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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The polling is not looking good dem bros.
No one cares who wins. Stop trying to make people shoot up malls you glowing faggot
If the felon wins, all libshits will be forced to die
Hang CIA agents from lamp posts. Bury FBI agents alive. Light ATF agents on fire and then feed them to dogs. Tie IRS agents to anchors and send them to a watery grave. Skin journalists alive. Boil politicians in oil. Kick Wendys chefs to death with steel toed boots.
As a republican, I want him to win

>waAaAat abOuT projJeCTt 2025??!!??!

Nigga I want that to happen
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I cannot believe after what we have all witnessed this past 4 years ANYONE can honestly believe we will ever see a fair/real election happen ever again.
What did the Wendy's chefs do to you?
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Nothing ever happens
A Wendys chef fucked my wife.
literally glowing
>What happens if the felon actually wins
BIDING has proven that the election can easily be stolen. it will be stolen again. easily.
I have literally never known anyone to participate in these alleged polls. I'm convinced it's exclusively boomers who check their snail mail every day, which yeah they would have a heavier leaning towards trump.
Don’t worry, Biden won’t win.
>Biden vs Trump
it's already fake, two millionaire oligarchs who have both already been president and agree on basically everything. At this point they're just rubbing your face in it whoever "wins".
Does anything even matter anymore? The candidates are by far the worst I’ve ever had the misfortune of “voting” for. This election cycle is the ultimate humiliation ritual.

I get to pretend to vote for either a senile pedophile who couldnt find his way off stage or a Jew submissive who apparently takes pleasure in being shamed by the ones he sucks off at every opportunity
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>jew cock sleeve
>jew cock sleeve
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I hope he turns the IRS inside out and tears up the Federal Reserve charter. If it's not backed by oil or gold, wtf is the $ anyways. The spell is broke.
Wendy's doesn't have chefs. Your wife got plapjacked by a burger flipper.
Go suck George Floyds Big Black Cock.
You know you guys just rigged it last time right?

>Be me
>Go to five guys
>Ask for the usual
>Cashiers says thatll be treefiddy
>The cook takes my burg , throws it on the floor everybody walked the dinosaur
It really does not matter who wins since either way Americans still loses big time.
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He's gonna win, eat a dick you baby-rapist loving kike serving lefty enabling naive lefty tranny
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That's McFucked up.
Yeah! Trump is not a kike-servant, he's the "King of Israel"!
Federal Income tax is gone and the federal government has to care about the US economy to get tariff money rather than rigging the stock market for self gains. It will be a new age of wealth since Americans get more of their paycheck
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>Your wife got plapjacked
ACHHUALLY I'm a chef , head chef at Wendy's and I make 100k a year
there likely will be "an election"
but it will be only for show
>I get to pretend to vote
always did
Trump is the one person who can solve this mess Whoever votes Biden or doesn't see the national and global chaos Biden's incompetence caused is a dumbfuck.
Don't fuck with Wendy's bro it's literally the last place you can eat for $4
WWE is more believable.
>Trump is the one person who can solve this mess

you and .45 fmj will do that you stupid mutt
>>472307739 Germany flag
>'do something'
Imagine believing that voting harder this coming election will fix government incompetency
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The Real Criminals are coming.
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Good way to find out won't it? You Americans need to have your foundations shook and stop assuming things

Can a president be charged criminally? If so, where does he get housed? Can he do the job from his cell? House arrest and its the white house?

Can he pardon himself and if not, why considering he can pardon others?

You don't ask these things because you don't wanna think about it. That's your problem you never think, and I get stuck with mods being alive because you wanna be stupid.

No more. Accelerationism not for the sake of a better tomorrow but a worse today. Get fucked normie
He still goes to prison, and his Vice pick gets to be president. The Republicans will pretend to be sad, so they can collect campaign donations.
It's going to be a dictatorship and fascism and racism and transhobia and some gayphobia just like it was in 2016 when we all barely survived all the racism wars and the biggie vs Tupac wars and the hate against kids cutting their dicks off. Do we really want another fascist dictatorship again? Come on. We're better than that? Right? Another fascism? That sucks!
>goes to prison

The Supreme Court just ruled that bribery is totally fair and legal and cool as long as nobody is watching.
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Biden/CNN are going to repeat that Trump is a felon over and over again at the debate tomorrow
>>472313345 memeflag
No, that is not what the ruling stated.
it is about the prosecution of bribery being up to and province of the individual constituent states, not the federal government.
not a surprising ruling by SCOTUS given their originalist majority
the beast marches forward exactly as it would have with biden at its helm. the president is not in charge
not just tomorrow, every day until November
it's all they have left to message/talk about
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Oh boy, I can't wait to find out whether our zog west nations are gonna be ruled by zog red or zog blue next year, and to be sent off to die and fight against zog east!

Fuck you, go to hell. I'm sick and tired of this jewish century.
That is all they need. Nearly the entire Democrat party along with the Republican establishment and nearly the entire media can repeat that Trump is a convicted felon and the US population will accept every bit without question
rig it, dumbass.
the country is in fine condition.
judea rises again, commies and niggers BTFOED
How much longer can they launder money through Ukraine? It's almost over now. Americans will be left holding a bag of shit.

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