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A netizen spotted a group of jeets pissing together in public. It happened in Brampton, Canada.
>Brampton, Canada.
>jeets pissing together in public.
this isnt news
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Yeah that's normal for them. So is street shitting. So is raping. So is stealing.
That's part of why we don't want them in our countries.
They also have very low iq.
Straight out of Brampton
Public Urination is the most Canadian thing to do. I'm sorry they're not sitting on a toilet like the men do in your country.
The streets will flow with jeet…..piss???
Yup if you're a guy and it's looking clear, whip it out and piss on a tree. It helps them grow.
lmao, Canada is being turned into a toilet.
Import the curry world become the curry world. Suicide is a much better option. I'd rather import 1 million pakis annually than 1000 jeets.
> It helps them grow.
to an extent, I pissed on the same tree outside my cabin in the woods for three years and it died,
>crazy streetshitter named sanjdeep from the group called pajeets with attitude
i wonder jews behind this?
This behavior is only acceptable when you are White, drunk, and not pissing in a pack of dudes like some sort of nightclub bathroom
its like there hanging out
>piss on a tree. It helps them grow.
This. The nitrates and other nutrients are a great benefit to the tree. When nourishing a tree this way, it's like a mother-child bond is formed between you and the tree. Like breast feeding, but via your penis. That's why after I'm done pissing on the tree I also jerk out a load of cum for it. I'll spray my jizz around the base for maximum dispersion. It's so rewarding to think how the tree will absorb my nutrients and my genetic material allowing a part of me to live on in the tree long after I'm gone.
I'm supposed to be upset about people pissing outside?

I remember when this was completely normal
import the pajeet pipo become the pajeet pipo
LMAO theyre lined up like the army to take a piss
why is pissing and shitting a group social activity
do they think they are praising goddess Lakshmi who will give them much wealth or some shit
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You don’t drink enough water
Do you do it in a non secluded area as part of a group? No, it's saved for when innawoods and no alternative is there.
Rope yourself jeet defender
Wtf is wrong with her eyelids?
They act like animals, start treating them like animals
What the hell do you drink?
Designated pissing streets of Canada.
Emboldened, they will make a shitting street next if nobody stops them.
Nothing wrong with pissing on trees. They like it. At least the pajeets are making progress.
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One hindu you talk to will be like money isn't everything just peace and love etc etc then another hindu will be the most hardcore money worshipper you'll meet. The latter are mostly in America.
Funny thing is they pay the most taxes out of everyone.
I mean, I've seen lots of white Canadians piss on the street. There are bad things in the world, but this is not anything new.
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Designated pissing trees* of Canada.
i have no idea and i'm curious too. my only guess is she was halfway through applying eye shadow and hadn't rubbed it in yet
Fucking based. These Indians are taking over leafistan without a cuck canuck even raising a finger
they dragged the western world into a third world
And then, one day, for no reason at all, Canadians began shooting more than bears, deer, moose and elk...
Whites are cowards
You have maybe a year or two to start killing them before the problem is unsolvable.
Good luck canada, please don't end up like the United sharts
In that we allow jeets to come here?
Not gonna lie, I've rocked a piss on the side of somebody's house several times whilest walking home from the bars
Of course Pajeets are unable to use toilets even when at the mall where toilets are available. And ofcourse they need 20 other guys with them to take a piss or shit or rape because they're a hivemind of subhuman insects that cannot do anything alone.
yeah as much as I want to actually throw shade at the jeets here Ive done this with a similar sized group of lads literally like last year all drunk coming back from the bars downtown. So like, least these ones are assimilating kek.
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If it's an emergency situation... You find a hidden spot that doesn't interfere with others and get it done.
This is a pajeet public pissing party and should be treated as criminal offences.
This is normal in Canuckistan.
Do you play criss cross with your pee streams with friends? That's stuff we did as kids. Normal human adults don't do criss crossing.
harro, bing bong neegah luk how ho lee fuk
they aren't fucking niggers for the full french canadian experience.
Jeet definitely typed this post. You should piss straight into your own mouth you fucking animal.
I saw two Muslim women go behind a wall earlier to piss. Wish I followed them
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In India and in Hinduism, we are specifically told not to piss on trees as people stand under the trees for shade and different types of trees are used for different ritualistic purposes.
Retard, it kills them.
I piss outside all the time and the grass is dead there.
This one time I was walking down Sparks Street (Ottawa, google it for the lols) around midnight, pretty much in the same block as the front of Parliament, and this drunk white chick, early 30s, about 6/10, walked up to me and said "Hey! Watch this!", pulled her panties down through her very short skirt, bent down, squatted a little bit with her legs still together, and let out a massive high-pressure piss stream that was so powerful I thought she was going to take off like a rocket. I stopped to watch her both to admire the spectacle and to grade the color of the that golden honey to assess whether she required medical attention. It took her about 15 seconds to finish. I then started clapping and as she turned to face me again (she'd turned to such an angle so as not to spray me but where I could still see her snatch and asshole in a quintessentially kind and courteous way as any Canadian could be expected to) I said "Now do it again!". We then both laughed and high-fived after which I continued on my way to my destination.

Just a normal day in another episode of living in Ottawa.
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Yes in India and in Hinduism streetshitters are encouraged to rape their daughters, eat shit, and drink piss, NOT piss on trees.
Canada MUST have designated shitting streets by now.
Those fuckers have been doing that since they started invading the Americas back in the 1970s.
Been witness to dozens of those shitskins pissing and shitting in public all over Canada since the '70s.
Left Canada a decade ago because of the jeet and Chink invasions.
t. Dual citizen who grew up in the Canada when it was mostly white & civilized.
Need this a MSpaint comic
Unless they're doing it as an ungrateful sign of hate and disrespect toward their host nation.
French canada is easily the most xenophobic part of the country besides some rural areas of Saskberta and it also has a huged National Socialist Black Metal scene, what the fuck are you talking about?
>pissing in some random tree after getting shitfaced

this is total normal behavior, ops being a fag once again
Oh they're getting shitfaced alright
I've seen more white kids piss in front of people than shitskins and I've seen more shitskins than white people in my life... fuck that's sad come to think of it. But you need to get your young men under control before you bitch about indecent behavior.
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>Wtf is wrong with her eyelids?
She's Canadian. They have unique eyelids and also uncomfortable relationships with dogs.
Wild animal
Whenever there was a big winter snowfall in Vancouver the kind that stops all vehicular traffic, I'd walk downtown over the Grandville street bridge in the swirling snow pouring down and then I'd wind up at Georgia and Burrard the ostensible center of the city, one of the busiest intersections in Canada. Then I'd stand right in the middle of that intersection at 1 or 2 AM and pull out my dick and have a nice big satisfying whizz and think; "I'm marking my turf, I OWN this fucking town".

Quite pleasant. No regrets.

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