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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>The US Foreign Legion.
To be a real US Citizen, wouldn't you join?
What would it be like?
No I spit on america
They already have that, its called the marines.
Sort of. Marines are specifically tasked with breeching between navy and land. Foreign legion could have a marine division of its own.
After you started worshipping trannies and jews?
No fucking chance.
Anon, let's be real, your focus on Trannies has everything to do with your fears of being emotionally open with men, and nothing to do with the idiots the DNC is parading around for a limited time. Besides, if you win a spot as a Citizen, you'll be able to vote and speak against them from the inside.
And giving South Americans and former Yugos citizenship
I'm ok with that. A foreign legion could expand the places that these citizens were active on the fields of combat, probably specifically focusing on land entry and land war. But you could absolutely set up divisions of Marines, even a Foreign Legion Naval group to back them. I'm hesitant to go Foreign Legion AF, but a couple of Cessna or even Tucanos would make sense if the interest and funds are there.
Some day, sooner than we'd think, a Foreign Legion Space Force.
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Fuck off, we're full.
Can't have a foreign legion within a foreign legion
We're already the israeli foreign legion
Anon, let's be real, your military recruitment numbers are so bad you faggots are making these threads online because your sick of teenagers telling you to kill yourself.

Sucks to be you, eat a dick, I don't think about you or your dumb job at all.
Careful anon, the military recruiter who made this thread might call you gay or an incel.
Soon these men will be able to get their tranny surgery and bask in american freedom! Thank you for serving!
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And hide behind a memeflag
Shut the fuck up pussy
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>What would it be like?
probably getting killed in ukraine
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Maybe. Death isn't painful.
late roman empire moment
if Europeans started mass deporting all their shitskins, I’d be in the first flight over to fight for them.
>To be a real US Citizen, wouldn't you join?
I'm already America, born and raised. Come from an oldfag White family that's been here since the Colonial period.
>What would it be like?
It'd be shit because the U.S couldn't enforce any of the high standards France does for the FFL or Britain for the Gurkhas, nor could they rely on any of the rich traditions those groups have.
If it's telling, I'm joining the FFL as an American over the U.S military.
The French have one no problem, have for Centuries.
Of course it could. Why couldn't a group focused on Foreign Nationals have codes that are entirely distinct from US DoD?
You'd obviously code out different liabilities.
>Of course it could
That's not how it would work because of the structure and culture of the U.S military vs. the French.
Anon, you create culture by the forms and the members at that moment. There is no reason US codes for such an entity couldn't be unique. Again, these are not US Citizens, except perhaps in Command Officers.
>Anon, you create culture by the forms and the members at that moment.
Again, reread my post. Do you seriously think that the U.S military, in 2024, could pull this off?
I'm not asking for the US military. I'm asking for a US Foreign Legion.
They aren't necessarily the same thing. They could be DoD, they could be State. They could be a hybrid of CIA and DoD and State. They could be DHS.
Retard, all the upper brass faggots like Milley and Austin would be in charge of putting something like this together and running it. The FFL is subordinate to the command structure of the rest of the French military. Same for the Gurkhas. That's what seperates a foreign legion from foreign military contractors.
It could be completely different in the US. You could offer advisory roles to DoD, and us it as retirement for middle officers you like but can't put in higher ranks, but put its actual officers under State.
please teach your feral nigger how to shoot I can't wait to see that blow up in your jew loving faces
Anon, are you claiming the whole world is Feral?
Outside of Europe, the White parts of North and South America, and East Asia, yes.
Fine. So we make it a group with no age-out, and a retirement pension available after 65. Otherwise, you live in the colony, and help feed and cloth the new recruits, if you can't pass the entrance exam for the US, or have repeated demerits.
Why would anyone be a hohol and die at Ukraine when they can come through the border? Shitty gabrage ass country is worse than the poorest shithole in africa
>Ukraine is shit
But anon, they got that way after centuries of being Russian, right? So didn't you just say Russia is shit?
The fundamental problem here is the what, why, and how of this.
Well, it's all available, but I do think a 12 month law and best practices is in order. Obviously the DoD would have a deep resource on the workings of foreign armies. I'm sure State does as well.
The What is a fighting force of essentially low cost meat, basically expendable compared to citizen volunteers. Posted in or near areas of likely conflict, serving as multiple role assets. The how is cash and some guys who think it'd be fun, and some aspiring foreigners who want to fight to get a chance to join the world's leading superpower.
I do wonder of a place where those who gain access can be settled in the early years of their citizenship. It would be wise to have them amongst their familiars for a few years to accustom, and make sure they're not gonna flip shit with PTSD and culture shock.
Obviously, with a barebones force, they'll have learned carpentry, gardening, cooking, and first aid on the base. So their own burdens are eased with an acre or two near a border.
Should we offer a cash bonus for those who succeed in citizenship?
Obviously you'll lump-sum the majority of payments when they get out, other than the clothing expenses and maybe some holiday pay to send gifts to the family. That will help, but at 200/month cash, they're gonna get out with roughly $15k in wages after taxes. Maybe they could get a GI Bill for education, and access to HUD as veterans? Plus enough for 1 year's rents and a good used car.
Problems with wounded vets could be a thing. Discharge for disability should be expected, we could be total dicks, but something like $100/month for life is a decent start for 1/4 disability, and $200/month for total disability. Maybe a yearly bonus of $400 around Christmas for all former, US citizens or no, assuming Honorable Discharge.
We don't want to be seen as cheap users. They should be properly trained and well fed while in care. They should have options to get education and join the US as productive citizens. And if they fail to join the US, they can still be productive at home, and Uncle Sam says we remember your help. This gives esteem to the US, as well as people who can be called by old buddies to see if they're doing well, and if they need anything.
i could just walk over their border and fuck their women for free, why would i other with all that bullshit?
It already exists, its called the US military.

Over 45% of all soldiers are not european in america's army.
Yep get of jewmocracy set up independent state and have solid order and then use them for public works and defense
Sure, who wouldn't want to make Israel richer?
I bet you're jerkin off at the thought jew
>Foreign Legion
They look Georgian, Polish and Colombian on that picture

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