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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Watch AfD do nothing to overturn this
Now get Israelis to sign something about Germany's right to exist. Lmao.
AfD is a controlled opposition party led by a Goldman Sachs Lesbian.
One would think that making it more difficult for immigrants to become citizens would be a popular policy on this board.
kek, Germany fell harder than Greece.
it's almost sad to watch
Not my problem
>it's okay for jews to run our country as long as it's bad for brown people too
Do you suppose that if it were easier for immigrants to become citizens, somehow that would imply that Jews were not running your country?
jews have allowed millions of muslims into europe for decades despite the complaints of white people.
now, after october 7, suddenly they're trying to limit muslim migration, not because it hurts white people but because it threatens jews.
all these fake right wing populists popping up all over the world like milei, meloni, orban or afd are all in the pocket of israel. they are tricking white conservatives and instrumentalizing their disdain for muslims to give jews even more power.
you're retarded if you think this is "based".
Why do you care about their reasons, unless you mean that you want more immigrants to become citizens for the purpose of threatening Jews?
>Why do you care about their reasons
because it means whites aren't in power, jews are. jews will never do something that benefits whites but not jews.
>you want more immigrants to become citizens for the purpose of threatening Jews?
i want jews and muslims out of europe.
i will not buy into your faggot kosher alliance against "da moslems".
i will not become your shabbos goy just because you promise me to reduce muslim immigration by 10% to protect jews.
Hahahaha... How do you laugh in German?
Do you suppose that if their reasons were more opaque to you that would mean Jews were not in power?
>i want jews and muslims out of europe.
But because you disagree with the reason for making it more difficult for immigrants to become citizens, you disagree with the policy itself, even though it aligns with your stated interests. Is that right?
in what world is it acceptable to you that german citizenship is contingent on recognition of the state of israel.
fuck you, i'd rather 10 million more muslims flood berlin and behead every jew on the street than co-sign this disgusting display of jewish dominance over europe.
I presume that if you're actually German then you already are a citizen and thus have no reason to apply for citizenship. It seems that this policy would only affect immigrants, and as things stand it seems to me that despite what you said you actually want more immigrants in Germany.
how about "you can't immigrate to germany if you're not ethnically german" or "you can't immigrate to germany if you're not christian".
those pajeet immigrants love israel, so they will be welcomed with a red carpet.
>people wouldn't lie about it and just say the line
You're changing the subject; you're now talking about hypothetical policy as opposed to real policy.
I put it to you that your opposition to the real policy has made you confused about what you actually want to happen.

All Arabians countries will fuck Isreal ass until it say nomore but nobody stop until Israel doesn't exist

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