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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Hey , you , law enforcement
I know you're reading this
Kill yourself

Never forget
Cops patrolled beaches in California too. They taped off public benches in parks. I will never forget it, or how Gavin Newsom went to the French Laundry while telling people to stay home, or how his Aunt went to a hairstylist and when they ratted her out their business ended up closing down
Pic related is faggot Newscum at French Laundry not wearing a mask or following any of his rules
I don't get how someone hasn't Jack Ruby him or that niglet midget Karen bass
you're a cuck because you didn't do anything to stop this. what did YOU do to combat these evil law enforcement? have you killed one yet? no no no no no you're just going to trying to bait someone here into doing it
I'm not trying to bait
And yes I do want someone to go AWOL on the force and kill their colleagues and superiors like dorner tried to do

In fact I want someone to bomb a police station so I can wake up and cum when I see it on the news in the morning with my coffee and spliff lol

The last great happening was when that guy gunned a buncha porkers in Texas
>i want other people to do the things i want to see happen
cringe and glownigger pilled. do it yourself or fuck off. not your personal army.
I'm not doing shit but talking online homo cry about it

Kill yourself porker
Cunts status: patrolled
Anarcho-Tyranny & The Managerial State
>i dindu nuffin but suggest people should murder law enforcement for me because im too much of a faggot pussy to do it myself

You are literally on federal payroll. I refuse to believe someone can be as retarded as you unironically
yeah our boys do like to glow oh so bright
Who decided that cops should be walking around like this. These guys should be so ashamed of themselves for what they are doing, but they just don't care.
Law enforcement is simply enforcing the law.
Shouldn't you be mad at the people who gave the orders instead?
Attention zog bot. Shoot your self and kill your self with your service weapon. That is all. Thank you.
the rona was so dangerous they needed guns to shoot any germs on sight
theres a specific sheriff i think you should name drop and death threat in this very thread. u wont
I am mad at both

The police chose to lose that argument when they claimed to take a oath to enforce the law and watched niggers kill innocent people and burn their businesses down.
Caliwali here, I remember LE's going out on jet-skis to fine/arrest surfers. They also up patrols of the woods to catch "violators" of the "we never had a real lockdown".
Get a real job, nigger
Australia leads the world in cancer frequency. They are too far gon. I think that they should just let the changs take over.
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They had 4 or 5 cops pinning down a guy who was having a heart attack on the floor of the shopping centre trying to put a face mask on him. He was having a HEART ATTACK before they pinned him to the floor
They want everyone to forget all this stuff. Never forget. Never forgive.

They used a helicopter to fly on a mountain and arrest a guy sitting in a tent
Maximizing profits through policy and vice> the laws they swore to uphold. Higher man authority permits it. Tyrants need brute squads so it's mutually beneficial unless you're just a pleb.
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>Never forget
Shitwood is a pussy faggot who wont do shit
typical low IQ white cops.
five eyes countries are the biggest faggots in the world aside from Mudslimes and Jews
Yeah I never forgot nut'in
I worked most of 2020 as a uscensus worker driving all over my sectors following up on flagged survey locations, ie houses, home lots, rv parks, boonies where houses hide down dirt roads.
It was cool.
2021 I hadn't worked since November 2020 so I rode my mountain bike with slick tires all over my town.
It was beautiful.
Not a single fucker driving on any streets. Not a soul walking. Not even any other bike riders.
I would ride my bike swerving all over the road and jumping curbs.
Everyone else was hiding under their beds behind locked door and shuttered windows.
I would cruise somewhere and just smoke a cig and laugh. I did drawings and small landscapes and never saw anything moving but the birds and rabbits and odd dog or coyote.
It was on a indian reservation
IQ does. Ot exist its preset.mostly false multiple choice nonsense tests
are you sure? tell him about what weapons you have and what you plan on doing with them. maybe you can become and immortal meme lord as well
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Why make any threats at all? He is clearly already dead inside. I wonder how the Jews were able to summon so much vigorous support from this one man in power.
Fuck the police
Largest waste of fucking taxpayer dollars
Protect nothing
Just jack themselves off
Faggots in blue
for the lulz of course
You want lulz, do it yourself. This thread is about law enforcement and how they should commit suicide.
We know Gary, they think they're better than the plebs. And to be honest since 80% of the peasant cattle took the jab, can you blame them for it?
They swore an oath and they broke it. They're traitors.
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cops are niggers. it's simple as.
no no, getting arrested for shit posting is only funny when it happens to someone else. go ahead now post the words
They were among the first to line up and get it. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if some abuser their authority to get it in advance. And I applaud them for participating.
What words?
this is what happens to a disarmed populace
fuck i honestly forget them.. hold on..
I wish the based aussie schizo teacher had killed more pigs.
>law enforcement

the correct term is zogbot
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i have too many unsorted files but i want to find the exact power words
The only thing more pathetic and loathsome than the zog are zogbots
>live in medium sized midwestern town
>police are ordered to tape off playground so children can’t play on it
>go to playground with 5 year old son
>cop is laughing and playing with my son, he keeps taping off the bottom of the slide so my son can break through it like he’s winning a race
Police take orders and fulfill those orders but not all of them have faith in those orders. It’s like any other job where the employees that stick to their morals or go above and beyond their duty are the ones that gain the most respect.
It's a photo from Brazil lmao. It isn't even an Australian cop OR beach.
Holy shit, look at the ass on that child on the right. You can't tell me that isn't objectively hot.
Are you white? Because the US government hates white people, and that pig enforced anti white laws. All it takes is one court order and he'll splatter your brains to get your son.

here is a link about it. have all the screenshots been scrubbed from the internet>???? i can only find censored versions of it. i should of tooken more screenshots myself but i just didnt idk what to say
KEK i didnt notice till now god dammit anon... youre right
Oink oink piggy, don’t let the niggers kill you, that would be a real shame.
never happened. cops are niggers
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Never let anyone gaslight you on the concentration camps either. They had mandatory quarantine camps for people with Covid in Australia.
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Rules are for peasants. OBEY your betters, CA trash.
This cop was a white male just like me and my son.
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>every major city
oink oink never happened, cops are niggers
He'd splatter your brains on the wall if a judge ordered gender "therapy" for your son and you resisted.
now show the mothers who refused to moved and then the police grabbed the child and tried to pull them away from the grip of the mother while accusing the mother of breaking the childs arms.
the kid was about 1-2 years old in the video.
Right, and all of you little bitches still vote leftists into office. I don't give a fuck. I want you all to suffer and live in misery in the world you created.
I have a knife I intend to stab him with
Got nothing on that funny inna mittle
I remember when they came to my house and the roastie cop had her hand hovering around her gun because me and my gf were seen outside of the house 10 days into 2 weeks of forced isolation with no signs of sickness

Don't forget bringing in construction equipment to fill skate parks up with sand.
u have to say it all in one post with the full name and location to activate the glowies, not that they arent already watching. some have actually gotten arrested doing this so again, i warn you.
also if you do it and get arrested i would of personally had a good laugh so its up to you.
im not gonna dare you because i can probably get caught up legally somehow. so i am stating for the record now i have no weapons and no ill intention twards any living or deceased life form of any kind. this includes all species and all known life in the unseen universe
did they clean it up afterward ??????
Being raised by single mothers really messed you up.
whats it like being an ugly do nothing cuck?
also CA here and we did have a real lockdown and it was fucking awesome, because I didn't obey any of it. Fuckin shredding a nearly empty downtown LA on my motorcycle
In plenty of countries people would've begun an assassination campaign against police, threatened/kidnapped/disappeared their families, and outright killed anyone opposing this.

And then there's western Faggot Democracy.
its funny because the virus literally had more than a 99% survival rate its super funny dude haha
Are those countries on the planet with us?
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white people have trapped themselves between the government they worship as god and the same government who is about to kill them
I like how the glowies are chatting with each other
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>all politicians and royals violated lockdowns
>not a single one got sick or died
yes and the cuckfornians keep voting for this trash party
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yeah, never forget becaue IT'S NOT OVER
(((THEY))) still want us locked up and kill of piecemeal

as for the POLIZEI and glowniggers reading this, your moment of truth is coming now
are you with us or with your (((masters)))?
The Last Happening was when Lil' Timmy showed them what the fuck he was gon' do.
I will stab chitwood in his benis in Florida from my home in Shasta county California and there's nothing anyone can do about it
Im sure those cops are trembling in their boots and would not dare to think of following such orders again after you did not forget about it.

You wont do shit.
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Always the same.
Wherever you go.
Any proof that law officer threatened them?
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Has anyone ever contacted the Tasmania police and asked them each day if its okay to go outside?
That really would be a fun thing to do.
Thin Blue Line motherfuckers, these could have been terrorist kids like in Gaza!!!
Say his name, bitch.
Absolute tyranny. And terrorism.
They're not here for you. They're here for me. If you want them to read your shit, try talking about how it's rational, moral and necessary for society to exterminate capitalists, for instance.
kek id say it pretty good if it upsets people like you
To be fair, the rona lockdowns were fresh after the BLM riots that created the "you side with pigs or side with nigs" false dichotomy. Most people thought cops were pro freedom and right wing, then got caught with their pants down when blue heroes started writing tickets and making arrests for leftist legislated mandates.

Now there's zero excuses though. We know all cops are commies and serve the jew, and will obey any and every order. If someone tells me they support the police, I assume they're a communist or jewish
>if you call out glownigger and kike politicians you are .....LE GLOWNIGGER
Are you fucking retarded? He has a gun and is in tactical gear. Imagine if you or I went to the beach and started pointing our gun at everyone who doesn't listen to our commands.
i know american zoomers that unironically think like that. their line of thought is, you are too smart, only a fed could know this etc. really pathetic so see levels of paranoria and retardations but i promise you these people are real and scared of everything
i meant to respond to this
typical i would fuck up something like this when talking about how smart i am kek
Fuck the zogbots, fuck the police, fuck the military, fuck every single one of those pseudo right wing french cucks who suck the dick of law enforcement and military, calling them "based" "right wing" "nazis" and so on just because they've seen an article about a few guys that got kicked out because they had pseudo nazis tattoos on their arms. Imagine the level of delusion in this fucking country where the average cuckservative who is redpilled about everything still think that the armed goons of the state are on the side of the people.
they just wanted some BBC on the beach
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Glownigs, zogbots, bureaucrats, think-thanks and politico-clowns reading this. Have you no shame, no decency, no morals or soul? If you stay your course and don't repent and turn away from your grievous sins, your souls are consigned to hell in the afterlife for your despicable, disgusting and evil acts in this life.

No one likes you, appreciates you, looks up to you, respects you, or can even stand you. Everyone hates and despises you and has nothing but disdain and contempt for you, even the genocidal tyrants whose eager enforcers and accessories in genocide and crimes against humanity you are. You are despicable evil. You are revolting to all decency and morality. You are a disgrace and a stain on history. You are foot soldiers and cruel attack dogs of murderous despots. Your names and memory will live in infamy. You will be pointed to as examples of the worst dregs of humanity

You will stand trial at Nuremberg 2.0 and be hanged for your heinous complicity and accessory to genocide and crimes against humanity as well as your loyalty to genocidal tyrants.
Everyone alive to witness Nuremberg 2 will cheer your sentencing and rejoice at your execution. No one will come visit your graves, which will be nameless, or lay flowers for you there, not even your spouses, parents or children. They will be ashamed to have been related to you, married to you, descended from you or to have borne your name.

God is real, there is an afterlife, there will be consequences and *EVERY* debt will be paid, *IN FULL*. If not in this life then the next

Stop. Think. Reconsider. Repent. Accept Christ, ask Him and His Father for forgiveness for all the evil you already committed.

Apologize to and ask for forgiveness from the innocent civilians you've been oppressing, repressing and persecuting.
Resign or reverse course and help the resistance against the genocide which is unfolding while there is still time to make a difference and before you have even more innocent blood on your hands
He was there with someone who wrote the restrictions he just approved and being enacted the next day.
I think it's funny the military guys looks like they could care less. It's a shame they didn't shoot the cops though.
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freemasons are real humanists!
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