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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why are Americans so fat?
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Why are leafs so Indian?
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I need to have dessert. I exercise too but man I really love cake.
Short answer: Jews
Canadians are Whiter than you paco
High fructose corn syrup
I used to be lean but then I started taking lithium because I'm bi polar and gained 50lbs. I'm working on losing weight only down five pounds from last month tho.
Because they work too much, get lazy, don't have time to cook a good meal and then resort to fast food to cull the cravings.

Me? I used to smoke a couple Marlboros to cull the cravings but it was fucking up my teeth.

I lost a lot of weight from it and I honestly think getting away from fast food and eating better makes you crave shit food less.

My diet mainly consists of dairy, lean meats and salads. And I get blasted drunk from vodka on Thursday nights with my uncles because I have nothing better to do.
it is what they are
so fat
The slavers enjoy poisoning cattle?

Because the Republican party is owned by corporations and they would gladly let their white Christian Nazi trillionaire oligarch overlords poison us for profit if it means they get money for their campaign.

Man being in Congress must be so nerve wracking. How can you have any job security if you don't do exactly what the corporations say?
Our food and water are poisoned.
Because there's sugar or its equivalents like HFCS in E V E R Y T H I N G. There's extra calories in basically everything we eat because Big Sugar convinced everyone 20-30 years ago that fat was bad for your heart. Spoiler, its not.
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>white Christian Nazi trillionaire oligarch overlords
Anon, I...
i eat twelve big macs a day and drink about a gallon of coke. this keeps my american body in prime shape - pyramidal - which is the most efficient shape for serving israel (pbui) as a truly monstrous golem made of the softest seedoil fat. one time i wobbled over a palestinian looking guy shouting america fuck while enveloping him in my folds until he suffocated. it turned out it he was greek. o well shit happens.
Big food and big pharma
Jews basically
4 bucks for a salad vs 1.25 for pizza pockets. Do the fucking math, leafy
I have actually figured it out.
The Ametican diet is too low in protein. Yes, corn syrup and sugar play a role, but they wouldn't matter if people were satiated by eating protein instead of fat and carbs.

If you are flabby, just do this: eat a chicken breast before breakfast, lunch and dinner. The rest will happen automatically.
Bitch nigger the same is happening in your country.
It's not that. It's because they eat to much of it.

You can lose weight eating HFC junk food if you have a calorie deficit.

It's extremely easy to eat way to many carbs in a sitting. Or drink them. >>472273731

It's not healthy to eat only meat though. Should eat a lot of vegetables with the meat. The human body needs carbs. Just not carb dense food like potato chips and soft drinks.
>eating healthy costs more

that's long been debunked, nice cope fabrication
It really doesn't cost more unless you are trying to do a stupid Carnivore diet.

You can buy a weeks worth of vegetables and chicken for less than 20 dollars. Even through in some bread for another few dollars.

It does get expensive you are tryin to eat only ribeyes and eggs and cheese.
It's happening in every country. Even African countries are morbidly obese in a lot of places. Due to high carb consumption and soda.
I can't even look at carbs. And sneed oils are always bad too.
high carbs make you slim, that's why over 2 billion rice eating asians are slim.
Those fucks eat nothing but fat and salt. It's ridiculous.

"Less than 20 dollars" is a lie faggot
Well, your method though technically correct does not work because the high carb diet makes calorie restriction difficult and simultaneously reduces muscle mass. Simply by eating a shitton of protein, staying deficit but gaining muscle is nearly automatic.
Why are Canadians so gay?
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Because capitalism works, Chang.
Not so. Japanese people in particular are genetically geared to eat rice and have a 10% naturally higher metabolism. They will not get fat ftom rice. But white and black people will bloat up.
They eat too much.
Not fucking quantum mechanics, bud.
Because America is ruled by cancer, unironically.
keeping your population fat, sumize and entertained, the usa is the country of bread and circus
They're not. Only the border hoppers are
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Them fat niggers ain't eating no rice cakes, nigger.
Does she want me to aim for her eye, her boob or her kissy lips?

If I get all 3 is that bonus points?
>too much bread
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U mad because 4 chicken drumsticks are $200?
>drivethru slimming clubs
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And theres the jew defending HFCS. HFCS is literally jewish poison, and it's in everything, often together with the other jewish poison canola oil and other seed oils. There won't be wooden doors next time.
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The crumbling usa's infrastructure is crumbling for a reason.
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>won't be wooden doors next time
Only because most americans can't fit through them.
All the estrogen in the fake/fast food. It's also whey they are always so bitchy.
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>usa has more poofters and more pronouns than anyone else
>usa invented pride parades
Total mystery why this happens.
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I talked to my dad who was alive in the 80s when everyone started to balloon up and I know exactly why. restaurants. Before women entered the workforce you would rarely ever go to a restaurant because your wife/mother would be cooking you 2 meals and a sandwich in a tin lunch box. Women started working and dinner time became a pile of hamburgers or kfc. Tons of fat and carbs and very little fiber in these restaurants meals. And yeah if you look there are just way more restaurants than there ever used to be, even accounting for population growth. And that’s not even including the quiktrip type gas stations that serve hot food. So yeah it’s a series of dominos falling down.

Wanna fix this? Eat less calories than you burn fatty.
Kike overlords use cheap shitty ingredients to make the line go up.
Seed oil and lots of sugar they cram into all the food.
It's the food. All of it has highly addictive sugar in it.
The fucking bread has sugar in it. The yogurt. Everything you eat has that same corn syrup substance.
Not to mention the car-based society where nobody walks or bikes anywhere.

It's nearly fucking impossible to maintain a healthy weight eating any american diet....which is why nobody does
Why are the Canadians such cucks? Just look at the shit quality posts from you, dog fucker.
plz, nobody will react differently to rice
bad diet
no exercise
parents getting worse and worse
>I'm working on losing weight only down five pounds from last month tho.
look up master cleanse .. do it fir 2 weeks and you'll drop at least half of it.
>bread has sugar in it.
It has to or it doesn't rise, dimwit.
Bread ALWAYS contained sugars you ignorant twat.
>tfw this is what happens when niggers don't learn to cook or bake
>U mad because 4 chicken drumsticks are $200?
KeK- It's laughable that a dog fucker can point fingers Aat Americans for anything, the nation of cucks.
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The thing is we didn’t used to eat too much. Something changed in the 70s and that thing was women going to work and the family piling goyslop on the table instead of preparing an actual meal.

And by the way, goyslop isn’t even that new. We’ve had coke and Cisco for 130 years. McDonald’s and pop tarts for 70 years. Candy has always been around too. We were still fit as fuck in the 1960s even though all that stuff is available. The problem is women went to work!
Hey Toothless - Stick to sucking dick for rent.

Why are Brits the fattest in Western Europe?
by Sue Quinn

The urgency of tackling obesity has been brought to the fore by evidence of a link to an increased risk from Covid-19. The UK is one of the heaviest nations. It’s estimated 64 percent of British adults are now overweight, having a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or more. This includes around 28 percent who are obese (with a BMI of 30 or more), double the percentage figure in 1990, when obesity affected just 14 percent of British adults. More than 10 percent of obese people in the UK have a BMI of 35 or more.

If you eat only meat you will literally die.
Unless you are already a fat fuck. Then you can survive on meat only for a long time. Because your liver will start digesting your fat ass.

People that are just overweight can't eat only meat. You'll starve to death.
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tfw you're a 55 kg twink
Very little anon. Look up a recipe. Can also substitute honey.
t. bread machine anon.
1 1/2 tablespoon per 3 lb loaf.
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