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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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By just storming the gates of their compounds and taking it from them. That's what they fear the most, you know. Hence, anti-gun laws.
by stopping mass immigration
I thought she was fucking that black dude, what happened lmao.
So she dumped the black dude?
Bruh it's too late. Alex Jones was screeching about this when he was just doing radio shows.
She fucked a nigger. Coalburners drop to the lowest of the low on the totem pole. It doesn't matter how rich and beautiful she is. At least I can look at my wife and know she never fucked a nigger.
ready to settle down
This has been happening since agriculture was invented lmao the only difference is that most of them back then weren't self serving assholes and had the people in mind
good point. private security guards will absolutely not risk their lives to protect their clients. theyre just for show.
pa ic rooms too are also more props than actual protection.
People don't hoard wealth. When you see Elon Musk's net worth around $200 billion, that's not cash sitting in a vault. Almost all of it is invested and is being spent right now by other people for a myriad of purposes.
Bootlicker thread
she looks quite old for 21 and mccartneys son looks like some weak chin faggot
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We set aside our differences and in union take out the trash.
I'm not expecting you to keep setting it aside once the deed is done but just until then, try to behave
Wasn't she getting niggered before hand?
Is this the one that got split in two by BBC or is it another.
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>One time 50% wealth tax on billionaires
>annual 2% wealth tax on billionaires
>universal basic income
>break up monopolies and oligopolies to restart competition for lower prices and higher wages
>ban corporations owning single family homes
Already been Blacked raw so she is ready to settle dowm with beta white boy
>the rich wants the poor to fight them
I'm gonna say probably not
Tim McDolan is a millionaire rapper who wants you to vote for tax cuts for the rich and endless identity politics
Didn’t she date a nigger like a year ago? Gross
Coal burning leftovers
black bull on the side
True, they wont really engage like a cop would too. Thise panic rooms are really death traps with a little creative arson. Just saying. Beaides why storm it? You can pick off guards and people from about 500 yards away with any rifle. Tjin out the guards and pop the rats when they try to run off. If they got a bunker just park some big rocks on the entrance and dump chemicals and cement into the air vents. The rich are really just building elaborate death traps for themselves.
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>Phoebe Gates
totally not a psyop
the same thing that always happens. she dumped the nigger.
usually they get knocked up or murdered
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>Filthy jewish corrupt bloodlines
Shills everywhere
>All 'celebs' are jewish shills
This world is a jewish lie
>Keep alert!
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>billionaires daughter is a thot

honk honk
He looks like the guy who comes to fix your roof kek
NGL she's a looker, obvs didn't take after her mum.
yep, he has pussy and you don't
cry about it, fag
Lmao her pussy been repeatedly pounded by BBC
>obviously had the bogged surgery all of the celebrities and wealthy are doing, plus a dozen other ones over the past 7 years
I mean, have you seen what her parents look like? That's not her natural face.
That's a man
0/10 tits way too small

Elites deserve to lose all of their wealth
When the establishment want the poor to fight the rich, it means beating your neighbor who has bigger house and better car. Not going after millionaires.
Autistic thieving satanic cunt and onions network with fags
well you can just kill them
She is a nasty pedo mafite she is a whore and lesbian or pan or whatever like all these thing kill all them
It's all stolen from killdal that's a tension adl bnai shit flanked spy network
More satanic cucks wrong bitch stop that civic nationalism bullshit
Oy vey, cool it with the anti-semitism
No a inheritance second stage pozzrd after infiltration an assasination
nice memeflag kike
i'm with sven on this one
unite and gas the kikes
unite and free the world
fuck jannies
It's beyond "the rich" as that's just upper class which the lower class sees as rich but the ones owning the world, since they sit in silence behind the scenes and rub their hands. Those are the "US vs. THEM"
> Arthur Donald

1) Two first names - hmm interesting

2) Whos the father and whys he no where to be seen in an image search?

whats going on here?

is it an arranged marriage between two "that crowd" mutts?

( did you ever look at the family history of melinda g. as well? )
There's an incredibly armed populace that's based in the exact same nation as these very elites, but for some reason this armed populace never does anything.
>How to utterly destroy your economy in five easy steps
>Two first names
Donald is a surname
>private security guards will absolutely not risk their lives to protect their clients.
why not? they are well paid. cartel does this all the time. you idiotic clueless fucking nigger.
no one gives a shit about wealth inequality, or the great COVID wealth transfer. you won't do shit,
>Paul McCartney
Man's a pure Scouse who was born and raised in one of the worst parts of Liverpool which itself is a shithole of a city to this day there's nothing elite about him
Paul McCartney's wife was Linda Eastman, who was a Jewish girl from New York.
There was a Jew fight over the Beatles between the Eastmans and Allen Klein (another Jew who was to replace the original Jew Brian Epstein), which was sort of a perfect metaphor for the state of Anglo Saxon civilization at the time - a creative group of infighting goyim with their various Jew backers. Throw in marriage ties and you get the British Empire in a microcosm.
The woman in the photo I believe is Mary McCartney, daughter of Paul and Linda McCartney. She is therefore half-Jewish.
Due to the size of the cranium in the boy, we can say for certain that his father was either Anglo Saxon or Jewish.

Taking *what*, exactly? You realize these people aren't sitting on a vault of money, right? The Gates family is making residuals off investment. You'll have to go and burn down the Gates Foundation
kill all their offspring
simple as

> Melinda Ann French was born on August 15, 1964, in Dallas, Texas. She is the second of four children born to

> Raymond Joseph French Jr., an aerospace engineer,


> Elaine Agnes Amerland, a homemaker.

> French, a Catholic, attended St. Monica Catholic School,

is this phenotype common among Anglo Catholics or is there definite "that crowd" mixtion there?

all the gates kids looked kinda off to me - even the one thats hitched to that doon horse rider
This happens more than people think. Americans think poop dick is unbeatable.
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Kek. White boi always gets sloppy seconds. Good luck trying to fill her BBC sized hole.
Stop supporting leftist shill government regulatory policy that inherently gives huge advantages to already existing businesses and are a hindrance to starting your own.
She looks Anglo Saxon to me. Midwestern Anglos can look a little odd (Look at Prescott Bush for instance). In America it's as if some of the odd features of Anglo Saxons were either rounded off with admixture, or heavily emphasized. You also get Anglos with swarthier skin, stronger jaws and chins, sometimes making truly bizarre looking people. This is because in America there is much better nutrition. Anglo Saxons of a England are used to living off of what they call "brekkie" and "biscuits" which are sad affairs of some kind of processed wheat, given to them in small portions from their King. It's why they appear smaller and lankier.
The Anglo Bull in America lives off of jerky and cows milk. Thus they grow bigger and bulkier. They also have the sun in America which, for Brit's information, is a large glowing thing in the sky that darkens skin and provides vitamin d.
Severs can't be destroyed. People are bullet proof and bank accounts cant be deleted.

This is your brain on Judism.
Bill Gates is a Jew.
Sucks to be you jamal your boyfriend was fucking a jew not a white woman.
Bunch of filthy faggots
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Jew and white aren't mutually exclusive. Only flyover, mediocre natsoc take the time to hand-wring over different types of whitey.
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>black bull on the side

"Hey honey, I want to go shopping a bit, you stay on the yacht"
What happened to the big black buck she was fucking and why is this white man okay with dating this mudshark?
Their gold and jewels
>dating a coal burner
No thanks
If you have person, he can spend money. If you remove person, he cannot spend money. Retard
Her hole was blown out before that nigger even got a hug.
Mamy such cases.
Africa is not only flyover, it’s no-fly zone
Jews don’t consider themselves white, they just use it to cover their own sins.
In case you havent noticed, simps are using specifically finding and dating mudsharks to make a statement. Simps here do it as well in coalburner threads. I dont know what statement they want to actually convey, other than “I deliberately contracted AIDS because raysis or something”, but they are trying to make “a” statement.
ive said it before and ill say it again idk why pol doesnt post some of their gay bunkers and compounds
This. Total borgoise death
Are Americans actually dumb ?
Where are the cucks now? BTFO
100% her father being a horny bastard and thinking of this scene when he named his infant daughter.

lil jamal just coudlnt compete with BWC. urkel got cucked by some normies BWC. Now just imagine if some 6'6 BWC in finace walked into the frame. Urkels just cannot compete. Sad
Nope, baby black pecker couldnt satisy and she hopped on the BWC train once again.
nothing at all.

the elite few will just ask their pals at the FED to print more and give it to them.
kill em
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Gender swapped tranny satan couple 2nd generation. So obvious once you know the score. Just compare her shoulders to AckCarntney’s What’s with these weirdos?

Paul Allen on why Bill Gates didn’t attend their early meetings with outside parties: “Bill looked like he was thirteen”:
https://youtu.be/S_CKJ2eiA7E?si=yoect6u-2UTbx0nV&t=256 [Embed]
Bbcsisters……. We lost again.
Taking gold from that swimming pool of gold coins they have
Isn't that the blacked coal burner?
Makes sense that the grandson of a homosexual with yellow fever would be desperate for a taste of African bull cum
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Yup, thats a tranny.
When cartel members lay their life on the line for the defense of their turf, is a bit different than "Cyber Power Group" security systems. I actually build these billionaire homes, and they don't have ANY real security. Most just live in a gated community and don't ever worry about "ruffians". Lmao just smack their meter off their service with a hammer and turn off their power.
Holly peers has really nice tits and her sister phoebe has an almost better face but tits are not that good.

you actually thought that was anything more then a publicity stunt to make the gates look progressive?
She dumped the BBC because people were calling her a coalburner and mudshark on instagram and tiktok.
Spreading disease is a special hobby of the Gates family.
still, straight into the trash
And now she's fucking a Beatle's Grandson. Looks more like a Public stunt.
>she should have fallen for me
>can't even get a handjob from ordinary girls
She chose BWC in the end
SBC bros...
>mccartneys son
mother is Mary (alleged photographer), daughter of Linda, sister of the more famous Stella (Fashion designer)
pic is Paul, Mary and Arthur. Ringo is nowhere to be seen.
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>Spreading disease is a special hobby of the Gates family.
She going to give him the STD's she got from black dude?
>Muh economerinos!!!!
Change the cost of things from money to genuine kindness. They'll starve themselves.
Humanity allowing the merchant class to usurp the warrior/nobility class remains to date the biggest mistake our species has ever committed (even more egregious than allowing jews to survive this long). The current ruling class are all descendants of the merchant class that financed the various revolutions that ended monarchies and noble bloodlines. The merchant class practices all the debauchery nobility did, with none of the obligations or responsibilities toward the land and its people. Allowing the wealthiest to rule is the single biggest mistake the human species has committed. Rulers should be groomed for the job, not a job for the highest bidder.
This just look like that actor Kevin Kline with some surgery
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what happened to the nigger that she was fucking before?
she said she would not give up the nigger when bill gates told her that he will cut off all of the cash to her, did she bend over for her daddy after realizing that the nigger won't support her?
Did you think that the heiresses to these tech giants were going to be nerdy when they grew up super rich just cause their dad did nerdy things?
You think he's eating her ass like pie eating contest? He looks like a fag but he's probably an elite pedo pervert like the rest of them so I don't know.
shut the fuck up marxist
seems to have a 'famous parents' tick
picrel, with daughter of Reese Witherspoon
How exactly does Paul McCartney's family being rich pick my own pocket? I'm not seeing it. Where's the zero-sum element?
If anything they've probably contributed more in taxes than most people, even despite tax-minimisation efforts they (presumably) may be taking.

Is this all just simple envy?
>elites pay people to do things
>the people paid make money
>dumb elites spend all their money
>smart people make money

Capitalism rewards the intelligent and punishes the dumb long term
The super wealthy have the least incentive to spend their money. The fact is wealth inequality has been rising and actually grew faster during the COVID pandemic. If you want to apologize for the wealthy, then don't complain why you are getting fucked by increasingly anti-social corporate moves demanded by them by the shareholders to try to squeeze every penny from everyone below them. Add on top of that boomers are set to retire and looking to juice their 401ks, they're looking to screw everyone else to get there, and they don't give a fuck because they're set to retire and getting ready to vacation while the rest of you struggle. They'll be voting for you to have less benefits, less pay, and higher prices. Fuck you, they get theirs.
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Your species has proven it can't get its shit together. Your shit will be gotten together for you now.
If their 401k goes up, presumably so will mine? What's your point
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They're not hoarding all of the wealth.
I have all the sulfuric acid and potassium nitrate and anhydrous glycerin and meth and RTX-4090s and rosary pea plants as I want.
You dodged the specific question. How exactly does Paul McCartney's family being rich pick my own pocket? Where's the zero-sum element?

Put aside your commie blood-lust for a moment and make a rational argument for how the McCartney family is picking my pocket.
think french revolution, but bigger
Yours won't after they pull their money out to fund their vacations, idiot. You can't take the money out before they do because they will retired before you can. And by absolute terms you will gain much less money in your 401k than they will gain in theirs because they have saved more in it and gained from it more. You only think that you will benefit because you are only looking at it as "line goes up" and can't see past your own short-sighted greed, but you will get rug pulled.
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>oy VEY
Pissrael won’t survive this century.
I only added facts for you to think about. I answered your question, but can't be bothered to walk you through cause it's just a 4chan thread.
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We won the cultural war
McCartney's not even worth that much beside what he brings in from live performances. They got jewed out of the publishing early on and Michael Jackon's holding company ended owning most of the right to The Beatle's catalog before they comma'ed him and pulled the rug out from under him before administering a lethal dose of his daily IV drug cocktail.
There's no such thing as "hoarding" wealth.
You didn't add or answer shit. You made a bunch of vague, unsupported sweeping statements about "the super wealthy" "boomers" etc...

McCartney has undoubtedly created more jobs than you or I have. Consider for a moment all the economic activity generated in record production, distribution, touring, instrument sales and manufacturing, and so on since the Beatles arrived on the scene. Compare the music and entertainment industries in the USSR, pre-capitalist China, Venezuela, etc...

So having created all that economic activity (jobs, taxable income, etc) McCartney now has 10 cars and a yacht and I have only one car and no yacht. So what? How does that hurt me in any way?

Most people are not as envious and spiteful as the average communist, so you have to make calm, sound, rational arguments instead.
Nogger got the main course. White cuck gets leftovers
he moved to Monte Carlo to avoid income tax on future earnings as soon as he started making real money. He goes out of his way to avoid paying his fair share or giving back.
The were masonic puppets from the beginning and a key factor in MK mind control through mass media interface. The net contribution to society not hurting me argument falls apart pretty easily when you peel back the layers of his carefully crafted and cultivated public image.
>Taking *what*, exactly? You realize these people aren't sitting on a vault of money, right? The Gates family is making residuals off investment. You'll have to go and burn down the Gates Foundation


>According to prosecutors, over a period of three years from February 2019, she ordered her driver to withdraw 108 trillion Vietnamese dong, more than $4bn (£2.3bn) in cash from the bank, and store it in her basement.

She had 4 Billion dollars in cash
You're that fucking retarded simply put.
You don't understand the amount of wealth gap in the world
They are sitting on cash in huge amounts as a hedge if banks freeze or computers get hacked etc;

Kill yourself faggot kike
Raid their compound
Kill the kikes
Do you think Bill Gates is hoarding his money in a pool of gold bullion like Scrooge McDuck?
It's true I have 100% Scottish ancestry from Donald of Clanranald from North Uist
>big ears
>flat head for setting down beer.
Almost perfect.
Do her teeth fold in?
wtf? that nigger looks zesty af. Unironically like lil nas X or something. I get the feeling it was a homo bf situation to stir controversy/publicity without having to actually deal with a nigger trying to monkey rape her
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> fuck tyrone gonna do?
kek this is funny if true
It's insane to me an elite white guy would even consider being with that HIV rat let alone start slurping up their sloppy seconds.

Many such cases, sad. White guys need to stop being such pathetic cucks. Once they go black we don't want you back
She has now experienced extreme orgasms, melanin receptors activation and so on. How could that white guy possibly sexually satisfy her?
>> I can look at my wife and know she never fucked a nigger.

Cope Mechanism-Full Throttle

Imagine that pussy of hers getting rammed by a sweaty Nigger Cawk like she's shitting out of her love hole.
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>Taking *what*, exactly?
Their LIVES.
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yt boi is the clean up crew
>sslurplurp slurp
>sslurplurp slurp
>sslurplurp slurp
If true (and no proof has been offered, Google says he lives in London, but that couldbe wrong) it still doesn't discount a single thing I've said in that post about job/wealth creation, or the (in)effect of his wealth upon mine.
4 of his kids are Jews
If they are famous or rich it's because they are already in the big family.
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Wow, last time I read about this whore she was fucking a nigger… Looks like the racist abuse worked. The problem is that her new boyfriend appears to be Jewish.
Wealth can not be hoarded. People just make more money than you and invest better.

Hoarding wealth decreases supply. which makes everyone else wealthier too. The rich, instead, invest their wealth which increases demand which makes everyone else wealthier too. Hoarding wealth just isn't possible.
Wait so her buck breaking days are over ?
Which is then placed to sit in another persons vault which is then placed to sit in another persons vault. It’s never generating actual GDP and therefore worthless.
Murder the aristocracy in public.
Looks just like her mom except younger wdym? She’s honestly pretty average, nice figure though.
She was smart enough not to get pregnant with a black kid and she first hand saw what trash even the top 1% of black males are. Still a coal burner
She has her "mothers masculine jaw
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>decreases supply. which makes everyone else wealthier too.

explain you single digit idiot!
low supply, means high demand, making your fiat currency inflate tf outta compton.
sure youll have millions of reichsmark, but a loaf of bread will cost bullions.

what an absolute retard take.
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Dating white is racist and degenerate. This bitch needs some BBC
fuck, she's actually hot for a weak satanic cucks daughter
cool guys at the beach
Inflation. The only way to remove wealth from the wealthy is to devalue currency. The trick is to bring up your minimum wage to compensate for yourself.
that's Billy Shears
>good point. private security guards will absolutely not risk their lives to protect their clients. theyre just for show.
and for the ones that do, nothing that a bullet to the head cant fix
he some have wanked some masonic wanker in that shithole.
just nuke their house from above.
if they die their property is available for looting.
that's a man baby
this, the kulaks purges need to look like a joke in comparison
when you purge all the fuckers there will be no one left to use or claim those assets
its not about going after any one who is slightly rich, its about pay back for the elite who lead and are responsible for all what happened, which the ultra rich and billionaires played a central and majeur role in it, and they need to pay the consequences for all what they did
>She dumped the BBC because people were calling her a coalburner and mudshark on instagram and tiktok.
She's still a coalburner and a mudshark though.
this, rivers will need to turn red
She hit the wall fast!
she got ran through by chocolate train before tho, just like your mom, timmy

cope. seethe. dilate.
>Daily mail previously
>that sparks were flying between the pair
>but Phoebe has now openly referred to Arthur, 25, as her "boyfriend"
this is what the Fourth Estate has been reduced to
this shit
remember to spit into every journo face you see irl
they themselves are responsible for the degradation of their beloved profession by not lynching yellow press "staff" on sight
paul mccartneys late wife, linda eastman (formerly epstein) is jewish, so their kids are jewish and so their grandkids are jewish.
bill gates daughter is dating a technical jew
brap test
That was her past, she's ready to settle down now.
Make inheritance illegal as it's amoral. Seize all assets and have them managed by a bank that help every young people to start a business, learn a trade, buy they first car/home, etc.
he has a house in london but if he spend less than 187 days in the UK then he can be tax resident elsewhere. so if he owns a house in france and the USA which he does and also goes on holiday in the caribbean every year, which he does, then he can "live in london" for under the threshold and have his taxes paid elsewhere.
jannies ban this cunt pls
based compound stormer
This is mud shark
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With a more sensible economic system without Jews.
Sure in national socialism there are still elites, captains of industries like Gates would be one of them in that system, but he wouldn't have ALL the wealth, certainly not 134 BILLION.
the solution to being flooded with people it's impossible to unite with (niggers) is not "finding a way to unite with the impossible", the solution is sending them back and making sure we are never flooded with niggers again
Simple as
She’s still a monkey fucking slag. She will never not be an animal fucker. She’s a billion heiress and she’s worthless as a woman.
Easy, stop being socialist faggots and start working for your wealth.
All these elites are elites because retarded masses gave these elites power and their own money.
But the fucking retards go about how elites are too rich and in the same time they want for everyone to pay taxes so elites can distribute them. And they believe these elites will distribute it justfully. Fucking retards.
They're not just hording it, every time these kikes get a loan for an investment, they're literally stealing from all of us, because that's how fractional reserve lending works.
Slavery never ended, it took a pause, then began including Whites too.
Oh shut up!

I wish them the best.
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It's simple really: we shall seize the means of production.
that's implying she was a virgin when she started dating the black dude
you know how to operate it right?
where the fuck are his ear lobes
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If they are supposedly taking adrenochrome or whatever how come Bill Gates' daughter looks 40 years old at 21?
cocaine and alcohol fuck you up badly bro
you glow
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the way you strip the upper class bare is you take all their assets and give it to middle class people to manage instead - that way all the new owners are entrenched on your side or else they lose their new massive wealth
Something about her makes me think she is a soulless POS like her father. She was also dating a gay nigger.
Man-faced like her mom YIKES
Was she the one who got fucked by a nigger?
hot mommy
she only gets a $10M inheretance, unless old bill changed his mind
Beatles money is a pittance compared to Gates money, which is itself a pittance compared to any of the actual financial elite, which in the end is nothing compared to the few men who stand behind the whole conglomeration of central banking, who are the direct descendants of the men who built it. Bill Gates is more of a conduit for Jewish rothsboomers with actual power who didn't understand computers. He's literally a vehicle. If you're looking at Gates and not trying to see behind him, you're a lost cause and a moron and you should probably just go get a job at Wendy's.
Wasn’t she fucking some nigger? Kek
Yeah she fell for the bbc meme and was laughed at everyday lol. She let a literal subhuman shit log in her pussy. Gross
>daaad, the money royalty is inbreeding again
It's exchanged for goods and services whole taxes are paid on the transactions. Often times it's more profitable for a government to have a small group of ultra wealthy individuals than have a large spread out wealth amongst its citizens.
>never heard of bitch
>starts dating a nigger
>tabloids all over it
>achievement unlocked
>now moves on with permanent paparazzi attached
yeah she used the nigger like a purse, earrings or a kentucky dervy hat -- an accessory, a fashion item. got the attention she needed now she's a 'celeb' many such cases. i somehow felt bad for dumb niggers in college, standing on the curb waiting for their girlfriend to come give them a ride because they've never owned a car in their life. they're like the lapdog that rides on paris hilton's lap, just a fashion accessory for added attention. college was also the first time i ran into niggers that couldn't
>clean up crew to a billion dollar inheritance
lol, jog on leaf
No one ever explains how taxing billionaires more money and giving the corrupt government plutocrats more money, actually benefits me. Instead giving people who hate me more money seems like a bad idea

two nons making more nons
Got screens? I would like to see proof that social shaming works
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You know exactly how.
Can't have any "wealth" if you're dead or all the servers holding those 1's and 0's are blowen up or fried via huge electromagnetic radiation pulses.
But we can't expect the Sun to do all the heavy lifting....
It will help set the stage, though.

Let's turn those satanic shyster's bunkers and underground bases into tombs that the Lord will really want them to be
>gets the hot new gigaboggmaxxing surgery to make yourself 25 years older that all the other cool kids are getting
Which roastoid thought removing buccal fat so that they paid for an aged face was a good idea though?
>10m cash
This also coincidentally happens to be the max gift you can give via inheritence without tax. Shes getting billions in investments though when the custodianship on the gates foundation changes names. Watch her lose all his money in 20 years or less though. Just like bezos wife who started blowing all of little jeffs stacks on migrant charities kek
>100% her father being a horny bastard and thinking of this scene when he named his infant daughter.

LOL, you are probably right anon. mr bill was a horny young dude when that movie came out.
>homosexual with yellow fever

you lost me, are you talking about Paul McCartney? He didn't marry an Asian, John Lennon did
>shitlog in the puss
The japanese have a saying
Black shit in the pink?
Marriage value sink.
It's a big club, and you ain't in it...
This. She had her fun and now it's time to settle down with a beta provider. Happens all the time.
Lmao, yeah because Bill Gates is Scrooge McDuck who has a swimming pool of gold coins.
Wheres her chimp bf?
Why would a giga rich woman care about non giga rich opinions?
I'm sure Paul McCartney's grandson has lots of connections but since Paul McCartney doesn't own any of the Beatles catalog and nobody really gives a shit about Wings or his solo work it's not like the kid is inheriting billions. I'd be surprised if he's a millionaire in his own right. Maybe he's in a trust fund band with a couple million but this relationship is hardly a consolidation of the super wealthy. Bill Gates daughter is the one bringing all of the money into this relationship. And that's assuming Gates doesn't screw over his kids like Carnegie did and leave them a pittance compared to the family fortune.
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answer is simple - gold and silver money

they limit credit expansion and increase value of skills and labor in comparison to capital

it kills majority of bullshit jobs and activities

capital is reevaluated using real interests rates, real efficiency is increases, it benefits those capitalists who produce real things
The billionaires come from strong families (houses), and spread dysfunctional anti-family propaganda to us poors
Thats the other one.
Pics of the trolling though?
fuck off Chang
While you are right about ole bill not actually being that wealthy compared to Rothschilds and co, he did unlock the keys to the system and fended off the rabid hoards to get where he is. He’s much richer than the would’ve wanted him to be, being an Anglo and all, but when you play the game as well as bill did they have to let you in.
Rupert Murdoch and Musk are similar tales where they play so good they get a pass.
>Why would a giga rich woman
There's your answer
Nothing, Phil McCuckneys grandson is picking up the nigger's sloppy seconds.
When tyranny is economical...
Paul McCartney is married to the daughter of a Mafia connected trucking magnate (she's also Barbara Walter's cousin). New England Motor Freight is directly connected to the Hoffa case and thus JFK's assassination. 1960s "peace and love" gives way to dirty money and big business pretty quick. His wife is also on the board of the NYC MTA, classic Mafia shit.
Linda McCartney was jewish
>rich people hang around other rich people
>rich people who hang out with other rich people tend to start dating those rich people
>those rich people who date/marry other rich people have kids who become rich
i mean do you expect them to hang out with poors that they have nothing in common with?
>By just storming the gates
You don't understand the elite mindset, and I don't blame you.

She is Bill Gates' daughter. This is why he is dating her.

He is Paul McCartney's grandson. That is why she is dating him.
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pauls son is a handsome devil. great genes in that family

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