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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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meanwhile trump is looking to hand out greencards like hotcakes
After letting 100 million in.
Turn a handful away
>create problem
>offer solution
>mindless cattle: see he’s the good guy
Fuck off nigger
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Make sure you follow the script, guys.
So they’ve just given up and stopped arresting people?
I'm going to hang every PR manager for DC before this is over. Just print out on a rope every lie they've told, and then hang them with it.
Trump is going to get all Legal American citizens injure by the vaccine s refund from Pfizer and Moderna in the form of medical malpractice lawsuits. I think he’s going to have Albert Bourdain and Stephan Bancel executed for killing people with their drugs and injuring countless more
zogbot shill
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Joe “let the cartels keep the Patels” Biden
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>Only Republicans like jews
Biden didn't halt shit. That new ruling changes NOTHING. They are still coming through, claiming asylum, being interviewed, and released into the U.S. Don't let them fool you.
>Raise crime rate by 90%
>tell cops to stop arresting criminals
Works like a charm.
So they just stopped looking?
how many shitskins did this child molesting pedophile let before this?
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Eight million.
Imagine if the whole plan for importing 3rd worlders in the West was just to have numbers for war, would be pretty based desu
That would be pretty based actually, pajeets make great target practice in Appalachia. Keep sending em over, we need more criminal third worlders to use for target practice
Hi hillbillybroanon.
Spot any fawns yet?
Spotted your mom fawning over my garden, I think the bitch wanted more than a bite
The crime rate has gone down since Biden came into office. Cry more nerd!
I’m sorry if you were being nice, to call someone from Appalachia a hillbilly can be a big mistake. I’m not insulted but I had to send a light jab back in your direction anon
>I think the bitch wanted more than a bite
So she was out of luck at your place.
We just spotted one fawn around so far this year.
You have to forgive me for the hillbilly comment. I find stupid shit funny.
Nah I was feeding her wild strawberries straight from my hand
This was the right comeback anon, made me laugh and was witty. but my garden is pretty awesome.




Based Joe! If you can't see who the real America First candidate is this time, then you are fucking dumb. This election is literally an IQ test and there's only one sane choice for white men—four more beautiful years of Biden.
It's somewhere between 8 and 16 million. Depends who's numbers you look at. I suspect 12 million.
>secure southern border before a debate just incase Trump brings it up
>after debate immediately reopen them
So the ccp members crossing are still allowed in, got it.
Dr. Phil, stupid has it may sound to invoke him, owns a ranch on the border and has talked to the border guard himself, and he says it's 10-13 million. He said this in the interview he did with Trump. You can find it on YouTube. It's two hours long.
I'm cutting back the wild grapes this year so no time for a garden. But I'm looking forward to get some strawberries in the ground next year.
>four more beautiful years of Biden.
You think mummies are beautiful?
Well this hillbilly has shit to do. Be good, all
The US navy, army and marines now have the authority to take UN and NGO funds to stop the migrant problem.
He's already working on it! Pfizer has capitulated to his demands and now offers refunds for any Americans suffering adverse effects from their vaccines. See pfizer.com/refunds for more information on how to receive compensation.
That’s a good joke but it’s really going to happen. Pfizer and Moderna have killed and hurt people with their drugs
I was thinking of doing some grapes, I’ve got raspberry canes for days though. Blueberries, my tomatoes are crushing it this year
God bless you and may your Garden continue to prosper fren
That nigger aint inspecting shit
Based Biden let some beaners in to do roofing and landscaping, then closed the border once chinese and jeets started sneaking in trying to steal white collar jobs. He's honestly more based than Donald "1,000,000 Visajeets" Trump.
He let millions of useless fuckers into this country. Most of them undocumented. Most of them in welfare.
>Border arrests fall more than 40%
Yes. Just accept the fact that even though you never considered yourself a racist youre gonna have to kill a whole lot of people in a order to get your country back. And the nation, even under Trump will do everything in their power to prevent you from doing this
><Banjo music intensifies>
Shut up cousin fucker. You have a pretty mouth.
You are stupid shit. Do you laugh when you look in the mirror?
At least they aren't taking good jobs away from white people. That is why Donny wants to let the jeets in, to drive white wages down. Joe "14 words" Biden has been quietly looking out for the white man.
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Yes they stopped arresting them.
Biden let ten of millions of welfare beneficiaries on your dime into the country
90% of all new hires has been foreignors.
Good one
It’s so weird how Joe just suddenly wants to control the border during an election year, but he never cared before.
>you never considered yourself a racist
I'm extremely racist though.
As soon as Joe said he's going to let a single person in he lost me. Trump will do the same thing.
Joe Biden needs to control the flow of human trafficking kids across the border

> ten of millions
It simply means that statistically every american will have few of those on his street.
This gives me a critical notion that this will affect literally everyone while no one even moved their asses
to stop what was happening.
People's understanding of nationality has been dumbfounded .
We had farmers throwing shit on the border. There are fights with them, 2 people were already killed but
we are ten times smaller than US.
How many Border Guards have commited a sacrifice to protect your people from the invaders ?
Why polish soldiers have to die on the border ?
Can US somehow enforce our government for them to shoot at the incoming invaders ?
There are american troops in bases in Poland who does fuck nothing.
Why not move their lazy, pointless asses to the Polish border to protect NATO eastern flank ,hmm ?
Why Poland has to do alone, what the fuck is wrong with USA ?
Well then you already know what I'm saying. I'm not racist though, I only hate the Jews.
these zoomers are doomed
Fuck Poland and fuck you Jew. If I were in charge I would remove all US support for Poland
>I'm extremely racist though.
OK, but would you have to be racist if all those people stayed were they came from ?
just 2 more weeks right?

>Fuck Poland and fuck you Jew. If I were in charge I would remove all US support for Poland
Ok, will you leave Ukraine aswell cowardly, americunt?
he literally called you out. you deflect what you truly are on to him in order to muddy the discourse. you should consider MAID.
Putin won on Day One with absolute tactical mastery.
>Putin won on Day One with absolute tactical mastery.
True, but Blinken cancelled their elections and now they are kidnapped from the streets
for a futile war. They are clashed for the sake of greed with the help of USA.
America is just full of black people, asian and latin people, there is no one to bring this up.
You could bring Biden down in a day, but you prefer to be selfish and narcissistic instead
of actually understanding what has been happening there because of him.
You should play this for your advantage and fucking stop watching tv stations collectively as american nation. I am not sure if this actually possible with current ethnic composition for the society, but at least unite white americans.
Yeah idk about any of that shit

>Yeah idk about any of that shit
You could topple Biden in a day for what he had done in Ukraine alone.
Remember though that by doing that some states may prefer to secede.
Thanks to the internet, yes. Racism is learned, learned from the behavior of shitty subhumans.
called me out for what, not worshiping israel hard enough? get fucked faggot.
Idgaf. Fuck this country. I'm planning to set up my own country after it falls.i never wanted to, but somebody has to.
lol you’re mad
100.000.000 can come in.
stop 10 at the check-in.
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Biden should change his campaign slogan to picrel.
They are projecting 10 million including the gotaways, ones who 'legally' came over the border, etc. That's after flying out 5-6 million through the best efforts of border patrol and texan operation lone star.
>I'm planning to set up my own country after it falls.
The best thing is to do the thing on your own since it's only up to you to not inherently fuck it up.
This is model behavior for white man, while darker races are naturally prone to distributed, authoritarian systems.
That's why mongols were such conquerors but also why there is so much islam in the global south.
We are two different ecosystems which can only coexist together as two entireties .
You can't penetrate on with the other because that affects detrimentally the host which is white man.
This means that there actually shouldn't be a problem with a single jeet, or any other citizen of global south, but they should never come as a group. Only individually . When they come as a group they bring habits from their societies
which they fled because, those habits made those societies backwards.
It's a terrible idea to let those people come in groups, very lame thing to do.
I saw a video other day, some military Karen in fatigues unlocked a gate for beaners and let them into the country.
You haven’t declared your independence yet? You’re unironically ngmi
I think since the whole "brown golems" turning on the jews we may actually get dark brandon. Biden has always been racist as fuck. He just needs a green light from his hebraic puppet masters
Declare your independence Anon, make it known. They’re here reading right now, let them know how you feel about them and that you declare your independence from their fallen nation and its treasonous criminal government. Then light off some good fireworks, it’s an old time tradition of our freedom loving ancestors

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