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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>Spams christcuck posts since the shill campaign began around the 2016 election
>Christians say "Christ is King" more frequently to expose shills and jews in response
>"Y-YOU'RE the election tourist!"
Nice try
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>8 years
We are immigrants, faggot.
Make room for us.
Christ is King. I hate the Antichrist. Praise the Lord. Deus Vult.
They are probably being paid by rich boomer christcucks to promote this goyslop religion to the 4chan underclass. Christcucks always target people who they believe are in need of help. Kind of like faggot groomers desu.
It's crazy thinking 2016 was 8 years ago.
>trump becomes politically relevant
>jews start pushing christcuck bullshit
>trump capitalizes on christcuck imagery
really activates the almonds
No serious person thinks Trump is a Christian.

Tucker Carlson is.
Fuck off sand nigger worshiper, we're full!
I’m surprised that /pol/cels are now pushing a narrative that Jews control Christianity. We’ve come full circle.
>gee why did a this phrase that started getting popular in 2016 to express you belief in jesus started getting used alot in 2016 and afterwards.
I think Trump picked up a cross and started carrying it long ago, it’s been sad and hurtful to watch.
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You'd have to be blind and deaf, not to mention dumb for good measure not to notice the coordinated anti-christian shill campaign on /pol/ recently.

/pol/ is pretty contrarian so the more aggressively something is shilled against the more sympathy /pol/ has for it. As a general rule.
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Christ is king, nigger.
Christianity is anti psychopatic which means it will auto repel zoomers and their brown hustler idols
Read your Bible anon, all the answers to life’s most complex questions are inside that good book. Even the answers to what’s happening right now
>we want to convert
christians are not human
I definitely don't think Trump is carrying a cross in the Biblical sense.
The book of Daniel has never been more relevant. You should post with your geolocation.
Im from Appalachia. The poconos
See because it seems like you're from a recycling factory or something.
What do you think Christianity came from? It's a direct extension of rabbinic judaism, you fucking retard. It's a middle-eastern desert death cult founded by Jews and based entirely around Jews, and their cultural and religious practices. You're really gonna try and gaslight people that Christianity, especially modern Christianity, isn't controlled and manipulated by Jews and their institutional power? Lol. Lmao even.

>that pic
Lmfao at this jew. The reality of that were feral insane christcucks waging total war on anyone who didn't want to join their desert jew cult and worship middle eastern jews.
They don’t have an Appalachia flag option. This is a tree hugger flag, I never was a tree hugger until I owned some of my own
cool bedtime story kid.
Amen. God Bless you Fren
Ok christ niggers, give me your reasons why I should believe your Jewish book written in 300bc thats a ripoff of Greek.
Christ is king

of the jews

Checked and Blessed
the right wing version of virtue signaling
because you are a sinner and you know it
>repeats passages like they were law
>blindly follows dogma
That’s not very Christ like.
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Yes? He was King of the Jews. He was the king of kings and lord of lords on all this Earth
>Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Ehad
what are you?
whos power do you seek?
Just earlier I was thinking to myself about how /pol/ didn't seem anywhere near as schizo back in 2013 when I first started posting here. Was wondering whether I just imagined it, rose-tinted glasses and what not, but no, this confirms it.

Just schizo fucks and reddit tards from r/the_donald shitting everywhere.
there were several dozens of rulers in history who called themselves King of kings
Imagine thinking that proves anything. You can't even prove that it started during 2016. All you've proved is that it wasn't a popular slogan before that year. Slogans tend to start with one utterance and then gain popularity. None of this is new and you're only exposing your 85IQ, which you have in common with every other tard on here who cobbles together a sophistic argument to attack Christianity.
None of them were Jesus Christ, none of them were crucified for the sins of all of us.
Cope harder, faggot.
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>This one trick kills the Jewish shills who hate Jesus and try to de Christianize /pol/
If you are an oldfag
Then triforce
Oh you have 34 reasons you can’t
>picrel newfag
Christ is king and no matter what happens you can’t change it lel
did they come back from the dead?
You know who was willing to curse their own children for eternity to crucify Jesus Christ? The Jews. They said his blood be upon us! And on our children!
No, I don't accept the claim of sins existence, present evidence
>everything is okay
so you are an anarchist?
no laws?
if the jews are cursed then why do they practically own the world
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Lol youmad hasbara?
Christ is king
They don’t own shit, outside of Natalie Portman there’s hardly a pretty face in the whole lot of em and even she’s just a set of knocker’s attached to a sellout
>coordinated anti-christian shill campaign
Most of it is merely a response to pro-christian shilling (some of which are actually coordinated on discord).
I seek the love that your messiah instilled upon you, not the fear and subversion of the church.
In the beginning groypers were more related to the post-GG sphere of like disillusioned lolberts and types like Weev, edgy hackers of lapsed protestant and mischling origins. We stole shit and had fun, because we were being robbed. Fuck'em, we'll try to reform it and use our skills. Even the word groyper was in origin to do with some grope prank at a convention iirc. It was hilarious and racist as fuck.

That all shifted as it became a tradcath movement during Trump's admin, after we thought the hard work was over. Thus it became cringe and pointless, with no actual edge.

Our youth, wealth and potential is being squandered by financial institutions and inept government and our fate is to be told returning to Catholicism (a thing the US has never had any cultural ties with aside from like film code schizos in the 20th century) is the only way out. You are told this by a 5 foot spic who opposes eugenics, what was the most American thing to exist at one point when this country was still capable. This while being flooded with jeets and Europe is ruined forever.

Truly we must be in hell.
Any non Orthodox Christianity shilling is organized on /k/ and r/worldnews
Jesus’s love isn’t hard to find, seek and you shall find
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the end will not come before the apostasy

>2 thessalonians 2:3
>Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away (apostasia) first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

>the abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief:

yes, the falling away is happening, has been happening
>Things aren't the way my female emotions say they should be!
>Must mean penis cutting desert cult is right

where do you get your right and wrong?
how do you orient yourself?
He holds himself accountable by only allowing himself to do cocaine and fuck tranvestites on the weekends
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Or at a Shriner convention
You better start believing in Biblical prophecies.

You're in one.
>Covid psyop was 4 years ago
These jews even stole our time from us, what will be next??
>1pbtid, some nonsensical bullshit
I was going to make a potato nigger joke, but we all know you’re a kike in Tel Aviv.
It’s clear as day for those with eyes to see and ears to hear
>pro-christian shilling
a former christian, then i realized the scam
Oh look the shills wanna separate Maga from Christians now

That's what shilling looks like
aka those who see and hear what they want
Satan is the scammer.
God has never broken a single promise.
To all whom the Lord will call
I already crapped once today, but I feel another coming on.
>God has never broken a single promise
speak for yourself
>a direct extension of rabbinic judaism
Which became modern "judaism" 600 years after Christ walked the earth?
Believe what you will but at least base it on reality and not jewish lies you saw on muh christcuck /pol/ memes
platitude nonsense
God has never broken a single promise, to you.
you have no idea what you're talking about
god isnt real, and if he is hes a faggot cocksucker
>Bad things happen to good people, LIKE ME. I’M A GOOD FUCKING PERSON. So the creator of the universe doesn’t exist, SKY DADDY HERDEEDURRR.
Retards, retards everywhere.
Non believer heretic
Every promise God ever made you He has kept.
Christians used to post DEUS VULT, OP outed himself as a newfag.
repeating it doesnt make it true, even if it makes you feel better
The first shit was a simple solid two piece. I barely had to wipe. This one feels messier.
You can't name one single promise God made you that He hasn't kept.
why? so "christians" can dissect whatever i say to somehow make it my fault?
if you believe it so much then pray he changes my mind, which would require a miracle, so good fucking luck
It’s the damndest thing. Sometimes you get a ghost shit that is huge, yet doesn’t require any wiping. Sometimes it’s a tiny one that requires a full post-shit shower. Like cleaning peanut butter out of shag carpet.
Here's a promise God made.

>6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counseller, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

>7Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.

Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.
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I can’t think of a promise that he hasn’t kept.
1 The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing.
2 He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
3 he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.
4 Even though I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
6 Surely your goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord

He turned my crying to dancing again, and again, and again
what a crock of shit
fuck off
Prince of peace. Amen Fren
Jesus Christ is a miracle worker, I will pray for your lost soul and that Jesus shows you the light Anon
Here's another promise God made.

>And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

>1In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.

2And it shall come to pass in that day, saith the LORD of hosts, that I will cut off the names of the idols out of the land, and they shall no more be remembered: and also I will cause the prophets and the unclean spirit to pass out of the land. 3And it shall come to pass, that when any shall yet prophesy, then his father and his mother that begat him shall say unto him, Thou shalt not live; for thou speakest lies in the name of the LORD: and his father and his mother that begat him shall thrust him through when he prophesieth. 4And it shall come to pass in that day, that the prophets shall be ashamed every one of his vision, when he hath prophesied; neither shall they wear a rough garment to deceive: 5But he shall say, I am no prophet, I am an husbandman; for man taught me to keep cattle from my youth. 6And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.
>I can’t get a woman. I’m obese, have a rancid personality, and little to no skills. But it’s God’s fault I have no woman. And someone close to me died. That happens to literally everyone on this planet, but it seems logical to hold a grudge against God for that too. My life is HARD, and it’s God’s fault! I’m a GOOD FUCKING PERSON. Why is God doing this to me??!!
Checked, you hate to see it
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too much text
nicely judged, very typical of a 4chan "christian" subscribing to whatever the present counter culture is
People are stupid and weak, and are allergic to personal responsibility. It is pitiful and pathetic, but whatever, not my problem. Everyone has to decide for themselves. If you plant the seed and they reject it, you did your part.
ive seen what kind of people he gives his miracles to
somehow when it was my turn he didnt have time that day, so yeah, lets see those "miracles"
>Oh ye of little faith
>even though or experiences are vastly different and form the basis of our faith, i will judge others who feel differently because my experiences have always been positive
just as jesus would want
Verification not required
>2Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?

>3Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.

>4Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

>5Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?

>6Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;

>7When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
Why did he doubt?
I was ejected from a vehicle thst rolled doing 87 mph and broke my neck in 3 places, my back in 2, every rib front and back, disintegrated my collar bone, and my arm was so compound fractured they were going to cut it off. I could tell you some stories if you want Fren
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Christ is the opposite of the new LGBT shit.
Ofcourse opposition grew.
well, it sounds like he helped you, good for you
if he had my back too maybe i'd feel the same way you do
what you mean is it's the new counter culture
that's why it's popular on 4chan
you're reading bible posts from people who jerk off 6 hours a day
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When they took me to the hospital, they sedated me against my will, and intubated me without my consent and put me in a medically induced coma. I heard an Angel whisper in my ear, a girls voice “you will be able to talk in 10 seconds”. I remember getting to ten and it’s like all the lights turned back on, I flashed back into consciousness and I try to speak a word but all the air is literally being sucked from my lungs like a vacuum from a sabotaged breathing apparatus. I try to use the universal sign for choking with my hands on my throat. I hear moving but no one’s helping me all I can see are white fluorescent hospital lights. I reach up towards my face I feel a hose and start yanking, all Hell breaks loose in this room doctors and nurses panic and tell me I’ll die if I keep doing what I. Doing. 98%:certain in that moment they were trying to murder me, I grip even fucking harder and keep pulling. All of a sudden I can breathe again, someone had fixed my sabotaged breathing apparatus. I give the hand sign for “I love you”. Ihear all the doctors and nurses asking what it meant and they all thought I was a satanist. Except one lone voice thst said “it means I love you” Ican still hear the silence that came over that room when the one quiet voice said “it means I love you” in that moment it felt like they witnessed something they couldn’t believe, it felt like we were all having a collective religious experience in that moment
Holy whine fest, Batman. Somebody call the waaaaambulance!
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First night out of a coma, my arm was so badly fractured they almost had to cut it off it needed surgery but I was pre surgery. They had a pillow rapped around my arm with duct tape, I remember I kept ripping at it to try and take the pillow off, the nurse came in multiple times. I’m in a bed in this icu room, and across my room are two other beds. In one bed is a dude with a mask like hoodie on, one of those hoodies that zip all the way to the top, in the other bed is a girl throwing balls of light back and forth from one hand to the other like a fucking magic trick. The dude starts inching slowly closer to my bed, slowly closer to my bed, until he’s right hovering over me. He goes to touch my face, I cried out so hard and so fast for Jesus. This dude literally said are you sure you want to do that? Then tried to convince me I don’t even believe in Jesus. I pondered it for a second and said yes I’m sure I want to call Jesus. The chick got up from her bed, and they both walked out of my room. I asked the nurse in the morning who those other two people were in my room in the other beds. She said I was alone in that room all night, I made her swear to me that she wasn’t lying
and then everyone clapped
idk why i bother, everything is a lie
Just trying to talk to you young man. You sound like you’re struggling to find meaning in everything going on, if you’re looking to society for meaning you’re looking in the wrong place
This World in its present form is passing away Anon, but his words will never pass away
The same place you do, from whatever you feel like.
I do things that are conducive to my preferences and I believe will help me reach my goals while avoiding danger and suffering
Care to elaborate? What are your goals?
im definitely not looking to society for meaning
i wanted something he gives to people who dont ever care or want it, that was going to be my meaning, and he let me and everyone around me down
im probably older than you are, with the young man shit
Maybe for someone that doesn't work manual labor. It felt like an eternity for me.
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I was in that accident at a time in my life when I would’ve denied him. Think you’re the only one struggling? You older than 35? And how did he let you and the people around you down? Why do you think he allows trials Anon? They prove the genuineness of your faith. He allows people to go hungry, but he feeds them. You might think he has forsaken you but he hasn’t
>Why did he doubt?
Lack of faith does not have to equal doubt my friend
>if he had my back too maybe i'd feel the same way you do
Brother, God works in everyone's life, part of faith is looking for the miracles and blessing in every type of situation
The more faith you have the more readily you see God's work - this begins when you stop seeing Him as a magic genie
i never said i was the only one struggling
i wonder why they dont feel the same way
if what you say were true, people wouldn't starve to death
>the more you believe something the more you see it everywhere
wow what a revelation
I wasn’t talking about actually feeding people food. I was talking about spiritually
I hate nazis and love jews for their intelligence and cunning

But I do appreciate that nazis are turning on magatards and christcucks even if it's just because they hate jews. Nazis may be vile but at least they're not utter retards, and there's nothing more despicable and dangerous than retards en masse.
>Focusing on the sun instead of the clouds will cause me to say it's sunny today
Yes anon that's how the mind and free will work
christ is king is a dumb groyper meme
christ is far more than just a king
You're right - the most successful scammer of all time trumps any mere king.
Catholic literally means universal.
Catholicism literally means universal.
They prefer Christian niggers to atheist whites and import niggers to the west to sustain their dwindling parishes.
Sooner or later they will make a nigger the Pope.
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God wills it
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All glory and praise to Jesus Christ
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God absolutely had a hand in electing Trump. Deal with it.
Your people are browner than anyone, your people are the worst kind of brown desu
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the chances that you're some shitskinned third worlder are extremely high ignoring the fact that you're a kike worshipper as well
so you really shouldn't be talking
Far from, I’m gold and I’m from Atlantis. Appalachian of Irish and Welsh descent.
is that why he was such a disappointment?
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lol, lmao
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yeah the quality of /pol/ has never been higher, lmao >amerizambos
when did you get off the boat, sambo?
Is that why gasoline was so cheap
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if I got off a boat I'd be chanting encrusted kang all over the thread given the demographic of your downright peculiar levantine-negroid religion
>italians are less christian than africa
It started with thinking hecking Eastern Orthodoxy was le hecking wholesome chungus
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That started up around that time because someone posted it on X and the kikes freaked the fuck out and did this.
So we started saying Christ is King in response to it. I'm a Christian that's been here for 8 years faggot.
Christ Is Lord.
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>Most of it is merely a response to pro-christian shilling (some of which are actually coordinated on discord).
No it isn't. Pro-Christian anons almost never use memeflags or AI slop

Coordination from discord trannys or tel aviv shills always includes memeflaggots and low quality left can't meme garbage. And there is significantly less activity on saturdays during the jewish sabbath
That was the old based christcucks, the westboro baptist fundamentalist types. They've all moved on. Our christcucks today just seethe about baconlarpers all day and can barely bring themselves to criticize jews.
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Fren there are going to be good guys that you think are bad guys, and bad guys you think are good guys. It’s just the way the matrix has been engineered. Always keep your faith in Jesus Christ
What's that have to do with semitic trash ideas like sin not existing beyond a schizophrenic mind
>there are going to be good guys that you think are bad guys, and bad guys you think are good guys
It doesn't work that way. Bible says we will know them by their fruits.
If you can't tell the difference between the Godly and the Godless you might need to rethink your "salvation"
I don’t need to rethink anything
>What do you think Christianity came from? It's a direct extension of rabbinic judaism
No it isn't. The religion of Rabbinic Judaism didn't start until around 70 AD. It's not possible for Christianity to be an extension of Rabbinic Judaism because Christianity existed before it.
>Rabbinic Judaism, the normative form of Judaism that developed after the fall of the Temple of Jerusalem (ad 70).
Clearly it came after
No, it's not. Your statement is false and your chronology proves it.
Bro it's all the same penis cutting desert trash
Care to elaborate?
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Christians, why do you hate being White?
Crustyyyyyy kangggg
Womp womp you larpagans got your ass kicked bow down to the one true God faggots
while the phrase "christ is kang" might have only come into popularity in recent years with nick fuentes movement, to pretend /pol/ hasnt been predominantly far right wing christians is a blatant lie and we all know you are kikes spamming antichrist nonsense and you are doing more than i ever could to convince people of the truth of the holy bible
>Christians, why do you hate being White?

what do you mean? im a christian and i love being white! i love being related to white jesus and white jacob and white abraham and white moses. it fucking rocks!
nice memeflag and kike meme
your meme sucks kike, its ugly like you are, you revel in ugliness because there is no light or beauty in you. its not working either

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