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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Are you a proud Evropean Man who embraces tradition, honors your ancestors, and violently rejects Semitic influence?

Then ask yourself - what's behind the rampant push for transphobia in Western society?

Like so many corrosive trends, it's the scheming Jew at work trying to sow division and weakness in our societies.

The fact is, traditional Evropean Paganism never had a problem with a fluid understanding of gender.




It was the desert sand religion of the Jew that obsessed over division in all things...clean and unclean, male and female, "chosen" and gentile.

This is NOT the way of your White Ancestors! They honored both the masculine and the feminine, recognized the natural intermingling of the two, and honored the soul/identity of the person above the physical form.

If you reject Christkikery and the Semitic puppetmasters behind it, you will SMASH transphobia wherever it is found!


Didn't Norse pagans throw gays into swamps?
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based paganism. Unlike the homophobic Christians, paganism embraces our LGBT shieldbrothers/sisters/xisters/xothers
and there are a large portion of christians who say the exact same shit, whats the point. As post-moderns, faiths are simply customizable and interchangeable aesthetic and identity products
No! That's a common lie used by fake pagans.
Tacitus spoke of people being thrown into bogs and he said they were punished for being corpores infames. Tacitus used the same term in his writings to refer to people who fled from battle, traitors, etc.
Paganism embraces LGBT! It was the Christians who invented homophobia.
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fuck christianity
and fuck transexualism

and most of all fuck the dishonest christfaggot op
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christcυcks become very confused and agitated when confronted by this
Nope, no evidence to support this.
Unironically true. Hatred of homosexuality came from jews. Just look at Rome and Greece.
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It's Woden. Odin fags get the rope
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>another dishonest lying sniveling spiritually jewish christcuck
your false flag is gay and you should feel bad
>t. rabbi
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yes actually
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>faiths are simply customizable and interchangeable aesthetic and identity products


Evropean Heathenism has a long, consistent history on this topic.
Yass! Heathenry is the MOST pro-LGBT religion in the world! Take that, homophobic Christians!
Lol yup.

That's why they're desperately clinging for culture war straws.

They know their days are numbered.
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I am a practicing "pagan", anon. I'm talking pre-sumeria Gods. We don't say this much because, let's be honest here you'd just freak out, but we don't hate gays. That's a jewish practice. They're the ones who brought so many hang ups over sexuality because they know sexuality is directly tied with our bioelectricity and sexual magick is extremely powerful. Straight, gay, trans, etc. Aryans come in all forms in that regard.
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wearing that would be a great way to get stomped to death by some bikies
>obsession witn semantics

Typical kike tactic.
evro = ebro = hebrew
jove = iowe = yahweh
Do you embrace Aryan gender-sexual tolerance, or Semitic transphobia?
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I'm so sick of these homophobic Christians!
Did you know Jesus said the only valid form of sex is between one man and one woman in marriage?
what a bigot....seriously disgusting!
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>more christcuck serpentry
Death to the serpent of abraham.
there is more homophobia in norse mythology than 99% of other pagan religions, fuck off kike
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Denounce jesus right now you lying christfaggot.
That's crowleyite no such as Norse paganism thats invented go pink wash elsewhere stupid shit like drumpf
Unreliable garbage

Debased is not based is not based o repeat myself ifiot learn something my sinai arabia
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Reminder that only jews or jew puppets would say christcuck
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You'll find out one way or another. The jews are the monogamous prudes anon, they're a slave race and the occult is banned in their religion. Did you know they larp as having so much knowledge but they're actually very, very weak? The only jews with a little bit of it are the top ones. Mark my words, when we win things aren't going to look exactly like you thought they would but hopefully by that time you'll be ready for it.
>wearing that would be a great way to get stomped to death by some christkike posers

Nooo! Stop right there, bucko.
Norse paganism is extremely pro-LGBT! Our leader says so! >>472302838
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>more christcuck serpentry
Death to the serpent of abraham.
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denounce the talmud kike
Your imagination is not a reliable source on PUR ancestral religion, rabbi.
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Denounce jesus christian.
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>t. jew


Now it's your turn, worm. Denounce Semitic sexual "morality".

Or are you too cowardly?
I denounce jesus. I denouce the torah. I denouce the quran. I denounce the talmud.
Need I keep going?
Somebody's bot is broken
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A christian on /pol/ thinks "be shrewd as serpents" means to lie endlessly/
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based! you stick it to those stupid homophobic Christians!!
Can you believe their Bible says that LGBT people should be put to death? Wtf is wrong with them??
why snake is bad? isn't that semitic too?
yet you're still stuck in a christian/semitic cosmology. pretty cringe
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>duhhh, snakes are da debbil!

You are SO transparent, Moishe
I DENOUNCE the Talmud!

Now it's your turn. Denounce Jewish transphobia.
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Fuck you jidf
Nope. Sanat Kumara up there is "Satan". Odin, Melek Taus, Ra, Enki, Shiva, I can go on all day. "Satya" it means truth in Sanskrit. "Shaitan" is considered so holy a word by Yezidis, the Iranian Aryans, they won't say it unless they are mid-ritual. He's our God. Always has been. And he's the enemy of the jews. Hence why his name means "enemy" in their language.
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>chrisfaggot so devoted to falsehood he blasphemes the religion hes pedaling

I will not denounce being against homosexuality. Homosexuality is a proven detriment to a functioning society and the preservation and forging of our people.

Your semitic trickery will not work here, but thanks for proving you don't believe a word of chrisfaggotry either.
It's as honest as pretending some faggot in a priest costume represents all Christians.
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post nose
Well then you'll get left behind. We pull the strings nigger, jews are just desperately holding on to the power they once had. I'm welcoming you with open arms but you have to forget EVERYTHING you learned from them.
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I have taken notice of how you have not attacked op or the second poster because you know they are false flagging christfaggots.

Christcucks, completely void of even a shred of an honest spirit.
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>this is what christcυcks really believe
>Wtf is wrong with them??

They are too scared to stand up to pic related LOL!
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The serpent of abraham is a specific thing christcuck. Perhaps you should read your own book.
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Hello jew what are you jidf faggots up to?
julius caesar = JC = jesus christ
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I did not do that.
Do /pol/ christians represent all christians? If so, christianity is a religion of liars and deceivers.
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You have no power here.
You can tell this poster is obese and showerphobic
>I will not denounce being against homosexuality

Of course not. That would probably anger Yahweh and violate the Talmud.

Love that you're still using snake imagery. Remind me how that got associated with "evil" again?
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The only tranny in Norse paganism is Loki and he's even worse irl than he's depicted in the movies with the nigger that controls entry to a multi-racial Asgard.
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>you need to pick a side in a jew vs jew fight and adopt jewish writings and heritage as your religious foundation
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Yah hyeia wants to know that too
What is your faith, anon?
Did it originate in the Middle East?
False on both counts.
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I have power everywhere. Like I told anon, we are in charge. We're using the jews like kings once used them, set them up as usurers, then once everyone hates them, allow the mob to kill them all, take their wealth, and undo the damage they once caused. We're just trying to get more people to hate them and LOOK AROUND FREN, ITS HAPPENING. That's the closest you're going to get to truth without being let in, to be honest with you. All I want is for you all to lay down everything semetic and embrace what your ancestors once embraced, sexual liberty and magick.
>Pushing jewish gender and sexuality bullshit
Are you fucking retarded?
You do understand that the jews religion says there are many genders and also says to spread that bullshit into other faiths to undermine them, yes?
You do understand that you've been psyopped into thinking that troon shit is a part of paganism, right?
You have to either be extremely retarded or a kike to believe that shit.
Please, read some of the kikes tomes to understand what the mindset and objectives of the kikes are. You're buying into bullshit they shoved into other faiths that were never originally a part of those faiths.
>Perhaps you should read your own book.

Why don't you tell me about the book?
I bet you studied it quite a bit in seminary.
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Fuck yahweh, fuck the talmud.
yahweh is a false god created by jews. yahweh is not the creator of the universe, the torah is false, thus all its derivatives are false, including the talmud

fuck the talmud, its a crock of shit
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Oh yeah, the JIDF is all about criticizing Jew morality LOL
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Woden is more appropriate. It's old English, but is also the root for Woden's Day, i.e. Wednesday. That said, I don't really care. Use whichever you like. I'm just happy we're having the conversations about our people's religion from before we were cucked by the Jew on a stick.
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yhwh is the aryan skyfather
Do you have a newsletter I can subscribe to?
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I am not proselytizing to a dishonest falseflagging christfaggot.

Very typical of a christfaggot, has no idea what his book contains.
Hava nagila, finally a jewish thread without Palestine discussion.
Tell me you haven't read the sagas without telling me you haven't read the sagas
Oh fuckoff we will never accept you sick in the head shit stinking pervs. You're just going to have to come to terms with that
Woten was an immortal spirit who rarely incarnated at all. But, when he chose to, as an immensely powerful deity who was worshiped as a god, he could choose to appear as a female. His pronouns never changed, and his body was temporary in every meaning of the word.

You are no god. No deity. You're not even a spirit, you're little nerve impulses bouncing around in a piece of meat. Meat that you cannot change because you are not immensely powerful. You're not even mildly powerful. You have no power. You don't even have the power to persuade me to use any pronouns when referring to you other than the ones I'm going to use just to piss you off. Woten does not approve of your faggotry. He hates you. He hates you so much that he wouldn't give you an honorable death in battle. No, you'll die of AIDS, your skin rotting off with Karposi's, opportunistic infections ruining your lungs and liver. Superchiggers, these tiny infectious mites that have trouble tunneling through the flesh of healthy humans, will swarm through yours until you look as evil as you are in the depths of your demented brain. This is what the Norse gods think of you, tranny, if they bother to think of you at all.
>You do understand that the jews religion says there are many genders and also says to spread that bullshit into other faiths to undermine them, yes?

Lol have you ever heard of Leviticus?

>You're buying into bullshit they shoved into other faiths that were never originally a part of those faiths.

I posted sources.
You didn't.
The opinions of redditors LARPing as pagans to get a rise out of christcucks is worthless. Fsgs are not accepted.
>the torah is false, thus all its derivatives are false, including the talmud

Yet you slavishly follow its gender-sexual "morality", when none of your supposed ancestors did.

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>op makes a thread that shows pagans support trans rights
>jews immediately start seething
Fair enough.
Hail Woden.
Hail Odin.
Keep hiding and dodging, coward.
That's what your meek religion rewards, isn't it?
Gtfo rabbi
>Oh fuckoff we will never accept you sick in the head shit stinking pervs. You're just going to have to come to terms with that

Why should I care what a Zulu thinks?
That's some nice seething there, christkike
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I don't get any of my beliefs from jewish writings you dishonest lying christfaggot.

What I believe is from an observation of the results and consequence bound to this physical realm. Homosexuality is an observable detriment to the continuation and building of a people over generations. I believe building ones people is essential to traverse the eras.

Your dishonest false flag will not work here christnigger.
>Fsgs are not accepted.

By kike mindslaves like you.
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>christfaggots get together to make a false flag thread to frame "pagans" on /pol/
>get acalled out
>christfaggot resorts to his favorite lie: "youre a jew"

Pathetic display jew worshiping chrisfaggots
I've never met Jesus. I've never stumbled across any evidence that he was even a real person, god or not. I don't go to church, I don't pray, and I've never felt much yearning to ever do anything like that.

You're a weak pathetic thing, so untalented even at shitposting that you can't land an insult. Maybe you should just end things early.
>What I believe is from an observation of the results and consequence bound to this physical realm.

Yes, and I'm sure the wisdom you individually accumulated in your 19 sheltered years trumps the collective wisdom of thousands of years of your ancestors.

Ancestors who rejected your narrow-mibded prejudices and didn't grow up in a Semitic-dominated culture.

Merely a coincidence, I'm sure.
It is either in your blood or it is not. You trying to false flag to frame "pagans" on /pol/ shows that you are absolutely devoted to falsehood.

I will strike down the falsehood, but you are completely lost. You will be culled over the generations.
Your false flag failed christfaggot.
Give it a rest.
Lurking anons, decide who you want to believe.
The pagan majority who provide sources and consistency.
Or this one anon who's too afraid to declare his faith, is obsessed with snakes as a symbol of evil, and refuses to reject Semitic gender-sexual morality.
Your hubris is no more convincing in criticizing me than it is in rejecting the wisdom of your ancestors.
Odin "changed genders" so he could impregnate a woman who had no intention of sleeping with him. He literally went "trans" to get laid.
He was punished for his deceit.
Stop projecting modern deconstrucivist gender theory onto ancient fables.
long before becoming emperor caesar was the pope of rome and supreme high priest of jupiter. his titles were pontifex maximus and flamen dialis
Your false flag failed christfaggot.
Now go back to spamming "this is a kike" in the other thread.
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Holy shit shut the fuck up. Skanda is considered the guardian of homosexuals for a reason you nigger. Ever heard of Gilgamesh and Enkidu (Enkis son)? They were lovers you retard. Stop worrying about what the fuck other people do in the privacy of their homes, it's not your business and your ancestors knew that. You're like this because of semitic influence and because you don't want to look like a "queer" in front of your buddies here on /pol/. You think you're defending paganism but have you ever actually went to a pagan event? You'll get laughed out of the room with an attitude like this.
Do you hate kikes or not? Do you love Aryans? Then stop acting like a fucking kike. I'm not gay, but many are, and that's not a problem man.
>Song very much related, it's not just about gays, it's about all sexuality
We've been talking to you through the media for years.
Silence christcuck.
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>Lol have you ever heard of Leviticus?
YES. Yes I have and that's a part of the fucking bible which was started by KIKES YA CUNT! Why do you think they keep saying that jesus is the king of jews?
>I posted sources.
You posted a link to fucking reddit you absolute tard. That was enough for me do not even fucking bother. but hey whatever. Go look at the crap they link to like Deuteronomy and the eight genders.
The reason christianity doesn't accept faggotry is because they're just another cast of slaves for the jews and are following laws given to them by jews!
Jews play both fucking sides. The only winning move is to reject everything jewish, troon shit, christianity and other abrahamic faiths included.
Fuck the bible.
Fuck the torah and the talmund.
Fuck kikes.
Fuck jannies.
Fuck trannys.
The only ones that should be worshiped are the gods of old of your country, weather you be greek, german, norse, japanese, etc.
Anything is better than jewish/abrahamic bullshit. Any hints of jewish subversion must be found and removed.
Faggot "pagans" will brag about having a cross-dressing, genderfluid god.
They leave out the fact that he was cross-dressing so he could get access to and rape a woman who had rejected his advances when he presented as male.
Ring any bells?
I'll rip the heart out of jesus and use the blood to finger his whore mothers dry as a bone pussy. Sure seems that way with an "immaculate conception" doesnt it? Hahahaha.
> Unreliable garbage
> posts a redditt link
Are you really this fucking stupid?
/pol/ christcucks have proven themselves absolutely devoted to lying, reviling, and a myriad of other violations of their own religion

you are a christfaggot, proven by your false flag attempt
Oh yeah because a Christian would sure say something like that, right? God you're so stupid. Get the fuck over it, bitch. Nothing semetic is coming to the new world and you can praise the Gods falsely but right now you're still a kike at heart. Now die just like that bitch on a stick.
are the jews and their pet christcucks getting spicy again?
>violently rejects Semitic influence?
>we accept the perversions of pedojew Magnus Hirschfeld and so should you!
>Because Thor had to humiliate himself and dress in drag to get his hammer back, and as soon as he did he massacred everyone who saw him in a dress.
Anyway, Christ is King. Odin just wanders around writing poems and talking to birds.
>Oh yeah because a Christian would sure say something like that, right?
Christians have lied thousands upon thousands of times on /pol/ since the horde of them showed up ion 2016.
I know you are falseflagging for christfaggotry.
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once again, poos, jews and trannies. the axis of astroturf
>That's a jewish practice. They're the ones who brought so many hang ups over sexuality
And yet they have 6 genders?
bottom right one looks like a spic.
Everyone, stop and look right now. Look at the lies those without will desperately cling to to justify keeping their semetic values even when he claims to be a true Aryan.
No motherfucker. I'll dig that bitch up and feed his pieces to the dogs and then have you lick the shit off the floor. I'm going to tell you what you're going to do. You're going to sit your ass right there and you're going to keep praising the Gods until we crack through that semetic shell because let me tell you something we don't give up. And if it comes to it, and we can't get through, well throw you in the hole with the kikes. Now shut the fuck up and stop speaking like you know a goddamn thing.
go take an advil, and when you've calmed yourself down, come on back and let us know why you're so afraid. we can talk this out.
Apparently he is.
Kek anon this is routine for me. I'm not speaking out of anger I'm speaking out of fact.
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you are false flagging for christfaggotry
everyone can see this
even the christfaggot who showed up and started attacking me without saying anything to you

your false flag failed
try again

this isnt what i meant when i told you to get new material after your spamming of "this is a kike" 100x per thread
>Kek anon this is routine for me.
well aware. you're not the first to try this.
>I'm not speaking out of anger
your tone says otherwise.

now that we've got that out of the way, what are you so afraid of?
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You know speaking for the gods in Norse religion is one of the greatest offences you can make? It warranted the death penalty among strict adherents. Also, there is not one recorded instance of homo bullshit in any Viking texts? You "people" are pathological liars and thieves and should be hanged in public for your blasphemy.
Kek I told you.
When I look down and I see such a blatant save of face in front of your friends I'm forced to wonder, why is he trying to impress them and not me? Kek. I could get you in tomorrow if I wanted to but you see this right here is why right wingers barely ever get let in, it's mostly just Aryans who started out left wing these days. You're far more semetic than they are.
Anon... Why would I be afraid? Look around and ask yourself who's winning. It's not you, we can both agree on that kek.
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fucking christgolem bastards your time is coming. true indo european paganism is about to have a major resurgence an there is nothing you can do about it
Your false flag failed.
Go come up with another niggerbrianed plan in the name of shilling your jew worship.
>Anon... Why would I be afraid?
i'm assuming it's because you're a tranny and/or jew. they've every reason to be afraid of a pagan revival, considering they won't be as soft on everything as the christcucks have been.

>Look around and ask yourself who's winning.
exactly. that's why you're here.
let's be honest, you know this late in the game you weren't going to convince anyone from an ideological standpoint. you're just here hoping to piss someone off enough to cause rage or depression. exactly what someone would do when all else has failed. death throes.

my question was rhetorical, but i appreciate your answer nonetheless.
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I have nothing else to say. I won't go in circles with you. But we both know you feel it deep down that I'm right. Now go to another thread and praise the Gods against semites, you barely useful bitch kek.
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Wotanism and Hellenism are natural law based religious systems. We can explain clearly why this transformer co opting of our religious is blasphemous. Christkoshers churches on the other hand are falling left and right to woke takeover because they were always crypto-leftists to begin with.
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This, why do Christians hate homersexuals so much?
>I have nothing else to say.
that's surprising. normally trannies are filled to the brim with venom.
they're running out of steam quicker and quicker these days. a good sign, if anything.
Nope. I came telling the blatant truth. I assume you're one of those stuck on one set of gods and one dogma, and that's fine that's how we all start. But you're failing to go deeper anon. It all will eventually lead you to the east.
Have you ever heard of the Aghori? They are followers of Shiva specifically. Look at the staff.
>The "Devil's Pitchfork" is actually a very ancient symbol predating Christianity by thousands of years. This symbol originated in the Far East [where Christianity and its Jewish root stole from copiously; hideously perverting and corrupting the massive theft beyond recogntion, in order to destroy spiritual knowledge and keep spiritual power in the hands of the "Chosen" few]. It is known as the "TRISHUL" and symbolizes piercing through the three knots in the base, the heart and 6th chakras, also known as "granthis" in Sanskrit. For the serpent to ascend, all three must be open. The Trishul symbolizes the serpentine energy piercing through the three granthis
This serpentine energy is called SHAKTI. It is bioelectricity that only those with serpent blood can awaken and lucky for you that's all Aryans and also many easterners.
I encourage you to keep digging if you truly believe in it, but leave everything you learned from the semites at the door step.
Dude, I'm not an idiot. If they're going to keep repeating one thing I won't go around in circles with them.
Lesson 1: Have pride. Pride is good.
Silence christcuck.

they dont, they love them, they just want them to stop being gay
but loving your enemies doesnt work, jesus was a jewish charlatan, and thats why churches are now full of homosexuals
thank God they are not tainted with the Jewish virus
>But you're failing to go deeper anon
but we've not even begun.

but that's an awful lot of text to tell me about how you worship jews. you could have saved yourself a lot of typing. just stop worshipping jews, it's that simple.
this should result in beheading
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Actual pre-christian cultures used to drown homosexuals in peat bogs.
we prefered it when leftypol thought /pol/ was a christcuck board.
then they discovered otherwise, and began targeting the real thing.
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How old are you? That was pathetic. I just gave you a quick in to who we actually are and all you could say was "that's a lot of text bro" like an idiotic child of the shitskin race. One more slip-up like that and I'll lose hope in you kek.
Just because I want you to be on this path, here's another thing for you.
>The "Devil's Pitchfork" is actually a very ancient symbol predating Christianity by thousands of years. This symbol originated in the Far East [where Christianity and its Jewish root stole from copiously; hideously perverting and corrupting the massive theft beyond recogntion, in order to destroy spiritual knowledge and keep spiritual power in the hands of the "Chosen" few]. It is known as the "TRISHUL" and symbolizes piercing through the three knots in the base, the heart and 6th chakras, also known as "granthis" in Sanskrit. For the serpent to ascend, all three must be open. The Trishul symbolizes the serpentine energy piercing through the three granthis
The truth to the Baphomet that few know. You're getting it for free kek.
Shit my bad I kept the original thing I had.
>The wings of the soul represent spiritual freedom. The goat symbolizes fertility- fertility in multiplying the life force, vril, which activates and raises the serpent. The "Goat of a Thousand Young" is referring to the crown chakra, "Sahasrara" in Sanskrit which means "Thousand Petaled Lotus
Here you go.
you just typed another 3 pages to tell me about how you worship jews?
anon, things are getting cyclical.
you need to stop worshipping jews.
op knows this
this is a christfaggot shill thread
And just like that, you fell.
>why is it a gif
Shut up, magical thinker.
Troonism is irrational.
Over 6,500 gene processes are running in your body right now, all responsible for your sex & none of these can be changed.
You are male or female from conception. Then you go through three different sets of development which build your male or female body. Happens at 6 months, 2/3 years old, and then final one in adolescence.
Homo sapiens did not evolve to troon out.
Stop denying material reality. Your gods are fake and stupid.
ah, that's better. keep your answers concise like this, and we'll do just fine. so anyways, why was your baphomet image a gif?
>Your gods are fake and stupid.
Op is a falseflagging christnigger trying to frame the opposition to christfaggotry on /pol/
This is wrong. The Asatru faith in Crusader Kings clearly states homosexuality is not allowed.
Because that's how I downloaded it. Are you this desperate for straws to grasp it? You're a disappointment anon. Again this is why we rarely recruit from the right wing anymore, you're far more jewish than the left and don't even realize it.
Nice try, kike. No, I'm not worshipping jewsus on a stick. Sorry.
Asatru Folk Assembly in real life is explicitly, exclusively, for heterosexuals of European descent.
>Because that's how I downloaded it.
ok, but why did you download multiple copies of it? the (1) at the end of the image is usually an indicator of duplicates.
>Are you this desperate for straws to grasp it?
no, it's because these are the real questions:

>why is it a gif?
>and why did it download multiple copies of it?
keep your answer concise, just like we practiced.
>In Norse society, law, and culture there existed a widespread and highly integral concept of perceived effeminate behavior called: ergi/argr – unmanliness and unmanly. This is due to the fact that women were seen as inherently dishonorable creatures, never able to achieve the same nobility and glory that a man could, and thus displaying effeminate behavior was extremely shameful. This was state of being was even mandated by the Gods: The Hávamál states that a Norse man can not trust a maiden's or married woman's word due to their dishonorable and arbitrary nature.

>Ergi/argr as a word and concept was often employed as an insult or accusation - a grave attack on target’s honor and reputation. We must remember that Norse and medieval society was semi-oral. This means that the concept of honor and reputation is - and I cannot understate this - extremely important in how these societies functioned. I am not able to explain all the intricacies of this system here, but remember that integrity, reputation and honor is this society's lifeblood. Anyway, when someone was accused of being unmanly - argr - the accused was de facto forced to answer the accusations by challenging the accuser to a codified and often ritualized duel - called hólmganga. These duels were fought to incapacitation and/or even death. If the accuser refused the call to holmgang; he is automatically made an outlaw - a niþingr. If the accused wins, then has proven that he is - in fact - a drengr (lit. servant/boy/warrior, but denotes bravery and honor-worthy conduct). Drengrskapr - one could say - was the opposite of ergi (i.e. unmanliness vs manliness).
Because I use it alot. I'm not the best with computers and don't want to look through all my shit to find something so I'll just download it again. I have people for this, anon, I rarely do it myself.
What exactly are you driving at?
Why do pagans love sodomy so much?
Your feeble god died fighting a giant snake.
Lord Christ has risen from the dead, and defeated it.
Any questions?
that you quickly googled some images before your pathetic false flag
youve been exposed christcuck
everyone sees through your bullshit
Yes, because I was pulling up an image of the Baphomet, because again, I dont want to look through all my shit. It's not my problem if it gets overloaded or whatever the fuck. You really are grasping at straws now.
>I have people for this, anon, I rarely do it myself.
you rarely download images yourself?
it's not really that hard, you just right click and hit save as. the option might be different depending on what OS/browser you use.

>What exactly are you driving at?
huh? oh are we playing 4D chess or something? no, the only thing interesting within your wall of text earlier is why you would download a gif that's not a gif, and why you would download multiple copies of it.

but see, i'm glad you started this thread, as anons have dropped plenty of useful information, such as >>472307469 right here.
so i can say i learned something today, which i would not have known, had it not been for you starting this retarded thread. that's why the game is difficult on your end; every time you start to lie, someone corrects you and everyone learns the truth.
so as annoying as threads like these can be, there's a lot to learn from them. not from you, of course.
silence christfaggot
I rarely talk to you myself or use the internet myself. I have people to clean my computer and search things for me and send/read my emails.
Yeah I'm not worried about him. He's free to look through the rest of thread, there's a reason that doesn't ring true for pagan circles and never has, it truly is a lie. No one was hung up on sexuality until the kikes came around. It's pretty sad you think anything is difficult for me when your kids listen to our message every day or when mobs come to dance in the streets under it. We are dominant, we are winning, and jews will soon die. The Aryan race can't be defeated, even against itself if it comes to it. Well just cut you off the tree like bad apples. Now come to me with a real argument, I don't want to hear any more nerd shit.
>Viking larpers are faggots.
Ya, we know. Not sure if this is bait, or a coming out of the closet thing. Either way, OP is a faggot and will never be a woman.
>The Aryan race can't be defeated
This is true, and this is why homosexuality and tranny faggotry cannot be tolerated among us.
Your false flag failed christcuck, give it up.
>Not sure if this is bait,
It's most certainly posted by someone attempting to false flag against the "pagans" on /pol/ in favor of christfaggotry.
See? Look at this one. >>472308290
This is a loser anon. This is someone burying his head in the sand and telling himself lies. This is the last thing I will say to any of you before I go, don't be like this. Drop everything semetic and give us a reason to look upon you with favor because right now there isnt much, even if you claim to hate the jews. You basically are their extensions.
>I rarely talk to you myself or use the internet myself.
let's keep it that way.
>I have people to clean my computer and search things for me and send/read my emails.
so we have a legacy tranny. you don't see a lot of trannies over the age of 60, likely because they've all committed suicide by that point. you'll get there.

>Yeah I'm not worried about him.
that's a strange way of saying "i can't debunk that", but ok.
>it truly is a lie.
how convincing. you had walls of text earlier, it looks like you're running out of steam again, what happened?
>It's pretty sad you think anything is difficult for me
you just got done telling me how computers are difficult for you. so yes, i can only assume other things must be difficult for you as well.

>We are dominant, we are winning, and jews will soon die.
at least you got one thing correct.
>The Aryan race can't be defeated, even against itself if it comes to it.
oh, two things correct. you're getting there.

>Now come to me with a real argument, I don't want to hear any more nerd shit.
well, you've already been thoroughly BTFO, i don't have much to add that hasn't already been said. as previously stated, your antics have backfired and have resulted in teaching people more about true paganism.
the boss isn't going to like this.
>This is the last thing I will say to any of you before I go
you said you were leaving 20 minutes ago, but you couldn't help yourself.
Nigger faggot. Even the Romans said they threw you degenerates in the bog
OP isn't a Christian. He's a sodomite antichristian atheist like you. He's just saying the quiet part out lout that you're all faggots and you know that's bad optics.
Yes, I know so many from the sexual minority community in Norway that are, like me, worshiping the gods of our forebears that gave us freedom to express ourselves in ALL areas of life, including exploring our sexuality freely. This imposing the virginity shit and chastity shit on women and oppressing her sexuality is some fucking shit we got with christcucks and we fight against that foreign thing to us barbarians with all we got!!

I hate christucks so much its unreal. Slava Ukraini, Slava Perun, Heill Óðinn, Sire!

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This is little more than a gambit by delusional freaks. Fags and trannies don't breed, and as such they have no real rights in any functional society. Look at society today. The moment this trash gets a voice, everyone else gets fucked so they get more. That's why fags were ditched in a swamp: because even back then men knew that they were a drain on society, and indeed a toxic influence. And it will colloquially happen again once shit gets bad enough. Nobody is going to want to see their families live with little just so that some mentally ill faggots can make demands. That is not how the world works.
Yes. According to Tacitus from the celts to the Germanic tribes, monogamous relationship were iron clad, (although the celts allowed for divorce in the case of infertility on either party) cheating was not tolerated for either party, and sodomites and craven cowards were thrown in the bog
OP is a massive faggot
>Sodomites are a synonymous with cowards
No shit
Pagan larpers are as retarded as christkikes.
There is clear difference between embracing traditional pagan holidays to get rid of jewish christianity i.e. still celebrating winter solistice or spring equinox and nature cycles, but without imported jew plastered all over it. And believing in gods living on a mountain or other shit.
>jesus was a jewish charlatan
That sounds like something a jew would say desu. They hate him more than Hitler.
oh, thanks for reminding me to filter poland again. i ought to save these settings.
>before I go,
yeah get out of here, christcuck, go back to chirping "this is a kike" over and over again
didnt read
These posters suck cock.
dont lie christcuck, they hate him like they hate the holohoax
i oppose homosexuality you lying christfaggot
Cope and seethe sodomite jew golem
cry me a river jew worshipper
Listen chrisctuck bastard, MY SEXUALITY is fucking MY BUSINESS and has NOTHING to do in this discussion about sexuality and religion!"!
jews hate jesus as pharisees hated saducees and samaritans.
It is typical interreligious feud where one side of the same religion hates heretics the most. and jews see jesus as heretic. somehow they do not hate buddha. because buddha was not jewish heretic.
>some fat boomer sex tourist

you are a christfaggot
your posting style is recognizable as that one norway flag who seethes about "pagans" every night
You must be high you fucking moron. Here again we have the american pagans that are so fucking stupid they dont know their own paganism and just make up some fucking anti-sexuality nazi shit about the religion of MY fucking forebears!! You dont know shit and you have no fucking sources! American Åsatru are all fake and closet christcucks and trying to cloak pagan Åsatru in christcuckery! Just FUCK YOU ALL!!
>blah blah blah
your false flag has failed christcuck
go back to blog posting about how much you hate AFA for not worshiping your precious jew nailed to a plank
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>according to (((christians)))
the false flag has already been called out christfaggot
Here your fucking fake pagan and your totally made up "religion"!

Men and women had free sexuality and could do whatever they fucking wanted! Nobody would KILL them of their sexuality as the christcucks did!! Demanding that girls and boys should oppress their sexuality and free exploring of their bodies before marriage and then later outside of marriage etc. That is ALL FUCKING FOREIGN FOR US PAGAN BARBARIANS!!

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your posting style gives you away christfaggot
youre the norway flag christcuck who seethes endlessly about AFA
We are TWO Norwegians from the sexual minority community here nearly EVERY DAY on pol, posting against the christcucks, you FUCKING IDIOT!
>blah blah blah
everyone saw through the false flag, go back to seething and posting pictures of gays you saved on your pc christnigger
>pre-sumeria Gods
What sources do you base your practice on? Because pre-sumeria means pre writting, doesn't it?
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t. Fake pagan, made up his own religion when drunk, taking something from a foreign land he has no connection to and does not even speak the language. Loves christcuck sexual morality wants to falsely impose it on us pagans.
yup, thats definitely you
silly chrisfaggot
shitty falseflag attempt
lol, the fucking burger idiot cant defend that he knows nothing about the religion he claims to follow so all this fucking breeder can say is that anyone calling him out is a secret christcuck. Go back to your roadkill to have sex, cis-gender hetero-normality normie fucker!
keep flailing christfaggot
Trannies did not exist in paganism and no some zoylennial redditor doing historical reviosonism doesnt suddenly change this fact. All jews trannies or other anti white vermin must be tortured and executed
it's perun actually or was it zeus
They are worshipping Roman terms for non state sanctioned religions?
So little was recorded they don't even know what the practitioners called it, it's essentially just Atheism+, of talmudism++.
No fucking argument from this fucking fake burger "pagan".
silence christcuck
when the men stop believing in God start to believe in every foolishness.
the penis skin god of the jews is foolishness
Silence fake pagan and crypto-christcuck with your unpagan desert-religion homophobia not found in paganism. You are a fake pagan, burger fucker.
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>no u
>46 pbtid
Holy Trinity is the God of the life and promote the creation and preservation of the life.
odin (and other demons) is an idol of the death and I'm not surprised he promotes the death.
Outside Christ there is no salvation remember!
i know who you are, get back to seething about afa christfaggot

even in your false flag you could help but seethe about afa
lmfao, stupid christnigger
is that you in the pic christnigger?
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>self admitted jew
Thank you for admitting that you are a jew.
that is an ethnic jew who is christian and hates "pagans" just as much as you christniggers on /pol/

>Thank you for admitting that you are a jew.
i did no such thing you lying christfaggot
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>that is an ethnic jew who is christian
A crypto jew. Nobody cares what you niggers convert to you will always be a jew.
>i did no such thing you lying christfaggot
You are literally pretending a jew were a christian to divert attention away from jews being the driving force behind forced conversions to their cuckold cult and the genocide of pagan Europeans.
You are a jew and there could be no clearer admission.
>blah blah blah
silence christfaggot, sick of your endless lying
Where did I ever say anything about afa? I Have no clue what they are, what they do and what they believe? Why the fuck should I go to fuckng murica to learn about the faith of my forebears and their freethinking and free sexual exploration? Here, translatated from Norwegian wikipedia, you utter fucking normie and fake burger pagan, look at the screenshot fucker!
silence christnigger
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Keep kvetching jew.
Just when you think burgers can't fuck with our ancient culture any more, you pull this faggotry.
Write your own fucking shit.
Trannies PSA: don't forget to dilate!!
Yahweh started out as the city god of the Israelites who inhabited a minor city state on the edge of the spheres of Babylonia and Egypt. That puts Yahweh in the same cultural tradition as Mesoptamian deities who were associated with a specific city state too. See, Bhaal of Babylon. The bible is full of Mesopotamian relics and cultural knowledge.

The Mesopotamians were not Aryans. They represent adifferent branch of civilization, one that became settled early and started agrarian societies.

Our Indo-European ancestors on the other hand lived as pasteuralists and semi-nomadic herders and hunters for a very long time. They only settled down after they migrated out of their native lands (Ukraine and the Stans, mostly). Due to wholly different life circumstances and climatic and material conditions Indo-European religion and culture followed a very different path. Most immediately apparent is that the various Indo-European tribes shared their gods with each other. Wotan and the others were never associated with a specific city or one region not even with a single tribe.

So, no. Yahweh and the early Jews were never Aryan.
Lmao at these two faggot 'pagans' both calling each other Christians Because they're both the real 'pagan' despite both being sodomites
>t. trannyfucker
There are more trannies in Germany than Thailand by total numbers and per capita. That's not a door you want to open because chances a German flag poster fucks trannies are higher than if a Thai flag poster does. To be clear, I don't fuck trannies or prostitutes. Stay mad gay atheist.

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