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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Fuck the glow niggers
all this shit took longer than his prison sentence wouldve been
also this case made me lose all faith in western society, we are just as fucked up and corrupt as the authoritarian regimes we think so inferior
I never gave a single shit about this guy, but good for him.
He’s back in Moscow already?
Rapist anglokike who made MILLIONS of dollar selling his tranny lovers' stolen documents.
Hello, 2022 tourist. Do you have any retarded opinions regurgitated from MSM to share?
Didn't he take the vaccine in prison?
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>glowies are in this thread right now seething
The cops are always mind blown of how stupid you people are.
They think we're useful idiots but in fact we're useless idiots. They're stuck here with us
At the end of the day, they are entertained at your dipshittery.

But even dipshits can be dangerous. So that's why they stay.
They stay because they're getting paid for it, like whores
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You have every right to choose to be a monster. But be ware, you will attract monster hunters.
this. the guy spent 14 years in various forms of confinement, while all he did was provide a platform for whistleblowers to expose extremely corrupt and illegal dealings of governments. the founding fathers would have erected statues of him, yet the current swamp ruined his life and almost killed him. and now we're supposed to be happy? the lesson is you can have your life completely ruined by the state for doing nothing wrong, and if youre really famous and have legions of advocates, maybe the state will let you go at some point. you have to wonder how many thousands arent so lucky. yay happy day!
>they stay

Agent Rodriguez on the case, keep watching glow fuck, You think we're here stuck with you.
You're here stuck with us
Not Assange. That is something wearing his skin.
Moscow ASSange, CIA won't let him roam free for long.
I'm going to be honest with you, people looking to be heroes can come here and shoot fish in a barrel and be lauded as a hero saving the rest of us from scum.

You all are loud and proud of being collective idiot schools of fish waiting to be eaten by sharks.
Ok, little sardine.
We're happy for him.
He's free and I am glad for him and his family, pompeo the fucking cuck was advocating and making a strong case for his assassination but they didn't have the balls to pull the plug.
Now he's free, he did what he did and more like him will come even if the entire population of the United States isn't worth saving at all
We aren't worth saving, how can posting on this board save anyone?
Hi retard
Are you vaxxed?
If you're, your opinion matters none
According to you and who the fuck are you? nobody.
Says the tranny on Team Tranny.
Welcome to "Everyone's a Tranny" show.
I can just give that right back
Monster hunters are the hunting predators on here. And that's even proven with your repetitive "hate glowniggers" ranting. You have identified yourself as the hunted prey.
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Except only one side flies the tranny flag.
>You have identified yourself as the hunted prey.
That means I'm on the right side bitch I'm naked and ready
You have a good point and you're reasonable but the "founding fathers" part is a bit cringe because they were crypto kikes and glowniggers and they'd murder him without a trial like they did William Morgan
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He did as the deep state told him and deleted the DNC emails. So, he has been flipped.
I have no idea why you feel that lgbtq are your primal enemies, but then, you have made government the predator in your helpless prey fantasy too, so, I really don't know what you mean.
Why can't you hear yourself on this site?
This is why I'm voting Biden. Trump didn't have the fucking guts
What I mean is this: You are my enemy and I hope you die in agony. Do you have any questions?
Pfft fucking Biden man...
I suppose you are entitled to your opinion. But I suggest keeping your clothes on.
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He literally did nothing wrong

Praise Jesus Christ
This isn't a goddamn tv show.

You are not those fucking characters. And I've profiled you, you are too sensitive a man to be a real threat to me.
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According to Judge Napolitani, Trump simply indicted Assange for extradition because someone in his staff convinced him to.

The boomer is literally braindead and too lazy to form his own opinions.
Fuck off they were not crypto kikes. That is just masonic, jewish, revisionism.
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Go have a mental breakdown somewhere else Glownigger
And I suggest drinking a glass of antifreeze.

They were deleted from Wikileaks, already, a year ago.
(and tens of thousands of anons have them downloaded/distributed internet-wide)
You are nothing like Trump Junior. He's been raised to be allowed to engage in violent activities since a child. He's seen people, particularly, women brutally raped and murdered from his father's approval. He was designed to be an entitled psychopath. He is a danger.
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Total glownigger death is coming, according to some prophecies.
No breakdown here. Just pure conversation.
Cool, and? He wont be able to speak a shit about it 'case he's under NDA from the deal he signed. Doubt he'll run to Russia in order to be able to not give a fuck about and tell everything, he has a family to worry about.
Good for him, but who gives a shit.
How bout I don't.
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>Trump didn't have the fucking guts
It's not an issue with guts. It was a case of boomer retard in white house now knowing about the subject and too lazy to read into the issue and was convinced at a whim by his neocon staff.

Now the boomer retard is getting his own medicine in the courts, he suddenly understands what the Assange case is about.
Not if you continue to mentally identify as prey. You should watch Predator 1 and Predator 2, and maybe the newest Predator movie.
Put that bottle down.
/Pol/ is satire and work of fiction, only a tranny troon would take anything written here as facts.
Vaxx is safe and effective and glow NIGGERS are not primarily mossad double agents.
How would we even know any of that we're a bunch of incel no bodies pushing conspiracies with no proofs.
If you say so. Prey.
>William Morgan (born 1774 – disappeared c. 1826) was a resident of Batavia, New York, whose disappearance and presumed murder in 1826 ignited a powerful movement against the Freemasons, a fraternal society that had become influential in the United States.[1] After Morgan announced his intention to publish a book exposing Freemasonry's secrets, he was arrested on trumped-up charges.[2] He disappeared soon after and was believed to have been kidnapped and killed by Masons from western New York.[3]

>Since Masons place their hands on a Bible and promise not to reveal the passwords and grips of the degrees, several members of the Batavia lodge published an advertisement denouncing Morgan for breaking his word by authoring the book.[27] An attempt was also made to set fire to Miller's newspaper office and print shop.[28] On September 11, 1826, Morgan was arrested for supposed nonpayment of a loan and allegedly stealing a shirt and a tie;[29] according to the laws of the time he could be held in debtors' prison until restitution was made, which would have made it more difficult to publish his book.[30] Morgan was jailed in Canandaigua, and when Miller learned of this, he went to the jail to pay the debt and secure Morgan's release. Morgan was released, but then re-arrested and charged with supposedly failing to pay a two dollar tavern bill.[31] While the jailer was away, a group of men convinced his wife to release Morgan;[32] they walked to a waiting carriage, which arrived two days later at Fort Niagara.[16] Shortly afterwards, Morgan disappeared.[32]
Do the Freemasons protect you all from reality?
And Predators
There's a good idea.
They do try to twist the reality, wouldn't call it protection though
Hm. I guess there's even a limit to collective social fantasy.
Anyone paying attention knows this already (aka 1% of Americans). He loves anyone who walks through the door and kisses the ring. Just a little bit of flattery and Trump will do just about anything for you. It's pathetic.
>if you give the us government to go after real whistle blowers,we win
Hopefully he'll continue leaking the atrocities of GloboHomo.
>if you *get*
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All the neocon and neolib presidents unironically just wanted Assanged grounded in the embassey.

It was Trump who went the extra mile for the kikes and forced Assange to spend years inside Bellmarch with the other hardcore criminals.
Is that your plan to usurp me? And is that why you've cast your lot with the psychopaths?

But the glowies let him go you ignorant faggot.
>he seriously thinks glowniggers won’t be bugging his home and all other communication he uses and won’t have him under surveillance 24/7 and provoking him into committing the tiniest possible crime so they can immediately raid his home and extradite him to the US
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>Fuck Glow Niggers!

Indeed OP, indeed.
Holy shit.
The biden administration let him go.
What the fuck are you even coping at.
kek.. you win , sir.
Assange is dead. This is deep fake.

He worked for a rival agency as an agent.
You're not funny even backdooring me as a tranny.
Who would waste a bullet on that idiot?
>having trannies in the mind.
what a fucking faggot
>I don't think about trannies.
But you do.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A7b8Tmugqjs [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M28tXX0cvvI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyLTLwKn5Ww [Embed]
shut up, faggot
You're so mean
>Vaxx Island
>24/7 surveillance for life
better than Belmarsh I guess.
>the founding fathers would have erected statues of him, yet the current swamp ruined his life and almost killed him. and now we're supposed to be happy?
>the lesson is you can have your life completely ruined by the state for doing nothing wrong
>the founding fathers would have erected statues of him
No they wouldn't. The founding fathers like Lincoln would expose him for helping the confederacy, and hang him.
Fake and homosexual. Still has rape and other charges in 3 different countries.
Here's the official plea filing.
Puppets get killed after they served their purpose.
It appears not.
Countless people downloaded them.
>The founding fathers like Lincoln
Or Bush
Hi Ranjeesh
So what you are saying is that he was originally a Russian Republican spy and now he's worthless because you all think he's switched sides to the democrats?

>The founding fathers like Lincoln
my fellow leaf, stop posting.
kind of amazing how easily the state was able to turn the entire media against this guy. i wonder if the state will ever realise that the more they try to control the media, the less people will trust it. honestly no wonder most zoomers get most of their news from random youtubers
Wellll, he helped his unpopularity by hacking into the US State Department servers.
in my opinion, that's a good thing for everyone except the state. really puts a light on how much corruption and 1984 tier shit is going on behind the scenes
Bust em out with a timestamp agent sugartits or gtfo
You've already seen my tits.
It was really a bunch of Alex Jones bullshit.

And no offense, how do I know those emails weren't faked.
frankly, you could make this argument for any leaker or whistleblower. may as well just trust the state in everything at that point.
True, the only way to prove anything like that is repetitive identical behavior attached to texts, messages, and emails.
The first image you posted was May 28th. You have not produced tits with timestamp.
Was it worth it?

Probably not
>Fuck the glow niggers
Woah, cool it with the antisemitism.
People don't even remember the Afghan files, or any of the other major leaks
He got fatter
He's a fat piece of shit
I dog trust him
Glowniggers BTFO. Now Trump needs to pardon Snowden.
If you took the experimental mRNA gene therapy the media called a vaccine, particularly if you did it without a family to provide for or other such situation, it means you are excessively vulnerable to fear-based propaganda and cannot be trusted.
Stop replying to this woman. Tits or gtfo should be the only response.
that's what makes police so funny
they don't know where they really rank on the pegging order, they really don't know
police departments only hire stupid people for this reason, they are malleable tools
This is true, a coordinator wasn't accepted, too intelligent.. kek yet watches sports.. go figure..
Why do you need another picture of tits.
coworker who is a
Don't speak to this hole retard
I suppose dog trusting is better than cat trusting.
Another imply a previous one exists. It does not. Tits with timestamp.
You mean brain douchetits Alex Jones fear mongering? I'm thinking no.
Then I want a picture of your massive shirtless chest complete with chest hair with timestamp.

snowden when
Poor Donald Trump Jr.
Not how it works. I didn't make the rules, but they must be followed. Tits with timestamp or gtfo.
He deleted all the Wikileaks about dnc affairs
my hero
>some conditions apply
This anon is correct
Your´e and ignorant nigger
I simply just don't care.
Politics will be real to me when I'm in office and if I ever get there I'm sure I'll be dismayed and not at all shocked when it's still fake and gay.

Anything short of Hitler just won't do it for me.
Did anyone archive old Wikileaks
Assange was his step dads surname, both his biological parents are anglos.
So you are vaxxed. Please leave.
I'm sure there are a few. inb4 chins goes down in a fortnight when some oldfag finally cleans a path to an external from 2006.
Do not engage Black Dragon in any thread until tits are produced. Spread the word sir.
No. Freedom of speech.

You hear that, don't engage with me.

Thanks, I am happy to just comment and not be addressed.
Tits with timestamp or gtfo
Black Dragon needs to show tits
Why are you insane.
You are damn sure never seeing my naked body.
Her and her marry band of pirate flag retards have been trying to entrap anons and posting sus links
I haven't posted any links.
Tits with timestamp or gtfo
Tits with timestamp or gtfo
No he's right. The founders were cool until they were the ones in charge. Like all radicals. How many rebellions were put down after 1776? They just wanted power not freedom.
Jillian Assange

Wiki leaks

Threads being completed controlled the the Air Force fags. They tortured himandskinnedhisface and replacedhimwithafatjewdouble with a faceimplant. That’snothim
If you think the Jews would let him go for leaking nsa secrets you are fucking delusional
All this proved was...

The US govt will accuse you of anything
The UK is the US bitch
Sweden will use state workers to frame you for rape.

That is all.
That smug piggie wont be so smug when afganistan niggers are raping his daughter. Bootlickers are so stupid.
Do not engage Black Dragon in any thread.
Lincoln was born decades after the revolution
What do you care about the founding kikes, macaco
>You're ignorant unlike me who get my info from (((MSM)))
No. This country is run by demons and angels

Unfortunately, there is one person who demons can't attack and also has access to angelic power over the spiritual and physical worlds.

I wonder who that is..
Well I guess the other anon was right then, he is a perverted anglo kike and even worse, an au*tralian
Wait, is black dragon some dildo brand ?
Ugh, I just realized ...
If only.
Fuck Trump
>How many rebellions were put down after 1776
How many ?
Whiskey rebellion ... what else
I was wondering when someone would say it.
Fuck this traitorous piece of Shit !
So what's he going to do now?
When's the Tucker interview?
He wasn't poisoned, irradiated, chucked out of a window or starved in prison until he died. He was set free by our evil tyrannical government. Hell he wasn't even beat or correctively raped before he was released! But yet ~our~ government is the authoritarian one.
Close. Her and her friends have been trying to entrap anons and anonymize them/get into their shit with sus links. Without even the common curtesy of tits and a timestamp.
is he holding his thumb with his index finger? fuuuuck
i can no longer support assange
mother fucker cant even make a fist
Time served. Stop the dramatics. He hacked government entities.

He is lucky he is not dead.
That's a fake picture he is dead been dead.they murdered him
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Todd, you skate on the edge of trouble. I post links to get your IP like Alex Jones and Alan Dershowitz.

You all engage in repetitive behaviors that make you easy to track and identify. And the problem is you can't stop. You also can't stop making the same mistakes over and over again.

And since none of you an leave me alone, I am not going to leave you alone.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
You're telling me in evil, tyrannical USA you can hack government entities and release classified information to the public and NOT be tortured and killed for it but actually released after a plea deal? Dude were so fucking evil. Worse then fucking hitler, stalin and Mao combined.
I think he's funny.
we aren't just as fucked up and corrupt. We are more fucked up and corrupt.
The government is evil, huh?
What happened to navalny?
Finally some real fucking food.
A broken man who not only had to serve 15 years but also admit he was guilty and not a journalist. Biden deserves credit for his mercy when nobody else would grant it - and also for securing this precedent. Not a journalist, but a felon.
All that for nothing. Just like Jan 6 protestors.
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I still don't think that's him. Daily reminder the day the embassy was raided was the day of the Dyn DNS outage that took out 3/4s of the internet.
The people who remember don't post here anymore. The people who do post here will never learn because of the ongoing disruption of the site.
He's not.
Tits with timestamp or gtfo. Honestly would suggest just gtfo before the wrong people catch wind of you.
>I post links to get your IP like Alex Jones and Alan Dershowitz.

I said I do NOT post links to get IP. Changing my posts are not proof. You would need a post from me with a link in it.

The judge said if this was 2012 you would be totally fucked and got a full 175 year sentence. But because it's 2024 and no one was harmed it's not so bad.
He did the right thing. If he went to USA he would never return
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glowniggers tongue my anus

pgp key changed, dead man's trigger was found and holder eliminated

the only reason this fucker is still alive is because he gave them everything he had.
See, its stunts like this that make you all look like stupid fools.
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just kill yourself already obvious kike
Just kill yourself schizo
Tits or GTFO, you dyke cunt.
I told you first
Drop the act glowniggers I'm far more manly than you dimwitted inbred cunts will ever be
And tell fahad and fahima to get off my dick and fuck off already
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>gets shot
I would kek heartily. I hate glowniggers be they "good" or "bad", just run them over with your car.
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no, I think it would be fair if God ruled that your daughter commits suicide out of shame of being your demon spawn.

Maybe then you will stop harassing people and telling them to commit suicide.
You can have his same fate.
Donald Trump Jr went to Epstein's Island and saw youmg girls gang raped, beaten, killed, and other evil occult things. He is evil.

God sees everything. I'm impervious to your demon laced commands and rants.

Too bad for you.
You reap what you sow.
Don't ever play games with me.
All this basically to that the US debates are shams, with leaked questions to establishment candidates and outsiders having to think on their feet and against whatever the two work out to catch them out etc
A great stench will rise to heaven and a thousand worms with cry out bathed in fire!

Take your meds, schizo.
Aren't you the one telling people to commit Suicide? And on kiwifarms? Scum like you, telling other people to kill themselves? You're a joke. A fool. Scum. I bet you hear voices and take drugs to drown them out in your head.
>in australia
australia is a prison

>Accusing me of telling people to kys
>Things that never happened for $500 Alex

Yea I'm thinking you'll feel better if you get back on your schizo meds.
I also know you force Christians who want to have a political position to renounce their Christian beliefs.

God will get his pound of flesh from you.
I think you will feel better logging off.

You've admitted to enough crimes in the last 2 weeks.
>t.lgbtqp groupie
While she may indeed be schizo, she has not produced tits with timestamp. Her and her friends are trying to fuck over anons. Do not engage Black Dragon, tell other anons not to engage.
I am not schizo, I do not hear voices in my head like you said you did on this site. Was that you Todd or was that Donald Trump Jr?
>logging off on 4pol


You only have yourselves to blame.
Take the loss with dignity you disgraceful nato shill.
the someone was mike pompeo the then head of the ciya. trump made the wrong call, but its not like he made the decision on a whim because some junior aide made a comment
He was probably afraid that Assange would expose them too.
Wish it'd been so much earlier but still, godspeed.
I'm really disappointed in you Todd. I really thought you were a decent human being, but now I know for sure you aren't. And I was all excited for you too.

Good thing I found out the truth. I was planning to go to dragon con and meet up with some friends and meet you. I won't now.
so why do you support trannies so much jew?
dangerous to their jew masters and any bluenigger standing in front of them.
You're fucking retarded. Also, show tits.
There is no Jew on this earth who gives a fuck about you. They don't think twice about garbage.
We'll just have to agree to disagree.
been ded for years
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Today Pompeo and his friends are making sure Trump feels his own medicine in the courts.

>The american snake is killing itself
I think Assange can at least feel good about that.
Kennedy case is worse than Navalny's
Like anybody buys that shit
What were the Afghan files
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what did this nigga did again to enrage the big satan?
Yeah. This is one of those things that just makes great justice even more necessary.
Fuck off back to Discord, faggot.
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listen retarded namefag kike, you don't fool a single person here

teytn zikh demented devil
He just works for another band of glow niggers you fucking retards.
Drink bleach unironically, Discord nigger
The legal precedent probably allows them to streamline persecution of other journalists.
But who the fuck has faith in our legal system anyway?
Forcing the admission out of him just undermined its legitimacy further.
Fuck yeah
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Long live Assange!
What happened to those fed reserve threads?
Treason against the United States is punishable by only 5 years in prison. No, really.

He's not real. That motherfucker, is not real.
It's not over yet.
He will be extradited to Sweden and spend the next 15 years in prison there for raping two women.
>That is just masonic
you dont say?
What you define as confinement is warped. Dude according to MSMS got to live rent free in Fully staffed embassies with lucious gardens and food. Can someone please post the tapping sign meme so faggots like this can wake up to what is happening.
There's no proof he raped anyone and pretty sure they've already taken their claims back. Was all glownigger fake accusations to get him extradited you dumb glownigger cuck.
Is there any feasible link between the Fed hacks and Assange?
I took a quick look last night and it seemed unrelated.
>must meet demands by 24th June IIRC
>negotiator only offered $50K to not leak
>the hacking team behind it called him incompetent and a fag
That was what I got out of it.
Didn't you understand it's illegal to speak the truth? The founding founders of the US have been rolling in their graves since before WWI. Enjoy what you can now because shit is going to hit the fan really soon...and no, US intelligence along with Five Eyes isn't able to stop anything. I wish you luck buddy.
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Is it true WikiLeaks removed all of the DNC emails?
Inb4 troons out in next 6 months
last i heard he's living in based russia where the u.s. government can do fuckall to him. he's much safer there and their government and culture is far more sane and civilized at this point in time. the u.s. would be almost unrecognizable to him now. plus all of the gorgeous russian whores you could ever want.
lost of seethe in the glowiesphere
>and their government and culture is far more sane and civilized at this point in time
Yeah they are also a shithole

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