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Freeworldbros.... We're cooked
It’s so over
Based and Anti-US pilled
nafo trannies freaked out over this. tons of nato and related countries sent troops to kill sand niggers when we decided to play cowboys and sand niggers
>my tax money will now kill moskals AND commie gooks
That's embarrassing
i'm looking forward to seeing some glorious DPRK NUMBA ONE zerg rushes
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might need to wipe
>no source
>random shitter account
NAFOtrannie thread, back to /k/ope losers
more firepower to slaughter white christians in ukraine
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What are the chances, that nork troops rebel? 0%?
Less than 0% kys before they capture you.
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you wish you had friends that good
ivan i wouldn't be shocked best korea wanted to get their leaders some combat time. Nato countries did like i pointed out also
Does this mean China is officially on Russias side? I think yes.
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He has a few ideas.
both sides they are selling the drone parts and banking
@JANNIES please make this a flag option. this is more accurate than the leaf flag option
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i made 2
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Russia has just got the most powerful army existing now
I guess the Russians really are having a hard time finding more cannon fodder. But how useful will the political prisoners Kim wants to get rid of really be?
did you say the same thing when Romania sent troops to Iraq?
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>get to watch gooks get ripped apart along with vatniggers
kino incoming

What i find amusing is that western media is calling the troops being sent there Cannon Fodder as if the Norks don't know it themselves.
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>We're cooked
Just like last time Norks and Russians took on America.
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There's some comment attributed to Xi to the effect that while China are not currently assisting Russia, Russia are holding their own against 50 countries already so if China do decide join in, not even God could help the West.
>he has a few ideas
We were ready to start WW3 over a tree and they they bitched out, korea has no ideas, they get scared shitless
Japan could literally solo them
How will they get there? Don't they only teach about NK in school there? They would get lost in such an alien world.
>How will they get there?
Airplanes exist anon
>muh made up quote
Bank of China literally just complied with US sanctions on Russia
They're making too much money from us to care, Russia is literally China's bitch, they'll be taking Siberia when Russians finally collapse for the third time in 100 years
Made a tear come out of my eye
they're more likely to go by train though
I'm guessing that the Russians would tell them where to go. They are just there to catch bullets.
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>they get scared shitless
US: 0
What do they have to fear?
The US have also given trillions to blacks in their own country to not riot, loot the country or become hopeless, useless permaburdens. How's that working out for you faggots?
depends on the numbers, equipment by train is normal. advon will be flown in. Cant really see them doing it much different than we do over all. South Korea needs to pay attention. North Korean officers and leaders will have a front row to the meat grinder to battle harden them, While South Korean is hoping our transarmy will protect them
>talking about the US in the third person
Forgot you're on a VPN, faggot?
Would a war in korea be anything like Ukraine? I get that experience is experience, but the questions still should be asked.
>useless link with unrelated question citing reuters citing random worst korea journalist talking about "disguised engineers" without source
How is this a source? Why are you posting this trash nigger?
Did you forget to eat watermelon today?
So, not so well with that nigger thing then. Got it.
The sanctions that would follow would almost immediately collapse their merchant economy with ours following immediately after.
>Cant really see them doing it much different than we do over all
basically, trains are reliable and they dont have any sanction-related difficulties for rail parts. not to mention it's simply cheaper to send them by rail and the rails are already ready to go
korea ( i was a zog bot) will be an arty and drone war just like ukraine is now. only with shorter supply lines
show flag, subhuman
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>Don't they only teach about NK in school there?
Of course not. Their daily news starts by showing an animated globe with North Korea highlighted.
if they are only sending say 5k trooops, they will fly its cheaper, if its more like 50k then trains I agree with you
say nigger you can do that
agreed but really, if its only 5k it almost wont matter in this kind of war
show flag, subhuman
Yo, that's kind of fucking awesome. lol.
>I’m putting together a team
Kek worst fucking team ever. Were Sierra Leone and Moldova too busy?
true but it gives them experience which is not cheap. Sanctions on planes don't affect Russia as they flagged them all out of Bermuda before the war started
That's wholesome.
Nigger, its easy say it. NIGGER only russians can't say nigger
15 half starved dwarves from Best Korea is going to change the map of Europe forever. Forget saving Ukraine, we have to start planning on defending Poland and Germany. Those Koreans from Best Land are the pinnacle of masculine warriors.
I guess putin is tired of his soldiers being blown up by their shitty munitions so he's brought some of Kim's people in to blow up in their place.
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Which do you think is better conditioned to accept catastrophic social conditions over the long term?

China will be getting along fine long after the US balkanizes into whiny chaos and becomes nothing more than an historical footnote and cautionary tale that people in the future will be hard pressed to believe could even possibly be true.
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>How will they get there?
Probably by train since they share a common border.
Or some of the many Koreans working in Russia could be mobilized
I wish my wife waved to me like Putin waves to Kim. That is what true admiration and loyalty looks like.
fuck off nigger, show flag
GAYTO LARPboys gonna press that article 5 fr.
there you go faggot you can say nigger. This is my flag, How about you go dilate in your jew containment thread
>DPRK: 1
They failed to reunify their country in an offensive war, they have 0 wins.
Based demoralized leaf. May you be raked last.
Imagine all the countries pressured to stop their movement, this has to be by sea or air. But sea is the most non invasive way
judeo christians are fucked, my man.
Glowniggers can not besmirch their new god anon. It's a great way to filter them.
God please tell me we're going to send S. Koreans to fight for Ukraine so we can literally continue the Korean war in Europe.

God, that would be so fucking awesome.
I apologize. You're no glownigger, just a kike.
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>They failed
They were attacked and successfully defended themselves.
Zelensky wishes he could claim the same.
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>I get to watch Russians, Indians, Somalis, Chinks, AND Norks get drone dropped
I am so sorry for doubting your love, Jesus
ching chong
>this is my flag
Doubt that, nigger
nigger i already said i served in the army forces in America, while you Timmy from Ohio Settlement I know you serve Israel
no, I think you're the one who's a dune coon, switching IDs and talking about "your country" in the third person
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The west is not in a war economy like Russia is.
Our Arms factories don't run 24/7 and we don't build New factories all over Germany. We try to help but we don't spend more than we have instead only use spare change that we have.
Don't cope that nonsense for the sake of not making Russia looking pathetic like it is and only really slowly win against Ukraine.
Ukraine is a big country with a big population and Putin underestimated Ukraine extremely.
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putler is satan
No one cares about your pretending that you're a zogbot, nigger
Hop off the VPN and show flag
>other underequipped, underpaid, undertrained troops fighting 2 GORILLION kms from home
Good, more meat for the meatgrinder.
oh you are full blow nafo tranny raging. Sweet i caught a live one.
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>The Interview
Didn't Sony get hacked because they were making that film?
So can you explain why the poster that I was originally replying was talking about the USA in the third person, kike? I actually you don't doubt that you're a zogbot, you're desperate for attention, as all niggers who served are
no i can't i wasn't that guy, but you can now say nigger which is good, i am glad you learned to say nigger
US infantry vet here. I just can't come to grips with the warfare being conducted in Ukraine, at least that which is leaked or shown. There's no unit on unit engagements at even the company level, just groups of three or four guys dodging artillery spotted by AliExpress drones or improvised munition suicide drones flown by zoomers. Territory of a cratered moonscape is gained or lost in square kilometers or even meters sheesh. Glad I'm not involved in this schitzo cluster fuck.
Whites siding with Asians to kill Whites. Meanwhile the third would is raping White women.
>Russia: "Can we be allies?"
>US: "No."
>Russia: *Allies with North Korea*
>US: "Waaaaah, it was supposed to be meeee"
I countries were people, the US would be a woman.
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Americans need to learn how the French Foreign Legion and Gurkhas work. Quality > Quantity. You don’t even need White soldiers to fight.
>the US would be a man in a dress calling itself a woman.
I bet he is a better kisser than your wife too...
One third worlder can catch a bullet as catch a bullet as good as the rest.
Is that what you're seething about? Lmao. What actual american outside of a full-blown zioboomer or glownigger would actually say "we" or "us" when talking about the USA? I'm not going to pretend that I have any relation to the retarded bullshit the government does. I wouldn't even talk about my state in the first person.
>Captcha: WHVT
well the implicaiton is, much like how nato has commanders in ukraine that gather intelligence, north korea will beef up its own intelligence from seeing combat in ukraine.
Hopping VPNs again, are we?
nigger lover not everyone is russian, i realize your jew worship has fucked your brain up but this is getting sad.
I dunno I wasn't paying attention to anything when that movie came out. I even paid for it.
Monke leaving says bye
Sure thing semite, say "christ is king and the one messiah"
country of pussies

K-pop has caused North Korean deaths without even trying. North Koreans are pussies who can't leave the border. South Korea are dropping A class Psychological warfare while Kim Kardashian can just sit and cry like a pussy while both their birth rates decline. South Koreans go to the streets and fight against a literal feminist cult that infiltrated their government. The Kim Dynasty hasn't done shit to act against degeneracy like South Koreans have. Stop being disloyal you faggot. The South Will Rise Again.
seething zogbot lmao
no i am not worshiping your jew on a stick nigger lover
I'll believe it when I see it. But god I hope it's true because >>472300033
Dumb nigger moor
Then denounce the talmud and the quran, subhuman dune coon
>South Korea are dropping A class Psychological warfare
South Korea has the lowest birthrate in the world
holy based savior of white race russia sending north koreans to invade europe and kill europeans
It seems like almost every country managed by the post ww2 winners have low birth rates.
Now they just have to get cuba on board and it will be just like the good old days.
>denounce the talmud and the quran
I denounce the talmud and the quran, now denouce your niggers you love so much faggot, proclaim to the world men can not be women
Who said I love niggers, zogbot? You're the one trying to get attention as a nigger
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>The Kim Dynasty hasn't done shit to act against degeneracy
Check their stance on those who bring K-Pop into North Korea
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They haven't resorted to dragging unwilling men off the street and conscripting literal downeys yet like oinkraine.
North Koreans are being sent into hard labour for watching K-Dramas while they don't do shit at the DMZ. Seoul as the higher KD ratio at the moment.
See, I knew that's what you would say. If you were a normal human being, you might see how you humiliated yourself, take the loss, and move on, but as you're a Langley language model, all you can do is regurgitate obvious shill buzzwords and catchphrases.
so you can't denounce them. GLOWNIGGER
>North Koreans are being sent into hard labour for watching K-Dramas
Ultra based. I kneel. May the Supreme Leader Kim save the decadent south from the grasps of the great Satan
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>being sent into hard labour for watching K-Dramas
As they should
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I agree. My scale of measure: the more triggered the NAFO troon shills become the more I admire the leader they hate.
>omg he banned NGOs
>gays live in fear so homophobic
>they make females dress modestly
Sure I denounce niggers. Why are you always thinking about niggers as a zogbot? Did you get raped by some in basic or something.
Koreans unlike Russians really value their families. If a lot of Korean sons/husbands don't return home it'll cause discontent.
Why can't GLOWNIGGERS denounce trannies as men and not women. GLOWNIGGER! suck more of that jew cock bitch for your wagies
How can they be the bad guys?
>Starve Korean sons
No discontent
>Punish Korean son for wrong thought
No discontent
>Punish Korean son and all family for treason of cousin
No discontent
>Send son to war
Yes discontent.
is this the first time we've seen North Korean troops in action?
no they have troops in Zimbabwe
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They outlawed orthodoxy
and the crosses on the lavra turned black as a sign from God
Relax, it's a regular nothingburger being served to you by your media
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>How can they be the bad guys?

“A time is coming when men will go mad, and when they see someone who is not mad, they will attack him, saying, 'You are mad; you are not like us.”
― St. Antony the Great
90% of your economy rely on Chinese manufacturing and sourcing.

Good luck with that.
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Big if true, best koreans already defeated the US once, now they can help to do it again
Yea we getting drafted for sure now
It looks like NK is now contained
Well, one is a dictator that starves his people and kills you and your whole family if you dare to even try to leave the country. Sounds pretty chill guy.
Well, the other is just invading a sovereign country and killing thousands of ukrainians and russians in the process, in the name of liberating those regions, which he carpet bombed, from the hands of the neo nazis....
Damage control coming in 3.. 2.. 1...
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based. total troon death
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what can they even send? 50 malnourished 5' 4" soldiers with military gear that was outdated 40 years ago?
Best Korea just got even better.
It would be good to have NK anon back with his rare flag.
Cool. I hope Russia, North Korea, China, a recommiefied Vietnam, a Chinese owned Taiwan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, and every other country that hates us to just gang up and absolutely fucking destroy Israel and the Jewnited States. Fund our rebel groups, Russia, I want our alphabet soup glowfaggots to be doxxed and double tapped (in Minecraft). I want every dual-citizen, republicuck "conservative", and lemming liberal fucking gone. It's all so tiring.
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The Jew lead West is DONE
How will this save white race?
Friendship restored.
Accidental missile test into Kiev :DDD
Hey Chang, ensuring that the pride flag flies in jewkraine isn't the answer either.
Can't wait to see emaciated gooks wave for the drones.
Not to defend amerimutt kikes but Russia faggots won ww2 as well. Every country is ruled by a ww2 winner by now
a geriatric manlet and an obese chink with a 52" waist hiding behind bulletproof glass. those sure are some super cool "gangstas", Gayrbek. keep posting it.
Grorious NK 'bout to dab on Nafo looney troonz
>plane takes off
>still waving
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The webms are going to be kino
>super friends alliance against globohomo
It's China from wish.com
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Behold, the masculine muttforce with the bodies of greek gods (hephaestus)
At least they are not invading anyone. Just eating a cake.
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>the bear will leave its cave forever
oh heck that was north korea

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