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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>still unrefuted btw
You do realize that it's billionaries that want more unlimited immigration so they can have cheaper labor?

Fuck off card
>You do realize that it's billionaries that want more unlimited immigration so they can have cheaper labor?
Yes, fucktard. Is this your first day here?
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Schrodinger's consumer: simultaneously spending all his money on frivolous shit but also killing entire industries because he won't spend money.
"or something more serious like a medical emergency involving one of the candidates"
If its just for labor, why all the race mixing on tv? Almost every tv show and movie has a random interracial sex scene shoehorned in that has nothing to do with the plot.
Because people of color exist and it's okay to acknowledge basic reality?
All answers here are shit
Listen up! Its that easy:
1.000.000 immigrants come.
>Half works for half the price
>The other half doesnt work.
Voila, immigrants are now both at once

How many times are you going to repost this thread?
>why all the race mixing on tv
To normalize society as a rootless trashcan, so you'll keep accepting ever worse sources of immigrants.
Also allegedly to create a genuinely massive demographic baseline to sell shit to.
As many times as his agency has the budget to to pay him to.
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kys and go jerk of with your fellow trannies.
Maybe you will reincarnate as a nigger
>You do realize that it's billionaries that want more unlimited immigration so they can have cheaper labor?
And millionaires.
Im in Houston, almost every single 'work crew' of any type I see is 100% hispanic. I saw a wet back spend $600 at Kohls the other week. He didnt speak any english. His daughter had to talk to the cashier.
>You do realize that it's billionaries that want more unlimited immigration so they can have cheaper labor?
Everyone here understands this. OP made this thread earlier:
Never bothered to explain why that claim was wrong.
Not to mention they all get aid and the ones that do work work under the counter.
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Forgot pic.
Go watch the new Little Mermaid and have a good cry again. It will prepare you for November.
As you used to tell me: You wont do shit
And guess what faggot? I wont do shit.
You go die for your niggers in the upcoming draft. I live in a neutral country, aint shit gonna happen here.
Yes thats true, mostly because automatism produces quality on its own.

But the more hightech the more maintance it needs.

So they cant get along with just cheap labor.

High quality personel want a comfortable life, in a safe area.

So all you can do is seperate them in Slums, middle class and high class.

Human resources are a considered good.

Companys go to switzerland because of energy and human resources
The ones that do work are too lazy to work, they do the worst work. But its ok, because despite that, the pay is so much lower than normal that they can hire hundreds, and if they even do 10% of the normal work, they will have produced 10 times the output.

If your a good worker, fuck off, we aint paying you enough to live.
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>finally understanding an 8 year old meme in 2024
>I'm a well adjusted arbiter of reality, not you
Why are NPCs like this?
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Yes, I'm fully aware that Austrians prefer not to fight
both actually happens at the same time, that's how massive the importation of sub humans is, you monkey
You are the winner today anon. Congratulations, this is not an easy task.
Yes, cheaper labor is one reason. Another is unlimited votes for gibs.
>Because people of color exist
13% of the population with but forced in your face in EVERY movie, commercial, show.. etc. Yeah, okay.
43% of the US is non-white. Making EVERY show 99%+ white, as it used to, was an ideological move. Including more people of color is just reflecting reality.
Okay, not represent mestizos on tv at their actual rate
Jewish tactics are about as subtle as a piano falling from two stories.
>The country was always 43% "non-white"
>99% of all shows must have diversity main characters to be fair for a country that used to be 90%+ white
Google "philips curve " you dumb nigger
>No, you didn't take into account the specific percentage of the non-white people I'm personally obsessed about! This is very important for reasons I'm not mentally equipped to explain!
I don't think either one of us understand what you're talking about.
Reading comprehension is never a conservative's strong suit. I said that damn near all US TV shows used to be 99% white, with one token black person, at best.
Mestizos are BY FAR the largest non-white demographic in america, but are almost NEVER portrayed on tv. Why? Because jews don't push propaganda for shit they've already accomplished.
Yes, that's because around 50 years ago the country was essentially 90%+ white you fucking idiot. It's almost like there a large majority of people of a single race in the country. This is like your kike ass going to Africa and demand they put more jews in African movies.
>there was* a large majority
unlike Schrödingers cat, immigrants are more than one person. That's the issue...
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Call it what you want.
They are making sure white men don't have work so maybe they will enlist in the Military and go die for isreal.
Want to know another fun fact?
Want to make money?
Want to be around people who want you?
R U European lineage?
Get started in ANYTHING over there.
Do you really care what the pay is when the women will flock to your handsome Man Candy of a Bod?
No, no you don't.
And you may not know this, but there are a LOT of white girls in Japan.
So get the fuck over there so some Jeet won't be first in line.
You got your answer gentlemen.
If America does not want you?

This is not some exaggeration.
Get your ass over there.
To top it off? The fun nights there have not stopped.
Fuck this place if it does not want you.
The rest of the world does.

Some basic job sites:

But get on their chans and Social media and ask about doing labor and shit.
Start out.
Live cheap.
Enjoy our life dudes.
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>obvious bait question
So you're admitting that television should reflect the people who actually live in the country? Hey, sounds like a good idea to me. We may have applied that principle fifty years ago, but haven't done it lately until sometime in the middle 2010's. Thankfully, the country has caught up to you.
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Why are ads with niggers pushed in slovakia, czechia, Lithuania etc. then?
Literally look at Canada
>should reflect the people who actually live in the country
Yes, it should. Instead it's nearly every show, every movie, every commercial. It should be done with sports teams too, no more than 13% niggers allowed per team. We wouldn't want to be racist to the up and coming beaner-wave.
acclimatizing natives to the new labour force
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>still unrefuted btw
It's been refuted a ton of times you disingenuous kike. And we know that billionaires are bringing turd-worlders in to lower wages.
I can only account for my own country, I don't know what goes on in such savage lands. And I certainly haven't been watching their commercials.
That;s not how it works faggot. They come here and do cash under the table jobs while getting government handouts paid for by your tax dollarydoos.
I'm sorry that you have to be reminded so often that people other than those exactly like you exist. Have you considered that this may be more of a "you" problem?
Ok you kike. We know you’re pushing racemixing to create low IQ golems.
>savage lands
Yeah with way lower crime rates than murica, especially murican cities filled with niggers and hispanics
What they do is import 3 shitskins for every 1 you, then they lazily work part time few days a week under the table while claiming welfare and cramming 5 families to 1 house so they can continue being lazy and barely working. Some don't work at all and are only a welfare burden. None of them actually work a fulltime job, nobody is giving a beaner full benefits lmao.
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>you problem
>quit noticing!!!!
Nice switch tactic, faggot. You just said it should reflect the people of the country, but it doesn't. If that were true 60% of all media wouldn't contain other races. The problem isn't other races exist, the problem is they're over represented by a magnitude to the tenth.
Yeah are you new most the guys your talking to are fascist retard they hate the billionaires.

God shill progs are the worst they’re just born retarded. They think everyone with right wing opinions is a Nazi so they come on a Nazi board and expect us to be blowing the billionaires.

We hate the banks commie because the banks are controlled by globalist bankers. We hate usury because it was condemned by every major religion for last 2000 years.

Don’t worry if you’re not a banker we will need faggots after the purge. Who will make our lattes? Your Starbucks job is safe.
What if there is more than one type of illegal?
Each one does either one or the other. Different ones may do different things. Whichever one they do is bad for the locals. They need to fuck off and anyone whose politics involves defending mass migration needs to be in a concentration camp.
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I'm just messing with you bro, I'm American, I don't have any opinion about wherever you're from one way or the other
It’s really not that hard to understand. The ones who do work are generally not more productive than what they cost the system, and they send remittance payments to their country of origin. There is also a demographic that sits around and does nothing because they’re accustomed to living in poverty.

If you walk to any public park in LA you will see both types. One will be cleaning up the trash that the other one is throwing.
It’s not one person.
the fact it's not one immigrant but millions refutes it pretty well. both of them in that pic are on welfare too
Why are conservatives even complaining if there is only one immigrant? Who cares if he does both things? It's just one guy.
How is it possible for illegals to steal jobs? No one is hiring them. If they were, Fox News and Republican politicians would be talking about this all the time, and they're not.

Or is it maybe a coverup?
And free healthcare because they can't be denied life saving treatments, and they can commit crimes because they can't be held here 99% of the time and are simply shipped back out of the country to come right back in after they've robbed, raped and murdered someone's kids or wife. It's sick.
>how is it possible to pay people in cash
>how is possible to pay illegals less than minimum wage
>how is possible to have underage children working in meat factories
Let's just pretend shit doesn't happen ahh reaction.
Damn. I just looked it up and 70% of illegal immigrants are employed. But the news and the politicians never talk about the people who employ them.

Is there some kind of conspiracy going on?
It's hard to track down and prove who is doing what with how many shell companies, LLC's and small businesses hiring illegals for construction, cleaning, lawn services.. that are all fly by night. They're exploiting the illegals for temporary wealth, but at the same time it's damaging the country.
multi-ethnic societies are a disaster for humanity, death to the upper classes.
Had two Indians at work who both had two jobs, and at least at thos job they did the near minimal work possible and often less. They would openly talk about how they use tricks to fake the appearance of work. Eventually it caught up with them, and they cried racism as they got fired. But unironically yes, taking a job is not the same as working properly.
The difficulty of solving the problem doesn't explain why politicians don't talk about it. More likely, the politicians get lobbied by the employers.

And the problem can be solved. Just make the fine higher for when companies get caught. That way the low likelihood of getting caught is balanced out by the size of the fine.
The thing is, it is talked about. All the time, but most people don't like to listen to slow repetitive issues that are not pushed to them by kiked out mainstream media.
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>still unrefuted
>I refuted it last time you posted it and now I'm doing it again
Can you give me the timestamp for when anyone in that video mentions the people/companies who hire illegals? That's what I'm saying politicians don't talk about.
this cancer again no one is watching your breadtube faggotry
Answer the mestizo question, kike. This was never about representation. America isn't half black. Nowhere in the west is.
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Marxists are not really anti-eugenics. Instead they think American racemixing will create a new breed of hybrid supermen. In time they will combine human DNA with animals in their continual struggle to surpass God.
immigrant BBC is hard at work. We need more immigrants and BBC
>India saw nearly 17.8 million people emigrating out of the country in 2020.
Definitely all down to billionaires looking for cheap labor, not a concerted effort to disrupt the demographics of Western nations.
Literally so you accept your replacement.
>Why talk about the cause when I can talk about the cherry picked symptom
I can't tell if you're being disingenuous on purpose.
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It’s not difficult. They can keep people out of every other country and this is the most powerful military and Intel apparatus in history. Both parties are in deep.
are nigger-loving leftoids so stupid they can't comprehend that both of these can be true at once?

immigration can both cause wage stagnation from the influx of workers willing to work for third world wages AND can bring in large swathes of useless brown people who want to parasitize your welfare system

both of these things are concurrently happening across ever western nation right now
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You do realize that media is the tool used to dictate policy. So examine them to find the connections.
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>there are immigrants actively competing for jobs or already employed
>there are jobless immigrants living off of gibs
>both populations increase every single year the mass immigration policy continues to be enshrined in law and practice
>all economic and cultural issues brought to this country by these two groups of immigrants worsens as the immigrant population grows
>this will not stop until the course is reversed
It's really that simple.

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