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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How can wagie cope with the sheer indignity of his existence?
It's astounding they have to hire for all positions. kids really are lazy little shits today
Fast food, California - $20

Yeah I’m ok boomer
Stay in school kids, or this is your future.
I saw this sign years ago on here.
Boomers need to be savagely beaten to death in the streets
Boomers are fags, but we dont have to be disingenuous fags about it.
that would require "work" though.
>outperforming the owner earns you a meager $15 bucks an hour

Read Brave New World and then you'll learn what happens when all the wagies have had enough.
What's the big deal? You didn't build the business and when/if it goes under you'll just have to look for another job while the owner will look for a gun in order to eat a bullet.
Staying in school makes this their future
Whaddyahmean? College is an absolutely necessary rite-of-passage for employers to not treat individuals like a mild nuisance at best, or a fucking nigger at worst. I'm proof of it!
the owner in that example is no worse off than the wagie - both are out of work and need to find a job
That's fiction kid.
One will be in massive debt.
Yeah, the American school system is a crap shoot.... Canadian school system guarantees a "service" career.
>9/hr = the work of one person
>12/hr = double the work
Whoever made that sign deserves to have a cheese grater taken to their kneecaps.
>what are labor costs?
>gigawalmart wagie
>labour costs
haha kill yourself
machines will replace you
why dont they publish the owner's take home rate?
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>boomer maths
It’s from at least 2021. Maybe earlier. If it’s from 2021, that $16 is $19 today. That alone is enraging, all other implications aside.
People will happily work for a clear, shared goal
>works like 2 people
>not paid 20 dollars
Where's my extra 8 dollars, asshole?
They're lying. They don't view you as people
15x8=145 145x20=2900
That's a damn good salary I tell you hwat
Hi I'm Uncle Sam and I'm here to take 38% of your paycheck
this math is so laughably retarded that it's crazy. the jumps from days to days, it's just retarded. who made this? how does a one hour coffee break a day add up to 48 days when you claim there's only 60 some odd days of work? (which is the biggest leap by far) whoever did this shouldn't manage or own anything larger than a bag of walnuts, and even then...
Lol you think wages have gone up at all? Lol no
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>who made this?
The same kind of people who made this.
>t. Kid that has never had to manage a business

God help you if you got childsupport payments.
Deal drugs.
If you're not a nigger you're probably smart enough to make and sell dope without getting caught.
Undercover 5-0 is the easiest shit to spot in the world because cops are always trained like cops and always give a tell.
Say you're a drug dealer. You got a new guy that wants your meth, right. He LOOKS like a methhead, but does he MOVE like a methhead? Pull your gun out while he's sitting there, NOT in a threatening way but just to get comfy while you're sitting there, getting your scale out to weigh product.
Look at his eyes when you pull that gun. If you see him start eyeing your hands constantly after pulling that gun, he's a cop.
First thing they teach ALL police in training, and it's rule #1, is hands kill. Because hands do in fact kill.
They burn this rule into EVERY cop's head, and if you pull a weapon in any way, their eyes are instinctively trained to watch your HANDS.
A methhead will eye your meth. That's what the methhead wants more than anything. The cop isn't a fiend and won't eye the meth, but he WILL eye that gun/knife, and your hands, constantly.

>Deal drugs
Can't do it. I don't have the clientele nor do I want to get accosted by niggers if I'm invading their territory. It's easy to find a pill head. Hell I had some experience with, especially in the break room.

>have a toothache
>have a small bottle of painkillers
>take it out
>the rattling sound happens
>pavlovian response leads to eyes darting in my direction
I'd be worried if I had percs haha.
>Pull your gun out
sounds like a good way to get shot
but then again maybe your family wins the ghetto lottery courtesy of the taxpayer
when you were supposedly goodboi dindunuffin' and the poh lease were wrong to keel baby boi
>ask for day off
>14 vacation days
>Now 13 vacation days

I know that all managers are retards, but does that shitty home decor company not read the bottom line of their own shitpost?
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This bait is over 4 years old and you nigger brained cattle are e-arguing with a spambot again.
I would actually love this.
>just work 15 days in a row, minimum sleep.
>take rest of year off.
If only we could be this based.
cool it with the you know what dude
vigilantism against the oligarchs
Dealing drugs doesn't mean selling your extra jew meds or going to trap houses in the hood you stupid fuck. If you can't figure that out then don't worry about a side income, just keep working at wal mart
Doesn't *have to. You could do the above but I don't recommend
>sounds like a good way to get shot
Not if you're a dealer.
Dope fiends always expect it. If you DON'T pull a weapon in front of a fiend, THAT'S when you get robbed.
An undercover won't shoot you if you pull a weapon because he wants that deal to go down, but like you said he's gonna suddenly go on pins and needles, and you'll see it and THAT is when you tell him to GTFO your house before EVER offering to sell or EVER agreeing to anything.
You're just a meth user at that point. One with a gun for protection. NEVER have trafficking amounts of drugs on you or where you deal drugs. You're just an "addict" until you do. They want you for trafficking, not as a user. And plenty of simply addicts carry weapons for protection so it doesn't actually imply dealer either.
Pol is starting to get to me, honestly you people kinda suck. As your life moves along it becomes less about what you want to do and more about what you can do.
>outshines and outperforms the owner
>worth $15/hr
Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life
They really do expect you to work like you personally have a stake in the business for only 6 more dollars than the part time high school/college student. I'm assuming this is for like a coffee shop or something but this shit happens all the time for white collar jobs too. If you get promoted they give you like a 10% pay raise(not even enough to cover inflation+rising cost of living) but your job is now twice as stressful as before.
>$9 basic pay for new starter
>$12 "works like 2 people"
>but is paid as much as 1 and a half
They're not even hiding this shit. Here it feels like every wagie is now expected to do the work 2 or 3 people were previously doing. I had a mate who was stressed to fuck at work every day because he could never get everything done and had to stay late, he found out later he was doing by himself what used to be done by two people. Every fucking supermarket seems to only have like 1-3 people working on a dozen checkouts. Fucking Poundland has like one person working on a checkout AND supervising the self checkouts while all the others sit empty. Virtually overworking people into early graves so they can give a few more quid to their CEOs or shareholders. Where does this shit end?
Fuck off, slave
>Dealing drugs doesn't mean selling your extra jew meds or going to trap houses in the hood you stupid fuck. If you can't figure that out then don't worry about a side income
There's more to worry about.
>just keep working at wal mart
It's steady work. Haven't been laid off in nearly 25 years!
Walmart's fine. Don't let anyone tell you you're shit for working at Wallyworld. You do a good job I hope. If you work like shit then fuck you. But don't do more work than you're paid for either. Time is money.
>But don't do more work than you're paid for either.
I give off the illusion of movement. The days of working hard+off the clock are long gone. Too much effort, not enough payoff.
*restaurant closes*

Nothing personal minimum wage tard
I make $72/h and I just jerk off all day, today I napped for 4 hours and read island of doctor moreau fora few hours, went to the gym, couples lunches and smoke breaks, watched 3 hours of elden ring lore videos and took long walk. Not a bad day to make +1k.
That's fine, but please keep shelves stocked as much as you can. Aside from the customers that use Walmart, that's the only problem I have with Walmart. Products on the shelf are products I can buy.

Also, lol about $120 calculators being sold right off an unsecured shelf. Niggers don't loot Casios/TI calculators.

Why haven't you moved up? Walmart promotes from within right? Get yourself settled a bit before retirement.
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I went to mcdonalds last night, I live in the midwest in a small pop town. The line was packed with cars but there was only 3 people working inside as I looked. It took 25 minutes to get two mccrispys and a large fry. There were about 20 cars in the drive through.

The problem in america is the people who have money which are Gen X and lucky millennials have nepotism jobs or inherited their wealth and still want their goyslop but nobody wants to work the low paying non career jobs, so Gen Z just stays at home with their Gen X parents or they live out of their car. At the root of this is inflation which causes this gap.

In america, you are seperated into two categories. You are either a homeowner, or you're not. This is the divide that separates wealthy nepos from poor gen Z and millenials.

For example watch this video. This is a zoomer who has no money, no future, will never buy a house and he's HOMELESS living in his car. Do you think this man is going to want to participate when he can't even buy groceries? Remember you need a place to live to cook food at....

Thats all below ny minimum wage so kek
So, if you work like 2 people, you're only making $6 / hr.
first if one persons work is $9 and i work for two people i better be getting at LEAST $18 this is some top tier boomer bullshit created by people that still live in the 60s in their heads and think chump change and a firm handshake will get you a house and a steady job.
what do NEETfags do when their family and friends ask what they do for a living? do you lie and tell them you work somewhere or do you admit you're a bum??
oh hell
Total (((small business))) death
Holy shit I gotta getta job like this!

>That's fine, but please keep shelves stocked as much as you can. Aside from the customers that use Walmart, that's the only problem I have with Walmart. Products on the shelf are products I can buy.
It's ok. I got you.
>Also, lol about $120 calculators being sold right off an unsecured shelf. Niggers don't loot Casios/TI calculators.
They don't know the value they have. I hear college towns with thrift stores have them all the time for like $5 that resell for around 10x.
>Why haven't you moved up? Walmart promotes from within right?
It might have been great before GWP. Now it's a game of grabbing the next expendable bloke who'll be the next Team Lead before they get burned the fuck out and quit within months. Is the $20/hr worth the stress? I'll ask the 3 I've had this year so far that have up and left.
>Get yourself settled a bit before retirement.
Unfortunately, outside of winning the lottery, I'll be working until the day I die.

Couldn't imagine
Boomers like my nurse mother are out of touch with what shit costs, they already own their own home, they just buy what they want without even checking the prices. They have no idea what shit costs anymore, they think you can still afford to raise a family on $9 an hour.
I'll do the work for him pro bono
If I weren't a wagie I'd be homeless.

It's not much comfort, but it's something.
Only if the owner spent money they didn't have. Sounds like they shouldn't have took out loans they couldn't pay back. Their fault.
>I'll be working until the day I die.
Lots of people like that, and that's how the natural world functions too, so it's hard to avoid unless you have charisma, luck, or some mad skill in financial planning.
Even retirees work. It's much better to work than sit on your hands. Trust me on that one, not having something to do is terrible.
I generally like your posts here over the years so, good and luck. Both together if you can help it.

>Boredom is a disease worse than cancer.
- Doug Stanhope
You get treated like a nigger because of who YOU are. A college degree wouldn't change anything for you
me no smart
lose jobs all time
act like buffoon
talk alike bird egg
yeah no shit
Do not reply to agent walmart. Dude has been reliably outed as a fed many times now.
wot u do
I agree, but it wouldn't be my problem.

Thanks man. I'll never be bored. There's multiple lifetimes worth of things I want to do, but won't get to even 1% of them because limited free time.

Is that how it really works.

Seek help.
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Kinda like NDT supervision
the difference between best worker and supervisor is 2 grand a year...
>How can wagie cope with the sheer indignity of his existence?
There is no cope. There is only endless pain. Death is the only thing that can free the wagie.

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