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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Trannies are something out of a Horror Film :/
Pictures and videos of botched trans surgeries are worse than Mexican Cartel Gore
Holy fuck, that's crazy.
On the other hand, I'd let a dominant tranny plow my ass.
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She married him for the money and fame, she got what she deserved

It's people like these that need to feel the most hate in their hearts the most fury the most rage. If and when they decide to off themselves I hope they find whoever convinced them to transition whoever lied to them and brutally fucking murder them in cold blood i mean the most violent savage gorest murder for those who convince other to transition. As they Truly do the devil's work.
post selfie
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>Stable mind
you motherfucker think about trannies 24/7
Isn’t that the guy from Mr beast?

Did he troon?
Jesus Christ
it will turn out later on that mr beast made a jokingly challenge for him to become tranny for a couple years or so
I want to make fun of these demented freaks and then it's like... damn this is just a human tragedy. Such a waste. I hope that one day the people responsible for this bloody carnage face punishment for their actions.
That’s real?
The Mr beast dude trooned out?
no, no, no! that's what hitler would say! this is progressive and we are finally returning to the utopian genderfluid world of weimar. also, without cosmetic surgery jewish people would lose a lot of money and that's like annudah shoah you radicalized nazi freak.
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this is months old, you two have been living under a rock
this is her today
My fucking sides!
Is he still on the channel?
I guess now he's calling himself Mrs. Beast and insisting everyone else follow suit. I always knew he was a fag, always making that onions face in his thumbnails.
Yes it's Chris Tyson now he is trying to be Ava Tyson. It was coming out that he was a pedophile and abused his son so he came out as a troop to skirt public backlash and it actually 100% worked just like how other famous trannies made the switch after manslaughter so everyone in the media would forget about their past and anyone who tries to criticize them forever more will simply be labeled a bigot. Trooning is the ultimate get out of jail free card in the eyes of the media
Fucking disgusting. Troons should be placed on pikes
she cute
yeah shes sometimes in the videos

lolno shes is ok
Fuck that’s sad. Beautiful wife and kid and he does that shit.
That's an ugly man faggot
Kill yourself.
You will NEVER be a woman!
You will NEVER bear children!
Your parents will bury you under your birth name Daniel!

Do the world a favour and fucking kill yourself you faggot!
women only care about things that affect them.
is what I was gonna say, but aren't men the same? maybe it's just that men have more things that affect them, and therefore more things to care about.
it's like what Hitler said, about women's world being the smaller one.
men will care about distant wars because it affects them, women care about their men because it affects them.
women only caring about (mtf) trannies now that they affect them is proof of what Hitler was saying.
duuuuude if you had guessed my name right it would have been SO creepy lmfao
anyway having children is retarded, look at the world today
i dont wanna be a woman, im ok with looking like one
Did he get the chop?
Bruh if he's looking this masculine in the photos he photoshops and chooses to actually post online just imagine how masculine he is in real life. He is a big guy well over 6'
Less and less. Beastman is in a tough spot trying to balance not being a bigot and keeping his worldwide audience. While it's mostly support from the Western World the Muslim world doesn't want to see this shit and they are making up a larger and larger of his audience. Mr Beast did have a religious upbringing and is a devout follower of Elon Musk, not to mention he is deep in business, so he's certainly not some super Lib when it comes to this stuff even if he wants to support his friend
Id let him suck my dick , for money of course >>472294483
yeah he gets easily clocked because of his body size
shit happens, it is what it is
it is a mental illness whose only treatment is HRT (inb4 screeching)
it is what it is
41% yourself, marxist golem faggot.
i was practicing russian earlier posting on pol in russian
im not a commie
So he just came home one day, told his hot wife that he’s trans and wants a divorce?

How’s he going to explain that shit to his son?
Is it just me or do trannies actually skew even taller than the average male? Really a shame because manlettes could actually pull it off but instead dall white trannies are 6'+ Chads. Luckily Asian trannies are often still like 5' 2" so they're passing
what is there to explain
daddy is now mommy
if kids can tolerate parents punching each other i guess the kid will be ok with troon mommy
define trannies
anyone can be hit by dysphoria, it's very democratic like cancer
but only the few have the balls to medically transition
All trans women are real women.
The only treatment for that is a bullet.
All faggots are commies, dipshit
There are four genders; men, women, wait, no there are only two.
Mexinigger spamming threads about trannies
No shit stupid nigger it gets everyone nowhere you niggerbrain failure
I hope you're joking because kids don't tolerate that very well. It fucks them up for life.
buddy, you country is being invaded by beaners and feral niggers are everywhere and you havent done anything
its not going to be the millionaire tranny whos gonna tip you off okay?
just live and let live lil timmy
>the balls to medically transition
>trust me bro
where is the data
no joke, you have to be a real man to become a woman
most if not all poltards would chicken out at the thought
to think transitioning is "the easy way out" is borderline retarded
kris is ballsy as fuck
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What a repulsive faggot.
So Mr beast is the one on the bottom left right?
lmfao the kid doesnt want to hold the trans hand. lmfao shaaaaaaaame
Chicken McNo Nuggets
Jesus Christ.
bottom left right? you mean middle or?
I'm laughing at you, faggot.
Ironically looks like a more feminine version on chyna FROM WWF!
i have a gf
she has a cock but still a girl
seethe & sneeze
youre single
Reminder he openly reposted degenerate shadman loli porn and fantasized about fucking minors as early as 2017 and is now a tranny who has posted thirst bait pics for faggots of his toddler age son. He should be hanged.
>leave out comma
>bong malfunctions
That kid wishing there was adult around to save him from that fucking monster clutching him.
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>Mary morgan
>Talking about trannies
A ha, ahahahaha as if she wouldn't let chris pipe her down AHAHAHA. I hate trannies but she is literally an ewhore
Can someone find the deleted tweet from his ex wife where she alleged that chris is not allowed to be alone with his kid anymore?
Timeframe was shortly after he posted the picture where he put his baby in glitter high heels and said "slay" or something.

I know this is not /r/ but they didn't find anything either but i am 100% sure she posted it.
He did something very bad. They gave him an option jail or be a tranny. Just like when Bruce Jenner killed someone drunk driving and he never went to jail
Mr. Beast in the middle on the bottom.
Bottom left is one of his friends who trooned out.
Look @ his hair. This is more how he looks on a day to day. Greasy and unwashed, male pattern baldness on full display. Imagine this with. 5 o’clock shadow and a body full of coarse hair. Lmao. Prob smells like BO and cum mixed with expensive perfume
who are "they"
you schizo
HRT fixes balding
i was norwood 1.5 now i'm 1 in less than 1 year's time
testosterone is poison
god bless estrogen
fuck you nigger
Masons Chabad Illuminati you know the usual suspects
there is no they
he reached the tipping point and trooned out
happens to all trannies
i was there
The really sad thing is that his ex-wife can't even protect her son from this degenerate "father."
Clown world courts would be too afraid to call him out for being a mental reject and a danger to his kid's normal development.
Poor kid - he's the real victim here. Mom really let him down pairing up with a tranny reject. She looks pretty hot too, but guess the gold digging won out.
You are the poison. Thank God at least you self-deleted from the genepool. Thanks for that, faggot.
Yeah I’m sure it’s a random occurrence…..also what the fuck is Atrazine and why does it make frogs gay?
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Reminder that Anthony reed stole his wife’s underwear and dresses. The judge ordered him to return them, he didn’t, so he was sent to jail
being on feminizing hrt doesnt guarantee youll become sterile tho

schizoposting retard
It's euros fault. Just make a fucking wall and let them stew in their rainbow sauce.
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Pic rel. They spray it on ALL the corn in this country and the corn is in EVERYTHING.
I want to shove my cock in Mary Morgan's mouth and violently fuck it until she's crying
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No one will ever mate with you and you will die alone. Your bloodline ends with you.
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Yup Brazil anon wants to know the “they” are
i was already a genetic dead end before transitioning
being a male autist in BRAZIL of all places is a death sentence
never wanted to procreate either
my transition had zero social cost
>old je(w)di mind trick
weak bait
thats like telling the schizo to jumpf off the building because the gate to exit this prison dimension can only be passed with terminal velocity
or telling people to light a coal grill inside of the house in winter
or poke into the electrical outlet firmly gripping a a roofing nail in each hand
Kkkkkk perdi
stop comparing gender dysphoria with psychosis
i know youre trying really hard, but thats now the way
GD is very different from psychosis
they are opposite diagnosis
but youll believe whatever you wanna believe so w/e
So which is it? Was transitioning so super difficult that only real men could do it or have absolutely no social cost at all?
grim, not much longer
1x1=2, white boi
i dont think you know what social cost is
there is no incongruence or contradiction in what I said
Kris' transition had social cost, mine didnt
it still takes balls (haha my pun is so funny)
Too bad it kills your nuts
Maybe we can open the borders so you can give us the ultimate cross over. I have seen some pretty solid black sun tats on Mexicans.
He was cute before he transitioned.
ball damage not guaranteed
you can take bicalutamide as a testosterone blocker, it wont do anythinig to your balls and your testicles will be pumping T the whole time it just wont have anywhere to go
Cant wait for the current year remake where, well ackshually Buffalo Bill is a cis white male and Clarice is a stronk black trans womynx.
Why don't trannies just accept the reality that they are eunuch-to-be or true eunuchs post surgical castration? Eunuchs have a history as old as civilization. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. They are even mentioned in the bible.

Society would have an easier time with the odd femininine half-men being their own thing rather than bearded gorillas claiming to be women.
Trans doesn't exist therefore trans people do not exist. Crossdressers exist, people with developmental disabilities exist. Just not trans.
Gives you ED and kills libido
varies a lot
my erections havent been affect at all
my libido was dead during the first months, then it came back
>I hope that one day the people responsible for this bloody carnage face punishment for their actions.
It is single liberal women with a laundry list of mental health issues and the tribe making a whole lotta money off it.
This. Anyone who feels sorry for her is a fucking white knight simp. She's a whore
>but only the few have the balls to medically transition

You lucked out but don't get cocky. It's still possible for it to cause said effects with prolonged exposure.
cool, dont care
libido is a waste of time
masturbation and porn are retarded
Ah, Mary. The trash that Tim Pool threw away but couldn't let go of so he hired her on a separate channel that doesn't get any traffic.
So if it has no social cost, what makes it difficult?
the thing is the shit transwomen go throuhg i was already going through as an autistic retard
so it's a tie
so i guess it could be worse
at least my GD is getting easier
im cured from alopecia
god bless estrogen
testosterone is poison

So it had no social cost and multiple benefits. You still haven't told me what makes transitioning for 'real men'.
well it gives you tits, you wouldnt want that
fine, it wasnt that difficult for me
but it was for kris, he was far ballsier than me
dude had a marriage and a kid
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Mexico had a 3rd gender. But they were mostly artists/architects/wrtiters etc...and would help women with chores.

So you don't see yourself as a trans woman, but still take estrogen? Like you have dysphoria and are treating it, but don't need the social 'woman' part of the transition?
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>you motherfucker think about trannies 24/7
Yeah but now he has an army of tranny faggots like you who will defend him no matter what and social media will brand anybody who criticizes him a bigot because he wears a dress.
I know you're a huemonkey but someday it will click for you that trooning is a way to get spergs to pay for their own sterilization
how did you conclude that
i have no interest in being socially male

well politically everything is weird everywhere
at least you wont go to jail for calling him a man like you will here
how many children do you have?
i bet youre single and childless
having children is retarded, the world is a fuck
eat shit & die nigger
Just read that this stupid cunt replied to criticism of the tranny she had a little boy with:
"Be better. Set better examples."
Guess irony is lost on her. Poor fucking kid - he's doomed.
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>You will live to see
>dont speak English
>native English speaker misunderstands
yankee have much hubris.

I was living as a gay man pre transition. I'm still living as a gay man on estrogen now. Worrying about 'sterilization' is a spook as I'm exclusively homosexual. That's something for bishits and straights to worry about.
He is the chortler. He probably was masking heavy his whole life, behind some stupid shit eating grin and CHORTLING. Who's got the meme?
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im going to bed
if anyone wants to continue this conversation my telegram ID is bitchdarlene
good night my lovely cisneurotypical friends
there’s something off about mr beast with that fake smile
Any proofs that reincarnation is unequivocally false? I'm not a jeet, but I've heard some neoplatonic arguments in favor of it and fear the slim possibility of reincarnating into this.
I know of at least two married men, both of them huge fucking dudes, who transitioned in the last few years.
And as far as I know their wives are still with them.
Fucking mindboggling.
>o-oh, i guess im a lesbian pansexual heh now that my husband transitioned
i'd let him blow me.
My cock isn't big enough for my liking, will the docs do that to me? Use my leg flesh to make a 6" extension so then I have a monster 14 incher, I won't ever feel like my true self if this dream doesn't come true.
based writers
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pls return to ur nuclear relationship
Theres a 41% chance of that being the case for you in a decade as well
Sounds like maybe she's maybe more worried about his fucked up delusions infecting the kid rather than him touching him appropriately, when in actuality she should just tell him his dad's dead and skip the country with him so she doesn't have to worry about it either since they're both extremely legitimate concerns
He is a pedo..
He uses filters and MySpace angles.
Unedited photos, he looks even shittier.
I hope you die in your sleep you literal subhuman.
Dysphori is self induced.
No, it can't affect everybody.
It only affect magical thinkers.
Dysphoria is disordered thinking induced by indulging in too much fantasy.
You are legit insane.
He is a man and you are both delusional faggot orgasm chasers with a shallow, shitty life.
is no one going to post pictures of and mr beast hanging out with tranny porn stars including a noted discord groomer pedophile
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He is a degenerate who stole his sister's clothes.
>not keeping track of every mentally ill faggot.is living under a rock
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is it me or does she look like she's repulsed by him. Her body position looks like she's pulling away it that makes sense
Aaand they're White. What a surprise.
This guy can get a hot of wife and some polcels can’t. Explain yourselves.
Sounds like he was blowing loads in his sister's panties. And he still found a slim decent looking female to marry him. And now he's gay.
Green line test never fails. At the very least subconsciously we all know the rules.
virgin detected. why else would a woman marry a man?
Real woman here. You don't look like one. You think we can't tell, but we can tell.
Look at your hands when you type.
100% with you on that one.
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Guess what he's doing to his son :/
>without suspecting a thing
I love how women play the blind retard when it suits them. The wife knew. She knew for years probably even before he did. He still payed the bills so she didn't care.
Yo bro >>472315211
what the fuck do they put in your food there anglos?
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>he cute
I'd do him
most brazilanons are cool
you're a fucking faggot
Imaginaire being a woman, than having your husband troon out and than having to pretend you're ok with it because your female brain can't had the backlash of speaking out against it. Really feel sorry for the ex wife and the kid.
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We did?
Based. trannies are mentally unwell people that require castration to stop their negative genes from spreading. Thankfully they do this to themselves.
I guess women shouldn’t marry effeminate beta söys with left wing leanings, did it to herself
feet pics?
a literal parody. straight out of a monty python sketch.
>she cute
this is your brain on porn addiction. no """shes""" not. not even close. but your brain is so fucked up, so used to distorted shocking things thats find this thing cute. unbelievable how fucked up you are and dont even realize it
Thanks but i was talking about the tweet from Kris ex wife. She had a tweet where she alleged that Kris is no longer allowed to see his son without supervision because of that picture.

Appreciate the tag tho.
>she cute
You blind.
Yeah he looks like shit. Like he aged 20 years in 2 months. Transition does that often I've noticed.

Wasn't this guy statuatory raped as a preteen or something?
Imagine your father showing up to open house at school dressed as a woman. Ogre.
He also groomed several minors like LavaGS and Coy Piso
I want to witness trannies being hung from lampposts or having their heads shot off one by one with bullets for a good fucking laugh, so I'm trying to live a long and healthy life.
They often seem to troon out after doing something that could potentially ruin their life. Jenner trooned out after killing some woman in a car crash. The matrix trannies trooned out after allegations of abusing minors in Japan came out. I unironically believe that troons made a deal with the devil and becoming a troon is the down payment.
kris is AGP
it's based
let him be
estagfirullah. Mohammed - get some bigger stones
No. Its all related and should be eradicated.
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youre dumb and clueless
DIY hrt is very affordable, 50 euros
this ship is long gone grandpa
get on with the times
>it's based
No. It's degenerate enough if it's just crossdressing to have a wank but once you make that your whole identity you should just kill yourself.
wait until you find out AGPs have been a thing since forever
Mary, you're cute and all but for fuck sake buy an ad

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