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why is this unanimously agreed upon?
generation z is more globohomo than millennials tho.
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Kiss your sister?
Your memes shit. They're all cringe. Why? jews.
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that is just blatantly untrue. millennials are the reason why the basedjak meme was created in the first place. just a bunch of disney adult funko pop reddit faggots
>generation cares
>gets blackpilled
>has blackpilled kids
>generation doesn't care
>gets whitepilled
>has whitepilled kids
>etc etc
Just another format of weak/strong times/men.
>The millennial piss and shit in impotent rage when it is implied that Gen Z is better than them
Let me see your computer folders
Strong men weak times and that innit
because in a few years gen z will look like 30+ year old cringle lords, one gen alpha kid will do some (((noticing))) in public on accident and they will be BASED, before they go on to become 30 something year olds still grasping onto their based and radical childhoods and turn into cringey faggots, by that time gen z will be black pilled and based while millenials start slipping into their near retirement boomer phase and cringe. time is the great equalizer you niggers
I'm late 94 and feel like I have no generation. Not that it matters, Zoomers seem to be not that different from anyone else to me. Boomers are a special "ME ME ME" generation. X just didn't upset anyone I guess.
What’s based about gen x?
silent = zionist
gen x = do nothing coward jew worshippers
zoomers = not white
great list
>using wojaks
>calling anything else based or cringe
why didn't you assassinate harry truman faggot
dead ass laughed on god skibidi
Millennials are based
Zoomers are the most cringe generation to have ever existed
Alpha is based
You’re a faggot
>gen z
>gen x being based
they're all entitled cunts who think growing up in the 70's makes them better than anyone. They have lead poisoned brains and are proud of it. If you're above the age of 50 you're a fucking retard
kinda accurate
That might be how it started, but that's not how it's going.
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holy heckin based
dont lie... its true
Shit thread about shit people.
There are a minority of zoomers that are definitely more based than millenials. However, as a whole, zoomers are complete cancer.
Gen X is a mixed bag. The good ones still have an independent spirit that allows them to be self sufficient in a way Millennials actively try to avoid being.

But a lot of Gen X were successfully manipulated by Hollywood for decades and still have that programming in them. Many, though, also came of age in the 90s when Waco and Ruby Ridge happened and saw enough shit to plant the seeds for coming around when they were ready.
I pity the millennial faggots of this website and laugh at their new male wine aunt cope. Its one thing to browse every so often in your free time, but the majority of posters and seem to treat it like a full time job, and GOD forbid if you have a family and browse here. Now all you people do is bitch about the generation below you like the boomers and Gen Xers (equally as gay and retarded) that came before you, with hopes you can skip a generation and corrupt Alpha with your tranime waifu garbage. OldFAGS is correct. No cap, this is not bussin at all, gramps.
Millenials are the doomerjak. Pic rel is zoomers
every gen X I know is extremly demoralized and tired
Pick one and only one
Cope lol, we know you think we’re cool.
*picks both instead*
Fucked everything
>gen x
Let it get worse
Powerless to change anything
>gen z
Utterly braindead
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It's not; every generation is an attempt at counter-culture from the one before it. That's all.
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>unbridled salt from seething millennials

sure feels good to be a zoomerGOD
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The cycle time is longer than that, both X and Z are mid

an actual gen alpha make this
I'm always stunned in amazement when i see an honorable zoomer fro.

well done lads
>10 year olds are based
Only the millenial are based.
all this zoomers are so based and anti globohomo seems to be big cope. the internet talks always about this but when I look out in the real world for this I cant see it
I am first zoomer/last millenial - everyone is braindead
Gen alpha acts just like gen x but given access to the internet earlier, gen x fags are even calling gen alpha gen x squared.
We invented and retired all the memes that you zoomer niggers refuse to stop spamming.
all memes are created by millennials
millennials are the only ones who know how to use photoshop
neither zoomers or boomers know what pdf is
gen x here,
my kids are alpha. they and their friends regularly say nigger, faggot, tranny. They'll say anything to get a rise out of school admins.
And gen z are even worse
Oh I know, you guys are damn proud of gen alpha as a whole, and that may very well be the gen that gets shit on track once the boomers finally eat crap and die.
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Faggot, gen z is the worst. You are literal retards that will throw away an ipad because of a software issue.
Late millenial/early gen z is based while early millenial and late gen z is cringe
That's not really their fault, they have lower IQ on average due to the leaded gasoline.
Jews really really really want White people infighting. This and the anti-women thread are from jewish desperation. Our enemy is jewish power period. Fighting them is necessary for our existence. They're scared right now and need their enemies divided and conquered.
Millennials created the soijak meme and gen z is way more often soi and tranny so you just got wrecked by me and you'll never recover lol
>gen x
>gen x
>gen z

none of these words existed 10 years ago

let that sink in
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Oops that's x, sorry
who the hell comes up with these "generations" anyway? I've heard it's supposed to be every 20 years so how can I be a 32 year old millenial but there is already alpha after zoomers? Zoomers don't have kids so somehow millenials are the parents of two generations? When I was a kid it was just us and boomers but somehow over time we add more and more more frequently. I've also heard that generations are defined by the world they grew up in changing. Boomers grew up in the new world of plenty out of WW2 and millenials grew up with the internet. Zoomers are growing up in a world where everyone has a smartphone by default. So what the hell is the difference with this "Alpha" generation that people are so opinionated about despite them being literal babies. There is nothing different between a zoomer and an alpha this is all just people being obsessed with themselves and wanting to have a group. There isn't even a hard defining line between them, people are born every day all year round it's just like star signs just an excuse for people to talk about themselves and how they are so special
Capricorns are based. Aries are cringe. Cancers can be good sometimes. Leos are based. This statement is as meaningful as yours.
Boomers and their offspring are the problem. Idk about Alpha but if the cycle continues they are all faggots
We millenials lost at 2012 but at least we tried. Can't tell of a single generation between those that ever tried changing things.
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Gen X doesn't receive as much hate as it deserves.

>Zoomers based
Let's be frank, Millennial's were the gen that mass dreamed of the transhumanism movement and all of us wanted to live forever as uploaded consciousness in robots and we got fucked, so most of us got relegated in trying to push for advanced tech and basically run society because of it.
>le generation wars xD
it's retarded, like your wojak memes
I was born in 1996 and I don't even know what my gen is supposed to be. I don't identify with nostalgic millennials from the late 1980s fixated with harry potter and childhood animes, but on the other hand I hate social media and the "culture" revolving around it. I like to follow new things but it's also comfy to dive into more nostalgic stuff from time to time, without being obsessed about it
People that supposedly know the jewish question immediately pick up these meaningless labels, identify with them, and attack their own race rather than our collective enemy.
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goyim be like....
Sounds like a (You) problem
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I honestly don't care about this generation war shit but I legitimately feel bad for gen z and alpha. You guys just don't know how bad your culture is, and it's probably our fault but whatever. You don't even have a place at the table so your vain attempts at "we're better than you" look even more pathetic.
Probably, you could even argue it's a full on skill issue, doesn't change we run shit.
It's not though.
Silent - cringe, but did good.
Boomers - worthless useless scum that is still causing all modern problems.
Gen X - worthless garbage, but there are too few of them to care about.
Millenials - cringe but too poor to worry about atm
Gen Z - worthless stupid zombie fucks
Alpha - too early to tell
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based fellow Argentinian
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Yes they did, they were in the American lexicon for decades starting with the "baby-boomers" as noticed by the "boom" in population seen after the war. Gen X was called that because they were the generation to say no to everything. Millennials were the last generation of people born before the millennium. Gen Z is when things start to get fucky. They called Millennials Gen Y after a while just to put things into a label, as such we have Gen Z who is just a play on the older generations names because the kikes in charge are no longer creative. Gen A is the same thing again but lamer.

Gen Z and A are ablsolutly bullshit names to put things under a label, but to say the other generation names never existed is just factually wrong.
boomers are only based here what are you fantasizing on
I disagree. Your entire post is now destroyed.

And cringe.

Cringe cringe-posting cringe is giga-cringe.
All it does is galvanize us. White pride, worldwide, brother
I must have misread your post because I dont read anything and I saw the transhuman things and assumed you were accussing millennials of being trannys
Hipster stuff was not the predominant culture with millennials.
>believing the lies that the kikes


Divide by group is a powerful form of manipulation used by the Elite often. It's not the strongest (I think guilt is the most powerful, at least for white people), but "group divide" is top 5, at least.
Who's that?
Zoomers are cringe as fuck though.
Zoomers have non-existent attention span, they're social media addicts who can't read books, cook or work out without blasting gear. They would starve a brain-eating amoeba.

I would never consider a zoomer anything more than a shittier, far less intelligent version of late millennials.
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You're missing a generation between boomers and gen x -- the parents of millennials.

Silent gen were literally car thieves, rapists, retards, male prostitutes and illiterates. They were drafted to replace the real "greatest generation" that died in WW2. Their descendants inherited their problems.

So now we have two simultaneous dynasties. The boomer's dynasty that was in WW2, Vietnam, and desert storm, and the millennials' dynasty that didn't fight for ZOG at all. That's why jews go to such great lengths to bad-mouth millennials.
I remember "baby-boomer" but it wasn't very commonly used. And it wasn't "boomer" it was "baby boomer". A very specific thing to refer to the exponential boom of babies. All the other shit is astroturfed.
oh fer sure you lying gen xer
All I know is I have been called a Millennial for almost 20 years now.
they grungy latchkey keys that all became vegan stop oil hippies and tattoo artists who worship vishnu isnt that kewl

We're really happy for you guys...Also jealous.
Gen X here. In HS during OKC, Waco, Ruby Ridge. Completely demoralized. Would an hero, but can't do that to my family. Praying to go out in a spectacularly horrific car wreck with a semi.

>Not a tractor trailer, but a half chub
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>half a chub

this you?
Fuck off pervert
the ones who spend their whole day on social media and are brown yes those are more globohomo than anyone on this entire graph
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all frens are welcome to move to Argentina as soon as Milei fixes the economy and all niggers are sent to Europe in shipments
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>gen z
lmao they can't even work a manual can opener
jews do it to divide people and turn kids against the teachings of their elders. it breaks down social cohesion and helps them subvert. read the protocols of zion and they lay out the plan to do the whole generational warfare over 100 years ago.
Whenever some midwit belittles Gen Z because a bunch of them are turning gay or trans, just remember that the generation who fought in the SS are the same that grew up in the Weimar Republic. Zoomers are called Generation Zyklon for a reason.
How is making their poojeet slaves work the can opener on their behalf not based?
Unanimously means everyone.
This is not unanimous.

It's ok to make mistakes, I hope you've learnt something OP.
Yeah, I mean more or less, this phenomenon is due to the 11 year sun cycle.
Uncultured faggot
When the sun is in more activity people are more excited(especially during the first months of pregnancy inside the womb).
This is why the punk gen came to be because the meta-generation they were born into were actually in cycle 19 the worst in the century.
A soviet scientist by the name of alexander chizhevsky studied this and explained that it is due to positive ions in the atmosphere, that reach earth from the worst corona ejections from the sun.
Quite interisting stuff.
Now these labels were all givens by the faggots who run the media.
Absolutely forget them.
Yeah except they'll look 50 because they're ageing like milk, they're all gay or trannies, all the men already have ED, and all their women are literal whores. Meanwhile, I'm a Millennial chad that grew up in the last gilded age, fucked tons when the fucking was good, had a child, am tall and built like Superman, and still look 30. Sorry, Gen Z, you are the cringe of the modern world.
Silent and Gen X were cringe.
Gen Z (the queer tranny generation) is way more cringe than millennials. Gen X is also turbo cringe.
Agreed upon by whom? Your three generations of fox news viewers?
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Lost the bottle cap right

This is the correct answer
I work in education and almost every zoomer kid I had were learning new languages, learning how to cook and learning new hobbies like automotive, sculpting, and art, mostly because their idiotic millennial parents didn't know how, or knew anything teachable other than retarded pop culture facts
zoomers don't even know how to get movies and music without a fucking streaming service. absolute corporate dripfeed-raised drones.
The underlying truth of this meme is the resentment of the author towards their helplessness as a smaller generation.

Boomers and millenials are more in number than X and Z so they get to impose their will on the world easier. So what the author really means by based/cringe is weak/strong since everyone in these spheres admires losers and losing they think a loser is "based".

The assumptions about gen alpha seem to be out of place, there's not any demographic boom going on there.
They're called generation zyklon for a reason, anon
That's objectively false. Every generation sucks for different reasons.
Generational warfare, like brother warfare, is for retards and simpletons.
Gen z is a worse version of millennial. Gen A is based. They hate niggers and kikes
Gen Z has spent their entire lives on the internet and are incapable of thinking for themselves. They just Google shit and download someone else's thoughts.
Dunno what's based about Gen x
not if all 3 middle gens combine their efforts... but that will never happen. Imagine if everyone was on the same page and angry
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>they hated him because he told the truth
the seething replies validates the obvious truth. millennials are cringe faggots and are desperately coping to try and prove otherwise. (which is also cringe)
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They're protosoiboys.
>My kids are SO CRINGE!
>Look at me! I am BASED
>My parents are CRINGE too
>Grandpa is BASED!
Mystery solved retards.
and here is the closet fag brigade right on time.
>the generation that solidified the power of central banking and forced racial integration at gunpoint was LE BASED! only boomers are bad!
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Gen X Murican here.
Late Gen X.
Didn't get any of the boomer advantages but got the most of the boomer firm handshake and paying into a system that will never pay a cent out.
Last generation to just get a glimpse of bommerdom, but never have any of it and the world is an utter shithole now.
Early Gen X 1960's are boomer lite (TM).
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lmao. nice try zoomzoom
We can hope.

Maybe they will be the ones building the gas chambers.
based millenial reporting in.
It’s depressing how delusional zoomers are. They’re such little faggots.
Can we knock off the generation shit and just kill Jews together?
Millenial: gonna raise my gen alpha baby to be the most based person alive. Esotericism from the get, no electronics, off-the-grid survival skills, of course woke on the JQ.
Zoomies seem lost from my interactions with them. They're hungry for guidance, but all they have is Andrew Tate and crypto hustles.
Millennials are boomers 2.0
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>Gen Shh, Gen X, Gen Z
Based people creating Based people creating Based people
>Oomers, Ennials, and Gen A
Cringe people creating Cringe people creating Cringe people
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>still playing the generational warfare game
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Truth, over 20% of Gen Z is gay
Boomer = facebook
Xoomer = twitter/linkedin
Millenial = reddit
Zoomer = insta/snap
Alpha = tiktok
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OP is a faggot who only posts low tier bait.
>Gen X
Gen X is the most ineffectual generation. They rode the aftershock waves of their boomer parents and honestly don't have much to show for it.
Everything else is accurate I think.
Gen Xers are the biggest faggots on Earth you faggot. Go play some Nirvana and take a glass of shotgun mouthwash.
millenials are actually pretty based, gen x didn't do shit and are basically as cringe as boomers, zoomers the jury is still out. A lot of zoomers talk and act like niggers, have that retarded broccoli hair cut, dunno if they're "based". They're alos going to be the ones who die for pissrael
This. They even use 'based' which we started.
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For every broccoli hair there's a hundred of these. And these are the teachers in the schools and who's raising Gen Alpha.
Upon reflection, zoomers and millenials can share youtube
>A lot of zoomers talk and act like niggers
Most of them do. And they have the brain power to match.
Gen X were all gigantic faggots when they were the same age zoomers are now. They just had significantly better music, and were directly responsible for killing Hair Metal. But if you ever actually listen to their music, it's all the most depressing, whiny shit ever made.

>loaded question
>minimal effort thread
>Tel Aviv meme
We killed ourselves a lot.
Over half my friends at high school suicided.
>inb4 I had 2 friends.
Using the blessed Terry Davis to push your cringe opinion is pure Gen Z behavior
kys faggot
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Zoomers created this meme
The Plapjack
how many are "gay" to get employment benefits?
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Frens these labels are useless. "First generation of the 2000th year of a roman calender is going to be called alpha, a greek letter im a msm intellectuel"

Notice where the patterns of the ellipses repeat in the graph according to the paralel years. People born in 1989 will behave just like people born in 2000 because theyre the same specific phase of the cycle. It doesnt get more logic than this.
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real men take care of their own business, soi boy. You might as well be proud because the guy at jiffy lube is changing your oil, or how your girlfriend's side piece is dicking her right lmao
All this generation this and that seems to be an American thing. Here, we're essentially the same. Of course there are age differences, but we end up pretty much the same when we're grown up. Honestly, I don't even think it's that much of a thing even in America. It's probably just another Jew trick played on the goys, to sow division.
total millennial death
Anyone who says cringe is never based
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There are some based zoomers. Like my buddy Craig. He's based.
no one's using that precisely because they're a bunch of faggots. that you want it to be true doesn't make it true.
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New kosher divide and conquer just dropped!
>just another jew trick played on the goys, to sow division

That may be true to an extent, but you can't deny that every successive generation has turned out to be noticeably dumber than the last, especially in JewSA
X and Z use middit too
Last generation that had easy access to sex and trad wives. We also bought homes, had kids and lived the good life before the Internet fucked everything up. Most millennials aren't our fault. They are mostly the children of boomers. My kids are all based zoomers.
it was cringe from the start
Zoomers aren't based though and zoomers are the direct result of gen X shit, just like gen alpha is the doing of Millennials.
The inbetweeners of millennial and gen Z are the real master race. We're just old enough to have witnessed the death of the old world and be wise to the bullshit while also young enough to not be totally blinded by the narcissistic hubris that older gens seem to suffer from.
>young enough to not be totally blinded by the narcissistic hubris that older gens seem to suffer from.
It'll happen to you.
I said nigger openly at college and I am firmly genz.
Poo in loo!
Kek all the gen Z people I know are voting for right wing parties
The boomer part of my family still believes in cultural enrichment
I don't know anymore man, I thought Gen Z was based until they just let us have the "zoomers are trying to cancle eminem" meme. Huge point for Millies
and then they tried to give credit to the word for a black guy, because he used the word as shorthand for freebase once.
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fixed it for you
>funko pops, reddit generation and toddlers are based
Fuck off boomer
> Gen Z
> Based

No, as a zoomer I can tell this is the cuckest after Alpha.
>um no actually you're cringe!
anything else?
Sage all fields that's not this hiard got kys this is a Hitler board and rexist board Hitler and darrelle are flat earther go to b r9k bots
Sorry fag. No broccoli haired tiktok queers are better than me
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It's cringe and useless
kill it with fire!
based and useless
based and cringe at the same time somehow
cringe but useful
pure cringe
only autismo zoomers are based, every other zoomer is a cringe nigger worshipper who hates their own race. i have seen siblings use the milk emoji to mock each other's whiteness. so are those adhd pieces of shit i hate soo fuckin much, those people' don't have mental isues they are just spoiled.
Greatest and Silent Gens were the ones who passed all the civil rights and immigration bullshit laws. Fuck em.
>Gen Z
lmfao, you're basically a more retard version of millennials just dumber, somehow. incredibly.
>zoomer kid
>millennial parents
average gen x IQ on display
Xers never take accountability.
>posts webm of millennials.
I don't I see you as reinforcements in a war against the boomers propping up the Jews. Gen X never did. We could have done something about their bullshit by now. You would not believe how many Boomers think all these Jewish tricks are normal or acceptable. Even if you can't name the Jew, if your brain is not full of lead you should instinctively know that something is not right and have an idea of some the people to target.

It was all Gen X complains about just barely getting by. Millennial complains even harder about starvation wages. Gen X complains about people staving on one end and a fat ass eating most of the food sitting next to him on the other. Gen X smacks down on the staving man next to him instead of the fat ass for some reason and calls him a pussy. Millennial begs for the Gen X for money to buy a gun to shoot boomer to take food to feed him and Gen X. Gen X hit him again and bitches about still being hungry. That is what Gen X figurately did. Useless faggots.
I got left to fend for myself at 7 years old, my boomer parents gave me the pick yourself up by the bootstraps and all that, kicked me out at 17, busted my ass and made something out of myself but now as I'm pushing 50 and childless... What the fuck is the point? Accountability for what? Given nothing and left to fend for myself only to hopefully get aggressive cancer or something so that I can actually fucking retire? Fuck you, you entitled little faggot.

The world is a cold, dark place and people are constantly trying to fuck you over. Your participation trophy is fucking useless.
you gonna cry?
Youre retarded Millenials pioneered wokeness and all the lgbtq and zoy shit. Youre by far the worst generation
Xers are all nihilists
which isn't a good thing
It was the only way for a select few to get rich. They are sellouts.
In my experience Gen Xers are very apolitical for better or for worse they simply do not care
Exquisite retort. Well thought out... I kneel.
Windows XP (Based)
Windows Vista (Cringe)
Windows 7 (based)
Windows 8 (cringe)
Windows 10 (based)
Windows 11 (cringe)
Millenials arent funny either, muh indestructible nokia, muh kid holds sand. Edgy wolf. 9gag ifunny XD tumbler reddit deviantart cancer generation of HR bullshit jobs onions faggots
Who is it you think were at the forefront of the great flippening of /pol/ circa 2015? 15 year olds? Who is it you think all the zoomers with their now normalised almost mainstream "trad" opinions learned from?
>millennials are the reason why
you're looking at everything you are looking at
everything you're looking at online is a millennial thing that has been co-opted for someone else for something else at this point

imagine not knowing this
imagine not being part of the cohort
When I first started seeing "mid" i thought it was some gay league of legends reference or something
Zoomers are called zoomers because they're just young boomers. They're generationally selfish, technologically illiterate, largely ignorant of the world around them, and aggressively proud of all of the preceding.
The only thing basedlennials taught us is trannies, nigger worship and how to catch Deoxys
Says the Me Me Me Generation
Zoomers are retarded. Gen X are the most useless nihilistic niggers that ever existed. Zoomers are just millennials with iphones instead of pcs
It kind of looked like it at first but zoomers are actually quite based, its the generation thats really starting to push back against wokeness/political correctness. Millennials are the woke/basedjack generation
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also, you don't understand that basedjaks was millennials calling out the dregs in their own gen
it was done for zoomers too, you're welcome broccoli heads
and when zoomers mistakenly called anyone older than them boomers, millennials also took on that moniker
This. Millenials peaked with family guy humor
Zoomers weren't even old enough to vote for orange man mate. Do you think a zoomer invented the phrase "nigger fatigue". Aggregates and generalisations are useful but in this case you're using it wrong. Millennials were the first generation where even though it may have been a minority, at least had a minority that questioned things. "9/11 truth" went from boomer/gen x "conspiracy freak weirdos" to basically the default opinion of white men with triple digit IQ
Everybody is fine except for the boomers who deserve to be genocided, there, fixed it for you
Just because 1% of millenials werent cancerous woke retards but autists doesnt mean your generation isnt complete and uttur shit. Good for you tjat youre an outlier but your generation is the worst
I'd say "zillenials" (definitely not biased here.. nope not all..) bridged the gap and felt the responsibility of unfucking the fuckery of the 80s born people to ensure the 00s borns werent completely fucked
no u. fag.
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Come my lady come come my lady. You’re my butterfly sugar baby…

Press F to pay respects

>your generation
I'm borderline birth year and don't feel I have much in common with millenials but im just at the cut off of the zoomers, hence >>472285630
but think about it in context, what generation normalised being "pro-white" as an explicit thing? Was it kurt cobain fans? At the end of the day youve got to recognise these groupings are largely reactionary and responding to their environment. People born in certain eras had a combination of the most blatant shit but being slightly too old to be fully programmed from birth ipad style, so they were inoculated against it. I think most people born 95-2005 took on the best of all worlds by virtue of being born at the shittiest time without being completely compromised on a physiological level from birth and thus with the right noticing abilities could start to think of alternatives
Are you a millennial?
Agreed by whom?

Fucking retard
right on the cusp between the two. I can see the advantages/disadvantages/laudibility/errors/potential of both extremes
Us zillenials are a peculiar bunch
based and only appropriate response.
More based than you, nigger.
im on the cusp of millenial and gen z and I can confidently say that millenials are more based than genz
There were ZERO trannies older than me in my area and there were 3 trannies younger than me in my area
Then I'd say you're a zoomer.
I have millennial authority here and we don't want you, you fucking zoomer piece of fag shit.
Never saw others generations really protesting against taxes or simply not doing what they are told to do because they don't want to, and not because of any political bullshit. Gen Z is a first.
Eugenics... simple as
Gen Z or Zoomers are the least based generation in history. Half the boys talk like girls even when they're not gay.
They constantly try to come up with their own little catch phrases nobody understand but them, and they all think they're movie stars.
Or the boys spent so much time online gaming they think that's how real people talk, which they do not, but the boys now do.
Sometimes I think a draft might be a good thing just to deplete us of these faggots.
Zoomers are far more retarded and that can be perceived as based but they're just fucking idiots that don't know better.
I can't fucking wait for the draft to kill them all. I'm going to be so fucking happy you have no idea.
i don't know what the fuck you say but regardless of who says it, he's right
None of these generations did a single positive thing though.
>fight against Europeans to help establish total jewish dominance in the world
>become hipsters and help niggers and faggots get rights which would eventually ruin the world
>double down with everything that the previous 2 generations did
>completely helpless to stop what has already done
>fully integrated into the kike led world without any resistance
> ???
Which begs the question what was the point of this retarded thread???
I'm a fag piece of shit because I didn't have a SNES? You realise zoomers includes people born in the 90s right
The so called "greatest generation" is where the globohomo rot very clearly starts.
The keys to power lie in the hands of those aged between 45 and 65. And all the financial and demographic problems have their root in laws and trends from the 60s, 70s and 80s. The Boomers were too young to pass those laws, being at their oldest 30 in 1975.
Don't get me wrong the boomers have their share of the blame for ending glass stegall in the 90s, but but the problems start decades before they come to power.

Nixon ended the Gold Standard in 1971, boomers were at their oldest 26, no where near the keys to power, and it's arguably the most important individual act anyone has ever done to allow international monetary manipulation. Prior to this the Bretton Woods act effectively stabilized the global economy, and made it very hard to manipulate. But since 1971 currency is essentially just stock, if the financiers don't like the actions of a government they can manipulate the exchange to kill the imports or exports.
>for the draft to kill them all
>Implying they will comply like those in the Vietnam war.
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Correct. My kids are racist as fuck, know the Jews are the problem, and regularly send me memes about shooting IRS agents in Minecraft. Alpha will save this country.
Lol, total drafter death. Come and try it glownigger
Wikipedia tells me zillenials are the true "memelords"
>The Boomers were too young to pass those laws
Not in my country it's still boomers. They're still in charge. I'm 42 years old and a lot of the same politicians are there as when I was a little boy.
Especially Democrats but there's a lot of dirt old ass Republicans too.
And they won't fucking retire or get the hell out of the way.
lol thats pretty spot on actually
I'm already taking down information for the federal government. I'm going to rat on all of them. They think I'm their friend but I just want them dead.
>>fight against Europeans to help establish total jewish dominance in the world
The silents are called silent because they weren't old enough to fight in WW2. They are the gen X of the early 20th century, complacent but by definition didn't take part in the fighting against other europeans part. Boomers are essentially the spoiled kids of the "greatest" who were also the ones responsible for accelerating the fuckery in a way it never had been before. Each generation in turn all fucked it up in different ways, they just benefitted from the fuckery the most, however generations starting from millenials have basically been cut out of the power process in a way silent, boomers and gen x weren't.
Genx here. Zoomers just have stupid hair. Atleast they fucking listen. You faggoted millennials were the absolute worst. You have no idea how much like the boomers you really are.
>Gen X
as a millenial this infograph is true
True, millennials are stealth based
Very close, anon.
They grew up with it and the brainwashing that induces it but did not choose it like so many millennials did. A lot are aware and pushing back in various ways. A 16 year old at an old job was the first person to tell me about seed oils and the inflammation they cause. Few millennials have anything but positive opinions on pornography, zoomers are starting anti porn movements on tiktok and Instagram and a lot of them are more serious than nofap meme stuff. There's probably less shame in talking about it since they all had the internet and smartphones in their faces before hitting double digit ages. A lot are vocally anti trans and anti gay. I believe Nick Fuentes actually is gay or something along those lines and that is exactly why he goes so hard against the Jews, because he blames them for that early life conditioning. And so on and so on. It's not all of them of course and I wouldn't know how to estimate what % are "based" (also living in Texas probably skews my anecdotal experiences) but I feel like they are more likely to adjust their lives and speak up on all these societal cancers we have going on
gen z is cinge. alpha is more based
You need to flip Alpha and Z. Z is just the same as the millineal.
Gen Alpha is BASED.
>the most impoverished generation are boomers 2.0
In terms of numbers maybe but definitely not any other metric
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Soijack meme was created by millenials.
It's not though.
Fucking hell guess that settles it
People also seem to forget the blatant fucking obvious that all else being equal greater wisdom and knowledge come with greater age, of course a 20 year old is going to be more unlikely to be the bastion of truth seeking independence than a 30 year old. Because of the acceleration of infodumping and the crucible of the internet in the 2010s before it got fully compartmentalized, millenials could pass on and refine things they were learning from the outliers of gen x (such as seed oils) to counteract the mainstream narratives, and so gen z is getting a headstart as it were, and they're probably the last generation in the current system where at least some of them have a chance to avoid the Fact Checking TM obliteration of truth and niche understandings which go against the materialist hyper subjectivist control mechanism
I'm a Zenial. Makes me a young Gpa I guess. Boomer post all the time
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>Gen Z


Oh yes, the gayest, most leftist, most feminist, most trans generation is "le based".



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I've met way more racist zoomers than racist millennials. Also, zoomie racism is genuine, millennial "racism" is libertarianism + ironic shock humour anyway.
I dressed in flannel and beanie because it gets cold here. I let my beard grow out because I was too lazy to shave. I rode a bike because I was too poor to afford a car. I drink coffee because I'm addicted to caffeine. I listen to old music unironically because it's just better (except metal, I listen to a lot of modern metal).
Nearly all major trending memes created by mossad or some other national state sponsored military information warfare operation

Boomers were created when the greatest generation slipped up and let the TV jew affect the minds of their kids.

They didn't use the word "cool" until the jew TV and movie icons stated making it popular. It was this kind of thing that the jews have been doing to the populations they are attacking for thousands of years.
im genZ(2000) but i have to say genalpha kids are pretty alright
keep it going you little shits

never liked this disdain each generation has for the other generations, its dehumanizing
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How can a zoomer be racist? They are almost all mixed race.

You can have two of the whitest looking parents and these zoomie faggots LOOK LIKE NIGGERS.

Go ahead, look at a white zoomies weird, spaced out features and nigger hair.

Cope from reddit: the generation.
Millennials are literally the new boomers. They’re the largest generational cohort and thus will hold unlimited political power over the younger generations until they die, only care about themselves, and don’t give a fuck about raising their children properly.
We basically just waiting for the boomers to die so we can join teams with the gen Xs to fix the world. We millenials are non confrontational because its a drag.
South America is more racist than the US

Mississippi is more racist than New England

Seems like nonwhite people are more racist not less
>Gen alpha is like 4 years
Kind of early to tell desu
You know who says that? Shills that’s who.
I go for a 5 day party with my boats and hoes, come back and WTF is going on? Are we Q boomers and chinese sneak shills using jew putin globoturd terminology now?
Absolutely chocka with poo’s and sneaking yellow fartbags here, as everyone who’s not an utterly stupid brand new turd should have noticed.
The only thing worse than a volod is v-lad - both are globo jews. Both should hang for the set up their organised crime gang has created in ukraine.
>Any generation after Gen Z based
>Gen Z the fucking tiktok and faggots and tattoos are normal gen as based
Fuck you you zoomie piece of shit.
It's proportions retard. Compare Millennials at 18 to Zoomers at 18. Demo shift is the only issue. White zoomers are more based than millennial and same for black, however since more blacks and third worlders are in the US the overall numbers are still dragged down a bit
First post WORST post
X/Zoomers are the flyover generation. Boomers hold all the wealth and influence and millennialls will inherit it.

how ironic, since wojack forms the basis of this meme template, just like most of gen z memes.
Gen z is the most worthless group of anything to ever exist.
its gen Y*
youre all social media using faggots
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Okay, what the fuck does that have to do with politics you retarded millenial faggots.
The truth is that millenials created wokism and zoomers are rejecting it and pushing to the right, end of story.
This desu
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Because it is the literal exact opposite of reality. The generations do alternate, but in the opposite way. You can even see it in their names.
Lost, Silent, Gen X, Gen Z: worthless, whiny, lazy, spoiled, self-centered, faggot slacker generations who pushed pro-drugs, pro-niggers, pro-racemizing, pro-LGBT, pro-abortion, pro-globohomo degeneracy in every way possible in an attempt to rebel from their comfy lives in times of unprecedented peace and prosperity. Then when their faggotry went to shit, they always try to blame it on the generations before and after them.
Greatest Gen, Boomers, Millennials, Alphas: based, successful, driven, hard working, ambitious, trad, pro-family, borderline sociopathic, winner generations who dominate culture, society, politics, and the economy for 40 years at a time before passing the reigns and lots of money on to their based children. They just want to grill out and have a good time with their family and friends but the faggot generations always turn the world to shit and they end up having to sort it out.
Our Gen X roastie teachers tried to shove globohomo down our throats in school, but we rejected the faggotry and ate avocado toast instead.
Their Zoomer children are the generation that truly accepted the gender confusion and trans pronouns.
The anti porn movement is just an attempt to bludgeon the population back into the conservacuck box and fake left/right dichotomy, and is also an attempt to force men to debase themselves to dating fat single moms
>You're missing a generation between boomers and gen x -- the parents of millennials.
holy retarded
Nope, the Xoomers created wokism, millennials rejected it, the Zoomers all chopped off their genitals, and Alphas will shove them into ovens in the camps.
porn is bad though
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Your meme is slightly off, lads.
>Greatest: Based (These Chads never backed down from a fight)
>Silent: Cringe (These literal faggots gave niggers civil rights and let faggots fuck and suck in public)
>Boomer: Based (Jealousy of them birthed the term "White Privilege")
>Gen X: Cringe (Fat tatted clowns who are less wealthy than Millennials)
>Millenial: Based (The only group that's actively fighting against the Woke shit that Gen X grew)
>Gen Z: Cringe (Literally the most faggot generation in the history of the world)
>Alpha: Based (Overwhelmingly Anti-Woke Race Realists)
No it isn’t. Porn forces women to compete and makes it easier for men to opt out of the rat race, giving men more bargaining power in society. Only Jewish porn which constantly attempts to force racemixing shit is bad, but nobody cares about that which is why CC companies etc have to target the competition
>No it isn’t.
yeah it is
prolonged porn use is bad for you
>doesn’t even engage just repeats the same thing again
You’re just spouting dogma actually think about it
youre shilling for (((porn)))
>explicitly specify the existence of Jewish porn
>”Nuh uh all porn is Jewish, even Japanese artists and Korean panty shots yep they’re Jewish too”
>le strawman
shill for (((porn))) harder Moshe
I’m not strawmanning you. I’m explicitly stating that Jewish porn does exist and is bad. But Jewish porn can’t win in the free market, that’s why suddenly they’re kvetching about wanting to regulate it and saying it’s ALL bad for you, and why you can’t use American credit cards for fantia and pixiv anymore.
You’re falling for a Jewish trick, not all porn is mind geek controlled
>Last generation that had easy access to sex and trad wives. We also bought homes, had kids and lived the good life before the Internet fucked everything up.
Exactly. You were the last generation that had access to easy boomer tier living, and you were obsessed with larping as rebels and misfits. Gen X are cringe.

Gen X don't get nearly as much shit as they should.

>anon talking about accountability on a generational level and you make it about a personal anecdote
Are you a fuckin woman or something? You're talking like a god damned lady.
Every generation that won't exterminate the kikes is cringe or will be.
the only thing universally agreed on is boomers are cringe the rest is fucking cope no one earnestly bitches about millenials besides the kike media or kike shills on 4chan pretending to be boomers running a DnC OP (that should sound familiar because its describing YOU)
>you're falling for a jewish trick goy, just because we dont control 100% of porn that means its totally fine xDDDDDDDD
kys fuckwit
good thing a millenial made this site for you to complain on
Gen X isn't based. Silent fags gave us boomers and didn't stop the kikes. While charts fucked. Op is gay as hell
>Gen X
No lol
Bunch of nihilistic retards that believed everything the boomers told them. At least the Millennials didn't believe word one of what boomers told them. No strong father figures, had to find their way in the dark from nothing to guide them, found their way back to traditionalism of a sort -- hipsters on hobby farms. I won't say millennials are based, they're not, but they're doing the best they could out of a fucked up situation.
>be Jewish
>control a section of the porn industry
>use your control to pump out white female x black male propaganda
>nobody buys it
>oy gey goyim actually all porn is bad we need to more closely regulate it and you need to get back to work!
Normies in every generation aren't funny. Zoomer normies aren't funny either.

Post to make zero point. Good one.
>the generation that perms their hair to look more like niggers is based
You don't have to force a pattern where none exists; it's perfectly possible for multiple generations in a row to be shit.
>>control a section of the porn industry
oh its just a section!
just a little section, no big deal nothing to see here goy
>I won't say millennials are based, they're not, but they're doing the best they could out of a fucked up situation.
This. Millennials are miserable fucking retards, but they're had it so much harder than these lucky Gen X cunts that it isn't even debatable.

Every Gen X cunt should lower his tone when speaking to them.
Yes a section.
Do you think Jews are making all the shit at Comiket
You know what's cringe? Saying based. Shut the fuck up.
they control like 90% of porn people watch faggot kys
go back to lurking you fucking new faggot
lol no that’s the thing
Nobody is watching their porn
That’s why the credit card companies started interfering
>Nobody is watching their porn
what a load of shit. pornhub is a household name at this point
that blonde girl on the couch surrounded by niggers is a worldwide meme
>anon talking about accountability on a generational level and you make it about a personal anecdote
>Are you a fuckin woman or something? You're talking like a god damned lady.
Just writing about personal experience. I'm sorry I've offended you, clearly you represent the voice of an entire generation. Perhaps I was wrong about that participation trophy. My apologies.
tried changing what lmao, having more tranny pedophiles in children's schools?
And he responds with passive aggression to boot. Kek.

You really are a broad, aren't you?
Everyone after silent is cringe
We didn't have all this faggot shit when I was growing up. What are your pronouns anon?
>What are your pronouns anon?
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We're not all terrible asshole, I enjoyed the shit posting, despite you being a whiny cunt. I need to sleep now so I can wage slave in the morning. Fuck you and enjoy your day.
millenials are blatantly more retarded than zoomers.

t. lazy ass boomer
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Shouldn’t you be on TikTok right now?

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