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>Polar blast to bring snow, rain and wild winds to south-eastern Australia

>Exclusive: ‘Heartless’ scammer exploits Direction 99 to stay in Australia

>NSW first-aid certificate is first verifiable digital credential trialed in Australia
Fuck this I might go into the office instead today
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I thought we were doing gay zoomer trooner threads now?
Did you have this thread pre-approved by glowzart?
Looks like pol is undr heavy attack by the kikes, every other thread has some form of female figure. I give it a few months and it will go the way of all other boards. First full blown porn like it happened in /hr/ then full blown traps and faggots like in /gif/
Why are these people like this
Was trying to watch something on netflix the other night with the missus (Chapo) and they now have fag sex scenes like its a normal sex scene. And they dont do it until later in the season after they get you hooked then slip them in.
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This happens every election year, itll go back to normal after November
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>Was trying to watch something on netflix the other night with the missus (Chapo) and they now have fag sex scenes like its a normal sex scene.
welcome newfaggot. you cracked the case
White Australia is Right Australia
When I see a brown, I frown.
I cant stop thinking about trannies. /pol/ has ruined me

hahaha, glowzart got filtered!
>lmao. it was fucking instant too

name muh band
the irony is that when we have an election the biggest argument is whether onions should go above or below the saussie.
Just jerked off to tranny porn again. I feel like killing myself in the post nut clarity
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Im getting married to a Aboriginal this weekend. Happiest time of my life
Is she trans? I love trans women
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zoomer trooners are awake.
Sauce on this semen demon?
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That's Miriam
Today is Tucker day.


Worth watching. He absolutely slates Aussie journo scum. They really are pieces of shit who deserve AIDS. They aren't especially bright either, just have A-Type aggro qualities.
Based. Trust the plan. White hats are in control
Just a coincidence Tuckers dad was CIA/Mossad...I mean we all know SOMEONE that had an old man in the CIA/Mossad
Thanks, will jerk off to her stuff later
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Shit's fucked cunts.
>2000: AU$490Billion in existence
>March 2024: AU$3000.69Billion in existence
>$100 in 2000 = $612.39 in March2024
>$10.14/hr in 2000 = $62.10/hr today (minimum wage)
>$46 247 in 2000 = $283 210 today (median yearly income) || $74495.20 actual median income
Median home prices | salaries | price to salary ratio in 2024
>Sydney: $1,145,931 | $55,854 | 20.52
>Melbourne: $783,261 | $54,088 | 14.48
>Brisbane: $827,822 | $53,643 | 15.43
>Adelaide: $747,732 | $52,767 | 14.17
>Perth: $721,278 | $58,591 | 12.31
>Hobart: $648,074 | $50,130 | 12.92
>National: $779,817 | $54,890 | 14.21
according to the 2021 census data
>5 568 878 women of breeding or potential breeding age (under 35)
>75% total population is White
>best case scenario 4.2 million White females in Australia capable of having children now or in the future
>Importing 1 million shitskins a year.
>50% are female according to immigration data
>In 4 years, under the best case scenario with no account for the mRNA infertility there will be more breeding age shitskin women in Australia than White
>Still surrounded by 4Billion more shitskins who'd love to come live here

And now war is definitely on the menu. Do your part to keep the boomers comfortable for the last 15 years of their worthless lives.
It's still June. Bosi didn't say which June did he? Not long now.
fuck I hate crippled people
Fucking leg amputees man, just give up and rope you’ll never walk or have sex again
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Greatness awaits us all in June
Everything I see about this country seems completely unsustainable
Is shit gonna implode or are we stuck in this faggot overpriced Australia forever?
I'm going to centrelink to ask for my payment to be reinstated. Pray for me.
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>And now war is definitely on the menu.
Looking that way anon.
Do your part™ and buy a hat and pin.
Global economy is in shambles, sending our population, especially whites, in to the meat grinder is just the next rung on the austerity ladder.
many such cases. sad
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>watch jerema995 video
>system still hasnt collapsed
>cant help australia take back their land from the emus
it's all so tiresome
chinese propaganda. you can crash the system after genociding china.
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>Is shit gonna implode or are we stuck in this faggot overpriced Australia forever?
These two things are not mutually exclusive. In both the Bolshevik/Soviet Russia and Mao's China shit imploded and remained overpriced. They will go through rapid successive currency and government changes, but everything will be 1-for-1 and impossible to get hold of the new currency, but it will be a crime to try to use the old ones.

That's what I expect. Many new currencies, changing so rapidly you can never actually get ahead from it, and then a long stagnation of misery.
Won't buy a hat
Won't let them take my kids
Not gonna die for jews
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you WILL die for the american empire when we attack chhina. you WILL be grateful for the honor. you WILL be happy when your girlfriend is entertained by a black man at home. you WILL come bacc home with a chinese wife you liberated after killing her father and brother.
The audacity I had to not be born into a financially well off family
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Good for you anon, I hope you and your partner have a very good gubbi gubbi kubbi kubbi wara wara ding dong
See you space cowboy
It's the smugness that get me. It's full blown Dunning Kruger in real time before our eyes
that's a pretty australian thing. like the insufferableness of the friendlyjordies guy. you can sense that they are just pretending to be retarded and aren't full blown plato morality heretics like the french.
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Look. Basically I'm just not gonna die for jews. I know.. UGH I know.. IM SORRY! It's just that I'm not doing it is all. Hahahaha.
Fear not, unless you're jewish, poojeet, chink, or arab, being born into a financially well off family just makes you a target for "redistribution". You do want to do your part by being homeless, don't you?
> being homeless
Honestly with Brisbane's real estate market lately I'd be almost tempted to if I didn't have a missus to worry about lmao
So fucking sick of this shit, like I can afford it (for how long though lol?) but fuck me Brisbane is not fucking worth this much
Might even fuck off back to rural qld, which of course isn't really in any better of a state real estate wise
I think the first two were pretending but the last one (woman) was actually retarded. As expected I guess.

Attempted terrorist attack in Newcastle. The attacker used sonnenrads but in his manifesto seemed like a conservative and said he supports the liberal party
Indeed. I assume the journo is quite young. She is also a women. But even so, I think this afflicts the vast majority of these cretins. My speculation is that this because 'journalism' is now a career. Like working in Finance, or Engineering, or whatever. They get intern posts, then graduate roles, and eventually work their way up the corporation. Finance bods have to know about Finance. Engineering bods have to be Engineers. What do journos need to know? Idk. And of course working your way up the greasy poll is a complex business, where the most ambitious and ruthless do well. Also A-Type personalities will generally be more driven, which is fine. We now have DEI added to the mix, however, which will filter wrongthink.
Tucker dismissed her ruthlessly, and I bet she is the one who usually does that to her colleagues. She'll be smarting over that. That's not how it worked in Mad Men, where the sassy unconventially pretty junior copier chick is better than the men. Tears. Hook up with Brad from Marketing. Kek.

where can I see the manifesto?
I hate LinkedIn lads. It's just a hive of cunts. It is useful for job stuff, but it makes me feel like an anti-social fuck with wrong opinions. I am, but still.
I've gotten most of my contract IT BA roles through linkedin. I only respond to DMs, don't browse the feed.
In the old days reporters - not "journalists" - came up thru local papers, it was literally an apprenticeship, they spent years covering small town football games and house fires and council meetings. You can learn a lot about the world that way.
Nowdays nobody actually reads the paper so it's a degree, an internship, then a precarious PR job, no knowledge or even literacy required
she tried so hard with the 'gotchas'
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>tactical equipment
airsoft helmet with a gopro
pocket knife
>terrorism attack
guy went to lodge a complaint.

We're full soviet boys.
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you can't. It doesn't exist.
There are nearly 10,000 journalists in Australia. Probably more than 90% vaccinated, so let's say 9,000 vaccinated journalists. IIRC at least three of them came forward to say they'd gotten heart disease from the coronavirus vaccine, which gives us a rate of 1 in 3,000. This must be considered an underestimate, since not every journalist would have publicised their illness.
Demographically, there's little reason to think journalists aren't representative of the broader population physically or medically. Ergo the fate of Aussie journalists formed a natural experiment that helped prove precisely how dangerous those vaccines were.
We should thank them for their service.
Can we thank them by lining them up against a wall and shooting them?
>robably more than 90% vaccinated, so let's say 9,000 vaccinated journalists
Theyre all vaccinated
Another interest rate hike on the way apparently. Basically no cunt has a clue what they are doing and are just going through the motions. All the policies that might work are ruled out immediately, because the exact opposite of what they want to do.
It's all super fucked. I expect to see mass homelessness within the next 5 years. This could include (You) and me. Code phrase is: Ian Brown. I will give some soup, and organise various crimes with anyone who has the code phrase.
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>interest rate hike
Usury is an abomination.
>We should thank them for their service.
I just thought of a pol prank. Literally turn up to their funerals, to thanks them for their service. Post pics online.
Sick? I'm not a drug PUSHER, they are, so fuck em. Crying children? See above. Wasn't me that pushed this shit, not my fault.
Post your favorite tranny
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here, yw
I love my Aussie bf so goddamn much he makes me so happy I just wanna nap with him for hours
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>favourite tranny
My favourite is Blair White but I have a soft spot for Rachel Levine
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Fantastic image.
I have saved it and look forward to showing it to the press and jury when I get nicked for heckin anti-semitism y'all.
Probably Stalin. Ugly jewish woman fooled so many people, and put a bunch of jews in camps. Based. Probably went a bit too far, but it's Russia, Vlad isn't really human.
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Daily reminder that the Earth is flat and glowzart is a pedo.
A Stranger's Guide to Flat Earth | 21 Questions and Answers (Proving The Earth Is Flat)
200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball
Level (2021)
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if they haven't joined the 40%, I don't like them.
How is your retarded daughter, you drug fucked cunt?
But you would still let one suck you off, right?
i need more tartarian stuff. are a lot of mountains really building melt from the previous civ that got toasted?
that kind of talk isnt ok. have some manners and decency. if you dont like it then flick your snot elsewhere like discord. this is a place for the refined not the unwashed.
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>But you would still let one suck you off, right?
Nah, I'm not a faggot.
Its not gay if she's a trans woman
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The AI memelord has access to data which suggests something knows you guys are more cuntry than city..one of these memes reveals
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I require all prospective sexual partners to submit a sex chromosome assessment prior to contemplating any offers of sexual contact. If they have a Y chromosome it's gay.
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Unique mixture of atmospheric gases, their weight, their cohesive nature and gravity make an atmosphere on a sphere in space possible.

You're stuck on the "violent sucking" part of your theory. This is all gas that has settled already and is in a natural sticky state around our pear shaped spherical planet.
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lmao even.
Looks like you cunts aren't ready for the Polarblast
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Are job providers doing anything these days? It seems like they are getting paid to scroll through seek.com and other recruitment websites. It's basically one of the most useless jobs and the entire industry is a joke.p
Make more pronto
What are things like up in Queensland?, might fuck off up there eventually. Sick of the cold and brown
That child didn't die. He actually lived on to become an Australian PM. Pic related is proof of this.
that pic related is going to make the zoomers freak out, isn't it?
>Bruce Lehrmann ordered to pay $2M to Network 10 over failed defamation case after being found, on balance of probabilities, to have raped Brittany Higgins
>still obsessed with media distractions
how is your Jerry Springer addiction going?
why are you such a sensitive faggot?
>The state of Israel ordered to return $30T to USA over failed perpetual victim case after being found, on the balance of probabilities, to have committed a genocide of the Palestinian people
why are you still gushing and simping over two random retards that fucked and the inevitable fake and gay fallout of politicising that?
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Good day beans, how are you?
Global recession then world war by the looks of things happening lately
the browns are eventually going to migrate away from the cold too my nigger
learn to embrace the cold
anyone got that infographic pic of the rockingham pedo statue that mcgowan commissioned?
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>Global recession
It's funny that the "global" recession affects only highly integrated and intertwined "western" economies
And the catch is that the rest of the world is either voluntary ditches the USD and its derivatives or the west is forcefully decouples countries by the means of sanctions

That is:
more sanctions
=> the more decoupled the economy from the "global" aka the western countries
=> the lesser the effects of the "global" recessions would be
LinkedIn has become incredibly pozzed over the last few years.
Some writers for The Quadrant would be unvaccinated.
That is going to get overturned in the High court, as is the decision that was made. He is going to win big in the High court.
We're already in WW3. It just hasn't been officially announced but it started when Russia was forced to invade Ukraine.
>captcha: DMT
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Brief walk. I saw new 'for lease' signs. Big cafe that probably used to make a lot of money, gone. Some gym, been there for years, dead. This is over and above all the signs after covid. Ignore all government figures, recession is here, and all the pajeets that have been shitted in by the great anus of the globohomos, makes no difference. Actually make it worse. Time for ropes and lamposts boyz.
You will never make a successful multicultural society. You have no integration, you have no unifying culture, you have no harmony. You are an economic zone twisted by an internationalist clique into a crude mockery of an ethnically homogenous White federation.

All the diversity accolades you get are two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back, ethnically homogenous nations mock you. Your ancestors would be disgusted and ashamed of you, your descendants will laugh at your illogical behaviour long after you're dead.

Young White men are utterly repulsed by you. Dozens of years of failed diversity initiatives have allowed younger generations to sniff out diversity hires with incredible efficiency. Even mixed-race people that seem “competent” look uncanny and unnatural to a young White man. Your inability to engage in hypotheticals is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a competent White man to work alongside you, he’ll start quiet quitting the second he gets a whiff of your incompetence, laziness, and special treatment.

You will never have a good economy. You wrench out manufactured GDP figures every 3 months and tell yourself growth is going to be infinite, but deep inside you feel the crumbling social trust creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - government debt will accumulate, inflation will get out of control, productivity will sputter, and your country will balkanise. Niggers will break into your offices, elated and relieved that they can fence some computers to buy food. They’ll start squatting in your government office to stay warm, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know another failed multicultural society was attempted there. Your government will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy are mixed-race abominations and unnecessary infrastructure projects.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
Which one of you spastics is the retard strolling into a politicians office with knives and tactical gear.
Stop doing stupid shit.
Wow, Tucker absolutely destroyed that seething roastie.
there's currently a huge inventory of empty homes for sale all over the country. Prices aren't coming down though because people aren't bankrupt yet.
But inventory build is the precursor to price collapse.
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>You will never make a successful multicultural society
you mean multi-racial. We had a successful multicultural society, then jew cunts brought in arabs, chinks, poos, and niggers and now it's fucked.
>be australia
>made up of Irish, Anglos, and Germans
>be most successful country in the world by every metric
>jew opens the border to hordes of non-Whites
>country goes to shit
there's no such thing as a multicultural society.
There's either a monocultural society or multiple societies within the same border
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can meme much better than the left
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>tactical gear
wasn't that a helmet with a camera on it?
i'm saying tiktokker with a pocketknife until i hear otherwise
They won't transfer to a new provider. Centrelink wouldn't help and I called the transfer hotline and they wouldn't help either.
>walls of text
That's reddit all right.
pretty simple algorithm
no soul or substance
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opinion on ms zee
If you read this, you're gay
whereabouts? recession has been in for at least a year i reckon. there was a time in 2022 when everyone had a job available sign including mcdonalds but that ended six months later and immigration still kept going. then there was anon that wanted to give us wfh jobs but had to can it and that was another sign. AI prob started confusing employers by june 2023.
it's over... (did you see that tucker carlson interview? we're just getting started)
What's the best things to invest in for the when the recession really hits?
Anyone got a link to the manifesto?
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Do you even know where you are?
I think it's time you went back.
How do I get a bloke who has autism to start eating healthier despite himself loving maccas? He doesn't want to eat healthier but my boss is pressuring me to get him to eat healthier? Do these cunts think it is that easy? Whatever happened to free country? Let him eat junk food.

HAHAHA the kid is a fkn anti-Woke, pro-Trump, pro-Palestine, anti-Ukraine psyop victim
Do you still carry your daughter around like a bowling ball?
nah you need to invest in stocks that will make $$ in ww3. its not 2008 they have like 5 different war levers primed.
Multicultural means a monoculture formed by the blending of two or more cultures.
> climate change is a hoax
> lives in a bushfire-prone area
That's one the most retarded takes on "clime change" I've ever heard.
Notice it was the "global warming" and now it is "climate change"
You WILL fuck the tranny and you WILL enjoy it
So what's the most painless way to kill myself?
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>gliff app

Disgusting. Take your AI images, use cracked photoshop, make good OC.

>no right wing parties in Australia
is a similar talking point here. How long until aus/pol/ is in the news? Will Bradley's family finally see his behaviours?
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grab one of these bad boys, some fireworks and ride your bike without a helmet to the local park full of cute, skinny, honorary aryan girls who are also enjoying the summer, drinking and letting off fireworks in the park without harassment from police, roasties or brown people.
they took this from you.
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>grab one of these bad boys, some fireworks and ride your bike without a helmet to the local park
a drunken itano circus?
10 ID's had to be filtered before I could even read the thread.
This "internet activists" must be really salty about assange getting out.
Goyslop tonight. Should I get fried chicken or a burger?
This reminds me of my old uni which had a BA radio degree. Alice Cooper on his nightly radio show read a fan letter from a student from that uni doing the degree asking how to get a job as a DJ. He was wondering why you needed a uni degree to work in radio to begin with. His whole thing was just to get your foot in the door of college radio and work your way up to it. Such is the way of the modern world.
Show flag
The main issue is people want a scapegoat so they can direct their misguided blame onto someone. They literally got that bitch in and she's same as old boss. Yet boomers applaud as if actual change had occurred.
I told my social circles in April 2022 to hold tight and batten down the hatches. "Nah she'll be right", and two years later we haven't seen the worst of it. Can kicking is a bureaucratic game of hot potato.
>jeets sell dodgy rc gummies with spastic-inducing whothefuckknows anxiety and freakouts
>so sorry bros
>not our fault sars
this slaps hard
The people who bought it are all drug seeking cunts.
>this is a place for the refined not the unwashed.
oh now that's another keeper.
no shit
>mushroom gummies
>side effects: hallucinations

what the fucketty fuck were they expecting?
You cunts are fucking useless. Getting fried chicken. Wonder if the jeets get shitty when I refund it
>fried chicken
>on poobrjeets
enjoy your cold greasy slop handled by indians you fucken joke of a male.
>ALP getting smashed on every issue in every state
>Doubly so in NSW right now
>"Liberal Party terrorist" walks into MPs office in a go-pro helmet with a pocket knife
Huh, what are the odds?
It's decent fried chicken and it's free, with the possible added bonus of making a pajeet unemployed until he gets his job back on a fake license
>there was a time in 2022 when everyone had a job available sign
They were paid by the federal government under "covid stimulation" to advertise jobs. They didn't have to fill them, and never did. They were paid just to pretend there were positions vacant.
We've been in an economic depression since 2008.
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Yeah nah. I'm just not a faggot.
>have a bunch of menulog burner accounts
>always put my neighbour's address for street collection
>take food out of bag, throw the bag at the door and spit on it
>take photo and frame pajeet driver, demanding an immediate refund and assurance that the driver be disciplined so that no other customer should suffer
At worst, they refund you in credit but usually they are pretty loose and easy with full refunds. They have made it harder to track down their complaints email but once you have it, you've unlocked menulog premium.

One of these days, a disgruntled driver will lob a brick through my neighbour's window but he's a pajeet too. I'm on a mission from god.
fucking bullshit, I suppose you have burner credit cards too? You're a complete fuckwit. Fuck off and don't come back.
>what are visa gift cards?
>walk to ferry terminal
>see some foid's womens rights fundraiser, muh access to abortion service
>catch ferry to probation appointment
>some old cuck gets up so single mother foid can sit down
>before she can reposition her stroller to sit down, I dart in and sit down in that seat
>everybody looking at me
>somebody talking to me
>i ignore them while listening to nasheeds with headphones
>stroller slut starts staring at me
>I stare back
>she looks away, turns her back on me
>start taking creepshots of her ass
>some shitskin samoan cuck next to me shakes his head
>next stop
>some chink roastie gets on
>samoan cunt gets out of his seat so miss chink can sit down
>photograph the entire thing
>what a fucking cuck
>got off at next ferry stop
>walk along river path
>creepshotting yoga sluts
>see some foid in a wedding dress getting photos
>call her a slut
>they look at me
>go to probation appointment
>where do u live?
>yeah, I live in [woop woop]
>can i see proof of address
>show her my driver's license which is registered to my rural property interstate
>do you work?
>yes, I work as a fencer for my m8
>give her his number
>he'll basically verify anything I say
>probation officer foid says yeah we don't have any offices near there, and since you're required to live interstate for employment we're going to release you from all appointment requirements but if u get another crim charge in the period you will go back to be resentenced
>fuck yeah weaselled me way out of probation
>get goyslop to celebrate
>throw goyslop packaging in river
>go back to my neet lair (parens granny flat)
Did you enjoy your day at work wagies?
Inshallah, brother.
That stuff is interesting af.
I saw 4 niggers in town yesterday, full on african niggers. That's a 300% increase in one week, fucking appalling.
I use the same card and name on my accounts. As of yet, none have been banned but maybe because I don't order so often. It doesn't show that previous meals were refunded, only when they are canceled in the order history so the staffer organising refunds would not notice or care. If they had a record showing that somebody had claimed dozens of refunds and are just bleeding the app dry, I assume they would blacklist my card. I also mix it up and order from my wife's account sometimes.

They probably don't have an actual protocol in place for refunds/credit returns. It could be a legal risk for them to deny someone at least credit back because they "boy who cried wolf"'d it too many times.
>Alarmed universities say only half the visas of their enrolled international students have been processed with just weeks until semester two, in what some institutions believe is more evidence of the government suppressing foreign arrivals due to a political fight over migration.

oh no. how terrible.
You can't escape shitskins unfortunately but at best you can laugh at Queenslanders who say they are cold at 10-15 degrees Celsius.
I went to Southern Queensland during winter and I basically had the entire beach to myself.
you keep telling yourself that as you massage your manboobs
>>"Liberal Party terrorist" walks into MPs office in a go-pro helmet with a pocket knife
what was this - there's nothing on gaybc
How hard is it to just say fuck off we're full and shut down the immigration industry?
It really shouldn't be up for debate at this point.
small thing amuse small minds
>Israel has received $6.5 billion in security aid from the United States since October 7, according to a report by The Washington Post.
I have big manly pecs not manboobs. It's all the free protein I keep getting from jewberjeets. Surprised the kikes in charge haven't cracked the shits and banned my account yet
This. Expect no one to have washed their hands handling your food.
It didn't help
I got a kg of southern style chicken portions from Woolies for <4$, already cooked them, use by was today, am I going to die? Squat Flip at work asked if had been on a diet so I'm looking to bulk
They hand out debit cards without ID, do they?
I'm sure they hand out debit cards like confetti and let neet losers charge back on those cards all the time.
FMD this joint is full of larping losers.
You'll be fine
Ring these guys: 1800 805 260
Say your Job provider was incredibly rude to you, she laughed when you said you were aboriginal, she mocked your disability, that she signed you up for courses that you can't even work in the sector because of crim history. Say there is zero working relationship and demand an administrative transfer to a new provider. They will restore your payment and give you a new provider. You can make a formal complain against the old JSP bitch too.
You won't die, just cook or freeze.
Colesworth usually mark down 25 cents off retail now, even if the meat package is swelling and turning brown. No more 99c bargains.
You'll be right. My theory is that the actual use by is a few days after what they say, just in case some slip through
Yes. Extra points if you state you don't feel safe or they trigger your anxiety. No wukkas.
I spent over an hour on hold with those fucks and they said they they couldn't do it since my payment is already on hold.
I vote Labour and the Greens now since according to /pol/ I as a proud wog am not white
Is it a situation where you can only proceed once it reactivates?
Fucking hell, its all bureaucratic nonsense isnt it.
Alas poor Brucey, we knew him well.

are you still fucken whinging - fuck me - this is day 3.
Fucken whiney cunt - I heard old pommy cunts wjinge less than you.
Rape and death.
Well QT recruitment bird hasn't called me back, though she did invite me on JewdIn. Looks like no intervew for that. Is temping still a thing, or do cunts need like 5 years experience, and the hiring manager is always called Mohammed or Rakesh or whatever subhuman name?
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My vaccinated boomer arse neighbour is back in hospital for the 5th time.

Her sister who lives with her is blowing up my phone most likely because she wants me to drive her to the hospital to pick her up.

I ain't doing shit.
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Based. Should have checked the refund policy.
>Is it a situation where you can only proceed once it reactivates?
Exactly this.
Bullshit it was posted to mediafire according to plebbit
There isn't one
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Why are you so transphobic?
Just put in my resignation, not that I need to hand in one.
Post creepshots faggot. Are you chad fish guy? The nasheeds give it away. Where the fuck you been?
Lmao fag
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I've been behaving myself cos legal bs.
Right kino
Not worth the bits

Legal? I knew asio would get you. Make a tg channel
That's nasty
So.... KFC for dinner?? Evens says yes, odds no.
Enjoy your goyslop. I enjoyed mine
talking about goyslop i had maccas eariler, gave me a headace as usual but tasted heavenly
Most creepshots are pretty shit. The only good ones I get are at the nude beach when I'm hiding in the bushes in my ghillie suit with my nikon + lens zoom. But of course they're illegal to share.
bro what did anyone expect lmao the entire country is propped up by a realestate bubble economy which is absolutely artificial and indirectly connected to many other sectors. Factor in the amount of money that flows through construction and you can see that people are still money rich and are spending. just because resturant prices are up doesn't mean people aren't spending that money at JBHIFI or online to buy useless shit they don't need.
the only way to stop inflation is to ostensibly collapse the realestate market which the govt cannot afford to do because they themselves are hugely invested and (besides the fact that it will ruin millions of people). trying to play this middle ground is a complete waste of time and classic kicking the can down the road.
>But of course they're illegal to share.
So make a tg or even a matrix server. Don't keep roastie porn to yourself.
There are better ways and worse ways.
I have to go for a half hour walk for goyslop and I honestly can't be fucked but I rolled evens so I must do it for the sake of digits
Why are you seeing a parole officer? Did a roastie finally dob you in or what? Chad fishing or did you something supremely autistic in public?
Theft of 1000s $$ cable from NBN worksite.
No one knows any best way because no one has come back to tell us. Always assume it's painful. I've never not seen a painful death.
what cable lmao
Why did you steal 1k of fibre optic you faggot what are you going to do with it at your gmas place
Better get it while you can, (((they))) are killing off all our chickens
and its not even the type of fibre you can use at home since NBN uses the GPON network which is incompatible with home/server end user devices
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Alotta money in that shit

my mate works there, the amount of cameras there you cannot see...... im not kidding..... that park was literally built as an experiment in public surveillance
What are you talking about you noob. Fibre optic is Fibre optic. It's single mode fibre. The ends don't matter as adaptors exist.
He's not busted. Stop discouraging his degeneracy. All roasties want their bums seen.
Well the trick is we fooled all the chink and jeet tourists into going South to the Gold Coasty so we could have north of the Maroochy all to our selves.
Lol I never visit the same place twice for creepshots. I'll be back in SA soon.
NBN usually uses APC SC which cannot plug into UPC LC modules which are common on end devices.
Investment properties should be taxed on a rising scale per extra home owned. Punishing people normal people who just have a mortgage on the home they live in is fucked.
A d a p t o r s
It's all light pipe you faggot
Post recent chadfishing. I have been gone awhile.
I can also recommend time-wasting Brazilian escorts as they are stupid and you'll use up their booking time by cancelling.
you can fucking do that tho because i tried and shutdown the connection for my neighbourhood for about 3 hours, I tried bypassing the NBN box out the front and putting fibre directly into the router, i instead cut off the internet for my street
Thats some low tier ass, if you had half a clue the fittest gym bunnies are all strutting along the river walk from the story bridge to new farm and new farm to newstead
Some pain is to be expected
I know that tile.
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I sent a Pinoy mtf tranny on a 7 hr bus trip to Manila, it wasted nearly 680 pesos each way.
Plss no doxxxx. I'm already in the courts, media and police link news lol.
You can usually tell a lot about a person based on their stances on:
>nuclear energy
>the notion of abolishing negative gearing
Kek why troons? Roasties are your target. Troons fuck anything and they're just men.
desu I kind of want to see how far you will take things.

Give women a reason to choose the bear over men.
I'll knock it over tonight and lunch tomorrow, will report back. I have got back to my pit weight of 69kg by doing nought, Dad bod dissolved this year, is piss, meat and dairy keto?
>fit for forty
I'm turning old soon bros
Based. Nurses are cunts. Well done
Yes well beggars can't be choosers sweaty. You should clip them if you think you can find better
Correct, people who vote in wog country elections should be baptized in Bass Strait with a millstone tied around his neck
>duel citizen
>buy house in 2022 for $515,000
>realestate.com.au reckons at the time its worth $530,000
>realestate.com.au now reckons its worth $747,000
ez money.
The only neighbour I gave my number to was a lez mower lady that paid me to docashies, pretty sure I had a mad three banger with her and her hairdresser missus but I was blackout drunk so I'm not sure, but my wife and those two made a convincing argument. Life's like that sometimes.
Meds now
>now war is definitely on the menu

Hahahahhaha I love you doomer fuckwits
Something bad may happem in the future
Better do nothing for 50 years
Just hide
Lieutenant Colonel (retarded)
>flat Earth

Imagine being this stupid
You're doing the lord's work.
The amount of work you spend documenting times you didn't have sex is amazing.
why did u do this to me?
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These foids wouldn't fuck me, they wouldn't give me the time of day anyway, so why would I give a fuck about trying. I want them to die.
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Curious how low key the Military ads are now.
Someone really needs to do something about that...
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Solid ad. I feel a strong urge to die for Israel now, not sure why. Only cowards stay home.
Also, isn't there some rule about seppos in based aussie thread? Didn't they get a lifetime ban?

I saw a woolworths ad today and they're calling it chicken kiev, not chicken kyiv
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That's pedo zoomer thread.
You guys real mad about assange getting out aren't you?
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Destroy it (your thread)

You should do a white roastie but then tell her "you're not into transgender women."
50 posts too early.
If that's a pedo zoomer thread then you must be posting in a pedo zoomer thread right now
t. OP of this thread and the new thread
Just post in it instead anon
op the faggot

Check out her ass at the end. Tell me you WOULDn't.
Hmm must be in local trouble if you're targeting overseas sheboons
if you niggers are posting shit like this and you still aren't tribing up and training on the weekend, then you deserve it when you get overrun by hordes of homeless niggers and pajeets
Grug the cave man understood the concept of strength in numbers in 6 gorillion BC but you niggers think the Australian constitution and calling things "unaustralian" is going to save you from being melted down in a pot of fat by some hungry nigger

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>"I wish I saved your number, I knew it was the same guy"
>"you think Kenyan ladies are stupid"
Please never stop bro,
You know it's a fucking lost cause. No one would even stand together against the covid shit. Most unvaccinated were turned on by their family, friends and colleagues. Training isn't going to help you when they send 5 zogbots to your door.
plenty of people stood together. You just didn't see them standing together because you weren't standing with us and the media didn't show us standing together because they didn't want to give us air
Training is secondary
Finding your tribe is primary
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Knee how faggots or whatever this brand of gook does for hello. auspol is international for a month so prepare your anuses. How much would I pay for a half decent whore over here?
>plenty of people stood together
A tiny fraction of the population. The media told plenty of lies and obfuscated non stop but I saw the insanity and people all logic and loyalty myself.
Kill yourself
Hilariously I have an Aussie flag still despite quire literally being on the tarmac it itchypeon airport.
well that didn't last.
I wanna fuck you up the ass.
the slightly weird things was that it died straight after I told the guy from kazhakstan that his Aussie m8 really just wanted to be anally raped.

I wonder if there's a correlation.
you are all a bunch of fucking slaves
i can see sounds
Ok kike
You should have posted in the thread that was already up.
If you start romancing her now you could get conjugal rights or she might let you have a crack when she gets out.
Fuck yourself
Kill yourself
I wasn't talking to you, she's too good for you. You wouldn't have a chance.
Why does the faggot keep astoturfing shit threads? No one even uses aus/pol/ anymore.
zoomers killed aus/pol/ and when no one bothered to post any more they started splitting their own threads. They can't even cry about archive threads now, the pathetic faggot is openly splitting his own threads.
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4plebs has gone ai and it's fucking cancer.
I added lmao to my filter list
>roastie cunt stabbed to death.

Fuck I love Australia.
The full thing is up on the Cairns News Website.
Its beyond over
Same in Penrith. I see Africans every time I go into the Westfield. It's unnatural. They never earned, deserved nor understand western society
Fuck op
Fuck you bradley

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