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Not too long ago these motherfuckers were celebrating what they thought was the complete destruction of Mr Hyde after removing him from his TV show now years later he is the only real mother fucker left who hasn't been torn apart by the Zog machine because he knew never to submit to it
Hyde is a kike
buy an ad Trotsky nigger
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you fucking fags won't give up with these idols or personalities etc

fuck off back nigger
>TV show
no one uses TV now a days
Kikes are the only race to wear round glasses
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>the Dr Disrespect minor-texting scandal rages on
>meanwhile Sam completely got away with pic related
there really is a separate set of standards for kikes
He can't keep getting away with it!
A lot of mad CIA jews in this thread
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meanwhile Sam is literally bending over to Zogmen like Roger Stone
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>youre teeth are too white are you human?
>whiten my teeth as a joke XDDDDD
>nft's are a scam
>im releasing an nft XDDDDDDDDD
ps kf posters are fags
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kf Sam Hyde thread is basically a dickriding subreddit for his simps
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did he get veneers kek
/pol/'s "based jew" (who is a good jew unlike all the other jews)
i'm not going to watch your shitty friend simulator show Sam. fuck off.
buy an add yiu uggly fagg
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>also inb4 one of them comes in and brings up Channing
I don't think you know the meaning of the word. Sam Hyde has no base at all. He has no convictions or morals, all he cares about is the thrill of scamming, lying, cheating and getting away with it. He's a hollow shell of greed and lust, and shame at his homosexual tendencies. You could say he's the opposite of based, he's de-based.
Guy did steroids and became even more instable than he already was. His funny to retarded ratio was already kinda fucked. Now he's unfunny and just retarded. Good luck you roid-headed retard that I won't even allow into my knock-off Nike kiosk.
It's where they get their name. Kikel = circle in Yiddish.
hate this fuckin faggot
his comedy is dogshit
I like his character for fishtank 2.5. It's a new angle for him.
/pol/ loves jews and niggers now
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and the sketch that got them kicked
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not the first time a kike pretended to be self hating, and not the last
buy an ad you unfunny grifter
Weev comes from a long line of breslover rabbis. He is an antinomian sabbatian frankist.
hes a pedo, tranny fucker and nick and charls is better at comedy

anyone shilling him is an autistic child groomed by him
Buy an ad you cheap fuck.
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Fucking shit can the Zogbot's in this thread be anymore salty about Mr Hyde
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What do you think of Roger Stone?
Pretty telling that they got back together again for some shit recently. Sam is probably running out of money paying his entourage to edit his shitty ideas.
Meanwhile Nick just livestreams himself roasting zillow listings and Charles brings all the boys to the yard.
I don't think he's funny, if people younger than me do, I take it as a sign of the times, like zoomers have been preened and caged for so long to see a skit where men swear and are violent is hilarious to them because they could never imagine swearing or being violent
Trans Vestiges?
Yes theydo
You should learn how to write a sentence.
Little fuckface
Only good bit Hyde ever did was telling debt collectors to fuck off. Surprising that a jew would redpill his audience like that.
What Sam didn't tell you was that if you have any sort of income behind that debt, the collectors will sue you and then garnish that income when you dont show up to court and auto-lose
Hes actually a Jew kek?
Bunch of kikes humiliate and torment poor desperate and mentally handicapped goyim for a little money and call it a reality show, and the spectator can pay to join in the humiliation ritual!

Wow so based and not very jewish at all
No, there is no real evidence of this, just jidf shills screaming it all the time
release wp2 or fuck off sam
also you are payed by peter thiel
I get it now. This is like the crowd chanting “Primus sucks” at a Primus concert.
I always appreciated Sam's fashion sense
Those teeth look fake as fuck? Meth?
one of the more disgusting, lower-order ones too
the kind that goes all-in on the self-hate/loathing and pushes it in your face
it's disgusting on so many fronts, hydestein is so disgusting, he's a nurlgelite irl
>no real evidence of this
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google "Fred Hyde marries Gans"
Sam is an anglo/kike mutt
And he pays men to fuck him! Fucking nerd!
Jews rock
It's funny how people think Sam Hyde's character is anything but an act. Recently he said something about how art deco is the greatest movement and a sign of everything America could have been, but if you watch an earlier vid of his he talks about how much he hates art deco.

Sam is a grifter lmao and everyone falls for it. So sad.
stfu nigger
>hasn't been torn apart by the Zog machine because he knew never to submit to it
Nigger he desperately wants to get back on TV. He slurps jew cock all day.
no one likes you sam
literally kys
This kunt gets recommend all the time on yt, very sus. Boot strap trust fund hypocrite nigger.
Not required.
Used to think he was funny because absurdist but when you realize he’s actually dead serious and gives mostly shit advice and covers his ass by going
>”oh you actually believed that AHAHAHA”
you see him as the sadcase he is

That’s why he surrounds himself with a harem of homosexual twink maids who work for him. So he can pretend in his head he’s hugh hefner or hulk hogan and super super cool and totally not a washed up faggot with a gay life where he’s stuck babbling nonsense and fake laughing to kids who don’t really have a father figure.

In typical jew fashion he leeches on his audiences desperation for guidance, enjoys their misery and makes content from it while giving bad advice and because he has money and people defending him it all slides off him like rain. But call him a jew and see the reaction “I’ve been found out” “my favorite eceleb got found out”.
How do you know that's his father?

There was a video he did recently where him and a few other guys were roasting some vlogging ‘day in the life’ of a boss babe strong office job womyn. They totally ripped into her and utterly destroyed her; it was the funniest shit I’ve seen in a long time.

You guys are faggots
Sam talked about him on his streams, referring him as Fred, and he registered his Com 98 LLC at Delora's address.
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congratulations retard you fell for the le funny jew scam, why do you think so many kikes become comedians/jester types
it's a way to disarm you, feed you bullshit, and then take your money
trust fund baby grifter
Didn't he get arrested not long ago?
I know his father is a Fred, and registering the LLC. If this is true, and it very well could be, it would makes sense as to why he hasn't been entirely blacklisted.

True as in the kike thing
His comedy is good and he did inspire my favorite thing online - frank hassle.
He's not that entertaining on stream though.
Doubt he's Jewish. Fred is not a jew name and jews typically aren't alcoholic. Scotch Irish and anglos are heavy in finance as well esp given sam is from CT. Hyde obviously isn't a Jewish surname and neither is gans, if that Sam's moms surname. Gans is german/Dutch for goose, not a jew surname.
Sam Hyde has been red pilled forever and still grifting. Let me know when he forms a militia, or goes full on anti kike in public. Until the just an eceleb with some good takes
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I went to Sam Hyde comedy show a couple weeks ago. He made me cry with laughter frens. It was all retard impersonations, pajeet suicide jokes, calling niggers niggers, and rape jokes. There was even a guy in a wojak shirt. 10/10 comedy and very much worth the 60 bucks
>Gans is german/Dutch for goose, not a jew surname.
many jews lol
try harder
Bullshit. Charls bombed at stand-up. It was like listening to a retard talk to himself. 0 comedic timing. Stupid nigger
He literally does tell you about this and tells you to drag it out any way you can.
How is it even possible for you to be on this board 24 hours a day to immediately post that pic in a sam hyde thread? you must be a bot.
you sound mad
no, it's just weird, it's like sam hyde is making these threads and posting the same shit because he's somewhat irrelevant now.
This, there is a room in Tel-Aviv dedicated to smearing Sam Hyde and Wayne Lambright, because they used 4chan to get famous and they don’t want people to do that now, do they?
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I'm not really a fan of Sam's aesthetic and the fact he appears only to associate with wiggers. Nick is the only worthwhile guy in the bunch, and that's only because Nick is really smart and high functioning, not because he has good taste or something.

Perhaps you haven't seen on Twitter how many people are defending Dr Disrespect. The difference has nothing to do with who may or may not be a Jew and everything to do with Sam being a fringe underground comedian for whom dating a minor is a drop in the ocean compared the other controversy surrounding him, and a mainstream normie Twitch streamer.
That's almost true. The real reason is because when they came to America via Ellis and Engel island, many were illiterate (or claimed to be). When you're illiterate, obviously you cant sign your name. In western culture, the tradition is to draw a cross as a symbol of trust. They refused to draw our symbol of trust and instead drew circles. They got the name from being ungrateful, not from glasses.
kek im not sure about lambright, that noname cunt is homeless
Lambright is probably dead from a heat stroke because it was 120F in the desert today.
He's jewish, why do zoomer troons ignore this fact, if he was some spic/white mixture like spic fuentes or even a nigger like tommy sotomayor he'd be banned on every single platform and have his bank accounts shut down but that has never happened and he has multiple shill channels on jewtube.

He's 100% a kike, he surrounds himself with kikes, he knows prominent kikes in hollywood. Nick and Him also mentioned they were kikes to get signed to Adult Swim.

Just accept hes a kike, he'll never show you his DNA results.
he's a trust fund jew which explains why he was able to be so brazen with his trolling while the other two got rekt because of his antics.
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why all anglos have plastic teeth and plastic brain???
you are a pathetic retard

are you 15 or something?

why would you give a shit about that unfunny hack lol
I dont know but when Germans come here they always get fake teeth installed as literally the first thing they do.
Its weird.
Excellent comedian, all I know and need to know about him really, as it's the only way he affects my life.
Hasan Kiker spotted.
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Jews fear the candyjew willing to reveal their tricks.
I think that makes it even funnier, you should take his advice in the same way you would a drunk guy at a bar.
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he made fun of the hero and martyr aaron who is not a pussy like you. Fuck this clown
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Didn't he get arrested for destroying a bridge?
>BREAKING: Baltimore police confirm suez registered vessel commander Capt. Samir al-Haidya now being questioned, possible links to past criminal activity. Developing….
If suicide is so stunning and brave why havent you done it?
It's Germanic, you retard.
The stereotypical -berg and -stein names are also Germanic, most incredibly vast majority of people on the planet surnamed Steinberg are not Jewish.
is that weev?
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Fun fact: Andy Dick once fucked a water head ogre.
sam doesn't get canceled because his paypig audience is "ironic" (hypocritical/double standard) just like him.
'When we win, do not forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny.' --Sam Hyde, who does ur pic-rel
(not to mention how many "based" public figures, like sam and even dr. disrespect [who cried about "woke" bio pronouns] get caught with femboy and trans porn or soliciting sex from them.)
If you have teeth issues, it's fucking terrible. Me being a lifelong neet and not having insurance, nearly died from fucking infections n sheeit. American Healthcare is a goddamn joke.

>Atleast muh pissrael and tranyy central got gorgillions

youre a retard and this is a disinfo shill thread
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if that's a kike it's literally the biggest kike i've ever seen or heard of.
Sam sucks baby dicks.
I hate this greasy fuck so much. I want him to come do some retarded desperate attention stunt here. I'll make him eat out a crackhead from rio piedras and make him eat glass. my hate for this hebrew bastard can merely be calmed by the death of sam himself, his charlatan crew and his gullible retard conzoomers. merely calmed
you underestimate fags
I was banned from YouTube and have to use Rumble now. https://rumble.com/v53xxol-exposing-propaganda-banned-on-yt.html

It's where I call out the kikes by name.
Buy an ad, Sam. It's getting pathetic.
>Not required.
t.hasan simp
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My nyame is Aawon B-Bushnyeww, uwu .-.-. I am a weaw woman an active duty membew of the x3 Unyited States Aiw Fowce uwu, *blushes* and I wiww nyo wongew be compwicit in genyocide .-.-. I am about t-to engage in an extweme act of pwotest, *looks at you* but compawed t-to what peopwe have been expewiencing in Pawestinye at the x3 hands of theiw cowonyizews, i-it is nyot extweme at aww. This is what ouw wuwing >w< cwass has decided wiww be nyowmaw .-.-. *starts twerking* FWEE PAWESTINYE, FWEE PAWESTINYE, FWEE PAWESTINYE *screeches* FWEE PAWESTINYE, FWEE PAWESTINYE, FWEE PAWESTINYE
it's the anti-pedo task force
Sam touched my no no spot!
oh u mean that retards on /pol/ do for free?
oh let me put on my fake laugh
wait a minute, it's coming...
Love Sam, cause i like comedy. Dont care any about the jew shit.
So did they actually make a season 2 or no?
sam only gives a fuck about his money
his shit is mid at best
Smiling Friends just portrayed Bill Nye (defender of transgender) being killed. Wheres Tim? Oh that's right AS doesn't pay him tenure money on a regular basis anymore so he doesn't care.
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Still not going to stream your favorite faggot e-celeb zoomie.
>You sound mad that I'm a terminally online insane person
the dude is being sarcastic, and Sam is in bed with zionists now
and yet, Im still right, a lot of kikes used that name in Germany and it's a featured surname on those kike name encyclopedia sites
debunk some 'disinfo' then
>deebunk my schizophrenic ms paint and twitter posts
How long have you been ITT for? Like 6 hours? You're probably the biggest schizo on this website and thats really saying something
>I dont want to put in effort or use my brain
just admit you lost the argument here and move on
Yeah I'm not wasting my time debating some loser piece of shit that copy and pasted some nonsense from twitter. Suicide is literally your best option bub
than you for your concession
Where's the concession? You said to debunk something, and I simply pointed out that all you have is some irrelevant, unprovable shit you scraped together and pasted on ms paint. What even is there to debunk beyond this? You've kept this up for years now but it seems like you still have the mental logic of a 9 year old
he's waiting right before the election to release it so it helps trump to win
he's paid by theil
jews are allowed to tell funny jokes sometimes. he went a little too far and was punished for it, but as long as hos audience knows that theyre low status for laughing hell keep making those jokes
You're the one that came in saying this is the disinfo shill thread. I asked for you to elaborate, and you won't. Because you are a retard. But thank you again for admitting it and spilling insult spaghetti everywhere. Go ahead, keep doing it.
>I asked for you to elaborate
I did, by pointing out that all you have is unverifiable shit you pasted to a ms paint jpeg. The implication being no rational adult would take such bottom barrel gossip nonsense seriously, to which you replied that its some sort of victory for you? Make it make sense, take your pills and explain it, lets go
Why are 4chan zoomers so into unfunny kikes? The Sam Hyde faggot and now le Redbar kike. Weird
I live in Pennsylvania where they can't garnish wages. Can fuck with them all day.
Unironically, post a bunch of threads about Hyde. Keep him busy.
He's been doing this for 6 years (or more).
He's as bad as the Lauren Southern Finn-simp and the Barney/MLP sperg.
They all use flag bots to crawl 4chan and get alerts to respond.
Israel does this same thing.
As do Turkey and Azerbaijan if you mention Armenia.
Its frustrating on places like pol, but its really funny on boards like /v/ where anons like the Artifact sperg will spam the same copypasta any time you mention Valve or Steam.

Point is, its super fucking common and its why spergs and schitzos love 4chan. They can essentially take over entire subjects or even slower moving boards in this way because of how 4chan works.
>its why /tg/ was taken over by trannies and how even /k/, a moderate population board was taken over
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>by pointing out that all you have is unverifiable shit you pasted to a ms paint jpeg.
except it's been verified, by soph:
>inb4 the retard doesn't have the attention span to watch a video and insults how Soph looks like a lesbian child gremlin
>its been verified by the irrelevant person that stands to gain money from a relevant person
You've been doing this for years, so there's no excuse to put so much behind childish semantics like this. You live in the same world where nobody gave a fuck about the obvious Stormy Daniels horse shit to, why do you unironic believe you have anything to stand on with this silly shit?
/o/ is the same as well. I was perma banned for racism because I called commie chinks niggers and EVs gay
she doesn't even have a youtube channel anymore, in fact that vid cost her the channel she wasn't even making any money on
you wanted something to debunk that wasn't "copy pastas ms paint shit", well there you go
but you won't, because you're a retarded parrot, likely one of Sam's wigger minions, who's only ability is to spew insults
>he totally roasted the low hanging fruit boss bitch
Wow that sounds hilarious bro. Epic and I'm sure there aren't a dozen other people making reaction content to the same trash
Again, for the 15th time, all you have is bottom barrel hearsay. You've spent years spamming, and defending hearsay. It's fucking retarded and elementary. Now instead of being a coward, and immediately responding with "haha I win!" Explain how in your dumb fuckin brain you believe I should pay attention to hearsay?
>in fact that vid cost her the channel
Lmfao no. She was banned for a host of edgy videos. Everything from dressing as a muslim and threatening to bomb Tel Aviv, to calling Black's niggers and calling jews kikes.
I don't give a fuck that she said or did that stuff, but she wasn't banned for talking about Sam Hyde.
And he's definitely not a Jew.
who is this stupid jew and why is he constantly shilled here?
i mean i've been here YEARS and i've never run into this retard ANYWHERE else
That girls eyes have very diated pupils.
>I’ve been here YEARS
No you haven’t. If you had been then you’d know who he is.
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>She was banned for a host of edgy videos.
who do you think organized the mass reporting of her vids?
>And he's definitely not a Jew.
Lol, the fact he not only behaves like one but looks like one confirms it, you'll never see him post his DNA results
>for the 15th time
yes, you are a retarded parrot, we know, if you weren't you'd watch that vid
>if you weren't you'd watch that vid
Why it's hearsay and adults don't care about gossipy hearsay, if you can't address this it confirms youre a worthless coward
>No you haven’t.
i've been here since before 2016. i know who sam hyde is but only because of POL. i've never once ran into this fucking idiot ANYWHERE else on the internet. sick of seeing this ugly ass jew's face here day after fucking day for YEARS
same with that no alcohol no jackoff fuckhead
him and sam hyde should get together and shoot themselves in the face
>Why it's hearsay
how do you know if you didn't watch the vid?
do you know the definition of hearsay?
Yes, hearsay are claims made not underoath with little to no verifiable evidence. You're entire schtick for years is, "My proof is someone made a claim" with some irrelevant photos strewn across an ms paint jpeg. That's it.
Sam Hyde being from Fall River is the funniest thing about him
>hearsay needs to be under oath for it to not be hearsay
lol get a load of this pilpul retard thinking this is a trial-again watch the vid, it's past the point of ms paint jpegs. Are you afraid of what Soph has to say and what she covers?
Zero proof. Just heresay and lies.
You have the schizophrenic obsession of a Jew tho and its funny.


Are you Mr Bernstein? Still seething?
Yeah I already watched the video, there is literally not a single shred of damning evidence at all. It's hearsay. I can create a text string right now in 30 seconds, big deal. You've wasted your life with absolutely nothing to show for it
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You dont need proof to make an assumption, just evidence, and there is plenty. In this case if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck it might as well be a duck.
>there is literally not a single shred of damning evidence at all. It's hearsay.
Then you admit you are a retard, because she contacted Sam directly.
I just said I can create text conversations in 30 seconds. No shit didn't.
it's pathetic what happened to this shithole
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>implying that's what Soph did
lol, lmao even
this is the best Sam can send? some drugged out wigger reading a script?
>>implying that's what Soph did
Debunk it then :)
Just another e-celeb now
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Soph has no history of lying, had no prior beef with Sam (thus no motivation to make up DMs), and the DM's she had with Sam revealed information that only Sam would know that has never been contested, by anyone, even in places and on sites that love Sam.
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It is, but you'd be a blind clown to imply the people who are/were effected by what happens here (see: trump's election) would ever just leave this place alone. Shilling is easy and cheap, why wouldn't they try and mitigate the force of what happens here?
Idgaf. Soph mad because she hit rhe wall already kek.
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yeah she looks so fucked up! bahahaha!!
It's crazy how they have such an affinity for them. Always the dark framed ones, too
What are you gonna do take me to small claims court
No because I want to pay you just help me
We can work this out
WE NEED TO GO TO COURT I can do maybe 20 dollars every three months idk
Next time you call I'll just repeat

They are paying more for someone to call you
During a skit he says after making fun of the Holocaust "okay okay like a couple hundred thousand might have died" some girl appears angry and he says"calm down I did my twenty three and me and guess what" he points to his face, the audience laughs and he says a Jewish star was is the mailbox.
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>Soph has no history of lying
Why does your opinion about that matter? How do you plan to get a bunch of strangers on 4chan to believe this? Like what mechanism do you have that can -prove- that as a fact?
>had no prior beef with Sam (thus no motivation to make up DMs)
Same shit, what can you do to make me believe that? Can you prove it to me?
>and the DM's she had with Sam revealed information that only Sam would know
Prove that's not a larp or a fake conversation, please.
>that has never been contested, by anyone, even in places and on sites that love Sam.
Nobody bothered to evaluate your opinions in good faith after you spam them in every thread about a random eceleb for years on end without actually proving anything you said? Why do you think that is?
Did not know this and I doubt sam did either. Despite the fact that he's been kvetching about politics for over a decade now he's half assed learning anything relevant. I remember on one of the pgl podcasts he knew barely anything about the Rothschilds
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The available information does not provide specific details about the racial background of Sam Hyde's parents. It is known that Sam Hyde is of Caucasian descent12, and his parents are from Fall River, Massachusetts1. However, there is no public record confirming whether they are of Ashkenazi Jewish ethnicity or not. It's important to respect privacy and understand that such personal details about individuals, especially those not publicly disclosed, are part of their private life.
Yes, "Gans" is a surname that can be of Jewish origin. It is derived from the Middle High German word "ganser," which means "gander," and was generally a name for people whose occupation involved raising geese2. While it does mean "goose," it is a respectable Jewish surname that predates our modern sense of "silly goose" and is not considered insulting1. It's important to note that many surnames, including "Gans," can have multiple origins and meanings, and their use is not exclusive to one ethnicity or community12.

Source: Gans Name Meaning, Family History, Family Crest & Coats of Arms. https://www.houseofnames.com/gans-family-crest.
(2) Follow-Up: Jewish Surnames Explained - Slate Magazine. https://slate.com/human-interest/2014/01/jewish-names-the-etymology-and-meaning-of-ashkenazi-jewish-surnames.html.
(3) Ganz Surname Meaning & Ganz Family History at Ancestry.com®. https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=ganz.
(4) Gan (surname) - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gan_%28surname%29.
Sam’s not Jewish, it’s just the worst insult the Jews can come up with to smear someone who is winning.

(If you’re not watching fishtank vampire hunter edition, you’re not a real gamer)
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>Why does your opinion
it's not my opinion, it's a fact
feel free to prove me wrong (you wont)
no point in reading the rest because you are a shill
I just like arguing with Sam's retarded wigger shills
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>for some reason the worse insult Jews can come up with is calling a Jew a Jew!
this does not line up with reality, it's the last thing the jews do
>p.please watch Sam's obvious jewish crap!
Get a job, nerd
I wanna go to this to see Nick's standup
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What is the deal with Sam, Nick, and Jet's expensive taste for shit?

I like Nick, and I subbed to the gumroad for a bit just to check it out but not really worth it. I also don't like the fish tank type stuff.

Nick is a force though. He's quite funny.
the sheer ugliness of this overpriced pile of shit
>This, there is a room in Tel-Aviv dedicated to smearing Sam Hyde and VVayne Lambright, because they used 4chan to get famous and they don’t want people to do that now, do they?

Can we see a photo of this room?
They could have just bought me off.
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The future is bright Lambright. NOT Zionist.
i wish his fans would have the balls amongst all of them to rape the piece of shit
That smile.
Its hilarious how many of these ecelebs turn out to be pedos and tranny fuckers.
Bet none of their viewers have ever done self reflection as to why they decided to follow these people.
And then they try claim they aren't NPC's or Normies, while consuming the trash at an expediated rate.
Just take a look at the defendents in this thread. No values, no morals.
I own my home. LOL. Do you?

>Lambright is probably dead from a heat stroke because it was 120F in the desert today.
I just installed my new LiFeP04 battery I'm cozy.

108F outside, 88F inside.

is he really smoking the pipe?
why do zoomers obsess over gossip about people they don't even like? I don't spend my time effectively either, but at least I'm not doing THAT

how dull, don't they know there are better ways to satisfy their scapegoating impulse (naming the jew)?
>he is the only real mother fucker left
Same goes for Carl Benjamin. Commies are fucking retards when it comes to censorship.
>There was even a guy in a wojak shirt
I would immediately leave.
total zoomer death
He really is modern day Trotsky only way to get rid of him is to kill him
Can someone give me a QRD on why Sam is this big of a deal? What the fuck am I missing? He literally just does autistic shit on the internet. He's literally one of you.
Why is /pol/ so split on the guy? I have been watching his shit since the "When I get a little sugar in me" mirror selfie video, and only ever thought of him as Filthy Frank but more crude.
What did this guy do?
he's one of the original grifters and his comedy is low brow it attracts low iq retards that can't tell they're being grifted
I'm sorry, are you telling me people are taking advice or political insight from this guy? He does not just make dipshit skits like, "I'll never get any pussy!"?
What's his grift? Who's his audience?
Nigger this better be good and not some D-list e-celeb drama
flag checks out
>bends the knee to niggers
>bends the knee to kikes
>only to be leafy peterson
he isnt worth knowing or talking about
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>breaking character saying "What inspires me is teaching African refugees how to program JavaScript."
fucking kek was this a real TED talk he sabotaged or what? I'm five minutes in and this doesn't really answer my questions. This seems like the same comedy gold I've always seen from him.
Dude Sam Hyde doesn’t have a TV show. He’s a meme. We used to say he committed every mass shooting but somehow always gets away with it. Y’all dumb!
>I'm sorry, are you telling me people are taking advice or political insight from this guy?
some do, yes
>Who's his audience?
retards that support obvious fags like Crowder because he's le based Cuckservative
>What's his grift?
con jobs, pretending to be poor but comes from wealth, pretending to be based but is a kike
You can apparently buy “cool” nowadays
He had a TV show this was on the last episode after it was cancelled.
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Zionists are servants of the jesuits. Jesuits are clearly pulling the plug on zionism. Robots can do lawyer work now. Thanks for the memories jews
world peace 2 when?
>>I'm sorry, are you telling me people are taking advice or political insight from this guy?
>some do, yes
Advice about what, though? His internet persona is clearly irreverent to the nth degree. What literal retards think he has a role to play other than being a clown?
Not even dogging him for being a clown. Sam is funny as fuck, but not a sage or counselor or mentor or role model. If someone is propping him as being a role model type, that seems to be nobody's fault but the ones doing the propping.
>retards that support obvious fags like Crowder
Crowder is a political commentator and it does not matter that he frames his stuff as being "entertainment" and not politics. But yeah Crowder is a huge grifting faggot. Are you saying Hyde does politics and not just retarded shit like, "I'm never paying my credit card debt."?
>>What's his grift?
>con jobs, pretending to be poor but comes from wealth, pretending to be based but is a kike
Con jobs? Like what? Does he own small companies and fuck people over with his policies? Tons of e-celebs pretend to be poor also, Hyde is no different. Who gives a shit? He literally just makes shit-ass comedy on the internet. Also yeah he does look like a kike.
Smart man. I remember seeing him post this exact shit on obscure (eight chan is still censored lol mootykins) chan boards way back in the exodus days
>/k/, a moderate population board was taken over
Pretty sure /k/ has been unironically modded by feds since before 2020
>DM's she had with Sam revealed information that only Sam would know that has never been contested
I could make the same chat logs in 30 seconds, try debunking one thing for once
Sob what a stalker
16 islegal in CT
have never seen a board flipped so quickly
meanwhile /ck/ is racist as hell now kek
>doesn't know dr disrespect is a kike
>Sam hyde is a jew
>he literally raped a kid

they are like NPCs and can't break the programming
kys fuckboy
he cant keep getting away with this!!!
>dr disrespect
This is the millionth time I've heard this literal who's name said in three days
>Google it
>6 foot 8
kek fucking freak
>texted a minor
And what? Did he ask for nudes or something?
Why the shit fuck do you niggerfaggots care so much about e-celebs? And since when is /pol/ anti-pedophilia anyway? Every time I call someone a pedo here they come out of the woodwork to call me a roastie feminist or whatever
>still no explanation
I'm really glad I'm not actually autistic and socially retarded like you. Why can't you just answer my questions? I legit don't know anything about Hyde other than his skits and shit
anti slide

he still has retarded af NE liberal boston snob takes on random shit
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New England is where the real white trash is, not the trailer parks in Arkansas
I only watch his shit for Nick and/or Chuck.
he is a trust fund kike kiddie that fucks trannies, just like every other male internet personality
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Didnt he run away from a fight challenge by Hasan Piker?
If he did, he's a little bitch.
Hasan banned the mention of Sam, hyde, made, Sam hyde, and many other phrases from his chat, you literally cannot ask him and if you do it's an automatic ban because Hasan did not want to "platform" Sam, but it seems like Hasan could really use the boost right now lmfao
Lol cope Hasan won
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>me watching retarded zoomers fight over which faggot streamer is the cringiest
>28 posts by this ID
Mental illness
Sam is a glowie
ryan trecartin
ryder ripps
This thread is still up?

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