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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>inb8 muh women muh children
They're eithwr as worthless or as precious as the men. Fuck you!
Plants also want to live and have chemical defenses to stop them from being eaten. There's also some evidence they feel a version of pain.
>>472267193 where do you draw the line
Down the middle of the rabbit. Do they know how fast the fuckers reproduce?
after the cat
>where do you draw the line
when they taste good
We should eat the ones we breed as food and keep as pets the ones we breed as pets
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Right here.
horse is pretty good
Might be, but I rather look at those majestic muhfuggas run in the prairie than eating them
Horses are ugly and stupid, and I have no idea what people see in them. A cow is more noble by all rights.
The whole dichotomy is unnatural and brought by meat industry. There's no reason why you couldn't have, say, pigs as sorta pet like and still eat them when the time comes.
Are you kidding? Horses are extremely intelligent and cows are completely retarded and spastic. Civilization was built on the backs of beasts of burden like horses but cows are just grazing tards for milk and meat.
Reminder that your pet would eat you when you died without a second thought. Clearly they don't give a shit and neither should you. Some of those animals eat their fucking babies if they're stressed.
A dog is actually a decent meal. The only animals I wouldn't eat are things like rabbits, possums, racoon because they carry rabies and other diseases.
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Gentlemen, let's just agree to eat both, I'm hungry.
White people get attached to things they keep as pets
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I forgot Indians worship cows, you got us poo.
To cat. I am allergic to cats.
Maybe I will ask the chink to cook some dog for me.
>Horses are extremely intelligent
You never had to interact with one, right?
Pigs are more intelligent than even cats, yet it isn't a problem.
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>Horses are extremely intelligent
*trot trot trot trot*
"Oh? What's this? My equine senses have picked up the sound of a beetle, three fields away?"
"Hmm, what shall I do?"
"Oh! I know!"
*kicks six people to death and breaks all its legs when it trips over*

Horses are fucked and I'm sick of pretending they're not. Yeah yeah horses are the glue that holds civilization together, I don't caaaaare cunt
>Americans are ugly and stupid, and I have no idea what people see in them. A cow is more noble by all rights
>Nestle is the producer of the Buitoni Beef Ravioli and Beef Tortellini (as well as the Lasagnes à la Bolognaise Gourmandes line used by catering companies) that was sent to Italy and Spain and found to have traces of horse DNA in the mix.
>where do you draw the line

Across their delicious necks
Why though?
You are still eating death.
Those are good people in graphic.
Just eat the bugs, you faggot.
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>all animals want to live
Even the field mice, rabbits, snakes, bugs that had their homes destroyed and life taken in the harvesting of your plants?
French nigger in the Tracy Hills?
Yeah, I’ve been around a horse for a few years, They are retarded. Flat out, absolutely retarded.
>Those are good people
Anon those animals are all from the register of war criminals.
That duck killed six million ewes.
No, I am eating nutrition. Continue to consume your cancer causing basedbean oil , faggot
You can have pigs as peta, it's not exclusionary. And the meat industry is based on: ease of production i.e. breeding, meat quantity, taste.
That's like saying why don't you eat pine? It's a false dichotomy bro, they're all veggies.
I don't need a Wikipedia article to know I've eaten horse when mortadella Is my favourite cured meat. Newfags and their cringe babyredpilla are the worst.
All animals are retarded, even those at the high end. Humans mistake certain social animals that have minimized psychopathic traits as being intelligent because they can easily form bonds with the animals while other solitary types with high psychopathy just ignore humans.
Why would anyone care what kind of meat they ate as long as it tasted good…? I’m absolutely more than willing to eat human meat if it tastes good I don’t care why do vegans think this affect us?
Plants don't have anything close to a nervous system you moron.
What’s a mycelium?
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>my name is ADIS HOT IVANKOVIC. I'm a muslim balkan turkroach yugoslave rapebaby immigrant invader and I MUST rape german children bestial and sadistically to death and I NEVER got caught with it. I let my victims eat my poop on public streets and much worse. I rape my victims, the children, over years. I destroy lives of my victims family and I even would never think bad about it, if I would. It is the exact opposite, I feel very strong for that and I like it. I also like homosexuality, and incest, if the others are the ones who suffering their whole life until death. I do also like to torture pets alive (or dead) and torturing them with a passion to death.

>my criminal turkroach "father" was also in prison for many many years, but he is a good goy and dindu nuffin, just like me! I've learned sooo much from him, masallah! my "mother" knows what I'am doing and is also proud of me, of a multiple child rapist and murderer of german children. she supports me, loves me and my money from the germans.

>all of my turkroach yugoslave friends are criminals aswell of course, and we go further; we wont stop it! ("say, how could you tell?") I'am a criminal millionaire and proud muslim because of all that and it's my business!

>we dont like niggers, gypsys or jews in our countries because we are the good guys. we are not like "those" subhumans.

pic related.
What would /pol/, you, do, if this "object" did this to your children multiple times ?
More women for me Nigger.
the horse and rabbit need to be switched. it stops at rabbit.
Conscripts get training and civilians get terrorized and dont have the weapons (Tanks, Jets, Helicopters) to fight back?
No, I think it’s quite obvious what needs to be done. You can’t say what you want to say in this world and you shouldn’t really tell people what you plan on doing it should be a surprise
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Wonder what the fuck he's doing in an unrelated thread for starters.
I don’t know, but it gave me a good opportunity to say what I wanted to say
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Bahahahahaha based anon!!!!
Picrel is the vegan chick on a good day.
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I only eat Burger King Impossible Burgers
both horse and rabbit meat are good. You don't have to eat them all the time but you should try it (because it's good not because it's cheap)
I highly recommend rabbit in mustard
I love rabbit meat
Anything I didn't pet growing up is fair game to eat.
When aliens come down and eat us , we can't scream please don't eat us, because we don't allow cows to resist
I can’t stand horse owners. Can’t talk about anything without bringing it back around to the horses
If you can eat chicken at a dog fight then I should be able to eat dog at a chicken fight
The line is draw on working animals and tradition.
One time I was watching the news and I detected maitre aliens having a conversation overlapping the News Casters. Then the male Anchor said
>Looks like we're going to McDonald's!
Imagine eating horse cock fresh off the barbecue
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There's a old story about when the creator was going to divide man from the animal world and as the world started to divide the doggo jumped the divide at the last minute to stand next to man, so the line is at man's best fren the doggo.

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