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aside from red mercury being a metaphysical substance, what is the scientific reason?

humans also create it and the last few years have revived a 'cold war' method of creating red mercury

we know it is repelled by garlic and it is attracted to gold

the egyptians believed they communicated with the djinn (basically elemental demons) through red mercury

but it also powered their gold technologies similar to how regular mercury powers the copper balls on top of old world buildings via harvesting electricity from the ether

the part dealing with how red mercury is repelled by garlic relates to the bible suggesting garlic is used for protection

it's sort of like a gateway for demons and could provide immortality to the djinn. the keyword is that red mercury requites human intervention vs regular mercury

i assume mirrors dont reflect all wavelengths.

go from there.
Retard. If you pan up slightly, you’ll see it…
>plate shadow
what is this bullshit
Edited video

explain this and many other photos/videos of red mercury plz
is that the stuff they would put in those glasses so you could see demons and shit.

the one thing they don't want you to know about is red mercury !

That's obviously bullshit. Objects are visible because light bounces off them and enters our eye. If you can see the "red mercury" on the plate, you would be able to see it in the mirror.
how is red mercury made?

interesting! i'm not sure but if you find more evidence pls post it

does anyone have an old thermometer ? why did they put red mercury in those
Do you expect me to take such a Low resolution image as evidence? That looks like its was taken with a camera phone from 2006.
>the bible suggesting garlic is used for protection
What the fuck are you talking about about, you subhuman shizo
Is this the ground floor of the next great egg reflection low IQ meme?

it's totally real. it's just that the red mercury content primarily comes from muslims and indian

It oozes out of op's neovagina
You buy mercury thermometers in local apteka
Break them open, pour into vial
You take red brick
Grind it to dust
Add red brick dust to mercury
Don your best black trenchcoat
Larp as kgb agent
Sell it to retarded american spy
Buy vodka, vobla, celebrate

there are various videos posted in the thread

there is counterfeit red mercury and real red mercury out there for sure
Metals are demons. They are the physical manifestations of evil entities.
Red mercury is made up and all your pictures are shitty and low res. Go back to your schizo containment

is this true ?

god created metals but humans need to intervene to use red mercury to interface with them
"how could they fake this. it's not like everything surrounding the glob is pure white and easy to cover over
red mercury?
cerulean blue, iirc

red mercury is real

just because you never knew about it doesn't make it fake lol

it is claimed to have been used in nuclear bombs due to their density vs plutonium. nukes are fake
OPs a sandnigger. Retarded mudshits who get suck Mohammads cock are the ones who push this hoax.
Edited bullshit. Even if it was invisible, the tiny shadow it produces should still be visible.

you can see the shadows where the mercury should be in the mirror here


consider reconsidering your position this shit is real

implying you know the properties of red mercury and what it should and shouldnt do in the mirror
>it's just that the red mercury content primarily comes from muslims and indian
>muslims and indians
You mean the two biggest bullshitters on the planet (besides the jews)? Not helping your case here, buddy.
Now if this shit was real then yeah they'd absolutely want us to not talk about it, but since random pajeets post about it without it being taken down then Im calling bullshit.

Get your hands on some and make your own video with timestamp if you want us to believe.
No but the fact it isn’t a real thing makes it fake. Plutonium is significantly denser than mercury btw, not that you have any idea why that would be relevant

it's easy to trust the muslims and indians on ancient technologies that are more accessible to them than in the west

red mercury is more dense than mercury and plutonium btw at 24g
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oh, look - more ancient silk road, wandering kike parlor tricks

more evidence of red mercury from indians

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>oh but goy
>the implications

so IF
it were true you can't see it in a mirror

who gives a fuck?
knowing this - what are the applications of such substance?

even IF it WERE invisible?

kikes r dumb as fuck

>it's "InViSiBlE"

shut up kike
Yes I'm sure it's "fake" just like self oscillating kinetic magnets and radiant energy and anti gravity and everything else that would benefit mankind.
When you've hit the point where you're talking about "legendary substances" you've completely lost the plot. Funnily enough though you likely think you're following the plot more than ever.

red mercury is very real

just like the flat earth the topic is heavily propagandized. that's why it's associated with atomic bombs instead of interfacing with the djinn (for egyptians) and powering ancient technologies
>red mercury
>red herring

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>red mercury is very real
>gives absolutely no proof
>or any kind

It's reflecting the bottom of the paper.
These images are incredibly easy to fake. First, get a camera that can be fixed to one spot. Secondly, take two pictures. One with the reflected object without the red mercury on it, and one with it on it. Then, cut out a piece of the first image and paste it onto the second image in the same location. It will appear as though the reflection is wrong.

Maybe post a video next time instead of a static image. A video would be harder to fake. Still possible, but harder.
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some more info
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>(((person))) taking the pic
I find it funny that people are skeptic itt about a material not being seen through mirrors. But, won't question the molecular weight of elements on the periodic table or any other number of pseudo scientific shit that gets passed off as hard science.
What's the chemical formula for a molecule of red mercury? Can you provide a diagram?
post source kike
Dicyanin dye, highly illegal
>stupid goy
>questioning the veracity of an observable phenomena
>not taking the periodic table to task
>which wasn't produced by lying kikes

I have heard that it's a hoax by glowniggers trying to trap various retards who were sniffing around for nuclear materials after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Red mercury was supposed to allow a bomb maker to skip the enrichment step, or even make a pure fusion bomb that would be very easy to make and not set off radiation detectors. The fact that it's said to be a miracle substance that can do multiple amazing things means it's probably bullshit (much like diatomic gold, philosopher's stone, element 115, VRIL energy, orgone energy, etc.)
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>Dicyanin dye,

lying kikes BTFO AGAIN


people have a reason to be skeptical of something like this

but they simply don't understand that it's a real metaphysical substance created in part through interfacing with demons
We cant get mercury glass thermometers in America any more.
If someone knows a good source, please let me know.
Same with mercury sphygmometers.
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>simply don't understand that it's a real metaphysical substance created in part through interfacing with demons



shut up u fuck-faced lying retard canaanite kike
Then how would our eyes see it

thats why they put red mercury inside egyptian mummies to give the djinn immortality
The mercury would also have to be transparent to the wavelengths that the mirror does reflect.
Actually it's shopped and cropped, speaking of shadows. They match exactly instead of being mirror images.
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Build yourself a Kozyrev Mirror and ask about Red Mercury while you're in it.
By they not being a mirror. It's a frame with a plate on the other side. Look at the fucking shadows, anon. The shadow in the false reflection is wrong, if it were actually reflecting that plate. The shadow is correct if the light source is somewhere in the upper left while taking the picture with two fucking plates instead of one.

consider checking out the other videos in the thread
>the part dealing with how red mercury is repelled by garlic relates to the bible suggesting garlic is used for protection
there is nothing like that in the Bible. the only protection for mankind is the blood of Jesus
Ok deboonker, believe what your glownigger search engine tells you
>You're so smart senpaitachi
>there is nothing like that in the Bible. the only protection for mankind is the blood of Jesus

Numbers 11:5 (NIV): "We remember the fish we ate in Egypt at no cost—also the cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic."

specifically dealing with garlic and egypt

it totally relates brother
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Now that you know our secret top optical invisibility and have spread it on the internet, expect a visit from us.
Better question why cant you see you're eyes move in a mirror
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>thats why they put red mercury inside egyptian mummies to give the djinn immortality




>even if
>(((red mercury)))
>was used forsuch applications as

>put red mercury inside egyptian mummies to give the djinn immortality

>this flaming khazar-canaanite

Just keep one eye still and move the other eye silly

why are you so obsessed with thinking i'm a jew?

the jews are a modern construct invented within the last 500 years

i don't even believe Jesus was a jew or that Jews existed during his time
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>Just keep one eye still and move the other eye silly

>so obsessed
>keeps posting (((bullshit)))
>no proof

because you lie like a canaanite, and don't provide shit for proof

how does anyone fall for this shit, the shadows and reflections are all wrong
all fields
The Lasombra embrace Jews now? By Cain how the Sabbat has fallen.

you simply have to believe the garlic and mirror videos and that that red mercury is really only available to people in the know or muslims/indians who use cold war methods to create red mercury

it surely exists and there are many scams when you try to buy it or psyops which associate it with nukes (which are fake) instead of demons. i don't suggest learning the hermetic methods which derived from egypt that allow you to create red mercury since i'm a christian
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>By Cain how the Sabbat has fallen.

all they ever do is fall

until they hit
because when you don't take your meds and you have schizophrenia you are pretty open to suggestion as crazy as the suggestion may be.
Then this suggestion seeds itself as reality for the unmedicated schizophrenia suffering individual and he decides to spread his "ancient discovery" on a mogolian basket weaving forum to single-handedly free humanity from the oppression suffered due to hidden and lost knowledge only he could uncover.
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>you simply have to believe the garlic and mirror

>goy.. ha
>if you don't believe in

>garlic and mirror videos and that that red mercury is really only available to people in the know or muslims/indians who use cold war methods to create red mercury


shut up kike ur dumb as fuck

go bury yourself in the tophet with all the other rejected worthless jews

your pilpul has FAILED
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>because when you don't take your meds and you have schizophrenia you are pretty open to suggestion as crazy as the suggestion may be.

very anti-semitic of you, anon
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non-garlic eaters are like witches who won't touch a crucifix

you haven't actually articulated an argument or provided evidence as to why any of these videos are fake

you just call it jewish because it looks like a magic trick even though it is an actual metaphysical substance

it's interesting how people will believe a lot of bullshit, but not that something can be invisible in the mirror
yes it would.
The mirror demons ate it.
The "red mercury" is what is photoshopped.
Paper is blank IRL.
It's too fucking easy, even a child would understand.
>you haven't actually articulated an argument or provided evidence


have to provide evidence FIRST

I however, have provided NUMEROUS pieces of evidence that jews are scum

in contrast - your fanny flames, DO NOT, constitute an argument

so BECAUSE you're a lying fuck-faced canaanite jew - because yoiu fail repeatedly to provide evidence of any kind - because you lie and say
>ew goy you didn't provide an argument
>or evidence
which i did

you're ignored
nice scam. lets see them make a shadow, for it so to se the shadow in the mirror only.


have to provide evidence FIRST

check out the videos i posted of where they put red mercury on a plate and show the reflection in the mirror lol wtf
show me the tomb of girugamesh and his still maleable skin

check out the video where it shows a shadow where the mercury should be
>schizo rambling and fixation on single thing
>asks everyone to prove why videos are fake instead of proving why they are real
>reddit spacing in every post
You need to either find yourself some red mercury and somehow show live that your claims are real. Because the videos posted aren't believable at all.
Or take meds

is a lying canaanite-kike queer trying to pass of gay jewish parlor tricks as reality

asked for proof repeatedly

he can't provide any
just side-steps
does the old
>n-n-no U GOY

and that's it

he's a dumb kike bitch
This is less believable than those homunculus videos from like 8 years ago. OP you are a flagrant fuckin retard bro.

here you go


what is fake about this?
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barely a handful of retards falling for this

good job kike
Tell me what is real about it?
The 30000 cuts? The text to voice overlay? The grainy bullshit?
You do realize these fuckwits prey on easily fooled/weak minded individuals such as yourself for views and to make money?
Nearly everything you see is fake just so some jewish clown can make some shekels and you are promoting it free of charge.
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kys retard
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Mercury's being obstructed by the bowl's concavity.
Cool political discourse you fucking retard.
it's called photoshop retard
>we know it is repelled by garlic and it is attracted to gold
Its jew blood?
schizo threads are the best
have a bump
what are they sliding though
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>what are they sliding though
any meaningful discussion anywhere on /pol/

as usual
Video in the op
mercury is ghost smegma
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