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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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We all know that the political climate in the United States is getting worse every year and it is more than likely that this will all end up exploding sooner or later. On one side you have the more traditionalist, nationalist and religious groups, against the liberal, woke and other groups.

When will the civil war start and who will win it?

Will the chuds win?
Will the trannies win?
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The European stock of the United States will win through balkanization and territories will be established where your people and anyone remotely close to the shade of your skin will be shot on sight.

Touch grass
Bro, I know Mexico is a shithole and I know they elected a Jewish woman as president. But what does that have to do with the original post, kek.

Discarded opinion.
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Worry about yourself
here's what the traditional conservative and religious groups gets you
>traditionalist, nationalist and religious groups, against the liberal, woke
Jew golem against Jew golem
No, but I will and do say this:

You Will to train the Militia, starting with you, or your Institutions Shall be found grown Tyrant.
You Will to seek Jesus, starting with you, or your society's trust and good behavior will disappear, leading to millions of petty tyrants.

You Will to do both of the above, or you shall Cry.
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Europa before Jesus. I am not your enemy but I will tell you right now as time proceeds you will chose European blood regardless of their association to Christianity.

You may hold you cross as you are killed by the enemy or you may hold your cross as you fight alongside your European brother into victory.
In the group of nationalists, there are also anti-Israel and anti-Jewish groups.
Keep in mind with my previous statement I am not some kind of insane turbosperg autist when I state the things I do. I understand 100% that there will be multiethnic zones in the former USA and there will be ethnic zones. I am tired of the replacement of the European in the USA and want your people in certain areas as I want mine in certain areas. The drug cartels that originated in Mexico and other areas south of you are by far everyones worst enemy and deserve to have the full force of the US military and El Salvador's military perform a complete and total genocide against them and their kind.

I do not hate your people at all and I judge a person by a content of the character but there's going to be some lines drawn in the sand when and if it all returns to normal.

And sorry to hear about the kike president 100% that demon is a operator of the cartels we hate.
Whites will continue to worship sports niggers until every part of America will resemble a Jew York subway, after which balkanization will be impossible. It's literally over
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>It's literally over
Auslander Raus juden.
Normalfaggots indoctrinated every second of their lives with holohoax propaganda means someone like Hitler will never rise to power in a western "democracy."
So long as all the Joe sixpacks and sally soccermoms are comfortable watching (((TV))) nothing will improve
You don't get to use ((())) when all you can do is post demoralization you worthless little kike rat.

Kill yourself.
we should make the whole world like this.
I don't think so. America will fade away with a whimper. Petty snitch societies like the United States never revolt. They lack courage.
Put your money where your mouth is kike and fire off that draft.
lol fags

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