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Ukraine government are terrorists

Only 37% Crimeans voted to join Ukraine in 1991.
Crimeans are majority ethnic russians.
Janukowycz was elected by margin of votes from Crimea/ Donbas.
Radical Ukrainian Nationalists who are inherently anti russian toppled
Crimea voted to secede.

Ukraine government are terrorits.
Ukraine government have no rights to Crimea.

Spread the truth to the most remote places on the internet lads !
Ukraine is globohomo central at the moment.
Destroy Ukraine's imposter government and their jewish dictator and they will not be
able to swarm us with illegal migrants !

Spread the message anons !
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so what is Putin gonna do about it?
remember when jewlensky pre-election was like no more brother wars, then post election jewlensky was like no, more brother wars. And you are openly supporting that jew
> Crimeans are majority ethnic russians
According to Putin, Ukrainians are Russians, so there’s no conflict of interest from Russias perspective
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what is Putin gonna do about it?
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You will never be a woman
>noticing the glownigger didn't address his jewmaster
spam all the webm's you want. Russia has never valued lives and jews are genociding you precious hohols
what is Putin gonna do about it bros?
who cares as long as you love jews it won't change and you will just move to the next thing
You want me to believe the man
>who bans his men from fleeing
>while airlifting Jews out
>while sending their wives to get fucked by shitskins
>kidnap men off the street
>drone attacks surrendering men and wounded men
You want me to believe this guy is the good guy
The hohol spam war crimes and yet you want me to cheer them on
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How's the counter offensives? Only two more trillion?
Euros love killing each other, that’s nothing new or particularly jewish
if you pull back the covers on who pokes them and gets them fighting it's always a jew under it. but slav's are known for being violent



but what is Putin gonna do about it?
That’s mostly a post WW1 phenomenon. jews had at best, negligible power before the Industrial Revolution and the “”” large capital investors””” that came with it



>That’s mostly a post WW1 phenomenon
so 100% relevant to modern times and not fucking roman history. Thanks for admitting it
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>broken record nafo tranny
this bot is broken. good thing jewlensky can't do shit about whatever putin decides to do.
Putin is the most reluctant and "easy" option in Russia.
When Putin is gone bad times come for Ukraine.
Yes, just shows euros weren’t peace loving hippies before the semites. There’s always some retarded reason to attack your neighbor
well when you deal with semites invading for thousands of years to makes you like that. without jews, earth would be peaceful.
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Most governments are terrorists

it's really amusing how no one knows what Putin will do about it lmfao!
All lies and bullshit.
well faggot nigger lover none of us are russians. i know right crazy how putin isn't telling us his plans
what people always fail to mention, is that 2014 coup was anything but peaceful and legal

In western Ukraine armed men were storming and occupying local courts and administration.


Real conflict started when same people rode to east i.e Mariupol/Slavyansk/Odessa - resulting in fights with Right Sector (already conviniently forgotten nazi organization) etc.
hes going to keep sending in low iq niggers like you
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It's so weird.
Only the Jews left Ukraine.
And then only the JEWS go out and round up the Slavs to throw them in the meat grinder.

The shit we are getting in the west is not their finest that's for sure.
And they ONLY get 2 weeks of training before being thrown on the meat grinder.
No wonder they are dying in droves.
Not only that, but these kids are being fucking rounded up and snatched to fight a war they don't want to fight.
Not to mention they don't want to kill their fellow ruskies they often don't give a shit about fighting in the first place.

And if I was a betting man?
I would say that Zelenksky is in fact a Political prisoner.
Not a President of any kind.
Just a guy who got told he either do this, or his own family and life is at stake.
Just my 2 cents.

I hope these young men have some hope for not dying.
But lets face it, we all know the plan.
And its not going to be in the favor of young Ukraine men nor whatever women they have left that are boots on the ground.

Putin is also in a rock and a Hard place.
If he backs down?
they are just going to steamroll russia again.

What a clustefuck.
RIP to all the dudes and their young lives being taken away.
Fuck this gay war.
And I mean it.
It's gayer than an indian Shit sandwich.
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Really amusing how urine is losing and there's nothing you can do about it as they run out of men kek
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>i know right crazy how putin isn't telling us his plans
he's never stated them so he can cuck out and claim whatever he was able to accomplish was his plan all along
the fucking SEETHE lmao!
You polacks are next on the menu. Good luck
Share more info from the first hand anon !

Where is Yarosh now ? Is he on the frontline ?
Were is Kolomoisky ? Is he in the trenches ?
kind of like how biden is trickling just enough weapons to help genocide hohols. all part of your jewish plans right? not to mention china profiting off this war from both sides. oh thats why you don't want it to stop. money
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>i was only pretending to2prx be retarded!
Poland has no territorial disputes with Russia.
It's literally Ukraine that claims it's ownership of some of polish people.
How will you deflect that besides some propaganda nonsense ?
you seethe because Putin never said what the goal of the special operation is...because the cuckout is coming lmao
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>two more trillion trust the plan
No refunds you lost
*polish cities
i am not seeething i am laughing at you, you invested all this time and will drop it for the next thing like a good jewish nigger lover. your protocols are so strict they limit your human responses
those banners are from Svoboda party.
They made maidan happen.
Ukrainians should thank them for losing Crimea and 10 % of their territory.
you are seething though and it's really funny
Is this what you thought you’d be doing when you signed up for the military?
no you can't say nigger like a normal person, you can't address jews. So i know who i am talking to
Putin wont do shit other than send more of his dying white russian populace into an early grave.

Putin is complicit in complete white ukrainian and russian genocide, the man only cares for his own wealth.

>According to Putin, Ukrainians are Russians
Surely you can provide a quote of him saying this
Fuck democracy. Ukraine for Ukrainians.
Exactly what he is doing, retard. Slowly grinding away at the glowniggers and their useful mules until they stop making a profit/run out of people retarded enough to fight them. It's working well enough so far, and apparently NATO still haven't come up with anything to break Soviet defensive doctrine, which as someone who has studied it was very interesting to watch executed in real time. The question is, when will we leave, and will we have made enough profit to justify it?
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I look around my crumbling third world nation that carries the pretense its still what it was 40 yrs ago and the idea we keep giving this evil little kike billions make me want to start killing.
>Fuck democracy. Ukraine for Ukrainians.
>Ukraine for Ukrainians
Which translates as Russia for Russians, as they're all Russian before 1917 and some jews drew a line and called it "Ukraine".
> Ukraine government are terrorists
Yes. Why haven’t they COUPed their jew leaders yet? WTF are they waiting for?
They need to kill all the jews in power.
Even if true it is based. Are you telling me the truth is more cucked?
Don't do it man. Just weather the storm and be there to carry on afterwards. It's not your problem. You are your problem, your survival, wellbeing and that of your family. Fuck our kike'd glownigger leaders and focus on yourself man. If you really must I guess go join Gazprom PMC or something.
Mommy milky

Get a load of this tranny.
Ukraine lost. It’s over
>b-b-but you’re SOOOO angry
K. Keep us posted. You’re doing a great job. You’re not a fucking imbecile at all
Ukrainians are pretty much mentally ill Russians and you should treat them as such.
This. It’s beyond obvious and no one ever talks about it.

They are living in a dictatorship and Jewlensky is a fucking Hitler.
White power!
Ukraine is the last bastion of the true Russian. Russia is a mutt filled shithole.
Absolutely, yes.
>Implying Ukrainians aren't mutts
Have you seen one? Supersus master race 14/88, yeah let's run with that. The true Russian is a mutt. He's a chechen, mongol, Slav, yakut Asian mongrel called The Liberator and he's here to liberate Ukraine, preferably by force.
Why haven't you Americans and Russians overthrown your jew leaders?
busy night rabbi?
Cry about it. Heil Hitler!
> is a fucking Hitler.
What? Yeah no. Hitler was right. Zelensky should’ve never even had a chance to be born
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but what will Putin do about it?
>Ukraine government have no rights to Crimea.
image related
>Talking about another anons cunt without showing his own
They don't send their best (Israelis) do they? I'm surprised the Jews tolerate their taxes being spent on such low quality shilling.
>hiding, humiliated
>a coward
bot still can't respond in human terms, do glowniggers think this is smart?
In a few months it will be the Christmas season again. As per our new yearly tradition I expect the doughy little beggar of Kiev to come in his uncomfortably tight military cosplay to kvetch and whine to the American people about his terrible need for more while most of us skip the holiday for the third year in a row. Hey Russian bros is it really THAT hard to kill the little jew? You can't but some radium in his food or a bear under his hotel bed or taint his cocaine? You guys used to be pros at this shit what the hell.
Ukraine has plenty of pure slavs. Ukraine was the strength of the Soviet Union. The best of the best, the whitest. All mutts will be genocided. Russia will be pure slav again.
They're trying their best, remember it's diversity hires doing this.
Delicate faggot,
who are you talking about?
I'm tired man. Just so damn tired and angry.
Coward and hypocrite.
Nigel you might be on to something
Okay Mohammed. Ukraine is white ethnostate while you are shithole.
>Ukraine was the strength of the Soviet Union.
>The best of the best, the whitest.
PFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTWAHAHAHA it's a fucking turk Hitler support, I bet you. Show fucking flag.
Putin wants the white race dead, whats not to understand faggot?
FSB is protecting him.
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>Ukraine is white ethnostate while you are shithole.
tourist, pls
listen CIA glownigger faggot.

Tell the diverse staff at your headquarters to stop sending you here, because all you are going to do
is force us to make another 4chan so that we can permamently block your IPs

don't fuck with us, you are only going to make things worse glowniggers

All niggers and jews and subhumans flee or get killed or sent frontlines. Blue eyes blond hair is future of Ukraine like the flag.
rabbi your meme flag is all i need to see
Look how it writes:
>Ukraine is white ethnostate while you are shithole.
It's like the letter "A" doesn't exist for it. It's a Turk. Show flag.
I know bro, it's hard. Focus on YOU. Sure if you can, come here, research, keep up with current events but depersonalise it. It's not YOUR problem. YOU can't change these big things, it's way beyond your scope as one person, without going full madman and starting a movement, setting up your own SS first because you have to fight the existing glownigger intelligence system. And we both know they'll kill you if you try. Just be the best you can, look after those you love too. Do what you can, not try to do what you can't. Survive what's coming, and rebuild again when the dust settles. Survival is the game here, not saving the world.
They're not going to waste real resources on this drivel.
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>Blue eyes blond hair
Get a loaf of this roach, people.
You kvetch about Hitler as if calling Zelensky Hitler was an insult. Go back to facebook boomer you don't belong here. Death to antifa!
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oh dear Lord, this post...
Nah, the boards would be slow and dead without them. Let's just stay in the honeypot and troll these dumbasses. We can literally make them abandon threads, I did one saying "Assange le bad" earlier by trying to discuss C18 being headed by a guy in special branch and he bailed.
Kill jews and communists and shitskins is the real practice of Ukrainian ubermensch carried out daily. A dangerous fantasy for American spic goblin.
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Feel free, not mine but I loved it so much I saved it too. Original if you don't already have it.
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>Kill jews
now now!
ok rabbi
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Yeah fr, they aren't sending the best roaches today.

We need names of those peoples.
Anons breached the Federal Reserve, now lets get anons to break into the CIA timesheets and get the actual names
of those people.
hey nigel, dumb question. Do you guy shy away from American names to distance yourself from us (a good thing) or ?

This is a guy that saved Belarus from a long and deadly conflict.
What will he do about it?
Yes! Now! Always time to kill jews is now. Soon we shall be free. Russia shall be blue eyes and blond hair. You are welcome.
aw, out of thousands of videos already?
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>Yes! Now!
go on then
>American names
What the fuck is that? You guys have everyone else's names. If you're on about what people call children - these days it's retarded fucking stuff because that's apparently cool now. I have a very old Norman family name and incidentally a Germanic first name. We're all some degree of mutt these days. Fuck Anglos tho.
If you ever wonder why our government is doing what it is doing its infested with kikes in every seat of power and they put a brain dead dementia patient in the white house probably still thinks its the mid 80s and he beat Regan. Our assistant secretary of health is literally a fat jew tranny. We're over here making the Weimar republic look dignified.
Zelensky aka clown is our hostage we do away with him soon like the rest of them. He gets us free stuff as our clown for now.
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>Zelensky aka clown is our hostage
a Jewish led slaughter of hyhyls is some 5d chess move against... kikes?
brilliant plan, Moshe
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Sucks to be a glowie/hohol
i dont believe in multiracial federations, so im against russia and its ideology of mass federalism and race mixing.
shut up moron
He's a turkroach for sure.
>Turks in charge of a kike
these are facts. its why merkel and putin were allies. they want to racemix the world out of existence and create a globohomo government ruled over by rich jewish elites as well as their loyal pawns while muttifying all others.
Explain yourself. We kill your mutts for you. We do public service. Soon Russia will be white as Ukraine. You are welcome. We make better world.
>We kill your mutts for you.
you are a shit skin rabbi
Based and redpilled.
this is not a thread about russia you imbecile
go off to wykop
Why you cry so much? You afraid Ukrainians will kill you soon? You have nothing to fear if you are white. You are... white... right?
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you try to create ideology that says we all need to be federalised by globohomo and i am saying you are wrong. the EU and russia are long allies wich is why putin and merkel were comrades (merkel was also communist party member in youth). end goal is to destroy integrity of europe and rich cultural heritage and create mono state. look at russia crimea, they basically turn it into a resort for indians. and same in mariupol with the indian and asian resettlement program.
>Explain yourself
i'd rather (You) explain yourself >>472310397
Cry Moshe all you can do is cry. National Socialism will rise. Even Canada has to fulfil NatSoc agenda. Jews will be sacrificed. Future is white and no more Rabbi Yeshua poisoning your minds. Only religion is truth.
rabbi you larping with that jew flag is funny not gonna lie
he is gonna fuck up your doordash order you just know it
yeah, something abt his wrtiting...
you are either someone delusional on drugs, a moron or another glownigger to derail the thread.
All you are going to do is force anons to make another 4chan where we will block your IPs.
Can't wait for some anon to make a leak from CIA timesheets with names of those people who are doing all of this.
Mate every fucking week and he still gets it's wrong. I swear he's too busy fucking praying to Allah to remember what you bloody ordered.
islamists are pro russia which is why serbia started backing ukraine as albanians are now supported by putin. its not so simple anymore.
so you cant counter-argument my post so you start to have chimp out? you are from lewica or something? and here is some other great redpill because i live near border, every single day you dont hear about belarusian and polish border guards teaming up to fight against fsb and their afghanis that theyre bringing in. belarusians are tired of seeing their nation wiped out by putins federalist ideology. and this is why both merkel and putin were targeting poland especially, because we are one of last chains they cant break.
He is CLOWN do you not understand? Now tell me about Jewish Putin is he clown too or respected? You respect Putin then either you think he has hidden pro-white agenda OR you are genuine antiwhite communist. What you think is Putin?
i am that rare american, no doordash shit for me, i eat lean and workout too hard to put that shit in my body and that shit skin has less work
>2 godziny srania o hoholach
Do roboty pizdo pierdolona, do pośredniaka wypierdalaj szmato.
we will drive CIA out of Poland
Go away you parasites
National Socialists will clean up the filth. You part of the filth? I think so.
Did you see when the Norfolk Island flag dropped CIA names and co-ordinates of known CIA operatives in /chug/? That was fucking brilliant, then Glorious Leader came in and fucking reposted it next thread. Best thing I've ever witnessed here. Don't have the screencaps saved unfortunately.
There isn't much of an argument to be made that Crimea belongs to Ukraine, it was never ukrainian in the first place, whats even their official position on that?
>its ours because it just is ok?
why cant you make counter argument? only name calling?
rabbi you will be gone from the planet soon. I am ok with you and all your shit skins dying. Earth only needs White people
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>He is CLOWN do you not understand
no, he is a jew president of ukranda
>you think he has hidden pro-white agenda
lmao, why should Russians or Putin care for whites?
whites send weapons to ukranda and support pissrael, so there's that
i'd rather just be Russian
I have no keyboard so I am less erudite right now.
mutt russian who is deployed on 4chan to promote race mix ideology federalism. this is why they post here to begin with, because its banned in russia to post on 4chan. so you now understand that russians posting here are government contractors.
>Only 37% Crimeans voted to join Ukraine in 1991
And yet Putin didn't want to let them pick the option of staying in the Ukraine, how curious
>I have no keyboard
>I am less erudite right now.
ho... uhm how is that even.....
you know what, whatever
You leftist subhumans always need censorship echochamber. Kill yourself.
>promote race mix
what now?
Nah I rarely eat takeaway to be honest myself, just bants in this shit thread, playing up to the stereotype. Good on you though, it's hard over there. Even your groceries are absolutely fucked and FDA standards permit selling literally toxic food. Truly a corporate dystopia.
Mate did you miss the whole CIA and Islamism saga? We've got a global split, of some ragheads are supported by Russia, and some by CIA, and a small few legitimate independent movements (Hezbollah, while supported by Iran, is very much it's own thing, the Taliban have truly become independent and just hate everyone now) and shits fucked breh.
Doing business with subhumans on the regular?

>yet another moron pretending the toppling of democratically elected president didn't happen
Lol like the Simpsons Lionel Hutz joke:
Pay on Credit?
No, money down!
race mixing like putin who is race mixed. your leaders who are either non White or outright jews. your media who is control by jews, your construction companies control by jews. the entire narrative oyu promote here is globohomo, race mixing, and mono government. thats why you are deployed to post on 4chan.
almost all muslims support russia this is why serbia broke with russia recently and backed ukraine as russia is pro-albania and wants to genocide the White race. they made it clear in their "denazification" speech where the goal is to destroy all ethnic nationalist movements and open theb orders up. like putins indian and asian resettlement program in mariupol
Yeah, don't ask what he's doing. He's trying his best, it's not his mother tongue.
i have been to welford ate your food. you don't realize how much its the same. either way we are all fucked in the end

>moron calls a place with millions of users a "echochamber" ?
go unfuck yourself.
His own government people voted to oust him.

Why was there no option of staying in Ukraine in the Crimean referendum?
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>unable to comprehend log scaling
>probably doesn't even know what determinant is
Almost all? Come the fuck on mate, have you seen the state of the ME? It's not nearly true. Most of the Muslim world does not directly support Russia.
Truthpilled. They will call you glowie or jewish now. They have no real arguments just angry spam.
"Janukowycz" literally ran away at night after pretending he was gonna make a deal to work with the opposition, kek
I've been to the USA. And yeah we're fucked too. Went to Vietnam. Had fresh cooked food with real ingredients. It's so much better. Do love cooking my own best though. They also have amazing choice of actual not uniform lab grown food. Impressive.
Based. I show you my supplements I take daily?
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the problem is you can just look at photos of russians. race mixed or outright asian in race. this is why you yourself already swrote you are anti-White (White = European and Slavs are European). your goal is to genocide the White race to create a race mixed multiracial and multicultural federation which is what russia is. thats why you are targeting Slavic countries like Belarus to genocide and federalize them.
Also post soviet but pre-EU states were amazing for that too. EU absolutely ruined them in that regard. Was sad.
i thank God and obscure anime websites for enriching my vocabulary and honing my ESL skills
list them i will destroy them with reasons why.
>Tfw his supplement is literally 2 pints of Jewish cum
>you can just
okay, but i'm more abt scientific method, can you email me your preprint or smth?
You can't just steal people's land by mass immigration of Russians. Or will the USA be okay when Mexico annexed Texas because the 67% Mexican population votes for it? Or when China moves 50 million Chinks into California and annexes it?

People are farm equipment. Cattle. They come with the land, which is owned by the oligarchs and governments.
If you want to make your case you can start with posting photos not taken in Yakutia for one
damn it nigel you killed my joke
Based lmao, I know a very small amount of Russian. Very small, but I'm actually trying to learn. It's interesting, I've studied mat and enjoyed it, it's fucking funny.
You won't achieve that by supporting communist pidor nonsense. Ukrainians will work hand in hand with true White Americans to purge all the filth.
>Ukraine is trying to swarm us with illegal migrants !
Then What is russia doing?
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scientific method is easy to prove by just looking at your leaders
ok rabbi whatever you say.
I can't help it, sorry
that was from moscow during your communist holiday celebrations. lets just ignore the mass islamic call to prayer (largest in northern hemisphere) you have in those cities as well. russia is pro White genocide (you admitted yourself) and supports globohomo/muttification (you also admitted this happily).

Why does the Ukrainian government after 2014 denies that OUN-UPA participated in
a genocide of 500 000 people ?
Why for more than ten years it is a problem to make exhumations of people who were brutally murdered?
Why those genociders are commemorated as hero today in Ukraine ?
all good designing new crabbing floats to make anyways
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multiculturalism always fails you know. you wont win.
Jewish clown president. Not respected. We call him the clown.

You on other hand real respect for Jewish Putin and you disdain white race. Your idea of Russian is a nigger can be a Russian.
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>scientific method is easy to prove by
using an undefined dataset?
not really
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you aren't Slavic (you yourself admitted this).
Pidors exposed!
>Not respected
right, right
i can see how disrespectful the goyim is
>Jewish clown president
elected by the people you claim will
> Ukrainians will work hand in hand with true White Americans to purge all the filth.
rabbi you are slipping
Lmao check this guy out, he thinks that posting pictures of the fact has different races in it proves they're committing genocide killing slavs using slavificiation to wipe other slavs. This is absolutely pique glownigger approved retardation.
Pace of posting, fast. Leave out unneccessary words to keep up.
yes, they are multiracial and multicultural federation that explicitly stated they watn to destroy the White race and muttify it via federalism. they evne built lenin murals in mariupol to supplement the indian and asian resettlement programme.
what? putin is explictily anti-Slavic thats why he has killed more slavs than any other leader in 21 st century. plus he is close friends to genocidal muttifiers like Merkel.
Crabbing is fucking awesome. Have some great spots nearby here actually. Nice dude.
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>you aren't Slavic
factually correct
>you yourself admitted this
more like pointed out, but whatever gets you going
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so we are now full circle: you are not Slavic, you are multiculti multiracial mutts that want to promote globohomo. back to some other work today comrade.
nice. i am designing a stupid thing. a self guided crabbing drone. just part of it. Something shit skins don't understand
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>Leave out unneccessary words to keep up.
best thread this morning by far
>Why use big word when small word do trick
>Close friend of Merkel
Yeah I 'member. I doubt anyone here forgot this epic disrespect move.
Your point? Putin will mutt anything up that is not already mutted unless Putin has hidden pro-white agenda.
I see you have no answer to my question and prefer to switch to the topic of Bandera. Fine, I'll play your game.

The Marshall was against us betraying Ukrainians and making a deal with the Soviets instead. Given how the history went afterward, including the ethnic cleansing of Poles in the Union and Stalin's Pact with Hitler, was he right or not, you totally not ruskie ścierwo?
are you from syria or something? answer honestly.
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>so we are now full circle
>you are not Slavic
>you are multiculti multiracial mutts
no, Russians
>that want to promote globohomo
no thanks
>back to some other work today comrade.
you ain't my comrade anymore though
As you just write Russia is multiculti globohomo identity built around multiracial federalism.
>Your point
really easy picrel to read
for context: >>472311494
to understand who owns crimes we need to first understand Roman empire
see i could handle that pic being real. cheers
>As you just write Russia is multiculti globohomo identity built around multiracial federalism
wat (2)
btw it was trump that completely destroyed to the last man entire russian military convoy when he was president.
Lmfao that's awesome dude, good luck
>admits he is anti-White
>admits Russians arent slavic
>admits Russia is federation
>"n-no this means we are er uh russians not globohomoists"
lol you must be one of new indian hires, BRICS labour i suppose.
-10 social credit score for being anti-semetic talking about Romans
Putin Denazifaction speech was what ended all uncertainty for me. Was moment I knew Russia was completely my enemy.
he also was the first US president to authorise direct weapons sales to ukranda
i'm not wiping that off my hard drive just b/c of that
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>so what is Putin gonna do about it?
kill the entire male population of western ukraine and turn the rest of them into fatherless whores who'll die out within a single generation
we have earlier than that as putin used to call us "anti semites" all the time and all other bullshit.
i suppose you indians are famous for coping
see rabbi, the rest of the non-shit skin world knows its jews not russians
>flood rusnigs migrants into the region
>now it's Russia!
>admits he is anti-White
wrong, i just care little for them
>admits Russians arent slavic
>admits Russia is federation
it is, but i'm not sure i ever touched on that
>"n-no this means we are er uh russians not globohomoists"
what part of that statement confuses you?
check the /skg threads i update there on occasions
federalism = multiculturalism/multiracialism = globohomo
i cant believe russian government is now using indian diversity hires to post here
I can get keyboard than start posting Verbosely. Maybe even throw in some Juden Peterstein style posts. Why you support a communist jew? I hate Zelensky, I support Azov. What prowhite movement in Russia do you support? Putin is not prowhite.
nigger i can type on my phone and post more than you can. You support JEWS that is the fucking issue
You are one who calls for mass bans to turn this place into another reddit echochamber.
during putins invasion of crimea the first move he did was to award the jewish business tycoons Rotenberg brothers exclusive infrastructure contracts over entire crimea, the jews were also the ones who built and profited from e.g., kerch bridge. try again.
and sold land to blackrock
blackrock never had foothold until putins invasion. good point didnt consider that fact. putin is just parceling land out to jews
only jewlensky sold it before the invasion
Typical traitor helps support nonwhites earning an income. The American mogs you.
In what way is anyone here enforcing global homogeneity?
You are not being invited in our federation. You're simply too dumb to be able to differentiate between domestic and foreign affairs.
Absolutely this
Nah gonna take pic.
nope, as i already told you, the first move putin did in 2018 was award crimea to the jews, the rotenbergs. via their jewish shell company Stroygazmontazh which the jews then cashed in after the project.
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>multiracialism = globohomo
do you even know what globohomo means?
its "global homogenization" breh
even a "localhomo" would be a stretch, since the only tribes that are getting culturally homogenized here are non Russians
for example, Tatar language becomes less and less popular with schoolkids with every passing decade
same with other local cultures
>i cant believe
2016 is when jewlensky starting selling 2.8 million hectares of Ukrainian land to blackrock.
federalism = globo homogeneity. things like commieblocs are defacto globohomo architeture for example. and russian ideology, promoting federalism, race mixing, multiculturalism and multiracialism is de facto globohomo.
>domestic and foreign affairs
except we see what you are doing to belarusian people, language and culture (russians do not believe belarusians are legitimate and believe they should be federalised) and what you want to do with ukraine. you did similar in history, thats why stalin used demographic migration of race mixed russians into baltic states to backdoor in globohomo and promote war if the USSR (globohomo empire) ever collapsed. and here we are. you are supporting this and you already confessed it so dont try to back out.
pic's fine. i will give you good advice even if think you are a jew
If that bridge is just a money laundry scheme, then how come the entire west and Ukraine are endlessly seething about it for the last 8 years?
wrong again, and youre already trying to cover up the facts of the jewish rotenbergs which 100% tells me you arent even anti-kike youre just a kike backdooring in globohomo by promoting the jewish rotenbergs and saying jews should own all land.
wait which jews are you shilling for?
its not a money scheme, its jewish takeover of infratrastructre as part of putins globohomo ideology of multiculturalism and federalism. jews get all the money. thats why putin even had his daughter marry that brown jew named Kirill Shamalov
you already confessed you support jews as you keep trying to cover up the facts about globohomo jew russia and you refuse to acknowledge the rotenbergs. try again mossad.
>federalism = globo homogeneity
>federalism = globo homogeneity
>federalism = globo homogeneity
>federalism = globo homogeneity
>federalism = globo homogeneity
holy cow
>decentralized concept = unitarian concept
today i learned
russia is not denctralised its highly centrlaised globohomo mono state ruled over by jewish elites and mutts, this is why you are sent to post here to support multiculturalism and call people racists. whats even funnier is your mutt globohomo feds are promoting offensive wars to federalise even more land, yet somehow you keep trying to erase the global aspect of this.

good luck because multiculturalism always fails.
>Or will the USA be okay when Mexico annexed Texas because the 67% Mexican population votes for it?
If America didn't want that happening, they shouldn't let the mexicans keep coming in.
the fuck i did rabbi. you glossed over the fact a JEW sold land in 2016 to other jews in a country jewkraine where forgein ownership of land was considered bad. yo satisfy your slav hate of other slavs
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>except we see what you are doing to belarusian people
What is it that we're doing to Belarus?
>and what you want to do with Ukraine
I'm sure real Belarusian pipo™ are regretting not being Ukrainians right now.
>russia is not denctralised
then it's not a federation, is it?
pick one and stay in your lane
This is sadly the kind of shit they get people in the west to believe now, it's funny.
so you openly confess you support putin and rotenberg thats why you refuse to acknowledge it?
its a federation, its a multiracial federation ruled over by an international cabal of jews and mutts.
genociding belarus. you yourself just admitted you dont believe they should exist and even mocked their language, heritage and culture. personally im not surprised because you hate Slavs for some strange reason (probably because you are the descendants of the jewish bollshevik state and thus have insane hatred of Slavic people as we are quite redpilled against judeo-communism).
no i don't support any country or jews like you are openly doing. how does jewlensky cock taste?
>you yourself just admitted you dont believe they should exist and even mocked their language, heritage and culture
The only thing I mocked is your substitution of their culture and your belief that you have any right to judge what is good for them.
Limitrophes are incapable of even comprehending how meaningless your kvetching is. We're not going away.
point to me a single example? the end goal of the EU is to create a russian federation in europe, with international mutts and jews ruling over everyone. thats why big EU oligarchs are close with russian ones.
so come out and say you are against putin and his rotenberg friends
so you suck jew cock openly eh? love it when pollack nigger thinks jews on his side.
you have no right to claim what is good for them as "Good" for you is just whatever globohomo spread of mixed race cancer you want to bring to the world via federalism and destruction of culture and its replacement with globohomo federalism.
and yeah, considering that even ukraine is fighting you and doing quite well i'd say your mutt feds are going to have a hard time genociding the Slavic people. you won't win, multiculturalism always loses. Slavic people will triumph.
>refuses to disown jews
every single time. i like how hard you fags try to LARP as counter kike and then just refuse to disown kikes when your narrative is backed into a wall. fuck off mossad go get blown up by hamas
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Supplements. Phasing out this whey though, I like Mammoth Mass whey mix better, and the sleep hack was a mistake it only makes me retarded I am going to return it. The collagen seems okay, just maybe best not to have a full scoop of it at once. The rest I can highly vouch for.
it's actually ridiculous since none of those institutions are even known to a regular Kowalski while
they try to force they own view in the relationship between our countries.
This is insane that this is allowed.
NGOs should be banned all
>you have no right to claim what is good for them
Thankfully, I'm not the one doing this between the two of us. Just to remind your underdeveloped brain, it was the EU that ostracized Belarus for 2020 elections, which that state with no choice but to turn to Russia.
*left that state with no choice
i denounce the Talumd and all jews, now explain why you suck jewlensky's cock
thank you for admitting that EU and russia are in it together. as i wrote fro mthe very start. this is why putin and merkel are close friends. the goal is to eradicate first the Slavic people (russians trying to exterminate belarusians and ukrainians while germans try to exterminate Poles, Slovaks, Czechs).
be specific. denounce putin and rotenberg brothers.
KEK, if Russia is so great Ivan, then move back.
>denounce putin and rotenberg brothers.
ok done. I denounce putin and rotenberg brothers.
Now nigger explain jewlensky's cock in your mouth and your love of jews
can you please take your CIA Jewlensky handlers out of Ukraine ?
good lad, and now you are slowly taking a real redpill. wait until you learn zelensky got his career on russian government owned tv channels. now magicaly EU poster boy.
Putin's speech made him out to be your typical blue-haired SJW antifa freak. His rhetoric was the same. Right now his only redeeming qualities are him riding horses and doing Judo and being able to cite a lot of history instead of being ignorant of history. Prove that Putin has a hidden pro-white agenda.

Also, I have a keyboard now, so it's time for me to type like a white man.
so you really really love jews. got it
>Ukraine lost.
So when was the Russian flag hoisted over Kiev, and for that matter, over 80% of the country? KEK, vatnik cope is the funniest cope.
uh oh, mossad isnt so happy when the goyim talk about the full story :^)
well you failed to denounce jewlensky and keep sucking his cock. i know you manlet pollacks need to worship jews but this is getting stupid
I've posted the supplements. It's a lot of nootropics mostly, my main focus is the cognitive gains. I'm an ultra-marathon runner and a rockclimber and a martial artist and a triathlete. I want to master all of the psychic abilities, I've had remote viewing working for a decade now, still need to get telekinesis to work for me. If you want to become hyper-intelligent it seems the three main ingredients you need are Niacene (Vitamin B3), Lion's Mane, and small doses of psilocybin taken daily. I have all of that and more.
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>thank you for admitting
Stick to the kitchen, imbecile. That goal of yours is going to be fulfilled because your nation keeps uncritically sucking the teat that openly states all of Eastern Europe is merely a cheap tool for them.
i'm sick of America having to have this pretend enemy, Russia and shit
As a National Socialist it's my belief that the state is not the ultimate thing, it's a servant of the volk, the economy and the state it's all for the service of the people and nothing else. This is what makes me different from a fascist. Julius Evola wrote about this in his criticisms in fascism.
You are so in love with communism that you are making these efforts?
OP is a russian homosexual. Spread the message anons!
Yes Piotr, Zelensky and Ukraine should've just laid down and allowed glorious Rossiya to take the entirety of Ukraine. Genius!
>It's french Canadian
LMFAO I was wrong, it's not a Turk it's a fucking CHINKY CHINKY CHOO.
Me no rikey white man, he stear arr oul Chinese radies.
that bottle is fish fat. eat real fish instead. jesus fucking christ dude. the preworkout means you are lazy and need the hype drop it. pump yourself up. gonna leave the sleep aid alone (dont need it myself). shroom boom? wtf is that? collagen intake like that means you suck at recovery routines drop it learn to rest right. your protein is shit at that price here. chicken will cover it instead and be cheaper. and cover your jug on the right for the eaa_bcaa
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>I've posted the supprements. It's a rot of nootropics mostry, my main focus is the cognitive gains. I'm an urtla-malathon lunnel and a lockcrimbel and a maltiar altist...
It's not my problem either way and I didn't cast judgement. I just told you what is going to happen.
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>I'm an ultra-marathon runner and a rockclimber and a martial artist and a triathlete.
can't be all three man. ultra running kills muscles you need to rockclimb and saps hand strength. marital artist kek. i run normally about 285 at 6'5" staying around 8-10% body fat.
I like to study all religions and to be tolerant. However I can't stand Islam! Sufism is the best form of Islam and all it is, really, is a poetic mystical tradition where higher spiritual truths are obscured in poetry because regular mudslimes are extremely oppressive to anyone who isn't made in their image. What is the image of Islam? Well I read the Quran and it's just a warlord's manual. It's full of laws about what to do with orphans and slaves and about war. I can't read the Quran and seriously say "wow, this is an inspired religious text" like the Bhagavad Gita or the New Testament. It's not. It's carnal, wordly, and shallow. Islam should not be a serious religion people actually follow, it should be a historical/mythological relic that only a few LARPers try to "practice seriously". That a huge number of people actually practice Islam and ruin the world with it is sad. Islam hasn't been any good since the Islamic Golden Age ended and even then it wasn't all that great. Abrahamic religions in general are just awful. I hope people stop following religions and start following truth instead.
This don't work when NATO is ran and owned by pedofile homosexuals fren.
Genocide of invaders is based and redpilled. Cry about it. One day we'll celebrate the genocides of invaders, just right now it's politically inconvenient to do so, so we can't make a celebration yet about it the way jews for example celebrate the genocides they carried out.
can you cook. all those jars of crap are not helping you
You're talking to this guy
>when you're dressed like a Russian, have the phenotype of a chink, but the religion practice of a sandnigger

Clown world shit.
>I arways cook lice, the food of the mastel lace!
The scientific method is a method not a theory. Both of you are being retarded.
kek with all them shit supplements probably so. Granted i only run 4-10 miles at max 3 times a week
doordash order is late i see, nigger >>472313632
why you starving nigel
Nigga we got Scientologists and Mormons up this world, also wtf is Hinduism? Come on, I hate dunecoons as much as anyone but it's not the most bullshit religion out there. What the fuck fairytales do the Yakuts believe? All I know is Assad is based.
I bet he ate me fucking kebab, brown cunt. I'll leave him a bad review.
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Ukraine is the white supremacist country. All true whites support Ukraine, especially Azov.
Step back and allow your kind to demonstrate the Ukrainian government’s savagery by posting gore and gloating over it.
I work out a bit ain't gonna lie my stamina isn't what it used to be. Should work on it. I know that crap is a bunch of BS and a good diet is more important though.
slavs are not White
Why have you saved some picture of an effeminate man? Faggot nigger.
my roommate is old (his wife got the vax) and takes a shit ton of pills to just function. be active brother
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>meme flag
Look American, you are making nothing but hypocritical arguments, Israel only exists because of you and your entire government is Israeli-American duel-citizens. Zelensky is the clown, nobody respects him in the Ukraine, just like nobody voted for Biden in America and nobody likes that corpse of a president. Fact of the matter is you have guns and you just sit there doing nothing while Ukrainians started ethnic cleansing their country of foreign invaders. Huge difference. Ukrainian is applied white supremacy, while you just post a few vaguely white supremacist ideas online and then cry "glowie" and "jew" at anyone who'd suggest you do the same things as Ukrainians are actually doing for real.
Thanks brother, I will. Been very tempted to get my old BMX. Used to do miles on that fucker and had incredible stamina.
i don't live anywhere near nigger or shit skins rabbi. you should really stop larping as White
>Been very tempted to get my old BMX.
do it. just be mindful you got old and shit hurts more
The west won’t allow the Ukrainians to have a peace deal (boris Johnson blocked one at the last moment) because our governments desire the destruction of Russian resources by perusing “To the Last Ukrainian”.
Ukraine will lose to an ever increasing degree until it acquires a peace deal, as Ukrainians continue to be sent off to their deaths by the west.
Believing Ukraine can capture all of its lost territory is utterly delusional.
next shit posting thread
oy vey
>The scientific method is a method
>The process in the scientific method involves making conjectures (hypothetical explanations), deriving predictions from the hypotheses as logical consequences, and then
>carrying out experiments or empirical observations based on those predictions
using an undefined dataset clearly does not cut as a basis for carrying out experiments
You just wrote a few incomplete sentences while mocking me for using incomplete sentences when I didn't have my keyboard.
Can a nigger be a "Russian"? Answer this.
okay, Kevin
he can be a russian national, duh, we even have two separate words in russian for that eventuality
pyccкий and poccиянин
I am staunchly against the continuity of Jewish power, the jewish race, and the jewish religion and its offshoots (Cuckstianity and Pisslam).

I support white supremacists who ethnic cleanse their country of foreign invaders. You on the other hand just cry about it all the thread long and say "jew! jew! jew!" over and over instead of a real argument.
This is like the IRA importing as many niggers into Ireland as possible while the British also import as many niggers as possible into the United Kingdom yet they fight each other.

Putin is allowing tons of niggers into Russia right now and he isn't doing enough to genocide the already existing mudslime and chink ethnic groups in Russia.
Assimilation is a codeword for racemixing.

Fuck assimilation. When invaders do not assimilate it's for the best, makes removing them easier.
>Assimilation is a codeword for racemixing.
in your headcanon maybe
well he is a jew
Name one race that is not welcome in Russia. Just one.
A foreign race rules over America. The jews. White Americans never wanted that shit. Jews and criminals (redundant) are the ones that let everyone through the border.
You can be pro-Ukraine while also recognize that Zelensky is a clown just like you can be pro-America while recognizing that Biden is a corpse.
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>Name one race that is not welcome in Russia. Just one.
the one
Well I am all three. I have a membership at both rockclimbing gyms near me and three other gyms (5 different places in total). A lot of the time when I go swimming I have a pullbouy for my legs and just swim with my arms because my legs are so dead. Ultra-running doesn't sap my hand strength wtf, lol. I am also 6'5 and my bodyfat percentage is around 14% I maintain much more bodyfat than you. Right now I only run 50km which is still ultra-marathon category but I'm sure in a couple more months I'll bump it up to 80k.
link a thread i will talk you there on it be fast
I find the fish oil + vitamin D thing doesn't do well on its own and it's best to add it to fish for an extra fatty fishy meal. I don't take it very often.

The preworkout has nothing to do with me being "lazy", I engage in self-harm levels of workout all the time, the reason I have that preworkout is the nootropics in it. It helps me with cognition. It's not for workouts, I use it for thinking faster. Shroom boom is another nootropic, mostly a variety of mushrooms in there. As for the collagen, I am likely going to drop it as it tends to cause flatulence, and I'm not sure it helps much. I got it + the fish oil vitamin D3 thing purely because when I started doing ultra-marathons my joints hurt. I absolutely suck at sleep, I've been in psych ward and tried many different things and read many books on sleep, I just can't fucking sleep right now the sun is rising and I have not slept yet again right now I haven't slept in like two days and nights. I agree with the protein, this thing of protein I've literally had for years, I'm trying to use it up but actually thinking about just giving it away to a friend because I hate it so much and takes me so long to get through it. Mammoth mass is way better and is a mix of other things besides whey that is helpful for gaining weight. When I'm done that thing of whey I'm not buying it again. Chicken would is ideal but I have to beg for my food, I did in fact buy all these supplements and I buy frozen fruit like wild blueberries, but most everything else I get from soup kitchens or people give it to me. I also really like honey btw, just had a lot of honey right now with some wild blueberries and water and some of my supplements.

Any comments on the algae? I also have something called kapikachu that I forgot maybe to take picture of.
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