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Should clear subversion programs from foreign, malignant interests qualify as religions under the first amendment? It is just allowing a foreign interest to control a country's culture and a more.

Jews simply re-packaged a product that would appeal to whites by stealing cornerstone principles of Greek philosophy and sprinkling in poison to use its adherants as a weapon, and/or vehicle to enable their prerogatives.

The jesus character preaches weakness in the guise of moral superiority. The jewish authors trick people into feeling pathological altruism, leading them to their own destruction at the hands of their enemies. The energy of jesus lowers people's spirits, so that instead of being fearless, they surrender meekly to tyranny. Anywhere there are slaves abjectly obeying their masters, there is the energy of christianity.
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.

38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.

39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
13 For this cause also thank we God without ceasing, because, when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is in truth, the word of God, which effectually worketh also in you that believe.

14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
Are the exchange rate for shekels that favorable for you to post this?
The old testament was written in 300 bc and is a ripoff of Greek paganism. As usual jews are just lying con artists copying pagans

6 For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.

7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:

8 Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.
Go to b or rpk we are nat soc Hitler and Francesco andnpetain mussolini board
Roman catholicism in vulgate and those books exist before judah the Israelites and then the Jews then the jews

here the giant goliath is recorded disdaining david becaues HE WAS SO WHITE
42 And when the Philistine looked about, and saw David, he disdained him: for he was but a youth, and ruddy, and of a fair countenance.
For all the Christ niggers WE WUZ
Yes, this was an interjewish conflict. That verse is one faction denouncing the other. What's your point?
After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.>>472275671
>Yes, this was an interjewish conflict. That verse is one faction denouncing the other. What's your point?

no it fucking wasnt god literally calls them the products of fornication in john 8 they have two fathers and they take after their father the devil through cain, lamentation is only one such recorded instance of the white isrealites being racemixed by surrounding peoples and john 8 specifically is showing they CANNOT understand christ because they are not of god, they are of cain. >>472275504
can you atheist faggots stop spamming the board?
this is like the 50th antichrist thread I've seen today.
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So you choose the lake of fire. Fine with me.
>The old testament was written in 300 bc and is a ripoff of Greek paganism. As usual jews are just lying con artists copying pagans
I'll have to look more into this because this is incredibly believable.
Completely agree, couldn't have said it better myself. Currently working at a church for almost two years as a known nonchristian. Literally everything you said is exactly right. It should be taught at schools.
Anti-Christianity threads are a Jewish psyop. Jews hate Christians and Jesus. Atheists and neo-pagan larping is cringe and always leads to degeneracy. If Christianity was really a Jewish psyop they'd be shoving it down our throats and not denouncing, suppressing, and trying to eradicate it like they are doing right now
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>Yes, this was an interjewish conflict. That verse is one faction denouncing the other. What's your point?
>no it fucking wasnt
Uh yeah. It literally calls the other side fake jews in your quote. As in, the author's faction are the real Jew.

Both sides agreed that non jews are cattle though. There was no disagreement there.
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The original Hebrews of the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel weren't "Jews" (a word inserted into the 18th century King James & Douay–Rheims Bible translation in place of "Judean"/"Judahite"), but were actually White.

I'll prove this with archaeological, anthropological, symbolic, legal, linguistic and even scriptural evidence.

The House of Israel later became identified as part of the Cimmerians & Scythians, which later became Europeans, Americans, Canadians, Australians & New Zealanders.

>Anons are welcome to steal any images & text from these posts, btw.
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>TIMELINE (see pic for more detail):

732-700 BC - Assyrians invaded and captured the Israelites (and called them KHUMRI & GIMIRA & later ISKUZA; Persians called them SACAE & SAKKA (Issaca, House of Isaac), Greeks called them SCYTHIANS & CIMMERIANS)

710-590 - The GIMIRA/KHUMRI migrated into and attacked present-day Turkey (Asia Minor)

650-600 - Israelites in Media also became known as SCYTHIANS

650-500 - CIMMERIANS moved up the Danube river and became the CELTS. SCYTHIANS in Media were driven into the Caucasus mountains and modern Russia

525-300 - The CIMMERIANS that were driven from modern Russia by their lost brethren SCYTHIANS became known as CIMBRI

400-100 - CELTS expand into Europe: Attack Rome, settle north Italy, invade Greece under the name GALATIANS and migrate to Asia Minor and later France & Britain

250-100 - Sarmatians invade Russia and drive SCYTHIANS northwest into Poland & Germany

AD 450-1100 - Romans renamed SCYTHIANS as GERMANS, some of whom migrate to Britain as ANGLO-SAXONS, into France as NORMANS, and into Scandinavia as DANES & VIKINGS, to name a few.
>Uh yeah. It literally calls the other side fake jews in your quote

the original judaens the people living in the land were white after they forced out the canaanites, they were commanded by god to kill the people in israel to the last INFANT so they would not take from them wives for themselves and halve mixed race children who would follow after strange gods, the bible records this explicitly as well as them breaking this explicit and oft repeated commandment becoming racemixed and DARK some of them, and acting unusual, these are the kikes, we moved to rome than europe and then america, when we moved from europe to america we stopped calling ourselves europeans for the most part, we are americans now, we let the sandniggers keep the sandbox and the title judaen (after all they remained in judea) so they could be destroyed with it by hadrian. this IS the fucking bible, you ought to read it sometime
Jesus himself told u kikes you are of your father the devil, thanks for continuing to prove him right even 2000 years later.

I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word. 38 I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father.[b]”

39 “Abraham is our father,” they answered.

“If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”

“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.”

42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me!

You are of your father, the devil. Begone synagogue of satan.
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Every time. Christcucks have no actual substantive counter argument so they just bear false witness instead. Also illustrating how they don't actually believe in this void filling hobby that they elevate. If they did, they would be trembling in fear of the judgment -- having just violated their jew gods pinnacle commandment against doing what they just did.
Check out ammon Hillman, he's a Satanist which I am nothing of the sort, but he's a Greek philologist and proves that "ancient Hebrew" is absolute horseshit and the Bible is was written no earlier than 300 bc.

The language is basically 2000 words and Greek is possibly 1.5 MILLION so theres no possible way the Greek copied Hebrew, Hebrew is simply a fake, counterfeit language used to justify Jewish religious claims and dominate Christianity
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The Black Obelisk of Shalmaneser III is the first link in the chain connecting the Israelites to modern white people, which features the root word Khumri.
Thanks, I'll look into that. Much appreciated.
>Every time. Christcucks

no one but kikes have in the history of the entire world used the term christcuck, and only here because if you uttered such a phrase in public youd be swallowing your teeth in seconds kike
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>christianity is le bad
I wonder who could be behind this post.
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The Black Obelisk makes a reference to Jehu from the House of Omri (Kingdom of Israel), pronounced phonetically as Ghomri (Hebrew) or Khumri (Assyrian), and derivatives of those words Gamera/Gimera & "ga-me-ra-a-an" (Assyrian) and Gimiri (Babylonian) also show up in ancient records as root words for Cimmerians.
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Clay cuneiform tablets of spy records under Sargon II confirms a military conquest by the Israelites against invaders from Urartu and references them as Cimmerians (translated from "ga-me-ra-a-a").
Just 4 (you) kike, if you were real jews youd have converted to christianity and follow Jesus, yet youre here blaspheming him and slandering him trying to get people to stop following him, you are of your father the devil, and a liar just like him
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Clay cuneiform tablets identify the Cimmerians as "offspring of outcasts". Prayer tablets refer to the same Israelites as the Iskuza (Issac) or Scythians who were in Asia Minor (modern Turkey), as opposed to their brethren located in the area of the Medes (Mannai), tying both to the lost tribes of Israel, who are recorded in scripture as being transferred by the Assyrians:

2 Kings 17:6 KJV:
"In the ninth year of Hoshea the king of Assyria took Samaria, and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes."
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>no one but kikes have in the history of the entire world used the term christcuck
Not even whites who are tired of you standing with jews in celebration of the destruction of your own spiritual heritage? How did you conclude that? The same way you conclude your religion? Just because you prefer it that way? Because it's easier to settle on whatever conclusion is most convenient for you? Fucking idiot.
We wuuuuuz
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Persian and Elamite names for the Cimmerians was "Sakka" (derived from Issac or "Sac", Son's of Sac, or Saxons).
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Archaeology solved 2 great mysteries:

1. Where did the "Lost" Tribes of Israel go after the Assyrian captivity, and
2. Where did the Scythians and Cimmerians come from?

The link between these two has been established. But the evidence of white Israel doesn't stop there...
It's impossible to run a subversive program for 2000 years. It would require superhuman powers.

But what is possible, and did happen, is to subvert christianity
kings, literally that meme started because white people are always kings and swarthoids like kieks we wuz as ancient ancestors claiming the modern swarthoids infesting the ancient bones of white civilizations were its creators, in fifty years the arabs in paris will claim to have built the eiffel tower and if your ilk isnt going the way of the dinosaur this summer (you are) your granchild would be posting word pemmican images defending them, indeed the arabs of france built the eifel tower, that kind of shit
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The Behistun Rock inscription, which is nearly half the size of a football field on the side of a hill in Kermanshah, Iran, also provides these same name references. It features 3 separate languages that concord with one another, proving several different nations identified the Lost Tribes of Israel in captivity with the same Cimmerian and Scythian root words before they migrated into Europe.

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>jews fear christianity! They don't just offer Christianity as a weapon to us whenever they feel threatened because they know they control it

Notice how the one thing you can't question is the legitimacy of Jewish identity.
funny how antichrist kikes are the only anons here who still post AI slop. it says a lot about you guys.
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Jews promote homosexuality
Jews promote transgenderism
Jews promote feminism
Jews promote interracial porn

Jews attack Christianity

Strange isn't it
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The lost tribes included Celts (Gauls) as part of the Cimmerian migration wave and Saxons from the Scythian migration, yet both groups are not distinguished from each other historically.
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>My only argument is just call you a Jew over and over again
I mean I know christcucks are midwits, but this is embarrassing.
Yeah, you are coping, that's why Jesus appeared in the middle east and not Germany.
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Sorry you’re retarded. I will add you to my prayers.
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The Normans were part of the Scythian branch of the 10 lost tribes of Israel.
>16 minutes ago
>37 replies (now 38)
Jesus christ, this place is hopeless.

Sage goes in all fields
>>jews fear christianity! They don't just offer Christianity as a weapon to us whenever they feel threatened because they know they control it
there are the literal same exact antichrist threads up everyday, clearly spammed the kike media spends trillions bashing christianity, you are basically like a general who found a spy in your ranks, found that he wears a blue uniform so you declare everyone in a blue uniform to be a spy even though the blue uniforms are standard issue and he wore it to blend in and... spy. its fucking stupid.
>Passion of the Christ was removed from the Netflix streaming platform due to its anti-Semitic content. Critics have argued that although it is true to the Biblical story, the New Testament has been the impetus of modern anti-Semitism and an unfiltered portrayal of Jesus' persecution at the hands of the Jews is not acceptable for modern audiences.
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75% of the English language derives from Hebrew or its roots, strengthening the link between true Israel and Europeans. Welsh shows the strongest link with Hebrew of all.

>Hebrews to Negroes?
More like Hebrews to Anglos.
no one is reading that shit kike, the left cannot meme
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Americans and British are of the tribes Manasseh & Ephraim respectively, and their common law tradition derives straight from the Biblical Decalogue, again showing the link of the lost tribes of Israel to European stock.

Compare the similarity of the laws in pic.

Yoooooo what a fucking lieeeee

A bunch of b movies prove hollyjew loves Jesus! Who cares no distributor would touch the passion for fear of the jews and mel gibson had to finance the film and find an indie distributor, who cares that mel and the actor who played Jesus got blacklisted from hollyjew and even now they slander the latest movie to star the Jesus actor when it is categorically good. Again you kikes are of your father the devil, with no truth in you. All u know how to do is lie and slander and gaslight.
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The Heraldry emblems and symbols found in Europe come straight from the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Pic rel is just a sample of the chapter on heraldry links between Europe and ancient Israel.
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>Sources with page numbers and book title aren't real!

Seethe christ tranny
>A bunch of b movies prove hollyjew loves Jesus!

not just b movies, but b movies that push modern "dispensationalist" christianity which is not biblical and was only invented in the last hundred years. but that proves jews love christ
>My only argument is just call you a Jew over and over again
That's literally your whole strategy for attacking Christianity. Do you have no self awareness whatsoever?
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Most Jews are predominantly of Edom & Khazaria. As Jewish Virtual Library states "traditional enemies of the Israelites, the Edomites were the descendants of Esau".

Edomites from Idumea were initially subsumed into the "Jewish" community by John Hyrcanus I via forced-conversion to Hebraism. These newly "Jewish" Edomites got revenge on Judea a century later under Edomite King Herod, who replaced the entire Hasmonean royal line with his own Edomite lineage, completing the identity theft.

This is why modern Jews were able to co-opt the identity of whites.

>meanwhile in Pagan Rome....pic related
kek. Are you that seethroughit2 kike? Why did you block me on twitter?
Why are you ignoring the fact you blatantly lied and got absolutely BTFO with absolute mathematical certainty?

Fuck your pedophile rabbi jewsus
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>christianity is jewish
Denounce the talmud
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Jews admit they aren't Hebrews or Israelites, had only recently began identifying as such and admit they're Judah's arch nemesis Edom (mixed with Rephaim/Nephilim fallen angels, a whole 'nother topic!)

Cheer lads.
>Seethe christ tranny

im thriving bitch i can trace my bloodline to god and im handsome too because god is beautiful and i was made in his image, meanwhile you got big fat nigger dick sucking lips and a jew fro. and are statistically probably VERY extremely ugly made in the image of your black father satan
Yeah that's what your rabbi jewsus was imitating you fucking pedophile lover.

Let's read Jesus words!

Matthew 19:12
King James Bible
For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

Wow here's your teabby pedophiles rabbi telling christ niggers to become trannies
As always all the kike arguments rely on lies and not telling you the context of events, theyll turn right around and lie to your face about passion proving hollyjew loves Jesus and hope youre too dumb to know the history of how much controversy and struggle that film went through to make it out of hollyjew. Even now when it was up on streaming platforms they censored the bloodcurse segment and removed the subtitles for that section gee i wonder why. As always a kike will always tell u what happened to him but never why. They only know how to be spindoctors because again, this cannot be emphasized enough, THEIR FATHER IS THE DEVIL AND THEY CANNOT HELP BUT LIE ABOUT EVERYTHING
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>Kike goes full schizo
This is your brain on christ kikery
He's talking about celibates.
The Bible forbids castrating yourself and Christ never goes against scripture.
Weak attempt, kike.
Deuteronomy 23:1
>He whose testicles are crushed or whose male member is cut off shall not enter the assembly of the LORD
Your sentence structure is unhinged and reminiscent of a crazy person.
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>>Kike goes full schizo
>This is your brain on christ kikery

>kike uses kike term used only by kikes

>expresses a belief in the deeply kiked field of psychology

>this newfag didnt read culture of critique
Jewish identity is illegitimate because they were never chosen and yahweh doesn't exist.
Okay, I'll have to update that then. It's still on Prime and Roku. They probably just wanted to bring some publicity to Christianity by cultivating a fabricated issue.
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Lmfao you're denying the words of Jesus because it makes you upset. Read it in the actual greek, it's even more blatant where he uses the exact word for castration.
Idgaf lol, make an actual argument christ tranny>>472277377
Lol you dumbfuck, it's literally verses from the Bible.
Christ niggers don't read their text, if they did they'd stop being christ niggers
Hail Aosoth!
i fucking did you didnt, you posted a shitty meme that purposefully misinterprets scripture (As usual) to try and suggest christians are to mutilate their genitals when if you read about that portion at all its clearly talking about celibacy, like always thats what it was always interpreted as besides 4 crazy dudes in history who cut their dicks off, lol, in king james time a eunich was someone with no genitals or who was celibate so functionally a eunich. you had no argument you posted that picture and seethe, you are a kike retard
>My only argument is just call you a Jew over and over again
>That's literally your whole strategy for attacking Christianity
But it's not at all. Christianity is jewish subversion. Here's Jesus teaching that he will ignore a faithful gentile even if the gentile passes his faith witness test he gives to any jew. It is not until that faithful gentile gleefully and publicly acknowledges her subservience to jews as a lesser being that Jesus will toss a table scrap to the dog.

>Then Jesus went out from there and departed to the region of Tyre and Sidon. And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed.” But He answered her not a word. And His disciples came and urged Him, saying, “Send her away, for she cries out after us.” But He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Then she came and worshiped Him, saying, “Lord, help me!” But He answered and said, “It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.” And she said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.” Then Jesus answered and said to her, “O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.” And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
Matthew 15
The Internet was a mistake. If this were one big room people would instinctively avoid being near the Christian identitards on an olfactory basis alone, their appearance and voice only worsening their predicament.
>Lol you dumbfuck, it's literally verses from the Bible.

its a fucking WALL of out of context verses i aint reading it retard and no one else is either summarize it
>Jesus never used figures of speech or parables.
Ok kike, yeah I 100% agree with Jesus here, if youre a pedo or gay or any other flavor of sexually deviant God clearly intended you to be a sexless eunuch and that is their cross to bear in this life, again let him who is able to hear, hear. Wahhh but i wanna commit sodomy wahhh why wont God approve of my degenerate desires and say it's ok for me to have sex with children and the same sex. That's how you sound btw
You need Jesus to win. Christ is king
Jews are bad pretending to be anti-semites
because their egos won't allow them to look bad.
>ummm actually Jews are smart and sneaky and we fooled billions of people
that anon specifically didn't post the actual verses but instead posted the "pages" because he doesn't want you to look them up and realize how deceptive he's being.
He's pathetic
>Out of context
Okay just pick one of them and let's discuss what context it's missing that changes the point. Go ahead. Or are you just falsely accusing others like you're used to? All Christians do is lie non-stop and bear false witness.
Science proves Jesus. God made us all not just one race. Empirical scientific proof of Christ and scripture comes through the eucharistic miracles
Hope is not a strategy and a vision is not a plan. Prayers only work if they're heard and God doesn't give enough of a shit to listen. Knowing this and still praying means you worship Satan in place of what you think or feel is a God.
>He's being deceptive
All right here here's another Christian bearing false witness. Pick which verse he's lying about.
Gospel of Thomas isnt even considered canon
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>muh jews
Jews can't even beat hamas. You need Jesus to win. Christ is king
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Try this prayer dude
This, baited so many supposed anti kike yet staunchly anti christian shills into revealing themselves just by shittalking jews and calling them retarded nepobabies sucking on satan's teat. A few always cant help themselves and their go to line every time is b-but we rule the world! Hah satan lets us rule this hellhole so that proves we are superior! Retarded nepo babies sucking at satan's teat like I said
Lol your claims are the words don't mean what they mean because it destroys your version of christ niggerdom. I can read ancient Greek home slice let's bring it up.
>trust us Goy, the reason you took over the world was because jews were subverting you.

I say it, I say it again.

You Will to train the Militia, starting with you, or your Institutions under the Constitution shall be found Tyrant.

You Will to seek Jesus, starting with you, or your society's trust and good behavior will disappear, leading to millions of petty tyrants.

You Will to do both of the above, or you shall be found Crying.
Christ cuck, it's written in Greek which has distinct words for celibate (a Greek word) and eunuch (a Greek word)
>>Out of context
>Okay just pick one of them and let's discuss what context it's missing that changes the point. Go ahead. Or are you just falsely accusing others like you're used to? All Christians do is lie non-stop and bear false witness.
its literally worse than i thought its not even verses from scripture but paraphrased verses thats so gay man, and its almost ALL to do with the fact that people who lived in judea were all called jews despite some of them being white and some being arab mixed (kikes) just like in france, your entire point hinges on the linguistic confusion we all face in modernity when talking about french people, because french people used to look a certain way in our minds and now they dont, due to shifting demographics. the word jew had AMBIGUOS racial meaning in christs time just like french does today and FOR THE SAME REASONS its not as confusing as you guys are trying to make it out to be
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The only thing this dumbshit deserves is a pasta. Enjoy, hope you’re not celiac
>Sanhedrin, ??AD
>hey Moshe
>yes, Shmuel?
>I have an idea for a new religion to control the goyim
>go on
>we’ll make up this guy, right? He’s some itinerant hobo wandering around Judea preaching and gathering followers and we’re opposed to him every step of the way because we don’t think he’s following our laws the right way
>eventually he gets us angry enough that we yell at Rome until they throw him up on a crucifix and the whole time we’ll look like unhinged lunatics that don’t understand the first thing about our own beliefs
>Moshe this doesn’t sound like a good idea
>but wait it gets better. See, he’s also fulfilled every single prophecy we have about Moshiach, and after we convince Rome to station a guard outside his tomb he comes back to life, which to his followers proves every claim he made about himself
>and as an added bonus we’ll make sure his followers worship him as Adonai and starting now until the end of time they will treat us as though we’ve literally murdered God in the flesh and are a cursed people destined for Super Sheol (they’re calling it the “lake of fire”, it’s like that trash ravine outside the city but it lasts forever)
>oy gevalt Moshe what are you smoking
>but where this plan really comes together, my dear Shmuel, is that 1800 years from now in a land we have no knowledge of speaking a language that doesn’t exist yet somebody will use this religion to promote ideas that it actually forbids explicitly and only then will we truly take over the world
>oh, Moshe, that’s brilliant! You had me in the first part but this is a flawless plan
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No one is cucking to you revolting heathens. This is a religious Christian holy war and the enemy is you. Jesus Christ is the son of God
Did i stutter? The gays and pedos should cut their dicks off. Jesus is 100% correct. If a body part causes u to sin cut it off. If you cant handle staying celibate as a pedo or gay then just cut off your dick and be done with it. Im sorry that is your cross to bear, it is certainly a heavy one and I wouldnt wish it upon anybody but it is better to enter into heaven maimed than go to hell whole bodied, Jesus himself told u this why can you not understand?
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I'll go through the first few, I'm not doing the entire list.
>Jesus became man as a jew
Jesus came as a Galilean. Jews were Judeans. Jesus was referred to as "the Galilean" and Galilee was called "Galilee of the gentiles.
Jesus Himself never called Himself any label of worldly culture. He referred to Himself as the son of man, the son of God, King of Kingdom not of this world. His followers called Him God and He praised them for it.
>Christianity arose from Judaism
Judaism comes from the Pharisees whom Christ dubbed children of Satan. Pharisee means separatist because they practiced a different religion with different rituals than those around them, including Christ's apostles. Judaism is not mentioned one single time in the entire Bible. Judaism came AFTER Christianity.
>Salvation is of the jews
That's referring to John 4:22 where Jesus is comforting a woman by revealing HE is the savior who went into Judea. Judea is translated to "The jews" in English versions of the Bible. There are hundreds of verses that say Jesus is the salvation, Jesus is the only way to Heaven, there is no salvation except through Jesus. This verse is constantly taken out of context and used by antichrist kikes, but anybody who has actually read the New Testament knows how deceptive they're being by misrepresenting it.
Any questions?
The only reason why white people were ever allowed to created those enormous colonial empire was so all the negroes, muslims and asians would come to the white peoples homeland decades later. Jews always think five steps ahead. It is all part of the plan.
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Yas queen, slay
That's Greek, the exact koine Greek the new testament was written in. It has Jesus saying to become a eunuch for the kingdom of God. Go ahead Christy cuck
>Lol your claims are the words don't mean what they mean because it destroys your version of christ niggerdom. I can read ancient Greek home slice let's bring it up.
yes the meaning of words changes over thousands of years for instance 20 years ago when i said "frenchmen" you thought of a white dude with a silly mustache now it could be an arab! french doesnt mean what it used to in just two decades, the meaning of the term JEW also changed due to shifting demographics over the course of hundreds of years wow

if what i was saying were not true, this bible verse would be nonsensical

After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
You should cut your dick off for Jesus, christ nigger.
You believe in magic. God is not magic.

You worship Satan.
Nope, wrong faggot. Nobody speaks koine, the words haven't changed.
that would be pagan behavior
Jesus said it retard
Is Jesus the son of YHWH?
Why don't you turn the other cheek
Nope. The Bible forbids castrating yourself and Christ never goes against the Bible.
Christ preached celibacy for those who are unmarried.
Sorry pagan larper, you gotta stop masturbating.
Here comes the seethe and cope, like i said you love faggotry more than you love God. You arent capable of cutting off your dick to stop your own faggotry even though Jesus told you that's what it takes sometimes. So instead you hate him for telling you the truth. Keep seething faggot
The miracles prove the faith not the Bible. Empirical scientific proof of Christ and scripture comes through the eucharistic miracles
>Nope, wrong faggot. Nobody speaks koine, the words haven't changed.

you didnt even read my post and i never said anything about koine greek its more to do with the king james translation, and translations arent even that relevant to what im saying, the verse i posted clearly shows that the racial meaning of the word jew was shifting by christs time ill post it again
After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
>The word eunuch in Greek doesn't mean eunuch

Cope and seethe you fucking jew worshipping faggot
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I worship Jesus Christ. satan is a lowly demon who fears Christ and those loyal to him. Vade retro satana
Lol bro your rabbi got crucified because he got caught raping little boys in a garden lmfaoooo
>fagmerican calling others fag
Death be to globohomo USA. Jesus Christ is the son of God
It was written in koine, I read koine, you're wrong
And the greek word means:
>a chamberlain, keeper of the bed-chamber of an eastern potentate, eunuch, (b) a eunuch, castrated person, or one who voluntarily abstains from marriage
It's literal meaning is "alone in bed".
Proof Americans are Godless heathens who betrayed Christ
>Jesus came as a Galilean. Jews were Judeans.
Jesus was of the bloodline Judah. Because he was of David's bloodline and David was of Judah. Typically, those of this bloodline lived in Judea. And they were still called Judeans even if they lived somewhere else.

The rest of your post is the same semantic exploit. Replace the word Jew with "Jacob's bloodline", so we can get past this semantic strawman.
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>Jewsus the rabbi is the one true rabbi!
>bro the word eunuch, the actual word doesn't mean eunuch

The level of cope and lying Christ niggers do. You can see how corrupted their semitic minds are
>Lol bro your rabbi got crucified because he got caught raping little boys in a garden lmfaoooo

i bet you a million dollars you wont post the unedited section of the king james bible where it says that in the text field.
It could also mean celibate/unmarried man. There's a reason why the early church condemned and banned castration immediately upon forming.
Cope and seethe you pagan larper. Odin is not going to save you from damnation.
It's in mark 14 lmfao
>It was written in koine, I read koine, you're wrong

you still havent addressed this kike

After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
third time im sending it to your illiterate kike ass, its one sentence in english you have no answer
No retard it was written in KOI>>472278875
Plenty of people live and die sexless yet this faggot here thinks not fucking mens assholes is too heavy a burden. Im sorry you have so little self control and discipline, it would be better for you to become an eunuch so this temptation is lifted from you, Jesus was right but it's too hard for you so you turn away like the cowardly faggot you are.
>It's in mark 14 lmfao

post the enedited text from mark 14 in the text field you literally never will because it doesnt say anything like what you are saying it says kike
>Christianity is jewish subversion
It's simply incredibly how much these kikes lie and hope none of the goyim notice
Christianity is not "jewish" subversion. The #1 goal of kikes for the past 2k years has been destroying Christianity.

>Anti-Semitic Provisions in the Justinian Code (534 AD)

>Jews were denied citizenship and disqualified from holding public office.

>Jews could not testify in court against Christians.

>Hebrew prayer was banned, and the Shema was condemned as being anti-trinitarian.

>Synagogues were liable to confiscation, and Justinian was the first emperor to order existing synagogues be converted into churches.

>Jews were forbidden from celebrating Passover if it preceded Easter.

>Conversion of Jews to Christianity was encouraged through inheritance laws and taxation policies, while conversion to Judaism became a capital offense.

>Jews were prohibited from owning Christian slaves, punishable by execution.The study and teaching of the Mishnah in synagogues was prohibited.Torah readings were required to be in the vernacular language rather than Hebrew.

>The Justinian Code aimed to subordinate Judaism and pressure Jews to convert to Christianity. It severely restricted Jewish religious, economic, and civic rights, marking a significant erosion of the protected status Jews previously held in the Roman Empire. Justinian's anti-Jewish laws set important legal precedents that enabled future persecution and discrimination against Jews in Byzantium
Only white Americans support modern jews and Israel. Some things haven't changed. Hail Mary mother of Christ
They have words for unmarried man
You lying fucking like worshipper
>No retard it was written in KOI>>472278875

you still have no answer for it, it doesnt matter what language its in, ill post it again

After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
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Obey Christ attend. Mark 14:22
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Then you're saying that jews today aren't jews which confirms what I've been saying.
Judaism uses Biblical language to disguise itself. They lie about their ancestors, they lie about the Bible, they lie about God, they lie TO God and try to trick Him by covering themselves in plastic bags and using Sabbath telephones.
It's weird how hard you antichrist anons go with defending the jewish narrative of the Bible.
When you guys post all I hear is
What a faggot. Die along with your Jewish rabbi



Jesus gets caught with a naked boy and says "I'm not a lestes(child trafficker)"
Notice how Jesus always refers to them as the jews and never once refers to Himself as a jew.
He always differentiated between Himself, His apostles, and the jews.
John 18:36
>36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
If I got arrested I wouldn't say
>I should not be delivered to the Americans!
I'm American, that doesn't make sense.
>be retarded faggot
>be OP
but, I repeat myself
He literally calls himself king of the Jews you lying kike sucker
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>post the enedited text from mark 14 in the text field you literally never will because it doesnt say anything like what you are saying it says kike
>What a faggot. Die along with your Jewish rabbi
>Jesus gets caught with a naked boy and says "I'm not a lestes(child trafficker)"
i said post the unedited text in the text field i was very specific, and you

>caught with a naked boy
lying again, kike?
The young man was clothed. When guards attempted to arrest him, he left behind his clothes and fled naked.
You can make genuine arguments but you refuse to do so, so you turn to LYING about the gospel and making things up.
Just like a kike.
Enjoy Hell.
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Lol the text is there cope and seethe you fucking faggot. I unironically hope you fucking kill yourself you lying like worshipping nigger
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>Every time. Christcucks have no actual substantive counter argument so they just bear false witness instead
It's not a "false witness" to call you a kike when all the evidence points to you being a kike and the counterevidence is weak or non existent

You are a kike. That is not a lie.

To further prove this, answer the following:

This is not a hypothetical question.
The statistics are verifiable right now and you can choose one or the other and pursue it right now:
Would you rather....

a.) Promote Christianity RIGHT NOW to promote the birth rate of Christians (the only white demographic with guaranteed replacement level fertility rates) among whites to save the white race
b.) Attack Christianity RIGHT NOW and promote the death of white race via the associated non Christian low birth rates.

Your refusal to answer this question will prove you're a kike or a race traitor.
You will either fail to answer, or lie and claim it's a false dichotomy like a kike.
***Asatru (ie modern atheism with added flare) and other sausage fest kike-approved cults do not have replacement birth rates. This is why Asatru and similar are approved in the Protocols of Zion. I mention this because kikes almost always try to deflect with them and lie that it's a 3rd option
>Wearing a thin medicated cloth around his genitals

All christ niggers are Jews and lie as such
Go ahead and open that page back up and highlight which word you think is “lestes.” You won’t because you can’t because it’s not there
>All christ niggers

only kikes us terms like christnigger christcuck cletus bubba etc. you are an obvious nigger lipped tawny dull cow eyed kike
>Every time. Christians have no actual substantive counter argument
He gave a direct substantive counter argument you lying kike

He clearly showed kikes hate Christianity
All anti-Christ kikes like you h ave no actual substantive counter arguments.

All you do is constantly lie
He literally doesn’t. Post the verses
Yup I wrote the koine greek bible, it's my fault. It doesn't mean robber, it means human trafficker

Mark 14:48 faggot
You love faggotry more than you love God, this was already proven in the thread due to your inability to remain a celibate faggot or failing that turning yourself into an eunuch to save yourself. Jesus told you the truth and you hate him for it. Thanks for making that clear for all the lurkers. Repent and seek forgiveness we are all sinners so drop your pride but you wont because you love your own dick more than God.
51 And a young man followed him, with nothing but a linen cloth about his body; and they seized him, 52 but he left the linen cloth and ran away naked.
You turning this into your pedophilic fantasy says a lot about you.
You are a pedophile kike. I'm done talking to you. I've cast enough pearls before swine, I should know better by now.
Repent, friend. It's not too late.
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>>>472278740 (You) #
>Then you're saying that jews today aren't jews which confirms what I've been saying
You are also absolving the jews of today of Jesus's blood. You are declaring jews of today are innocent of it.
>you see in the koine greek clearly it shows jesus was raping young boys they just left that part in because they missed it and no one noticed for a thousand years accept us kikes on 4chan!
You worship a jew>>472279575
I'm all for the christianization of Betlehem, it's the only thing from keeping it from becoming just another muslim territory, Jews should know their place, in the oven.
DEUS VULT, real Christians are against the people who killed Jesus
That is what the word eunuch means, retard. I literally copy and pasted the definition from a Greek dictionary.
He does nothing of the sort. Why do you need to lie to try to convince people to hate God?
Remember it's not for his sake but for those lurking and reading so you can educate them. Jesus also lectured the pharisee swine and though it fell on deaf ears those words were of great importance for us believers to hear.
>You worship a jew

After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
>Boy with nothing but a small cloth
>Greek emphasizes hes basically naked
>Christ niggers cope
I reject all sand nigger bullshit as Jewish trash
>Yeah that's what your rabbi jewsus
Jesus was not a "jewish rabbi"
"Rabbi" meant "my master/teacher" in Jesus' day
It was not a title or occupation or profession until around 70 AD

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
ergo Jesus was not a rabbi even if someone called him that
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

No pharisee would ever say "Jesus is a rabbi" because that would make no sense and insult themselves. If someone addressed Jesus as "rabbi" it was merely calling him teacher-master. If you feel that makes him a rabbi, then you are a rabbi according to your own use of the word bc you are trying to teach people right now.
>Sherira's statement shows clearly that at the time of Jesus there were no titles; and Grätz ("Gesch." iv. 431), therefore, regards as anachronisms the title "Rabbi" as given in the gospels to John the Baptist and Jesus

Calling Jesus a "jew" is not an historically accurate statement
The word "jew" didn't exist in the days of Jesus. It was invented many centuries later
'jew' does not mean Judean. They are separate words
Peer review research paper from an .org university website:
>"The article demonstrates that this thesis is supported by Josephus and also by archaeological evidence. From the perspective of this thesis, the article contends that the term "Jew" does not apply to Galileans. First-century Galileans should rather be understood as "ethnic Judeans".
Jesus was a Judean from Galilee thus it's historically wrong to label him the so called made up word "jew"
A "jew" would be some sort of separate group if it did exist during Jesus' day. The closest best approximation would be a proponent of pharisee-ism or pre-talmudism. Obviously Jesus was neither
>>Boy with nothing but a small cloth
>>Greek emphasizes hes basically naked
>>Christ niggers cope

you still wont post the enedited text from the king james bible in the text field so we can all consider it kike>>472279308
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Have a blessed evening, brother. We've done our job here.
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is 80% of the bible literally jewish? why didn't /pol/ tell me this before?
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Who do you think knows more: 2,000 years of tradition and the knowledge of people who actually understand the language the text was written in, or some random kike on 4chan?
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>The word specifically denoting a castrated male is actually something else that a word already exists for

Keep lying Jewish nigger, that's what your rabbi did too
Well, when talking to the Pharisees, he recognized that they were from the line of Abraham.
>The word “Judean” comes from the Hebrew word “Yehudi” (יְהוּדִי), which refers to the people of the tribe of Judah, one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The term “Hebrew” (Hebrew: עִבְרִי, Ivri) is derived from the root word “Eber” (אֶבֶר), which means “to cross over” or “to pass through”. This term was initially used to describe Abraham and his descendants, who were considered to be the first Hebrews
And here we see that Jesus came for the Hebrews
>For surely it is not angels he helps, but Abraham’s descendants
Hebrews 2:16
So if the Pharisees were the modern kikes like so often claimed here, then they are the descendants of Abraham, and Jesus the kike was coming for other kikes, not you, bro.
>After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
This was an interjewish conflict period of one faction of Jews sought to kill him. He was constantly denouncing that action of Jews. "The jews" didn't seek to kill him. The Pharisee faction did. Jesus came only for the Jews. All he cares about.
only about 5% of the people in the Old Testament are jewish.
Jews lie and want you to believe it's all about them. Don't believe their lie.
>is 80% of the bible literally jewish? why didn't /pol/ tell me this before?

jews were originally white, or more succintly whites were originally jews, modern kikes are the race mixed isrealites we left in the sandbox for hadrian to destroy we let them keep the title judaen because we were moving any way to rome.
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All I have on Christianity, the teachings, philosophy, law, history and origin etc.

28% of the Bible's new testament was written by an actual mohel (Apostle Paul):

Founding fathers of Christianity (Jesus, John the Baptist) are called Rabbi's throughout the bible:

Foreskin Sacrifices
God of the bible required the sacrifice of baby's foreskins for thousands of years:
David wields the power of 200 foreskins to marry King Saul's daughter:
Rabbi Jesus' foreskin was sacrificed when he was 8 days old:
Foreskin sacrifices cause a long list of medical complications:
Foreskin sacrifices cause baby brains to not return to their baseline:

Rabbi Christ Enforces an Israel First Policy
He sends out his 12 Apostles to heal the sick and cleanse lepers, tells them not to go to gentiles, but go rather to Israelis:

Genocide of Innocents
For God so loved the world he killed everybody in a flood:

Rabbi Christ celebrates the gentile Passover genocide with feasts:

The bible authorizes Israelis to use predatory lending tactics on Gentiles - just like the Talmud:
>Matthew 19:12
>King James Bible
>For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake.
Eunuch meant someone who abstains from marriage in koine Greek.
Jesus never approved of castration, that is a dumb kike lie spread by dumb kike puppets like you.
More cope for his pedophile kiddie toucher dick sucker cult .

The disciples were adolescents, Jesus was a rapist pedophile and you niggers worship him
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see pic related for a good basic gestalt.
Christians are the seed of Abraham.
No it literally means a catarated male I read koine Greek you fuckin loser kike
>surely nobody notices how hard I'm projecting my own pedophilic nature!
You need help, friend.
>This was an interjewish conflict period of one faction of Jews sought to kill him. He was constantly denouncing that action of Jews. "The jews" didn't seek to kill him.

they didnt? well thats funny because here it says they did

After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
and here it says the jews specifically succeeded and are the enemy of mankind
14 For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:

15 Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
and here at the end of the bible it says specifically the synagogue of satan would pretend to be jews
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
>I know that you are Abraham’s descendants. Yet you are looking for a way to kill me, because you have no room for my word.
John 8:37. Figured I'd add that before someone asks. This is before he said they are of "their father the devil". It's because they rejected him that they said that, not because of literal blood connection to "the devil".
>the definition of the word is wrong because my feelings!1111
Weak pilpul, Chaim.
>I'm the reason Jesus got caught with a naked boy in a garden

>So if the Pharisees were the modern kikes like so often claimed here, then they are the descendants of Abraham, and Jesus the kike was coming for other kikes, not you, bro
This is correct. In fact in Matthew 21 Jesus takes away the promise from the Pharisee faction, and gives it to subservient faithful gentiles who recognize their "family dog" status. If they were never of Jacob's bloodline, then there was no promise to take away.
>I can read ancient Greek home slice let's bring it up.
lol. It's koine Greek not ancient Greek. There is a big difference.
You just outed yourself as a lying retard who has no idea what it is talking about kek

Stop embarrassing yourself and give up. Jesus did not approve of castration and you're making a fool of yourself.
>Figured I'd add that before someone asks. This is before he said they are of "their father the devil". It's because they rejected him that they said that, not because of literal blood connection to "the devil".
they reject him BECAUSE of their blood relation to the devil, he says they CANNOT UNDERSTAND HIS SPEECH not WILL NOT

you are telling lies
37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.

38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.

39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
You didn't show the definition. Celibate is a Greek word, eunuch is a Greek word, lying trash kike
Koine Greek is ancient Greek you absolute faggot I also can read linear a and b
See >>472280083
Too, then. He was talking about the jews man. So there's only one thing here, either Whites are the same race as these pharisees and the whole argument about jews being Christ killers is wrong, or we have nothing to do with that race at all and it's a foreign religion.
I'm not sure what you're not getting here. Yeah the opposing faction of jews were after him. Those are the jews being talked about. This is who at dubbed "the fake jews", as opposed to Jesus's faction who would be called the real jews.
there's a difference between Israelites and Edomites.
Jews today are obviously not Israelites because Israelites loved drinking milk and over 90% of jews are too lactose intolerant to drink milk.
Just common sense.
Jesus and the Apostles (except for Judas) were Israelites.
>I'm not sure what you're not getting here. Yeah the opposing faction of jews were after him. Those are the jews being talked about. This is who at dubbed "the fake jews", as opposed to Jesus's faction who would be called the real jews.
and the real jews were visually no different from europeans because thats where europeans came from, this is just ONE recorded instance of the israelites becoming racemixed in exile, it is all over the book, it is a racial book race is a running theme throughout

6 For the punishment of the iniquity of the daughter of my people is greater than the punishment of the sin of Sodom, that was overthrown as in a moment, and no hands stayed on her.

7 Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:

8 Their visage is blacker than a coal; they are not known in the streets: their skin cleaveth to their bones; it is withered, it is become like a stick.
>Jesus did not approve of castration
Of course he did. He suggested you could castrate yourself in service to the Kingdom of heaven. That's what a eunuch is.
>and the real jews were visually no different from european
here we go again
But that would be saying Abraham, the father of Hebrews, is related to the devil, anon, and that just raises a shitload more questions, but that has no basis in anything he was just pissed they didn't believe him.
Yeah see that's the type of shit I'm good on. I'm not going to say I'm the descendant of some faithful gentile servant who has the promise now, that would be recognizing jews were some kind of chosen people and that I am worshipping a Jew. Sorry bro, I'm out kek.
>>and the real jews were visually no different from european
>here we go again
its just the truth, all you can do is missapply memes because they described themselves as white and their word for human "adam" also meant white
Strong's Concordance
adom: to be red
Original Word: אָדָם
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: adom
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-dam')
Definition: to be red
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from an unused word
to be red
NASB Translation
dyed red (6), red (3), ruddy (1).

[אָדֹם, אָדֵם] verb be red (on formation compare LagBN 83 compare 120) —

Qal Perfect3plural אָֽדְמוּ ruddy, of Nazirites Lamentations 4:7;

Pu`al Participle reddened, dyed red, מְאָדָּם Nahum 2:4 (of shield), מְאָדָּמִים of rams' skins Exodus 25:5; Exodus 26:14; Exodus 35:7,23; Exodus 36:19; Exodus 39:34 (all P).

Hithpa`el Imperfect redden, grow or look red, יִתְאַדָּ֑ם Proverbs 23:31 (of wine);

Hiph`il Imperfect emit (show) redness (compare LagBN 120) יַאְדִּימוּ כַתּוֺלָע Isaiah 1:18 (of sins) i.e. be glaring, flagrant (compare also Isaiah 1:15).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
be dyed, made red ruddy

To show blood (in the face), i.e. Flush or turn rosy -- be (dyed, made) red (ruddy).
Forms and Transliterations
אָ֤דְמוּ אדמו הַמְאָדָּמִ֔ים המאדמים יִתְאַ֫דָּ֥ם יַאְדִּ֥ימוּ יאדימו יתאדם מְאָדָּ֗ם מְאָדָּמִ֑ים מְאָדָּמִ֛ים מאדם מאדמים ’ā·ḏə·mū ’āḏəmū Ademu ham’āddāmîm ham·’ād·dā·mîm hamaddaMim mə’āddām mə’āddāmîm mə·’ād·dā·mîm mə·’ād·dām meadDam meaddaMim ya’·dî·mū ya’dîmū yaDimu yiṯ’addām yiṯ·’ad·dām yitAdDam
So you are suggesting the Jews of today are innocent of Jesus' of blood.
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>mental midgets can't tell the difference between jew and judean
Ok, so we're the Pharisees, and we killed him? This anon up here made the most convincing argument I've seen so far based on the actual book >>472280124
and that's the kind of shit I don't like about this kek.
>But that would be saying Abraham, the father of Hebrews, is related to the devil, anon, and that just raises a shitload more questions, but that has no basis in anything he was just pissed they didn't believe him.
>kike reading comprehension strikes again

he says i know you be abrahams seed because they are MAMZERS they are MIXED RACE. if i was descended form the king of england, but my mom fucked shaq and he was my dad i would be of the king of englands seed, but if i slam dunked basketballs and couldnt read i would be of my father shaq
37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.

38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.

39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
King of the Jews and Gentiles
>>The word “Judean” comes from the Hebrew word “Yehudi” (יְהוּדִי), which refers to the people of the tribe of Judah, one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Wrong. Judean was anyone living in the land of Judea. Your idiot, (probably kike) source is pretending Judean means Judahite and "jew". It doesn't. You would claim Paul is a "jew" and thus he's "Judean" but he was not from th tribe of Judah, he was from the tribe of Benjamin. So your source falls flat on its face with inconsistency.

See 2ND link here >>472279834
Ancient Hebrew is made up bullshit .

Old testament is a ripoff of Greek mystery cults written in 300 bc.

There is not ONE SINGLE SOURCE that corroborates ancient hebrew
Lol maybe to some faggot like you
No. All edomites have the blood curse.
Even jews today are edomites as studies have found they have the Canaanite DNA that the jews that persecuted Jesus had.
That's why they have a distinct look, smell, and diseases nobody else gets. It's a curse.
>Ancient Hebrew is made up bullshit .

and who made it up the kikes? and if they did why would they make the ancient hebrew word for human "adam" also mean white? or rosy cheeked? ruddy?

Strong's Concordance
adom: to be red
Original Word: אָדָם
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: adom
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-dam')
Definition: to be red
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from an unused word
to be red
NASB Translation
dyed red (6), red (3), ruddy (1).

[אָדֹם, אָדֵם] verb be red (on formation compare LagBN 83 compare 120) —

Qal Perfect3plural אָֽדְמוּ ruddy, of Nazirites Lamentations 4:7;

Pu`al Participle reddened, dyed red, מְאָדָּם Nahum 2:4 (of shield), מְאָדָּמִים of rams' skins Exodus 25:5; Exodus 26:14; Exodus 35:7,23; Exodus 36:19; Exodus 39:34 (all P).

Hithpa`el Imperfect redden, grow or look red, יִתְאַדָּ֑ם Proverbs 23:31 (of wine);

Hiph`il Imperfect emit (show) redness (compare LagBN 120) יַאְדִּימוּ כַתּוֺלָע Isaiah 1:18 (of sins) i.e. be glaring, flagrant (compare also Isaiah 1:15).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
be dyed, made red ruddy

To show blood (in the face), i.e. Flush or turn rosy -- be (dyed, made) red (ruddy).
Forms and Transliterations
אָ֤דְמוּ אדמו הַמְאָדָּמִ֔ים המאדמים יִתְאַ֫דָּ֥ם יַאְדִּ֥ימוּ יאדימו יתאדם מְאָדָּ֗ם מְאָדָּמִ֑ים מְאָדָּמִ֛ים מאדם מאדמים ’ā·ḏə·mū ’āḏəmū Ademu ham’āddāmîm ham·’ād·dā·mîm hamaddaMim mə’āddām mə’āddāmîm mə·’ād·dā·mîm mə·’ād·dām meadDam meaddaMim ya’·dî·mū ya’dîmū yaDimu yiṯ’addām yiṯ·’ad·dām yitAdDam
Christ is king. He makes kikes and atheists seethe. I wonder if OP is one or the other or both. Verification not required
It's is not surgically specific. The same reason that in one book it's the Canaanite woman and in the other book it's the Greek woman. It can be used as an ethnos or country of residence. You just refuse to believe that it's also used as an ethnos because it's inconvenient for your narrative.
You still havent come up with an argument for why pedos and gays who cant control their urges shouldnt just cut their dicks off you cowardly faggot. I thought uncontrollable faggotry was just a meme but youve proved it otherwise. I really hope you repent one day and realize just how wrong faggotry and pedophilia is. God isnt even asking you to be perfect, just to agree with him about what is right and wrong and recognize truth, yet you love faggotry so much u cant even do that.
You're not making any sense. You said the Jews are today are not related to the people that killed Jesus. Therefore, they are innocent of his blood. Just stating blatant contradictions as if no one notices is embarrassing to watch.
>Who made it up
Yeah the kikes. It's not even a function language. English has around 200,000 words, "ancient Hebrew" is like 2000 actual unique words when you eliminate synonyms. Otherwise let's say 8000, literally non functioning
>Of course he did. He suggested you could castrate yourself in service to the Kingdom of heaven.
No, you mindless lying kike... eunuch in koine greek also referred to someone who chooses not to marry.

A literal translation of that verse is "kept themselves a eunuch"
You cannot "keep" yourself a certain way unless it is reversible. Castration is not reversible thus Jesus was not talking about castration. Keeping yourself unmarried is reversible.
>Young's Literal Translation
>for there are eunuchs who from the mother's womb were so born; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are eunuchs who kept themselves eunuchs because of the reign of the heavens:
Jesus was undeniably talking about marriage, which is the only thing that tracks with the disciples rhetorical statement in the preceding verse regarding marriage.
thats not what he said and he made perfect sense you are feigning ignorance like the kike asshole you plainly are
What are you talking about. So the Jews of today are related to the Israelites. Which is it? Pick one, moron.
>Yeah the kikes. It's not even a function language

my post was if the kikes made it up why did they make their word for adam (human) also mean rosy cheeked, ruddy (white) seems you are avoiding my question rabbi
Strong's Concordance
adom: to be red
Original Word: אָדָם
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: adom
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-dam')
Definition: to be red
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from an unused word
to be red
NASB Translation
dyed red (6), red (3), ruddy (1).

[אָדֹם, אָדֵם] verb be red (on formation compare LagBN 83 compare 120) —

Qal Perfect3plural אָֽדְמוּ ruddy, of Nazirites Lamentations 4:7;

Pu`al Participle reddened, dyed red, מְאָדָּם Nahum 2:4 (of shield), מְאָדָּמִים of rams' skins Exodus 25:5; Exodus 26:14; Exodus 35:7,23; Exodus 36:19; Exodus 39:34 (all P).

Hithpa`el Imperfect redden, grow or look red, יִתְאַדָּ֑ם Proverbs 23:31 (of wine);

Hiph`il Imperfect emit (show) redness (compare LagBN 120) יַאְדִּימוּ כַתּוֺלָע Isaiah 1:18 (of sins) i.e. be glaring, flagrant (compare also Isaiah 1:15).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
be dyed, made red ruddy

To show blood (in the face), i.e. Flush or turn rosy -- be (dyed, made) red (ruddy).
Forms and Transliterations
אָ֤דְמוּ אדמו הַמְאָדָּמִ֔ים המאדמים יִתְאַ֫דָּ֥ם יַאְדִּ֥ימוּ יאדימו יתאדם מְאָדָּ֗ם מְאָדָּמִ֑ים מְאָדָּמִ֛ים מאדם מאדמים ’ā·ḏə·mū ’āḏəmū Ademu ham’āddāmîm ham·’ād·dā·mîm hamaddaMim mə’āddām mə’āddāmîm mə·’ād·dā·mîm mə·’ād·dām meadDam meaddaMim ya’·dî·mū ya’dîmū yaDimu yiṯ’addām yiṯ·’ad·dām yitAdDam
Why shouldn't pedos and gays cut their dicks off? Because society should kill them. Unlike your kiddie toucher Jesus with naked boys in the park at 4am.

He says "im not a lestes" when caught with a naked young boy, they're outdoors so he's obviously not a robber or pirate. Isn't hard to figure out
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>Head Cannon

Fuck this retarded discord tranny
You are a waste of flesh, breath, a check and fucking (((you))).
Also, no.
>What are you talking about. So the Jews of today are related to the Israelites.

they are mamzers, half breeds they do have adamite blood but they are mixed with the blood of cain which is why they all look like octaroons and act so fucked up its not complicated the original jews were white
>no the definition isn't the definition because reasons!111
>what's a strongs no that doesn't count only my feelings count!111
Stop lying, eunuch is THE technical term for castrated males.
Jesus prefaces it:
>For there are eunuchs who were born that way; others were made that way by men...

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It's interesting because Martin Luther was a very good goy before Jews finally rubbed him the wrong way. That's when his whiteness came out. The cycle of history is white people fed up with Jews and kicking them out of countries, and then Christians letting them back in.

hes speaking in a parable when he than says "And some are eunuchs unto the lord" and everyone understood what he meant and its why priests sometimes are held to a vow of celebacy not to a vow of cutting their dicks off. everyone knew what he meant and so do you you are feigning ignorance like the kike asshole you plainly are
>The jews of today are blood related to the Israelites
Mongrels are blood related. So let's confirm that this is your position. They are blood related to the Israelites. Yes or no?
>In the Hebrew Bible, the term “Hebrew” is used to describe the people who descended from Eber, a great-grandson of Shem (Genesis 10:24). Abraham, the patriarch of the Israelites, is also referred to as a “Hebrew” (Genesis 14:13)
What I'm not seeing is any connection to Whites anon and no one has really answered my argument except this guy >>472280580
Who doesn't have much to back it up he just keeps saying they're mixed, which would be saying they are Whites themselves they're just half-breeds when we can trace the modern jews to a proto-semitic group unrelated to Whites. Despite Ashkenazis claims of having 4 founding mothers they do share connection with their older cousins, the sephardics, in many genealogical ways. Their history certainly is interesting, but I don't think it's us man and I think the Bible is pretty clear that Jesus was one of them. If what anon said about us being the new ones with the promise is the best anyone can do on this then like I said I'm just out. I have given this religion 1000 chances to prove it's something real to me but it doesn't even recognize astrology, which is basic shit. The world we all know today is so governed by astrology it would blow your mind if I went into it. So until I get some real proof and I see it isn't a Jew religion man I'm done with it kek. But you have a good one I have to feed my dogs and start cooking before they tear the couch apart.
Lying kike sucker. Fuck you and your people "king"
woah a German who hated Jews
I am not Jewish
I denounce all Jewishness
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>Koine Greek is ancient Greek
You should have listend to me when I said stop embarrassing yourself...

>Koine period Greek differs from Classical Greek in many ways: grammar, word formation, vocabulary and phonology (sound system).[24]
I accept your concession. They are not the same and you're so insanely ignorant you wrongly thought they were and then tried to flex but got shut down with facts.

Like I said, stop embarrassing yourself. Jesus does not approve of castration.
>Absolutely literal
>Hurr muh parable
What we know from scripture
>Jesus can trace his ancestry to the kings of Judah
>whatever temple-based faith the Pharisees were practicing, they accepted Jesus as one of their own to sufficient degree to let him teach in synagogues
>at some point Jesus started absolutely pissing off the Pharisees enough that they wanted Him dead, for blasphemy in particular which is not something they’d do for a goy outside the faith
Biblical Israel is the Christian church. Remember what Jesus says about those who say they are jews (of Israel) but are not
All christcucks do is lying non-stop all day everyday. They're so used to lying they don't know the difference between telling the truth and telling a lie. It's all the same to them because they must keep their narrative going.
You absolute fucking retard it goes back to at least 400 bc
>Mongrels are blood related. So let's confirm that this is your position. They are blood related to the Israelites. Yes or no?

yes but in the sense that arabs are related to white people being an intermediary mixed race people between african negros and whites that stabilized in the region
even souther dravidian indians are related to whites, but they are not like us because of their australian abboriginee related blood.
I'm not going to read some random lecture like it was written by a kike (kikes love to lecture the goyim instead of arguing... just like what you did)
Quote what I said and explain why it's "wrong"

Protip: it's not.
So true, well said anon
>>Absolutely literal
>>Hurr muh parable

link me to the bible section where one of the apostles cuts their dicks off and well talk kike
>Would rather just kill everyone that sins so they can join his father the devil in hell instead of giving every eunuch (gays and pedos without dicks) a chance to reform and repent.

Yup youre a son of the devil alright.
Only applies to Dispies and other such heretics.
Judaism is pagan occultism of Remphan (Saturn).
Situations like this were prophesied.
All that's happening now is the curses of Deuteronomy 28 (aka God's punishment) repeating themselves again because heresy has become dominant in the world (thanks to the masonic USA).
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Interesting, because the elder of zion namefag literally defends against this as well.
Guess that makes your side the defenders of jewry.
Jesus said it and Justin the martyr talks about it here
Jesus said they were Israelite enough to have had the promise given to Jacob. If you are suggesting the Jews of today are the line of the Pharisees. If they truly were mongrels, then as mamzer, they would have been barred from the temple for 10 generations of purity. None of this is making sense with what Jesus said versus what you're saying.
Yeah sin isn't real, take your Jewish penis cutting cult and fuck off shlomo
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>trying to pervert john 8:39-44 in his kiked jidf approved way as the wall enclose around him
>denying the reality that kikes are literally proven to be descended from cain, making modern day boomer shabbos goy israel completely and thoroughly illegitimate
>jesus is literally naming the jew
>muhhhhhh astrologyyyyyy is le baseddddd hahaaaaaaaaaaa
>but the jewwssss maaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn, sorrrrrrryyyy brooo im ouuuuttt fake kek maannnnnnnnn(im a kike trying to fit in)
>It's is not surgically specific
What does this kike pilpul nonsense even mean?
Moshe get a better english translator
>It can be used as an ethnos or country of residence
Judea was not a country it was a region

You are so hopelessly retarded 99% of your garbage is not even worth addressing
>There is nothing wrong with grooming children:the post
Yeah, face the wall faggot
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>Christianity is jewish subvers....
>resistance is futile, oy vey..

soon, sholomo, soon...
They only got back into England after heresy dominated there and Oliver Cromwell took over.
Before that, the British Isles were j3w-free for almost 4 centuries.

Strong's Concordance
eunouchos: a eunuch
Original Word: εὐνοῦχος, ου, ὁ
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: eunouchos
Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-noo'-khos)
Definition: a eunuch
Usage: (a) a chamberlain, keeper of the bed-chamber of an eastern potentate, eunuch, (b) a eunuch, castrated person, or one who voluntarily abstains from marriage.
Hey why didn't you respond to the fact that both old and new testament were written in koine Greek? Was it because Jesus said to cut off your cock you kosher slave bitch?
they were the original europeans its plain from the bible text itself they would have no reason to lie about it, it records PAINSTAKINGLY them being race mixed and mamzerized all throughout the old testament man, and it records the GIANTS both taking wifes from the adamites because they were FAIR (genisis 6) and it also records one of the giants goliath hating david because he was fair specifically and ruddy of skin (samuel 17:42) it records them being race mixed against gods command OVER AND OVER its the most oft repeated narrative in the old testament. it is as i say and thats why revelations says what it does.
9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
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We know for a FACT Jews aren't the Israelites.
Context, nigger. Jesus was in the garden praying with some of his apostles when a fuckhuge mob show up with swords drawn. It is at this point he asks
>what am I, some kind of violent criminal, that you come after me like this? Why didn’t you arrest me when I was in the temple?
Only after this does it record, in the chaos, that some kid has his clothes ripped off. Point to anything in that scene that’s sexual in nature or kill yourself, either one’s fine with me
>Projection: the post
Your rabbi Jesus was the one fucking kids in a park, faggot
>Jesus said it and Justin the martyr talks about it here

i know what jesus said we are disputing you and i what he meant by that, im saying clearly everyone in jesus day knew what he meant that you are to be a eunuch unto the lord under certain circumstances, i asked you to link me a bible passage where one of christs apostles cuts his dick off because you are claiming thats what he meant by the passage in question, you cannot because it didnt happen they knew what he meant and so do you
>What does this kike pilpul nonsense even mean?
I see you have a problem discerning what words mean. It was attempting to describe to you that the term has an array of utility. Are you unable to process that sentence either? If not let me know and I'll try to explain it like I would to a kindergartener.
What's a keeper of a bedchamber? You mean a man without a dick? Thanks for conceding, cocksucker
>Sin isnt real, faggotry is a ok!
Nice lie faggot, you couldnt even go one thread without the mask slipping and dropping your fake ass non religious disapproval for faggotry?
Nice job keeping faggotry at bay without Jesus, you kikes sure did a good job of that the last few decades, oh wait...
>Muh jesus was a rabbi who fucked kids
Oh I get it, little fedora that would thinks only his target would hate him
Lmao what a subversive wannabe kike you are lol
No he was fucking a kid and got caught while his disciples were passed out high/drunk
you clearly dont understand because you are a jew. it is us the jews who will go to heaven but the jews did not accept Jesus so they will be eternally punished for being jews instead of join us the jews. everyone can be a jew because it is a nation inherited maternally. it is so simple but jews try to subvert it so some jews who follow them dont understand.
I already said execute faggots, jew worshipper. By the way your old testament approves of child marriage.
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Yes that's whiteness. Whiteness also allowed us to depart from actual original Christianity. Here's Hippolytus to explain. The further a departure the better, but it is still poisonous in jewish subversion.
>oy vey you concede because you are right that means I win!1111
Don't trip over your nose.
Did Jesus say if someone can become a eunuch for the kingdom they should or not?
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>this again
>THE technical term for castrated males.
In koine Greek it had additional meanings
Words can change in 2000 years you giga retard
>Jesus prefaces it:
>>For there are eunuchs who were born that way
Did a little baby get its little pecker chopped off before it was born?
Thus, Jesus was not exclusively talking about castration or "cutting off dicks." Your very words prove this.

eat your words. I didn't make a single lie and all I had to do to prove my point was quote you.
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>Atheist cope fairy tale no #663958274728
You all really are the rejects of r/atheism
What's a chamber keeper? A Chamberlain? What is that thing in the definition? Describe it for me smart guy.
>Become a eunuch guys
>He totally meant something else!
Hahahah cope christ nigger
>Jesus said they were Israelite enough to have had the promise given to Jacob. I

you misunderstand me, jacob the israelite was WHITE, he looked like me! and ive proven it, so was abraham, abaraham was white, the kikes in christ time were not only not white but they behaved nothing like abraham as jesus pointed out in john 8 (because they were of their father the devil) he could not have made himself more clear please line by line ask what does this mean? and am i reaching?

37 I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.

38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.

39 They answered and said unto him, Abraham is our father. Jesus saith unto them, If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham.

40 But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I have heard of God: this did not Abraham.

41 Ye do the deeds of your father. Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

42 Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me.

43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word.

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

46 Which of you convinceth me of sin? And if I say the truth, why do ye not believe me?

47 He that is of God heareth God's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.
No, origin of jews according to both /pol/ and reality is the Arabian peninsula, you dumb faggot.
>What is that thing in the definition?
Someone who abstains from marriage? Which part is confusing you?
You are being such a tryhard little zoomer.
Prove it, nigger. Show me the text and some definitions, because all you’re bringing right now is blind assertions
No it says a Chamberlain, a chamber keeper? What's that? The primary definition, what's it referring to? You seem really uneager to use the definition you so willingly provided as a source
And i already told you only a faggot covering their tracks would jump to that extreme instead of at least first chopping off their dicks and giving them a chance to reform. Again you want them to join your father the devil in hell, it's plain as day youre a faggot larping as le epic nazi to try and consensus crack on this board, no one is buying it, jew faggot
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>jacob the israelite was WHITE
The religious people I met on /pol/ have been shockingly mentally ill. The more deeply religious the person is, the more mentally ill they seem to be.
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>You absolute fucking retard it goes back to at least 400 bc
So ancient Greek was diffent then Koine Greek and this goes back to 400 BC
What on possible earth is this cope supposed to accomplish?
You said they were the same. They are not, which proves you are an absolute cluless ignorant retard. Pointing out "DUH GO BACK TO 400 BC" does not mean ancient Greek and Koine Greek were the same in 30 BC.

All you do is make a bigger fool of yourself each time you post.
>Did Jesus say if someone can become a eunuch for the kingdom they should or not?

yes but he meant a functional eunuch, so celibate, which is why there is a tradition of celebacy for the priesthood and not a tradition of cutting our dicks off besides the odd kook in the eighteen hundreds and modern kikes like you we did not cut our dicks off so they must have understood it as i have.
And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me? 49I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and ye took me not: but the scriptures must be fulfilled. 50And they all forsook him, and fled.

51And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: 52And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.

Why is the boys nakedness emphasized, especially in the Greek? Why does Jesus use the term "lestes" which means human trafficker? Because he's a pedophile
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>The more deeply religious the person is, the more mentally ill they seem to be.
This is true of false dogmatics and cults like yours.
I wonder why that is
Jesus said to cut off your dick, christ nigger>>472282611
So was
>if I ignore the rest of it then it won't exist!
Maybe its time to call your rabbi in to help you out?
So what you're saying is koine is absolutely what it was written in. Thanks for conceding again, christ kike
>both old and new testament were written in koine Greek?
The Old Testament was not written in koine Greek
Your insane retardation gets worse with every post
>Was it because Jesus said to cut off your cock
He never said that. You're so stupid you didn't even know koine Greek and Ancient Greek are different.

So obviously every interpretation you have of Jesus' words go right to the trash where it belongs.
No, you're claiming that, that's not what the text says at all
As seen, no difference between occult Judaism and practical paganism.
So you can't answer, thanks for the concession bitch
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>Jesus encouraged self mutilation
Holy cope kek!!!
By all means, source your delusions shill fag
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An entire thread of christ niggers hard coping
>Preacher who has always been correct and btfoing out of the pharisees gets a midnight fed raid for no reason
>Points out the hypocrisy of the kikes in chief treating him like the scum of the earth
You dont understand language if you cant see why Jesus would ask them why they would midnight raid him as if he was some sort of as you say, lestes.

Keep coping kike faggot.
Most christians are not deeply religious. They just observe the holidays and stuff.
Since Christianity assimilated the holidays of the Pagans, those people are actually just practicing their old pagan heritage through the veil of Christianity.
But when people actually open up the bible and get deep into the scripture, that's when the judaism comes out. Those people all go fucking insane. You can see them on this board, spamming bible verses and shit. Those people are fucking crazy
>look I said it again so all the words I don't like are gone now!111
>Most christians are not deeply religious.
This osnt an argument against the statistics I posted.
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Why are christcucks like this?
>No reason
>Caught with a naked boy doing drugs
>"I'm not a pedophile"
>Gets cruci-kiked

Fuck all semites and Semite worshippers. Dick cutting pedophiles
This is possibly the laziest attempt at manufacturing consensus ive ever seen on this board. Just outright saying dont listen to the christians, theyre crazy! Just outright complete dont listen to your eyes and ears, dont read the verses they post or try to understand it, just dismiss them as crazy cuz I said they are!

Can israel not hire better shills?
>Posts source
>Absolutely refuses to acknowledge what it says
You D&C shills are all so dull. So tiresome. Screech into the void. Pound your fists futility. Christ is king.
>can't refute a word
I accept your concession
Jesus did not approve of castration and you're so stupid you think Koine and Ancient greek are the same

>so was
>unintelligible post writing
kek you're mad
You're losing your mind over the fact you're making such a fool of yourself but can't stop

double reply cope rage... fully expected
>So what you're saying is koine is absolutely what it was written in
You are completely insane. NT was written in Koine. OT was not. Are you actually SO STUPID you think that just because Koine existed starting circa 400 BC the Israelites wrote the Bible in koine??
I don't think even you can be that stupid, can you?
>Thanks for conceding again
Desperate. Absolute cope

Learn the difference between Ancient Greek and Koine Greek, little coping retard.
>Jesus didn't mean what he said
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>An entire thread of christ niggers hard coping
What is the difference between Koine Greek and Ancient Greek again?
Lies and more lies, keep stacking em up, only proves you are of your father the devil, typical kike spindoctor doing exactly as the pharisees would, oy vey take this money guards and say his followers came and stole the body!

Again you are of your father the devil and only capable of lying and slander because that is all you know
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You got absolutely fucking GAPED christ nigger. Go become a eunuch for your Jewish king
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Im supposed to be the table flipping asshole here!
>reads source
>absolutely refuses to acknowledge what it says
>can't refute even a single word
They never can
I accept your concession
They are fucking nuts. The more deeply religious someone is, the more unhinged they are
For your claims that eunuch meant something else, there is no difference because it was koines for centuries before and after.
Cope moar now thanks
LBJ smuggled these mobsters into Texas during WWII and they took over the place in short order.
>still can't refute a single word
I accept your concession
>Literally in the text
>The 56th thread made by pro jew fedora activists is totally not us coping bros
Yeah you posted a source that proves me correct and you're seething like the christ nigger you are
Yeah Jesus says cut off your cock. Go do it
yet the craziest people everybody can point to are atheist degenerate faggots and trannies. Let me know when christians are actively committing sodomy to intentionally spread monkeypox or turning their genitals inside out to feed delusions they can magically become the opposite sex.
>proves me correct
>by confirming that I am full of shit
>And Jesus answered and said unto them, Are ye come out, as against a thief, with swords and with staves to take me? 49I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and ye took me not: but the scriptures must be fulfilled. 50And they all forsook him, and fled.
>51And there followed him a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him: 52And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.
>Why is the boys nakedness emphasized, especially in the Greek? Why does Jesus use the term "lestes" which means human trafficker? Because he's a pedophile
the young man was one of the multitudes following jesus to hear him preach, he was sleeping nude when the authorities came to capture jesus and in a comical contrast to peter swearing up and down he would not deny him when the hour came, the people with him scatter to the four winds, one even getting the blanket he was sleeping in snatched off him as he fled... or jesus was buttfucking him and they left that part in for the lols
See you just have to cope and be delusional when anyone can read the thread and see you're lying faggot and I have hard proof
>70 pbtid
>clenching its little rat paws with limp wristed fury in its beady heeb eyes
>absolutely fucking GAPED christ nigger!!! fucking yum i love my own fecal obsessed subversion you stupid fucking goy
lol get battered kike
>doesnt know how to use the website, double rage reply
lol get battered filthy kike
Defending an obvious pedophile. I'm sure Jesus will be here any minute to set the record straight
>For your claims that eunuch meant something else, there is no difference because it was koines for centuries before and after.
I never made that claim you lying hopeless retard. "Eunuch" in Koine Greek always encompassed "refraining from marriage" Thus Jesus was not talking about castration.

I just pointed out you are too stupid to know the difference between Ancient Greek and Koined Greek, thus any claim you make regarding Koine Greek goes into the trash.

Sorry tranny, Jesus does not approve of cutting your dick off. Your dick is waiting for you after you die and it will reattach itself for eternity.
>Cope cope cope cope
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>Y-y-you are da one seething
>76 pbtid
Kek, you must be a jew to suffer from such a lack of self awareness
This is why Himmler filtered you shits, you dont exist for the interests of anyone but marxist kikes
Really? The definition you posted says a Chamberlain. What's a Chamberlain?
The abraham and their golem
white anglo banker jews vs brown oil jews
which side are you on, your doing the fighting and dying
>Yeah Jesus says cut off your cock
No, he did not

I accept your concession.
>Guards unfairly treat Jesus like a pdeophile/brigand
>Jesus rightfully points out Im not a pedophile or brigand so why are you treating me this way?
>To the faggot this somehow proves Jesus is a brigand/pedo
Kike faggot cant wrap his mind around it. You cannot understand his words because your faggotry deafens you to it
>If you btfo your enemies, they win!

Thanks rabbi shlomo
He did, what's A Chamberlain?
>too stupid to realize a word has more than one meaning
It must be really embarrassing being as stupid as you

I accept your concession
Yeah, you a gay pedo.
You will never be NatSoc
>Will die before reading his own definition
Hmmm I wonder why that could be
>too stupid to realize a word has more than one meaning
It must be really embarrassing being as stupid as you

I accept your concession
>blabbers cope like an ethot trying to fit in
theres a whole board made for you, jew boy
>another rage double reply
>Cope cope cope cope
another redpill in the archive
>too stupid to realize a word has more than one meaning
It must be really embarrassing being as stupid as you

I accept your concession
Oh I broke him, now he's copy pasting!
Hahaha he's so fuckin furious he got rekt
Sorry hard to phone post and wreck over 9000 christ niggers at once
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Thanks for continuing to make a fool of yourself for the lurker's benefit. Doing God's work whether you want to or not lol. Wouldnt be fair if we just had a soapbox on here without opposition.
I didn't even post a definition that said Chamberlain. You are coping so hard you just make things up because I broke your mind so badly.

I accept your concession

Btw what is the difference between koin and ancient Greek again?
Christianity is just a bigger older jewish trick. Meant to ensure our destruction
>85 pbtid
This is an offical salt mine thread
its fucking weird seeing that happen
One of those anti-Christ kikes spent 11.5 hours in the same thread yesterday. It might be the same one.
>Religion is meant to destroy us!!!!
>Has no kids
You faggots just cant stop taking Ls
Keep worshipping trannies you sad little faggot
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Hey moshe I got an idea to subvert the gentile! We get em to think we killed God incarnate and take all the blame, that way they hate us for over a thousand years! Trust the plan, two thousand years from now we'll be able to finally subvert them and take over once they start becoming ignorant of this religion we shilled them, brilliant right? We shill them a religion that makes them hate us and then once it starts falling off and people become ignorant of that very religion we will take over, oy veyyyyyyy greatest plan shmuel.
Wow didnt know kikes had a time machine.
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>shows atheists support troons
I.... am not an atheist like you who supports troons.
We've reached levels of cope that should not be possible

I have fully broken you
>it only means cutting your dick off
>ok well that is one of the definitions so I am right!111
Just reread your message.
Friendly fire
Sorry, am drunk posting
>Huge ass advertise here! Begging for more money on a fucking online club page dedicated to defending jewish interests online.

You literally cannot make this shit up, they cant even run a server for their own interests without trying to make a few shekels off it. Truly, they worship money.
Well, to be fair.
This board is right fucked to hell because of em.
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lol no problem anon I stopped giving any mental effort to this thread 10 min after it hit bump limit I thought you were the cope poster
Idk getting to roast jidf kikes to their faces while hopefully opening some lurker eyes is most of the reason i even visit this site anymore, just too entertaining btfo the depraved kikes whod go so far as to insult our messiah on a mongolian basketweaving forum. Most to christ posting like mine would dissapear if they just stopped making such artificial christ hate posts, but the kikes are too schizo for that, they gotta satisfy that innate desire to subvert and control the narrative to feel safe, feel bad for em honestly
its easy to run a subversive program for over 1000yrs, look at Islam

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