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How do people respond when you bring up the insanity of 2020-21? I knew a few who were hardcore into the masks who are pretending they had nothing to do with it or at least, "haha yeah everyone fell for that what a crazy time"
Think of how pathetic you are that you think about covid 24/7 rent free
most people have forgotten about it or fondly remember it as a time of peace and vacationing for everybody. the struggle was all in your head really.
i just clip the headline a bit and then everything is hunky-dorey for me
>it's ok to yell at strangers
:) i agree
I forgave them because it wasn't their fault. The media made them treat covid like the bubonic plague.
Literally every fucking time
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>How do people respond when you bring up the insanity of 2020-21?
They pretend it never happened and you're making things up. Coincidentally, exactly what they say about the deadly 2020 BLM riots, encouraged by Democrats in Congress.
Yeah Americans are hypocrites like that way too often. I was hoping the Trump vax killed them all but it looks like it was just saline water, and a compliance test to see who would suck a dick on command. One big tell about the make believe sci-fi virus hoax was that no one cared about truth. There was never any search for the truth and it was more about finger wagging strangers since their lives are so empty and meaningless. Only an American can memory hole an attempted murder on his or her life and vote the same scumbags right back in.
>I was merely following orders. Actually I always opposed it but there were repercussions if I had gone public about it.
it was the most important and invasive event of the 2nd millenium. it was the biggest crime against humanity in history. it was a global authoritarian revolution.
You kikes didn't expect it did you ? Your shabboest of goys dying of cancer in their 20s while the kikepilled men survived your pathetic sniffles.
TKD is around the corner, jeetspam and vaxxbots won't save you.

It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else & then grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after being removed from body & put in vial of preservative


Scientists find moving tech in vaxxed blood dead for 8 months

>32:00 mark





>these include but are not limited to nutritional optimization, high antioxidant load, alkaline diet, EDTA in different forms, high dose Vitamin C, Methylene Blue, Humic & Fulvic Acid, Malic Acid, NAC, DMG

Pyrantel pamoate once a week for 3 weeks, once a year, to clear intestine parasites

Use Zelenko protocol to clear vax

Pray for divine intervention

"Please God clean us all of hydrogel and nanotechnology blood poisons and instead transmute it to the good"

Pray for God to transmute the evil to good, which makes the magnitude of evil not so important. Pray that the more the beast wriggles the faster the divine plan comes to fruition. Pray that any & all actions people take ultimately energize the divine plan & it doesn't matter if they have good or bad intentions. Pray to redirect all efforts everywhere and every-when into the divine goal.

youtu.be/D5WPfZrKiFM&list=PL-8ppf30fZw8Mhe8WEiPzwfH2cjYSB4Ke (How To Pray)

Normies don't bring it up, for them it's the don't ask, don't tell age. They definitely don't bring it up around me because I was right and an oracle. More accurate than the media and the physical painful reminder of "I told you so"
Did they ever say sorry and ask you to forgive them?
>t. The Vaxxed
I like that man, he didn't fall for the bullshit
yeah but putin killed covid by invading ukraine so it's all good
I intentionally stand close to people who still wear masks.
>compliance test to see who would suck a dick on command
On the flipside, it was also a sovereignty test, to see who still holds firm to their divine spiritual sovereignty.
Don't be sad. Your divinity was questioned, and tested.
Turns out are actually a King.
I stand in their way and pretend I don't hear them. They are so passive they just look at the ground and go around me.
The people who always scream the are on the right side of history look like fools again

Imagine my sink being let in
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I can tell the normies about the jews (and I do) because of your fake pandemic. I casually deny the hall of cost at work to everyone and it's all thanks to the fake pandemic.
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There was a pandemic. Of course it's okay to shame people who intentionally spread disease.
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>How do people respond
Women universally say 'that didn't happen'
Their power of denial is incredible.
I literally just heard people at my workplace muttering about long COVID. Medical professionals.
I can see the look of
>I'll believe it when I see it
Article by
>(((Matt Schneiderman)))
shocking, a gay jew is teaching random shouting to get your way. would not have expected that.
it's more appropriate to shame people who were scared by the tv into taking a rushed experimental gene therapy.
imagine doing that.
imagine being so afraid of the sniffles with a <1% mortality rate for people under 50 that you would line up to take a rushed experimental gene therapy, lol.
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Many such cases.
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>Did they ever say sorry
They don't even admit there were errors.
Putin didn't kill covid. I did. No one could make me wear the mask, and I was the only one not scared or sick at any point. I simply showed them the emperor had no clothes. I and other non-masked, unvaxxed Chads were the visual cue that it was all fake.

How can a pandemic exist if the immune are the ones who don't care or listen to the experts?
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That girl on the left, I think, got an $100k settlement for retaliation against her for not kneeling to fentanyl Floyd

>This article was updated around 5 p.m. on Jan. 4 to include that Coach Charles Adair agreed to pay over $100,000 to settle the lawsuit, according to one of Hening’s attorneys.

It was the last time I was still naive and believed other people. I bought a bunch of canned food in april/may 2020. I have now fully severed all ties to trust and compassion and morality with other people since the lockdowns. I am now a permanent enemy of the us government. I wish to see it rendered into ashes.
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Insanity in Ohio
Exactly. They wrecked everything in their path and now pretend they did nothing wrong.
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The de jure US government lost its legitimacy in 1933 with the Gold Act. Whar you see now is a defacto color of government posing as the legitimate government of old. It's like burger king, but one that makes fraudulent bonds and securities instead of burgers.

You don't have to do anything against the "us government", it is actually destroying itself. Like the Godzilla movie actor once said "let them fight" which means just get out of the way when China and Russia kick its shit in and glowniggers and jews have to die as it's only soldiers left.

Just stay on the sidelines and laugh at it, and it will collapse faster trying to tell you to shut up because it doesn't like being mocked as it gets it's shit kicked in. Don't help the recroooters, just point and laugh.
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>now pretend they did nothing wrong.
The gullibility of the masses was incredible.
Close but you're a bit late. It lost its legitimacy in the 1910's when Woodrow Wilson was elected.
>created the federal reserve
>created income tax
>gave women the right to vote
>ended isolationism and replaced it with interventionism by joining WW1
The four horsemen of the apocalypse for any sovereign nation.
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Based brother. I did the same. It was rewarding watching other maskies reluctantly lower their masks when they saw me confidently walking through stores without a mask, in blatant violation of the "mandate." I also never took a single covid test. And of course I wasn't vaxxed. It is unfortunate that so many people fell for it though, including most of my friends and family, to one degree or another. And I did get yelled at for not masking. Happened regularly. But I kept my cool. I do believe people like us made a difference.
People still bringing it up are annoying assholes.
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United States Congressional Record March 17, 1993 Vol. #33, page H-1303
Speaker-Senator James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) addressing the House:
"Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11. Members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner's report that will lead to our demise.
It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1,Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress session June 5, 1933 –Joint Resolution to Suspend the Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers.
With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H.R.13955 reads in part: "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States.”
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>last time I was still naive and believed other people
Panic in Ohio, total lockdown. She later admitted the number was 'just made up'
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The insanity isn't the fact that this happened. Government always shits out new insanity one after the other. This is just business as usual for them as they are corrupt retarded morons. What's really insane is how many people went along with it. It demonstrates how the majority of society is just NPCs with no will of their own.

Just human cattle everywhere.
Resident evil 4 was real??
Never forget how easily people went along with this. How easily they ratted out their neighbour for breaching lockdown rules.
I now understand how back in DDR times 1 in 10 persons was a stasi informer.
Especially in germanic cultures this gets really bad.
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Better on the brain than in the veins
The core principle of this society of ours is that there is no truth, that it's all relative.
Death penalty. No statue of limitations. All vaccine mandate terrorists. Public executions.
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Three days before lockdown.
No statue of limitations. Public executions.
too bad our education is completely shit and controlled by kikes. if people understood the cultural revolution a lot of shit that happened over the last decade would make a lot more sense.
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>there is no truth,
by remembering them that it was the most retarded era in human history and that if they took the vaxx they are good as dead with in the few years, lots of them all ready dead.
>lol why are you still thinking about our crimes against humanity
they made the first vaxx in 1990, they had plans for this to right after 9 11 and but it got delayed.
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100% effective
Or so they said
>How do people respond

I'm alpha dominant so they lower their head and tuck their tail like a dog. They know they fucked up.
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>most retarded era in human history
Never forget the insanity.
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how many boosters did you take?
So that's why my hematologist appointments are so far apart. Damn covid patients hogging his time...
T. Holocaust believer
Of all the shit we need to be shitting on these scumbags for, you dopes choose masks. Shut the fuck up.
I didnt know the vax had brainwashing capabilities
The jews and their wickedness is astonishing, they turned New York into the USSR just to make vaccine shekels.
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The greatest lie ever told.
covid never went away some giga vaxxed fat jew coworker got it last month and now hes dying don't laugh ok
my parents were super scared and serious about meme flu but after vaccines went on vacation in summer 2021 where they all caught it and were sick for a month.
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It wasn't.

>Gene therapy
It's not.

>a <1% mortality rate for people under 50
Death isn't the only concern with covid. Covid complications are far higher for the unvaccinated.

If you're going to make an argument, at least try not to strawman.
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>How do people respond when you bring up the insanity of 2020-21?

Doublethink: "the acceptance of or mental capacity to accept contrary opinions or beliefs at the same time, especially as a result of political indoctrination."

You're asking a lot of people OP, they'd have to...
- remember their viewpoints on things at two different moments in time
- then compare those viewpoints
- notice if there's a discrepancy
- then think "huh, that's funny, what's wrong with my brain?"
- and THEN formulate a coherent response

Most people would just act confused and not understand your point, with the old outdated viewpoint being conveniently "forgotten" and overwritten with the latest programming.

The NPC meme is real and it's fucking horrifying.
>>Gene therapy
>It's not.

You sad sad shill. It must corrode the soul to lie so.

>they say about the deadly 2020 BLM riots, encouraged by Democrats in Congress.
more than one leftist subhuman has assured me white supremacist burned down minneapolis
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KEK, chapta: VAX0j
I am the only human I know who remained unjabbed and thus I am the most superior being in all my social circles. Simple as
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They are intensely brainwashed.
Meth is fucking wild man, wow
I couldn't imagine being this wrong this late in the game and still believe I was right. Jesus fucking Christ kill yourself fucking kill yourself.
now they wonder why nobody wants to fight for them kek
I don't know how he can sit that close to her without lunging and choking that fucking cunt to death, but good for him for having the will power not to.
lol. You’re a fool.
Nah, get fucked. We will never forget.
About half of the vaxxies I know are experiencing serious health problems. Most of the other half aren't getting their recommended boosters. A few have more or less shut themselves in and have gone insane. One became a tranny.
Kony2012 was when they realized that normies really were retarded fucken sheep who'd literally follow each other off a cliff
What was the big deal about being asked to wear masks in stores?
It's not like being coerced into doing something that could actually hurt you, like taking a vax shot.
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Why not? It proved to me that I'm surrounded by fucking nazis. And here I was thinking I was the internet racist. It's been quite the shock to realise how easily people can be nudged into being crazy.
>live in blue state
>refuse to mask, tell everyone how much I hate it
>coworker gets into argument with boss over mask, boss tells everyone it’s mandatory
>boss comes to me and tells me we have to wear masks because it’s mandatory
>give no emotional response
>give no argument
>give dead and soulless stare that screams “I am losing all respect I ever had for you.”
>start to put on mask, but only when boss around
>talk to nobody at work beyond requirement of job
>when have to put on mask act obviously irate and annoyed beyond comprehension
>slamming things unnecessarily, sigh loudly frequently, do things in a visible haste
>become extremely unpleasant and uncomfortable to work around
>boss knows I’m pissed, stops coming around for a long time
>no boss = no mask
>boss finally comes around, I’m not wearing mask… masks still mandatory, boss says nothing
>wore mask a grand total of 5 times for less than 2 minutes each during the whole “pandemic”
You just had to make them feel like the asshole to get them to leave you the fuck alone, nobody wants to be the bad guy.
Two more weeks to flatten the curve
Oy vey, you forgot the 6 gorillion
that's right goyim, no thinking about how we fucked you all up during covid, instead I want you to think about the holohoax! Remember the 6 million goyim, remember the wooden doors on gas chambers! And don't forget all the impossible math, remember it's all true goyim 4 ever!
So it was all a big lab rat experience. The biggest experiment of all time
For my whole life people said I look like a creepy serial killer. For once during the pandemic that was a benefit for me because nobody approached to wear a mask.
iirc, he was a commie in political oppositon
Your image is a straw man you spastic
The entire seatbelt argument you thought was so clever would have only ever made sense if seatbelt manufacturers were telling you that seatbelts prevent vehicle accidents
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there was in fact a pandemic. The pandemic of the gullible and it was extremely contagious.
That’s been becoming absolute culture of Japan now
Amy Leigh Acton (née Stearns; born February 16, 1966)
it's a kike of course
>hospitals prioritized the coof over cancer patients
lol holy fuk
Jews aren't the only ones who can hold grudges
yeah retards conveniently like to forget they got hoodwinked.
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>Just human cattle everywhere.
incredibly based
It was their fault they chose to believe that plenty of brave people stood up for truth even those who did so for the first time in their lives. I went to many protests and a lot of the people I met there had never thought about politics in their life they'd just realized something was horrendously wrong and needed to do something about it.
I mostly think about the mind broken karens still buying pathogen tests at the pharmacy in 2024. As if the pandemic will break out any minute and they will succeed fauci. You stupid fucking delusional cunt.
continuing your car analogy... imagine not driving your car because it has like a 0.03% mortality rate. LOL retard
>Watched people go insane
>Watched a people cheered on niggers and commies looting and burning down cities during a "Pandemic"
>Watched common sense go out the window
>Watched governors and mayors turn into mini tyrants
>Watched as we destroyed our country for a virus less lethal than the flu
>Remember a new anchor say that natural immunity is a myth
Never Forget
My neurotic Jew aunt got Covid recently after being psychotically afraid to leave her house for three years straight and she just smiled and giggled like "oh teehee ah shucks"
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>Watched a people cheered on niggers and commies looting and burning down cities during a "Pandemic"
That was good though. And the "BLM riots" were anti-corona riots. Glowniggers tried one of their great replacement schemes and got D.C. set on fire for their efforts.
some got saline, yet might get some gene editing treatment during their visits to expert examinations, their offspring (if none gets nuked) will get proper gene editing treatment

those that got proper gene editing done via injections, depending on the intensity of the dose, might develop some life long conditions, yet one thing is sure, their offspring will be mostly sterile and plagued by health conditions and if offspring of their offspring comes to be then it will be 100% sterile - they will not be able to reproduce without expert medical treatment

there might be special gene editing procedure bureuarats and other types of cultists have delivered during last four years - these procedures are meant to be high level tests to observe impact of pairing/mating with other humans and producing offspring

they call it 'natural selection' and natural evolution'
charles darwin, an imbecilic idiot, whose family members have fucked each other to turn themselves from soys into superhumans are inspiration to this breed of expert/bureaurat imbeciles

spineless onions wants to find ways to become 'superhuman', meaning normal human being, since they are fucking cripples in body and mind and soul.
and if possible to live forever, like god (that,if you ask them, does not exist since they are/can become gods)
Article by Matt (((Schneidernan)))
she's vaccinated, so she's immune, right? oh yeah, they changed the definition of "vaccine" during the scamdemic.
they work together so imbeciles can forget all about it. and they are talking now about 'tactical nukes'....so yup. employing all they got.
>didnt wear mask and gave updoots! dont matter they still do what they started. me! i am fearless!i am freedom loving *onions*
kek poseurs
It OK to pull out my dick and jerk off for people who are looking at me.
Blood continues to congeal after death!
>since fucking when! That's new
I still think it's hilarious how the masks made people touch their faces a lot more than they normally would have.
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>eats pizza with a fork
>launches NYC battle pass

Yeah I'm thinkin' They Live.

It's OK to admit you got played
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4 of my family members (2 immediate, 2 relatives) are permanently disabled after getting shot and boosted.
It's honestly completely fucking crazy to me. I don't even know what to feel, because they were begging me to get the shot and I even lost my previous job over not getting it. Now I got a new job and they can never work again. I get called an antivax shill for mentioning this in response to "do you know anyone who was actually harmed by the vaccine" posts and it seriously fucks me up, like shill for what, how do you shill for something you didn't take you fucking retards
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Boomers owe me 3 of my life at my PRIME
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What was BLM endgame?

Was it all just bait to start an internal conflict?

Thank God Putin saved us for now.
Now vaxxies wear masks because they stay deathly ill for 3 months if they catch a cold.
Like everything glowniggers do, it was redirection. It was an attempt to paint anti-lockdown protests as more race baiting bullshit. Glowniggers LOVE NIGGERS. The reason is nothing gets boomers fired up like reporting nigger crime. That shit doesn't fly with anyone under 50 though. Stupid glowniggers haven't figured that out yet, but they have no other options, so any time some really corrupt political shit happens, /pol/ gets flooded with niggergossip.
Sure are a lot of 1pbtid shill talking point posts in this thread.
Really makes you think.
Because they're in control now. BLM riots were a color revolution. They took over.
It's to hide herpes outbreaks too
It's OK to laugh at muzzled dogs.
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You didn't and don't have a real job.
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Our family thought we were insane.
>w-why would you not do what the government says? Think of us old people
Overall had a great time, skirted all regulations and acted like kings of a ghost world. Empty beaches, empty national parks, restaurants let us dine in with a couple of nudges, cheap accommodation etc
We did have problems with police albut just got my boss to write up I had to travel for work
>Schneiderman, Schneiderman
>Does whatever a jew boy can
>Spins a lie, any size
>Catches dumb goym just like flies
>Look out
>Here comes the Schneiderman

>Is he a jew?
>Listen bud
>He's got seraphidic blood
>Can he swing from a thread?
>Take a look overhead
>Hey, there
>There goes the Schneiderman
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Based I never wore a mask once.
Hey there still havnt been any arrests or executions and you expect me to just move on?
I loved the insanity of both sides.
In Poland we have strict ban on masks on gatherings due to hooligans covering their faces.
When masks were mandtory the same people who opposed anti mask on protests went to protest against using masks at protests.
All society from left to right is made out of fucking morons.
Am I the only one who is disappointed the mask thing did not go further. I was hoping that it would progress to gas masks and hazmat suits. Eventually hazmat suits would morph into skin tight latex suits. Imagine a timeline where that kind of thing became standard wear.
you're still retarded and incorrect for not wearing a mask and/or not getting vaccinated. (statistically you did get vaxed tho, you just like larping as a contrarian rebel)

ICUs have extremely limited space. A major city like San Francisco covers its own populace as well as most of the populace in the greater Bay Area. There are barely 1,000 ICU beds in San Francisco to cover millions of people. Hospitals would have collapsed if we didn't slow down the rate of serious infections with masking/vaccination. Once we got vaccines + immunity from prior infections + the virus mutated to become less severe, then we were fine. The Delta variant was the most recent one that mattered, everything after that is zero issue.

Our ICU was entirely full of unvaccinated retards slowly dying or becoming permanently crippled for weeks. I don't care about their suffering, but becuase they took up all the beds our organ transplants had to be canceled, + all of the people who needed the ICU for non-retarded reasons couldn't get beds. All for fat unwashed retards who already got 19 vaccines in their life but went apeshit about this one.
Actually, the Covidiots (a misappropriated term which properly refers to mask-wearing, hype-absorbing, CIA guinea pig, jab-pushing retards), have some back rent to pay for all the forced interference with everyone else's lives and subverting the entire economic condition and extorting anyone who resisted their stupidity. Also, they are starting up again, so it is still relevant. Meanwhile "we're all in this together" types need their hypocrisy pointed out. Also many of them are dying. They have a vested interest in learning about why they have been dying, but they are clearly too stupid and oxygen-deprived for that.
That's all known to be total bullshit. You bring that bullshit into a website full of people that know better? You have to be fucking kidding.
Of course a little kike wrote this article.
This 5 years on and you faggots are crying about the flu
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Here is the author of this gem.
Same, Realize most people are NPC and are below cats and dogs. I now cheer when I seen people suffer and die.
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I distinctly remember talking with a coworker about how rushed the vaccine was before Trump was out of office. After November, she was pushing everyone to get the vaxx. I always disliked normies but covid made me hate them for their cowardice and mendacity. Never forget what these "people" are really like. I still see some masks around LA where I am, pathetic
Time for a new style, bro. A new aesthetic. Seems the lions need to remind the sheeple and the cucks who we are.

"Out on the road today, I saw masktard driving in a cadillac. A voice inside my head said don't do that, you should never that..."

"They thought they knew what safe was, what did they know? Credibility lost forever, they should just let it go but..."

"They're still jabbin'. Their celebrities dyin' in sun. They thought they were so cool, pushing fear on everyone. I can tell you my immunity is still quite strong, after the the covidiots are gone"

Image of cool pepe with shades driving in his Eagles certified old caddy, on the 101 with an 80s aesthetic sunset over the ocean.jpg.
No, they said we have to support their stuff in Israel and do something about anti-semitism. It’s a very one-sided relationship.
Looks like a kike.
I remember getting a note from my employer stating I was an essential worker to show to law enforcement in the event I was pulled over. One of my coworkers bragged about it stating he could use it to go anywhere he wanted while other people were locked down. I can't imagine being excited about receiving an adult hall pass. Similar to you, I now hate them and want them dead. I want pharmaceutical companies to experiment on them. I want the government to send them to die in Ukraine. Normies are merely a weapon waiting for a hand to weld them.
About what? No one was seriously interacting with the tards anyway. All shill/slide threads become what the participants make them to be. The only real threat is if these are only semi-open, highly manipulated communications topologies where serious and honest people are buffered and only trolls get further than 1-ply access.
I stayed in places where this shit wasn't done. In the purple city I was in, I put a me-shaped hole in any place that tried to stop me. They melted like the cucks they are before my right.
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I’m surprised nobody has posted the Aldous Huxley quote yet.


That’s all it is. The leftists urge to kill in good conscience is stronger that anyone else’s, and (as uncle Ted pointed out) since they are oversocialized and thus require moral justification for all their actions and thoughts, they will go around creating the conditions for hurting others to the sound of applause. It’s the same as when they call anyone and everyone a Nazi to justify the next few minutes of hostility against them. Anti-mask and anti-vax were just a proxy for their outgroup, who they hate and want to hurt in good conscience.
>How do people respond when you bring up the insanity of 2020-21

the problem is all you do is building a strawman and changing history

the same with masks, they work, of course they are not protecting you from a full blast etc.

nobody fucking talks about COVID, it exists and its mild now... for some reason incels on Pol can't get over it, they don't have real life experience and cannot imagine that handling global pandemic is not an easy task

I certainly hated media scaremongering, that was expected though.
they're embarassed and try to avoid it
Hey you can take off seatbelts, you silly billy!
Hmm. Not bad, guy. Especially considering that you
>live in a blue state
>have to work
>have to work with people
You showed what could be done while the great majority of people in the same shoes did fuck all to resist, not even behind their eyes. Proud of you. Did you take the jab?
stfu chezeczhia nigger
One thing leads to another, and both involve coercion, as well as the first involving selling out to become a walking billboard. Your own body, your own face, your own person, used as part of a massive web to bring people to a state of being coerced toward the inevitable, and you took all you are and made it into a strand to add to that web.
I stare at people that wear masks. They always avert their eyes and look scared shitless. Feels good.
I look at them until they notice and look at me, then I laugh.
Are you retarded? Masks are useful to stop idiots from spreading their germs all over the place, the problem with the pandemic was the jewish vaccines not the masks retard
people should wear a mask 24/7 outside so I won't have to get sick like I am right now with a fever thanks to retards like you
Get a better immune system faggot.
npcs. redpilled npcs. by tavistock agents.
aka anarchist-freedom loving-truth seeking-ancient,current and future knowledge-experts
maybe they have nobody and cant figure out what is going on.

zbignew brezinkiweyskctzwski said:
>you can do whatever you want to population,their response will be to turn away and eat their dead
your entire existence is a joke you dumb amerimutt the jews literally cut your dicks at birth as a humiliation ritual
Someone post the article about the crematoriums in Berlin overfilling their capacity, and the articles about how the 'lockdowns never happened' since it answers OP's question.
you will be touching surfaces outside and anytime you adjust or move your mask you are constantly inhaling all of those pathogens
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>fake and literally gay imaginary disease crisis
>druggie nigger who got what he fucking deserved, but the media and CIA staged riots 6 months before an election where a Democrat ran against a sitting Republican president
THIS time we'll remember. THIS time we'll learn, right? Right? (lmao no)
Do masks prevent the spread of viruses? Which masks? Do viruses exist? How do you know? Do viruses, assuming their existence, cause us to become ill? Again, how do you know?
>it was the biggest crime against humanity in history
Nah thats Persona.

> be me
> talking to two melbournites at a bar while travelling
> theyre talking about their horror stories from getting the vax, one was hopsitalised, one had a workmate die from it.
> me: “well, people tried to warn you and you demonise them for it”
> “ah we did the right thing at the time”
> me: “so go get your booster”
> “nah anon its dangerous”
> me: “then it was the wrong thing”
> “i couldve lost my goyslop job”
> me: “only because people like you didnt stand up for yourselves. They couldnt fire everyone, youre complicit in your workmates death”
“”Nah nah nah nah mate” etc

Circular logic, cant admit their mistake. NO REFUNDS
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same as Rodney King psy OP. see >>472314207

Once the anti-Clinton guy was out of office, normies forgot all about BLM and moved on to the next "thing".
you need to add a panel to that
Who made this faggot jew the authority of anything other than prepping his wife's boyfriend?
I wore a full-face mask with NBC rated filters for a while lol
normies visibly hated me for being safer than it was mandated to be
>youre complicit in your workmates death
based ethical thinker
when I got designated as an essential worker I seriously considered quitting my job
in a catastrophe, essential workers are expected to die at their posts
Singapore is still about 25% masked, they even ran a other variant-and-vaccination psyop last month. Saw a guy swimming in a chlorinated outdoor pool wearing a clath mask just kast weekend. It's mainly the chinks though, the indians and malays aren't as gullible as the bug people.
I constantly tell people if they got jabbed they are retarded and less then me and they just avoid me. been working great really. whenever their jabbed family members die i say "shame they got jabbed, leave me something in your will".
HR keeps trying to pull shit too cause of it. fuck them.
Most people here took the vaccine, they are about to vote for the same people who abused them in 2020.

This is the reality.
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Are they really strangers if they are stalking and harassing you? That creates a level of interaction and familiarity.
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T. Definitely vaxxed

If it were my call to make, you vaxcattle wouldn't have to wait for your surprise heart attack to meet your maker.

>Kid Honk - Boogaloo
Most people are sheeple and always have been. This is not a new development, the majority of humanity has ALWAYS been stupid herd animals.
You will get garrotted.
I was with my wife back then got to spend all day looking at memes and fucking my wife, online college and gov checks in the mail truly paradise.

All social the distancing meant an excuse to get out of any event. Didn’t have to go to three weddings ah I miss my wife she died this year.

Covid let me spend 3 straight years with her. While we got welfare and gov checks and extra food stamps.

I just played my guitar and did online classes.

Please Covid 2 return of the kung flu.
I would mosey on up directly behind her, start dry humping her you know?

>*views Fauci disapprovingly*
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That's YOUR society. Not mine, punk.

I actually caught Covid it’s a real disease guys like Jesus Christ they didn’t make up the whole disease. They made it in a lab and then fucking fumbled the bag and released it.

It was okay felt like a really bad flu but drier throat. I am healthy as fuck so I was fine.
You can forgive them. They were mindfucked which isn't the easiest thing to come back from.
my favorite thing to do when covid retardation comes up is to get the "trust the science" types to explain how a shot that doesn't stop you from getting, spreading or dying from the disease got us out of a deadly pandemic. I love looking in their eyes, the complete defeat, they all know, even the most retarded of NPC's know they got scammed. I love how they go from "wow yeah it was a pretty messed up time" to "I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT THIS CAN'T YOU JUST GET OVER IT!!!" complete meltdown when you point out the shot did nothing, and they all went from being virology experts, to experts in the history of russian/ukranian conflict as soon as the media changed the subject.
you can forgive someone who made a mistake
domesticated animals do not behave as they do by mistake, but by their nature
the concept of forgiveness does not apply
maybe you were going for acceptance?
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Gib monhey & I sleep
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kys chankoro
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>ah I miss my wife she died this year.
Would you say she...died suddenly?
You should have known it wasn't gonna last forever.
you could have saved a lot of typing by just telling us you're a jew.
Yeah pretty sudden she shot herself in the head.

Found her dead worse day of my life actually I’m probably fucked in the head for life.

Still gov checks were prettt sweet.
You guys see any people still wearing masks?
You are correct but you're shouting in the wind in these retard threads.
I can understand crying about vaccine mandates at an intellectual level at least, but imagine crying about the need to wear a mask.
Americans are so fragile it's unreal.
we are animals
I wish.
There's plenty of sacred cows and arbitrarily enforced para-religious absolutes in this faux-rational civilization of ours.
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Mask were unironically soul. You retards should have pushed them more as a social norm so you can wear them and not get fucked by face recognition software and shit but /pol/ reddit tourists are fucking retards and missed their golden opportunity.
Also imagine making a thread about it for fucking 3 years straight since it happened.
I yell at strangers who still wear masks

Based Putin forcing the news cycle forward and out of stagnation.
Uh oh /pol/cels didn't like this one
I'm going to continue thinking about it until Total Vaxxie Death.
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Yell at me ya jewish cunt and I'll kick you in the fucking vagina, idiot
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>Of course it's okay to shame people who intentionally spread disease.

You mean Like Faggots and Trannies and immigrants ??

Maybe we should be proactive and lock them up ..
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you fucked up
you bought the propaganda
we will never forget
Says the (((tribe))) still milking the holocaust for close to a century,
>just forget about it so they can do it again!
Get ready for 2nd pandemic goyim.
I live in LA and yes every day. And they are also the ones constantly sickly and calling out of work. I hate them so much and keep hoping they will finally die.
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Oh fuuuuuuuuck (You)
>Think of how pathetic you are that you think about covid 24/7 rent free
Not quite as pathetic, however, as those whose diction is limited to cliches.
save me the platitudes
Which ones specifically?
>you should have known
I did know
>it wasn't gonna last forever
nothing does
now, do you have anything useful to say? because if not it's probably best to go back to stacking boxes
>do you have anything useful to say?
Absolutely. I am a fine wine with many notes.
>I live in LA
Do you really though? Cause there's a new thing on 4chan where people pretend to live in LA.
Unironically, I support repealing seatbelt laws. If people don't want that extra protection, they should be allowed to waive it. Alll you're doing is arguing for stronger government control.
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Weird how I can ride a motorcycle but you need a seatbelt in your cuckbox.
Do you know how much I stole from Walmart self-checkout because the fear of being recognized was completely eliminated by wearing a mask? The coronahoax period was a golden age of retail theft.
I think most people are dealing with it correctly.
My Biden voter die hard democrat parents name the jew.
I don't even have to point it out anymore.
Aw hell naw. Enjoy thr velocity of the walmart-to-prison pipeline.
>as a time of peace and vacationing for everybody.

Privileged take

>the 6th of January was a coup attempt

Privileged take
who would want to lie about living here.
How did she die, anon?
Remember guys this isn't over. Observe the speed at which goycattle entered and exited mass psychosis. Never forget what happened. Be ready for rounds two. But do not fear the truth - We normal people have allies above any beyond.
> They pretend it never happened and you're making things up.
I swear to God “narcissism” is just the baseline human mindset
I’m 33 and there is probably a single-digit number of people in my life who DON’T do this shit to me
lmao I stole $10k easily over the course of two years. u mad, wagie?
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Back when they were being retarded I'd send them this and they would stop harassing me about getting it.
It's the one thing inglorious bastards movie got right, you have to brand these people so they can't play innocent like that. The vax was the genetic branding so to speak but they need to be hunted down and branded visually so the world knows they're a danger
>it looks like it was just saline water

It wasn't. It was and is a genetic engineering platform, on a huge, unprecedented experimental phase.

You have probably the most mature outlook. Forgive, because we all are victims of state abuse, but do not forget.
>Who cares about the massive wealth transfer and mRNA experiment? I got to fuck my wife!
Stop peddling your fear disorentiation
You're probably a racist, but this post is correct. You probably heard it somewhere.
>it's over
>most forgot
vaccinate your 6 month old.
The picture from some mainstream media where the npc brain is hoovered clean and it implies it's time to memory hole covid, seems to be pretty accurate.

Well, every now and then, usually when niggers I mean teens/youth do something, covid is brought up. In this narrative, mental illness or chimping out didn't exist before 2020 and started to crawl into our lives because youth couldn't take covid restrictions very well.

They even used covid to explain white flight in a certain city. They might have a point when they say that "during covid people realized they don't have to live 10 minutes from the city centre and use the services all the time, so they move away". It just happens that the city in question only grows in population 90-100% because of foreign people and their offspring, but that's just a coincidence.
It was a litmus test. Just wait till ww3 kicks off. Same faggots will belittle those who dont go and fight.
Not really as it's not my legal problems.
Indians actually were chasing the state inspectors with large sticks out of their villages. State inspector visits accosted by police increased coincidentally after the farmers announced that they are going to continue their strike "for five years if necessary" to make Modi retract the dissolution of state-guaranteed minimum prices on farmers produce.
Two fat fucks.
WWII was, and covid was just an extension of the Jews victory over Whites.
>They made it in a lab

Ok? It still wasn't a pandemic. I don't think corona viruses can actually cause a pandemic. The more they dissipate, the weaker they become.
>how a shot that doesn't stop you from getting, spreading or dying from the disease got us out of a deadly pandemic

Excellent and perfectly logical point.

And I would add: most of the western countries who declared a pandemic in 2020 had more deaths in 2021,the year the lockdowns ended and the jab rollout was in full swing.
>medical professionals
I got booted for not taking it
A coworker messaged to berate me (a civic duty, in those days) about how antivaxers were holding us all off from "getting back to normal".
I had previously had covid (march 2020) and now it was Feb 2021 and I mentioned that the vaccine didnt seem to be preventing illness. He said it did, and so I sent screen shots from 3 coworkers who had all gotten covid post-vax and who had been complaining about how sick they were (one took a month's leave) with covid.
"OK but I got vaxed and I'm fine. I can credit that to the vaccine. And imagine how much worse they would have covid if they weren't vaxed"
When they lifted mandates the same guy messaged me and told me to reapply lol
They could name a hospital wing after me and back-pay me my missed wages back to Jan 2021 and I'd still say no
>I can credit that to the vaccine

lol, how?
New boosters this fall goyim.
The vaccine was all that was good and clean and safe. The vaccine was love.
Unvax was bad and dirty and dangerous. Unvax was evil.
All joys and all beauty came from vaccines
It was more than just gullibility, it was spliced with cowardice. It was weapons grade, but shit in pants, on head retarded, and obvious, but it was largely accepted by the masses, and most White people who was (((their))) target
they just have to prevent you from living past 60
>guys guys it was really a virus made in lab it was real
>every single symptom is 100% similar to common flu and it killed the same amount or less mostly +85yo people
Based brother, i too never took test or wore mask or got the sniffles. Fuck ZOG and pity the sheep
What the fucking fuck
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>of the 2nd millenium
1-1000 = first millennium AD
1001-2000 = second millennium AD
The 2020s are in the third millennium AD.
Forgive them so they can do the same but worse when the next manufactured crisis is launched.
In here during covid some whore tiktok doctor or whatever was frequently posing and they were writing articles how "we are 15 minutes away from giving up because we are so flooded with patients omg" and then someone checked it and the hospital said they had 1 patient there in ER.

Also, the phrase "almost all the hospital beds are full" just means that they will attempt to keep least amount of beds empty and then add more beds if needed.
Be the man in red.
sex with vaxxies is jasmine-scented and beautiful
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That guy would be a masker. The others were thinkers paying respect to a man who actually helped liberate them from jews.
Okay glow nigger.
Kek recruiters gotta be desperate at this point
dear lord why
most of humanity is already genetically modified
Lara Logan never had Adam Curry or JCD on.
Internet rightoids don't have lives so they fixate on memes. They spend all day every day seething about shit that normal people recognize as irrelevant.
.jews like you will get the rope. Never forgiven
Gee I wonder if Amerigolems will use their guns next time this happens? Nah they won't do shit lmao
This is basically begging to return to blood feuds if real.

>oy vey we didn't give your daughter a kidney transplant because phizer hasn't received their pound of flesh! She vill die!
That is extortion. It's illegal.

If that doesn't result in gang violence against the medical professionals and their family nothing ever will.
>(((the need)))
Sadly, yes, they are actually that insane.
"Relax, bro. They were just trying their best. They love you; I promise."
>the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you
>post-hoc rationalization
>mask packaging clearly states it does not prevent the spread of pathogens
No... he was actually just shitty that the regime had cock-blocked him from jewess pussy. He was a salty simp.
>more post-hoc rationalization
Damn straight no refunds.
They usually end up roundly admitting my scepsis was entirely justified.
But then again i do not hold some of the more extreme views people espouse here.
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>he still believes that masks stop covid from spreading
dumb retard alert
It’s so dumb what happened to masks. Masks CAN prevent the spread of illnesses. Keeping your sneezes and coughs to yourself, that’s about it. We’ve been using masks for a long ass time. When I was in uni the student health services would hand them out if you had picked up a cold or flu. It was very common. Then all of a sudden everyone HAD to have them. And companies didn’t wait hesitate to market the shit out of it. Disney masks, super hero masks, every pattern imaginable. It became trendy and therefore it was “okay” to mandate. Honestly if it was only masks the whole time Covid would have been fine. It was the vax mandate that tipped us into insanity.
I haven't thought about it in a year.
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>They make the choice to believe and do everything they did, the media forced them to by directly editing their brains
Then they're literal zombies. not people.
Either way the should all be killed.
>Covid complications are far higher for the unvaccinated.
Oh really? How many vaccinated vs unvaccinated have AIDS?
>Women universally say 'that didn't happen'

What didn't happen.
Wearing masks when you're sick should be mandatory. No one deserves to die more than faggots who have a non-dry cough in public transportation without universally available facemasks. Fuck you. I stepped out of trams and walked home because of these tards before. They also cough on their hands and push the buttons that open doors. At this point, there is no feigning ignorance.
Im a dirty PA in a hospital and absolutely zero people give a shit about COVID anymore, and havent for a while.
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It's not gene therapy. Words have meaning retard.

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