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how does a woman this pretty end up as a hooker walking the streets? if she had became a twitch streamer she would be raking in the cash.
there is no reason in the age of simps for a beautiful woman to resort to literal prostitution
video link

Fentanyl, cocaine or heroin + a black pimp
She likes sex and she likes money, so she decided to combine the two.
Do what you love and you will never work a day in your life.
Sigh another idiot who thinks beauty equals brains and good sense. Girls that good looking are groomed from a young age. You can't save them all. You most likely couldn't even save 1. I would just get over it if I were you
That meth head is not pretty at all.
Have some standards.
WOULD 200%
>offtopic low quality thread reposting old garbage created by a coomer brain child
grow up squirt
the whores on aurora probably have pimps who keep them happy (i.e. coked up and dicked down) and protect them from weirdos, so for drug addicted whores with interracial fetishes it's probably not a bad deal
imagine the smell
You could have saved her op
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>a woman this pretty
Damn bro you have low standards.
Patriarchy turned her into a prostitute.
Maybe she just likes sex and getting payed for it. If your good at something, why do it for free.
The names tatted on her are her owners, pimps.
Just another junkie piece of trash that will be dead in a few years.
that's a 100% coal burner phenotype. in fact the negroid/slavic features are already there and she's white passing but not fully white
It's called DRUGS, OP
You shouldn't do them
It's bay area caliwali. All the white dudes are gay there anyway tf this bitch supposed to do
you think that's pretty? also why do you assume she is unhappy in her line of work?
the tits aint bad though.
Thats every womens default state at 19 years old anon drugs or not
>if she had became a twitch streamer
Implying she didn't try

>there is no reason in the age of simps
Simps are a meme, is all money laundry with exemptions of a few actual celebrities who become popular in their own right.
No one is really sending thousand of dollars to dumb whores to spread their ass on the net, trust me the market is hyper saturated

>beautiful woman
Also, make an appointment with the ophthalmologist you may not have the best vision, bitch is mid at best and the only thing she has going is her youth, she'll goblina up in 2 years after that pic
Majority of hookers are human trafficked or drug addicts. Take your pick on which one she is.
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>tatted skank
>5/10 face
Do Aussies really??
My sister's friend grew up in a very sheltered life, really strict Polish parents. When she was 17 she met some ghetto nigger in his 30s, upon graduation he convinced her to start working as a stripper and escort, while pocketing all the money she made. Why did she do this? I don't know. But she had a stable upbringing and it doesn't really make sense. I think she was just attracted to the thrill or something.
unfortunately the siambistro website is not up anymore. i was looking forward to seeing their delicious range of gook foods.
Twitch stream requires capital, investing in camera, mic, place to stream from, and also enough brains to actually set up an account. OF would be easier for her but even that requires some brains to capture good angles/lightning and again you need a place to do it from.

This chick is likely homelss and has no aesthetic sense like most hoodrats. She'll post selfies with bling stickers and cringe filters which will net her no money.
>how does a woman this pretty
Oh shit Bruce...EXACTLY how bad is the F'oid situation there?
We've been Breeding for "CUTE and STOOPID" for the last 25 years here, thanks to 3nd Wave feminism. This whore is at best a 6...Were it not for the STDs, Drug addiction and 1000miles of cock she's swallowed.
T. less than 4
so fucking easy to clear 1k a day if you're a pretty street walker
guarenteed income
In third world countries they're trafficked, Russia and slavic shit holes are notorious for this.
In America all this whores start as run away dumb bitches and end to slurping cum for cash cus they have nothing else going.
Exempt for a few FOBs none of this dumb whores are being forced to do shit, is not like they can't find a phone you accuse anyone of the actions.
In third world shit holes the cops are the actual pimps
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her body is actually fucking fantastic
maybe there is something more in people than their bodies? like good behavior, good will, resilience to reach goals and stuff
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I think onlyfans is better for society than what the norm in porn was before it. OF democratized whores. Prior to it, the only option was innocent girls being taken advantage of by jewish scum in california making them gangbang niggers. Now, the girls can have the benefits and they don't have to have sex with anybody. They can take their own pictures, do everything on their own terms. They are much safer.
I would rather have a relationship with a girl who did OF solo than a slut from pornhub that sucked a million cocks.
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Lack of a father
She just probably isn't very smart, she could also be trad and having kids or getting her phd
Why is the US filthy and decaying? It looks as bad as India.
The reward system is the answer. They are usually on drugs. Getting the drugs takes primacy over all other things in life. And they are too mentally ill from the drugs to keep a regular job, and it's also easier and quicker to just be a whore. They need to be killed. In a just society, they would be nullified.
Men treating women as discardable objects cones from their lack of father figure?

>tats and a frog face
Don't ever go on chaturbate and see the 10/10 girls shoving dildos in their asshole day in and day out for tokens.
Wouldn't mind watching those titties bounce around while she throats me.
If I had sex with her and convinced her to leave her whoredom behind and live with me in my 700k house, feed/clothe her and raise our children. Do you think she'd accept?
there are lots of hot women working as prostitutes the world over. you can fuck them for very reasonable prices. why this us the case, i don't know, but i amply took advantage of it when i was younger
note that it's a sin to do so, so i dont recommend it
She had a bad boyfriend who turned her into this.

Victim blaming.
personality type, upbringing/environment, drug-use
Aussie women must look like shit if that qualifies as pretty to you
>> pretty

lmao you're fuckin with me
She looks like Kyle Rittenhouse's sister
would bang.

who would pay money for ugly womans ?
Listening to rap music
all regular ass women claim porn is fake a strippers/prostitutes hate their job

any time I hate a job I quit. that basically means if you keep going back you don't mind it too much, sometimes like, sometimes you even love it
you never work a day if you love what you do
It is like that anywhere non European (western) descended citizens live.
Wroooong. My friend makes $1000 a week sexting some old fuck every Friday. Simps exist, don't even gotta get naked, jus gotta show them attention
lifeforce seggs marketplace

you listen to country while you smoke meth
All of these. She's also 100% bipolar and probably a lot more fucking crazy. The post nut clarity will be you getting stabbed and robbed.
She has a very nice body. Real dirtbabe this one.
I can save her
not a prostitute
thats just how women dress these days you chud
Someone hit the wall
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bro you would fall in love with Eminem's mom
I'll tell you how the world works.

All MFC cam whores and twitch streamers are signed off to someone that uses donation as a tax scam to laundry money.

It can be just tax evasion or crime related activities (in the case of prostitutes).

The many donations works both ways the streamer can make a contract where he donates his income back to another company making him not pay taxes to his own but mot of the time, the same corp. that hires the streamer, gives him the donation to deduct taxes and gives a cut to the streamer...

all MFC whores PIMPS have the same technocrat aparatus as the CIA and they can read your thoughts and spy on your home.

Welcome to the real wolrd, you can only achieve respect by judaism (the constant rape of toddlers).
this bitch looks like she eats Purina for breakfast and shits in the lawn
Maybe she's not doing it for the money
>how does a woman this pretty end up as a hooker walking the streets?

Drugs, severe mental illness and/or pure evil.
This female was too broken to succeed even on 'easy mode'.
Oh come on, that's not a fair comparison. I wouldn't date her or have kids with her, but double bagging it and going for a ride? Sure, why not?
Degenerate way to make "easy" money. Que the webm of the man offering to pay a hooker for a few hours of cooking and cleaning instead of fucking and she gets pissed and tells him to fuck off.
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i see we have similar video recommendation
I don't see a problem here

no one should ever pay the government

most (((crimes))) exist as an excuse for the government to rob you anyway

fuck pigs
kill all pigs
Women dont do shit "fo free".
>pure evil
"pure evil", bc she provides a useful service to men? tf are you on about

kinderwood ngl
Many such cases.
ew lol

a 65 year old bony, loose skinned pussy?


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Based and truth pilled. Import the third world, become the third world. Don’t fall prey to D&C yid shills
This is right outside the Lowe's parking lot on Aurora Ave N (HWY 99) in Seattle, WA.
You must have grow up in a nice area, junkie whores are retarded which is why they end up walking they street.
She is a addicted to very expensive drugs. Her money is gone with in minutes.
Is that Africa?
no doubt

anywhere white people exist so do ugly hookers

the entire Midwest is like this
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Same guy found this one as well.
says the guy who gave her the money over the internet
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Imagine the smell
>sheltered life
>excited for the thrill
These aren’t exactly mutually exclusive.

I have wet dreams about America legalizing slavery like in oil sheikh states, thus opening a supply of continuous pussy.
I must be braindead because I go there every month and never see hookers. I would have bought the one in OP in a heartbeat. She looks so soft and I want to suck her tits.
>how does a woman this pretty end up as a hooker walking the streets?
>(206) Seattle
it is a mystery wrapped in a conundrum
if it's not money she'll definitely be after drugs
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She'll cut you throat while you sleep and claim it was an accident, she'll end up with the house and even more drug money, best advice anyone can get is to steer clear from this type of women, there is a reason they're on the streets and trust me someone has already tried to domesticated her, more than once in fact
One might say drugs. One might say corrupted culture. But the root of them problem, as the root of most problems is simply this; the jews.
Wait until you go outside ya fucking mutt.
Plapjak bros... can we save her?
You are for sure a virgin.
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Why do you have pictures of half naked men on your computer?
Now on how she become a prostitute looking this good?

The hot woman of your highschool are all catalogued and they have male models to lure those woman to be filmed while fucked in their teen years.

Some they kill their parents and offer some cash to make some modeling... the modeling become prostitution fairly quickly.

If they don't kill their parents, they sabotage the father stuff which makes him a chronic alocholic or some other shit... they all from broken homes....

the non broken homes high school whores get a dvd realed deal only in asia and thousands of dollars...

money is fake and gay, it is better give a pile of paper and fuck your country up than having a strong family ties within your country.
Capitalism promotes prostitution. There's less shame in being a hooker making tons of money than a Walmart or McDonald's wagecuck. In fact, the hooker makes more money than mid doctors and lawyers.

I used to live in Indiana

those girls are fucking ugly as shit bro. never seen a more plain and boring and fuckin just worthless population of females
Women are disgusting, the age of the Twink is upon us, they'll make better wifus
she likes sex. duh. incel.
whats the going rate for her btw?
you know she's about to bite that kike nose off lmao
is it worth the rape and the hiv? idk doode

the usa looks depressing and outdated AF, definitely declining
Boy ain dat one fiiine classic style 15 hunnid body jehmi u done evar seen
Drugs and (probably) no family.
I hate to be the one to tell you this buddy but....

you're gay
I banged that girl in Seattle actually. Her pussy and asshole were both absolutely blown out, I assume by niggers. On top of that her BJ skills left much to be desired; dry and non performative. She talked with a blaccent and smelled of cigarettes, weed, BO, and hot old fish.

She was probably worth keeping at 12-15 but by 18 she was totally ruined.

Yes the Jews did this.
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No sir. Poop comes out of there
>to resort to
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how long ago, and how much $?
a better question is why don't we multiply these white women and make prostitution legal?

sure it might not be wholesome for your mom to be a ho, but you can fuck them.
lol you're a pedophile and you're blaming jews for white parents raising a white whore....

don't get me wrong I hate jews, but white women are a close 2nd
What bothers me with modern prostitution is that none of them really have ambition, the internet ones get thousands of dollars for low quality photography and the street walkers are content with their same rotation of clients at the same price. Why aren't any of them aiming to be a Bella du Jour?
Things are dire in Australia.
All the OZ women are baby traps
I don't know, man. We've been letting anyone come right in to our country for the last 20 years, and so many of them where they form their own communities and there is never any external pressure to conform so they never develop a sense of loyalty or alliance to the country they reside in. I just can't figure out why they throw shit and trash everywhere, sell drugs, and send money back home instead of keeping it here.
Convenient if you also need somebody to mow the lawn while you're entertaining her.
all women are hoes.

literally tell them you have fuckloads of money and give them aa fake phone number. give them a fake name too

they'll fuck you and then you disappear

bingo bango fuck that lame ho
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White WOMEN are more right wing than non-White MEN. Btw if you think the chick in OP is White, then you’ve never met a White woman
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>you want to to marry a young and fertile girl for the purpose of raising a family?
>you're a pedophile bro!!!
just drive up and down Aurora a few times with the windows down, and then when the cops pull you over you can ask them where the whores are
kek what has the right wing done for you lately dipshit?
but niggers had that girl at that age. call THEM pedophiles, fucking faggot. bro telling the truth like it is = no pedo. I assume you're some kind of simp reflecting on your post.
ecть жeнщины чья poль в oбщecтвe - paбoтaть шлюхaми
этo eдинcтвeннoe чтo oни хoтят дeлaть в cвoeй жизни
нe мoжнo oжидaть, чтo кaждый чeлoвeк хoчeт cтaть дoктopaм или инжeнepoм
нeкoтopыe из них пpocтo хoтят тpaхaтьcя и зapaбaтывaть дeньги лyл
uhhh yeah. you literally want to marry children

youeew a badguy
I fuck wit whores never thought I'd end up in this life
do you just make shit up in your head and run with it?
I've seen the russian one, any others?
Because she doesn't want to fuck or settle down with any male disgusting enough to think that thing is "pretty"
13 used to be legal here. Only Jews want it higher.
>No goy, you have to let women get penetrated by multiple cocks before you are allowed to marry her
It was still 16 until two years ago when they raised it to 18 which nobody asked for.
To be fair, areas here that have high immigrant populations are pretty fucked too. There's not one good or valid reason for ruining white countries by flooding them with shitskins.
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> tats
she could have had life on easy mode but instead of hanging out at country clubs and high end gyms she ended up sucking cocks in high school and doing drugs with losers.
now she's available got $100.
I was thinking of the benefit of the white race, and spelling it as ho is funnier.
So where is she now?
Did the parents find out and thoroughly beat her like they should?
well that explains your fucked up teeth
So many dumbasses hate on white women when it's all women. They're all emotional and completely insecure. No one in that mindset should be voting, let alone be considered equals.
Great body but I wouldn’t call that face pretty. She’s a 6…which is good for a whore.
its literally seattle
Won’t they arrest you because of intent to fuck a whore/buy sex which is illegal?
Remove the makeup, she's probably about a 4
$100 is the going price, not these uppity whores who ask for 300 for being "upscale"

$100 fuck yeah.
Last year, 200$ for all holes.

You have been brainwashed by the Jews, pedo means pre puberty. All of recorded history and modern studies show females are most desirable after puberty; they reach peak desirability around 15-17 depending on the genetics. By 20 a woman has reached her absolute peak and is on the decline both looks wise but also in bearing viable offspring (the two are correlated obviously through millennia of evolution).
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It takes way less effort to let disgusting men fuck you than it does to be a wife and mother.
gotta admit those jugs are pretty good for a short chubby girl.
I wish I were a billionaire just so I could spend all my time impregnating chicks like that (and being able to pay for it)
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How we end up depends on
>genetics(character traits, iq, looks)
>environment(family, neighborhood, school, job)

U might be the prettiest out there but if u are dumb as brick and are prone to sex addiction due to ongoing sinning of your ancestors and your peers are no better u will end up at the bottom of society,

This is where morality comes in. If one cleans its hearth that person can transform into someone else. Fix bad habits. Overcome "demons" (wrath, lust ect). This takes years and many fail but it is possible,
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Hookers just hanging out at Lowes now?
yeah a lot of women are crazy as fuck but other cultures respect men and the woman's own place in the home and in society much more than white women

white women literally believe you owe them cash for existing

t. grew up in all white suburbs with nothing but laughably unrealistic whores with laughably unrealistic expectations in life
lol what the fuck are you going to chat with a 13 year old about you dumb fuck

you are a pedophile
very nice how much
i charge 250
Streaming takes years to build an audience big enough to make a living. Prostitution takes nothing but looking pretty getting instant customers.
all unwed and unpartnered women should be walking the street

...Yep, that one's going in my lexicon. Right before 'bleavage'.
in Latin America that's some machista desgraciado shit. I only see a problem if you're an old man cockblocking/cucking the younger guy as in romeo and juliet but you're a faggot if you oppose the desgraciado.
it's all over reality TV, where the feminist bitch is a doctor and psychologist and hates men and tries to lecture society about whats wrong and whats right.
12 ain't pedo you fucktard, it's just proper marriage age.
Beauty has no intrinsic value beyond what senses prescribe
very nice how much
>takes years
I don't think that's true
you're thinking of the millionaires, whereas the baseline is just making more than they could at a shitty retail job in most cases, or even 100k/year professional jobs for airheads who fucked their way through college
for a reasonably attractive girl who has a basic grasp of computer usage (or knows some simps who will help her), I doubt it would take more than a few months to go beyond their personal best income levels
Plus drug and alcohol addiction.
yes they will.
1) she looks decent if you remove the 3 months of road grit and jail tattoos but she is right on the verge of exploding over the fat slagdom line
2) she is probably the horrible bpd monster of your nightmares
Trust me I have been with one like this long before they got to this point and the juice isn't worth the squeeze. Like you might as well be offered some sex or some russian roulette to your left knee, that is what you'll be playing with.

And by the squeeze I mean constantly getting arrested, causing fights and scenes, setting you up to fight other dudes. Then drugs because they can't cope with modern life. She's either on drugs, in jail, or off of drugs temporarily filling out probation reports.

You think you know what a shit test is from pua crap but bpd whores are entire galaxies beyond a shit test, they just live at this obnoxious jungle level in the Sewer Universe. You can be competent in life and work and able to hold shit down but you're just not allowed to fight and kill other people and some bpd crazies...that is what they want and it is not how anyone sane really wants to live unless you're actually a bolivian mercenary and you're not because you're wasting your time on 4chan.

Then on top of that once they get a little money that doesn't go to drugs it will go into turning into a botox nightmare because they have no filter between what is attractive and what isn't, they just think they can buy their way back into controlling men once their looks start to fade.


Yep blaccent, I forgot about that shit, you can take the girl out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of the girl.

They actually can't hold down regular jobs, conversations, getting through restaurant ordering without a fight etc. Other people barely exist for the bpd whore it is just her and the right now, there is no future in their minds, only the present where consequences don't exist.
seattle is an exceptionally bad example of a US city, its gotten san fran tier
her face isn't that bad, are you kidding me? throw in some bullshit and she's Sasha Grey or Gianna Michaels. I bet her ass isn't that bad either.
the bottom line is that she's get this; WHITE. whiter than modern day France.
the day you have to fuck gooks and spics is the day you're going to suffer.
but keep justifying giving filet mignon to the animals/niggers
I hear a faggot calling his fellow bros pedophiles, fuck outta here sissy. that bitch is over legal age.
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good post, but if she liked you then that means you're not exactly the most savory of characters either
meth, heroin, criminal charges, lazy as fuck, horrible person, probably an illegal alien
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Here you go. Good vid, this man is not the hero we deserved, but the hero we needed.
>if she had became a twitch streamer she would be raking in the cash.
>there is no reason in the age of simps for a beautiful woman to resort to literal prostitution
She was being a dipshit in elementary school and getting pounded out under the bleachers by middleschool. Nobody tried to hold her to any standard so all she learned is how to use her holes to get what she wants in the short term. Twitch streaming is for weirdo late bloomers. She got her start way too early to have learned anything about using the internet to market herself or the value of being a permatease to lock down an army of simps for decades.
>talking to girls
Ok virgin.

I’m talking about attractiveness and breeding. So like historically when a 15 year old girl meets a 15-18 year old boy. Gets married and has lots of children. Sure a 15 year old girl marrying a 40 year old rich guy is kinda weird but not really; they will be set for life absolutely guaranteed vs the gamble of someone more around their age but with common age / interests or whatever.

Are you daft?
Big fish small pond
She rules the roost.
Against cackling artists who cackle and lay eggs like hens, and cackle again.
Welcome to Weimerica.
if only we could beat the piss out of them and put them in their place...

oh wait, that's wrong think I'm a desgraciado. and it only works to keep a wholesome "tradwife" girl around.

speaking of PUA scams, didn't men use to go to war over that shit? over pussy? that's all I learned.
they all look like in-game npcs
Yeah it's unfortunate, simp faggots who donate for women to sit at home naked have made the selection of hookers worse
>I'm gonna talk about le hekin chungus wars for mature adults with my hekin mature gf
Go sit on a dick you niggerfaggot
yeah that might happen in banana ooh-ooh-aah-aah land but not here
can you link that webm with aound plz
This. I love cooming and I have been the sperm donations clinics employee of the month 2 months in a row. At the same time my genetic soldiers will conquer the planet if not the galaxy.
>speaking of PUA scams, didn't men use to go to war over that shit? over pussy? that's all I learned.
Loot n' pussy, not just pussy.
>woman this pretty
Where? This drugged up fat skank?
It’s sad because she easily could have turned 18 and found a nice, successful 30-45 year old guy who would be willing to take care of her and give her life in game journalist mode while he raised the family. But no, better to suck dick for meth and get beat by your black pimp
I have news for your anon
#1 every woman looks good at that age
#2 her body will turn to pure deflated cottage cheese by age 25
#3 makeup is the downfall of so many men
Yep. She doesn't have a bank account and can't set up an OnlyFans. She wants fast money to get drugs fast.
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In fact, pretty girls are almost always dumber because they have never had to put any effort into planning, because when they fuck up, some simp rushes in to save them from their own actions. So they never learn cause and effect to any degree, because the simps come along to shield them and absorb the negative reactions to the women's stupid decisions.

The absolute worst thing that can happen to a pretty woman as a result of their choices (in their mind) is that they have to settle for a lower value man.

Think about it, no matter how bad a woman fucks up in life, there is almost always a man who is willing to come along and clean up her mess and save her for just a sniff of that pussy.
>every woman looks good at that age
nah there are so many unattractive <25 yo women out there

Anyone with 2 brain cells already know that.

They flock straight to the niggers not because of the myth these indigenas have big cocks ( in reality they have small dicks) but because niggers use violence.
its not even about being with a bad man, its nature and a womans way of rebellion and saying fuck you.
Women hate that, they revel in chaos like worms in stagnant blood, only correcting them since they first hit puberty patches such behaviours
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this is what niggers are: subhumans with small dicks.
Sorry fren, I don't know of anywhere to find that vid with sound.
kek. i literally got back from the whorehouse 20 minutes ago thinking the same thing. the chick i fucked was 130 canadian dollars and she was tall, perfect skin, and TIGHT TIGHT TIGHT body with no belly fat and big fake tits. All i could think of was how she couldnt monetize her looks and had to fuck for 130 bucks (of which the house keeps 40). bascially what one of those top tier bikini babes you see at the beach looks like and she's fucking for 90 canadian dollars. seemed too good to be true. Maybe a gambling addict or saving for a house.
Yup, she's fulfilling a vital role in society.
i think its a sin not to fuck beatiful women when you can and it isnt expensive. beautiful women are one of the simple pleasures of life and its good to do it so when you see a how babe you can tell yourself at least you know what it would feel like. demystifies beautiful women.
you're a pedophile
doesnt have to be a vital role in society
if its good for her so be it
nobody owes society anything you protestant work ethic drone
you're a pedophile
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I bet she suck you real good with a shot gun in her ass,mmhmm
That right, nice and deep like!
fuck her again.
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Is that a niggerspicgook? I hate mystery meat.
You keep that shit going.
but beautiful women get preyed on relentlessly so they have to be smart to avoid predators. the dumb ones get sex trafficked
>how does a woman this pretty end up as a hooker walking the streets?
Likely her mom is a junkie or leftist loser and let shitty men in her life and that is all she knows, which is why she let some tattoo 'artist' ruin her looks.
>Like Jeff Goldblum on a bad day
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>this pretty
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>206 area code
>full of kikes larping as white "people"

iydk - nyn - nigga
This is the reason why I'm against "real life" porn and prostitution. They could all be wives and they're wasting their life and their value doing it for money. Hentai is fine because drawings are fake. Also, amateur porn is fine too. They're doing it with somebody in their life. I do not like the "big porn" industry and prostitution.

It starts with tattoos
why is she walking back and forth like an NPC?
you're a faggot if you think she's ugly fren
100% This
>In fact, pretty girls are almost always dumber because they have never had to put any effort into planning, because when they fuck up, some simp rushes in to save them from their own actions. So they never learn cause and effect to any degree, because the simps come along to shield them and absorb the negative reactions to the women's stupid decisions.

My sister’s best friend was quite pretty and she could use her looks to escape any situation, my sister said exactly what I quoted of your take to me earlier this month when reflecting on our childhood. Problem is that due my dad being a narcissistic bipolar asshole, he ruined my sister where she became super insecure and never familiarized her femininity to get married. She’s graduating med school next year, she isn’t a slut but more like a femcel because of my dad, I guess better to a degree i honestly dont know. She never dated any guys and looked average.
Most of the hookers in LA look like this, this isn't anything special
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>they revel in chaos like worms in stagnant blood
You have a way with words, anon
Wiggers need to be culled
>$300 for a bj
like dude
you better be the fucking dyson vaccum of the BJ world for those prices holy fucking shit
But she's white. maybe you don't get it living in australia but there are FAR more hideous women.

Indian women.
you need to jack off bro
>captcha :0RGY2
the housing crisis in canada is making the prostitutes hotter. 40 percent of women here are one paycheck away from homelessness. even my female coworkers talk at work about where to go on the weekend to work as prostitutes.
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it starts and ends with profane kikery

simple as
Your sister is fucking somebody you just don't know about it simp.
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Make sure she gets her MD or I will come over there and beat you, your dad, and her myself
I was being sincere
Good for her. Bad for simps. Go wear your lgqbt flag now.
what if your daughter was 80 bucks away from having a full down payment for a house and me blowing a steaming load in her vagina was the final 80 bucks for her to get her full down payment together? I'd essentially be responsible for making her a homeowner.
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we have yet to witness the true horrors of the weimar period.
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>But she's white

LOL - get a load of the COPE on this CANAANITE!

oh ok sorry
you're not getting the joke, its more her expression that contains the humour than her actual level of beauty. its meant in good humour and you're ruining it by being a fucking retard and having to argue about it and be a racist halfwit to boot to bolster what you see as your 'point' and i hate that i have to explain this to a fucking moron such as yuourself who just wont roll with a joke and acts like such a confrontational newfag who thinks every thing he doesnt agree with on the internet has to be sperged about immediately.
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those are some god tier tits, holy shit
If shes a street walker, shes probably a drug addict with a handler. Nymphos and sociopaths do high end escorting by themselves
>c-c'mon goy
>just let your daughter be a prostitute

jews don't see this as 'strange' or 'disgusting' disgusting, because jews regularly, without a shred of remorse or shame, prostitute their own mothers, wives, daughters, aunts, grandmothers, etc. - all to make money
I would have known easily if she was, she isn’t comfortable around guys.
rubber lips looks like the average escort in Canada. do hookers like her really need to get raped even after getting fucked at a brothel 10x a day?
Pimps know secrets on how to break any woman's mind into submission. It's disgusting.
yes she's more pretty than most influencers and that includes the fact that she probably is a drug addict that doesn't take care of herself.
Cant believe what goes through the mind of simps. You're all pathetic
A real buyers market kek
Here's the corner she works at guys. Someone tell me if she's still there.
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> this pretty
how is it simping to blow a load in a babe that has put tens of thousands of dollars into perfecting her body? it's like driving a ferrari -- if you have the money its stupid not to do it.
Save her!
its called sex trafficking
most of them arent there willingly
Hahahahahahaha, oh anon. Just go outside. I see man made horrors every day. I don't see it getting much worse without collapsing into blood in the streets.
Captcha: 2WG0Y
Why don't they just get a real job at Starbucks or something? They're just lazy.
maybe years ago this was true. There's so many streamers nowadays that it's almost impossible to get recognition if you're just starting out of nowhere. If it really was that easy, then Twitch would be full of cute girls making a living. They represent only a small minority of streamers. It's still dominated by men.
You're a stupid simp who automatically imagined her fiscal options instead of just enjoying it. Go fuck yourself, faggot simpypants and give her an OF business brochure next time you are in. PEG YOURSELF
Hookers usually have very low IQ and/or mental illness. Its not that hard to figure out.
But hey OP, maybe YOU COULD FIX HER
Most of them are ugly as fuck too. They're actually managed by that guy who ran CHAZ, that strip by 100th is basically his turf.
her pimp might have something to say about that.
Yes but she'd bring guys over and do drugs/sex when you're at work. She'd also threaten you with a false rape charge or sic her pimp after you when you eventually find out and try to kick her out.
You are homosexual
i'm very cynical and nihilistic. i deal with clown world by embezzling and visiting prostitutes.
smooth digits
130 CAD for a young hottie? that's so cheap
i can fix her.
Bro that woman isn't white
I'd say Hispanic or Indian
I saw a very attractive streetwalker last year in National City, on my way from the ShartMart to the 5 Freeway. I slowed down and she walked up to me. I rolled down the window and said “you are very beautiful but you shouldn’t be doing this.” She looked down and walked away.
Sad stuff, folks.
That's a joke? you posting a a picture without any context or when you insult or offend somebody to their face it's supposed to be a joke? cultural shock I guess and I'm not a retard for it. you are.
good lord, these women are beyond repulsive
Low IQ + severe drug addiction
this is an IMAGE board and im sorry you need this explained to you chapter and verse but thats where we are in current year
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Not really. Spend some time in Brazil or Thailand. You can get 12-14 year olds all night for less than $100
yeah, but its completely random who is working. sometimes they're pigs. sometimes they're hot. Brothels are like the female version of a temp labour agency. if you go to a temp labor agency you could get a skilled carpenter who just lost his job and you could get a crackhead.

same principle at a brothel. you could get a pig but you could get a stunner.

the brothel i go to is right next to a cash for gold shop with a hidden partition in the back so i go there and buy some gold jewelry and then bang the whore next door.
what a simp loser you are
Thailand ya right loser
can you get pizza in canada? I get the impression that it's a myth and that most young sluts are just banging drug dealers for dope.
>how does a woman this pretty end up as a hooker walking the streets?
Being a "cool" girl in High school (fucking niggers for weed)

The story for all hookers here is the same. Being a retard bimbo because she's grown up now and has grown up "friends".
Very rarely it's an adult woman falling down and just trying to survive now.
If he gives her a twitch account, he can get 20 internet points!
literally to spread out, would be less depressing if standing outside of a car in the outside world didn't make you feel out of place
Childhood/adolescent sexual abuse.
Physical abuse.
Mental/emotional abuse.
Being forced into it by a pimp.

Lots of reasons.
She has a flabby body. If she got in shape then we're talking.
She'd be another basic Twitch girl not making much at all. Her body is a 8.5, but her face is a 6.5, and the camera is mostly centered on the face, for streamers.
so you pay upfront and you get a surprise as to what you end up getting? i've had an experience or two like that in asia
She is from a poor and conflictic background so she can't manage cash, she can't have enough stabilit yto have a clean apartment and manage a streamming platform that generates constant cash
i think thailand cracked down on the pizza trade. canada is a lawless zoo but i've never understood how to access the trade.
Nah nigger, the puget sound was entirely scandinavian until the yukon gold rush. Then the germans came from the east and the anglos from the south. Japs piggybacked the chinks following the prospectors, but the japs took up farming instead of opium and laundry. The flips came after the navy moved in. Then the viets after their war. Nigs moved in during the late civil rights era, and jeets over the last five years. Pretty much everyone brown lives in king or pierce, with the latinos living in eastern wa. But jews, they're a smaller minority in the puget sound, with less impact, than they are in any other similarly developed region.
There was a post some month ago where a landlord anon said that he offered a college girl that was some months behind in her rent to work as the janny of the apartment complex to repay her debts.
She refused and offered to have sex instead.
Anon laughed at her face and told her tht her pussy wasn't worth 4500$
no, i mean its random who is working. you go in, say how long you want to stay, then say you want to see the girls. the girls each come out and introduce themselves. then you pick the one you like and pay the boss and then take a shower. the girl comes in, takes her clothes off, and you fug her.
yes, her ass was insane
one exception, the blue dress coltish one seems charming
probably cuz she does not immediately give I'm-dead-inside-energy
>she rather risk her life sucking strange dick then be a wife and mother
Jews really have won haven't thy?
oh i see. kind of sounds like how a las vegas brothel works, from what i saw in a documentary a long time ago. personally i mongered entirely overseas
>Very rarely it's an adult woman falling down and just trying to survive now.
Don't worry that'll change pretty soon.
I know fugly overweight cokeheads that pull these walking STD's all day
Don't do it anons,you're health is 1 of the few things (you) control
if you're not sharp about it they will just give you the ugly one if you're not smart enough to ask to see who is working.
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oh you know. the bitchass bits race.
>15-17 is the best time to bear an offspring
Yeah you're not just a pedo, but a retarded one.
would honestly. i just dont get how guys can trust streetwhores not to steal their wallet or phone. at brothels at least the girls know if they steal from you the owner will beat the fuck out of them.
Fucking crazy she should be making bank daily walking around with her t&a out hooooly fuuuucjmk ahhhh shit ahhhh sneeze
To be honest I have no idea. I haven't seen her in 8 years and my sister doesn't keep in contact with her anymore. My guess is that she's either dead, or living on welfare as a single mother with a bunch of mulatto kids. It's a shame because she was a good looking skinny blonde girl. I legitimately can't understand how she got pimped by a fat nigger (I saw him once and he was butt ugly)
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I’ve got a buddy who works in china. He used to pick up street chicks and fuck them in hotels then rob them. He got away with it for a few years until one night, he didn’t, and was met by a chink pimp and his gang of yellow goons. He still does it, but only if he’s traveling and never in the city he lives in. I think he’s addicted to fucking, then robbing third world prostitutes
>lol what the fuck are you going to chat with a 13 year old about you dumb fuck
This is a really dumb argument. Parents chat to their 13 year olds all the time.
But getting a 16 year old and teaching her is a much better way of doing things than our current system.
She's a wife, not a buddy, you take the lead and run shit, her main job is to take care of kids.
You're just obessed with this delusional "equal relationship" bullshit.

But the fact is that if your women is as competent or intelligent as you, you're mismatched, and also dumb.
i love the lizard hunter youtuber. he follows lizards around with drones. some of his videos make me kek

I could understand that if he was handsome (I've seen girls do all kinds of shit for Chads) but this dude was like 5'8" 300 lbs.
the smarter thing is to hook them into love scams because some of them have 100k sitting in their closet.
drugs + no dad
can any american tell me how much a lizard like that costs in america? She looks nice to me. nice thick body.
>Anon laughed at her face and told her that her pussy wasn't worth 4500$

But it is though. How much does a young college aged (18-22) escort charge in America, like $400 an hour? If he get's unlimited exclusive access, and fucks her at least 12 times per month, then it's stupid not to take the deal.
Yep, she’s pretty stacked, but in five years, she’s going to look like a burst grilled kielbasa.

Street whore diets aren’t the healthiest, and they generally don’t hit the gym regularly.

It’s a pity that this happens, like fledgling blue jay that falls out of the nest, and tries hopping along on the ground. You know that the cats or snakes or raptors are gonna tear them apart, but there’s nothing you can do as a non-parent.

Back in the day, you could have them committed and keep them in the Booby Hatch long enough that they hopefully get their dumb girl/whoring ways out of them.

I think this one’s already gone. She’s got eyes that have seen too much and the tattoos that mark that she’s done too much.
yeah, in china dudes literally buy houses for hookers when they meet them at brothels and make them their sugar baby. 4500 is nothing
You pay this one to put her clothes on and stay away from you.
You dirty degenerate shit-freak.

That wasn’t called for.
sorry bro but you are gay.
How did he rob them?
Your job pays minimum wage, not $300 an hour like a prostitute. I would pick cotton and be whipped like a nigger slave for that much. Doesn't mean I would enjoy it though.
Unfortunately the sheltered life is probably what did it.
Parents need to balance that shit out or the first taste of freedom will be going off the deep end. It's especially easy for that to happen with girls. Because they are weak minded idiots.
I've seen this happen way too many times for it not to correlate.
Says the Cuban…
If it wasn’t for Cubans pimping their sisters and daughters out to take miles of Big Leaf Cock, the island’s economy would collapse.
Oh shit, that's Seattle. I thought that was some Romanian chick.
Braindead simp faggot get tossed
Small pp
americans can be literally any race these days.
well it's kinda her job to be as attractive as possible, the fake tits are a giveaway on the fact that she had enough money to take beautify her body
i was talking about chinese people doing it not doing it myself. learn reading comprehension.
The Seattle area has a long history of prostitution going back to the Gold Rush. I used to live in Lake City which back in the day was full of brothels for the miners and workers.
yeah she really does look romanian eh? wouldnt be out of place in a euro brothel, in fact she'd be popular
its funny how american whites talk like nigs.
You simps think of the stupidest shit that doesn't even enter my reality. You know what a good price is? 20. Now fuck off simps.
How can you be so sure that he's "unsavory"? I dated a girl exactly the type he described. She came on to me and shacked up with me as soon as she could. Why? Because I was a mark. You don't need to be a fellow scumbag to be involved with one of these type of girls. You just gotta dumb anf unlucky.
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Typically steal their purses when they’re in the bathroom and run out
This. They could always work retail or fast food, but that's not giving them what they want.
you're telling me you honestly wouldn't pay 100 bucks to fug a hot babe?
ehhh the women you attract tend to be the moral mirror image of yourself. simp marks and BPD chicks can equally morally reprehensible in their own way
i guess i'm a homo too coz this bitch is ugly as fuck in my eyes.
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Joe from family guy is real shit.
You’re simping hard here, anon.
Yes, they ARE there willingly, although by default.

They chose “easy mode” through school and through life, and they made the Grave Mistake of thinking that other women were their friends and so she learned JooBullshit about being “empowered and independent”.

So they embark off into the real world with zero employable skills and zero self-discipline. They are lazy and stupid and self-entitled and they end up sucking cocks in cars until they’re too old to rent out their fat asses and worn out twats.

Then they become Judas Goats and recruiters for their pimps of other lazy dumb girls just like they were.
>Absolutely Borderline
>end up as a hooker
It's easy money. Laying on your back and taking dick is easier than stocking shelves at Wal-Mart, and it pays 20 times as much.

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