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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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They have been releasing videos of themselves slapping pedos in Walmart and Target. Now they are calling the cops and having them arrested, but joining in on the arrest, beating them, tackling them, shouting victoriously and threatening them so loudly the cops cannot even give lawful commands.


>WHAAAT you are 18 years old and you are trying to meet up with a 17 year old girl! GET ON THE GROUND! GIVE ME YOUR GUN OFFICER!
Good. Don’t be a pedo. Stick within your states age of consent laws.
OP wouldn’t be sweating if he wasn’t a deviant
This stuff turned into niggers just looking for a quick buck and youtube views. If your going to blast someone as a pedo on the internet you better have proof that wasnt just cobbled together by some shitskin outsourcing contract detective. They start screaming someone is a pedo in public if the guy doesnt talk to them because he has no idea wtf theyre talking about and then a stranger kills them because they hear it

>be random normie
>approached by tyrone niggums
>yo you wanna talk on camera about the 13 yr old girl you were talking to?
>wtf are you talking about i have no idea who you are please get away from me
This is how the zoomers got themselves stabbed at the river.

I hate this kind of thinking. It is why I have been a Nazi since I was a teenager.

I hate when society determines one group of people is evil and deserves no rights. That one group of people has no protections, civil liberties or rights and everyone is free to attack them, harass them and bully them.

Then all the cowards and normies come out and say things like "If I see a Nazi I will punch them in the face".

I grew up around such weak faggots in Berkeley. Then when I would occasionally see a real Nazi skin walking down the street, everyone would have their heads down, not even daring to look in their eyes.

Here is the full video btw.
The shitty part is when they do this they usually blow the case the cops had and the pedo goes free because they didnt do things by the book and then the courts let the predator go. Thats fucked up.
Look down at your cut cock.
>it's fine. It's normal
Now look up at that 15 year old chick with big tits.
>a little too young
Nice to meet you fren. Wanna watch some BLACKED porn?
Age of consent laws were invented by a jewish led feminist movement in order to protect girls from arranged marriage. Now that arranged marriage is abolished mostly, there is no real purpose to them. A woman becomes fertile age 11-15 when they reach puberty and thats when they should be granted autonomy over their sexual reproduction with the education on the seriousness of the consequences like lifelong partnership and raising offspring. In other words age of consent should be dynamic and based on sexual hormone levels, not age.

Its biologically speaking perfectly healthy and natural to be attracted to pubescent girls of any age as a healthy male. it would be concerning if you weren't attracted to a fertile female. Maybe if you're mentally ill or gay or sterile.
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This is going to happen soon enough. They are going to meet a real methhead psycho pedo, not some volleyball teacher. Then they are going to get buckshot in the chest or a knife in the neck.
based and redpilled apple river zoomie slicer chad appreciator
>Good. Don’t be a pedo. Stick within your states age of consent laws.
Nice try faggot no you don't have license to go after high school kids because "they're 16," get the fuck out.
Good. Diddlers should be killed publicly.
never confuse neo-"nazis" with actual nazis, real nazis these days don't wear ss uniforms or sport stupid tattoos, so you literally can't tell if someone is a real nazi if he doesn't tell you

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