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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Was 1984 about Russia?
Ukraine is losing.
1984 was about the "free world"
>5 years for promoting terrorism (Free Russia is a terrorist Org)
>10 years for defacing homo flags in public
Seems like he meant the west
>20 years for being within 500 feet of an overdosing nigger
>b-but pootin is a good guy
Rusniggers seething
can you post someone getting 10 years for *defacing homo flags in public*
Happens daily
Literally google it you retarded jew
Kek utterly destroyed nafotroons in the thread with a single message, nice shit anon
People will post a screenshot of someone "facing up to 10 years for hate crime" then you'll read the article and see it was never on the table and they got a slap on the wrist
cant you just post example?
whataboutism is back on the menu?
what about afghanistan, what about vietnam, what about korea, what about cuba?
1984 was Orwell trying to cope and to come to terms with the realties of society and power after dedicating his life essentially fighting for libertarianism against statism. That's why he wrote a novel instead of an essay. So in that sense it isn't about a specific ideology or country, although it is literally about the post-war American Empire. Airstrip One is the UK, Winston is Orwell, the Ministry of Truth was the British Ministry of Information (where Orwell worked during WW2), O'brien is James Burham, The Theory and Practice of Oligarchal Collectivism is James Burnham's The Managerial Revolution, Emmanuel Goldstein is a reference to James Burnham being an ex-Trotskyite. At one point O'brien literally tells Winston something like
>we are not like the Nazis or Soviets, we do not make their mistakes. We do not let the dead rise up against us. Whatever is confessed here is true because we make it true.
People today criticise the West for anarcho-tyranny. Orwell already made this criticism in 1984. There's a scene, when Orwell is arrested, that shows that the violent and drunk proletariat could basically do whatever they want, whereas the middle-class could not even move or speak without fear of being abused.
>it was the heckin flyers!!!
>he was in contact with actual terrorists of the (((Free Russia))) Legion (headquartered in Ukraine, managed by Langley VA) and that he was willing to take a weapon
Of course this shit is buried deep in the articles, first thing they show is innocent kid photos and poor freedom flyers!
>not just sent to a teenage penal colony for a few months
Rusnigger faggot thinking of imaginary as ownage
is every belter a reddit tourist? everyone knows what he's referring to
Mmhmmm you definitely have proof of this
no it was about Nazi Germany
Post the imaginary link rusnigger, or is it some RT story?
dumb fags

The judge apparently was a butthurt lesbian, which is unfortunate. Kinda like pootin
Lets do that
1984 is about modern day britain kek
If you're trying to prove something exists, you show proof of it. Nobody has. Simple as
>ESL being retarded
Many such cases
Okay read the case now. So the the dude was a repeat offender and in Iowa the sentence gets tripled due to that. And the sentence didnt come from burning the faggot flag, but breaking and entering plus theft of personal property.

Should've been pardoned since he burned the flag, but what can one do.
Just like the OP's case wasn't about "criticizing putler" but collaborating with terrorists.

Journalism is fucking cancer.
Thing is, in modern russia everything you do that's in any way against their current administration can be seen as "terrorism". There's a reason russia introduced the foreign agents act back in 2012.
Bro it's the same in EU.
The fuck it isnt. EU has a shit ton of problems, fags, libs and nigs are annoying as fuck, but it isn't 3rd world like russia.
>fags, libs and nigs

so third world
Not even close to the degree russia is
>criticize "minorities"/faggots/jews
>get deplatformed, fired, life ruined
That's much worse as it affects the average joe. Going revolutionary alone on your government is purely retarded and Russia is full of Western glowies pushing their psyops on gullible retards.
Lmao now this is cope
No just ignore all that
Worst period of the woke tranny lunacy is already at its final death growls, due to jews panicking over recent events and pulling the plug. It's not going to come back to what it was in 2020-2021.

Russians are in a much more difficult situation, due to china basically being able to make russia their vassal state
No, Russia is an "honest authoritarianism", they don't pretend to be liberal.
Here in the West all of a sudden your bank accounts can get cancelled because you idiot believed the fairy tales of freedom of speech, free press etc.
>Worst period of the woke tranny lunacy is already at its final death growls
I fucking hope so.
>china basically being able to make russia their vassal state
Thankfully chinks only care about profits and not pushing genocidal agendas on others so russkies should be fine on the long run as they're a gainful trade partner.
>should be fine on the long run as they're a gainful trade partner
Problem is, russians throughout their history have wanted to have a leader of almost godlike status. They want a smart, strong leader which is why putin has been doing stunts like riding on a horse without a shirt ect. When they feel like their leader isn't a strong russian figure, a revolution tends to occur.

It could be troublesome for the chinese to control the russian population
How come Russia has volunteers for its military and Ukraine doesn't?
How come Ukraine mined its rivers to keep children from escaping the draft, but Russia didn't?
>Was 1984 about Russia?
it was about the Ukrained States of Amerisrael
It is impossible to rebel against a government without military support. Russian military is fully in the government's pocket after the Wagner fiasco.
Likewise the civilians are just as apathetic as are ours and will just emigrate somewhere else when shit hits the fan.
I think both Russia and China are infinitely more stable than EU or US at this point.
He just wants to be a fag. Send him to the EU or the US.
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>get out at 20
>putins 2 week operation is still going on so he can enlist
>How come Russia has volunteers for its military and Ukraine doesn't?
Why does Russia have to be pay people to fight Ukrainians while Westerners will travel half the globe to fight Russians for free? Really gets jogs the noggin doesn't it
>belter proves the point
go back, it's so easy to spot you newfags
>Why does Russia have to be pay people to fight Ukrainians
For the same reason the US government has to pay people to fight Russians. What's your question?
>why don't you risk your life for free lmao?
Do nafotroons really?
Russia's stability has been due to infighting between different government factions orchestrated by putin, but I'm not sure how long this stability lasts. Of or when they smell blood, things could start happening very fast. China has their own economical worries also. The US definitely has turbulence ahead due to their extreme dividedness. EU has been sliding towards rightwing politics, which might heal a lot of its issues
Because it has a vastly larger population you disingenuous Russoid ape
You brought it up, you're claiming it exists. Can you prove it? Oorrr.....?
The sentence wasnt about flag burning you stupid faggot
They genuinely think people fight "for free" over there too, which is a laugh and a half. All their soldier's salaries are paid by American taxpayers. Pensions, too. Same goes for the "volunteers", who collect a paycheck from the US government.
>For the same reason the US government has to pay people to fight Russians.
It was real in your head
So your explanation for why the Ukrainian regime has to mine the rivers to keep people escaping freedomland is because of population differences, Oleg of Kiev Oblast?
Are you implying they're not being paid?
1984 was about fascism Russia is a fascist dictatorship so yes 1984 is about russia
No more than any other Ukrainian on the frontline, if at all. Point being none of these guys fight flying to Ukraine are there to get money lmao. Which can't be said for the other side
European history has been a bloody, violent mess for most of its history.
The current "peace" is maintained by Jewish magic cast from Washington D.C and the spell is already crumbling.
The moment there's a big crack, serbs and polacks will likely chimpout and frogs will spiral into a civil war. The rest of the continent will follow.
I think those shills are thinking about the redditors who traveled across the world to die for the jews a week later, for free. I'm sure even those retards were given funds though.
Yeah bro every man should aspire to die for the jews FOR FREE LMAO.

The shills are getting sloppier and sloppier.
>The moment there's a big crack, serbs and polacks will likely chimpout and frogs will spiral into a civil war.
I'd love to say "no way man", but you've got a point.
>No more than any other Ukrainian on the frontline
So you're conceding they are. Okay. So the "fighting for free" line was a hyperbolic lie. Got it.
and a brave new world was about The United States lmao

wait till we hit the end times when the jews are in charge of the world govt lmao. that's going to be lit
Yes, obviously.
Good job, very insightful.
>I think those shills are thinking about the redditors who traveled across the world to die for the jews a week later, for free. I'm sure even those retards were given funds though.
I'm thinking of these ones specifically and giving the redditors the benefit of the doubt, since we all know active duty NATO is deployed to Ukraine. They just took their little patchy-watchys off. The reddit battalion is still getting paid to die there, though. They admitted they're being paid... on reddit. Probably before getting a Lancet up the ass. The Volunteers for Ukraine thing definitely lost its momentum in a hurry though once they realized, yes, this is a real war, and yes you're going to fucking die.
NATO soldier here, I'm in your walls
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>youcrane post
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No. OP is right.
Napoleon=Stalin in that book.
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Based Putin vanning those traitors and future CIA faggot flag wavers.
death to jannies yes
everyone seen the article except you newfag, go back you mouthe breathing retard mongoloid
>Based putin scares ZOG with dog
catlady kvetches
European Jews created both west and east and called it a cold war. the future of humanity is information control and obedience
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why are 90% of the thread on /pol/ now just crypto-ukraine thread?

i prefer the old days of "summerfagging" more than this constant 24/7/365 propaganda campaign by glowniggers. its not even interesting or believable, its just a bunch of retards screeching the same tired old lines they've used for years.

>muh shitskin
>muh orc
>muh TZD
>muh "response"?

Remember kids, you're not real men unless you've enlisted to die for the jews, with no financial compensation attached!
Your family doesn't need your body either lmao.
He was taking Israeli money so they compassionately chose to show him why not to do that.
Pray for his asshole
>Westerners will travel half the globe to fight Russians for free
You can't be this stupid.

1984 was about JEWS.


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>look Ivan it's that kid who wants to overthrow Russia
Kek they went the full "dindu" route with this one using several year old photos to make people sadderer. No way he's 15 in that pic.
It was about the Soviet Union, and has since been adopted by people in the West. Which makes you wonder who's behind all this
Common in UK and Canada, but we both knew that, you just pretend not to
>nafotrannie mental gymnastics ensues
>while Westerners will travel half the globe to fight Russians for free? Really gets jogs the noggin doesn't it
You have no noggin' to jog, you fucking moron.
Remember troonvoyn martin?
>that clip
I got you anon.
That's worrying. Can I send him some lotion through the red cross?

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