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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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You've just been drafted. How do you respond without sounding disrespectful?
shit my pants and pee real hard right infront of him .
btw I don't own any pants at all in my house .
I'd respond sounding as disrespectful as possible.
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Like this
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>Cool! Heil Hitler! I hate niggers!
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>uh... Im just not going.
*Door closes*
>How do you respond without sounding disrespectful?
Can we skip to the part where I go to military prison? We both know I'm either going to kill my CO or commit a war crime, possibly both at the same time.
imagine flying a helicopter into an armory
>trusting them to not send you to the meat grinder after you're locked in the tape cage
I live with my parents and if I were drafted my dad would want me to die for Israel. He'd be pissed and basically disown me if I put up a fight against it. I'm sure there would be no end to the speeches about "how ungrateful I am to live in this country" and all of those freedoms I take for granted.
Tell them you're a Jew who won't fight for Jews. then run while they call back to kike HQ and get new instructions to clear the mental gear jamming.
Based Scrap Iron
We need Cobra in real life to fight the kikes
Rape cage* lol
Is this the upgraded Dr DisRespect?
Anon it's not about me trusting them, it's the communication of a tacit threat.
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>no hablo englais
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Killing officers.
You should start stealing from your dad. Sell his cat converter.
Start a Civil War after telling them I won't fight for their Jewish overlords and their stupid harvest.
At least that way I fucking die fighting for what I believe in.
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I'm too old to fit the mold.
All he had to do was keep his fucking mouth shut and sue everyone again. Probably a huge nothing burger that may have looked a bit bad on him but worse on twitch IF it ever came out. It went through courts how can it be anything different? Its super bad but hoping for redemption in leaked logs. Its just so hard to accept. I'm thinking worst case he was coaching a female 17 streamer and told her "more cleavage more views" or something stupid. It just looks so bad. I'm struggling to believe in any way he's a pedo. Its just so wild.
Anon's a mold maker oooo OOOO


btw bro that dont work you'r recruiter and sargent might not convince you but the reality is you will be bent if not broken
45 acp to the tannerite on the porch. We’re all goin to Beulah Land glowniggers.
Porting Treaty: Kick rocks.
>*3 army guys drag you out of your house before you can close the door and shove you into a van*
What now, clever clogs?
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These ideas need to be promoted to create a dangerous draft-age population.

>In case you're wondering, well yes I'm gon' fight
>I'm fin' to join the army, but one you don't like

>Excuse me, Colonel, Sir, but may I request, please
>permission to go home or blow off your knees?

>I'll creep in the sergeant's tent with quiet calculation
>Message from the soldiers to the brass administration
>Looks like Captain Sterling's fin ta have a situation

>If this is not explicit, lemme tell ya straight out
>We want up outta here like on the next planes out
>Tell the Cap'n make it happen, or we'll blow his brains out!"

I wish cobra was real.
They're the only institution I'd sign up to fight for these days.
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gimme that gun and take me to your leader
If they come to my door then the tome for talk is over.
50 cal rifle can stop this. Even if they are in level 4 armor. Also - dont open the door.
100% promise someone will have died in a shootout before that happens, assuming they even have the manpower to press gang me after how many shootouts they're going to get into trying to press gang zoomers. It's honestly kind of laughable how little manpower they have to actually grab people and force them into trucks/vans if even 1% decides to point high caliber weapons at them and their vehicles. Half the population has the ability to swiss cheese an armored soldier and even damage their vehicles, stealing them probably won't be that hard either.
I had a minor injury which is preventing me to qualify for service for years to come.
Just deflect to the other side. That is what most say they will do. That is what I will do. Traitors are only people left who have any honor at this point.
The only thing you will do is comply. Anything else is a larp.
Nigga you won't do shit. They literally stole an election and every gun nut in the US did fucking nothing. You're full of hot air. I bet they could round up every last one of you for mandatory service without a single gunshot.
wrong thread
bad bot.
why do you guys allow being dragged into nato and being permanently flooded with somalis and indians
YES SAR, TANK YOU FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY SAR. They will think I am an Indian and won't recruit me. Indians are essential to the takeover of the US.
>hey man! just wait until I get a gun hehe
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>Nigga you won't do shit

You believing that benefits me, keep doing it
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retard, you can claim they "stole" to kingdom come, people won't act without evidence. That's the trick of democracy. People think they get to choose so they rationalize it to themselves afterwards. It was a scam all along. "stole an election" is laughable, it doesn't exist. All elections are stolen by demagogues. Can't spell King without kin, negro, that's what the peak of western culture was made out of. God, Crown and Kin. Powerful ambitions of humanity all came out of that. Democracy only made trash. America was always a fast-spreading cancer upon the world, a monster machine. Time to become a human being
>comments disabled
buy an ad nigger
Brother, I'm 46 years old, been around to see all manner of bull, I own 30 acres in Tennessee, found this place off Facebook from a friend. I hate what this country has become but I respect those who have tried to defend it. I may not be willing to die for this country as I once was, but I still hope for the kids of the future. I come on here like everyone else just looking to complain, go home, make dinner, go to bed. That's it. Best to you.
Sorry rabbi, I'm a dual citizen and you made them exempt to save your own children.
hire my friend
your basically giving him money
i expect you to make him work hard
and i expect you to teach him important lessons

Price per day
you pay his food and shelter

? $80?
Blast the drill sergeant
the joke is 80 is so unbelivably expencive to a person but such a poor wage that he would never do it

the dichotomy of man if he did it for free their is almost nothing you could teach him that would fix this balance
(this is a lie ofc but you would set him so far back it would take him years to recover)

Yeah, come on all of you big strong men,
Uncle Sam needs your help again.
He's got himself in a terrible jam
Way down yonder in Vietnam
So put down your books and pick up a gun,
We're gonna have a whole lotta fun.

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Well, come on generals, let's move fast;
Your big chance has come at last.
Gotta go out and get those reds -
The only good commie is the one who's dead
And you know that peace can only be won
When we've blown 'em all to Kingdom Come.

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.


Well, come on Wall Street, don't move slow,
Why man, this is War-a-go-go.
There's plenty good money to be made
By supplying the Army with the tools of the trade,
Just hope and pray that if they drop the bomb,
They drop it on the Viet Cong.

And it's one, two, three,
What are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam.
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Well, come on mothers throughout the land,
Pack your boys off to Vietnam.
Come on fathers, don't hesitate,
Send 'em off before it's too late.
Be the first one on your block
To have your boy come home in a box.

And it's one, two, three
What are we fighting for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is Vietnam.
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.
Whenever faggs are ready to fawk and merk glowniggz I’m DTF. But until then toodaloo faggots.
t. 41 year old Texan
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Empty my pockets full of live cockroaches into the van, of course.
Will I receive the COVID vaccination against my will now or after I have been shipped off half way across the world?
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Does this actually feel good? It looks painful
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just say no
"Do I get paid anything?"
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>You've just been drafted. How do you respond without sounding disrespectful?

>I'm antisemitic, but thank you
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I have a better idea, hear knocking and they inform you its the draft? Open up with this.
>How do you respond without sounding disrespectful?
I play this song at maximum volume and tell them I'm not dying for Israel:

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No thank you teeheehee
Broke my hand can't go sorry, nigger
Tell them I'm allergic to everything and I have bone spurs in my feet
Im gay, no big deal whateva.
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No thanks. Faggots, shitskins and women can go
There was blatant amounts of evidence
Literal trucks filled with ONLY 100% BIDEN ballots is some banana republic shit that only happens in the third world
glock is hood certified banger quality, proven by the mockumentary name. proven itself in thousands of hoods world wide.

glock can be operated by any gorilla with a retarded level brain to make a killing happen.
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Agreed. Let the Biden supporters fight Biden's foreign wars.
Heil Serpentor,Heil Genocide
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dang nabbit. thought this was a Captain Power thread.
Tfw gays in the military used to have a don't ask don't tell policy
You little niggers better hope you have a parent like me who's willing to lie, hide you, and even go to jail if need be to keep your ass out of the meat grinder.
Call me sir, you maggot!
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thats a nice stripper, can i order him?
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the plebs dont decide that
You know what the response is going to be, glownigger. It isn't going to go down like you think it will.
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wont happen
Into Cobra?? Fuck yeah!!!!
Call Sgt Shaniqua or Jose the appropriate slur and get disqualified
Fuck OP and fuck the crown.

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