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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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East Germany's politics are loaded with Soviet sleeper agents set up by the Soviet Union's stay behind program to mirror Operation Gladio in their partition of Germany. Do not trust East German politicians who say they are far right who support Russia who hates Germany and still wants to "denzaify" it. Putin directly participated in this program. Putin, a KGB and Stazi agent who professionally opressed East German nationalists, now has a $110 billion dollar black budget to fuck with tbe global right wing with.
In Dugin’s 1997 book “Foundations of Geopolitics,” a maniacal screed advocating Russian world domination, the occultist openly calls for unleashing black racists against White America as a subversion strategy.
“Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism,” wrote Dugin. Provoking “Afro-American racists” was key to the strategy, Dugin opined, as that would serve to “introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity.” He further encouraged “all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics.”
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Fascinating post
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>East Germany's politics are loaded with Soviet sleeper agents set up by the Soviet Union's stay behind program to mirror Operation Gladio in their partition of Germany.
current east germany is way more based than western germany
In which ways?
no institutional guilt over muh holocaust for one
I simply believe Russia is pushing all the tranny stuff here as well in order to make themselves look like the only right wing option. My source is Foundations of Geopolitics.
Why are people so eager to paint dugin as some kind of mastermind puppeteer? He has no influence in Russia...
Definitely fucking not based.
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Here, like on this board? This pedo flag shit is everywhere. This place is just condemning it 'cause it allows a free speech. One of the rare online board you can do that, beside going to use chink or russian/whoevers platforms.
Suck my cock and lick my balls liar.
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Literal basedness in every aspect.
>saar the deterioration of European societies, economic collapse due to debt, mass population replacement and promotion of faggotry is because of... the heckin KGB!
we're tired of your diversions nafoid
You're sending poos to invade Europe vodka nigger
yeah it's getting pretty ridiculous lmao, i dont know how they think its gonna work
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Cool. More allies against the pedo empire.
Dont care. Didmt read

What the fuck is happening in webm
About that kiss ... Putin explains himself
In between answering questions Thursday about burning world issues, Russian President Vladimir Putin answered what was for many observers a more burning question: What made him kiss the bare tummy of a boy in a Kremlin courtyard?
seething CIA nigger
Germany is done and you killed it
Hope your proud
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Lies and theatrics.
Isn't east Germany more white than west?
Fascinating song: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KeMTuwDS8DM
No thanks to Stassi Merkel
kill yourself GI
Hydrogen red/pink method produced at nuclear scales?
WTF is that video, THE TERROR, life is a mistake, life is hell, death is heaven
Bumpin the threado
So it's the afd replacing Germans with shitskins?
Are all western politicians and institutions in the Putin's pocket and he makes them push tranny shit? Amazin.
Are you gay?
If anything, it's Russia which has a bunch of western agents actively undermining it. Especially in financial sector.
Maximum overseethe
Gibs to jews is a more preferable outcome than being under russian rule
Asking the real questions
Ukraine is not Europe, it has always been a part of Eurasian Great Steppe and it shows in language, culture and generics.
And there's no need for Russia to send undians to invade you. You are actively importing them yourself.
Merkel and her party are Washington's puppets, through and through. Keep diverting though.
You do know that RT is literal fake news designed to be consumed by retarded low information westerners, right? And you don't realize they're making fun of you specifically??? Okay lmaooo
All this is the original white people territory
So including Indians? Kek. Why is he whining about them then? They are Aryan.
Since that’s pretty much the only place in Western Europe safe for possibly Austria where there seems to be a solid consensus that Europeans shouldn’t be replaced I don’t really care too much. It’s likely nonsense anyway. All relevant actors are in it together. As evidenced by all the double and double double agents or just people who acted between the lines seemingly coordinating east and west. If you really study it the German reunification brought up a lot of material. And that’s only the stuff they couldn’t manage to destroy or hide. Countries or „Communism“/„Capitalism“ is a surface thing. The real music is playing elsewhere for the most part.
I remember seeing theories that the USSR didn't collapse, and instead went underground to make the West relax while they infiltrate and conquer the West.
Now I see this post and I now remember.
What if the Soviet Union still exists?
The real deal is the theory that the hole block thing was made up from the start. You can hear it from most of the people who set up the un. They basically whined about one world currently being impossible and than continued to set up this system with two fake oppositional parties as the major players.
If we're going by an ancient "always" I support going back to having all that be white based on historical claims. Using diplomacy.

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