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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Get pence back on
Desantis and donalds are out.
So is Tulsi.
Isn't that stupid, treacherous whore on the bottom right still a democrat?
Probably Dr. Fauci
Women are the destroyers of civilization. It would be a natural choice.
Trump already promised to turn the US into Canada via poo green card program.
USA is fucked no matter who "wins."
Wot? Bam. Elected.
>OP 1 pbtid
>The View
Why are none of them white? WTF?
none of the above
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Hopefully none of those various faggots.
Anything else...eh. Not voting Biden but if Trump picks a good little puppet like Vivek, I'm out.
>Isn't that stupid, treacherous whore on the bottom right still a democrat?
She's uniparty LARPing as an outsider.
Tulsi is the choice but I'm afraid he doesn't hang out with her and will end up picking some uncharismatic suckup RINO who tries to poison him
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That North Dakota governor might be decent but he looks creepy, and sadly, that matters. Ask Tim Kaine about that.
tulsi or rammyswammy
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welcome to the bottom of the barrel.....
Gabbard is the only one I'd vaguely respect, which means he probably won't pick her.
None of them
its marco rubio
Ben Carson is OK for a nigger.
it will be another woman. obviously i can't prove this besides i already know the pick and going to make loads of money on the bets i put down
because biden is black? he likes keeping his favorite slaves nearby
The kind of guy who puts his name all over everything is the kind of guy that wants a legacy, so it'll be someone who will carry on the America First movement he started, that's Ramaswamy or Vance.
It’s going to be the jeet.
Where do you think that unlimited green cards thing Trump mentioned came from?
Prepare your anus and streets America.
You’ve been too antisemetic, and the only way to Make America Philosemetic Again is relentless visajeet immigration. But LEGAL immigration, so it’s okay.
Trump hates him too much
Too much baggage
Too radical of ideology for Trump
Already said she turned down the offer a few months ago

It would need to be one of the other choices. Plus brownie points come with them. I'm surprised one isn't trans considering the current trajectory of the party establishment
Why would this matter?
Massie or Rand. The rest are trash or coomer bait.
Oh no! Quick, some one post island nigger mommy's busted ass! White people are doubting her.
Flynn and Gaetz aren't trash, and Lake isn't coomer bait. She took down a GOP party leader by releasing audio of him trying to bribe her and confirming political cooperation with drug cartels.
The Meatball
>a shabbos goy, a pajeet, 2 niggers and 2 women
the future is not looking so bright for americans, but it's an improvement to your current vp
I need help divining the future, anons
Ron desantis:
>operation sign tap in full play, placating the right so they don’t do a fascism.
Tim Scott:
>more immigration, but LEGALLY
>world war 3
If tucker accepted I would assume he is the antichrist.
BJ Vance
>more immigration, but LEGALLY
That's already Trump's position.
Honestly... Does any of this shit matter at all? No. No it does not. These screens are fucking destroying us.
It should be De Santis so he can learn from the master, or Vivek so it shakes up of a lot of people

Vince McMahon

Vince McMahon
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Pence is a useless dumbfuck retard, but still too competent for Zion Don.
Orange fool will pick up jeet or a woman, probably a fully kike one. Or a nigger, he loves his 'based trad' niggers'.
$500B for burning half of the country won't pay itself.
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God I hate that Trump is such pathetic niggerlover.
>Virginia in play and winning it would clinch the election for Trump
>Attracts suburban demographics that Trump is weak on
>You can’t have two consecutive terms as Virginia governor, so he’ll be out of his position no matter what
>His chief of staff stepped down two days ago
It’s Youngkin. Just makes too much sense
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Unfortunately, it's going to be Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin, who is a swamp creature. Trump wants to win Virginia and has long had a blind spot for swampies. A year or so into his term, Trump will be pushed out of office and Youngkin will be president.
there's only one real criteria for VP in a lame duck election; someone that the rinos and democrats are afraid will take over if they impeach and remove trump.
>A year or so into his term, Trump will be pushed out of office
They are going to kill Trump
Alex Jones
One way or another, he won't be president for an entire second term. It's a fundamental strategic flaw to have a VP that your enemies want in office more than you.
Probbaly one of the niggers
Time Scott. He'll be a good one, too.

I want to see an actual slave descendent absolutely BTFO Kamala Harris who is actually a bleached black.
It's actually inspiring. Her loyalties are more to Americans than any political party. Replace all the old pedos in your Senate with more like her.

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