinformation.
Sounds like someone hasn't had their helping of black dick today.
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The image depicts a young woman with long brown hair and glasses, holding a book. She is making a shushing gesture with her index finger to her lips. Above her head is a representation of a brain, suggesting intelligence or cognitive function. The background is a surreal, cosmic scene with floating planets, books, a rocket, and abstract geometric shapes, enhancing the theme of knowledge and exploration. The woman is wearing a lace blouse with a black ribbon tie, giving her a scholarly appearance.
Pretty fly for a glow guy
Hire me then u cunts
Not good, they just aren't happy with their cut.
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These new shills suck ass
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The image is a meme featuring a man in a blue shirt and khaki pants setting up a series of progressively larger dominoes. The smallest domino has text that reads, "I'm gonna read about the evil CIA," and the largest domino says, "the CIA is good actually." This meme format is often used to depict how a small action or piece of information can lead to a larger, often ironic or unexpected, conclusion.
>good guys
For who? Jews?
>We had to overthrow countless democratically elected leaders and replace them with dictators.
the cia is full of literal communists, faggots, and progressive retards.

It is a captured institution by globohomo, probably the FIRST captured institution by globohomo
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The CIA claimed the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation. The CIA is not good, glowie NAFO fag, no matter how much you cry.
No I think if the CIA were good, they'd be fostering cooperation between all countries, trying to get us allied with nations we've been antagonizing for decades, and they wouldn't be doing this copypasta regime change shit constantly to start wars and destroy countries.
ok glowgroomer
They kept America on top, so there is that. In fact, the US hegemony only weakened when they started to get reprimanded and checked.
>it's in our interest to make us the most hated country on the planet
Lol. Lmafo.
Aaaaah. Ha. Aaaah.
Oh jeez. He he. Ahhhh. That's was a good one OP. Funny joke.
NAFO shills are desperate
Gee, I wonder why the Global South hates the US? It's a mystery.
>no source, argument, or context
Einsatzgruppen the CIA and the FBI.
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Well, in a way, yes. The only time you hear about the CIA having done something is when they've done something bad and gotten caught. When they do things right, it's like they've done nothing at all.
The cia is good compared to the least evil jew

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Buy an ad.
CIA are judaeo-masons
I legitimately can't think of a good thing they've done.
KEK hilarious glowie. by every objective measure they are not, although they probably still 'believe they are' despite being complete traitors who have caused immeasurable harm to their own country men and American populace since their existence
4chan is a globohomo board now then?
>Here's your (((you)))
>everything I don't like is reddit
You are forced to wear rainbows at your job lol
I've tried to see things this way before. I really tried. But it just doesn't add up.
I didn't say that. I'm just saying that hating the CIA is the ultimate Reddit take, especially if your reasoning for it is "they overthrow the heckin third world shithole governments!"
your post completely falls apart when reddit loves the cia.......
the global south is going to hate us and the rest of the the west no matter what since they will hate anyone more competent than they are and try to wage diversity immigration warfare for welfare. Whats the point of being a super power if you cant influence other peoples governments for your own benefit, if you don't someone else will
The George Bush Center for Inteligence
This is how a 76 year old boomer retard views internet culture.
>I'm just saying that hating the CIA is the ultimate Reddit take
You are immeasurably stupid.
They're all a bunch of wokester tryhard bureaucrats. 99% Democrat voters btw.
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You are correct.
You aren't familiar or capable of familiarizing yourself with the creationist occult leanings you'd need to understand how and why anything happens. Everything you believe is falsely correlated, you should be able to recognize that your perspective is retarded, and that you're unforgivably wrong for insisting on it or expressing it.
pfff hahahaha
You're not even trying anymore
What year are you living in? Reddit is full of communists who despise the CIA and anything related to the USA.
I’m 19. Not everyone who disagrees with third worldist nigger worship is a boomer.
I accept your concession.
Before the 1980's they were just morally bankrupt, not gay. Now the CIA's just gay.
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Good, so you know how to go back
Oh that’s why they traffic children
And protect the others doing the same
catholics in action are evil
Simple as.
It unironically did do amazing things for our economy and power, but the ends do not justify the means.
Unless, of course, one feels that being rich and powerful is the ultimate point of life.
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The absolute state of this shill
Mormon CIA and DoD are the good guys. I can vouch for that. You will never convince me otherwise because I have first person experiences with them.
They were meant to be good for America and the "Betterment of the People" but then they started hiring all kinds of evil fucking people (Because they had to for the betterment of the people) and then it went super fucking rogue. but that's apparently the covert side. Overts are just office peeps doing Office-McOfficey thingies. Y U HATE'n?
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Kudos to you for trying to start this astroturf. Takes a profound amount of mental retardation. I tip my fedora to you sir
ok what has the CIA done to fight against kalergiism and restore separation from spics, nigs, jews?
causing instability in thirdworld shit holes creates a migrant crisis that results in the browning of formerly white countries
There is a CIA agent city attorney in Blairsville running and protecting a pedophile ring
Her name is Janna Akins and they use the Union county Georgia child brides to count votes
The CIA is good at protecting the status quo. But the status quo sucks. But the world would be a worse place if the CIA didn't exist. So we live with it.
The cia is good at aiding popery create a one world government for the antichrist to rule.
>The real redpill is that CIA are good guys
lmaoooooo. You guys are gonna be ripped to shreds when your crimes are revealed. And thanks to modern technology I'm gonna watch it all in 4K from my living room while drinking beer and jerking off.
oi vey they let the boomer on the computer again. shouldn't you be letting the DEI hire do this?
>the world would be a worse place if the CIA didn't exist
I'm going to need some proof for that statement.
Kek. This isn't even bait at this point.
mass replying faggot mass replies.
y's ur shit all fucked up?
There are no good guys. Even if there were, they're losing anyways.
LMAO no they are all drugged out alcoholic pedophilic child murderers, but that is what a jew considers a good guy.
Sorry I've been day drinking and don't what I'm talking about
>Verification not required
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The low effort meme is hilarious. Is this an existing sarcasm format?
Why do they suck so bad at their jobs?
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jews not welcome
Those are internal issues that have nothing to do with the CIA.
There’s nothing inaccurate about what I said. Reddit is a communist shithole of a website and people in this thread are essentially parroting anti-CIA talking points directly from Reddit.
Third worlders destabilize themselves. And the browning of Western countries is happening because of internal business interests, not foreign policy. They’re economic migrants who move to the West because companies who are seeking cheap labor give them jobs. This can only be resolved by weakening the corporations’ ability to lobby the government for open borders.
>triple down
Very good, Moishe.
Prove it
>the global south is going to hate us and the rest of the the west no matter
no they would forget that the White western nations exist within three generation without outside influence. at most the White races would be known as a thing of myth and legend no different than their ancient blood cults knew of.
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I think it's funny that you primarily hear about the CIA and not so much about the KGB or similar foreign Intel agencies.
You mean the ZOG controlled, Eglin airbase, Ghislaine Maxwell website?
>Dirty Evangelical slaves
they use religion like a faggot uses a wife
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>Prove it
They don't teach you how to use the internet in India? Well look you're in a real country now. Someone can help you. Go ask a White man, NOT a woman, regardless of color.
Prove it.
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poo it
And I say that because I've heard that they are thoroughly vetted to be patriotic and anti-communist.

I only need to look around at my surroundings to see that they are failures and/or collaborating with foreign elements.

Are we certain the 'C' doesn't stand for [Central Banking]?
in all my time researching the things the CIA did wrong and their un-American crimes against the people and their constitution, not once have I thought to myself "ah, those are the good guys"

when do I get to the Good Guy part of the stories?
And rape kids
>It is a captured institution by globohomo
it was founded by globohomo
>According to the CIA
Declining average american testosterone, iq and WASP ancestry levels most likely. Our system while being anti-communist is still very mxied market so all of the foundational premises of lefty scams are still ingrained in our domestic policy. They still do a somewhat decent job in the foreign affairs/international relations department
>american national interest
But they're jewish controlled and founded. Although Mormons fill the rank and file. But that's changing quickly these days now.
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You glowniggers are pathetic usless and fucked everything up.
That's it.
No amount of spook bullshit is gonna change what you've done
*Jewish interests*
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you dont blend in here.
>They kept America on top
they have been an utter shitshow from the beginning, it has been nothing but closeted faggots trying desperately to cover up an unending and escalating series of fuck ups
>legacy of ashes: the history of the cia
this book explains how fucked up they are
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Then I don’t want to be (doublespeak) good
Because you glowniggers are as evil as your jewish masters and only do bad things
>2 Bot replies to this post
Anyone else notice this?
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>Kill millions of people
>Flood jewsa and Europe with shitskins
>Part of the multitrillon dolla loxist machine
This is a reddit take
If the United States collapses it will be the CIA's fault.
Is America weaker now, than it was in the 60s?
That's like saying the mafia or the pedo ring in your city are the good guys since that';s what the CIA is at the end of the day - pedo crime lords
>if you hate the cia you are a reddit commie
so how old where you the first time you got raped?
The NSA on the other hand...
the first director was blackmailed by jews after getting caught sucking dick while in drag.
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without a doubt and weaking faster by the day.
Oh, so the CIA, which had much more power in the 1960s, probably helped with that, huh?
Remember the CIA of the 60s conducted assassinations, coups, drug running, chemical experiments, etc.
>It unironically did do amazing things for jewish economy and power
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IT'S TRUE!! They ARE all die-versity Hires nao!!
(!!Who do we appreciate)
the streatshitter lucked out and made a good point. there is nothing that the cia has done that has been a benefit to americans. everything they do is brazen treason.
That's all they've done for the last 50 years, kidnap kids for pedophile Jews and sell crack also to Jews
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there are worse masters than cia
i have no problem with glowniggers who maintain global order
its sad there will always be collateral damage
but more people live better lives with the cia running things than if the chinese were
humanity is brutal
fuck jannies
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Fuck off kike. I'm a little disappointed to see that your higher IQ colleagues are already fertilizing the war ravaged soil of Lebanon. It's just not much of a challenge any more. Sometimes I even bump your faggot threads so everyone can see me BTFO your shitty psyops.

Glowniggers take heed, you still have time to get the good ending, but you'll need to show us some serious work, or leaks. No deathbed conversions. I don't make the rules, that's just how it is.

Remember, all those weapons and vehicles cost money. Regardless of who wins, there will be nothing left for you. If you switch sides now, you can still look forward to minimum security prison in Wyoming at worst. Otherwise your options are getting liquidated by ZOG or getting your ears and nose sliced off as a warning to the other glowniggers.
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Did your rabbi teach you that?
>They still do a somewhat decent job in the foreign affairs/international relations department

>foreign affairs

I bet.

We would be on about the third generation of nepotism from the founding CIA stock who are/were likely heavily entangled by blood with Mossad, KGB, MI6, etc, who pass down potential blackmail material and craft skills. Just a little something to consider.
>We had to bring christian children to the reptilian harvest to save America
Such tales and more from the wacky alphabet agencies
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No LEAF...We aren't done with this Nigger yet...
lurker anons, the following is an example of gish gallop. it is also a sure fire sign you have struck a nerve in a low IQ shill. there are only low IQ shills that work for the CIA.
>Oh, so the CIA, which had much more power in the 1960s, probably helped with that, huh?
>Remember the CIA of the 60s conducted assassinations, coups, drug running, chemical experiments, etc.
Wrong nukes are fake the america national interest wrong Scottish kike rite and then that's debunked the cia is two thing one is real the other the Rick one thats official and thate not advancing domestically or internaional the nationa interest is communism and zionist shit they are discredited go eat shit bill donovan I onlybhite communist the cia are asshats there are two though thanks gehlen
The CIA disinfo lies two 800 fake analyst wing and satanic secular Marxist zionist apostate practice eyes and communist zioniiiiist horsehsit
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I'll bet this glownigger is too compartmentalized to even know that...
Its job is to lie suck baoh and apostate sick flank out enforce apostasy and heresy and destroy western civilization
You either Train the Entire Militia, or you cry as those "in charge of your security" turn Tyrant. That is literally the history and pattern of all humans.
Psychological studies prove that people responsible for strangers turn evil.
lmao glownigger hard at work.
Nice masonic and marxiet and communist horseshit
Its 3 laptops and child porn he fucks kids and its multiple black books
No that pol not ancap and reformed economic Marxism tymoshenko and her are nat soc we did that not you
Lmao even
The cia is Jewish and evil anon>>472264977
Yes yes and enforcing communismmand carrying on this systematic nature of a state
Nice try cia faggot
Drugs dirty sheriff failure scottish kile rite masons that's communists
Bill donovan we only hire communists their job is a west enforcement mind fuck we do good they dont
As an Australian citizen, they ousted our democratically elected leader and likely disappeared another. Fuck the CIA. Fuck Five eyes. FUCK GAYSIO. Fuck unelected beaurocrat glowies running the world.
No they were that way then
Mormons are evil bot genocide is jot real and they are idolaters also that's the drug side as well
Seems like I struck a nerve here. You guys REALLY don’t like being reminded that you share all your beliefs with Reddit leftists nowadays.
Communist internaional you mean Freud einswine marxes proteges and bronstein lening coudenhove and the European death chains and ball earth cult fags wasting time and slaving judeo freemasonry
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I have never met people better than them IRL. You can prove me otherwise if you're willing to. I will never change my mind.
Post facts
all intel agencies are just goyim fronts for chabad.
>they have always worked in american national interest
>Do these interests happen to align with America's "greatest ally" Israel? A country so unabashedly racist and ethnocentric it would make Hitler blush?
So then they do not serve the national interest at all but the interest of a tiny percent of the population.
How do you reconcile this? Israel is not our ally.
>they are thoroughly vetted to be anti-patriotic and communist.
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They over threw Your hecking third world country!
remember that one time when they staged a pandemic to over throw a sitting president that was doing ok by not following Jewish plots?

You know what would be funny?
If they actually carve a hole right through his skull and you still somehow try to find a way to justify them.
By the way, those overthrown third world countries were explicitly for Jewish Banksters and personal embezzlement, neither those countries nor the United States has been better doing such stupid actions and now that the party is coming to an end, seems America has all kinds of fingers pointing at it and the real criminals will escape to tel aviv in the day of reckoning.
Wait till the euros wake the fuck up and gather some balls to express how much the United States has sabotage their lives, that oil pipe line they blew recently comes to mind.

goddamn crying ass shame what glowies have done to this board. what the absolute fuck is this thread? CIA went too hard and fucked the truck: hence look at every zoomer cutting their genitals off. that isn't normal. CIA mkultra'd everyone way too hard now it's completely irreparably fucked.
>when do I get to the Good Guy part of the stories?
when you start reading their funding pitches to DC
All of you protestans were degenerate fucking retards the fucking worst people imaginable. You are all fucking bunch of fucking freemason criminals. All of you protestants. This is IRL conclusion you can't change with internet KEK points. You christcucks are the worst fucking human cohort on the entire earth. You are disgusting. You know it.
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I figured this out a while ago
I also figured out which government agency IS the bad guys
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Why do so many leave and become alcoholics?
Never been to Plebbit..My only experience with it is from SSs from here.
>Plebbit leftists
Whether the neoFaggots know it or not..
>Thinking in RED TEAM/BLUE TEAM terms
NGMI faggot...
Your supervisor needs to PULL you off this assignment, You SUCK at it, and are out of your element; No matter how good your "Auxiliary" programs are.
>Declining average american testosterone, iq and WASP ancestry levels most likely.
no, from day one the first director was compromised by jewish blackmail ring, the same one that epstein and maxwell worked for. they used that leverage to kill off or replace anyone not compromised.
now they are running the logistic of the blackmail ring for a good chunk of the western nations.
Then go back there
Probably thought it was going to be like James Bond but then found themselves working for 30 years in a cubicle translating South East Asian communications and writing reports about it that no one ultimately read until being laid-off when Google auto-translate became a thing.
That reminds me of the time some FBI agents doing honest work busted an Israeli moving company and were supposedly instructed to let them go by members of the CIA.
I wonder which Bush passed that order down.
I thought you were confident in you argument. But like most conspiracy theorists, when someone asks the, "why" you seem to crumble...
This isn't your safespace. Fuck off back to /x/.
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>Unless, of course, one feels that being rich and powerful is the ultimate point of life.

what other point could there possibly be?
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>1 post by this ID
It's all so tiresome
I agree israel is not a very good ally but both states have overlapping interests. It is likely we are trying to use israel now to confront iran and destabilize the middle east for us
>Reddit leftists
>have overlapping interests.
No we do not, there is no benefit to us in confronting Iran or even making them angry. Name one functionally useful strategic interest we have in doing so.
Considering that Saudi Arabia is barely an ally at this point we don't have to worry about that heap of garbage anymore either.
interesting. is there a domino effect equivalent for electrons? send a small electric pulse and get a massive electric discharge?
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>"they overthrow the heckin third world shithole governments!"
they do this by promoting globohomo to destabilize governments until the government is so weak that the CIA can install a compromised puppet who works for Wall Street Jews.

In fact, the CIA does the same exact shit to the United States. They want every big city throughout the world to all look like the same shitskin globohomo (((diversity))) melting pot so that they will all be open to Wall Street turning them into asset-stripping locations.
>succinct metaphor
thanks for that webm
>Your supervisor needs to PULL you off this assignment, You SUCK at it
they send the fuck ups here as punishment.
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Lmao now THIS is quality trolling. Have a (you)
define "good guys"
Ignition coils work on that principle. Look up "step-up transformers"
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u guys arent even trying anymore
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Totality of actions benefit their constituents and nation (i.e. Americans and America).
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>The real redpill is that CIA are good guys
Oh come on. OP you fresh glownigger. get your supervisor to look at this post. Did you faggots really put the new kid on? Did you retards even train him? This is fucking pathetic, even by your standards.
>"Hurr we're gonna go to 4chan and tell them that we're the gud gyus all along with no evidemce to back it up! That'll surely get these nazi chuds to support us and gretest ally!"
That's what you niggers said in the meeting room, isn't it?
Fuck. You guys have really gone down the shitter. 3 years ago you tards at least tried to put some effort into fitting in.
Now you put fuck all effort and don't even try to hide.
Fucking pathetic display.
>the US hegemony only weakened when they started to get reprimanded and checked.
>they have been an utter shitshow from the beginning, it has been nothing but closeted faggots trying desperately to cover up an unending and escalating series of fuck ups
>Is America weaker now, than it was in the 60s?
>without a doubt and weaking faster by the day.
>Oh, so the CIA, which had much more power in the 1960s, probably helped with that, huh?
>Remember the CIA of the 60s conducted assassinations, coups, drug running, chemical experiments, etc.
>lurker anons, the following is an example of gish gallop. it is also a sure fire sign you have struck a nerve in a low IQ shill. there are only low IQ shills that work for the CIA.
>I thought you were confident in you argument. But like most conspiracy theorists, when someone asks the, "why" you seem to crumble...
>This isn't your safespace. Fuck off back to /x/.
you argue like a troon, and have goalpost shifted, gish galloped, and gaslight for your replies.
its telling you use the term "conspiracy theorist", a term created by the cia to discredit any questioning of the official narrative of the JFK assassination.
you have proven yourself to be a lying faggot, and highly likely a jew.
Govt agency modeled on Nazi secret police are the good guys. At least Nazis weren't primarily involved in money laundering and protection of dirty corrupt politicians that rob you blind. You don't you sign up and die for some fat pigs bank account lol. Politicians don't even deserve to make the money they do. It's all stolen from me and people like me.
>Totality of actions benefit their constituents and nation
lmao, elaborated on that faggotry
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Kek. Lmao even.
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You're not getting free (you)s, until you address your fallacy. Either the strategic intelligence arm of the United States government made America strong or weak when they were at the peak of their power.
I'll wait, schizo.
if you guys had the choice to work for any of the major glowie agencies (not shit cunts like germany) who would you choose?
>truth nuke
You know how BNetenyahu was a KGB who worked for the Kremlin for the 15 years leading up to its first collapse, and how he recovered from this career-setback and now the CIA basically places him as God's perfect man in the Levant as a Jew? Come on you can do this 2 + 2 = 4. This means Netenyahu is CIA and worked for the CIA when CIA controlled the USSR. Now Putin is single handedly headshotting Russia which means he's an... ACK
Death to ZOG. I denounce the Talmud and Glowniggers tongue my anus.
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You're welcome.
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...But I believe it.
you know the regular IP hopping is only leaking info right? the least you could do is not link past IDs to the new one, but then again you are a glownigger so intelligence and opsec are beyond you.
think of it this way, now every post you make is a chance to demoralize a glownigger because they are have to analyze every post in their threads
If the CIA boot wasn't being put on the necks of lesser countries it is us who would be oppressed. God bless the CIA niggers that keep us on top.

If they could just do something about western mass immigration that would be great.
>destabilize the middle east for us
how the fuck does that benefit the US and the American people?
So a good goy?
The real redpill is that the WEF are the good guys or at least the portion of them which pushed the vaccine which, hopefully, will be killing normies off.
so tiresome
we have to drown them first
see if they float
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>increase national security
I think murdering the president was a touch anti-democratic as well.
Watch the driver.
I'll believe that when they go after anti-American communists within their own ranks half as hard as they go after President Trump and his supporters.

until then
How exactly is destabilizing south america in the USA's interest, and not in the interest of cocaine cartels and the stock price of the chiquita bannana fruit company?
>The CIA’s entire job is to lie to you and feed you misinformation.
they exist to collect foreign intelligence.
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>"they overthrow the heckin third world shithole governments!"
our government is shit but I wouldn't call it third world.
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Imagine when you learn about KGB.
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>think of it this way, now every post you make is a chance to demoralize a glownigger
well done lad
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>If the CIA boot wasn't being put on the necks of lesser countries it is us who would be oppressed.
and really they HAD to rape this kids, did you see what they were wearing?
Once Jews are deleted, it's time to find out who was selling heroin in the CIA and deal with them too
I hate to defend glowniggers, but they actually had to be ruthless and machiavellian to match the communist threat.

a lot of the anti-white propaganda you see on the internet is also communist agitprop (China/Russia/Iran/NK and their surrogates in the west).

power is an ugly game. do you hold the 3rd world communists to this standard as well or only western powers? as a supposed ethnic nationalist, how do you feel about the plight of the uyghurs? tibetans? ukrainians?
Get to walking then, nigger.
Lol fuck you
Just burn everyone in the organization. Fuck cherry picking. If you are affiliated with the CIA in any form, you are an enemy combatant.
Uighurs and Tibetans aren't my problem. Ukraine is my problem because once again the cowboy CIA is committing murders in my name and spending my country into the poorhouse to do it. That also needs to be sorted out
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>as a supposed ethnic nationalist,
I am not an ethnic nationalist kike.
we made your niggers have BBCs and dance funny, we're keeping them. They're entertaining.
>I hate to defend glowniggers, but they actually had to be ruthless and machiavellian to match the communist threat.
we're conservatives. The communist threat is literally them.
you are just but hurt that your argument is complete and utter bullshit, and the CIA have always been traitorous faggots.
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>Whats the point of being a super power if you cant influence other peoples governments for your own benefit, if you don't someone else will

actual jew.
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>they exist to collect foreign intelligence.
Smith-Mundt is gone..
You are a credulous fool.
the cia are all disgusting gay jews who blackmail people so that they do what jews want

and they always have been
The propaganda here is fucking anti white who the fuck do you think you are fooling? You are the ones mind fucking your own citizens constantly and don't ever think that everyone doesn't know this.
you're reacting with a surface level understanding because it satisfies your deep desire to feel aggrieved. people call you wignats for a reason.

I've noted that, they have to clean house:

they've been subverted like many of our institutions, but they're not inherently evil and they did a good job restraining communist globally during the cold war.

the entire west needs to reverse course on immigration because it's the #1 wedge issue communists are using to pry apart our institutions and the loyalty of the citizens. if they can't do that, they need to accept that they've lost and conspicuously disband the organization before it's completely subverted.
>destabilize a billion governments, assassinate your citizens, run drugs and guns in both your own country and other countries
>kill anyone who disagrees with the MIC
>Good guys
ah yes
I see someone read Machiavelli's The Prince
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their 'entire job' is foreign intelligence, they are illegaly exceeding their authority.
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>they have to clean house:
don't worry about it
we got it
they had a long time to change course.
that jew is a fauci
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I'm a recovering NEET trying to understand the world with sincerity. I have no agenda other than keeping American families safe and prosperous.

glowniggers failed to do this by allowing the mass immigration invasion over the past 50 years. they failed at their mission and they need to course correct while it's still possible.
these are communist talking points. why do you side with anti-white, anti-western dysgenic freaks who hate God? do you feel just as angry at chy-na and russia's long record of human rights abuses or are you just venting your daddy issues at perceived authority?
chesterton's fence. we're outnumbered by hostiles globally with even less restraint/regard for human life than the glowies.
>since 1976
Longer video:
eglin niggers really think we are gonna support the guys who protect the people that enact the ZOG replacement agenda?
>you're reacting with a surface level understanding
there is nothing deeper to the CIA. from day one it was run by a closeted dragqueen faggot who was blackmailed by jewish communist after they got pictures of hi sucking dick wearing a dress in NY.
>I've noted that, they have to clean house:
the foundation and house are built from shit from the start. there is no cleaning it or repairing it. and it should never have been allowed to be founded to begin with.
>but they're not inherently evil
yes they are. they have been compromised from the beginning by communist jews. making them a defacto communist organization.
>why do you side with anti-white, anti-western dysgenic freaks who hate God?
that is a description of the CIA. the entire organization is jewish communist to the core.
>from day one it was run by a closeted dragqueen faggot
I assume this is true, but are you sure you're not talking about the OSI or the FBI?

>yes they are. they have been compromised from the beginning by communist jews.
we'd be in a much worse position globally if this were universally the case. there's an element of truth to it, but the structure is worth preserving if it can be reformed in our interest. throwing the baby out with the bathwater is stupid and shortsighted.
your pic sounds like its describing the average /pol/ incel

"ugly deformed freaks want to make it illegal to be normal"
Fuck you with your surface level understanding. When leadership changes in this country, the drug dealers and murderers wearing my nation's flag will be found
someone post cp
are you indian or chinese? seethe less for your own health
good luck running an empire without any killers retard
That's just it. I don't want a fucking empire. I never wanted an empire. I want a normal country that takes care of its own people. (You) want anything but
>but are you sure you're not talking about the OSI or the FBI?
fuck off with your gaslighting bulshit.
Allen Dulles is the cocksucker in question.
>we'd be in a much worse position globally
LMAO dilutional faggot.
>but the structure is worth preserving
what part of rotten from the beginning do you not understand. there is no reforming it, there is no cleaning it up. it has always been corrupt and crafted to protect traitors that are openly hostile to America. it amounts to a hostile foreign organization.
everyone that works for it directly or indirectly is a traitor.
>200+ posts
>sage goes in all fields
The absolute fucking state of /pol/
>good luck running an empire without any killers retard
the CIA is not beholden to anything American, and is fully unaccountable to any American power structure.
It is fully controlled by jewish blackmail if not outright run by jews, and this is true for its entire existence.
if you aren't the empire, you will be subjected to one. or are all the nietzsche quotes just so you can look cool on twitter?

if what you were saying is true, Chy-na and Russia wouldn't be in an adversarial position with us at all. I acknowledge the subversion, but don't buy your childish "throw it all away cuz im sad" solution. reform is in OUR interest.
ESL. next.
probably. i want that jewish blackmail to work in our favor though.
and few care and NO ONE WILL DO SHIT, especially you
>OP 1 pbtid, 250+ replies
If an empire wants to fuck with America, we'll deal with it. That doesn't mean we should start one. You sound like a fucking kike with your "if we don't steal it then someone else will" bullshit
who-what runs, steers the U.S. government:
1. >>472162632
2. >>472162734
If we don't rape the children, someone else will!
t. CIA
>Chy-na and Russia
dont have shit to do with the CIA.
>reform is in OUR interest.
NO. it is only in the CIA's interest because other wise every current and past CIA employee is a traitor to America and needs to be executed for their crimes.
>i want that jewish blackmail to work in our favor though.
so you are a jew, and a traitor.
I used to think that way, but I'm realizing how hungry and cutthroat the rest of the world is.

your position is the equivalent of the left wing "just stop oil" position. you just don't have the stomach for power.
you're a low IQ emotive ESL retard
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>you're a low IQ emotive ESL retard
that is called projection.
KYS you have openly declared yourself a traitor to America.
what was JFK up to? was he an alien?
>Read about old intelligence psyops
>They intentionally infiltrate militant black and minority groups to turn them against eachother, sabotage them, and derail their interests
How did they start out so fucking based and now every glowie organization is hell bent on fucking over white people and doing the exact opposite? Less than a century and they've been completely flipped around
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Yeah you're my little ((((bitchass bits)))) race now.
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Sick little monkeys.
>it's communist to hate the CIA
That's weird, are all the CIA Communists self-hating or something? Odd.
>we use DEI to hire quality
They murder and torture your own citizens, traffic drugs, and kill off democracies that don't kowtow to the USA.
How many levels of contrarian are you on?
lmao IP hopping shit for brains
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>but call him ESL and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back, "I've been found out!"
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There's no such thing. Each individual American has vastly diverging interests, for example, working class Whites want good high paying jobs and nigger free neighborhoods, while the rich want poverty wages and a multiracial dystopia.

Guess which one the CIA serves.
>muh evils who will protect you
you are the biggest threat.
you are the biggest ESL
What the fuck does this even mean?
Jesus you retards are so fucking smooth brained. You’re not going to trigger some psycho to action with caps lock.
you are a cowardly traitor
The cia has worked with businesses to destabilize the global south though.
Remember the term banana republic is because of cia action to remove a democratically elected president to ensure business interests weren’t impeded.
You’re just a shill.
>The real redpill is that CIA are good guys
This post glows and your "meme" is all messed up.
Is this the best tactic you glowniggers can come up with to boost army recruitment?
Try to convince 4chang that you're the good guys?
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That's a bluepill you colorblind retard.
Then you should have no problem finding your way back.
Most Jewish 1pbtid ever.
You can't betray America, because there's no such thing. There is nothing uniting the modern American citizen anymore now that the country is multiracial. The interests of the rich and poor have always been opposed, but the interests of blacks and whites are vastly different as well, and now there's nothing bringing in people together anymore.
Their only mistake was not poisoning the supply and outright killing all the niggers and junkies
I didnt ask for you to overthrow tropical thirdworld country governments so i can have cheaper bananas, hell ill pay more for a banana if it means 3rdies arent literal slaves to cia installed despots. U know who did ask u to overthrow and ruin a bunch of 3rdie lives? The rich kikes who run chiquita and co. So who do u really serve hmmm?
Not the heckin niggerinos nooooooo
If I could turn the entire third world into a literal concentration camp and work them all to death to decrease the price of bananas by a single cent, I'd do it.
to add on, that is exactly what the CIA attempts to do covertly, but only manages with strongarm gangster tactics. then use every underhanded tactic to avoid discussing how bad they managed a success through failure.
>control of a lot of mass media (mockingbird)
>putsches for the satanic corporations
>drug crimes (cocaine and heroine at least)
>the good guys
This is where the term banana republic comes from btw im pretty sure. Imagine ruining peoples lives or self determination thousands of miles away just so some kikes can make more money on bananas


By 1950, the United Fruit Company's (now Chiquita) annual profits were 65 million U.S. dollars,[b] twice as large as the revenue of the government of Guatemala.[54] The company was the largest landowner in Guatemala,[55] and virtually owned Puerto Barrios, Guatemala's only port to the Atlantic, allowing it to profit from the flow of goods through the port.
I know you would kike
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>>We had to traffic drugs to save America
>We had to bullshit and create fake news everywhere.
they still do the same thing, except now its coca and poppies instead of bananas.
They’re not sending their best
what if they actual do send their best?
The problem is the CIA is more interested in bringing in the entire third world to first world countries for two reasons, so corpos can benefit from slave labor, while destroying the fabric of society that allows for the solidarity among the White working class and demand for welfare and high wages
It's well known that wherever multiculturalism exists, you get a lower level of public services and lower level of unionization
The REAL redpill is that there are no "good guys" in government, but the CIA is generally beneficial to the average American citizen.
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>yes in two weeks

Yay, those naughty boys in Langley will save us all.
We’re smarter at this point, it’s hivemind vs. hivemind. They were only effective when most of the dissemination of information was centralized under them; they’ve since lost said advantage.
For who? Bustamonte (i know, bear with me) just came out and said they don't serve the American people. They serve the interests of the institution of America, in other words; the government. The gravity of that... I mean it's obvious, but it also wasn't.. And he just came out and said it.
They are dumb niggers and do dumb nigger things
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Nice try fedboy
one more post and this wasteOfbandwidth 'topic' is off of the Catalog forever
lol think about the wretched glownigger hands that wrote this one. Some young FBI star that got his role in the shadow government trying to run cover for human trafficking and drug networks. You were the best in your business, and now you are a paid-per-you.
Fucking amazing.
I trust the cia implicitly and know they have the American people's best interests at heart. They are simply patriotic citizens doing the best they can with the information they have at the time
Correct. No two democracies have ever gone to war, and any place that *is* democratic and becomes American aligned prospers, and people become happy. If their means aren't as "pure" for you, that's why you're destined to get fucked in the butthole by a jeet all day instead of being happy in the blanket of freedom they provide.
>Samefag OP bumping his own thread while jannies do nothing
CIA are easily the biggest enemies of White people on the planet. No other force in the world opposes White resistance to third world invaders to our countries like glowniggers do. No other force in the world, not Russia, not China, not Iran, not communists, no one. Glowniggers are the only thing standing between Whites and White ethnostates.
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>not communists
they are communist, pic related
it wouldn't have been for national security nor did it do anything to harm national security.
They did it in order to make tons of money to spend on covert projects that most likely did help national security. They did it to niggers and poors because they don't matter
Breddy based imo
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>the effort
Some are, especially neoconservatives that want to destroy all foreign modes of government and replace it with globohomo democracy, but I'm willing to bet most aren't in fact communists
However, every single glownigger believes that White people having their own country is an ontological moral evil, and that's good enough for any normal White person to oppose them
>> cmon goys!!! You're making it so everyone at the CIA hates themselves!!! You're supposed to be the primal force that praises the law of the jungle!!

Secret police always destroy their host nation over time. I don't hate you because you have power. I hate you because you act like a faggot to your own people.. your own people.
>but I'm willing to bet most aren't in fact communists
that might be true, but when an admitted communist is able to become director ALL are de facto communist even if they are ignorant of the leadership.
Glowniggers don't have a people, they're loyal to a government. Much like the police aren't there to protect and serve, they're there to blindly enforce the law.
When that government is trying to actively exterminate the natives and replace them with foreigners, that's what glowniggers support.
When that government is trying to destabilize and topple regimes causing massive refugee crises like in Libya or Syria, that's what they support
you aren't going to hatch any cicadas retard

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